HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1746 ORDINANCE NO. 1746 , NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING AND REVISING THE BUILDINGS AND CONSTRUCTION TITLE OF THE' MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council-of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That the following chapters of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield are hereby repealed: Chapter 13.04 Enforcement of State Laws. Chapter 13.12 Numbering Buildings. Chapter 13.16 Building Code Chapter 13.28 Standards For Moved Buildings. Chapter 13.36 Wells, Disposal Fields, Cooling Towers. Chapter 13.40 Signs. Chapter 13.56 Electrical Code. Chapter 13.60 Plumbing Code. Chapter 13.64 Housing Code. SECTION 2. That Chapter 13.01, Declaration of Equivalency, is hereby added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as followS: Chapter 13.01 DECLARATION OF EQUIVALENCY Sections:' 13.01.010 Determination of Equivalency. .!3-.0!.020 Declaration of Intention_to Supersede StaGe .... Housing Law. 13.01.030'. Duty of city Clerk to'Notify Proper State Office. 13.01.010 Determination of Equivalency. This City Council does hereb~ find and determine that the Uniform Building, Housing, Plumbing Mechanical, and Electrical Codes, as adopted by this ordinance collectively, prescribe minimum standards equal to or greater than those prescribed by the State Housing Law and by Title 8 of the Califorr~ia Administrative Code. 13.01.020 Declaration of Intention to Supersede State Housing ,Law. This City Council does intend by this enactment that the aforementioned Uniform Building, Housing, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical Codes, as adopted by this ordinance shall apply in the City of Bakersfield .and shall supersede the State Housing Law and Title 8 of the California Administrative Code pursuant to Section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. 13.01.030 Duty of City Clerk to Notify Proper State Office. The City Clerk shall, upon enactment of this ordinance, notify the Division. of Building and Housing Standards, Department of Housing and C~mmunity Development, State of California, of this enactment by sending a copy of this ordinance along with a notice advising said Department of the fact of the enactment of said ordinance an'd its effective date. SECTION 3. That Chapter 13.04 - General Provisions is hereby added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter 13.04 GENERAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO THIS TITLE Sections: 13.04.010 Purpose of Title'13. 13.04. 020 Title - The Code. 13 ..04.. 030. Application of. Code 13.04.040 Interpretation of Code. '13.04.050 Definitions. 13.04.060 Enforcement of Code. 13.04.070 Records - Reports - Disposition of Fees. '13.04. 080 Adoption of Regulations and Fee Schedules. 13.04. 090 Retention of Plans. 13.04.1100 Expiration, Suspension and Revocation of Permits'- Recommencement of Work. 13.04. ll0 Unfinished structures .and Projects. ~ 13.04,120 Board of Building and Housing Appeals. ... 13.04. 130 Limitation on Responsibility. 13.04. 140 Violations. 13.04. 150 Penalty For Violations. 13.04. 160 Severability 13.04.010 Purpose of Title 13. The purpose of this title is to promote the public safety and welfare by the adoption of minimum building standards to be required and enforced throughout the territory of the City of Bakersfield. 13.04.020 Title -- The Code. This title may be cited as the "Buildings and Construction COde". (This code is cOmprised of codes of ·regulations and standards adopted by agencies of the State of California and by nationally recognized organizations which have existed more than three years as well as a conpendium of existing ordinances incorporated into the written expression of the entire body of local law governing building and construction in the terri- tory of the City of Bakersfield.) 13.04.030 AppliCation of Code. The'Muildings and Construction Code" applies to new building construction and to the installation of new mechanical, plumbing, electrical and sign systems as well as to existing construction and to existing.mechanical, plumbing and electrical and sign systems to the extent specifically defined by the codes adopted by reference into this title. 13.04.040 Interpretation of Code. The "Buildings and Construction Code'" shall be liberally construed to effect its purpose. If the ..... code' regulates one application with ~issimilar limitations or me .requirements, the more restrictive regulation shall apply. 13'.04.050 Definitions. As used in the "Buildings and Construc- tion Code": (1) "Building official", "administrative . authority" ,"plumbing · 'official", and "chief electrical inspector" mean the Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield. (2) "Board of Appeals" and "Housing Advisory and Appeals Board" mean the City of·Bakersfield Board of Building and Housing Appeals. (3) "Building Department" and "department" mean'the Building Department. 13.04. 060 Enforcement of Code. (a) The Chief Building Inspector shall administer and enforce the "Buildings and Construction Code". He may delegate adminis- trative and enforcement powers to qualified personnel. Persons designated by the Chief Building Inspector and invested by him with enforcement authority shall have the powers of law enforcement ('police)' . officers. (b) The Chief Building Inspector may authorize reasonable modification in the application of the "Buildings· and Construction Code" to special, individual cases if he first reasonably deter- mines that strict application of the regulations is impractical or invokes undue hardship and that the modification prote'cCs the public safety and conforms to the spirit and purpose of the code. 13.04.070 ·Records - Reports - Disposition of Fees. The Chief Building Inspector shall cause to be made and filed a permanent record of each transaction of the Building Department required by this "Buildings-and Construction Code'.'. Permit fees received shall be reported daily and paid over by the Chief Building Inspector to the Finance Director for deposit .in 'the general fund. 13.04. 080 A_doption of Regulations and Fee Schedules. (a) The Chief. Building Inspector shall promulgate reasonable e rules and regulations to implement or facilitate inspection functions, the issuance of permits and certificates, and the other administra- tive and enforcement duties imposed upon him by ·the "Buildings and Construction Code" and shall file three (3) copies of all such regulations with the City Clerk to be included in the Administrative Code of the City. (b) Subject to approval by the'City Council, the Chief Building Inspector may promulgate and charge a reasonable schedule of fees for pefmit renewal, processing ~pplications and for the performance of special services by the Building Department in administering and enforcing the "Buildings and Construction Code". The schedule may provide for the partial refund of permit fees to applicants. (c)' A minimum application fee of $3.00 shall be charged for ttle processing of each application for a permit. This minimum application fee shall apply only where regular fees on a particular application total less than $3.00. In such cases a total minimum f~e of $3.00 shall be charged.· Refunds on unused and duplicate Building. Permits shall be made as follows: 1. Unused permits of $5.00 fee and under shall not be refundable. 2·. Unused permits over $5.00 fee shall be refunded in the amount equal to 2/3 of the amount of fee over $5.00. 3. Duplicate permits shall bE refunded for full fee. 4. .Requests for refund on unused or duplicate permits must be presented within sixty days of date of issuance; after that time they shall not be eligible for refund. (d) A special invest%gation fee of $12.00 shall be charged for investigation work done where no permit or permits are sought by the party or parties requesting the investigation. 13.04.090 Retention of Plans. . (a) One set of plans, specifications and computations approved 5. by the Building Department s~all be retained by the department for at least ninety (90) days following the completion of the work. covered thereunder, One set of approved plans and specifications shall be returned to the applicant and shall be kept by him at the work site at all times during which the work covered thereunder is in progress, ... (b) Plans submitted for'checking by the department may be destroyed if no action has been taken thereon by the applicant for ninety (90)' days and no permit has been issued, The application for permit may be renewed by the refiling of plans and the payment of new permit and plan checking fees. The Chief Building Inspector may waive the refiling fee requirements if he determines that the nature of the work in any case made it impractical for the applicant to secure a 'permit within the ninety (90)' day limitation. 13.04.100 E_xpiration, Su.~pension and Revocation of Permits - Recommencement of Work. (a) Each permit issued by the Chief Building Inspector under the "Buildings and construction Code" shall expire if the work or building authorized by the permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the permit date, or if the work or building authorized by the permit, once commenced, is thereafter suspended or abandoned 'for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days. (b). The Chief Building Inspector may, t~n'~(10).:'d~.~i;afte'r service of written notice personally served on the permittee, suspend or revoke a permit issued by mistake, i'ssued on the basis of incorrect infor- mation supplied or issued in violation of any statute, regulation, or'provision of this code. (¢) SUspended or abandoned work, for which the original permit has expired, shall be recommenced only after the issuance . of a new permit therefor. 13.04.110 Unfinished Structures and Projects. Whenever the Chief Building Inspector determines by inspection that the' work on any structure or proj.ect, authorized by permit ahd once commenced, has been s. uspended or abandoned for a period of one hundred ~ighty (180) or more days, he shall give written notice to the owner or other person in control of the property upon which the structure or .p.rojecht is situated to. obtain a new permit and to complete or demolish and remove the work. Thereafter, the owner or other person in control of the property shall either obtain a·new permit within nirmty,.i(90) days from the notice date and diligently pursue the work to completion, or obtain a permit for and demolish and remove the .