HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1726 .. ORDINANCE NOo 1726 N~ SERIES AN ORDI~IqAIqCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF FACH OF THE SEVI/N WARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD ~ CALIFOP~IA. BE lit ORDA~D by the Council of the City o£ Bakersfield as follows: SECTION ~[. The boundaries off the First Ward are hereby altered to read as £oilo~s: All oi~ that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the inter- section of the south right of way line o£ Bernard Street and centerline of Alta Vista Drive; thence southerly along the centerline of Alta Vista Drive to the centerltne of Lincoln Street; thence easterly along the center[the of Lincoln Street to the centerltne of Tulare Street; thence ~outherly along the centerltne of Tulare Street to the centerltne of State Route 178 Freevay; thence westerly along the centerline of State Route 178 Free~ay to the centerltne of Alta Vtslm Drive; thence southerly alonl$ the centerline of Alta Vista Drive to the centerltne of Honterey Street; thence easterly along the centerltne of 1/onterey Street to the centerltne of Baker Street; thence southerly alon~ the centerline of Baker Street to the centerltne of the A, T. & S. F. Railroad right of way; thence southveaterly alone the centerltne of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad rtl~ht of way to the centerline of Union Avenue; thence southerly alone the centerline of Union Avenue to the north right of way of East California Avenue, which is a point on the CitT Limit line; thence easterly and alon~ ~he various c. ourses of. the CitT Limit line to the point of~begtnnin~; also beginning at the intersection of the west right of way line of Union Avenue and the centerline of California Avenue; thence southerly alon§ the west right of way line of Union Avenue to the north righ~ of way line of Brundage Lane; thence westerly along the north right of way line of Brunclage Lane to the east right of way line of the Central Branch of the Kern Island Canal; thence northerly along the last named east line to a point 250 feet south of the cen,=~rltne of 4th Street; thence easterly to the centerline of ~T'~ Street~ thence northerly along the centerline of ~'~ Street =o the c~n~erline of 8th Street; thence westerly along tb~ centerltne of 8th Street to the centerline of R Street; thence northerly alon§ the cent~:=ltne of R Street to the centerltne of California Avenue; thence easterly alon~ the centerltne of California Avenue to the las~ named point of beginning. SECTION 2. The boundaries of ~he Second Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: All of that part of tbs Ci~y of Bakersfield: beginning at the northwest corner of Tract 2146 ~hich is a point on the City line; thence easterly ang along various courses of che Cl~y Limit line to intersect the nor~:herly extension of the centerltne of llaley Street; thence aouthe=ly along the cenCerlime of Haley Street to the centerlime of Vanderb~lt Dr~ve; thence easterly along the center- lime of Vanderb~lt D~ve to the centerlime of the £trst alley east of Pomona Street; chance northerly along the centerlime of said alley to the centerltne of the first alley south of Duke Dr~ve; thence . easterly along the cente.vline of said last named alley to the center lime. of Occidental Street; thence northerly along the centerl~ne of Occidental Street to the centerltne of Un~veratCy Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of University Avenue to the centerl~ne of l(ount Vernon Avenue; 2hence southerly along the centerlime of Mount Vernon Avenuo to ~.~e north right of way l~ne of Columbus Avenue, which ~s a point on the City Limit lime; thence westerly and along various courses of the City Ltmit tine to'the intersection of the south rtght of way lime off Bernard Street and the centerlime of Alta V~sCa Drtve; Chance southerly along the centerltne of Alta Vista Drive to the center, lime of Lincoln Street; thence easterly along the centerline of Lincoln Street to the centerltne of Tulare Street; thence southerly along the centerlime of Tulare Street to the centerltne of SCats ~oute 178 Freeway; thence westerly aloha the cenCerline of State Route 178 Freeway to tb~ centerltne of Alta Vista Drive; thence soutI~erly along the centerline of Alta Vista Dr~ve to the cencerl~ne o~ ~onterey Street; thence easterly along the centerltne of l~onter~.y Street to the centerltne of Baker Street; Chance southwesterly al~.