HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1778 ce:c~alu ~iuhabi~ed ~a:~'";e{~v--~,~,-- ..,~ ~h~e~n ~e~:~bed be amuexe~ ~o and ~..,=.,...r~.x~!a '~o pay ~n., bonded indebtedness 893~ N~,~ Serf. e~ !.n O~di.~nc~e Nee 950~ New Series~ ~m. - ~s~,,':~.es, amd i~% Ord~t.~nce No o 1593 ~ a~.,.d .;' """ '.~ x u~:x.'"' ~che:uut.e"' ....... oZ:,-~t'-,'.-~:.": ,~:~ ~-..a.,..,,,~ ....,, ~ ~.,~,, ui' sax.e ,=,~.e~ ~, aons' .... ..... ~=,,c~" ;: 2h9,8' Terr~.~ory Ac~ e~ 1939~ ' '~, ~ ~ .,~.r~.,~.. Article 5 of ~he ~e~m~n~ Code ef Mon~y~ ~he l~h ~y of ~Zeb~y~ 1959~ at the hour of a new~papa= of ~e~le~ai ~.~ia~on published in the the co~y wh~:e ~a'Id ~-,-~.,-,~.-~m,v ~.s loca~;ed~ ~ald publi, ca~ion~ ~e~men~ Go~e ~ and ~.t a~ le~t ~,ren~y day~ 9sfo?e c"~.e pubt~,c hee.~'ing o~. said ~-'~'~l." ...... ' ..... r...'.~.: ..:.,:-. ,..: ~.' _. ..%~ L~Z'?" ., r. .S,' 't-~.....,~;...c.... -' ' ~th subdtcezaions (a) a~.d %o) cf ~e~e,.~. 35311 of ~ald Code ~. and Tha~ the Ci~x Co'~ci! of ~he. C~y of Bake.~field h~eSy ltmiCm of ~he Ci'~:y of ..:,aL~em~.. do of i:b~ cern:aim uninhavtl:ea ~er~!~oz'y de~:~.gnate~ ac ~.,...~u~.~,~.~.~ NOo and l~ im hereby further A parcel of Zend ai~um~e ,l..'.~ the Co~m~ ~ ~; - S~a~e of Caltfo~aia~ amd being a po~fon of Sec%:ion~ 33~ 3 ~ and 35~ T~ship 29 Sou~h~ ~ng~ 27 Eas~ ~i~.Do~o~:~ ~4~ arid Section 4~ To~,m~h~p 30 $ou'~ ~nge 27 Eas~, lioD,~. & ~, ~ amd more pai~t:icula~ly deacrlbed aa Beginning at :~he No~th.,.~t co~ner of ~hat certain parcel of land de~ig~ed a~ Parcel 2 ~.~. ,?. deed ~-ecorded. June 12~ 19~8 im Book 24.6~ Page 382~ Oz~.~c~$1 P.e:~o'.rd~ of~a~,~. Ke~ County, ~atd Rscord of Su~ey ~,/~p of Gio,'~ckda]..e ~o~f amd Co~.~ Club~ Au~ 20~ 1940 ~a~ ~eco~i~ of Suzvsy 1~p ~ook 4~ Page 135~ Them.ce (2) Noon,ex'fy along the last named West line and ~h~ the $ou~h l_ne of ~ ~o~h 1600 fe~ of said of ~he k~% cf aa~a ~,~ ~ the la~ m.a~d 8ou~h ~kl.w.a a aiacanca of 1400 fee~ .... ~mce (8) Sout~$~.,~,:~ and in a direc~ lim~.~o m polm~ on ~b.~ W~st line of th~ ~k ~f maid $~c~lon 34, ~a~.d poim~ b~ng ~hereon iOZ..0 feet Nor:.,b of the $ou~hwem~ corner of ~he ~k of Th~mc~ (9). $outb:~,~m~r~.y ~md ~m a dlrec~ line ~o a poim~ on ~h~ $ou~h l~n~ of the Ni{%. of said 8~c~on 34, said pofn~ b~fng Thence (i0) W~myly a!o~.~ i'he laz~ named $ou~h lin~ and Sou~h line of ~e ~% ~'~ ~aid Sec~o~ ~3 ~o in~e~ec~ ~he Northerl~ extensio~ of Nest line of Lo~s 106 through Yrac~ No. 2548 as said %~ac~ is sh~ on a ~p recorded Augus~ 17~ !961 i~ ~a? ~,ook ].2~ ~ages 57 and 58, ~ecords of and ~he Wrest line of said lo'~$ ~o a poim~ on Wes~ line of said Lo~ 106 which ~o~..,~=. 1753.35 fee~ $ou~h of ~he ~o. 2548~ Thence (13) S 62"29~53'E alone the Southerly Boun~ Line of ca~l re~f~vatton is ab~,~ od ~he aforementioned Reco~ of Su~ey Fmp of S~ockda!e Golf a~d Co~,~y Club~ Thence (14) $ 27°30~07'~f t:o a point deslg~ted as ($~s~ 7) om ~aid Record of Su~ey Thence (15) S Q:09"07"W to ~he point of beginning and containing 409 acres more or Said terrtto~f:, smd the property located thez'etn, ~hal!~ upo~l ~he completion of the annexat'-'_o~ of ~h~ ~ame ~o tk~ City of Bakersfield~ be~__~,~=,,~:',-,~__.~.,_. to taxation eqv~lly with o~her property City of Baker~field~ 6e.~c~ibed in the aforementioned cons~n~ of to repres~).t said ::.~debt.~n. es~ being pz'ovi~.ed fo:~ 893~ New Se~i.:aoo i~.~ C'k.'a"......'.a,.,'co N.i', '--:.'~'L,~ }lOo 1112~ ~w Series, i.~ O~'dinance No. 1229~ New Sez'i~a~ Ordinance No.: 1364~ Mew Series~ and In C~di~nce No o 1.593~ all of o said City~ and any amd all ot..her indebtedness oF liability o£ the City outstanding or author'[zed on of said SECTI05~ This ordinance ~hall become effec~ive =birmy days from and afte~ ~he date of I E~,REBY C, ERTXi;~/ that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting the follo~,~ing ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAININ~ COUNCILMEN: Marian So I~vin Council of the City of Bakersfield APPR~ED: Aff av ! of r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Ker:n ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVlN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.. February 18 19 69 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ............ .F..e_.b..?...u..a...r.y.....1...7. ......................... , 19....6..9.., which ordinance was' numbered .......... ..1..7...7...8. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "STOCKDALE NO. 1", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California  WALTER W. SMITH "",~{.- c, .... NOTAR'; [,~J{3LIC-CAt I! ORNIA WAL'i ~-R W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, 1969