HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1686 ORDINANCE ItOo 1686 NEW SERIES AN ORDI~,ANCg 0!.'3' TI-IE CITY COUNCIL OF TIiE CITY OF BAIIgESFXELD AUTHORIZII~G AN ~ENDMENT 97.0 TitE CONTRACT BE'I%IE,~N TIlE CITY COUItCLL Ak'~ TItE BOA~) OF ADMINIS- TRATION OF _~{~ C.~LIFOR/tIA STATE, EMPLOYEES' P~TIREMENT $~fS~EM o Tha City Council of the City of Bakersfield does ordain as follows: SE,~TION 1. That am amendment to the Contract bet~Teen the City Council of ~ne ~y of Bal~rsfield and the Board of Adminis~.ra.~i,~n, Cali~o~!a State Employees' ~tire~nt System is hereby aui:horized, a copy of said amend~nt being attached here~o, ~rked "~xhibI~ A'~ and by such ~eference ~de a par~ hereof as ~hou~ he~e~ se~ out In full. SECTION 2o ~.ae ~:4_~yor of ~he City of Bakersfield hereby autho.,~iz®d, er~po-~ere~ an~ gl~ecCed to execute said a~ud~n~ for a~d on behalf of said Agency. SEi~TION 3o This Ordinance shall ~ake effect 30 after the daf:e of its a¢lcp~lon~ and prior ~:o the expira~i~ of 5 days from f:he passase ~hereof shall be posted on the Ci~ Ha!! In full force a~d effec'~. I H~REBY GERT_V_FY that the fore§otng O~dinance was passed and adopted by the Co~zacil of the City of Bakersfield ac a reg~.l.ar m~ecin§ Cher~o£ held on the 7__7.~._day of AU~USC~ 1967, by the follo~lng vo.~: AYe: COUNCILMEN,,HCH6E'Y, HOSKING, REE$, RUCKER,'raT'JC-RNr, YETTE~., W. HITT*EMOIIE APPROVED: EXHIBIT A " " AME 'DJ'~,,:.MT TO CO.!Tic&CT BETWEEN THE ,30A[~ OF ADMINISTPJ~TION STATE ~,~PLO'Y'~ES ' ~ETi~MENT SYSTEM A~,~D ~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CiTY OF BAK~FIE~ The Board of Administration, State Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the CiTY COU,~tC..'L of the CITY OF BAK~tSFi£LD, hereinafter r~ferred to as Public Ardency hsving enter&d into a contract under date of July 19h[~, effective Aut'..ust l, 19h~, and as mnended effective January l' 1950, November l, 19.,r, 7, October l, 1958, and April l, 1965, which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs i through l0 are hereby st~i.cken from said contract as executed effective August l, 19~[~, and as amended effective Januar~ l, 1950, NoVember l, 1957, October l, 1958, and April l, 1965, and are hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered I through ll inclusive: 1. All words and terms used herein ~ich are defined in the State Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaninM as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 60 for miscellaneous members and age 55 for local safety members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the State Employees' Retirement System from and after August l, 19~, making its emoloyees as herein- after provided, members of said System subject to aY1 provisions of the State Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on. election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted exceot such as by express provision thereof apply only on 'the election-of contracting. agencies. 3. Employees of Fublic Agency in the following classes and groups shall become members of said Retirement System except those in each such class and group who are excluded by law or ti~is agreement: a. Iocal policemen (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Emoloyees other than local safety members (herein referred to as miscellaneous members). In addition to the employees excluded from membership by said Retire- ment Law, the following employees shall not become ·members of the Retirement System: EXCLUDE HO~RLY PAID ~'[PLOYEES W~O ENTER SUCH £.MPLOY..'~NT 0~"~ OR AFT~2~ APRIL 1, 1965. Ret. Form 762-1 h. The fraction of final com.pensation to be 'orovided for each year of · credited service as a miscellaneous member u~on retirement ~t normal retiremeat a~'~e shall be 1/60 and shall be aoolied as provided in Section 2125~.I of said Retirement Law. ~' 5. The .fraction of final compel':sation to be provided for each year of .~ credited service as a local safety member shall be determined in accordance %~_th Section 21252.h of said ~oet_rement Law. 6. Benefits on account of prior service shall be 1OO% of the fraction of final co~pensation specified for miscellaneous members in ?ara- ~ra,ph 4 above, but computed in accordance with Section 21253 of said ~{et-Lrement Law, and for local safety members shall be 1OO% of the fractio~ established in accordance with Para~:raph 5. 7. Contributions for miscellaneous and local safety members shall be subject to Sections 20601 and 2060?.5 of said Ret'~rement Law respectively. 8. The followinM additional provisions of the State Employees' Retire- ment Law which apply only upon election of a contracting agency shall apply to the Public Agency and its employees: a. Section ~O02h. O1 (defining "final compensation" on the basis of a period of three consecutive years). b. Section 21258(b) (providing a minimum retirement allowance of $720.00 per year under certain conditions). c. Section 21367.51 (providing a Sho0.o0 death benefit upon death rafter retirement). d. Section ~002~ (providing.' for inclusion of co.