~.~ ~ .. ,~' ,. ~,'i structure or project within one hundred eighty (.].80) days from tha ' 13.04. 120 Board of Buildin.g and Housing_A_p_pea].s. (a) R/~ere is hereby created the _City of Bakersfield Board of · Buildin~ and_Hous~n~ ~ Appeals composed of five members. The Chief · Building Inspector shall be a non-voting member of the board ex officio and shall act as secretary of the board, Four of the 'memberS of the board shall be qualified by training and experience in bu{ld- · ' lng construction or the building'.trades, and shall represent the · The fifth member shall be a member at lar.qe.~ll five members Structural, me-~h-ani~.; plumbing and electrical {{-e~-~ ~.~z shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the City Council. As soon as practical after the appointment of the first board, the board shall meet and organize. Thereafter, the board shall have the ·.powers granted, and shall assume the duties, responsibilities and functions imposed by the "Buildings· and Construction Code" upon said board. (b) The Board of Building~ and Housin. g_A_p_peals shall resolve all questions relating to the suitability .of alternate materials and methods of construction arising under this title and shall determine rea.';onable interpretations of the provisions of the "Buildings: and Construction Code". The board shall adopt reason- ' able rules and regulations~, consistent with the purposes of this code, for conducting its hearings and' investigations; it Shall· render written find'ings and decisions signed by its Chairm~n and Secretary in all cases to the Chief Building Inspector and serve· a copy on the appellant. The board may study and recommend to the City Council new legislation consistent with its purposes and .~ func t ion. ~ 13.04. 130 Limitation on Responsibil_i.t.y. .. (a) Neither an approval nor a permit granted by the Building Department sha!.l constitute permission or authority, or be inter- preted as a waiver, to permit the Violation of any statute, ordinance or regulation. .7. I'" I ~ ., t ~ .. '1 (b) Neither the City of Bakersfield' nor its officers or employees shall be deemed liable for structural or construction defects resulting from the administration or enforcement of the "B~ildings and Construction Code" by such entity or persons. (c) By accepting'a '~ermit or the performance of services ~y' the Building'Department, an applicant consents to the limitations of this section. " 13.04 ? 140 Vi61ations. (a) Any person, firm or COrporation who violates, causes, permits or allows the violation of any prov. ision of this "Buildings and Construc.tion Code" ks guilty of a misdemeanor. Such person, is guilty of a separ, ate offense for each day or portion thereof he permits, causes' 'or allows a violation to' continue. (b) Any structure, construction or installation that is under- taken or permitted to continue in violation of any provision of the "Code of Buildings and Construction" is a public nuisance and may be abated by 'the Chief Building Inspector in accordance with the pro- visions of this title. 13.04.150 Penalty for Violations. .Any person, firm or corporation. convin:ted of violating any of the provisions of this "Buildings. and' Construction Code" shall be punished by a .fine of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six (6) months, or by both. such fine and imprisonment. '13.04.160 Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phras~ of this 'title is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not' affect the validity of the remaining portions of this title. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this tit~'e and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that 8. any one or more sections, subsections,·sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4. That Chapter 13.12 - Numberinq of Buildings is hereby added the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: -Chapter 13.12 NUMBERING 'OF BUILDINGS Sections: 13.12.010 System Established. 13.12. 020 Duty to Number Buildings. 13.12.030 Expense Borne By Owner or Occupant. 13.12.040 Dimension~ and Position of Numbers. 13.12.050 Supervision of Numbering - Keeping of Records. 13.12.060 Duty to Replace or Correct - Notice. 13.12. 070 Penalty For Violation. ' 13.12.010 .SYstem Established. The Director of Planning of the City of Bakersfield shall establish a uniform system of numbering for all buildings, structures and homes within the City Of Bakersfield. The Director of Planning shall promulgate rules for such numbering consistent with and pursuant to the uniform system and shall file a copy of those rules with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield. Rules promulgated pursuant to this section shall be included in the Administrative Code of the City of Bakersfield. 13.'12.020 Duty to Number Buildings. It shall be the duty of every person owning, occupying or controlling any building or store front- i. ng on a public street or avenue in the City of Bakersfield to number the same or cause the same to be numbered correctly and in accordance herewith, and it shall be the duty of any person owning, occupying or controlling any building hereafter erected within said City to so number the same within ten (10) days after its completion or occupancY. 13.12.030 Expense Borne By Owner or Occupant. All buildings must be numbered at the expense of the owner~ occupant or person in control thereof. 13.12.040 Dimensions and Position of Numbers. The dimensions and positions of numbers required by this chapter shall be determined by the Planning Director who shall issue and file a regulation setting forth standards for such numbering and position. 13112.050 Supervision of Numbering - Keeping of Records. The Director of Planning sh'all supervise ~11 numbering of. buildings 'pur- suant to this chapter, shall designate the street number assigned to each building, and shall keep accurate and complete records of the street numbers assigned by him to all buildings, structures and houses within the City of Bakersfield. 13.12.060 .Duty to Replace or Correct - No.tice. In case any building in said City shall be unnumbered or incorrectly numbered or the number thereof shall ~ave become defaced or illegible, it "shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of the same, to cause the same to 'be numbered correctly within ten (10) days after notifi- cation so to do, given by or under the direction of the Planning Direct'or. Said notice may be served by leaving a copy thereof at the building in charge of .any person, addressed "To the Owner or Occupant of this· Building", or may be given by posting such notice on the door or a~ the entrance way to said building. Said notice shall specify the correct number of the building.' No person shall deface, remove, or destroy any notice sd' ....... posted until..the ·building on which the same is posted has been cor- rehtly and properly numbered. 13.12.07'0 Penalty For Violation. Any person willfully violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not exceedin~ Fifty 'Dollars ($50) or by imprisonment in the county jail of Kern County not exceeding twenty (20) days~ or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 5. That Chapter 13.16 Buildin8 Code of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is amended to read as follows: Chapter 13.16 BUILDING CODE Sections: 13.16.010 Uniform Code Adopted. 10. 13.16.020 Modification of Uniform Building Code. 13.16. 030 Amendments to Uniform Building Code. 13.16.010 Uniform Code Adopted. Except as hereinafter provided, that certain Building Code known and designated as the "Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition", which Code was prePared and adopted .by the International Conference of Building Officials at the 44th .Annual Business Meeting, October 3-7, 1966, Volume I and 1967 'Standards including the Appendix thereto, three copies of which are filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, lOa. for use and examination by the public, and each portion and provision thereof is hereby adopted as modified and amended in this chapter, and is hereby declared to be the Building Code o'f the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating the erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conver- sion, occupancy, use, height, and maintenance of. all structures and certain equipment therein specifically regulated, within the incor- porated limits of the City of Bakersfield, and providing for the issuance Of per'nits and the collection of fees therefor. 13.16.020 Certain Provisions of Uniform Building Code Deleted. The following sections of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, are not adopted as part of this ordinance and are hereby deleted: Section 204, board of appeals; Section 205, violations and penalty; Section 302 (b) retention of plans; Section 2507 (c) wood, walls without 'studs; Section 3320, exits, H and I occupancies; Sections 7001-7020, excavation and grading; 13.16.1030 Modification of Uniform Building Code. The following sections of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume 1, as adopted by reference, are amended as provided herewith: (a) Section 303(b) is amended to read: "(b) Plan Checking Fees. If a plan is required to be submitted under subsection 301 (c), a plan checking- .fee shall be paid to the Building Official at the time the plans and specifications are submitted for 'checking. The fee shall be one-half the applicable 'building pekmit fee calcul-ated from 'Table No. 3-A. "Exemptions. 1. Where a plan submitted is substantially similar, with like soil and terrain characteristics, to a plan on which a permit has been issued within the preceding sixty (60.) days, the plan checking fee shall 11. 'f '1 · - I . 'I t 1. 1~ 'i i |. t i· ~ | "be one-quarter of the applicable building permit fee calculated fro~ table No. 3-A." "2. A plan ~hecking fee shall not be required for alterations and repairs of non-structural nature." "3. A plan checking fee Shall no~' be required for any dwelling or accessory building thereto of Type V single story construction of less than 2500 square feet in floor area." (b) Section. 