HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1738 ORDINANCE NO. 1738 NEW SERIES ~"'-'~ '~ ? J. EL C]'-T¥ OF AN O~,DJ.~,.A.NCL OF THE COUNCIL OF =' ]? _._ BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CI-~.PTER 3.18 OF THE ~ ~]ICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3.18.060, 3.].8.070, 3.18,080, 3'. ].8 .140 , 3.18.150 and 3.18,180, AND ADDING R'EW SECTIONS 3.18,].52 .and 3.18.154. , BE IT OP~AINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as fo].lo~s: ' O' .SEC%I N 1.. That Section'3.18.060 of the Municipal Co{]e of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as fo].lows:. 3.18.060 Salary Schedule. All employment within the city service = ',~ ~ class title which shall be allocated a salary shall be a=,s~n..d a range as follow, s: ~.Class Overtime Class Salary Number ~_gm__pen sa t ion Title 100 (2) AccOunt Clerk 21 ].04 (2) Accountant I 34 108 (1) A{]minis ~ra tive Assistant 42 ].12 (2) Adminis'tra tive Secretary 24 116 . (2) Animal Warden 26 120 (1) Asst. Aud-Recreation Manager 52 124 (1) Assistant City Attorney 56 128 (1) Assistant Finance Director 50 132 (1) Asst. Dir. of Public Works-Field 58 136 (1) Assistant Fire Chief 52 l&.0 (2) Assistant Planner 35 144 (1) Assistant Planning Director 50 148 (1) Assistant t,ec~_eation Director 44 152 (1) Assista.~t San-J. tation Supt. 42 156 (2) Associate P].anner 43 160 (1) Au~]i toriu~.~ Manager 65 164 (2) Auditorium Stage Manager 33 168 (2) Automotive Serviceman ! 21 Class Overtime Class Salary Number .C, o!~jpensa tion Title .p_~a ~_D_g~ 172 (2) Automotive Serviceman II 23 176 (1) Building Inspector I 37 180 (1) Building Inspector II 41 !84 (2) Building Maintenance Foreman 26 188 (2) Building Maintenanceman I 16 192 ..(2) Building Maintenanceman II 20 196 (2) Building Maintenanceman III 23 200 (1) Building Plan Check Engineer 44 204 (2) Buyer 35 208 (1) Cash Management Supervisor . 38 212 (2) Ca shier- Receptionist 8 216 (1) Chief of Audits' 43 220 (1) Chief Building Inspector 61 '224 (1) City Attorney 70 228 (1) · .City Clerk 46 232 (2) ~ity Clerk's Assistant 20 236 (1) City Manager 81 240 (2) Clerk Stenographer I 15 244 (2) Clerk Stenographer II 18 248 (2)' Clerk Typist '13 252 (2) Console Operator 25 256 (1) Data Processing Supervisor 43 260 (1) Deputy Auditor-Controller 43 264 (1) Deputy City Attorney 46. 268 (1) Deputy Fire Chief 56 272 (].) Deputy Police Chief 58 276 . (1) Deputy Public Works Director 6]. .280 (2) Detective' I 38 284 (2) Detective II 40 '288 (1) Dril lma s ter 50 292 (1) Electrical Superintendent 43 o Cla s s Overtime Cia s s Sa lary Number Com. pensa tion Title Range 2 96 (2) Electrician 33 300 (2) Engineer I 39 304 (2) Engineer II 45 308 (1) Engineer III 51 312 (1) Engineer IV 53 316 (2) Engineering Aide I 24 320 (2) Engineering Aide II 30 324 (2) Engineering Draftsman 34 328 (2) Engineering Technician 37 332 (1) Equipment Mechanic Supervisor 40 336 (2) Equipment Operator I 22 340 (2) Equipment Operator II 26 344 (2) Equipment Operator III 30 348 (1) Equipment Superintendent 50 352 (1) Finance Director 64 356 (2) Fire Alarm Operator 16 360 (2) Fire Alarm Operator Supervisor 18 364 (.1) Fire Alarm Superintendent 43 368 (2) Fire Alarm Technician I 33 372 (2) Fire Alarm Technician II 41 376 (1) Fire Captain 42 380 (1) Fire Chief 63 384 (2) Fire Engineer 37 388 (1) Fire Inspector 42 392 (1) Fire Marshal 50 396 (2) Firefighter 33 400 (2) Junior Traffic Signal Technician 26 404 (2) ~Ke~punch O_p~ .r.a t. o.r--~-~ ~ 13 408 (2) Legal Secretary 22 · 412 (2) License Inspector 16 416 (2) Maintenance Mechanic 30 3. Class Overtime Class Salary Number Compensation Title R__a..nge 420 (2) Maintenanceman I (P.W.) 22 424 (2) Maintenanceman II 26 ~28 (2) Maintenanceman III 30 432 (1) ~_ Main t e~ e ' Super~'i s~o r 39 436 (1) Master Mechanic 43 440 (2) Mechanic I 27 444 (2) Mechanic II 32 448 (2) Motor Coach Operator 23 452 (2) Motor Sweeper Operator 27 456 (2) Office Clerk 17 460 (1) Park Foreman 37 464 (2) Park Maintenanceman 21 468 (2) Parking Meter Serviceman 23 472 (1) Parks Superintendent 50 476 (1) Parks Supervisor 40 480 i2) Personnel Clerk 22 484 (1) Planning Director 61 488 (1) Police Captain 52 492 (1) Police Chief 65 496 (2) Police Communications Operator 16 500 (2) Police Communications Sergeant 38 504 (1) Police Identification Technician 43 508 (1) Police Lieutenant 47 512 (2) Police Patrolman 35 516 (1) Police Sergeant 43 520 (2) Poundman 19 524 (2) Poundma s ter 23 528 (1) Public Works Director 69 532 (1) Purchasing Agent 43 536 (1) Radio Technician 43 4. Class Overtime Class Salary Number .