HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1683 ORDINANCR NO, '1683 N~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE ~/~ENDINC SECTION 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING i~AP) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF Tt~ CITY OF BAI~RSF-~ELD. ~Efl~REAS, in accordance with the procedure sec forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Co-~[sston and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a motion of the Planning Commission to zone certain property no~ being annexed to said City, and WBERFAS, the City Council has determined a£ter due consideration o£ the motion and the recommendation of the PLanning Commission, herein on file, ~ogether wt~h the reasons advanced at the hearing for the zoning o£ said property, that said zoning should be authorized upon annexation of said property to the CtCy. NOW~ T~REFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield, as follovs: SECTION 1. That Section 17.12.020 of Chapter 17.12 (Zoning Map) o£ the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, be and the same is hereby amended by extending ~he boundaries o[ said m,p to include certain property in an R-S (Residential Suburban) Zone; an R-S-Lq (Residential Suburban One Acre Minimum Loc Size) Zone; an R-2-D (TWo Family D~ellin~ - Architectural Design) Zone; an R-3-D (Limited ~iulttple Family Dwelling - Architectural Design) Zone; an R-3 (Limited Multiple Family ~-~®lling) Zone; an R-4-D (Multiple Family D~elling o Architectural Design) Zonal a C-2-D (Commercial - Architec~ural Design) Zonal and an Ilo1 (Light Manufacturing) Zone, upon the annexation of said property to the City of Bakersfield, the boundaries of which property are shown on the map hereto attached and made a part of Chis ordinance, and are more tally described as follo~s: CRES . AL Parcel_._.___Al: That portion of Lot 8 of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, H.D.B.M. that lies easterly of Freeway 99, EXCLUDTNG all those portions dedicated to the County of Kern flor streets. Parcel 2: Beginning at the southwest corner of the south- ~ east 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section I2, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, H.D.B.M., thence north alon~ the west line o£ the south- east 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said section, 230 fe~t to the true point of beginnin$ of this description; thence continu.tn~ north alon~ the we~t line of the southeast 1/4 of the south- east 1/4 of 8a~.d Section 12, 190 feet; thence at right angle east and parallel with the north .line of Planz Road 990 feet to a point 300 feet veste~ly o~, the.west line o£ South 'Ht~ Street, 60 feet ~de, thence at right angle oouth and parallel with the west line of Sou~h '~' S~eet, 190 feet to a point 200 feet north of ~he north line of Plans Road, 60 feet in width; thence at right an~le and pa~allel ~th the north line of Planz Road 990 feet ~o the point of beginning. ,Par~.e.'l 3:The ~outh 300 fleet of the north 330 feet of Lot 1, of Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, N.D.B.H., KKGLUDING THK~ the east 3~-7 feet. ,,=. -- tll of Tract 2263, EXC~.PTIN~ Lot 2 of said Tract. EXCBPTIN6 ALSO all those lots which have been reverted to acreage and destsnated on the a~e. nded Nap as Parcels 'A', 'B', and l[Cll · TO AN P,-2-D. (T~IO FAMILY I~ELLING o .ARCI~TECTURAL D~_._qTGN) Beginninf~ at the northeast corner off Lot Section 