303 is amended to include new subsection (c) as follows: · "(c) Rechecking Plans. Corrections required by · the Building Department shall be checked without additional fee. If plans are resubmitted with -changes from previously approved or checked plans, a re-checking fee shall be paid; the fee shall be based on the valuation of all the members or portions redesigned without reduction for any member or portion replaced or omitted." (c) Sectio~ 305 (b') is amended to read: !'(b) Special Inspector. The special inspector Shall be a qualified person aPproved'by the Building Official and shall be chosen by and responsible to the architect or engineer responsible for designing the Structure." ..... (d.). Section 305 is amended to include new s_ubsection (d) as follows: "(d) Certification by Architect or Engineer. · If a building has been const{ucted to utilize higher stresses requiring c~ntinuous inspection, the architect or engineer responsible for'the 12. "design shall certify in writing to the Building Official that the building or portions thereof requiring continuous inspection were construCted in conformity with the approved design and' this code." (e) The first two sentences of the fourth paragraph of Section · 1005 are amended to read: "Every building or portion thereof in which persons are employed shall be provided with at least 1 t:oilet located in the building or located conveni- ently in an adjacent building on the same property. If the employees· exceed 5 in number, separate ·toilet facilities shall be provided for both sexes." · (f) · The first two sentences of the fourth paragraph of Section 1-105 are amended to read: · "Every building or portion thereof in which persons are employed shall be provided with at least 1 toilet located in the building or located conveniently in an adjacent building on the same property. If the employees exceed 5 in number, separate toilet facilities shall be provided for both sexes." (g) Section 1205 is amended by amending the first two sentences' of the second paragraph to read: "Every building or portion thereof in which person~ are employed shall be provided with at least 1 toilet located in the building or located conveniently in an adjacent building, on the same property'. If the ............ emp~'oyees exceed $ in_number, separate..toil.et~facilities shall be provided for both sexes." (h) Section 1501 is amended ·by adding a new Division 3 to read: "Division 3. Patio roofs, canopies, awnings, carports, arbors, lath houses, greenhouses and other special "purpose roof structures not exceeding 1,000 square feet." (i) Section 1503 is amended to read: "Section 1503. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part V. "Exceptions. For Division 3 structures, either detached or attached to buildings of Group "I" occupancy, fire-resistive prOtection of exterior walls or openings are not required when all the following conditions occur: '"1. The side of Division 3 structure adjacent to property line does not exceed 25 feet. "2, 50 per cent df the combined area of the sides of the Division 3 structure is open. "3. The combined roof area of the Division 3 structure and Group "I" occupancy building when attached, does not exceed 3,000 square feet." "4. The Division 3 structure is located in 'Fire Zone III." (j) That subdivision (d) of Section 1601 of Volume I of said Uniform Building Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Temporary Buildings. (1) Temporary buildings such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous structures conforming to the requirements of this Code, and sheds, canopies, or fences used for the protection of the public around andb in conjunction with construction work may be erected in Fire Zones No. 1 or 2 by special permit from the building official for a limit&d period of'time, and such building or structure shall be completely removed upon the 14. expiration of the time limit stated in such permit. (2) Residential buildings used solely for the purpose of display as a model residence, may be' erected or placed upon land for a period of time not to exceed twenty-four months, without the construction of the required concrete foundation, in Fire Zones 2 or 3, upon issuance of a permit by the'building official. The building official shall approve the temporary foundation to be 'used for, and the proposed location of, any such 'building. No permit hereunder shall be granted by the. building official unless and until the applicant files with such official, a faithful performance bond in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars, guaranteeing the removal of said building. Prior to construction of the required concrete foundation for said building at or before the expiration of .the twenty-four month period, in the event said building is to remain permanently at such location, all permits required under this code for the Construction of such foundation and the installation of all other facilities to complete su6h buildings on its permanent location, shall 'be obtained from the building official. (k) Section 1704 of Volume I of the Uniform Building Code is hereby .amended by deleting that portion 'labeled ."exception". (1). Section 2313 is amended by adding second ~nd .~hird ~ara- graphs to read: "Where 'anchorage is intermittent, anchors shall be spaced · . not more than four feet apart. For wood floor, or roof construction the joists, purlins~ or rafters shall be anchored to the walls to fulfill the requirements of this subsection. 'Toe nails 'or n~ils driven parallel to the grain of wood shall not be considered effective in meeting the requirements of this section." ' 15. "Ex.c ep tions "1. If walls are anchored to continuous footings, anchorage to floors that are within 4 feet of· footings ma~ be omitted. · "2. If roofs, including their ~upporting joists, beams, or purlins are constructed of metal and are not dmsigned as diaphragms to resist hori- zontal forces upon the walls, anchors may be spaced at more than 4 feet on Center. "3. Where wood roof or floor sheathing is fastened directly to a continuous wall plate that is anchored to the top of a·concrete or masonry wall, the. anchorage of the continuous plate to the wall to' resist the required forces may be considered as fulfilling the requirements. "4. Where wood roof or· floor sheathing is fastened directly to a continuous ledger that is anchored to a concrete or masonry wall, the anchorage of the ledger tO the wall to resist the required forces may be consider- ed as fulfilling the requirements provided: "(a)· The ledger is not less than 4 inches in t~hicRnes s, "(b) 'Ledger bolts are located as close to the top as practicable but not more than 4 inch'es below the top of the ledger and are spaced not more than 4 feet on center." (m) Section 2314 (k) 1. is amended to read:· "(k) Design Rejquirements. "1. B.uilding Separations. All portions .of structures shall .be designed and .constructed to act as an integral unft in resisting 16. "horizontal forces unless separated struc- turally by a distance sufficient to avoid contadt under deflection from Seismic action or wind forces. A structure separation of at least 1 inch plus one-half inch for each 10 feet of height above 20 feet will be deemed adequate in lieu of deflection calculations." (n) Section 2509 is amended by amending subsection 2509 (d) to read: "(d) Joists Under Partitions. Joists under and parallel to partitions shall be doubled and well spiked, or may be separated by solid .blocking spaced at no more than 4 foot intervals." (o) Section 2806 is amended by adding a second and 'a third paragraph to subsection 2806 (a) to read: "Ail perimeter concrete or masonry foundations or foundation walls for buildings of Group "H" and "I" occupancies,, including garage attached, shall be reinforced with a minimum of 2 continuous one-half inch reinforcing bars. One bar shall be placed 2 inches from the top and the other bar 3 inches from the bottom of the foundation or foundation wall. "Ail concrete floor slabs for buildings of Group "H" and "I" occupancies, including garage attached, shall .have a minimum thickness of 3 and on'half inches and shall be reinforced with a minimum of 6 inch x 6 inch by No. 10 x No. 10 welded wire mesh. The mesh shall be placed at the center of the slab." (p) Section 3801 is amended by adding a sixth paragraph to read: "6. At the top of each rubbish and linen chute and in the terminal rooms of the chutes." 17. (q) Section 4401 is ~mended by adding a fourth and fifth paragraph to read: "No person shall discontinue or place out of · . service any sprinkler system, exterior or interior standpipes or fire alarm system during '. the construction, reconstruction or demolition of any building, until a 'permit so to do shall have been obtained from the Fire Department. Any person perfoz~aing or causing to be performed an~ of the work mentioned in this chapter, shall, by the use of water' or other means approved by the building official, prevent dust or other particles from polluting the air or becoming a nuisance." (r) The second sentence in second paragraph in Section 1313 (f) ' Interior Stairways, of Chapter 13 - Existing Buildings, Appendix to Voluma I, of said Uniforra .Building Code is hereby amended to read: "Doors to such'enclosures shall be protected by self-closing 'Class "B" fire doors or solid wood' doors not less than one and three-eighths (1-3/8} inches thick." SECTION 6. That Chapter 13.28 Standards for Moved B~ilding_~ is hereby added to the Municipal Code of ~%e. City of-Bakersfield to read as follows: Chapter 13.28 STANDARDS FOR MOVED BUILDINGS 18 and 19. Sections: 13.28.010 Definitions. 13.28.020 Compliance With Building Code--Exterior protection Doors and Windows. 13.28.030 Permit required. 13.28.040 Plans to be Sub~itted"For'$pproval. 13.28.050 Condition of Buildings. 13.28.060 Buildings From Outside The Ci~y--Buildings From One Place to Another Inside The City. 13.28.070 Termite Inspection. 13.28.080 Condition of Materials. 13.28.090 Foundations. ~" 13.28.].00 Performance Bond. 13.28.110 Refusal of Permit--Appeal. 13.28.010 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings herein specified, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (a)' "Building Official" shall mea~ the duly appointed and acting Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, his duly authorized representatives, or such person as may hereafter be authorized by law to perform th-e duties now being performed by that official in the City of Bakersfield. (b)'' "Building" shall mean and include any structure or house. .