HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1717 ORD~CR t~0o 171__7 H~ SERIES 11o04 OF ~= I~ICIP~ CODE OF ~E O~ C~RTAI~ ~ORTIO~S OF S~R $~T. BE ~Y O~A~D by ~he C~c~l of ~e C~ty of ~a~ C~p~ar 11~04 ~ h.~eby amended by add~n~ Section 11.04.724 r~ad as SECTION I (a) ~en 2ppropr~aee ~:i~ are posted~ no pers~ ~hall stop~ or leave ~'n~n~ any veh~ole~ ~he~e= a~nded o= vnat~nded, except ~hen necessa~ '2o avoid eonf].~ w~2h ocher traffic or ~n C~9~ance dev~ee~ ~ ~i~e eou~h ~t.,~ o~ S~er S=ree~ ~or a ~s~n~e o~ 170 (b) ~ 9r~v:~.~on~ o~ this 2eetion ;hall not ap~ly ~o t~ ~i~r o~ ~ off ani ta~i~e ~hi~le omed oz operated by or io~ o~ ~e~a~ed ~de~ ~a~a~ ~ith a ~ili~y or public utility ~-~he~h~ ~lva~ely~ ~!~i~lil o~ ~bliuly o~med, used In ~he con- s~loa~ o~raCto~ ~o~al or repair of u~iliCy or public utility p~op~y o~ :~aclll~tla~ ~h~n a~h ~hicle t~ s~opped~ s~a~adin~ or (~) ~is o~a~.nan~ shall cease ~o ~ o~raeive six after ~cef. p=b7 =he C~y C~=~1 of ~t=~ no~ce of wi~drawal o/~ appwoval of t. he Del~n~ o/~ Publ/.c ~/orks of the Stal:e of Cal/./~ornia o SECTION II This Ordtna~ ~hall ~ake_ effect ~.hir~y days from and after ~he da~ of ~t:~ ........... o0o ! T~I~BY C~T:/F~ r/mC the ~ore~oiz~ Ordinance vas and a~p~ed by ~ C~c~l o~ C~ C~ o~ hkero~eld ac a ~oll~t~ ~e: AYF. S: COUNcILIvlEN FIE NOES: COUNCILMEN. ISy'~OSKING, REES RUe,,... _ *'r"~x STtERN, VETTER~ WNI]TEMoRg .Martan S. Zrvin -C~'Z'Y-"C~ and Ex-O£f~c~o C~erk 6~ tb~ Council of the Ctt7 of Bakersfield, Affi av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,[ SS. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...... .t...h..e.....2...3...r..d......d...a.y.....o...f.....J...a...n..u...a...r.~f.~ .................. 19..6...8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held ~n....t...h...e.....2..2...n...d.....d...a.y.....~.~.....J..a...n.B..a...r.y...~ 19...6...8.., which ordinance was numbered .............. ..1...7..1...7. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 11,04 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY .ADDING SECTION 11,04,724 PROHIBITING PARKING ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF SUMNER STREET, Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..2...2..n...d....day of .......... .J...a...n..u...a...r.Y.. r .................. 19.....6...8 Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California WALTER W. SMITH .: '~IOTARy Pt/BI-lC-CALIFORNIA i PRINCIPAL OFrlCE IN ! KERN COUNTY WALTER W. · sM'i~' My Commission Expires June 8, :I96