HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1741 O~I~I~C~ NOo._ 1741 ~ SERIES A~ ORDI~I~CE OF ~ CO~CIL 0F T~ CI~ 0F ~D~G C~~ ~. ~0 TO T~ ~ICI~ CODE OF ~ CITY OF ~~FIE~ ~OV~DIN~ FOR (1) T~ ~OCED~ A DIS~I~ WIT~ ~ ~DI~0~L T~ FOR A BUSI~SS LICENSE FO~ A BUSI~SS O~E~T~G I~ SUCH A DISTRXCT ~ST~L~S~D~ (2) ~ ~OCED~ FOR F~I~G 0R C~GINC T~ ~O~[ES OF ~ SUCH DXS~ICT; (3) T~ OF T~ I~IT~ Y~ FO~ BUSX~SS WI~IN SUCH DIS~ICT~ ~D T~: ~ST~LIS~f OF ~ ~ROCED~ BY WHICH SUCH ~S ~Y B~ C~GBD~ (4) USE OF ~ICH SUCH ~DIT~O~ ~~ ~ISED ~Y T~IS ~ ~Y BE USSD~ (5) OF G~IN~ OF NOTIC2S ~D HOLDI~ ~INGS IN CO~CTION ~ITH SUCH DIS~CY~ ITS EST~LIS~~ C~GES I}~ ITS ~S BE ~T OI~DALWED by ~he Council of the City of Bakers[ielg as follows': SECTION 1. There is hereby added to the Bakersfield Municipal Code Chapter 6°50 which read~ as follows: Chapter 6.50 EUSI~SS PROMOTION DIST~CT 6.50.010 DefiniCiOnSo 6.50°020 Notices and hearin~s~ invalidity of any part, 6.50.030 Purpose: in~ent and use of revenue, 6,50.040 Establishment of business promotion procedure, 6.50.050 Rate of addi=tonal tax° 6.50.060 Collate[on of additional 6°5000?0 6~an~es in ~he district boundaries. 6.50.080 6~lanSe~ of ra~e of addt~ional tax, 6.50.010 ~gftni~ion~o (a) BUSIliESS PROMOTION DISTRICT: An area in the City whi=hhaa been desi§nmted a Business Promotion (b) ADDITIOUtAL TAX FOR A BUSXI~5S LiCBI~SB: The es:ablimhed by :~i~ chapt~e~ inl:ially~ o~ am ~y be changefl conducting their activities ~,~ithin a Buain~aa Promotion Dia~ic~ ever ~hia c~p~e~ provldea for a hea~ing and a notice ~he~efo~ much no,ice shall be given aa 1. ~e publication% tn a n~spaper published and ci~ula~e6 in ~he Z. l~iling of much moticem~ postage prepaid~ in a sealed envelope~ by ~;he United Sta~e~ ~ils~ addressed ~o all busin.aa~e~ which conduc~ ac~ivi~ie~ within any p~opo~eg o~' established ~t~sines~ Promotion Dis~ic~ v~i~h the A~i~o~Cont~le~ and ~o all p~oper~y ~ers 3. Bo~h ~bl. ica~ion and ~aiiing of no,ices shall be co~leted at ieaa~ ten {10) ~ya p~ior ~o the holding of any hma~ins required by ~hia c~pter~ and such the hea~ing f~om time to 6°50°030 Pu~oae___~_~i.n~enl: _and u~e ,o,~. r~venue, ~e pv~o~e and tn~n~ o~ ~ chep~ ~a ~o ~o~e a ~ax upon thos~ buo~esse8 t.n Bu~nes~ ~ro~o~on D~r~c~ ~h~ch ~ g~ea~er ~n ~h~ general ~romo~tn~ven~a which ~a~ Dlace in such d~rtct ~h~ch ace of a ~ tn ~e Bu~e~z ~r~o~on D~!~tc~o Such ~clude~ but s~_11, no~ b~ J-tm~e~ :o ~he following: (a) Decoration of any public 91ace in the dt~rict. ~) Promo~ion of public events which are co ~ake place ~ or ~n ~ublic ~laces In euch (c) iu~ishin~ of ms/c tn any public place (d) ~ acquia~t.on~ cons~c~lon or ~n~enance o~ public ~mprw~n~$ ~ ~cludtn~ pa~k~n~ lo~s ~ benef~n~ ~he d~s~r~ct o (e) Ft~neial ae~a~ance ~o ~he ~aker~f~eld (f) The gene~al a~er~t~tng of ~he dietrich, and d~elop- d~;~r~c~o ~$ chapter ~s also ~n~ended ~o be con- ~ed l~,b~ally~ and In ~he even~ any 9av~ ~hould be hel~ ~n~al~d~ ~he re~lnln~ par~ or ~r~ ~hail r~ln Zn ~11 force and effect. The C~y Co~c~l 3. cr®a~a ~ m~lvi$o~y boards or comntssions fo~ the p~oa~, All ~uch a~o~ boa~fl m~be~a are ~o a B~tne~ P~o~o~[on D~a~ic~ ~htch s~ll contain ~he '~oll~-~i~ io~to~: {1) I dts~!