HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1723 ORDINANCE NO. 1723 N~ SF.~IES AN O~NANCE OF ~E CO~C!L OF ~E CI~ OF BA~FI~LD ~PNALING TI~ 15 (~IL~ P~) OF ~E ~NZCIPAL COD~ OF ~E CI~ OF B~E~FIE~ AND.ENACTING A NE~ TIT~ 15 TO ~{E t~ICIPAL CODE. ~~, Sec2ions 18020 and 18300 of ~he ~leal~h and Safety Code of ~e Sta~e of Califo~[a (as amended 196~) pr~ides ~hat ~e pr~isions of Pa~s 2 a~. 2.1 of Divisic~n 13 of said code to '~mobilsh~s and mobil~ome pa=ks'~ shall supersede any ordi~e e~c~ed by any city, county, o:f city and county, and '~E~AS, Section 18~00 of t~e Real~ and Safe~y Code (as ~ded 1~67) provides tha'~ ~i~thin certain l~i~ed areas loca~ authori=ies of a city may.exercise certain police p~ers in to mobil~.ee or mobilize parks o and ~KR~S, Title 15 of ~he H~icipal Code of ~he Ci2y of Bakersfield deals .~i~ ~'~-aile;~' Parks", and ~ER~S, it Es ~he desire of the City Co,oil of ~he City of Bakersfield =o .~oin~ly ass~ =esponsibility for enforce- ment of State La~ and to tak~ advantage of s~h power ~o enac~ l~=ed local le~isla2ion as is s21.11 available to the City Co~cil to regulate mobil~omes and mobileho~ parks. N(~, ~.~FOKZ~ BE IT O~AINgD By ch~ Council of '~e City of Bakersfield as follo~qs: S~C'.flON 1. Tf. tle 15 (T:caile= Pa:~ks) of ~he ~i~f. cipa! Code cf t_he City of ~kersf[eld is hereby :sepealed. SEC]~ION 2. ~.,~i=te !5 (~obileh~es and HObEl~e Parks) Es hereby e~ct~d as foll~s: Title 1.5 MOBILF~._OF~ PARKS Chapters: !5.04 Constt~c~ion, ~intenance, Sanitation and Conduct o~ Hobileh~e Pa~ks. CONS~UC~ON, ~AINTE~ANCE ~ SANITATION A~ CG~UCT OF ~BI~RORE PA~3 Secti~s: ':~5.04. 020 Definitions. 15~04.030 Permit To Loca~e A Mobileho~ Park--Applica=ion For- ~Hearing--I s suanu e. i5~.~0 Disposition of Monies Collec~ed, i5.04.050 Ten~s Proh. ibited, i5.04.055 Dogs, Ca~ ~ Pe~s ~ Livestock~ 15. ~. ~60 Use ~tside Licensed Park. i5.04.0~5 T~ora~'y Use ~side Licensed Park. i~. ~. ~0 Parkin~ On S~ree~s ~e~igh~ 15.04~ 080 Mobileh~.~ Park Design. 15.04. 090 Park ~intenance--Publ~c Address Sys~ 15.04.100 Fire P~ote~ion. [.[5.04. 110 Responsibilities Of ~ers ~ ~erato~s and Te~nts 15.04.115 Notice Of Violation. ~.5.04~ 120 Penalty Fo~ Viola~i~. ~.5~ 04. 125 Revocations. Of Permit. 2.5.04. 130 Severabi!ity. 15,04.0'[0 CONFORHI.T~ T_~_.0 S~_T_$~E LAW. All mobilehome the City o:~ Bakersfield shall confom to const~ction and ope;ation ~equir~en!:s of ~he California Health ~nd Sa~el:y Code, Division 13, Pargs 2 and 2.1 and ~e California Administrative Code, Ti~l.e 8, Pa~t 2. e 15,0~..020 D__EFI_~',~II_._TION~S_. For the purpose of this chapter, the general p~:ovisions of the Head. Ch & Safety Code of ~e State of C~lE~o~.