~§ the centerlime, of Baker Street to the centerltne of the A. ~. ~ S. F. Railroad right of way; thence south- westerly along the cenCe.?lime of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad riAht of way to the centerl~ne of Un~on Av~nue~ thence northerly along the centerltna of Union Av~u~ to the easterly extension of the south right of way l~n~ of ~4~h Street; thence westerly along said extension to the west right of way line of Union Avenue; thence northerly along ~aid ~ea~. rtght of way line to the southeast corner of_Tract 264~; Chance ~esterly along the south boundary of Tract 26~ and northerly along the ~st boundary of T~acta 26~ and 21~6 to the northwest co~ner of Tract 21~6, which ts the point of beginning. The b~_ndar~e~ of the Third Ward are hereby altered to read as £ollov8: All of chat part of the Clcy of Bak~.rs£teld: beginning at the imteroectton of the tenth,line of Mt. Vernon Avenue and the north L'lght of way ltn~ of Col~nnbua Avenue, which to a point on the City Limlt line; thence eaote~:ly and along the various courses of the City Limit line ~o tho ~CerseCtton of the north City Limit line and the northerl.~ axioms:ton of the centerltne of Haley Street; thence southerly' along t[~ centerltne of Haley Street to the center- lime of Vanderbtlt Drive; thence eamterly along the centerline of Vanderbilt Drive to the centerltne of the first alley east of romona Street; Chance no~:therly along the centerline of said alley Co the centerltne of the first alley south of Duke Drive; thence easterly along the centeL.'ltne of said lauC named alley to the centerltne of Occidental Street; thence northerly along the center- line of Occidental St~ to ~he centerllne of University Avenue; thence easterly along t~e cenCerltne of University Avenue to the centerltne of Mount Vernon Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of Mount Vernon Avenue to the-point of beginning. SgCTION 4. The boundarle8 of the Fourth Ward as hereby altered to read aa follows: All of that part of tim City of Bakersfield: bes;Lnnin~ at the intersection of the c~nte;ltne of 8th Street and the centerXtne R Street; t~nce no~Ch9~Xy aXon8 t~ centerline off R Street to c~Cerl~ne of Calt~o~ta Averts; thence ea;terXy al~5 the c~ter- ~e o~ ~lt~o~ Avenu~ Co the west r~ght o~ ~ay l~ne o~ Avenue; th~ce northerly a~g the west right o~ way l~ ~ ~Lon Av~ to the north ~sh~ o~ way l~e o[. ~l~o~ Avenue, th~ce easterly alon~ the north ~t~h~ el way line o~ ~l[~o~ta Avenue to t~ centerltne o~ ~ion A~nue; ~nce northerly alon~ the centerline o~ Union Av~ue to ~h~ ~aa~rly extenst~ o~ the south ri;hi of way line o~ ~th Str~=t; ~h~nc~ ~sterly al~s said ~xtenston to the ~st rtsht off way lin~ o~ ~ion Aven~; thence northerly alo~ the vest riSht off way line ~o ~he southeas~ co,er o~ Tract 26~; thence westerly alons t~ s~ch b~n~ of Tract 26~ and nort~rly the vest b~~ si ~acCs 2~ and 21~6 to the heftiest co,er o~ Tract 21~6, ~hich Is a point on the Ct~ Limit l~e, th~ce westerly and alon~ various courses o~ the Ctty Limit line ~o the ~tersect~ o~ th= ~;~ ~h~ o~ way l~e o~ U. S. ~ute 99 Fre~ay and t~ south right o; ~ay line o~ th~ ~n~ Fe ~ilr~d C~ny ~ltne tracks, thenc~ ~st~;ly al~s said s~th rift.of way line to t~ east rtsht o~ way lin~ o~ U. S. ~ute 99 Freeway, th~ce southeasterly alone said ~ast rtsht o~ way line and the north risht o~ ~y l~ne o~ Cal~o~ Aven~ to the ~est right o~ way line Oak Street; thence e~h~;ly al~ t~ west rtsht o~ way o~ Oak Steer to the c~nt~rltne of ~ltfo~ta Avenue; th~ce easterly alon~ the cen~erl~ of Calt~o~ Avenue to the c~terlLne o~ A Street; t~ce northerly and ~;ly alo~ the c~nterltne o~ A Street and 13th Street to ~ c~t=~ltne o~ C Street, thence northerly alons t~ centerltne o~ C S~$~ ~o the c~nterline o~ l~th Street; t~ce easterly al~ the c~t~ltne o~ llth Street to t~ c~terltne F Street; t~nc~ no;t~;ly al~. th~ c~erltne o~ F Street to the c~terltne of