(C) "Termite Inspector" shall mean any person who is duly licensed by the Sta.te. of California to perform the work of pest or. termite control or inspection. 13.28.020 .C_ompliance With Building Code--Exterior Protection-- Doors and Windows. (a) No building shall be moved or transported from any lot, site or location inside, Or outside, the City of 20. Bakersfield, to a lot or location inside said City, unless said building, excluding its foundation, shall be in compliance with the· structural minimum requirements prescribed by the'Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Bakersfield at the time of the moving of said building into the City of Bakersfield. (b) Every such building shall be completed in its exterior appearance and protected from the elements by th~ necessary coats of paint or other preservative. (c) Ali. doors and windows shall be on the new site of the building and in a condition to be installed. (d) Ali. doors and windows Shall be installed within 15 days. after said building is placed on its new site, unless an extension of time'is granted by the building official, for good cause. (e) .All building·, mechanical, plumbing, electrical, and housing work necessary for occupancy shall be completed in compliance with minimum requirements of Title 13 within six (6) months after said building is placed on its new site, unless an extension of time is gr~nted by the building official for good cause. · 13.28.030 Permit Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move or transport or cause to be moved or transported, any building f~om any lot, site or location inside or outside the City' of Bakersfield, to a lot, site or location inside said City, without first securing a permit from the building official so to do, and paying a permit fee therefor as provided in Chapter 13.16, said permit and fee shall be in addition to the permit and fees required by Chapter 12.20. 13.28.040 Plans to be Submitted For Approval. Before a permit is ·grante~ hereunder; the applicant' therefor shall first submit to the building official for his approval, the plot plan of the new lot, site or location,·and the floor plan, foundation plan, cross section and elevation plans of the building to be moved. 21. 13.28. 050 Condition of Buildings. Buildings affected by this chapt&r shall not be in a dilapidated, obsolete or deteriorated condition which in any manner may result in or tend to 'lessen the economic values of adjoining properties, or be a detriment to the neighborhood in which said building is to be placed, and said buildings shall be made to conform generally to and be in harmony in appearance with the buildings in the immedia,te neighborhood to which said building is to b'e moved. 13.28. 060 Buildings From Outside. The City--Buildings From One ~ Place to Another Inside The City. (a) No permit shall be issued hereunder for the moving of a. building from a site outside the City to a site inside .the City unless 'and until the building to be moved has been fully inspected by a licensed civil or structural engineer or licensed architect, who shall certify that every, component part of said building is structurally' sound and meets the requirements of this chapter including re:pairs or corrections and that said building has been s~tisfactorily braced to withstand stresses caused by moving. Ail of such .bull. dings shall, however, be subject to the approval of the building official before being placed on the new site. (b) Buildings to be moved from one location to another within said City, shall be first inspec'ted and approved by the building official The fee fOr such inspection shall be $12. The inspection shall determine the condition of the building for compliance with this chapter including repairs or corrections. 13.28. 070 Termite Inspection. Ail buildings .'herein referred to, shall, before any permit to move the same is granted, be thoroughly and 'completely inspected by a licensed termite inspector who shall certify in writing that said buildings are free from termites, vermin, dry rot and/or other pests, fungi or' decay. 13.28.080 Condition of Materials. Ail buildings herein referred to and covered by this chapter shall be free from all 'dilapidated, 22. Obsolescent and deteriorated material before being placed on the new site.. 13.28.090 Foundations. The foundations to be used in connection with any of the buildings herein referred to shall be fuliy completed, inspected and approved by the building official before any such building is moved onto said foundation.' 13.28.100 Performance Bond. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 13.28.020 and 13.28.090 of this chapter,, any person, firm or' corporation may move a building prior to completion as required in said sections upon filing with the Chief Building Inspector a cash depo. sit or a faithful performance bond in an amount to be determined by said Chief Building Inspector, guaranteeing full com- pliance.with this chapter within thirty (30) days from the date of issuance of 'the permit as herein required for exterior work and within six (6) months fr'om date of issuance of this permit as herein required for interior work, or any extension thereof grante, d by the Chief Building Inspector. · 13.28. 110 Refusal of Permit--Appea1. Whenever the building official shall withhold or refuse issuance of the permit required under this chapter for the reason that said building upon completion will not be in conformity with the provisions of Section 13.28.050 or of Section 13'.28.080'of this chapter, applicant for said permit may, within ten (10) days, file a request in writing with the build- ing official that the matter of his application be submitted to the Board of Appeals created by' the Uniform Building Code, for an interpretation of s'aid sections as to their application to the building proposed to be moved. · "The Board oX Appeals shall make its recommendation and give its interpretation within ten (10) days from the date of filing of said appeal, and the building official and applicant shall be governed thereby. 23. SECTION 7. That Chapter 13.30 Mechanical Code is hereby added to'the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter 13.30 o. MECHANICAL CODE -Sections: 13.30.010 '.Adoption of Uniform MechaniCal Code. 13.30.020 Deletion of Certain Sections of The Uniform Mechanical Code. 13.30.030 Amendments to Uniform Mechanical Code. 13.30.010 ~do~tion of Uniform Mechanical Code. Except as herein- after provided, that certain Mechanical Code known and designated as the "Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition" (Volume II, entitled the Uniform Mechanical Code) which code was prepared and adopted by the In~ernational Conference of Building Officials and.the .International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, three copies of which are filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of 24. Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, and each portion and p~ovision thereof is hereby adopted as modified and amended in this chapter, and is hereby declared to be the Mechanical Code of the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating the erection, construction., enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occupancy, use, height, and maintenance of Jail structures and certain equipment 'therein specifically regulated, within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, and pro- Viding for the issuance of permits and the collection of fees therefor. 13.30.020 Deletion of Certain Sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code. The following sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code are hereby deleted: Section 202, violation and penalty; Section 304 (1), permit issuance fee. 13.30.030 Amendments to Uniform Mechanical Code. The following sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code are amended to read as ' follows: (a) Section 302 is amended by amending the first paragraph of subsection '302 (b) to read: "(b) Plans and Specifications. When required by the building official for the enforcement of any provision of this code, plans and specifications for the installation of co~for.t heating systems, comfort cooling systems, absorption systems, ventilation systems and hoods' shall, be submitted. Such plans and specificatio'ns shall be designed by a person licensed to perform the work in California." (b) Section 304 is amended by adding two paragraphs to read: "Any person who commences any mechanical work for which a permit is required without first having 25.. "obtained a permit therefor shall, if subse- quently allowed to obtain a permit, pay double the fee fiked by this section for such-permit. This section shall not apply to emergency Work when it is established to the satisfact'ion of the Chief Building Inspector that the work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit there- for .before the commencement of the work. In all such cases; a permit must be obtained as soon as practical, and if ther·e is unreasonable delay in obtaining the permit, a double fee as herein provided shall be paid." "If the submission of a plan is required by subsection 302, a plan checking fee shall be paid to the build- lng .official at the time the plans and specifications are submitted. The plan checking fee shall be one- half the permit fee required by this section." (c) Section 508,. second paragraph, is amended to read: "Appliances generating a glow, spark, or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors may be installed in a garage provided the pilots and burners, ·or heating elements and switches, are at least 24 inches above the floor level." ~'Ex.c.eption: Sealed combustion system applia.nces may be installed at floor level." (d).. Section 710 is amended by adding a second paragraph to subsection 710 .(f) to read: "Exception: A platform shall not be required for an appliance serving a Group· "I" or "J" occupancy or serving a maximum of three (3) dwelling units of a group "H" occupancy." 26. (e) Section 1901 is amended by adding a new subsection (c) to read as follows: (c) Kitchen Ventilation. There shall be installed in the wall or ceiling, approximately over the cooking facilities, a ventilating opening with a minimum area of 8 inches by 6 inches, connected by an incombustible ventilating duct free to the outside of the building. The venti- lating duct for each kitchen shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 28 square inches. An approved forced-draft system of ventilation may be substituted for the natural-draft ventilating system. 