~a and ~e de[EnEk~on$ as se~ ~o~ in D~vEsEon 13, Pa~s 2 and 2.1 o[ the H~l~ ~ SaE~ty Code o~ the Sta~e o[ CalEfo~ia and Titl~ 8 Pa~t 2 o~ ~e A~i.nis~rative Code o~ the SCa~e o~ Califonia shall a~ply co ~hi~ ordt. nance except ~.a~ the foll~in~ special d~finition~ 1. E~'ORC~ AGenCY is the City of Bakersfield Buildi~ Depar~eni:, the Heal~ Department of ~he Co~y of !(ern and =he Divisi~ of Building aud Housing S~andards of ~e ~Ea~e of Cali~ornia. H~R~NG--iS~U~C~. ~o mobileh~t pa~k shall be located v~itin the City of Bakersfield un~tl ~e loca~i, on chem~of is approved by the Planning C~isstm'~ cf ~ait Ci.~y in the roll,lng ~er: A. ~e p~$on desiring ~o loca~ and operate a mobileh~e p~rk tn satt. City ~11 ftl~ an applica~ion ~erefore ~t~ the Plannin~ C~islion. Said app!tca~ion shall be acc~anied by: (1) ~ copy o~ a t:~e leis1 descrtp~ion of ~e trade upon ~b.i~h the aob~.ltho~ ~ark ts Co be const~cted and a ploC plan ~es, c~l.e~ plans and ap~c~Eica~iona o[ ~he p~opoaed consC~tion~ and a description o~ ~:h~ wa~e~ supply, Er~d drai~e and me,od of s~a~e dt. spo~al. ~a.o. al?plicaCicn shall be ~cc~anied ~i~h a filing fee of fifty dolla:$ Bo Opoa P~ing .C~isaion shall sit ~he ~i:~e: /or con~id6ration by C, ~e Pla~i~ Co~misslma shall consider the plans and shall app~e ~ conditio~lly appro'~,e said plans, providiat~ by a m~ortty vote o£ its m~nbe;s, ~he C~mtsston determined ~ ~ evidence p~sented, all of the foll~i~ facts to be t~e: (1) ~a~ i-he land f.s classified in a 'T' ~ail~ Pa~k (2) ~et all of ~he provisions o~ this chapte~ and D. ~e Plar~atn~ C~istia shall disapprove said plans and no~ been ah~ ~C etid p~ne ~ill confo~ in all ~espects ~o condition; se~ ~o~ in ~ap~er 17 o~ ~is code, ~, In case ~e applica~ is not sa~is~ied ~i~h ~e action ~e Vl~nin~i C~i;ai~ he =~y~ ~i~hin ~i;ty days a~e= s~h appel in ~ri~ ~o ~e City C~nc~l. Said City Council s~ll hold a p~lic heatinE on said ~ppe~l and shall ;ender its ,decision ~l~in ~.r'~y days a~; ~a Eilin~ ~e Build~ Depa~n~ shall issue a const~c~ion pe~i~ p~ovidin~ 15.Oi,l~O DISPOSI~IO~ OF EO~_COL~T. ~0 All monies received ~de~ ~he p:~oviaione of :hi8 ~hapc~ shell be paid into :he ~ea~u~ and ~edi~e~ ~o te ~eneril fund. 1~. 04.050 TE~2 ~D: ~FA~R~TED ~~S _OF CO~USTIB~ ~T~IALS PR~!BI~E~o ~o ~e~ n~ay be erected or occupitd in any ~bil~ 15. ~. 