A. T. & S, F. ~ilr~d right o~ ~ay; th~ce easterly al~ t~ c~terline o~ ~td right o~ way to th~ c~terl~e R Street; t~nce s~t~;ly alons the c~erline o~ H Steer to the c~terlin~ o~ 7th St~e~; thence ~sterly sion& C~ c~terl~e 7th Street to the c~n~line o~ ~ester Argue; three northerly alon~ th~ centerlln= o~ C~;~; Avenue to the centerline 0~ 8th Steer; th~ce ~as~e~ly alons t~ centerltn= o~ 8th S~reet to S;CTION 5. ~ bo~~= off the Fifth ~ard a~ h~reby altered to read as All o~ t~t part o~ th~ ~t~y sE Bakersfield: bes~S at t~ inter- sectt~ o~ the c~te;l~, o~ T Street and t~ centerl~e o~ St~t; t~ce w~sterly alo~ th~ c~terl~e of 4th Street to the c~terl~e o~ N St~e~; th~nc~ southerly al~ the centerltne N St~ec to the c~t$~liu~ o~ 2nd Street; thence westerly t~ c~terltne o~ 2nd Sk;~t to the centerline o~ A S~t; th~ce no~rly alons t~ c~;line o~ A St~t to the centerline 3rd Street; t~ee v~t~ly alon~ t~ c~terl~e o~ 3~d Street to th= cent~rline of P[~ 5~et; ~hence southerly alo~ the c~terline o~ Pine Street to the ce~rltne of ~ Street; thence westerly alo~ the c~terl~e o~ ~ Street to ~ c~terl~e sE Oak Street; t~nce s~therly al~ ~ centerl~e o~ Oak Street, 380 ~eet o; less~ to a po~t ~ ~ Ct~ L~Lt line; t~nce ve;terly and al~g the varies co~se; of the C~ty L~tC l~e to t~ ~ntereection of t~ west r~shC sE ~ l~ne of U. S..R~te 99 F~a~.and t~ s~th r~Aht of wa~ l~e o~ c~ Santa Fe ~1road C~an~ m~nl~ne tracks; chance easterly along said south r~ght of way Il. ne Co the east right of way l~ne of O. S. Route 99 Freeway; Chance southeasterly along said east right of way line and the north right of ray line of CalifomLa Avenue Co the west right of ray line of Oak Street; Chance southerly along the west right of way -tine of Oak Street Co the cencerline of Califo~nia Avenue; thence easterly along Cite center- line of Califom~a Avenue Co the cenCerline of A Street; Chance northerly and. easterly along the cen.Cerline of A Street and 13Ch Street co the cenCerl~ne of C Street, thence northerly along the cenCerltne of C SC~e~c co the cenCerltne of l~ch Street; Chance easterly along the cenCe.'.cltne of 14th Street Co the cenCerltne of F Street; thence northerly along the cenCerline o£ F Street Co the cenCerline of A. T. & S. F. Railroad right of way; thence easterly along the centerline of said railroad right of ray Co the of H Street; Chance oouc~urly along the cenCerline of H Street Co the centerltne of 7Ch Street; thence easterly along the centerline of 7Ch Street to the c~n~erltne of Chester Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Cheater Avenue Co the centerline of 8th Street; thence easterly along the cenCerltne of 8th Street Co the cenCerline of T Street; 2Hence southerly along the centerline of T Street Co the point of beginning. SECTION 6. The boundaries of the Sixth ~ard are hereby altered Co read aa All of thaC parc of the C[Cy of Bakersfield: beginning aC the intersection of ch® concaFline of ~tlson Road and the cenCerline of ~lble Road; Chance e~oc~rly along the cenCerl~ne of ~lison Road Co the cencerline of Hughes Lane; Chance northerly along the cencerltne of Hughes Lane Co the centerltne of Echo Avenue; Chance easterly along the cenCe~rl~ne of Kcho Avenue Co the cenCerltne of Benton Street; Chance no~:Charly along the cenCerline of Benton St~eeC Co the cenCarline of Cu~Cer Avenue; thence easterly along the cencerlina o~ Cu~e~ Avenue Co the cenCerltne of Marshall Street; Chance northerly along ~h® cencerline of Marshall S~reeC .to the cenCarltne of DooliCCl~ Avenue; thence easterly along the cenCerline of DoolicC~e Avenue Co the cencerltna of Fremont Street; thence southerly along tho cen~oFltne of Fr~nonC Street Co the cenCerline of Custe~ Avenue; Chance easterly along the cenCerltne of Custer Avenue and the a~cCens~0n thereof Co the east right of vay Che_.Ke~ Isla. nd. Cana.~ ~h~ch. ps,nC ts on c_ho_ City Limit line, Chance northerly aha a~ong cna various courses of the ClOy Limit line Co the intersection of the north Fight of way lane of Brundage Lane and the ~ast ~[ghC of way line of the Central. Branch of the Kern Island Canal; Chance northerly along the iasc named east line to a point 2~0 £eeC south o~ .