26a. SECTION 8. That Chapter 13.40 Sign Code_ is added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield ~o .read as follows: chap~dr 13.40 ·SIGN CODE ..~ Sections: 13.40.010 Uniform Sign Code Adopted. 13.40.020· Modification of Sign Code. 13·.40.030 Exemptions To Permit Requirement. 13.40. 040 Fees For Permits. 13.40. 050 Plan Checking Fees. 13.40. 060 Amendments To Sign Code. 13.40.070 Restriction As To Zoning Regulations. 13.40.080 Construction--Approval of City Council 13.40.010 Uniform Sign Code Adopted. Except as hereafter provided, Sign Code known and designated as the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition (Volume V, entitled "Signs") sponsored and copyrighted by the International Con'ference of Building Officials, as modified and amended in thi's chapter, three (3) copies of which are filed in the office of ·the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the pubii~, is hereby declared to be the.Sign Code of the City of Bakersfield for the purpose of regulating, the con- struction, maintenance, use and removal of signs. 13.40.020 Modification of Sign Code. The following provisions are hereby deleted from the Sign Code: Section S-103 (d) Violations and Penal.ties. Section S-303 Exemptions. Section S~304 Fees. Section s-301 Permits Required. {~.mst sentence} 13.40.030 E_xe_mptions To Permit Requirement. The following signs shall ·not require a sign permit. ·These exceptions shall not be construed as relieving the owner of t~elsign from the resPonsibility of its erection and maintenance under this chapter and compliance 27. by the owner with the provisions of this chapter or any other appli- cable 'law or ordinance regulating the same. (1) The changing of the advertising copy or message on a painted or printed sign only. Except for theater marquees and similar signs specifically 'designed for the use of replaceable copy, electric signs 'shall not be included in this exception. (2) Painting, repainting or cleaning of an .advertising structure or the changing of the advertising copy or message thereon shall not Be considered an erection or alteration which requires sign permit unless a structural change is made. (3) Signs less than six (6) feet above grade. (4) Real estate signs not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area which advertise the sale, rental, or lease of the pr~mise upon which said signs are located. (5) Professional name plates not exceeding two '(2). square feet in area. ....... (6) "Bulietin boards not over twelve (12) square feet in area fo'~' public, charitable, or religious institutions when the same are located on the premises of said institutions. (7) Signs denoting, the architect, engineer or contractor when placed upon work under construction and not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area~ (8) Memorial signs, or tablets, names of buildings and date of erection when cut into masonry surface, or when constructed of bronze or other, incombustible materials. (9) Signs of public service companies indiqating danger, and aids to service or safety. (10) Small portable signs under t~elve (12) square feet inside or outside a building, not over public property. 13.40.040 Fees For Permits. A fee for each sign permit shall be paid to the building official as set forth in the schedule Table.No. 3-A. 28. · The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of this chapter shall be made by the building official. Where work for which a permit is required by this chapter is started or proceeded with prior to obtaining said permit, the fees above specified shall be doubled, but the payment of such double fee shall not relieve any person from fully complying with the requirements of this chapter in the execution of the work nor from any other penalties prescribed herein. TABLE NO. 3-A--BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE Si'to $500 $5 $501 to $2,000 $5 for the first $500 plus $1 for each additional $100 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000. $2,001 to $25,000 $20 for the first $2,000 Plus $3 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000. $25,001 to $50,000 $89 for the first $25,000 plus $2.50 for each additional thousand or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000. $50,001 to $100,000 $151.50 for the first $50,000 plus $1.50 for each additional thousand, or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000 $100,001 and up $226.50 for the first $100,000 plus ~1 for each'additional thousand or fraction thereof 13.40.050 Plan Checking Fees. Where plans and ot~er pertinent information are required in accordance with Section ~30.2,1'i~UBC Yol. 5, a plan check fee equal to one-half the sign permit fee shall be paid to the buildin~ official. 29. 13.40.060 Amendments To Sign Code. Table 9A shall be amended as follows:' CLEARANCE MAXIMUM PROJECTION MAXIMb/~ HEIGHT C-"i C-2 M-1 Less than 8' Not permitted 50' 75' 75' 150' 8' 1' 50' 75' 75' 150' '8' - 16' 1' plus 6" for each foot of clearance in excess of 8' 50' 75' 75' 150' Over 16' "At~' l~as~~ 2.~:back o~fi~Urb line 28' 28' 28' 28' 12 ' -16' fSign wid~ ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, . . . . k4'-8' I * See Figure 1 TABLE 9B THICKNESS OF PROJECTION SIGN PROJECTION MAXIMUM THICKNESS 5'+ 2' ' 3' 3' 13.40.070 Restriction As To Zoning Regulations. Ail signs shall comply with zoning regulation ordinance of the City of Bakersfield. 13.40.080 Construction -- Approval of City Council. No permit for any sign exceeding'a height of fifty feet from ground level shall be issued· without prior approval 'of the City Council of the City of Bakersfield, provided however, that such approval is not applicable in a D (Architectural Design Zone) or in the_C-C (Civic Center Zone). 30. ' ' ugust 5, 1968 o~ ~'u~9 · ~) LG : Obi t .t · ~. ~ hJ 0 ~ O0 · . ...~ ~ ..~ · .-[W' MAY INCREASE I' . ~ 0 - ~ ~. ~ ~,,' ~ ~ FOOT FO~ E~¢H FOOT ~ ~ ~ CLEARANCE UP TO / 0 16' WHERE SIGN MAY , _'!;.>~"} ' · ~ a~s. : ~ . bt ~ · I I · " ~ " ~ V~ri~ble Width " NOTE: ALL SIGN HEIGHTS ' OVER 50' MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL. ALL"D" · ' ~VERLAYS BY THE ' SIGN HEIGHTS- PLANNING COMMISSION. HEIGHT ~ PROJECTION ORD. 1~.40. SECTION 9. That a new Chapter 13.56 Electrical Code is added to.the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter.13.56 ~ ELECTRICAL CODE Sections: 13.56.010 Adoption of Uniforml Electrical Code. 13.56.020 Deletion of Sections of .Un~forml Electrical Code. and National Electrical Code. 13.56.030 ~endments to National Electrical Code. 13.56.040 Residential Requirements. 13.56.050 Public Buildings - Commercial and Industrial Requirements. 13.56.060 Load Balancing. 13.56.070 Disconnect Required - Exception. '13.56.080 Plans and Specifications. 13.56.09'0 Fees Schedule. · 13.56.100 Chief Electrical Inspector. 13.56.010 ~do~tion of Uniform Electrical Code. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain electrical code known and designated as "Uniform Electrical Code, 1965 Edition", published by Pacific Coast Electrical Bureau and that certain electrical code k~%own and designated as the "Nationai Electrical Code, 1965 Edition", published by the National Fire Protection Association, three copies of both codes have · heretofore been filed with ~%e City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, are hereby adopted as the Electrical Code of the City of Bakersfield, and each provision and portion thereof is-hereby referred to and made a part of this'chapter to the same effect as if fully set forth herein. 13.56.020 Deletion of Certain Sections of Uniform Electrical Code 32. supplying not less than 16 branch circuits. A 1 inch raceway shall be run from ~e service panel to accessible attics and crawl areas beneath floors for future use. (e) I~ellings shall have 1 lighting circuit for every 500 square feet of area. 33a. and National F. lectrical Code. (a) section 3, .10, ll, and 13 of the Uniform Electrical Code, · · 1965 Edition, are hereby deleted. (b) The following provisions of the National Elec'trical Code, 1965 Edition, are hereby deleted from said code. (1) Article 550, comprised of Sections 550-1 through 550-11, relating to Mobile Homes; and (2) A.rticie 551, comprised of Sections 551-1 through 551-10, relating to Travel Trailers. ' · 13.56.030 'Amendments to National Electrical Cod~. The. following sections of the National Electrical Code, 1965 Edition, are adopted by reference as amended herein: (a) Section 250-82 is amended by striking subsection 250-82 (b) Section 680-9 is amended to read: "680-9. Clearances. Overhead electrical wiring shall not be installed above a swimming pool nor above a surrounding area extending horizontally 10 feet from the pool edge or from the diving structure, observation stands, towers or platforms." 13.56.040 Residential Requirements. (a) In dwelling occupancies, the service entrance conduit shall be rigid threaded conduit for overhead services. (b) Wiring in apartment houses over. 2 stories in height shall be installed in permitted raceway. (c) All non-metallic sheathed, cable shall include a grounding conductor, insulated or uninsulated, within the ~heath. (d) Single family dwellings, in which the dwelling area exceeds 800 square feet or the initial load is 10 K. W. or more, shall have installed a minimum 100 ampere, 3 wire, or 70 ampere 4 wire "%~e" service. Conductors' shall terminate, in a panel board capable of 33. (f) A receptacle outlet shall be installed in dwellings for each 3 feet of sink board work top and for each cook top,. gas range, and refrigerator. ('g) In 'all dwellings, at least 1 receptacle outlet shall be installed adjacent to a laundry tray or other plumbing suitable for a washing machine,'supplied by a 20 ampere branch circuit. (;.