HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1721 ORDINANCE NO. 1721 NE~ SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATXON OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABXTED TERRXTORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS **SAN DIMAS NO. 1", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CXTY. I?HE~, a petition was Etled with the Council o~ the City o£ BakersEteld on the lgch ~y sE Dec.bet, 1967, requesCtn8 t~t certain ~in~b~ted ~e~to~ there~n described be a~exed to and ~ncorpo~aCed w~ch~n the CtCy o~ Ba~rs~teld, and ~~S, oa~d pectC[on was 8~ed by the ~er8 o~ one- ~rCh si the land, by ~, and by assessed value as sh~ on the ~as~ equalized assess~ ~olX o~ the Co~ of Ke~ and ~~S, the Ce~Co~ described tn said petition ts conCt~s Ca~r~Co~ ~o be annexed, and ~~S, C~ 9a~d CerrtCo~ does nsc ~o~ a parc of any ocher ctcy, and ~~S, prior co the &Ce hereof there ~s been f~led tn C~ o~tce of the CtCy Clerk of the CtCy of Bakersfield, a ~rtCC~ consent, st~ed by the ~ers o~ ~re Cb~n ~o-chtrds of the value o~ the ce~[co~, C~c satd te~t~o~ be subjected co Ca~Cton a~Ce~ Ohm co~X~ct~ o~ such a~exacton eq~lly ~tCh the p~perCy in the Ct~ of Bakersfield co ~y the bonded ~n~bCe~ess o~ sa~d C~Cy ~here[n described, as prodded ~or tn Ordt~nce 893, N~ Settee, ~ Ordnance No. 950, Ne~ Sertes, tn Ordinance No. 1112, N~ Sertes, ~n O~di~nce No. X229, N~ Sertes, tn Ordt~nce No. X36~, N~ Se~e~, and ~n Ordtnance No. 1~93, all of the Ct~ o~ ~rs~teld, and any and all ocher indebCe~ass or X~ab~Xt~ off the C~cy ~CsCandtn5 or auChortzed ~ and after the ~Ce o~ c~leCt~ of sa~d annexation, and Chis C~nctl hereby dece~nes c~c satd consent ts st~ed by C~ ~ers o~ ~re C~n ~o-Chtrds o~ c~ value o~ t~ ~errtCo~, and c~ltes tn ~e~ respect with the provisioa8 of Section 35319 of the Government Code of th~ State of Caltfo~nia~ and ~~S~ tha O~c~ o~ the C~ o~ Ba~e~sf~e~d d~d~ on ~ 26~h ~ o~ D~c~~ 1~7~ pas~ a ~e~o~u~ being No. 104-67, ~n c~pl~nce ~h ~he p~s~ons of ~ha ~e~on c.f ~n~b~ted Te~o~ Ac~ o~ 1939~ ~nd amen~n~s ~he~e~o~ being T~Cle ~, Division 2~ ~a~t 2~ ~p~ 1, l~Cicl~ 5 of t~ ~e~t Code of the S~aCa off Cal~fo~ia~ spec[ff[cally describtn~ the boun~rtes of the ~e~ico~ so proposed to b~ annexed ~o the City o~ Ba~rs~teld, and d~s~naCtn~ ~h t~Co~ by an approp~e name, and seCtin~ ~on~y~ th~ 12th ~y o~ F~b~ty, 1968, a~ the hour c~ 8:00 p.m. ~n the Co, oil C~mbe~s of ~he City ~1~ ~501 ~tun Aven~ Bsk~rsff~eld~ Call~o~ as ~he ~y, hou~ and place ~'hen and vhere the City Co~cil ~ld h~a~ p~o~sts rode by any person ~[n~ ~eal p~op~ ~Chtn ~h~ a~o;~a~d te;;~to~ and ~~, said R~$olu~on was ~bl~hed aC leas~ ~tce, buC no~ o~C~er C~n ~c~ a ~ek in ~e Baktrsfteld Caltfonian~ a n~=papet oE ;eh=iai c~cula~on published in the Ctty of Bakers~t~ld~ and also In ~ Oil~le N~s~ a n~spape~ o~ general ct~ulaCion publ~ahod o~a~da o~ the C~y o~ Ba~rs~teld~ buC ~ C~ c~c~ ~eha~ aa~d ~t~o~ ts locaCed~ said ~blicaC~ons ~vtns bo~n co~l~C~d ~ l~asC ~en~ ~ys p~tor Co the ~Ce aec ~o~ aatd hea~n~ ~n co~plianc~ ~Ch Section 35311 o~ Oho ~e~nC Code ~ and ~~S~ Ch~ City Cl~k o~ the C~C~ of Bakersfield ~s caused v~tCC~ nocica of such. proposed a~exatton ~o be Stv~ b~ p~opo~ad annexation ~o ~h~ pa~aons one,Clad chereco~ ~n c~l~ance ~ich aubdiv~siona (a) and (b) of Section 35311 o~ said ~e~nC Cod~ and ~tS, aC ~h~ .c~ma ~.®~ for haa~tng p~o~®sCs~ no e:~c~ p~o~ea~a ~re ~d again~ ~he:'~'~po~d anne~tion by any in ~p ~ook 12~ pa~ 108 ~co~d~ o~ said ~ Coun~y~ said ~C~ (1} ~~ly a!~ ~h~ las~ na~ co.orate boun~ being of 11~o5 fee~ :~n ~-yf.d~h, b~tn~ also a po~n~ ~ ~ cor- ~a~ 3f~b, ~:~ec~ ~ d~sc~b~d ~n =~ ~ain d~e~, recorded d~~ed ~~1 Hospital Si~eTM a~ d~ned by ~C~ (~) normally am~ m~l~e~=e=ly along ~h~ las~ ~d cot- 3 on ~h® corpo~a',~® bo~~ o~ ~he City ~C~ (5) no~a~a~ly~ ~,~a~a~ly and ~ou~h~ly alon~ ~he bo~~ ~ ~ ~o~h~a~ co~ oE B~ock ~30~ as ~0~ ~0~ ~.~ 'S~e~ ~p o~ ~e ~n~ ~~on~ ~h~ao~ ~ ~d ~locks a~ ~h~ on ~~on o~ ~a no~h ~ne o~ ~c~ ~o~ 2~ as ss~d C~~ ~h~ ~o~.~a~ coma~ o~ card ~ac~ ~o. 21t6~ said ~or~h~aa~ eo~aa~ ba~ a po~n~ on ~he corporata b~nda~ ~~ {~) ~h~~ly~ ~o~-~e~ly and ~ou~hea~e~ly alon~ i~ ~ na~ co~ot,~e bo~~ ~o ~he ~ou~et o~ b~~ a~ ~o~atntn~ 42050 O~ ~ o Said ~a~rl~o~ and ~ha p~oper~y located ~herein~ ohall~ Ba~~eld~ be ~bJecaad 2o ~a~ton eq~lly with ocher ~n ~he Oi~y o~ ~~t~.~t to ~ay the b~ded indeb~edneso o~ the City of Bak~i~eld~ fl~a~ibed ~n the a~orem~ion~d oone~ Noo 11120 N~ $~rie~ im O~°di~mce No. 1229~ Naw Series~ ............. 000 ........... 1; ItI~I~BY CI~'XFtI' ~:b.~l: i:he £o~esot.t~ Oz'cl~.rmnce p~secl en~t adopl:~cl by ~:1~ Covnct. l. o~ the Cl.t'y o£ Bakero~l. el.d at: a z'~l,~' ~.~l:in, ~; i:h~z'~o~ ~l. cl on t:lte 1.2t:h day o~ Feb~q~aryo 1.968, by AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, V~rl'ER. WHITTEIMORE NOES: COUNC*,LMEN: _~. ~ ~ ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~~ ABSTAININg COUNCILMEN; .~. ~..)f~ _ Affi avi! of losling Ori inar es STATE OF C~T.TFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern J MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ ..F..e...b.2.:.u...a...r~...1..3. ............................................. ,19...6...8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... ..F..e.._b..r..u...a...r.y......1..2.. ........................... , 19....6...8., which ordinance was' numbered ............ .1...7..2...1. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "SAN DIMAS NO. 1", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..1..3...t...h....day~ ....... .F...e...b..r...u..a...r. ~. .................... ,19.....6..8.. .................. ........ Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ~]~. WALTER W. SMITH ~'~,/ KERN COUNTY .... m~ WALTER W, SMITH I~¥ Commission Expire.",