HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1713 ORD~C~ NO._ 1713 ~ SBRIES AH ORD~TANCE ~ING ~ S~~ OF ~ ~C~ CODE ~ ~ CI~ OF ~FIE~ ~ C~~ ~ ~ USE Z~ ~ ~T ~TA~ P~~ ~ ~ CZ~ OF ~~F~ ~~D AT ~ ~~ST CO~ OF ~ ~ ~~~ ~Se in ~cco~nce with Chin p~ocedure sec forth in the provio~ons o~ T~CZe X7 o[ the ~ntc~l Code o~ C~ Ct~y of ~rs~e~d~ the Pla~ C~s~ and C~ CoccYX ~ve held ~r[nss ~espec~[ve[y~ ~ e peri,Ion ~o c~nse ~he ~nd use oE ~ ce~n p~ope~y ~ ~e C~y oE ~rsE~e~d l~a~ed ~ nog~n~ co~ o~ ~k ~nfi N~e~aen~h S~e~s~ and ~~Se ~he C2~y C~c~l ~s d$Ce~ned a~er due c~- s~a~ o~ ~d pe~~ and the reco~~c~ons o~ the P~nntns C~s~on ~re~n ~ ~l~e ~ze~her ~Ch ~ reasons a~anced z~g c~n~a ~h~d Be ~u~hort~ed, ~ SeCZ~A ~7.~2.020 (Zon~n~ ~p) o~ ~ ~c~pal Code o~ ~he C2~ o~ Ba~ra~2e~d~ ~ and ~ ~ ~s he.by 2~nded by b~r~es o~ ~h~ch proper~y are s~m ~ the ~p ~reto a~c~d and ~de a ~r~ ~o~ as ~ng~ng ~h~ zo~ bo~rt~o ~r~ an R-I (Stnsle Fa~ly ~ll~a) Z~e ~o a ~D (Proiesst~l ~or~~ co~r of Oak and N~a~aan~h b~tn~ ~a ~tcularly ~scr~bsd as C~nc~ ~ ~ ~n~ersec~ion o~ ~he eas~ line oE OaA S~F~e~ and ~h~ north l~a oE N~e~e~h conclnu~ alon~ ~nn~ o~ ~h~ paFcel; ch~ce ~ no~ ~e o~ ~ne~e~h S~ee~ easterly 128 ~ee~; ~ce a~ r~h~ ansle northerly 132 ~eeC; ~honce a~ r~f~h~ an~le weO~erly and para~lel ~w~.Ch the nor~ l~e o~ H~ce~h S~ec, ~28 ~ee~, Ch~e e~cherl~ and ~nllel vtch C~ weoC l~e o~ Oak S~reec, 132 ~eet co Snte~oecc the notch ~ne o~ N~oce~ch SCreet and t~ po~t o~ ' "'~oo .... 000 ........ I HgRE~ C~T:F/~ Chac Cite £oresoins Ordinance was passed and adopted by ~ho Council o£ the C~cy of Bahorsf~eld ac a ~aSular mo~Cing thereof hold on Che 8Ch day of January, 1968, by the follov~n~; voce: AY==: COUNCILMEN HEISGY, HOSKING, REGS. RUCKER, STIERN, VETFER, WHITTEMOtE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ~.~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: W/).~ ~__' ABSTAININ~ COUNCILMEN: l~r~n S. 'Frv~n CI/~--C-OCRK and ~-o~c~o c~e~ ~'~' the Co~c~l o[ che C~cy o~ Barrel,eld. ..... -" OAK ST. ~ C-I-D EL~ ST. Affi av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .............. ..J..a...n..u...a...r.~.._.9. ................................................ ,19...6..8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... .J...a..n...u...a..r...y.....8.. .................................. 19....6..8.., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...7...1..3. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE A~ENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED AT THE NORTHEAST COHNER OF OAK AND NINETEENTH STEEETS o Subscribed and sworn to before ~ne this ....9..t...h.....day of ...... .J...a...n...u..a..?.~. ....................... ,19.6...8. .... Notary Public in and for ~:he County of Kern, State of California