HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1688 OFJ)INANCE ~'0o ,1688 ~4 SERIES AN ORDINANCe- A[~%NDING TITI~ S~VENTE~N OF ~ ~NIC~[PAL CODE OF '~i~g CI~ OF B~RSFIE~ BY ~ANGXNG ~g LAi'.~'~ U,.,E ZONING OF ~OSE CEZTAIN PROPEI~TIES IN ~.%~ CX~f OF BAKEI~FIE~ LOCATED NOK~ OF ~TU~.~ AV~NUE, EAST OF "A" ~ST OF , 'F" A~ SOU~ O~~ 21ST S~EETS, WHE~$, in acco:xtam(:e with ~he procedure set forth the provisions of Tl=ie 17 of ~e M~ic!pal Code of ~e Ci=y of Bakers~ield~ ch~ Pla~in~ C~mission and City Co~cil have held hearinEs respectIvel~ on a mo~:ion of ~e Piannin~ C~ission chan~e the land use zoniuE of =hose certain properties in the Cl~y of Bakersfield located r~omth of T~=~ Avenue~ east of ' ~E~$~.. ~e Ci'a~f ~o~=tl ha~ determined after due consideration of s~id motion a~%d the reco~en~tions of ~e Planrd.nE C~imsion her.ein on filer together with ~he reasons advanced zoning change .~hould be N~, THEREFOR~ B~', IT O~AINED 'by ~e co.oil of ~e Cii:y of Bakerofi~ld as ~at .'SeCtion 17o !~. 0~0 (Zon!n~ ~p) of. ~ Munlc~pal Code of ~e City o~ Bakermfie!d~ be and the same t~. hereby ~dmd by chan~ln~ ~h~ land .us~ zon~ of ceftin properCies in ~aid ~e boundaries of which 9Toper~ie~ are $ho~ .on the ~p hereto h(.reo.,~, as follows: a~t~ch~d and '~de a paz~ ~ Chan~in~ the zonin~ b~ndaries from an R-~ (L~ted MUltiple Fam%l~ ~.~ellfiuS) Zone to a C-O (Pr°fessional O~fice) Zone,' ~rom an R~4 (Multiple Fam~Iy ~ellin~) Zone to a C~O (Professional Office) Zone; and fr~ an R=4 (Multigke Fa~l~ Dwellin~) Zone =o a C-O-D (Pro- fessicnal Office ~ A[~ehicectural Design) Z~e, of those certain proper~tes in the City of Bakersfield located north of ~f:~ Avenue, ~st of "A"~ west 'l 0f 'F" and sou~h of ~=st Streets, bein~ more partic- ularly described a~ follows: F~Ol, l A~I Ro4 (~LTi~L~ F~j~IXLY ~21~ ZONE T0 A C-O-D Parcel ~'1: All of ~lock ~.~8, C~y o~ Bakersfield. Parcel ~'~: ~c 1 f:h~ou~h 10 of Block 200, C~=y of PaTc~l ~3: ~ ~. f:h:;co~n 10 of Block 447, City Bak~T~ f::'.sld. ~ AN Ro4 (MULTI~)k~m4ELY D%~gLLING) ZONg TO A Parc~l ~1: ~=~ ].~ ~fn=ough 20 of Block 200~ C~y of Bak~r$f~ld. Parcel ~2: Lo~ll ~ou~ 20 of Block 201~ C[=y of Parc~l [~3: ~ 6 t~To~h 10 of Bl~k 238, City of ~arc~l ~4: Lo~s 1 ~ou~h 10 of Block 239, City of Pa~cel ~1: Lo~a !1 ~hzo'u[h 1.8, Block ~2~, Parcel ~2: Lo, II. f~q~ova~ 20 of Block 422A, City of Bakerai:~.eid. Pa=ce1 ~3: Lo~ !X i:hTou~h 20 of Block 422B~ City of Parcel ~4: Lo~ I f~.~o~h 10 of Block 422C~ City of Eak~r~.el~ o Parcel ~[5: Lot8 ]. ~.~a-o~h 10 of Block 422D, City of ~k~ ff.e ld. Parcel ~[6: ~e ~s2 8 f~ of Lo~ 3 and all of Lo~s 4 ~=ough I~ of ~louk /:.23A, City of Parcel ~[~: Lo~ ~:. f~:l~ah 10 of Block 423D, Bak~f:~.e!d ............ ooo ........... pas~ed ~nd adopted by '~h6 C~ucil of the Ci~ of B~k~s~ieXd ~ a ~a~ule~ mae'~.~ ~h~eo~ held on ~he 7th day o~ Au~, AYES: COUNCILMEI'I44E'I~Y, HOSKING,, Ri/ES. RUCKER, ~ YETTER, WHI'iTEMO~,I~ ABSEHT COUNCILMEH: ~ A~$1'AIHIN6 GOUNCILMEH-' Marian S. Irwin the ~cuua~l o£ the City of .Bakersfield Affi av ! of j os ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~n~.....t..h...e.....8...t...h...~.d...a..y.....~..~....A...u..~g..u..`S...t..~. ......................... 19...6...7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t...h...e....7_.t..h......d..a...Y.....°...f.....A..~..g..u...s..t.. ....... 19..6..7...., which ordinance num 1688 was bered ......................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND JUSE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED NORTH OF TRUXTUN AVENUE~ EAST OF 'tA"~ WEST OF 'F' AND SOUTH OF 21ST STREETS, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....S...t...h....day of ................. ..A..u..¢.u..s...t..: ............ Notary Public in and for the County of Kern. State of California  OFFICIAL SEAL WALTER W. SMITH .-" NOTARY PUBLIC-CALII ORNIA PRINC. IP~L OFt CE IN ~' FInN P~IJNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, I96.q