13, Tovmehtp 30 South, Ranse 27 EeoC, M.I~.B.I~., thence north 89 degrees 55 ninnies 24 seconds west, 300 feet; thence south 0 degrees 02 minu~es 25 seconds east, 30 feet to the true point of beginning. Conttnuins 8outherly alonf~ the last named course to the center line of Kern Island Canal, 100 feet width; thence ~outhv~sterly along the center 2. line of said Canal to the vest line of Lot 3, Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 M.D.B.M.; thence north 0 degrees 02 minutes 25 seconds west along the west line of said Lot 3 to the south line of PLanz Road, 60 feet in width; thence south 89 degrees 55 minutes 24 seconds east, 361.80 £eet to the point of beginnin~. TO AH Ro3oD ~LIHITED ..1~, TIPLE. F .A~.LY D~ELLING -. ~U_~HITECTURAL Parcel 1: BegtnninE at the northeast corner o£ Lot 152, Tract 1833, thence south 89 degrees $$ minutes 22 seconds east, 307.85 fleet to the true point of begtnninE; thence continutn~ easterly along the above mentioned course to intersect with the west line of l~hee Lane, 88 fleet in width; thence south 0 degrees 04 minutes 38 second8 west, 253 feet to intersect the north line of l/tlson Road, 75 feet in width; thence north 89 degree8 55 minute8 22 seconds west, 322.66 feet; thence north 0 degrees 04 minutes 38 second8 east, 253 feet to the point of beginning. · The described parcel being a portion of LOt 12 in Section 12, Township 30 South, Ranse 27 Bast, H.D.B.H. Parcel ~2: The north 903.56 feet of the west 638.80 feet of the northeast 1/4 of the southeast Section 12, Township 30 South, Ranse 27 Bast, M.D.B.H., EXCLUDING THEREFRGH the north 310 feet of the west 369.15 feet. ALSO EXCLUDING the north 415 feet of the east 269.65 feet thereof. EXCLUDING ALSO that portion dedicated to the County of ~m for street pruposeo. ,Parcel, 3: Be_ginning on the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.M., at the point of intersection with the south line of Lacey Avenue, 60 feet w~de; thence easterly along the south line of Lac_ay Avenue 990 feet to a point 300 feet westerly of the west line South 'H" Street, 60 feet wide; thence at right an~le south parallel with the west line of South 'tl~' Street, 300 feet; thence et right an~le west 990 feet to the west line o£ the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 12; thence north alone the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of said Section 12, 300 hat to the point bestnntns. Parcel 4: The north halves of Lots 13 and 14 of Section 13, Township 30 South, hnse 27 East, Parcel 5: Beginnin~ ac a point on the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4 of Section 12, Township 30 South, Ranse 27 East, M.D.B.M., and the intersection of the north line of Planz Road, 60 feet wide; thence contLnutns north along the west line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast 1/4, 200 feet; thence at ri§hi angle east and parallel with the north l~ne of Planz Road, 990 feet to a point 300 feet westerly of the west line of South 'tH' St~e®t~ 60 feet in width; thence at right an$1e south and parallel with the west line of South 'Htt Street 200 £eet to the north line of Planz lt~ed; thence west alons the north line of Planz Road 990 feet to the point of begt_~_~_~. Parcel 6: The west 195 feet of Lot 4, Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, M.D.B.H., lyin~ no~e~ly of the center line of rf~ht of way of t~.e Branch of ~b~ ~m Island Canal. EXCEPTING THE~FR~ the west 45 feet dedicated to the County of Fern for streets. Parcel..