~ In all dwellings a minimum '4 inch trade size box shall be used where, concgaled. (ii) Electric clothes dryer outlets in dwellings shall be supplied by a 30 ampere minimum branch circuit. (~j) In calculating feeder loads in dwellings, loads shall be computed at not less than the following minimum loads in watts: (1) Electric cooking range top. 7200 (2) Electrical oven 4800 (3) Electric clothes dryer 4800 (4) Electric dish washer 1500 (5) Electric water heater 3000 (6) Laundry receptacle 1000 (7) Refrigerator type air conditioner receptacle 1500 13.56.050 Public Buildings~-Commercial and Industrial Requirmm~ents. (a) All c~mmercial and industrial interior wiring shall be installed in an approVed raceway system. (b) The minimum wire size in all public, commercial, and industrial buildings shall be number 12 American wire gauge for lighting and for supplying more than 1 receptacle outlet. (c) In public, commercial and industrial buildings air con- ditioning units, containing no manual resetting control or prQ- tective device, may be installed on building or structure roofs without a permanent means of access thereto, if: (1) The roof' is accessible by means of a portable ladder 16 feet in length; and 34. (2) A single, disconnecting means for the unit is installed adjacent to the u~nit; the disconnecting means shall be horsepower rated for units exceeding '2 horseppwer. (d) In public, commercial and industrial buildings, the following shall be classed as continuous 'loads: (.1) General illumination, non-dwelling occupancy; "~ (2) Industrial and con~nercial cooking equipment; (3) Industrial and commercial process heating; i (4) Industrial and commercial air and space heating; (5) Commercial signs and outline lighting; and '(6) Commercial display, show case, show window, and festoon lighting. (7) Air conditioning loads. 13.56.060 Load Balancing. Loads shall be balanced as equally as practicable on phases of 3 phase circuits' and between the neutral conductors and ungrounded conductors of multi-wire circuits. 13.56. 070 Disconnect Required--Exception. (a) Qn premises comprised of more than 1 building, the conductors supplying each building shall be provided with a readily accessible means, located in or upon the building served, for disconnecting the ungroun'ded conductors from the source of supply. The disconnecting means shall consist .of a single switch or circuit breaker in each feeder or other circuit entering the building. The disconnecting means shall be devised to be lo~ked in an open position. (b) Disconnecting means are not required to be provided for accessory buildings on dwelling premises. 13.56. 080 Plans and Specifications. (a..) Each application for permit shall be accompanied by plans and specifications, or by a suitable diagram approved by the building official, when the work or electrical installation for which a permit is sought relates to: (1) A theater or motion picture theater; 35. (2) An assembly building with an occupant load with seating exceeding 500 persons; (3) A hospital or other buildinp' with surgical operating · rooms; (4) A new building or an addition, the computed area of '~whiCh exceeds 15,000 square feet and with a total, load exceeding 400 amperes; the computed area shall be the sum of the areas on each floor bound'ed by the outside surfaces of the exterior walls and shall includs floor areas beneath .building projections which extend more than 6 feet; (5) High voltage installations within the scope .of Article 710 of the National Electrical Code, 1965 Edition; (6) Installations in locations classed as "hazardous locations" by the department; (7) Proposed installations in which the rating of service or feeder disconnecting means exceeds 600 amperes computed with allowable 'demand factor. Plans and specifications Shall be prepared by and bear the signa- ture and California registration number of one holding a valid state license in the proper classification. Plans and specifica- tions submitted with permit applications shall be approved by the department before a permit for the work shall be issued. (b) One set of plans and specifications may be filed for checking, provided that not less than 2 sets of corrected plans and specifications are filed before approval is given by the department. One set .shall b'e approved and returned to the applicant; the other set shall be retained by the department f'or field checking. (c) If plans or. specifications do not comply with all pro- visions of the City of Bakersfield Electrical Code, the necessary changes or revisions shall be made thereto by the person who 36. originally drew the plan, or by his duly authorized agent with the same §tatus of licenser. (d) Every plan shall be a print or drawing approved by the department. The information contained on the plans shall be clearly legible and specifically indicated. No.plan for electric wiring in a building shall be in scale less than.if8 inch to 1 foot. '~The Graphic Electrical Symbols for Architectural Plan shall be used. (e) Specifications, legibly and definitely stated, shall be included on the plan or on separate sheets attached thereto. (f) Plans and specifications or wiring diagrams on file with the department, whether stamped, or not, shall not be public records. (g) If an application for permit is filed for work involving wiring or electrical applications which constitute minor a~ditions or alterations to existing electrical work, the building official may waive the requirement of detailed and complete plans and specifications as a prerequisite to permit, or he may require solely an adequate diagram of the proposed work without specifications. (h) Plans and specifications, or diagrams when permissible, submitted with applications for permit shall depict clearly the following required information': (1) A complete plan showing a schematic layout of proposed electrical wiring for' each floor, including dimensions of.all work- ing spaces, with a legend of symbols used.. (2) The type, location, and capacity of all service equipment. (3) The size and length of all service.raceways to the manhole, vault, or pole of the serving agency or to the service head.' (4) The size of all raceways and the length of 'all feeder raceways. (5) The dimensions of all pull or junction boxes larger' than 4. inches trade size. 37. (6) The number, size, and type of all conductors to be ins'tailed in wiring enclosures. (7) The location of each proposed outl'et and switch in the building or structure, inc.luding fixed showcases, wall cases, and similar wiring. (8) The wattage or ampere rating of each outlet for non-inductive loads, and the volt ampere rating of each unit or · transformer for electric discharge lighting. (9) The location, voltage, and horsepower rating of each motor, and the K. W. rating of every generator. (10) The location and K. V. A. or equivalent rating of each transformer, capacitor, ballast, converter, frequency changer, and similar equipment; and the locations and ampere or wattage rating of' other appliances of the non-inductive type. (11) Details of panel boar~, switchboard, and distribution centers, showing type and arrangement of switch'es, overcurrent devices, and general control equipment. (12) Panel board and switchboard schedules showing wattage and amper.age, the number of active branch circuits to be installed, and. the number of spare branch circuits for future use. The schedules shall include identifying the circuits to which the outlets are connec ted. (13) The ex. isting load shall be indicated for existing installations having alterations or additions made thereto. (14) Other informa~.i, on re.q~±r~d bY the department for a particular application. 13.56. 090 Fees Schedule. A fee shall be' paid to the department at the time of application for each p~rmit in accordance with the following schedule: .Single Family Dwellinss.. For single family dwellings on new construction work, the following flat rate table shall apply, 38. including service conductors,.all outlets, range, dryer, and any miscellaneous circuit servicing the structure. Area of Construction Fees 0 to 1000 square feet $10.00 1001 to 2000 square feet 20.00 2001 to 3000 square feet 30.00' 3001 and larger 35.00 Multi-Dwelling Occupancies. F'or multi-dwelling occupancies, new work, the following flat rate, for each dwelling unit, shall be applied: Area of Construction Fees 0 to 750 square feet $ 5.00 each 751 to 1250 square feet 10.00 each 1251 and larger 15.00 each Other Installations. For all other electrical wiring, the permit fees are: For services 600 volts or less, each $ 2.00 For services exceeding 600 volts, each 5.00 Permanent power pole 5.00 Lights and Outlets. Following fees paid for light fixr tures shall be considered the lighting outlet and wall switches necessary to supply and control the fixture. Light Fixtures - first 10 $ .40 each Each additional 10 or fraction thereof 2.00 For receptacle outlets - first 10 .20 each Each additional 10 or friction thereof 1.00 Fees. for motors, transformers, heating appliances, miscellaneous equipment or a~pliances: 39. H.P., K.W., OR K.V.A. Rating of Equipment Fee__~s. 0-1 $ 1.00 each 1.1-5 2.00 each 5.1-15 2.50 each 15'1-50 3.00 each .~ 50.1-100 5.00 each _ 100.1-500 10.00 each ow~r 500 15.00 each For the inspection of any electrical equipment for which no fee is herein prescribed for the time consumed per hour .................... 7.00 With minimum charge 1/2 hour or less .... 3.50 Any person who shall commence any electrical work for which a permit is required by this ordinance without first having obtained a permit therefor shall, if subsequently permitted to obtain a permit, pay double the permit fee.fixed by this section for such 'work provided that this provision shall not apply to emergency' work when it shall be proved tO the satisfaction of the Chief Electrical Inspector that such work was urgently necessary and that it was not practical to obtain a permit therefor before the commencement of work. In all such cases, a permit must be obtained as soon as il: is practical to do so, and if there be an unreasonable delay in' 6btaining such a permit a double fee as herein provided shall be charged. A fee of $10.00 shall be paid for each annual Maintenance Electrician permit at the time when such permit is issued. Fees for all new work installed under such a .permit since the date .of the last previous inspection shall be paid, according to the above schedule, at the time when such work is inspected; these fees shall 40. be in addition to the fee paid at the time when the annual permit is issued. Plan-checking fees shall be one half the applicable permit fee. '13.56.100 Chief Electrical Inspector. The Chief Electrical Inspector referred to in said Uniform Electrica~ Code shall be '~the duly appointed and acting Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, his duty authorized representatives, or such.person as hereafter may be authorized by law to perform the duties now being performed by that official in the City of Bakers- field. SECTION 10. That a new Chapter 13.60 Plumbing Code is added to the Municipa¥ Code of the City of Bakersfield to read as follows: Chapter 13.60 PLUMBING CODE Sections: 13.60.010 Adoption of Uniform Plumbing Code. 13.60.020 Deletion of Certain Sections of Uniform Plumbing Code. 13.60. 