HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1753 --- . .... 0RD~-NANCE NO_._ - 1753 NEW SERIES - . - ~- .. - . ..:. .'-~ . ~-.:' ._ :.__'.'. · ....... :-' · }-... -. -[--"':-=:~-. ~: AN 0RDINANC.E::ALTERING THE BouNDARIES.. .OF THE .. ~._r¢_---_._¢._ FIFTH WARD OF' THE .CITY. oF B-AKERS~iELD, .". .... :~;:'~:' · ....."' -~ CALIFOI~IA; · ' ' ' · "' ~''':''- '" .'- :+-.BE: ITi ORDAINED by. the Council of the City o_f"-:B~'~ersfield _.' .':' · " ~- ~as_..follows: - -. .. ; . :~.£: --. :, ....... · ' " SECTION 1. .' "--"~- - - '- '- -' " ~' ' 2. '>~,~. · -' ~.----. '- The. boundaries of the Fifth Ward of the City of Baker§field' · are-.hereB_y altered so as to include therein that certain parcel of-" - . ~_ - _ ?erritOry-heretofore annexed to the City of Bakersfield_~by Ordinane~e' · 7 · ---' - · "' '~' No-.__1748, New Series', of the. City of Bakersfield whic'h~'territory'." is degl-gna, ted as "CALIFORNIA AVENI. rE NO. 1" 'and is specifica!l..~-""'" _ .. '~.. ~._ ~ . ' _. .. ._-. ' describ"~'d in said .ordinance... _-~ .. -' ' SECTION 2. '- ~-... ~ This .ordinance. sh~l become effective thirty days fr.om ..... .2. and 'after the date of its passage. .. ~ '- - o0o .......... · .. :.. '' ._ ...... -~ .- ...: :~. . :.....:: ::.'_..:;,f...~..~,':....; :'. .... _ - .... ....,....,. ..... _ :· : ....... :-._ .'?:::'_ . '. - - _.~ ~. -. · _ . - .' ~::~ .'-':~.~,~ :",,~:;..- .:... . _ ... ,.?. · · . ...: ..... '.~:-".~%.~:::~. :~' . ..~.~ ._.-.'.. ' :_ .. ...' ':'.:._-_ :..-.:_..:_ ._-..-._--'.?~...~. '.--_:. .....~.- :. .?.:........:!..:-..~.~.~:~.:~......_~..~..:... . . - . . . - · ' ...... : . . u - - ~ : ..-_-. -. -- ~+.. ~ - . ~ -- ... · ~ _.._~. · ...... ~.-- · · .'," '~."~.' .~.....~/" -.' · . - ._ _ ~ .... _: . -'_ ~-_ .., ..... ~_..:'~::..:.:'_ · ::-,'~'.."..~: · :-.-... ...,,~-.' ..~ .... . .... .: _........~.~ .... ~._..~.~...~ .:,;-.;_.:.--~.~, ...- ..' -'-~-- ': '" I HEREBY CERTIFY_ th~--~-the, 'foregOing Ordinance was -_. ·. _... -.~.~.. "i----p_.a-ssed and adopted· by. the Cou_n'~-=~¥i'of the City of Bakersfield 'a~ a- regular meeting thereofi~-Id?~n the. 3rd day of September, 1968, · by the following vote: --. '.'. . "'_.. -" [ ~--'- ': AY=.~: COUNCILMEN ~IB~EY. HOSKING, REEB, I~UCKER, STIE~N, YE~ER, ~/H ._~TEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN:. ' ABSENT COUNCILMEN:.~ ' "~/ ' ABSTAININ~ COUNCILMEN: .' _'. - Council of. ehe C~ty of Bakersfield ' · APPROVED eh~s.., ard ~'.'day of'September~ ...: 6~ ~he C~ 6f Bakersfield APPROVED: STATE OF CATJPORNIA,~ County of Kern ) ss. . MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............... ..S..e.~.t...e..m...b.!.r......4. .......................................... ,19...6...8.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... ..S_e.j~..t..e...m...b..e...r.....3.. ........................... , 19....6..8.., which ordinance was' numbered ............. ..1..7...5..3.. ................ New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE FIFTH WARD OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CAI, IFORN IA. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ....5..t...h._..day of ......... .S...e.l~..t...e...m..b...e...r. ............... ,19....6...8.. Notary Public in and for the County o~ Kern, State o~ California ....................................... Wg[TER W. SMITH " ~Y Commission E:xpires June 8, 196~