HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1677 ORDINANCE NO. !677 NE~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF TI~ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A~NDING SECTION ll. 04.660 OF TI~ BA~ERSFIE~,D FIU1T~C~_PAL CODE 14AI~tIG IT · UNLA~UL TO PA~ OR LEAVE STAI~DING A VEHICLE UPON ANY PUBLIC ST~T OR ALLEY FOR LON~t ~ S~~.,.T~O CONSECUTIVE HOURS. ~~S~ the existing ordinance governing the parkin§ vehicles for more than ~eventy-t~o (72) consecutive hours provides only for their removal and s~orage, and ~ERF~S, the B~kersfield Police Deparment has recommended tha~ more e~£ecttve complLance could be obtained if such acts ~ere also declared to be unlawful so that the o~ner o£ these vehicles could be cited as ~ello NO~ THEF, EFORE~ BE IT OItDAINED by the City Council of the Cl~y o~ Bakersfield a~ follows: .Section 1. Tha~ Sect,_on 11.0~.660 of the Huntctpal Code of ~he of Bakers£1eld he amended to read: 11.04.660 UNLAI~FUL PARKING FOR HORE TBAN SEVENT~-T~O CONSECUTIVE HOURS--R~VA]~ AND STOIt&GE. (a) It shall be unlawful for vehicles to be parked or le£~ s~anding upon any public s~ree~ or alley for longer than .s~venty-~o (72) consecutive hours. Suc~ vehicle shall be remov~ ~nd stored under the direction o~ the Police Depart~nsn~ o~ the C~y of Bakers£ield. (b) In the event any vehicle ts removed from a public s~reet or alley as authorized by paragraph (a) above, the 'Police Department shall give the no,ices as provided in Sections 22852 and 22853 o~ the Vehicle Cod~'o~ the S~ate o~ California, and the keeper o£ any garage in ~l~ich ~ny such vehicle is stored may havt~- a lien thereon £or his c~.~p~nsa~ton for to~age and for carf_ng £o~. and keeping safe such.v~h~cla and n~y satisfy such lien upon ante ~ith and under the conditions s~ated in Sections 228~2 and 22853 o£ the Vehicle Code. Section 2. This ordinance mhall be effective thirty days from and after the da~e of i~8 pa~age. 0- ........ O00---- ...... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregotnf~ ordinance was passed and adopted by th® Council of the Ctty of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereo£ held on the Sthday of May, 1967, by the follow~nswte: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, $TIERN, YETI'ER, WHITrEMORE NO;q: COUNCILMEN: .~~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~..~~ A~TAININ6 COUNCILMEN: _q./~/~_~ - o Aff avi! of J ost ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....................................... ..M.~..y.....9.. .................................. 19.6...7.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on......M..a..~f....8.. ................................................ , 19..6...7..., which ordinance 1677 was numbered ......................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 11.04.660 OF_ TItE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE MAKING IT. UNLAW~"GL TO PARK OR LEAVE STNADING A VEHICLE UPON ANY PUBLIC STPdgET OR ALLEY FOE LONGER TtL~N SEVEI~TY-TWO CONSECUTIVE HOUI~S: - . ~,'..~" ~.~. -.~., MARIAN S. IRVINg.' '~'".~-~'.'" - Subscribed and sworn to before me this ~--. 9th dsv nf May ~67 ' ' ~".~ ".. ~':''.,.., ............... ............ ~o~ ~.~,.,,~,,...~,~,,~,,~,~:,.,:,~,~.,.c,o,~.~_ _..,.....,.. ~, ~, ~ o~ '~~' ~ w~'°~'5~'ixr"~'&~'r~ w s ............... , My Commission Expires June 8, 1969