HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1706 ORDIN~CE NO... .... 1706 ,, ~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE ~IE~G TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE HUNICIPAL COD2 OF THE CITY OF IMXERSFIELD BY 'CHANGING ~ L.~D USE ZONING OF THAT CEItTAIN PROPERTY IN ~ CITY OF BAi~FI~D COItMONLY IGIOI~I AS 12660 OSt~LL STI~ET. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set [orth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City o~ Bakersfteld~ =he Plann~nB C~tsston and City C~cil ~ve held hearings respecCively~ on a peCic~ to c~n~e the land use z~lns of t~t certa:~n proper~ in the City of Bakersfield co.only ~ as 2660 Oswell S~ree~ and ~~S~ ~he C[~ Co~cil has detemtned after ~e con- s~dera~on of sa~d peti~ and ~he ~eco~~lons of ~he P~ng C~tssion heretn on ftla~ ~o~e~her wl=h the r~aons a~anced a~ the hearings .[or a c~n~e of zones of said p~per~, C~C a zonins c~n~e should be au~ho=tzed. N~e ~~O~ BE IT O~I~D by the C~cil of the Ctcy of Bakersfield as foll~a~ ~C Section 170~2,020 (Zoni~ ~p) of the ~tctpal Code of C~ City of ~sfteld~ be and the sa~ ts hereby am~ded by c~n~lng the land use zon~n~ o~ cer~ property in said Ci~, ~he bo~ries of ~h~h property are sh~m on the mp here=o aC~c~d and ~de a parc hereof~ a~ [olios: ~nst~ che zon~ boweries fr~ an R-1 (Stnsle Family ~elltns) Z~e Co au ~-4-D ~ul~iple Faintly ~ell~ - Architectural Des~n) Zone of C~C certain pr~erCy c~only kn~m as 2660 0~ell S'aree~, betn~ more particu- larly described a~ fol1~$: The south ~lf of =he notch lmlf of the nor~heas~ q~rCer of the s~CheasC q~r=er of ~he nor~heasC q~rCer of Section 22~ To~sh~p 29.Sou~h~ ~n~e 28 Eas~, M.D.B,M.e tn ~b~ Ct~y of ~kersftelde Co~y of ~m~ S~e of Caltfo~ta~ according ~o ~ o~=~c[al pla~ o~ sat~ tend approved by the Su~ayor G~e=a1 Feb~ 2a~ 185~, ......... 000 I H~REBY CE~T]~FY ~:ha~ ~he fore~otns Ordinance was passed and ad~ed by ~he Cocci1 of ~he C~y of Bakersfield a= a re~lar ~e~ng ~he~eo~ held on ~he 30th ~y of October 1967 ~ ~he follo~ing vo~e= AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY. HOSKIN6, REE~. RUCKER. STIERN. YETTE~ WHITrEMoRE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~,~ ASSENT COUNCILMEN: ^~TAIN~,G COUN¢,LME,: ~.~ C'IYS-~ ~nd 2x..offfic~.o C'l[erk o'f the Counc~.1 oE the C~.~:y of Bakersfield° AP~OFED..t~t~3,0~h ~ :.day of October ~ 1967 AP~F.,D ~ Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF C,~I,IFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR1rIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and October 31 67 that on ........................................................................................ 19 ........ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. ..O~..t...o...b..e..?.....3...0. .......................... , 19...6...7.., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...7..0...6. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN.OltDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKEltSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PltOPEltTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COMMONLY KNO~/N AS 2660 OS~rELL STREET.