030 'Cooling' System Water--Discharge and Disposal-- Existing Conne'ctions. 13.60.040 Swimming Pools--Filtration Systems--Discharge Pipe-- Existing Pools. 13.60.050 Administration and Enforcement by Chief Building Inspector. 13.60,060 Rules and Regulations. -- 13.60.070 Liability of City For Damages. 13.60. 080 Permit Not Authority For Violations--Correction of Errors-'-Revocation of 'Certificate of Approval-- Permit Duration--Special Owner's Permit. 41. 13.60.090' Schedule of Fees. 13.60.100 Installation of Water Piping. 13.60.010 ~doption of Uniform Plumbing Code. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain, document in book form, entitled "Uniform Plumbing Code, 1967 Edition" (with Appendixes A through G) · ~dopted by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical -Officials at the Thirty-Seventh Annual Conferen.ce, October, 1966, 'together with insertions therein written (including all publications therein incorporated by reference), three copies of which have hereto- fore been .filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted and enacted as the plumbing Code of the City of Bakersfield', for the purposes stated therein, with the exceptions and subject to the amendments and deletions of the provisions thereof as hereinafter in this chapter provided. 13.60.020 Deletion of Certain Sections of Uniform Plumbing Code. Sections 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, ]..7, 1.10 and subsection 10 of 1.4, and all of Part 2, consisting of Sections 2.1 to 2.11, both inclusive, of the 1967 Uniform Plumbing Code are hereby deleted. ~ooling System Water--Discharg~ and Disposal--Existing Connections. Section 609 of said Uniform Plumbing Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 609. (a) Water which has been used' as a cooling medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus, shall not be connected to the drainage system on the premises where said cooler, ....... appliance, device or other'apparatus is located and used, nor shall said water be in any manner discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the City of Bakers- field, provided, however, that water which has. been used as a cooling medium in any cooler, appliance, device or other apparatus, must be disposed of in 42. a manner approved by the Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield. (b) All connections heretofore made or existing. at the time of the effective date of this code, as mentioned in this section, Shall be disconnected from the sanitary sewer system of the City of Bakersfield and the discharge of water from the coblers, appliances, devices, and other apparatus herein mentioned, shall be effected in a manner approved by the Chief Building Inspector. 13.60. 040 Swimming Pools--Filtration Systems--Discharge Pipe-- Existing Pools. There is hereby added to said Uniform Plumbing Code a new section to be numbered Section 609.1 which said section shall read as follows: Section 609.1 (a) .Ali swimming pools in the City of Bakersfield shall be equipped with a filtration system which shall be installed' under the supervision, and to the satisfaction, of the Chief Building Inspector of said City, which said filtration system will permit the reuse of the water in said swimming pools for a period of not less than one year. (b) The discharge pipe from said swimming pools shall not be larger than one inch and the water in said pools shall not be discharged into the sanitary sewer system of said City more often than once a.year and not until a permit has been obtained' from the City Engineer who shall designate the time for the discharge of such ...... water. In no event shall such discharge' of water from swimming pools be at a time when the climatic temperature is higher than seventy degrees F. (c) All swimming pools exis'ting at the effective date of this ordinance, shall be made to conform with the provisions of this ordinance. 43. 13.60. 050 Administration And Enforcement By Chief Building .Inspector. Whenever used in the Uniform Plumbing Code, the terms "Administrative Authority" and/or "plumbing Official" shall mean the duly appointed and acting Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, his duly authorized representative, or such persons as hereafter may be authorized 5y law to perform the duties now being performed by that official in the City of Bakersfield. 13.60.060 Rules and Regulations_. The Chief Building Inspector may promulgate rules and regulations, subject to the approval of the City .Council of the City of Bakersfield,not in conflict with the provisions hereof, to facilitate the enforcement and administra- tion of the Uniform Plumbing Code. 13.60.070 .L. iabilitM of City For Damages. This chapter shall not be construed as imposing on the City of Bakersfield or its officers' or employees any liability for damage resulting from defective plumbing work; nor shall the City of Bakersfield or its officers or employees be held to assume any such liability by reason of the inspections authorized hereunder. 13.60.080 Permit Not Authority For Violations--Correction of Errors--Revocation of Certificate of Approval--Permit Duration-- Special Owner's Permit. (a) The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans and specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be'a permit for, or an approval of, any .violation of any of the provisions of this code. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code shall be valid, except insofar as the work or use which it authorizes is lawful. .... '(b) 'The. issuance of a permit upon approval of plans and specifications shall not prevent the Chief Building Inspector from thereafter requiring the correction of error in said plans and specifications or from preventing construction operations being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or of any 44. other ordinances or from revoking any certificate of approval when issued in error. (¢) Every permit issued by the Chief Building Inspector under the provisions of .this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void, if the work authorized by such permit' is not commenced within ..~sixty days from the date of such permit, or if the work authorized by such permit, is suspended or abandoned at any. time after the work is commenced for a period of s'i.xty days.. Before such work can be recommenced a new permit shall be first obtained so to do. (d) The Chief Building Inspector may issue to an individual a special owner's permit authorizing said individual to do plumbing- or. drainage work in, on or about, a building of which said individual is ·owner; provided, that no plumbing or drainage work authorized under any such special owner's permit shall be done, nor shall the owner holding any such permit allow any such work to be done, except personally by the owner to whom the permit is issued, or by a member of his immediate family; and if this or any other provision hereof shall be violated by the holder of such special owner's permit, such permit shall be subject to immediate cancellation by the Chief Building' Inspector, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the penalty provided for violation of this chapter. 13.60.090 Schedule of Fees. Section 1.12 is amended by amending the schedule of fees to read: Schedule of Fees 1~ For each plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage piping, 'and 'backflow protection therefor) $ 2.00 2. For each building sewer or each trailer coach'sewer 6.00 3. Rain water systems - each drain".- 2..00 4. For each water heater or vent 2.00 J. 5. For first ~ive'~'gas:~outlets $ 2°00 6. For each additional gas outlet over 5 .40 7. For each industrial waste pretreatment intercepter, including its trap and vent 2.00 8. For installation, alteration, or repai~ of water piping or water treating equipment 2.00 9. For repair or alteration of drainage or vent pip'lng 2.00 10. For each vacuum breaker or back' .flow protective device 2.00 11. For each water service 2.00 12. For plumbing work in a 1 bathroom, newly constructed, single family dwelling 14.00 13. For plumbing work in a 2 bathroom,newly constructed, single family dwelling 20.00 14. For plumbing work in a newly constructed, single family dwelling with more than 2 bathrooms basic charge 20.00 Additional Charge: For each additional bathroom in excess of 2 5.00 15. For each private sewage disposal system consisting of 1 septic tank and 1 seepage pit or drain line 12.00 16. For each septic tank, seepage pit, .cesspool, or drain line in excess of '1 - ' 6.00 / 17. For any change or repair to existing septic tank, seepage pit or drain line' . 6.00 18. For plumbing for trailer coach site including- private sewage disposal system, trailer sewer, trap, water line, back-flo preventor, and gas line 24.00 46. 19. If plans are required to be submitted to the Administrative Authority under Section 306, a plan check fee shall be paid to the building official at the time plans and specifications are submitted. ~e plan checking fee shall be one-half the permit fee required by' this section. 13.60.'100 Installation of Water Piping. Section 1008, subsection (c) paragraphs No. (1) and (2) are amended to read: "(c) No water piping shall be installed within a concrete slab or in the ground under a concrete slab of a building. "Exceptions: If required by structural conditions, water piping may be installed in chases, sleeves, ducts, or may be pro- tected by an approved pipe wrapping material with the prior approval of .the administrative. authority' in accordance with the following requirements: (1) Ferrous piping shall have a protective coating of an approved type, machine applied and conforming to recognized standards. Field wrapping shall provide equivalent protection and is restricted to those short sections and fittings .neces~ari!y stripped for threading. Zinc coating (galvanized) shall not be deemed adequate protection for piping or fittings. (2) Copper ~ubing shall be protected per "'paragraph (1) and shall be inst~lled without joints where possible. Where joints are permitted, they shall be brazed and fittings shall be wrought copper." 