HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1678 Revision of 5-16-67 (Changes underlined) ORDINA~C~ NO. 1678 ~ SERIES AN ORDINANC~ 0~' ~ CO~C~L O~ ~ 'CI~ OF ~ICIPAL COD~ ~TING. ~ ~ '~SSESSION BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersf£eld as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter 10.~7 be and Clie same is hereby added to the liuntctpal Code to read as Chap'Cer 10.17 DANGEROUS I~A~NS'IN A 'PUBLIC' BUILDING Sections: 10.17.010 Definitions. 10.17.020 In$~uCCion 'fo=bidden. " 10.17.030.. Dangerous w~.apons in public buildings prohibited. 10.17.0~0 Penalty. for violation. 10.17.050 Persons l~xempt. 10.17.010 De.£initions. For the purposes of this chapter, the following Words shall b~ Construed as herein sec forth, ~1e88 tc ~s appar~C fr~ C~ context' c~. a d~[[erenc ~antn~ ~s ~nC~ded: (a) ~~S ~N(S) .s~ll ~an, ~c not be l~ced co, a blackjack, sl.unsahoC, billy, sandciub, sandbas, ~1 ~uckles, any explosive substance ocher C~n ~xed a~i~on~ any '~fe' ~Ch a _blade ~er imf '~che~ En ,length, dirk, ~gser, piscol~ ~olVer, ~iream of any kind. " (b) P~C B~IN~S(S) ~hall ~an the City ~11 o~ the Ci~ o~ ~rsfield and rcs su~roundin~ praises; the' Police Scac~ and Ecs su~o~din~ pr~tses; the Civic AudtC0rtum and ECs su~dtn~ praises; any ~t~ station o~ C~ city. of ~kersfEeld and ECs ~n ~hol~ o~ i.~ pa~ by gha ~~ of t~ United ~ate~, ~he ]~or college or ~a=e co!La~e 10.17.030 ~n~er~s~}~_~9_~i~_~ub)~s proh!b!C~, (a) ~zca~ aa ~eided in a~b~i,~-i~io~ {b}~ no pmr~on s~ll ca~ ~ng~roua ~-~9on ~ hia p~=aon ~hil~ in a ~blic ~ilding wi=him ~he City of ~) Subdtv~t~ fa) $~ll me~ apply to any of ~he foll~t~g: ~ of Justice l~ed ~m Section 817 of the Pe~l Code ~o of o~hmr ~a~e~ ~nd ~he ~ed_~al Sove~m~ ~no are ca~~ 2. o~:heF ~.nanc~e! ~:~.~:u~:~o~ ~h~.e ac~l~y ~oyed ~n and about ~ ~h~n~, ~an~po~o~o o~ de~veFy o~ any ~ey, ~on~ bond~o ~ o~ ~n~ o~ v~ue ~-~h~ ~s ~00~7o0~0 ~~ ~2o~a~_~_~. ~y person v~o~a2~n~ any ~ p~~ o~ ~h~ ~p~ ~1 be ~~ o~ a m~sd~nor, and up~ conv~c~on ~ha~o~ ~[[ b~ p~sh~d by a ~na no~ ~o exceed p~od no~ ~c~~ ~ ~~ o~ ~ bo~h such ~na and o~ ~8 y~s a~o ~s~s o~ ~ ~or~ly ~h~ ~h[s c~ and ~ho ~P~nS ~h~n h~ p~c~ off ~$~dance o~ p~c~ o[ bus.~ass any 5~C~ON 2, AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISE~, HOSKIN6, REE$, NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~.~ .,,/ STIEEN, YE'FrEE, WHII'IT=MORE ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAININg COUNCILMEN: Afft~avt! of ~os~tng (~r~tnau~es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ..t...h..e......2..3.?...d.....d...a.Y.....o...f.....M..a.~.~ ............................ 19...6...7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meetin§ thereof duly held on the 22nd day of May~ , 67 .................................................................. 19 ......... which ordinance was numbered .............. .1...6...7..8.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDIN~CE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAEERSFIELD ADDING CHAPTER 10.17 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE HELATING TO THE POSSESSION OF DANGEROUS WEAPONS IN A PUBLIC BUILDING IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. ........ .~..5_~?~ ...... ~:..i..: ..... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~'~ 23r~ay ~ay, ,19.~T... .............. ...................... Notary Public in and for ,:he County of Kern, State of California OFF{C{AL SEAL WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC· CALII-ORNIA P[~INCIPAL OF['ICE IN KERN COUNTY .................................. WALTER W. SMITH ........ ~ ~offimis[igh Expires June 8, 19~a