~pensation without limit in computations where compensation is a factor). e. Section ~O804.5 (providing for an election by members to contri- bute and receive current service credit for the service rendered orior to membership). ~,ect~ on ~09~2.5 (oroviding for age 50 as the minimum voluntary retirement age for local safety members with bene. fit payments co,,-~nencing prior to age ~5 subject to actuarial discount). E. Section 2176h (providing.. upon death of a local safety member who had retired for serw.ce or industrial disability, for the continuation of one-half the retirement allowance to certain survivors ). h. Section 21251.~ (providing for increases in allowances payable for ti~,~e commencing on the first day of the calendar month coinciding with or next follow~..ng the effective date of this a.:~%er:dment to persons retired on and prior to July l, 19~6). Ret. Form 702-2 i. Section 21251.6 (provicing for increases iu allowances payable for time com~enci~g on ~he first day of the cale~dar month coi"'cidi~'~g w~ith or next following the effective d~te of this amendment to persons retired prior to Ja~uary l, 1962). 9. Public A~eucy shall contribute to said ~etirement System as follows: a. ¥Jith resoect to miscellaneous members, the city shall contribute the following percentages of mont~ly salaries earne8 as miscel- laneous members of said System: (1) 2.127 oercent u~til July 3l, 1969 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 6.7~ percent o~ account of the liability for current service benefits.~ b. With respect to local Safety members, the city shall contribute the following percentages of monthly salaries earned as local safety members of said System: (1) ~.528 oercent until July 31, 1969 on account of the liability for prior service benefits. (2) 13.1~9__ percent on account of the liability for current service benefits. c. A reasonable amount per annum, as fixed by Board to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodical i~vestii';:ation and valuation required by law, provided that said amount shall be determined on the basis of the number of employees of Public Agency who are reported as members on a .payroll to be designated by the System covering one month of each year or with respect to the first year of particioation, on the effective date of said participation. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency and costs of the periodical investigation and valuation required by law. 10. Contributions required of P~blic Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of ~mendments to the State Employees' ~etirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System, as determined by the periodical investiga- tioN. and valuation, required by said Retirement Lay. ll. Contributions required of Public Agency and its emoloyees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within thirty days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer. If Ret..Form 702-3 more or less than the correct amount of co~tribution is oaid for , any oeriod, pro~oer adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances, or adjustments on account of errors in · contributions required of any employee may be made by direct cash pavements between the employee and Board. ?ayments by Public Agency to ~$oa~'d may be made in the form of warrants, ba~k checks, bank · drafts, certified checks, money orders, or cash. B. This ~mendment sha.!.l be come effective on day of . Witness our hand.~ this day of . BOARD OF ADMI!~!ISTF~ATION CITY COUNCIL STATE ~'~PLOYEES' ~'['iRE?~ZNT SYSTEq'~ OF THE CITY OF BA~SFIELD BY BZ William E. Pays, e, Executive Officer Presiding Attest: Clerk Ret. Form 702-4 Aff av ! of ( r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on......t..h...e.....8-..t...h.....d...a..Y.--.--°.-f-.----A-.-u~----u---s---t--'- ......................... 19....6..7.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ....... .t...h...e.....7...t..h......d..a...y.....o..~....A...u..g...u...s..t.. .... 19....6...7., which ordinance was numbered ................ ..1..6...8..6.. ............. New Series, and entitled: AN OI~DINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE BOARD OF AI~INISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of Au~.u-~t ~ ....... ~ ......... 19..6...7.... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California .~~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ WALTER W. SMITH :"(~~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIF¢')F,~NIA .:' · KFRN COUNTY t,t/ALTE. R ~. SMITH ;l~e(~ommi$~ion 'Exl~ires June 8, 1.c~'~