47. SECTION 11. That new C.hapter 13.64, Uniform Housing Code is hereby added to the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield to read as follows: Chapter 13.64 .~; .. UNIFORM HOUSING CODE Sections: 13.64.010. Uniform Housing Code Adopted. 13'.64.020 Modification of Uniform Housing Code. . 13.64. 030 Amendments to Uniform Housing Code. 13.64. 010 Uni___f?~m ~Iousing Code Ado tp_~d_. Except as herein other- wise provided, that certain housing code known and designa'ted as "Uniform Buildi. ng Code, 1967 Edition" (Volume III entitled "Housing"), published by the International Conference of Building Officials, three copies of which have heretofore been filed with the City Clerk of the City of'Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Housing Code of the City of Bakersfield, and each provision and portion thereof is hereby referre.d to and made a part of this chapter to the same effect as if fully set fOrth herein. 13.64.020 Modificatzon of Uniform Housing Code. The following provisions are deleted from the.Housing Code' (Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume III): 'Section H-204, violations and penalties; Section H-501 (b), occupied space; Section H-502 (~) and (d); (Refer to Title 17 for yard and ~rojection into yard requirements) ppendix to Uniform Building Code Vol. III, Housing. 13.64. 030 Amendments To Uniform Housing Code. The following sections 'of th~ Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume III' entitled Housing, as adopted by referenc'e are amended as follows: 48. -P, cvisi~ August 5, 1969-_._ (a) Section H-201 is amended, by adding a sec,ond paragraph entitled subsection (a) to read: "The enforcement of this Housing Code .by the prevent building official shall not ~--s~,~--n. or super -~Re-. the enforcement of the State Housing 'Law by the County Health Officer as required by Section _..-. 17961 of the Health and Safety Code." SECTION 12. : That Chapter 13.66, D_an~erous Buildings Code, is hereby added to fh~ Municipal Code of th'e City of Bakersfield to read as follows: Chapter 13.66 .. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE " Sections: 13.66.010 Uniform Dangerous Buildings Code Adopted. 13.66.0120 Amendment To Dangerous Buildings,Code. 13.66.010 Adoption of Dangerous Buildings Code. Except as herein otherwise provided, that certain document in book form, entitled "Uniform Bui'lding Code,.!967 Edition" (Volume IV entitled "Dangerous Buildings"), adopted by the International Conference of Building· Officials, three copies of which heretofore Rave been filed with·the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield for use and exam'ination by the public, is hereby adopted and enacted as the Dangerous Buildings Code of t~e City of Bakersfield, for the pprpose stated therein, with the exceptions and subject to the amendments and deletions of the provisions thereof as hereinafter in this chapter provided. 13.66.020 Amendment To Dangerous Buildings Code. Section 201 of the Uniform Building Code, 1967 Edition, Volume IV entitled Dangerous Buildings, .is amended by the addition of a second paragraph to read: 49, "The enforcement of.. the City of Bakersfield Dangerous , prevent Buildings Code shall not-s~-pp-~a-~Pa-~ae~---s~?pe~'-s-e~te- the enforcement of the State Housing Law by the County Health Officer as required by Section 17961 of the Health and Safety Code." .. .~ SECTION 13. That Chapter 13.90, Fallout Shelters, 'is hereby added to · the Municipal C.ode of the City of Bakersfield as follows: .'. Chapter 13.90 FALLOUT S~ELTERS Sections: 13.90.010 Definitions. 13.9.0. 020 Building Permit Required. 13.90.030 Use For Emergency Purposes Only. 13.90. 040 Structural Standards. 13.90. 050 Sanitation. 13.90. 060 Gas Lines. 13.9.0. 070 Electricity. 13.90. 080 Radiation Protection. 13.90. 090 Posted Sign. 13.90.010 Definitions. (1) "A family type fallout shelter' is a stru'cture designed and constructed in accordance with this chapter, for emergency use only, to afford protection from nuclear radiation, con~nonly known as ... :'fallout" for not more than twelve (12) persons, resulting from a nuclear .incident which endangers the healt-h and safety-of the inhabitants of.the City of Bakersfield. (2) "Building official" means, the Chief Building Inspector of the City of Bakersfield. 13.90. 020 Building Permit Required. '- ('a)' No person, firth or corporation shall erect, construct, 50. R-erisa_on August 5, 1968 enlarge, alter, repair, move,, improve, remove, convert or demolish any fallout shelter in the City~ or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a separate building permit for each such building or structure from the building official. (b) Application. To obtain a permit the applicant shall first file an application therefor on forms supplied by the 'Building Department. (c) Permit Fee. F'ee shall be the same as required for building permits under the Building Code, Chapter 13.16. 13.90.030 Use For Emergency Purposes Only. Fallout shelters 'shall not be used for normal living purposes. 13.90. 040 Structural Standards. (a') Minimum Standards. Such fallout shelter shall domply with the' requirements and minimum standards prescribed by the Kern County Civil Defense and Disaster Council which were in 'effect at the time of issuance of the construction permit. (b) Doors. Fallout shelter doors shall be openable from inside without a key or similar device and without special skill or knowl.edge. (¢) Minimum Height. The minimum interior height of the structure shall be six feet, six inches (6' 6"). (d) Protection Against Water and Corrosion. The external portions of the structure shall be adequately protected against water intrusion and deterioration from corrosion in a manner whicli meets the approval of the building official. (e) Loads. The structure must be capable of supporting and resisting vertical and lateral loads in conformity with 'the require- men~s 6'~ the Building'Code, Chapter 13.16. (f) Ventilation. Ventilation providing a minimum, of five (5) cubic feet per minute per person shall be provided by a hand operated blower. Each shelter shall be' equipped with a suitable filter attached to the air intake system which'will filter down to 51. ten (10) microns of dust particles. Air intake and exhaUst pipes to be three (3) inches in diameter and to terminate on opposite sides of the shelter or to be separated by not less than ten (!0) feet. Both intake and exhaust pipes to terminate on .the surface in a 180° turn from entry, th'e orifice to be not less than twelve "(12) inches above ground level, rl~e filter must be at 'least twelve (12) inches · above the ground. No light source which dePletes, the oxygen content ~f air shall be incorporated or utilized in the construction of a fallout shelter. (g) Backfill. Material used for backfill outside and adjacent to the fallout shelter shall be free of rubbish, vegetation, other deleterious material not subj~ect to proper compaction, or other- wise not conducive to stabilization or adequate drainage. %]~e backfill material shall be thoroughly compacted, when required by the building official, to not less than ninety per cent (90%) of maximum density or determined in accordance with procedures of ASTM Dens. ity Test No. D 1557-58T but modified to consist of three layers. 13.90. 050 Sanitation. Sanitation facilities shall not be or connected to the City of Bakersfield Sanitary Sewer System/to any privately owned cesspool or septic tank.. The disposal of waste shall be sub:iect to the approval of the'Health Department. (a) Toilet Vent. A vent pipe not less than two (2) inches 'in diameter shall be provided from within the shelter to the out- side for venting all types of toilet facilities. This vent shall terminate not less than thirty (30) inches from the finished floor level within.~ and the exterior terminus shall be turned vertically downward by means of elbows or bends a minimum of one (1) foot above ground level. This vent shall be located as far as is reasonably possible from any shelter air intake point. 52. 13,90,060 Gas Lines, No gas lines may be connected to the shelter. 13,90. 070 Electricity. All electrical wiring and installation shall Be in metal conduit raceway and shall comply with the pro- visions of the Electrical Code, Chapter 13.56. 13,90,.080 Radiation Protection. T~e shelter shall be designed "fro obtain a minimum attenuation facto, r recon~nended by local Civil Defense Office, The effects of secondary radiati°on must be considered, 13,90,090 Posted Sign. Each fallout' shelter shall be posted with a permanent sign indicating the shelter's occupant capacity. as determined from Kern County Civil Defense 'and Disaster Council Standards, SECTION 14, This ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage, o0o 53. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at August a regular meeting thereof' held on the 5th day.of ~, 1968.. AYES: COUNCILMEN HEI.~EY, HOSKING, REES, ..,~,.jl=~,.=, ~.7;-"%;:, YEI'TF..R~ WHIffI:MOLI,r' NOES:COUNCILMEN: ~~. ' ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: ~.~.~ j CITY CLERK and '~-Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield. · . August ~ APPROVED 'th,is. tl~ .. da ~ 1968 ~ i. :" ..-'-: - · -~- ., ~. ~ ~.~,..%.. . ' iR. V.,<gRrlenT,~'~M. D. MAYOR :.of the,%~dity?"~f- Bakersfield APPROVED: STATE O1~ CALIFOI?~NIA,~ ss. County of Kern } MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.....t..h...e.....6...t...h.....d...a.Y.._..o.~.....A..u.t[u...s...t.~ .......................... 19..6...8... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held' on ...... .t...h...e.._.5..t...h......d..a.x....o...f.....A..u..g..u..s...t......, 19...6...8.., which ordinance was numbered ..............1...7..4...6. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD.AMENDING AND REVlSING THE BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TITLE OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...6...t...h.... day of Au~.u.~ _ ,19 68 Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California ~ OFF. ICIAL SEAL t ,,~,~ WALTER W. SMITH I ,. .. KERN COUNTY .~ WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969