05f DO~S, CATS~ P~T~ LI~__~~, Dogs, ,=a~s or o~her mobil~e~ trailer ~oach, ~ravel ~railer or c~p caz ~or h~n h~i~a~ion p~oses wi~in ~e Ci~ of Bakersfield, ~cep~ when parked wi~in, a lic~sed mobileh~ park, provided, h~ever, ~his section shall ~ be applicable in M-1 and M~2 Industrial Z~es unde= ~he foll~ln~ condl~ionS~ Ao No~. more ~an ~o pe~ons shall occupy sai~ mobil~e~ B. }~o more ~han ~e mobil~ome~ ~rail~ coach ~ ~ravel ~aile~ or c~ c~ ~hail be p~~ed in conneu~ion wi~ ~ch ind~rial C. ~aid mobileh~a, ~rai'le~ coach~ ~aveX ~railer or ~a= ~s~ be an acuessor~ use ~o ~he in~us~rta~ es~blishm~ D~ Occupan=2 o~ said mobil~e, =raile:~ c~ch~ ~ravel =railer ~= c~ car ~ onl~ b~ b~ a pe=s~ o= persons ~loy~ by ~e in&~s~:rial es~ab!i~l~en~ in the capacity of a ~n or cmre~,ker. ~rs~n-~ ~o ~ae per~o~n=e o~ hi~ X~.04.065 T~OP~Y USE O~JSIDE LICE. ~{S_~.~ P~- No=~i~s~andi~ 8ixCy (60) ~y~ my be grated by the ~ief B~ldin~ Inspector up~ ap~lici~ion by shying good cerise fo~ ~ran~ing s~h pemiC. ~nd by shying ~a~ ~e h~l~, ~afe~y, and ~eneral weliari adja=en~ ~c ~aid use will not.be adversely ~emigh~ o~ ~o pa~k t mobilehcie~ ~ailer coach, c~ car, o~ ~ravel ~railer ove~i~ upon a~my por~i~ of ~.e righ~oof~ay of sb~ll no~ apply ~here ,a mobileh~e~ tlcaile~ coach,. ~ 15.~.050 MO~I~~ p~ DES~~~, The pzovisiotas o~ per~inin~ to mobileh~ parl~ d~s~§n shall apply ~o n~ mob~l~ ~r~ ~d ~o ~h~ ~xp~ion o~ ~is~i~ mobilize ~r~ ~nd sh~ll no~ ba ~pplicable to ~obll~e parks prissily in ~e City o~ Bake~8~leld o~ ~~ ~o ~he Ci~ o~ Bak~a~ie~, ~ept to n~ A. Each mobil~ pa~k ~o~ 8~11 ~e~ ~he Eoll~tng (1) Ev~x'y lo'~ shall be of m size amd s~Ve ~hich will p~ovide ~eas~able .~e~ ~o~: p~f. vate uae and developer and c~veui~t p~c~n: of one ~'ailer. (2) In no ~a~ ~hall ~he ar~a o~ a ~zailer lo~ bY a ~ailt~, c~, ca~por~, ~ada, or any accesso~ ~E~ or ,~o.~ina~on ~h~reo~, ~ceed. ~ixCy pe~ cen~ o~ the ~o~1 (3) No ~inE~ ~e area Es ~c~pula~ed, h~~, ~e to'~al ~i~ densi~ oi nini (9) l~i:~ per ac~e. (4) Each mobilth~i lo~ $~iI bt iden~ifitd ~it an End,vidal n'~er ~n lo~leal ~equence ~d ~h~n on ~he plo~ ~e park. ~ck and a~ leas~ ~y {~.0) f~e= by ~ (10) fee~ shall be · t~ted ad],acen~ to each mobf~.ehome location ~ ~e ri~h~ ~de B. A ~ix (6) fco~; m~son~y wall, o~- app~'~ed equivalent fenci~, shall be cons~z~=~ed o,n ~a side and r~ar proper~ lines where requ:[red ~o p~cotec2 ~he axist[n~ or ~=e v~,~ oi ~he adjace~a~ prop~r~y. C. Access ~ai, s sb~ll not be use~ ~or parking o~ v~icles~ alley~ or in compliance ~i=h Section 18612 (a)(b) of ~e H~I~ and : Do ~:,1~. mobile/~a,m~ .Da_~s shall have ~n~ress or e~ress ~ead~n~ ~o a public ~horo~h~are. E~ ~ch mobilize pack shall contain ~e off-$~ee~ au~o~ mob~l~ park~n~ space c~$s=in~ of an appr~ed conc=e~e sl~ for ~ch mobil~ome lo~ ~in said mobilize park~ spaces for ~enan~ ~h~re sha~.l be es~abliShed and ~.n~ne~ area ehall be e~ual =o on~ space or frac~ ~ereof w~h~n the mob~le~ome park~ each s~ace .~o be no ~ess ~han ~'~ht and one.,.~lf (~%) 1~ 0.~. 090 P~K ~-~E~E.-oP~LIC ~D~ESS SYST~. 