~ompensation Title Range 540 (2) Receptionist 13 544 (2) Recreation Supervisor 33 548 (2) Sanitation Crewman I 20 552 (2) Sanitation Crewman II 23 556 '(1) Sanitation R~ute Foreman 28 ~60 (1) Sanitation Route Inspector 29 564 (1) Sanitation Superintendent' 50 568 (1) Sanitation Supervisor 34 572' (2) Secretary 22 576 (1) Senior Administrative Assistant 49 580 (2) Senior Office Clerk 20 584 (1) Service Technician. 36 588 (1) Sewer Maintenance Foreman 34 592 (2) ~ewer Maintenanceman 23 596 (1) Street Cleaning Foreman 29 600 (1) Street Foreman 34 604 (1) Street Maintenance Supervisor 42 608 (2) · Tabulating Equipment Operator . '19 612 (2) Tax and License Auditor 27 616 (1) Traffic M~rking Foreman 36 620 (2) Traffic Officer 37 624 (1) Transit Garage Foreman 34 628 (2) Transit Route Foreman 26 632 (1) Transit Superintendent 51 636 (1) Tree Foreman 30 640 (1) Tree Maintenance Supervisor 40 644 (2) Utility Man 17 648 (2) W.W. Treatment Plant Lab Technician and Operator 30 652 (2) W.W. Treatment Plant Operator I 23 Class Overtime Class Salary Number _Compensation Title Range 656 (2) w.W. Treatment Plant Operator II .. 25 660 (1) W.W. Treatment Plant ~ Operator III 34 664 (1) W.W. Treatment Superintendent 50 5(a). SECTION 2. That Section 3.18.070 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield ·is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.18. 070 Tem__p_o_r_ar__y. Positions. Tb.e following ·rates shall apply to temporary 'positions with the City of Bakersfield: Name of Position Rate Assistant Pool Manager 2.35 per hour Com~nunity Recreation Leader 3.40 per hour District Redreation Supervisor 3.00 per hour Janitor 2,00 per hour Junior Recreation Assistant 1.50 per hour I, ifeg~a.rd 2.00 per hour Official I 6.00 per game Official II 4.00 per· game Pool Cashier ~..50 per hour Recreation Leader I- 2.75 per hour Recreation Leader II 2.35 per hour Recreation Leader III 2.00 per hour School Crossing Guard 2.05 per hour Scorer 3.00 per game Special Activity Leader 2.75 per hour Student Motor Coach Operator 2.40 per hour '~· Swin~ning Pool Manager 2.75 per hour Ticket Seller 2.30 per hour SECTION 3. That Section 3.]·8.080 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby .amended to read as follows: 3.18. 080___Te_n!p°rary_E!M~lo~ment~_ .~ -Hourly, .._Pa_.)f_. Temporary and seasonal work~ shall be compensated at an hourly rate of p~y. Temporary and seasonal work performed by any person shall not entitle ·the said person ~.o any vacation credit or sick lea~e o~ other employee bene- fits. No t°emporary personnel shall attain any civil service status because of such emplo)nnent·. SECTION 4. That Section 3,18.140 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.18.].40 Overtime (a) PolicLy.. In case of emergency, or whenever the publi~ interest requireog~ a Department ]'lead rosy ~equest an employee to perform overtime work. The performan'ce of overtime ¥~ork by employees within the municipal se · :.v~ce shall be kept to the m.inim~m and authorized only ¥~hen necessary for the efficient .operation of the departments and activities of the City 0f Bakersfield. Overtime shall be authorized only under the rules and procedures established in the Administrative Rules a~d Regulations· or by directive of the City Manager. (b) Overtime Not_A_p_plicable. Overtime compensation provisions_ si{all not apply to Department }leads nor certain other positions designated by the number one (1) in parentheses preceding each class title of Section 3,18.060 Salary Schedule. Such personnel are compensated on the basis of responsi- bilities and characteristics of· the duties performed and additional ..time required for performance of their duties is not considered overtime. In. the event department operations require extra ~.~ork assignments of an employee so designated, he shall be authorized payment for overtime worked at the hour'ly rate of pay for the employee's class or positi.on, or equivalent time off ~,~ith pay. Extra work assignments must be recommended by the Department Head and have approval of the C~.ty Manager. (c) Overtime/T.~m_~l~.~or_a_yy' Personnel. Temporary, seasonal, and part-time employees shall be compensated for all ~.~ork perfo~.n~ed at their established rate of pay., (d) Overtime Compensation/Fire Department. Compensation ~ill be granted to Fibre Department personnel uno. er appropriate sections of Fire Department rules and regulations as esta'~blished by the Administrative Rules and Regulations. (e) Attendance at Meetings. Overtime shall not be granted to any employee a tte~ding meetings of the City CounciI or any board or commission of the city in the p'erformance of his regular duties, (f) ~.!