HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1684 0KD~[NA~C.E N0~ 168:4 NEW SERIES ADDING SECT~O~ 11.0~. 72~ P~H~B~T~NG P~INC ~ B~U~AGE ~ ADJACENT ~ "H" S~ET IN~2CY~ON. B~ IT ~AI~ My ~he Council of the City off ~ Section 11.04.~ ~s ~r~by added ~o ~he Mmtc[psl Code read as foil.s: 11.04. 724 P~~ ~O~BI~D ON BR~AGg ~ ADJAC~ ~ "H" S~T ~~ECTXOM. (a) ~en appropr~te sl~s are post~d, no per,on s~11 s~op~. ~rk, or l~ve s~andlng any vehlcle ~ether at~ded or uaa~anded~ ~zc~p~ when necessa~ to avold confllct ~l~h o~har ~raffEc or lm compllmnce wl~h ~he dlrec~lons of a peac~ officer or ~rafftc con~rol sl~l devlce, on the south sEde B~dag~ ~na for a dls~amc~ of 250 feet east of ~he eas~ curblln~ of Sou~h "H" Str~a~ mmd 330 fee~ wes~ of ~h~ west curbllne of Sou~h "H" S~ree~ on ~h~ north slde of B~ge ~ne from curbl~ne of 'H" S~re~t ~o a point 20 fee~ ea~ of the east curbll~e of 'I" S~ree~ and for a distance of 30 fee~ west of the west curb,- (b) T~ pr~EmEom~ of ~hls sec~lon .s~ll not apply ~he driver or ~er of mmy s~ice vehlcle ~ed or operated by fo~ o~ o~era~d ~der com~rac~ wlth a utlllty or ~bllc whe~he~ prlva~ely, ~nlcipally or ~bllcly ~ed, used in the cons~c~Eon, operm~ton, r~m~al or repair of u~lll~y or ~bl~c u~llt~y proper~y or facE~e~, when such v&hlcle ls s~opped, ~and~ or pared a~ ~h~ ~ of work lnvolvEng the cons~ctEon, proper~ or faclll~Ee~ upom~ in~ over~ ~der or adjacent ~o seed hig~ay, or of a vehlcle~ whether pr~.va~ely~ mt~nic~pal~y, publlc~y ~ed, ensag~d ~ authorlzed work on seed hE,way. (c) This ordinance shall cease to be operative six months aEter receipt by the C-~t~y Council o£ written notice o£ vtt'",.~- drawal oE approval o£ the Dep~rtment of Public l/orks, oE the State oE CaltEornia. The City Clerk ~ hereby instructed to send t~o certified copies oE this ordinance to the State Division of High~ays. This ordinance ~hall take e~/~ect thirty days Erom and ......... 000 ........ " I IflIP~BY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereo£ held on the 17t~h day of July , 1967~ by the follo~.'.a§ vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEiSEY, HOSI¢IN .~, RE~, EUCKE=, S?~ERN, VETTER, WHITTE'MOR~ NOES: COUNCILM2N: AESTAINING COUNCILMEN: Marian S. Irvin Council of ~he City of Bakersfield Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRYIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t...h...e.....1...8..t...h.....d...a.y.....o...f.....J...u..1.~.~ .......................... 19...6..7... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on.....t..h...e.....1...7...t..h......d..a...Y.....o..~....J...u...1..Y...~. ........ 19....6..7.., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...6..8...3. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN OP, DINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 11.04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY ADDING SECTION 11,04.724 Pl~OHIBITING PAltKING ON Bt~UNDAGE LANE ADJACENT TO "H" STREET INTERSECTION, Subscribed and sworn to before me this WALTER W. SMF[H 18t.h..~ .of .............. .J. uly.~ ........ ~.. ,19.6..7. .... My Commi~.~i~ Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, Statc of California KERN COUNTY WALTgR ~¥- Commission gxpire:~ june