HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1716 O~,DI~ HOo,, 171,6,, b'EbT S;R~:ES A~ ORDZIqAIqCE OF ~ ~~L ~ ~ CZ~ OF 7.32.020 OF C~~ 7.32 (BI~~ ~, ~ IT 0~~ ~ the ~c~ o~ ...the C~ty o~ SgC~ ~. ~t Sec~o~ ~0~200~0 sE ~he ~8~teld ~ct~1 Code be ~ded Co ~d as .~r, ~gero pr~r~e~or or ocher pers~ ~v~ng c~rge o~ any ~blic bill.rd roo~ ~bl~c p~l ~, or ~lic shooc~s ~lle~, or o~her plac~ op~ ~o ~ public ~er2 blll~rds or p~l an p~y~, or ~rSe~ shoo~in~ ~s c~2d ~o ~o ~2p Z~ 8a~ ~ all~ or p~%~ t~ o~ ~o be kept ~ or ell~ any of hid ~ or a~~n~e 2o be played or ca~ed ~ ~here~n be~ the ho~ o~ ~o oOclock e,~, en~ o~x o'cl~k a.mo o~ any ~y, or ~o all~ any pero~o 2xcep~ such ~er, m~ero pr~rie~or or pero~ ~n chrge ~o~ 'o~ ~ secants r~rly ~loyed ~n and about · ~ ~ ~o b~ o~ ~~ 2~re~ be~e~ the h~s a~o~oa~d. 7,32.0~0 ~lO~ng ~8--Spe~lal ~em~r. ~r shll be ~~1 ~or ~ ~0 ~er0 p~prLeto~ or other per8~ hv~n~ c~rg2 o~ any public b~ql~ alley .~o ~ep the n~ open or or pem~ t~ e~ ~o b~ ~pt open or Co all~ or pe~tC any per8~ o~r t~n ~h~ ~mer~ ~ger~ proprietor or person tn c~rge ~h~r~o~ or ~[~ ~e~a~ r~ar~y ~loyed ~n and ~bout the same ~o be or r~:~n C~re~n~ or ~o e11~ any per8~ ~o bo~l ~h~n sa~d ~bl~c b~l~n~ a~ley b~r~n ~he ho~s off ~o o~al~k a.m. and oU~lock ~.m. o~ any ~y~ ~12~0 and exc~p~ a special pem~ ho be~ ob~ned as ~~Cer pr~ded. The Chin£ o£ Police o£ the ¢~y o£ Bakero£teld, or in hi~ absence any o££~cer who mey be carrying ouC the duties o£ the Ch~e£ o£ Police of che C~Cy of ~kers£~eld, is hereby authorized and directed Co ~ssue Co the ~-m~0 uanagero or p~oprtetor of any public bc~'lin~ alley, a spec~ perm:~.t ~o remain open for a longer time du~-~n~ any day or day$o ~an is )-trotted above when ~n his opiniono LC ~ reasonably necess~a~y an~ ~ood cause is ~hown for any public bo~ling alley ~o rennin o~en ~or such longer time in order cO carry on and £~ntsh a bowling tournament. SBCT~ON 2. Th~o ord~mnce oh~ll beco~__- ef£ecCive Ch~r~y days £rom 0 the Coune~.~ o~ th~ City o~ Bahe~s£~eld at a AYES:. COUNCILMEN :HEtty, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETT~R, WHI1TE~ORE A~TAINING COUNCILMEN~ ~ ~fa~fuan ~o ~rv~n Co~ct]. o~ ~:he Ctt:y o~ Bake~ie].d. Affi av ! of j os ng r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that ~n.....t..h...e.....2...3..r...d.....d...a.~.....~...f.-.J...a..n...u...a..r.X.t ..................... 19..6...8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and co.rrect copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on....t...h...e.....2...2..n...d.....d...a.~.....~...f.....J..a...n...u...a..r.~...~ 19...6...8.., which ordinance was numbered ............... .1...7..1...6. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 7,32 o010 AND 7,32. 020 OF CHAPTER 7,32 (BILLIARD ROOMS ~ POOL HALLS AND BOgrLING ALLEYS) OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .2...3..r....dday o~ ............... ..J...a_n...u_a...r. ~. ~ ............. ~9...6..8... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California .......................................... 6'~i'~i'~'Z'~'~'~ ............ ~ ~.~:~x WALTER W. ,~fliT:--t ! ~o'~.'~;, NOTARY PUBLiC.CALII-ORNIA ': ~';/" KERN COUNTY ............... ' .......... ';,'AL"Fi:'~"~ V,, sr~,rdT,u