~.@~'i~:.[j~.j.c.-'~_/~A_.c__c!.¥j>_5!]_-..~].ti~_o~.. Overtime may be accumulated up to~ but not exceeding, a ~redit of forty (40) hours at any one time. Accumulation of mor~ than forty (40) hours v,~ill require prior approval of the City Manager. (g) Overtime Records. An accurate' record ~f all authoz'ized overtime shall be kept to the nea].~est half-hour. SECTION 5. That S~ction 3.18.150 of the Municipal Code of the City.. of Bakersfielcl is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.'].8.150 Overtime Compensation. (a) A_l!p_!j_c__abilit. M. Only full-time pern'mnent employees of'the City of Bakersfield, designated by the number two (2) in parentheses preceding each class title of Section 3.18.060 Salary Schedule, shall' be eligible for compensatory time off or payment for overtime worked.. (b) .6.'o.m_pensator! Time. Overtime authorized for a permanent full-time employee shall be'compensated for by crediting the employee time off at the rate of :one and one-half hours for each hour of overtime worked during the employee.'s reg~larly scheduled work period .or paid in accordance with Section .3.18. 150 (c). Such compensatory time shall be taken ~.~hen designated or approved by the Department Itead in accordance with procedures established in the Administrative.. Rules and Regulations. (c) Over'time P__a.~M. When the Department Head determines it is in the best- interest' for the operation of his department and the City of Bakersfield, he may recommend payment for overtime worked at one and one-half times the hourly rate of pay for the employee·'s class or 'position. (d) Volontar.¥ Overtime Employees el.~.o-,.ble may volunteer for overtime duty on a nonemergency basis. In such instance such personnel shall be compensa.ted for.' such overtime worked by equivalent t_m,., off or over.'time payment at the hourly rate of p~y for the emp].oyee"s class o~'; position. (e) Overtime Pay/Police and Fire Departments. Overtime compensation for members of the Police and Fire Departments will be administered in accordance with appropriate sections of the Police or Fire Department rules and regulations as established by the Administratiw~ Rules and Regulations. (f) Overtime Compensation/Pay Period Basis. When overtime pay is authorized, employees shall be compen.sated for overtime work. performed on a pay period basis. Pay for overtime worked shall be designated on the employee's pay warrant. (g) Overtime Compensation/Termination. Any employee who has authorized overtime accumulated at the time of his termination from service with the City of Bakersfield shall receive cash compensation for such overtime calculated upon his rate of pay at the time of te~nination. SECTION 6. That new Section 3.18.152 is hereby added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield to read as follows: 3.18.152 Call-Back/Additi0nal Compensations' except Police and Fire Departments (a) Minimum Time. An employee who is directed to return to work to perform additional services after completion of his regular work period shall 'be authorized a minimum of two hours overtime work. (b) Credit. Any call=back during which the employee performs. two or more hours of overtime work shall entitle him to an authorized overtime credit for the number of hours actually worked to the nearest half-hour. (c) Prior to Work Period. Any Call-back which occurs prior to and which continues through the beginning of the employee's regular work period shall not entitle the employee to the two hour minimum. Such call-back shall entitle the employee to an authorized overtime credit of the number of hours actually Worked to the nearest half-hour. 9. (d) Maximum Time. Call-back time may not exceed eight hours in any eight hour shift. SECTION 7. That new Section 3.18.154 is hereby added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield to read as follows: - 3.18.154 Stand-By/Additional Compensation~ except Police and Fire' · Departments. An employee who is directed to remain on call at his home on his normal day off, shall be compensated at the rate of $3.00 per shift of such stand-by service at home and shall be paid the stand-by rate or at one and one-half the employee's hourly rate for time worked to the nefrest one-half hour, whichever is greater, if actually called back to work during such assignment. All stand-by assignments must be authorized by the