HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1731 ORDI~CE NO o 1731 ~ SERIES AN ¢)RD][IK~CE A??~OV~r.~ ~~TION OF A P~L OF ~~TED TE~ITO~ TO T~ CI~ OF C~IFO~a DES_~k~Z~D AS '"34TH $~ET"~ ~D PAY ~ BONDED I~EBTED~SS OF SAID CITY. W~ERF~&S: the City Council on the 29t~ day of April, 1968, adopted Resolution NOo._..3.9.-._68__ approving ~he annexa~ion of ~er~i~o~ deaig~ted as 34~h Street and more particularly described tn said ~eso].ution~ purs~n~ to N~ T~FO~ BE ~ O~AI~D by ~he Co~cil of ~h2 Cl~y of Bakersf[eld~ as S~CT~ON 1~ Tha~ the City Co~cil of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves ~he anne~=ion to and inclusion within ~he inco~orated limits of the City of Bakersf~.~ld~ of t~t certain ~in~bi~ed ~errito~ dec, lEna=ed a~ "'34T~ $%'F~ET"; and it is hereby further or~ined t~: said terri~o~ b~ and ~he same is hereby annexed ~o ~atd City~ that said ~erri~ory ts described as follows: BeEinnin~ at ~he southeast co~er of Block 630 of ~he City of Bakersfield as sho~ on ~hat certain ~p dated March 10, 1904~ entitled ~Sal. es ~p of Ke~ County land Compan~ Sh~ing Subdivisions of its Addi~ions ~o the C'[~y of Bakersfie~.d~ ~e~ Califo~ia", and filed April 19:1904 in the office of the Co~y ~corder of Kern Co~y, said southeast co~e~ being also a in ~he north line of 34~h S~ree~ as shw~ on said ~p; ~ou~herly alone the southerly ex~ension of the easterly line of ~atd Block 630 to a poin~ in the ~outhe~ly line of 3~th ~he la2t said point being also a point iu the co.orate bouuda~ defines of the C~ty of Bakersfield: as said color,ate bo~da~ ~ by a Special glect~on held ~rch ~1~ 1939~ the canvass of said filed wi~h ~he Secretary of S~a~e~ Sta~e of ~lifornia~ March 29, 1939~ thence westerly on and ~ions the said south line of 3A~h $~ree~ beins al~o on and alons ~he co.orate bounda~ of the City of Baker~field as defined by ~:&f~d Special Elec~ion~ to a point ~he westerly line of Cheste~ Ar~enue: said last named point bein~ aa defined by said Special glec'~:f, on: ~hence northerly on and alon~ the w~sterly line of said Cheate~: k~enue and co.orate bo~~ of the C~y of bakersfield as defined by said Special Election ~o the nor~herl~ co.orate boun~" of ~he Cit~ of Ba'kersfield= ~aid poin~ being also a point in the northerly line of 34Ch S~reeC as sho~n on said 'Sala~ ~ll~ of I~e;~ (lo~a~y ~.nd Compa~y~ ~henc~ point of begimning for this ~ascr~p~on~ con~ain~n~ 5,2~ acres more or less, Sai. d ~e~rt~o~ and ~he pro~e~=~ located ~herein~ s~ll~ upon ~he compla~ion of ~he an~exa~lon of ~he same ~o the City of Bak~rsfield~ be subjected to ~ion equally ~i~h o~her proper~y in ~he C~y of ~ak~r~field ~o pay ~he bonded indeb~edness of ~he C~y of Bakersf~eld~ de~=~:~bed in =he afor~en~toned con~en~ of ~he o~ers of: proger~y~ 1ocs=ed there~n~ ~he is~nce o~ bonds ~o 893~ l~e~ Series~ in Ordinanoe }~'o, 9.~0~ I~e~ Ser~e~ in Ordinance of said Ci=y~ and any and all o~her indebtedness or liability of c~le~!on of' sa~d annexationo Thi~ ordinance ~hal! becoma effective cherty day~ from and after ~he da=e of ~s 9a~sa~e, .......... oO0 ......... o I }~P, gBY C~MTX~ tha~ the foregoing Ordinance was ....... pa~ed and adopted by ~he Co~c~l of ~he City of Bakersfield a~ a regular mee~t.ng thereof held on the 29ch day of Aprile 1968~ by Ch® following vo~e: AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISEY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, ETIERN, -:~° 5~~ ......... - AnSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~, APFROVgD: ~ Kenne~:h W o Hof~land Aff avi! of os ing ( r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern MARIAN S. IR¥IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................... .A.~...r.~..1._.3...0.. .............................................. 19..6...8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the CoUncil of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........... .A.~_~.~..1.....2...9. ................................... 19...6...8.., which ordinance was numbered ..............1..7...3..1.. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNII~IABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKEI~SFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "34TH STREET", AND Pl~OVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...3...0..t...h...day of ........ ..A.~..~...i..1.. .......................... ,19...6...8... ................... ..... Notary Public in and for 'the County of Kern, State o~ California : ........................................ 5F~i~'i~;""~'~;~[ ................. : ~ WALTERW. SMITHi ...... . ................ ~....~ou.T~ ~ WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969