~io~ o~ ~h~ p~osed ~~es of such dt~r~c~; (2) ~ ~ a~fl place vhen a h~a~tn~ s~ll b~ htld by Cha Co~c~l ~o ~ete~n~ w~her or no~ ~o adop~ a ;~;olu~io~ ~o =o~abli~h such d~=a~ (3) The uses ~o ~h~ch the add~i~l ~v~ue (4) T~t ~h~ es~ablish~m~ of a Bvsine~ ~ro~ion Dis~ric~ ~11 cause an addi~ional ~ax for business ltc~n~es for ~hose conducting ~heir ae~tvi~l~a in such di~rtc~ and ~ha~ such increase s~11 be in accor~nca ~iah ~he schedule provided by ~hts c~pCer~ which sc~dul, e aha11 b~ ~ forth a~ length in ~he resolution; (5) T~t any intere~ad p~raom ~y file a written protest prior ~o the hearing and ~y also appamr a~ th~ hearing and present evidenc~, ~) ~octc~ of ~h~ h~arlng provided for by ~he resolution of ln~ntion s~11 bs p~bltshed and ~tlad In accor~nc~ wt~h S~c~ion 6,50,020(a) h~raof~ axcep~ ho~er~ such no~ice ~11 con~isi ~of a complee~ copy of ~he resol~ion of ln~em~ion (c) ~e h~a~ apecified in ~he resolution of intention ~11 be held prZor ~o the adoption of a re~olution e~abltshtn~ a Business ~romotion Dt~rict. Such hearin~ shall be hmld In acco:¢dance wi=h Section 6.50,020 ~) he=eof. ~i~ re~olu~ton shall contain ~he ffollowtn~ [n~o~ion: (1) The n~bar~ da~e and C~1~ off ~he r~olu~ion of intention pur~n~ ~hich ~ wa~ adop~ed~ (2) The ~ime and place the hearinE wa~ held conc~tn~ ~he ~o~ion o~ such die~ric~; (3) The description of ~he bo~dar~as o~ such flia~c~; (1) i s~acem~n~ ~ha~ ~ha bua~nes~s in ~he dt~ric~ cr~ by ~he resolution sh~11 be subJec~ provi=~on= o~ ~h~ addt~ion~l ~a~ provided by ~his c~p~e~; pure.nc ~o ~he p~vt~ton~ o~ chi~ chapter. The Co. ct1 ~y~ h~aver. ~od~fy ~he bo~~a of ~h~ D~$~ct as described ~n ~h~ ~esolu~ion o~ intention baaed upon ~ha evidence pr~an~d, p~vided ~h~ Co~c~l propo~ea ~uch c~n~e ~nd on _hUeS ~he h~artnt ~til and notice of ~he p~opof~e~ chan~e and the ~ime and place o~ con~inued hea~n~ i~ give~ in accordance wiih Sec:ion 6o50.020(a). 6.50 050 ~a o~ a~~o~l~a~o Th~a i~ hereby tmpoa~d ~he (a) All businesses in such d[s~r[c~ s~11 b~ ~ubj$cC ~o ~h[~ ~ddi~[o~ml ~a~a~o~. Iff ~hey ara ~ubj~c~ ~o ~a~ion by ~h~ o~ Bake~ie].d ~d~r ~he bus~n~s ~cen~e ~ax ordtnance~ C~p~ 6,20. (b') The ~a~ imgoaed by ~h~ chap~e~ a~ add~onal ~or a bu~ine~ l~cenae E,h~ll b~ based upon ~he follo~n~ Apar~n~a~ mo~els o= ~o~tn~ houses Barber ~hop~ ~nfl barber colleges Beauty ahopa and beauty colleges Billiart and pool ~ables Ca~dro~ D~ clea~ing plan~s and agencies Collection agencie~, Danc~g achoolm Ho~l~ ~dio an~ Televi~ion F~era~ Bu~in~m~es in thia cla~s shall be taxed a~ an additional for a buain~aa l!can$e ~o (2) ~i~ ~he ordina~ bu~lne~ licens~ 6. ~i~ cla~ ~11 include all bu~ines~e~ no~ li~ed ~u~ea~e~ t= ~la~a ~ s~].l be ~=ed as an additional ~ax for a bu~ss li=~ma~ one (1) door~ for bu~lne~ am~ ~11 ~hen be ~h~r ~la~lfica~ton~ w~h ~he ann~l a~ due ~o be pa~d on a (d) ~y bu~eas, p~rson of a bu~ne~ l~=~n~ ~a~ by the Sta~e Con~i~u~ion provided by :~hia 6~50~060 C~ll~9_~$p~_of additional addition1 ~ax for a buafm~s licenze for any Bu~inas~ P~o~ion Di~c~ ~I1 be ~d~ a~ ~he same auy o~her bu~ine~ ~i~:-~aa ~ax and all provl~on~ of Chapter 6.10 r~la~ive ~o enfo~c~: au~ collection a=~ applicable ~o ~hi~ chap~er. 6050.070 ~h~. $}~..?~ d~s~ric. . ~ in ~he bo~ri~a of a~v Bu~inea~ Fr~ion Dia~rtc~ by a. 6°50°080 Chan~.~_~a~.~_,~..~e of addt~_i, on_a_l~ _~a_x_. Chansea ~y be and after ~he' ~e of ii;a pa~aage, ........ 000 ........ July ~h~ ~ol~o~n~ vo~ AYES: COUNCILMEN HEISGY, HOSKING, REES, RUCKER, STIERN, YET/ER, WHITtT;MORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: Cou~'~cil oE ~:ha City oE July -- .- R'ic -~. l:~.. ~ ie rn , -: ~, .."~ . ~ Aff av t of ost ng ®r inan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ County of Kern MA_RI.~d~I S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ...................... ..J..u...]:~,._..2. ................................................. 19...6..8._ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. .J_u...]:~.....]: .................................... , 19...6...8.., which ordinance was numbered ...........1...7...4..1.. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD ADDING CHAPTER 6, 50 TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD PROVIDING FOR (1) THE PRO- CEDURE BY WHICH A DISTRICT WITH AN ADDITIONAL TAX FOR A BUSINESS LICENSE FOR A BUSINESS OPEHATING IN SUCH A DISTRICT MAY BE ESTABLISHED; (2) THE PRO- CEDURE FOR FIXING OR CHANGING THE BOUNDARIES OF ANY SUCH DISTRICT; (3) THE ADOPTION OF THE INITIAL TAX FOR BUSINESS WITHIN SUCH DISTRICT, AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROCEDUHE BY WHICH SUCH PATES MAY BE CHANGED; (4) USE OF WHICH SUCH ADDITIONAL REVENUE PAISED BY THIS TAX MAY BE USED; (5) THE PROCEDURE OF GIVING OF NOTICES AND HOLDING HEARINGS IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH DISTRICT, ITS ESTABLISHMENT, CHANGES IN ITS BOUNDARIES, AND CHANGES IN ANY TAX PATES DERIVED FROM THIS CHAPTER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... ..2...n..d...day of ........ ..J...u..1.~. ............................ ,19,..6..8.. Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State o/ California ~ ......... ~ .... OFFICIAL SE. L :: ~~ WALTER W. SMITI4 : ~?~... ~ " ................................... w. -My CGmml,~lon E:xpires June 8, 1969