HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1689 ORDINANCE NOs 1689 HK~ SERI~.S AH ORDINANCE A~NDXNG SECTION Il.0&.500 OF ~ ~CIP~ CODE ~ P~IDE FOR A~ ~ ~ ~F~C A~X~ ~ ~ CX~ OF ~P~FXE~ ~S ~ ~ S~Y ~T SUCH P~G IS ~~D ~ ~XNG SECTION 11.~. 620. BE XT 0~X~D by the CoccYX o~ the C~ty of hkers~teld as folios: SEC~OH 1. Il.0&.500 Alley ~rkin2. (a) Ho person 8~11 ~rk a vehLcle, ocher C~n a co, arc,al vehtcXe, ~ any alley tn the Central Traffic DtsCr~cc, or tn any bus~nes8 dtsCrLcC, baleen the h~r8 o~ 8:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.m.. o~ any ~y exc~C S~y. ~) No person s~ll park a courctal vehtcle for a lo, er Chn one hour ~n an alley ~htch ia wtthtn the Central Trafftc DtsCrtcC, or any bus~neos d[sCrtcC, baleen the hours o~ 8:00 a.m., and 6:00 p.~., o~ any ~y except S~y. (c) ~e Traffic AuchortCy ts hereby auChortzed co prohtbiC the 8co~n5, 8Candins, or ~rk~S o~ vehicles on one side o~ an alley, provtded curbs a~e ~tnCed or appropriate are placed and mtnCatnmd co ~tve noCtce CheEeo~. (d) ~ Tra[~c AuChortCy ts he,by auChortzed Co Mke 8~dte8 and 8u~eys co decal,ne whether oF nsc parktn5 my be pe~tcced ~n cer~tn alleys w~ch[n the C~y o~ Bakersfield. In Mktn~ these su~eys the Traffic AuChortCy shll constder the of the alleys, ~hecher oF nsc std~aXks hve been placed ~ a~leys, and w~Cher o~ nsc the ~rk~n8 o~ prtva~e passe,er vehtcles wtCh~n the alley ~ould t~ede the traffic ~tchtn the alley. ~here the T~a~c Authority ~nds as a result o~ Les 8u~ey and s~dy C~C ~C ~s reaso~bZe co pelto park~s tn an alley and c~ ~bl~c conventence ~ould best be se~ed by pem~Cctn5 parktns tn an alley, the Tra~tc Authority ~s hereby authorized Co des[~Ce such alleys or portions thereof for parking. ~here the Traffic Authority has made such a survey and has _~_de a determination that the public convenience would best be served by permitting private passenger vehicles to park in certain alleys and has therewith designated certain alleys or port~ons thereof for parking, provisions (a) and (b) Of this sec~-on shall not apply. SECTION 2. BE IT FUSTIER O1/DAI~ED that Section 11.04.620 is amended to read as follows: 11.04.6~-0 _ _O~e-way. streets and alleys established. In accordance with Section Il.04.180, and when properly traffic shall move only In the direction indicated upon the following streets and alleys: (a) ~EST ~O ~FAST: 17th Place (an alley).., o. o ..... ·........,........ .... D to H Street I/all Street (an alley)., ........ . ..................... F to q Street Service Street (an alley)...... ...... ·............... ,G.'to N Street 20th Place (an alley)....°ooo,oo........I to Chester, L to H Street 21st Place (an alley).., o.... o.........,......, .I to Chester Avenue Alley between 17th Street and Yruxcun Avenue..........F to 11 Street l/,nrc Vista D~lve,... ..... ,° .....Panorama Drive to Pasatiempo Drive Alley between 19th Street and East 21st Street. ,Kern to Etng Street Alley betveen East 21at and Sumner Streets ...... Kern to ling Street Alley between Jackson and Kentucky Streets......Kern to ICing Street Alley between Kentucky and Lake Streets.,.......Kern to King Street Alley between Lake and Nonterey Streets.........Earn to Baker Street Alley between Honterey and Htles Streets... °....Kem to Icing Street Niles Street. o... ° o...Beginning at a point 276 feet east of the intersection of the center lines of Niles Street and Bt,un Street and ending at a point 162 fee~ east of the intersection of the center lines of Niles Street and Stockton Street. 23rd Street..........Beginnin~ at a point 67 £eet east of tb~ inter- o~cL~ of the c~Cer l~es o~ 2~ch Screec and 'B' Street and ac a po~c ~ 2~ch Scree~ ac c~ ~ncero~C~ o~ che c~Cer l~eo 2~Ch SCr~C and '~' Sc~ee~ v~a ~o co,ecOala be~e~ 23rd Street and 2~h Scree~ ~o be cono~ed b~ ~he ~r~en~ o~ ~blic 20Ch Place (an al~e~).,, o. o.. ~.................... o ...L Co K ScreeC ~cer~ SC~eeC......... oBo~L~ aC a po~C 162 ~eeC ~8C o~ the ~CeF8~C~ of the c~eF l~nas o~ N~e8 SCreeC and SCockC~ Sc~eeC and ~d~ aC a po~C ~ N~eo Street 176 ~eeC ~sC o~ C~ ~Cer- o~C~on of the c~Cer ~nao o~ N~le8 SO,eeC and BF~ SC~C vh a c~ecC~on be~e~ ~nCe~e~ SO,eeC and N~les Sc~c co be 2~ch Street..........Be~n~ aC a point aC the ~nCersecC~ o~ c~Ce~ ~e8 of 2~Ch SC~aeC and 'Q' SCreec and ~d~s aC a po~C 67 f~C ~oC o~ Che ~Cor8ecC~on o~ Cb~ c~Cer l~es of 2~Ch Street and 'B' SCceeC. All~ be~e~ I and ~e~Cer Av~ue......... o....21aC Co 2~Ch SCc~C All~ be~e~ ~sCer and K SCFeeC...20Ch Co 218C~ 22nd Co 25Ch SC. A~le~ be~e~ H and ~ S~ooC8...................20ch co 218C. Street S~TION 30 ~8 o~d~nce a~l~ bec~ e~ecC~ve ch~rC~ ~a f~ and a~Cer C~ ~Ce o~ ~8 o~o ...... I ~1~ C~TIF~ ~hat the £oregotn~ O~d~nance passed and ac~opted by ~he Council o£ the City o~ Bakers£ield at a regular meeting ~hereo£ h~l~cl on ~he 21st. day o~ August, 1967, by ~he £ollo~n~ vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REE$, RUCKER, STIERN, YETI'ER, WHIITEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: A~TAININ6 COUNCILMEN: l~ar:Lan S. T~v~n ~'~£~CI~;~ and ~-'OEE~c~o Clerk o£ ~he Cou~c~! o£ ~he C~y o£ Bakers£1eld. Affi av ! of j os ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... ..t..h...e.....2...2...n..d......d..a..~.....o...f.....A...u..~..u...s..t..~. .................... 19...6..7... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n.....t...h..e..~..2..~...S..t......d...a.1r....~...f.....A...u.~.u...s..t..~..~ 19....6..7.., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...6..8...9.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11.04. 500 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE TO PROVIDE FOR ALLEY PARKING WHERE THE TRAFFIC AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD HAS FOUND BY STUDY THAT SUCH PARKING IS WARPANTED AND AMENDING SECTION 11.04.620. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 22nd day of A.u.//ust~. ,19 67 ~'otary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California Y tatum,on Expires August 1 !, ! 968