HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1704 ORDI~IANCE LqOo 1704 .NEW SKF. XES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COYJNCIL OF THE CITY OF 11.~.~20 ~~~ C~ ~ ~ SIDE P~G ~ ~SUABL~S~D) ~ ~~G A S~g ~~G ~ ES~LIS~D) ~ SECTI~ 11.04.420 (P~L P~IN~ o ~E~IONS) ~ ~IC~PAL COD2o WHE~S, ~t has come to the attention of the City Council of the C[~ of Bakersf~e.~d tba~ the eo~abltohnen~ of left olde park~n§ on one°way state h~ay8 w~h~ ~he C~y o[ hkers~eld ~qu~e8, ~der Section 22~03 o~ the Vehicle Code, ~ ~he C~y Co~c~ ad~c an ordnance eppr~ed by C~ SCo~e Depar~ o~ ~bl~c Wor~ au=hor~z~ng paFk~ng on =he left side of one-way s~a~e h~ays ~ and ~~ ~h~s p=~osed Ordinance ~8 be~ submit=ed and appr~ed by ~he S~a=e ~9ar~ of ~bl~c Wor~, and ~~s ~c ~ =he ~nton of '=he Police 'D~a~C of ~ Ci~ of ~kers~eld ~ all of ~ch available lef~ s~de park~ ar~ will be u~tlized so ~ ~he cos~ of ~rkt~ or st~ pos~ ~hose ar~s where lef= ~lde ~rktn~ ts prohibited would be ~ reaso~ble and ft~nc~lly 2c~tcal ~b~n mrkl~ or st~ pos=~ Zhose ar~s where le~ s~de ~rkin~ is peml=~ed. ~, ~F~ ~E IT O~~D by ~h~ Ct~y C~cil of =~ City of Bakersfield as ~oll~s= SECTI~ I ~ ex~s~tn~ Section 11.04,410 and Section 11.~.420 of t~ ~tctpal Co~ of ~ C~ of Bakersfield are. hereby rep~led, S2CTION II ~a~ SecZton 11,04.~0 of 2he ~tc~pal ~ode of ~ Ci=y of Bakersfield be adop=ed ~o read as foll~s~ 11.04.410 An~ular. C, enCe, ran, d ,I~, £t. ,Si,de Parkin~ A,,reaa Xstablis~hed. (a) .The Tragic Authority is hereby authorized ~o determine chose streets end alleys upon uhich angular and center pax'kin§ shall be pez,~ntCCad and shall lnd:tcate all such parking by placing lines upon CBs surface of Ch.e roadway tndicaCtng the an~le and place aC which parking is pe~mtcted and/or by erecting appro- priate sl~ns. (b) Le£c side parking shell be pemitCed upon all one- way streets, alleys, and state high~mys utchtn the City o£ Bakers- field unless otherurlse p~ohibtted by appropriate si~ns erected by tb~ Traf£tc Auchoricyl and within the Central Business District of said city such parking spaces shall be designated by lines placed upon Cha surface o£ the roadway by said authority. (c) The T~affic Authority is hereby authorized co deter- mine and f~x by the erection o~ appropriate signs the parkin~ time allowable ac any parktn~ ar~a established by Chis section ocher than chose established upon scats highways. S~.CTION III ThaC Section 11.0~,4~0 of the Nunicipal ~ode of The City o£ Bakersfield shall b~ adopted To read aa £ollowac 11.0~.420 ~arallel.~_arkin~-....~xcepCion. (a) Unless otherwise indicated by the Traf[tc &uthortty or ocher provisions o[ chis secc£on, tC Shall be unlawful [or any person Co stand or park any vehicle in a roadway ocher than panllel with the edge of said roadway headed in The direction of Craf£ic and with the right-hand eluels of the vehicle within eighteen (18) inches of the cu~bltne o~ edge of the roadway. (b) Upon ail one-way sere, aCes alleys and scats htglamys where left side parking ha~ nec been prohibited and upon Chose streets and alleys where the Tra~£tc Authority has specifically 2. authorized center pa~ciu~, tc shall be unlawfi21 £o~ any person s~d or pa~ a vehicle o~r Chn ~mlhl ~h c~ e~e of ~~y hded in ~ dt~fon of C~f~lc and ~h ~he w~lo o~ ~e vehicle within eish~een (18) l~hes o~ ~ curbl~e .or ~e o~ ~he (c) Upon ~e o~ree~o and alleys ~ich ~ve be~ or oi~ed ~ ~ ~ff2c Auchori~ for a~r park~ or any roa~ay where ~ ~Fkt~ s~ces ~ve ~ dest~ed ~ plact~ l~s upon ~he out.ce o~ ~he ~ays l~ shll ~ unlav~l EoF any per8~ Co 8~nd or pa~ any vehicle othr ~hn be~e~ l~s tndica~ C~ po~ion ~ ~tch t~ ~~S o~ a vehicle is aut~r~ed, SECTION ~ ~ls O~nce s~ll be e~ec~lve ChtrU (30) and a~er t~ ~ce o~ t~o AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKIN6, REES, RUCKER, $TIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ,~_ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING, COUNCILMEN: AP~OVgD: Aff av ! of ost ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR~'IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................ ..O~....t...o...b..e...r.....3...1. ............................................. 19..6..7.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City. at a meeting thereof duly held on .......... ..O..c...t...o..b...e...r.....3...0. ............................. , 19...6..7..., which ordinance was numbered ...... ..1...7...0..4.. ....................... New Series, and entitled: AN OIIDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD tLEPEALING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTIONS 11.04. 410 (PARALLEL PAI~KING - EXCEPTION) AND 11.04. 420 (ANGULAtt~ CElqTEtt Ai~D !.~,FT SIDE PARKING AREA ESTABLISHED) AND ENACTING A NEW SECTION 11.04. 410 (ANGULAtt~ CENTEtt AND LEFT SIDE PAttKING AREA ESTABLISHED) AND SECTION 11.04. 420 (PARALLEL PARKING - EXCEPTIONS) TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .3...1..s...t. day of ..... .O...c.~..o...b..e..?...~ ............... 19...6..7.... "~;-~;'~ ' ~;'~iJ"~'~~'~'"c~'"~:~~i= '  OFFICIAL SEAL WALTER W, SMITH NOTARY PUDLIC-CALIF ORNIA · PRINCIPAl.. OF' C.E IN -'" ~ KERN COUNTY ..[.. WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 196q