~he cenCerl[ne of 4ch Street; thence easterly co the cencerItna of T S.~reeC; Chance northerly along the cenCerltne of T Street co the cenCe~cltne off ~Ch Street; Chance ~esCerly along the centerltne o£ ~cb Sc~eet to the centerltne of N Street; thence southerly along the cencarl[ne of N Street to the centerl~ne of 2nd Street; Chance ~este~.-iy along the cenCerl[ne of 2nd Street the cen~erl[ne o£ A Stree~ Chance northerly along the centerltne of A Street Co the cenCerl~ne of 3rd Street; chance westerly along the centerltne of 3rd Street Co the cenCerltne of Pine Street; Chance southerly along ~he cenCerline of Pine Street Co the center- line of Bank Street; chance westerly along the centerline of- Bank Streez =o the cenCerline of Oak S=reec; thence southerly along centerl[ne of Oak SCreeC~ 380 feeC more or less, Co a City L[m~C line; Chance easterly and alon§ the various courses of the City Limit line. to the intersection o£ the south right of way line of Planz Road and the centerltne of Wible Road; thence northerly and alor~ the west line of Section 12 to the point of beg/tuning. SECTION 7. The boundaries of the Seventh Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: · All of that part of the C~y of BaMarsfteld: be§inn~ng at the intersection of the c~n~erline off ~lson ~ad and ~he cen~erl~ne o~ ~ble Road; ~hence e~rly alon~ ~he cen~erl[ne of ~lson Road ~o ~he center,in2 o~ H~h~s ~n2; ~hence nor~r~y alons ~he cen~erl~ne o~ Hu~ee ~n~ ~o ~he cen~erl~ne off Echo Avenue; ~hence ~s~erly a~on~ the cen~:l~ne o~ Echo Av~n~ ~o ~he cenZerl~ne o~ Ben,on S~ree~; ~henc~ northerly alons ~he cen~erl~ne of ~n~on S~ree~ ~o ~he cen~erl~n~ o~ ~s~r Avenue; ~h~ce easterly alons ~ cen~erl~ne o~ ~s~2r Avenue ~o ~he ten,ermine o~ ~rs~l S~ree~; ~h~ce northerly alone khe cen~erl~ne off ~rs~ll S~ree~ ~o ~ c~erl~ne o~ Doolt~[2 Avenue; ~hence easterly alon~ the c~erl~ne of ~ol[~le Avenue ~o ~ center,[ne off Frem~ S~ree~; ~hence southerly alon~ ~he cen~rl~ne of Fr~ S~ree~ ~o ~he c~er~ne of ~s~er Avenue; ~h~nc2 easterly alon~ ~he cen~erltne of ~s~er Av~ and ~he ex~s~ thereof ~o ~he 2as~ r~h~ o~ way line of ~ ~ Island Ca~l~ which po~n~ ~s on ~he C~ L~t~ line; ~hence s~Cherly and al~ ~he various courses o~ ~he City L~t~ line ~o ~he intersection o[ ~h2 ~ou~h r[sh~ o~ ~ay l~ne o~ Planz ~ad and ~he eas~ r[~ o~ way l~ne o~ ~ble ~ad; ~hence westerly alons ~he westerly 2x~ens~ off ~he las~ ~d s~h r[sh~ of ~ay l~ne ~o ~he cen~erl~n~ off ~[b~e Road; t~nce northerly ~o ~he sou~es~ co.er o~ Section 12, T 30 S. R 2~ E; ~hence northerly alone ~he SECT~0N 8. ~[2 o~d[nanc~ 2~11 be ~bmt~ted ~o re~erend~"purs~n~ Co Section 11,,1 o~ ~h~ C~r~$r o[ ~he C~y o~ Bakersfield, and ~n ~he ~en~ a ~Jo~y o[ ~2 q~l~ed registered electors vo~s hereon vote tn ~avor h~rao~, s~l~ bec~ 2~fect~ve upon ~he ~ssaEe o~ ~he ~solu~on o~ ~h~ Co~c[1 o~ ~he C~y o~ Bakersfield declar[n~ ~ results o~ ~he election. ~ H~R~B~ CE~T~F~ ~:ha~ ~ for~o~n~ Ordnance ~as ~ssed and adopted ~ ~h~ C~c~l o~ ~ C~ of Ba~rsf~eld a~ a ~hr ~et~n& ~reo{ ~ld ~ the 18t~ ~y o{ hrch, 1968, AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, $TIERN. VEITER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: '~'"x.~ _ ABSENT COUNCILMEN~' .~.~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~ · Af a av ! of r nar es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ) MARIAN S. IRVlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .............. .1...9..t...h.....d...a.f[....o...f.....M...a.?...c..h.. ........................... ,19..6...8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...... .1...8..t...h_..d...a. If.....o..f......M..a...r...c..h.. ................ 19...6..8..., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1..7...2...6. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF EACH OF THE SEVEN V~ARDS OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th~ of March ....... ?/ , 19..6...8.... Notary l~ublic in and for the County of Kern, State o~ California .,. ....................................... ....... :i~× WALTER W- SMITH ~ -: ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ~ ~ ~ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN ~ KERN CO U NTY.;,,~.;,.~-.n.~ My Commission EXl31res June 8, 1969