HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1722 OF, D~NANC~. NO. 1722 NE~ SEItlES AN ~~~ ~~NG SE~Z~ 17.12.020 OF C~~ 17,12 (ZONING ~P) ~ ~ ~C~P~ CODE ~ ~ C~ ~ ~~F~E~. W~~ ~n acco=dance w~h ~he ~rocedure se= forth ~n ~he p~[elon~ o~ T~le ~ o~ ~he ~c~l Code of ~he C~y of ~rs[ield~ ~:he Plann~n~ Co~ss~ and C[~ C~c~l ~ve held h~r~s respec=~vely, on mo=~on ~o zone certain proper~ n~ be~ a~exed ~o sa~d C~ and ~~S, ~he City ~o~c~1 ~s de,em[ned after due cons~dera=~on of ~he mo~[on and rec~n~.~ of ~he Pla~n~ C~ss~on~ here~n on f~le, =o~e~her wi~h ~e reasons a~anced a~ ~ ~ar~n~ ~or ~he zon~n~ off sa~d properS, ~ sa~d zon~ s~ld be authorized upon anne~~ of said p~per~y ~o ~he Cl~y. N~, ~FO~ ~E IT O~I~D by ~he Cocci1 of ~he SEC~ON ~. .~ Sec~ 1~.12.0~0 of ~p~er 1~.1~ (Zon~ ~p) of =he ~cipal 'Code of ~he C~=y of ~kersf~eld, be and ~he sa~ ts he=eby a~nded by ex=en~[n~. ~he b~r~es of sa~d ~p ~o ~nclude ~se ceftin properties ~ ~he Co~y o~ ~ located wes=erly fr~ Un~ Avenue ~o San D~ and f~m ~h S~ree~ ~o nor=h of ~he Ba~rsf[eld ~o~1 ~osp~al~ ~ as ~ D~S NO. 1 ~exa~ton, ~n an ~-4-D ~ul~ple Family ~e11[~ - Arch~ec~ral Design)Zone and ~n a C-2-D (C~~al - Arch~ec~ral Des[~) Zone, up~ ~he ~o~r[es of ~hich proper~y are sh~ on ~he ~p he~=o a~c~d and ~de a par~ of ~h~s o=~nce, and are more specifically described as fo11~s: Be~nnin~ a~ ~ nor=heas~ co,er of =~ certain anne~~ ~o ~he C~y of ~kersfield on A~s~ ~, 19~2, des~ed as "M~or~al ~sp~l #2"; ~hence eas=erly alo~ =he easterly prolonsatton o£ the north l~ne of said annexation to a point on the easterly right of way line of the East Side Canal; thence southerly along said east line of said canal to. intersect the north right .of way ltne of 3~th Street, which 18 82.5 feet in width, tb~nce westerly along sa~d north line of 3~th Street to intersect the east line of that certain annexation to the City of Bakersfield o_,n, Hay 6, 19§4, desisnated as '~morial Hospital St~e ; thence northwesterly along the east line of said annexation to the northeast corner of Hemortal Hospital Site Annexation, this point also being the southeast corner of said l~morial Hospital ~2 Annexation; thence continuing northwesterly alon_g the easterly b _o~ndary of said Hemortal Hospital #2 Annexation to the TO A C-2-D (~RC~JLL - A~CHIT~CTURAL DESI~q) ZOla: Beginning a~ ~h~ nor~h~s~ co.er sE C~ cer~ 1~62~ des~ed as "~or~l Hospital ~2"; eeo~erly along north ~2 off ~a~d a~a~tLon ~o a po~nt ~ ~he e~s~erly southerly alo~ sa~d ~s~ l~ne o~ sa~d ca~ ~o ~rsec~ ~he north r~sh~ of ~y line of 3~h S~reer. ~hich ~s 82.~ ~id north r[Sh~ o~ ~ay ~n~ o~ Un~ Avenue, which ~s 11~.~ ~et ~n w~d~h~ ~h~ce northerly al~S said ~es~ line of Un~on Av~u~ ~o ~he s~h~s~erly co.er o~ Trac~ 2~ ~h~nc~ ~2s~arly alo~ ~he s~h l~ne si Lo~ ~ o~ ~d Trac~ 26~ ~o ~he sou~es~erly co.er o~ sa~d ~ac~ 2~; ~nce sou~h 8 desrees ~0 m~u~es 60 ~conds eas~, ~.65 fee~; ~h~ce 2ou~h 21 a line of sa~d north ~n$ off sa~d ~r~al Hospita~ ~2 ~~~ ~r~ec~; ~hence westerly alon~ sa~d easterly prol~~ o~ said north l~ne o~ sa~d ~o~al Ho2p~ ~2 ~ne~~ ~o ~he ~e po~n~ of begging. SECTION 2. This o~dinance shall become effective upon the annexation of the aboveode~cribed te~itory to the City of Bakers- field. ......... 000 AYES: COUNCIl. MEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COI3NGILMEN: .~. ~,.&.~ ~..---,, ABSEFIT COUNCILMEN: ~,~,,~ _ ABSTAIN:NC COUNCILMEN: ' · ,~.,.~.~: L .~.~.~.' .. . .'.~. ~.)'.-'. :: .'..'.'.'.'. :.'.'.'i.')'.:.'.' '.j. :'..'.'-:'. "."'. .... ~ ~'.: .......... .. -.... . · .. ~: '...... ~..'.. ..... . ......... . . · . . . · ... . ~/~'~.' .,... :~.:....... : · ..'.'.....:..'..... . .,... . . ~... :........ ~,~ ~. ......:.,.:... . .. :.- ..  I::;:.::. j'. ~ ' · '-':'?: ,~' . :'~:'....'. 2: '.. '.--2 .'.'.'.' ~ ~.~.~.:.'..'..'..'..-.....'..'.-'.. ':.: .'..'.-'..'..'..'L u 34 th ST. P~OPOS~D ~.R-i Zone =~.~a~ City Boundary ZOninG UPO~ ~~[ R-4-D Zone .... , ..... Annexotion Boundary STATE OF C,~L!FORNIA,~ SS. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and saYS: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ..F..e...b...r..u...a...r.y_...1..3. .............................................. 19...6...8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. ._F..e..b..~.~..a...~y.....1...2. ....................... 19....6...8., which ordinance n m 1722 was u bered ........................................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 17,12,020 OF. CHAPTER 17.12 (ZONING MAP) OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this '~"3"t'"h""day °f'-'"'F'"e"b'"~'"u"a'"~"Y" ................ z~'"', 19'""6"8" Notary Public in .and"~o~..the..~oua~;y..,9.~....~.e.r.n, State o~ California " ~ o, ,b~ii'4['"~'D([ ................. : wAu' w. ," ~.{,~7 Pr~INCIF'AL OFFICE IN ....... '~'~' K~-- ..'.:,.,. ..... · RN COUNTY ",!"?i~';:'~_'Y~' w. SMITH "'"~' ' My i' ~mmis~l~m Expires .lu~