HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1735 ORDJ~I~v~CE NOo. 1735. N~ SER]~ES AI~ OI/D~CF. ~~NG T~ S~E~EN OF T~ H~IC~P~ COD~ OF T~ C~ OF ~~F~ BY C~N~I~C ~ ~D USE ZO~G OF ~T CERTAIN A'r 3637 ~S ~. W~REAS, ~. accordance with the procedure set forth in the p~ovtsions of Title 17 oE ~he ~icipal Code of the Ct~y of Bakers~eld~ ~he Plann~ Com~ss[on and C[~y Co~c~l ~ve held h~in~s ~espec~vely~ o~ ~ petition ~o c~n~e ~he land use zon~n~ of ~ certain property in the City off Ba~rs~teld located at 3637 Hu~hes Lane~ and ~~S~ ~he C~y Co~c~l ~s de~emined after due con- oideration o~ sa~d pet~i~ and ~he recognitions of the PlanntnE ~isst~ here~n on ~i~eo co~e~her wi~h Che reasons advanced ac zon~ c~nsa should ba ~u~ho~[zed, o~ ~kers~eld as ~ Section ~7,12,020 (Zon~n~ ~p) of ~he H~c~pal Code o~ ~he CL~y o~ Ba~s~eld~ be and ~ ~me ~s hereby amended by clmn~n~ ~he land use ~on~.n~ of cer~s~n p~per~y ~ sa~d C~y~ ~he bo~~es o~ which p~ope~y a~e sh~ on ~he map hereto a~ached ~nd ~de a par~ he~eo~ a~ Family ~e~n~) Zone ~o sn.R-~-~ (S~E1e Family ~e1~nS - Church) Zones o~ ~ ce~a~n p~ope~y ~n ~he C~ o~ Bal~$~eld c~nZy ~ as 3637 ~es ~ne~ be~n~ ~re particularly described as folios: T~ por~tom of Lot 5 of Section 13, T~shtp 30 Sou~h~ ~ng~ 27 gas~ ~!.D.B.Mo, tn th.~ Co,~y of Co~ty Sml~m ~p Ho. 1 of ~n~ of J. B. filed ~y 3~ 1889~ in the office of ~he Ke~ Co~y ~corder~ demc~b~d as Beginning a;: ;:he sou;:heas~: corner of Lo~: 5; thence north 89 degrees, 55 ~nu~es~ ~0 seconds ~est along ~h~ sa~d sou~h l~ne~ 389.94 fee~ ~o a po~n~ ~n ~he cen~er l~ne of Branch No.1 of Ke~ Island ~1; ~hence north 1~ de~rees, 5~ m~nu~es, 43 seconds ~st, al~g ~he c~er l~ne o~ ~d ~1, 609.85 fee~; ~he~e sou~h 89 des=ee~ 5~ m~nu~es~ 40 seconds ea~ 208~88 fee~ ~o a po~n~ ~n ~he eas~ l~ne of sa~ lo~ ~; ~hence sou~h 0 de~rees 02 m~nu~es~ 28 ~econds eas~ alon~ sa~d eas~ l~ne ~83~ fee~ ~o ~he po~= of be~nn~n~ EXCE~ =~ no=~h 320 ~e~ a~ mea~red alon~ =he eas~ line of sa'~d lo= 5~ ~~ING all o~1 and m~nerals within o= ~derl~i~ said land. o-' ....... 000 1: ~I~BY C~T~Z Che~ the £ore~o~n~; O~d[~,.ence was pa~oed and a~lop~d by ~he Counc-~[ off ~he C~y o~ Bakersfield aC a ~gu].a~ mea~_ng ~h~o~ ~cl oa ~he 27~h day of Nay~ ].968, by t:he fo~ou[ng vo~ .- AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, VET'r. EII. WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: .~.,~ ......... ABSEI'IT COUNCILMEN: ~,~,~4_ ~ ABETAININO COUNCILMEN: ~),~.,(,,._~ Council of ~he City o~ Bakers£~e~d HUGHES LANE. .J.I . > EL ALISAL ST. Affi avi! of osting ( r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on .......... .M...a.~.....2...8.. ............................................................. 19....6..8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................M...a.y.....2...7. .................................... 19.....6..8., which ordinance was numbered ............1...7...3..5.. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THAT CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED AT 3637 HUGHES LANE, Subscribed and swern to before me this ..2...8..t...h....day of .......... .M...a.~. .............................. ,19..6...8.... .Notary Public in and for the Cou~lty of Kern, State of California ! ~ OFFICiAl' ~: .................. ! ~~ WALTER W. SMITH ~.... ' ' ~ RN COUNTy WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8,