Department Head concerned. SECTION 8. That Section 3.18.180 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: · 3.18.180 Holidays. (a) ~it~v Manager to Designate. On the effective date of this section and in each December of every succeeding year, the City Manager,'after consultation with each certified employee association .or labor organization, shall submit a list of eight (8) holidays to be observed by the City of Bakersfield to the City Council for approval. In addition, holidays will be observed on every day appointed by the President or Governor for a public feast, thanksgiving holiday, or day of mourning'. (b) Half-Day Holid.ays. In addition to the eight established holidays~ a one-half day holiday in the afternoon on Good Friday, Christmas Eve (December 24), and New Year's Eve (December 31) shall be observed as holidays by employees, exc'ept Police and Fire personnel, provided, however, no such one-half day shall be granted when Christmas and New Year's Day fall on a Sunday or Monday. 10. (c) Sunday Holiday Observance.. In the event the holiday designated falls on Sunday, the 'following Monday shall be observed as the holiday. (d) Work on Holidays. Employees required to work on holidays which are not part of their regular work. schedules may be compensated with compensatory time off or overtime pay. (e) Holidays on Day Off. In the event that a holiday falls. on an employee's day off, he shall be compensated by leave of absence with pay on another day, or he shall receive equivalent pay as deter- mined by the Department Head. (f) ~mployees Whose Work/Duty Schedule Normally Requires Holiday Work. Employees whose work or duty schedule does not pemnit obser- vance of holidays may be paid annually in the month of June of each year for holidays not observed in the preceding twelve (12) months. (g) Employees Holiday work/Rate of Pay. Police and Fire '~ersonnel who are required to work on a shift basis and whose schedule does not allow observance of holidays shall be paid at their regular rate of pay for eight (8) basic holidays. Holidays will be paid to Fire Department shift personnel at the rate of~t~_w.o,..holidaysffor~..ea~h-~, ODE (1) twenty-four (24) hour shift.. All other employees shall be paid at time and .one-half the hourly rate of pay for their class or position for such holidays worked. (h) .Eligibilit.~. All'employees, 'exCept temporary or part-time,. of the city shall be entitled t.o eight (8) basic holidays per year or compensatory time off °r payment for them and, if applicable, three (3) one-half day holidays when any of the three occur during the employee's normally scheduled work period. (i) Holidays at Termination. An employee leaving permanent city service shall be allowed regular compensation for holidays due him up to the effective date of termination, 11. SECTION 9. IT IS FURTHER ORDAINED that the provisions of this ordinance shall become effective July· 1, 1968. SECTION 10. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days'from and after the date of its passage. -- o0o- 12. · ~:.~;,~o~_ C~,kIIlt ,that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the.Council of the Cits~ of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on ~he 18th day of Jnne 1968, by the ~ollowing vote. " AYES: COUNCILMEN HE;ISEY, HOSKING, REE$. RUCKER, STIERN. YEITER. WHITrEMORE NOE~: COUNCILMEN: ,f~~ · ' ABSENT 'COUNCILMEN: ~'~ ~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ,f~"~t_~t....4.._. Marian S. Ir . , · . Council of tb.a City of Bakersfield. APPROVED: City Attorney Affi av ! of ®r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................. J.~.~...~.l ................................................... 19_.~.~.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............ .J.~.n...e......1..8. ..................................... 19....6..8.., which ordinance was numbered ............. .1...7...3..8.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD A~ENDING CHAPTER 3.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE BY AMENDING SECTIONS 3.18.060~ 3.18.070~ 3.18.080, 3.18.140, 3.18.150 AND 3.18. 180, AND ADDING NEW SECTIONS 3.18. 152 AND 3.18. 154. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .2...1...s..t.....day of ......... .J...u...n..e.. ............................. 19..6..8..... .'Notary Public in and for thc Couuty of Kern, State of California OFFICIAL SEAL WALTER W. SMITH NOTARY PUBLIC-CALII'ORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY '"~"" WAL~:~'i~"W. SMITH My Commission Expire.~ .luo~. R. 1(~''~