~...~: That portion of Lot 9, in Section 13, Township 30 South, Range 27 East, H.D.B.M. Lytns east of Freely 99 and west of Lots 24: 25,26, 27, and 28 of Tract 2263. TO AN Its3. (L]~..~D. ~ULTIPI~.. FAHI_LY_D~.T.TNG) ZONE Commences at the northwest corner of Lot 11 Section 12, Township 30 South, Range 27 East: M.D.B.H., as shoun on Kern County Sales Map No. ~ of Lands of J. B. Haggin, filed May 3, 1859, ~n the Office of the County Recorder of Kern County, California, which point is the northwest corner of the southeast 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 of said Section 12; thence South 89 ~e~ree8 56 minutes 22 seconds East, along ~he northerly boundary of said LOt 11, 263.68 fee~ thence south $$ degrees 37 minutes 47 8econdo west, 114.53 feet; thence south 31 degrees 26 minutes 14 seconds vest, 74.91 £eet; thence south 0 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds ees~, parallel to the Westerly boundary of sa~d Lot 11, 172.00 feet; thence north 89 de,tees 56 minutes 22 seconds west, parallel to ~he northerly boundary of said Lot 11__ 130.00 feet; thence north 0 degrees 02 minutes 10 seconds west, alonS the westerly boundary of oa~d Lot 11, 300.71 feet to the true po~nt of beg~min~. EXCLUDING ~ the westerly 30 feet dedicated to the County of Kern for street purposes. TO AN I~-/~oD (I~JL, T~PLE FAIRLY ,I~ET.~.I[NG - ARCHITEC, TURA~ ~ESi'GS) ZO~ Parc, el 1: The north 300 feet of the south 1,740 feet of the east 300 feet of the southeast 1/& o£ Section 12, Township 30 South, Ranse 27 East, EXCLUDING the east 30 feet deeded to the County o; ~.e~ for streets. Parcel 2: Beg~nntnl~ at the s~heast co.er o~ Section 12~ To~sh~p 30 Sou~h, ~n~e 27 Ea~, N.D.B.M., t~nce north alon~ ~he eas~ 1Ene Section 12, 1,080 fee~; ~hence a~ rE~h~ an~le wes~ 30 fee~ ~o ~he wes~ 1Ene of Sou~h '~" S~ree~, 60 ~ee~ w~de, for ~he ~rue po~n~ of beg~ng of ~h~s parcel; ~hence a= r~gh~ a~le north alon~ ~he wes~ line of South 'H" S~ree~ 200 fee~ to ~he sou~heas~ co,er of ~ 16 o~ Tra=~ 135~ ~hence a~ r~h= angle wes~ along. ~he ~h line of satd Lo~ 16, ~70 fee~ ~o sou~h~,es~ corner o~ sa~d Lo~ 16, ~hence an~le sou~h alon~ ~he eas~ l~ne of ~ 1~ Tra=~ 1366 ~o ~.n~ersec~ =he cen~er l~ne of Oscar Argue, 60 fee~ ~de; =hence a~le eas~ 270 fee~ ~o ~he po~n~ of be~n~. Al~o ~nclud~ng Lo~ 16 of Trac= 13~. parce~ 3: ~eg~ng a~ ~he sou~heas~ co,er of Section 12~ To~.~h~p 30 Sou~h, ~nge 27 Eas~ ~hen=e nor=h al~g ~he eas~ l~ne of sa~d Section 12~ 270 ~ee~; ~hence a~ r~sh~ angle wes~ 30 fee~ ~o ~he ~e poin~ of be~ng of' par=el~ ~hence continuing ~es~ and ~rallel w~h ~he north line of Planz ~oad, 300 fee=; ~hen=e a~ r~gh~ angle north and ~rallel ~he ~es~ l~ne of Sou=h "H" S~ree~, ~ sou~h l~ne of ~cey Avenue; ~hence al~g ~he sou~h l~ne of ~cey Avenue, 300 fee~ ~o ~he ~es~ l~ne of Sou~h "H' S=ree~; ~hence a~ ~h~ an~le sou~h al~ =he ~es= l~ne South '~' S~ree~, ~ fee~ ~o ~he po~n~ of be~nn~ng~ Pa~:cel 1: ~e~nn~ng a~ the nor~es~ co,er wez~ 1~4 of =he nor~es~ 1/4 of Section 12, T~mh~p 30 So~h~ ~e 27 Eas~ M.D.B.M. ~hen~e eas~ 30 fee~ ~o ~he eas~ l~ne o~ Wible ~oa~ 60 fee~'~de; ~hence at fish= a~le eou~h along ~he ess= l~ne of W~ble Eoad, ~30 feet: ~o ~He ~e po~n~ of beg~nn~g of ~hts description; ~hence con~nu~n~ sou~h along ~he ~s~ line of W~ble ~a~ 330.09 fee= ~o ~he north l~ne of ~he s~h 1/4 o~ sou~es~ 1/4 of ~he nor~hwes~ of aa~d Sectton 12~ ~hence a= rt~hZ ansl~ eas~ alon~ ~he north line of ~he sou~h 1/2 of =he sout~est ~/~ o~ ~he northves~ 1/~ of Sec~t.on 12, 498 [ee~l thence at r~h~ an~le north and parallel ~e~h the ~8~ line o~ Wtble Road, -. 