HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1705 Ol~I~C~. ~JOo 1705 ~ SER~-ES ~~FIELD ~~G ~ ~IOIPAL CODE ~~S~ ~he T~,~c D~v~on o~ the Police of the City o~ Bakersf~el~ ~s raco~nded f~om ~he s~udy o~ ~raff~c ~peed au~eEe con~u.c~e~ on 34~h S~ree~ ~ a ~peed 1~i~ of five (35) m~iss per hou~ be adopted on =~ portion of Ct. rE of Bakersfield as S~CT[O~ I ~a'= n~ Section 11.04.768 be an~ ~he same adopted =o =he ~[c[pal Co~e cE the C~E cE ~kersE[eld ~o a~ follo~es = speed ~tmi~ of ~hir~y-five (3~) m~les pe~ hour ~s hereby de~em~ned and dez:lared l:o be ~he prima ~aci. e sp~ed lim~ at which vehicles ~y =~aval. on 3l~h S~ree~ ~om 1550 fee~ wes~ o~ =he we~ cu~bline of Un,on Aventm ~o 570 fee~ ~es~ of ~he ~es~ curb!the of Un,on Avenue. S~CTION II This ordinance shall become effec=ive ~hirty .......... 000 .......... ! ~,~.KgBY C~:RT[FY ~ha~ ~he £o~ego~ng Ordinance was passed and ac~op~ecl by k~a CouncL~l off ~he City of Bakersfield a~ a regular meeting ~hereoff held on ~he :30t~h day by ;:he follow~.ng AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN YETI'ER, WHrlI'EMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: '~ .,~ ' ,~/~,--~/. _ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...............O~....t..(.?..b...e..r......3..1.. ................................................ 19~...7..... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City October 30 19..6..7. .... which ordinance at a meeting thereof duly held on ................................................................... 1705 was numbered ......................................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY ADDING SECTION 11.04.748 (SPEED LIMIT ON 34TH STREET). Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne this ..3-..]:..s...t....day of ..... ..0~....t...o...b..e..?. .......................... 19..6...7.... ..Notary Public in and for the Couuty of Kern, State of Califorula OFFICIAL SEaL ' '' I .... ~ ~ ~ ? ~ ":I'IBI'IC'C'ALII OFtNIA ~ ~',".. "",' "',rl~. ' IN WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June