HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1730 ~'I~~ in accorc~nce wXth the procedure set ~orth in the provtsXons o£ TXtXe 17 o£ ehe ~c~pal Code of ~he C~ty of ~rs~eld~ ~he PI~~ C~tss~on and Ct~ Co~cii ~ve held h~ng~ ~eapecc~ve~ye on ~ peC~C$on co c~nge the ~nd use zon~g o~ C~ ceftin pr~er~y in ~he C~ty o~ ~kers~e~d c~ly. as ~10 Sp~e Stree~ ~l~S~ ~he City Co~ctl ~s dete~ed a~ter due e~dera~on o[ sa~d p~t~2~on and ~he receptions o~ the ~ss~on here~ on ~1~ ~o~ether ~th ~he reasons a~anced at t~ h~r~s ~o~ a c~a o~ zones o~ ~d pr~erty, t~t a z~s c~n~e should be authorized. N~ ~~ B2 IT O~~D by the C~c~l o~. the C~ty ~t Section ~7o[2,020 (Zon~ns ~p) o~ ~he ~c[pal ~de 0~ ~he C~ 'o~ ~k~~[d, b~ and Che 'sa~ ~s hereby a~ded by c~n~ ~he ~and use ~n~ oE certain p~erty ~n sa~d C~ the bo~~es oE ~ch p~e~y 'a~e sh~m on Che' mp hereto at~c~d Arch[~ura~ De~) Zone~ o~ t~ certain p~er~ Sp~ce Sc~eet~ be~n~ more p~rt~cu~rly described as .... Fra~t~ ~c~e~ ~ecor~ed J~e 21, ~9~2, said be~n~ on ~h~ no~h ~ne o~ B~daSe ~ne as then ex~S~ed~ ~hence e~s~e~ly alon~ ~he 'north l~e o[ sa~d B~~e ~ne ~o ~nte~sect ~he east l~e o~ " Sp~ce St~e~ ~0 E~et ~n ~dth~ thence northerly the t~ po~n~ o[ be~n~ t~e continues northe~!y alon~ sa~d ~st ~e oE ~e Street~ 10 ~eet; thence easterly parallel with the noa~h llne o~ B~undage Lane. 133o08 ~eet; thence southerZy and paralle! with the east line o~ Spruce lO 2eet~ thenc® westerly and parallel w~th t~e north l~ne o~ B~ud~ge Lano to eh® true point o~ beginning. The abo~e debouched paroel o~ land being a p~on o~ 2ho ~ ~ o~ ~o~on 3~, To~sh~p 29 ~ueh~ o~ curb~ gu~te~ and ~e~ a~ong Bpru~e S~eet 203 ~ee~ ~ or ~h~r~y day~ afte~ ~aop~on. whichever occurs late~, ! HEREB~f C~T2~ tha~ the £orego~n~ Ordnance was ~ssed and adopted by ~e Co--il o~ ~he C~y o~ ~kers~teld a~ a re~lar ~eC~s ~hereo~ ~eld on ~he lo~ ~y o~ Aprtl, 1968, by the ~oll~tng vo~e~ AYF3: COUNCILMEN HEISEY., HOSKING, REE$, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEIdORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: .'.'~, ~ _ AB.qENT COUNCILMEN: .~. ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~-~ ~-~ a~d-~x'Of£tc[o Clerk O~ the Council o£ ~he City o£ BakersEield. I-..- R-I ~ ~ R-! .. R-I .fo C- ~ ( IO'X 154'). BRUNDA(~EI LANE. C 0 U NIT Y ~' C 0 UN TY PC. ZC 1?14 Aft't avit of Iosting Ori inar es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ..A.~.r...i...]:....2. ....................................................... 19....6..8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............ ..A.~.r..~..1.....1. .................................... 19.....6..8., which ordinance was' numbered ...........1..7...3...0. ..................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVEh'TEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD COMMONLY KNO~/N AS. #10 SPRUCE STI~EET. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .2...n..d....day of ....... ..A.p..r..~..1. ............. ,, ............ ,19...6..8.... Notary, Public in and ~or the County oi Kern, Stata o~ California i ......... ~ ................... 0 ~,~i'~i'~' SEAL .............. ~:~ WALTER W. SMITH ~'.~-~?:-.;~ PRiN,-i~'/,i f3rr (:E IN · .~. ~,~,.,' ........ \'.', ~':.'.' > ' ~ERN COUNTY WALTER W, SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 19~9