1. ~quipped ~-~h ~Tiv~ays 3. If they c~a~.n 9ubl~.c address Sys~ or 'loudspeakers .8a~d public address 8~~ oT l~dspea~:e~-s shall be ~n~=al.le~ or ~n~ained in such a .~ay ~at ~e~ ca~o~ be hear~ 'be~o~ ~h~ b~.rie~ o:[ ~he mobileh~a 15.~'1~)0' ~I~~C~.~. ~e pro'v~sJ, on~ o~ this ~ec=ion sha. ll f~re h~dra~ats of sufftci~m~ ~i~;~ and deiiver.ing 8ufficien= pTess~r~ ,, f and located within a su. fficient distance of one eno'abex to prov~.d4e adequate fire pTo~ecticu for each mobil~o~ lot of the ~bil~o~ park. ~e plac~t and inst~.llation of fire hydr~ts ~t be A. It shall be %~nlawful fo~' an~ person, fi~ or co~oration viola=e auy of ~he provi~s of ~hi~ chap=er, B. It shall be =nla~ful for any person, fi~ or co. oral,.on ~ing~ ~intatnin~ o~ in c~rol of any mobileh~(e~ o~ ~he scot,pant de=e~nes by ~nsp~c~i~n ~ha~: a violation of '~s ch~p~e= ~[st~e the enforc~en~ a~ency shall order the v[olaZ~on co~rec=ed and or Vacation of ~e vio!a,~io~a, ~e enforc~enC aseucy shall ~iva a ~o ~.ke ~e correction o~: e:~fa=t ~e vacation, Sa:id notice s~!l set for~ the violative ~e'te~:~n~ b~ the in~ll)~t~. violaCi~ any oi ~e p~ovialo=s of ~his chap~e~, o~ dia~e~ar~ina any .laWful order o:i the enfo~:'~mmen~ agencies or fh%~linEs of ~ae City C~ci]L wi~h ~:'e~peeC to said mobt. l~e park or contribu~in~ a fine not exceedi~ Five, Hunilaed Dollars ($500.00) or by ~p=l~ouo by bo~ such fine and !,~.~;.!~(~,~'~ent., ~very pe~aon~ ~i~ or =orpo~a~ 8~ AYI~: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REE~, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER,, WHITI'EMORE NOr-C:: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: AESTAINING COUNCILMEN: Aff avi! of osting ( r inan es STATE OF C,~TJFORNIA,[ SS. County of Kern ~ MARI~ S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ..................... ..F..e...b...r.p_a..r..y.....2...O.. .................................... 19..6..8.... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............. .F_e...b.*..u...a..r.x....1...9. ......................... 19..6...8..., which ordinance was numbered .............. ..1..7...2...3. ............... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD REPEALING TITLE 15 (TRAILER PAt/KS) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND ENACTING A NEW TITLE 15 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...2...0..t...h...day of ........ .F....e...b..r...u...a..r.~. ................... ,19...6...8... Notary Public in and tor the County of Kern, State of California : ~ OFFICIAL SEAL ~ (~ WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC-CALIFORNIA ~ PRINCIPAL OFFIRE IN : ......................................... KERN COUNTY WALTER W, SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969