330.09 fee~; ~hence a~ rt~h~ an~le west .and parallel ~t~h ~he north ltne of =he sou~h 1/2 of ~he ~ou~h~es~ 1/4 of ~he norchwes~ 1/i Se=tton 12~ T~mshtp 30 Sou=h, ~n~e 27 ~98 feet ~o the porn= of Parcel__2: The south 660.446 feet of l:he vest 937.33 fe~t ot~ the soul,est 1/~ o~ Sectl~ 12, T~htp 30 South, ~n~e 27 East, M.D.B.M. ~ ~CL~I;G all those porti~s dedLcated to the S~a~ntal enttt~ee ~o~ streets and htshvays. Pa~cel~: Ali ~hose pott~; o~ ~ts 7, 8~ 9~ and 10~ of Sac~l~ ~3~ T~shtp 30 Sou~h, ~e 27 ~oD.5.~. ~ bonded on t~ notch by Pla~ Road; on ~h~ vest by ~tbla Road; ~ the south by the ~xis~n~ city bo~~; on the east by Ftee~ay 99. ~CL~ING t~t portion in Lot 8~ d~eded ~o ~ha Cowry o~ ~ ~or street rtsht o~ va~. Pa;cal~: ~ ess~e;l~ 685 ~eet oE the northerly 877.5 ~aa~ o~ ~he ~st 1/2 of the s~heas~ 1/i of S~c~on ~2, T~mshtp 30 South, ~nse 27 East, H.D.S.N., EXCL~ING all those parcels dedtcated ~o ~he C~y o~ ~rs~ield ~o~ streets. All o~ ~act 2385 is included vLthtn able described pa~l. Ps;cal~: ~e ~ou~h 270 fee~ o~ the ~st 330 ~eet of the so~h 1/2 o~ ~he sourest 1/~ o~ Sectt~ ~2, ;~;hip 30 South~ ~e 27 ~st, N.D.B.N.. ~CL~ING ~he east 30 ~eet and the south 30 ~=at daeded ~o the C~ty o~ Kem ~or streets. ~a~cel 6: ~ north 330 ~aec o~ ~he east 327 ~eet o~ ~t ~n Section 13~ T~shtp 30 South, ~nSe 27 Esau, H.D.B.H. ~ ~CL~ING ~~ the north 30 ~eet and tha east 30 ~eet deeded to the Co~n~ o~ Ke~ ~or streets. ~ ~as~l~ po~tt~ o~ Lot 15~ Sec~t~ ;~=hip 30 South~ ~nSe 27 Eas~, H.D.B.~. ~ bonded by ~he Asp~lto ~ilroad and South SECTION 2. ~is o~d~nce s~ll bec~ eE~ec~tve up~ ~he anne~ton ! I~tEBY CER~'~FY that the fforeEoinE Ordinance was passed and adopted by ~he Co~c[l of the Ct~ of Ba~rsfteld at a re~lar ~e~ing ~h~reo~ held on ~he 3r~ ~y of July, 1967, ~ th~ foll~ vo~e: A~'E$: COUNCILHEN HEISF.~, HOSKING. REIS, RUCKER,-STIERN, YEI'ITdt, WHIITEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: _~,~..~,,.~,~ ~/. AESENT COUNCILMEN: ~ A~I'AINING COUNCILMEN: ~ Harman S. Irv~n 'C~-CLEI~ and ~-Offtcto Clerk of the Courier1 off the Ct~y of Bakersffield. I q l ~11~'"'1'~',-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-~~,,, r .-, ~ .m'~'-~'~1' ~"" '"l t HOLDEN c"Jjl WA~ ~ --' t-3 R-I R - I R ' CITY BOUNDARY ~OOL.ITTLE CUSTER ' - ',.~.:'-:' :"~'"'.'=~b:: · .'.;.M....'...': · ·: q:.;..'.:. < ~ · ::;'~ R-I I /~ R-I sc..::.'..'-, r 1~ .-, 1 I SHERWOOD ~VEI ~ . WEST HAVEN AVE · ' ..:' .'..:::.'.. '-'-' '.'. R-I R-I R,-I R-I ' R-I R - I R'I R-$-D '2 C-2 C-2 M 'i Affi avi! of Iosling rilinan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t...h..e......5..t...h.....d...a.~.....o..~....J...u..1.~..~ ............................. 19.....6..7. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ..... ..t...h..e......3...r..d.....d...a...y.....o...f.....J...u..1...y. .......... , 19...6...7.., which ordinance was numbered ............ ..1..6...8..3.. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17.12.020 OF CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING MAP) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day July 19....6..7... .............. of .......................... i~ ...................... , Notary Public in and for the County of Keru, State of CallfonHa ~..~ WALTER W. SMITH KERN COUNTY WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8,