HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1799 ORDINANCE NO. 1799 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "STOCKDALE NO. 3", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS, a petition was filed with the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the 21st day of April, 1969, requesting that certain uninhabited territory therein described be annexed to and incorporated within the City of Bakersfield, and WHEREAS, said petition was signed by the owners of one-fourth of the land, by area, and by assessed value as shown on the last equalized assessment roll of the County of Kern, and WHEREAS, the territory described in said petition is contiguous territory to be annexed, and WHEREAS, the said territory does not form a part of any other city, and WHEREAS, prior to the date hereof there has been filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, a written consent, signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory, that said territory be subjected to taxation after the completion of such annexation equally with the property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of said City therein described, as provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Series, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1364, New Series, and in Ordinance No. 1593, New Series, all of the City of Bakersfield, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City outstanding or authorized on and after the date of completion of said annexation, and this Council hereby determines that said consent is signed by the owners of more than two-thirds of the value of the territory, and complies in every respect with the provisions of Section 35319 of the Government Code of the State of California, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Bakersfield did, on the 21st day of April, 1969, pass a Resolution being No. 39-69, in compliance with the provisions of the Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939, and amendments thereto, being Title 4, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 1, Article 5 of the Government Code of the State of California, specifically describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to the City of Bakersfield, and designating such territory by an appropriate name, and setting Monday, the 2nd day of June, 1969, at the hour of 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, as the day, hour and place when and where the City Council would hear protests made by any person owning real property within the aforesaid territory, and WHEREAS, said Resolution was published at least twice, but not oftener than once a week in The Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Bakersfield, and also in The Oildale News, a newspaper of general circulation published outside of the City of Bakersfield, but in the county Where said territory is located, said publications having been completed at least twenty days prior to the date set for said hearing, in compliance with Section 35311 of the Government Code, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield has caused written notice of such proposed annexation to be given by mail.at least twenty days before the public hearing on said proposed annexation to the persons entitled thereto, in compliame-e with subdivisions (a) and (b) of Section 35311 of said Government Code, and WHEREAS, at the time set for hearing protests, no written protests were filed against the proposed annexation by any owner of property within the territory proposed to be annexed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield, as follows: SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Bakersfield hereby approves the annexation to and inclusion within the incorporated limits of the City of Bakersfield, of that certain uninhabited territory designated as "STOCKDALE NO. 3"; and it is hereby further ordained .that said territory be and the same is hereby annexed to said City; that said territory is described in Exhibit "A" attached to this ordinance and made a part hereof the same as if fully set forth herein. Said territory, and the property located therein, shall, upon the completion of the annexation of the same to the City of Bakersfield, be subjected to taxa~tion equally with other property in the City of Bakersfield to pay the bonded indebtedness of the City of Bakersfield, described in the aforementioned consent of the owners of property, located therein, the issuance of bonds to represent said indebtedness being provided for in Ordinance No. 893, New Series, in Ordinance No. 950, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1112, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1229, New Series, in Ordinance No. 1364, New Series, and in Ordinance No. 1593, all of said City, and any and all other indebtedness or liability of the City out- standing or authorized on and after the date of completion of said annexation. SECTION 2. Pursuant to Section 51243 (b) of the Government Co~e of the State of California the City of Bakersfield elects not to t succeed to any contract or agreements entered into by any land- owner for the preservation of agricultural lands under the California Land Conservation Act of 1965 for any lands lying within this annexation. SECTION 3. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of June, 1969, by the following vote: AYES, COUNCILMEN ~BIi~IiI~Llt~, HEISEY, R EES, RUCKER, b"TIERN, VETTER, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN= ABSENT COUNCILMEN= ~ ABSTAINING COUNCIl. MEN: ~ ~ ~, CITY CLERK and Ex-Off~cio CIerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: .. . A lmrcel of I.,'nd si'[uat'e ir, tho Coun'i'¥ of Kel-n0 Sta'l'e-6f C. Iifornia0 being ~ pert'ion of $oc'l'ions 20'30 i00 il, 13:14 nn¢! .15: Township },0 $.ou'llh0 Deginnl.n9 nt'.t'he Nort'h~,s'[ corner of said ~ec'[ion 10, said NqF..'l'heast' corne'.r .:.-.o . · ' 'nlso being n poln'[ ol~ The CorpOl'n'[o Boundary o'f 'l'he 0i?¥ of B-:~kersfleld ns .'-' .': defined by Ordinance NO. 1500: ICe~; $.rles; '[hence' (1) ~'tes'l'el'l¥° Nor'l'lierl¥ .':nd Eas'l'r~rl¥ along courses 12, j:s nnd 1.4 ¢,~' . · Sim I.s'l' n~r, le~d Cerpornfe Doundnr¥ 1'o' infers.~ct' 1'he %'~e.s'l' line of said · l Sec'l'ion 2: bei.ng nlso 1'he Ytes'l' heundnr¥ line of Trncf Ne. 17600 .s sald ~'ract' is shown on a map recorded A. ugusf 26: 1954:. i'n Book 8 of I;~ps: · P..ge. 155: [~c.~rds of snld Kern ~oun'i'¥; The6co (2} Norl'horl¥, depar'Hug'frorn'.~:,ld" Oorp~>rat'e I3oundnry0 along 1'ho I';os'l' [ino of sald Sec$1on 2 t'o 'lho ~oFlhwes'[ corner of .s snld t'r~c'l' is sh~m on . .ap recorded December of.l~.ps, p~jo 3D, Records of s. id F~rn Coun'i'y; .~h~nco (~) ns p~r s. id Tr.c* No: 1645 nlRng 'Ih. fei lowing ~_cours.s: ~J~enc~ (4) H 15°02145"E: 125.74 Thence (6) ~ 71°~8125"E: 1~9.30 fee~; . ' · . ~hon~ (7) N'~7°O2~2D"E, 127.25 feet'; fie n' polnt' on She South~.mst' ~rner of' .' · . ~rnct' No. 1610, ns snid Srnc'[ is sh~?n on n map.re~rde~ April 3, 1952.1n ~k 8 of 14nps, Page. 1, ~cords of snid ~rfl ~unt'y} . ~ l Th~nco (8) ns per snid t'r~c'[ Ho. 1610 ~lRng ffha ~oll.?i.ng four ~urses Thence ~I0) N 50°lBlSO"E: 273.50 Thence (11) N BB°5~OOE, nlong 1'he Nort'~ line of Lot's I t'hrRu~h 4: snld t'r.c'l' l. · . Nort'herly pFolongnt'lo~ ~hor~o~ to int'ersec'[ 1'ho Hor'l'h Iin~ of t'h~ Sout'h · " 85 'fool el sald Sact'~on 35: snid in'l'ersecfion belllg ~lso fhe HoF'i'h rlghf of ~;,y I in~ of-Count'y Ro, d Ho. 2~41 (St'ockd. le · . bouncl~ry of Trnct' No. 1751: ns sald t'r.c'l' is shown ion . ..p ra6orded Aprill 1~: lgDG'in ~Bk g of ~nps, p.ge 6~, Rg~ords of s. id Karn.~unt'y;' snid in'l'orso¢.t'ion boin9 n poln'[ on tlho Oorpora1'o l~oundary of 1'he Ci1~ of ri[IhS of ~;oy line of Coun'[y Ro~:d i.~o. 2341 (stlockdalo Soc'l'ion 34; EXHTBZT Thor, co (I[;) %'ies'l'~,,rly a Io. ng 1'he las'i' n~r.~cl i.lor'l'h ri_qh'l' of'. t:ay I i~,e t'o i,,'l'cr-,~ec'l' 1'ho Eor'ihorlY.I),-ol¢~nga'l'ion of Eas'l' ri,qh'i' of way line of Cl~erry ill lis Drive,. · .. as said Chc:rr.y Iii lis Drive is showr, on a re. ap of 'rrac"i' No. 2560~ recorded .. August !0~ 1961 in Rook 12. of I/~lps0 P. ages 49 l'hro, ugh 5?,° Records o{ said K;.trli Count'y; . " '.,:.~ ,~.: · i, .; . Thence ('i6).~ov-I.iler'ly a 1'he -" ' ' ' ' · ' ' .... ·" Iasl named prolongat'lon and Eas'l' right' of-t.~a.y...-;,,.. 'he .or'l'h.e.,'l: co ,,er.o I.o ' said 'tract .o. 2 ?0; '::'.' ' ". '; . '.. ~ · ~,. -..~. · Thence (17) Eas'l'orly. alo. ng 1'he ~or'~'herly ..... '" .. · . F.-~.~,~':-,.;l I i ne Of sa I d Lo'l' 87 t'o 1'he . ~.. Nor'lheast' corner 1'hereof; . ' . .. ' 'l:.l{ence (18) Soul'heast'erly along 'l'ho Nor'[heas'i'erly I"-"'"~.;.:L.';':-L';1 I inb of Lo'i's 87 .. ' 'l'hro. ugh 71., said 'l'rac'l' No. 2560 'i'o 1'he $out'l~ens'l' corner of said !.o'1"71; '[hence (lg) a~ per map of sald Trac'l' Eo. 2560~ N 7,'~°19~48"E~ ale. ag 1'he ·Nort'hwes'l'erly I.~';..:;;.?z~,".~. line of Lo'l's 6g'& 68, said Tract' No. 2560, I]6.00 feel'; 'l'hence (20) $ 46°40~46"E~ '89.96 feet'; '' .. .. Thence (21) 'S .~'6°40~ 12'=E~ i]i5.29 fee't; · ' · 'l'henc~ (22)'S '12o57~53"t'1, 91.00 foe'l'; '" Thence (2.'5) S '/,~°19~48"t'!~ 116.00 foe1', ~o 1'he Nor'i'he~s'f corner of Lot' 63~' '. said Trac'l' No. 2560; -.. · t-,.,~ ,--n,..--..~-~ I i ne of Lot's 'l'~ence (24) Sout'heast'er !¥ a Io69 1'he Nor'l'heaster ly , .,_~....,,,.,., l'hro, ugh 47, said Tracf Ho.. 2560., t'o't'he Sout'heas.t' corl~er of said Lo'l' 47~ .. said Sout'heas'l' corner bei.ng a poln'l' on 1'he No./'l'h r. igh.'l' of ~tay I ii3e of said Cherry Hi.! Is Drive; .' Thence (25) East'erly alo. ng Tho las'l' named' Nc~rt'h r. ight' of.way line and 1'he ." ' Nort'h line of t.ot' 46, si~id Trac'l' No. 2.560, t'o 1'be Nor'l'heast' corlmr of · '. said'Lof 46; .. ..'Thence (26) ~lor'l'herly along t-he %'les'l'e,.r. ly ~:',~":.~ I i.~e;.of I. ot's ,~2 t'hro, ugh 22, · said 'rrac'l' No. 2560, "i'o.'l'he Norl'lw;ost' corner c!f;~.atd-[.of 22.; ' Th~'nce (27..') East'erly al~.ng 1'he Nol~t'heFly ~:.:.~.~'line of' said Lot'.22, 85.01 'fee'l' t'o 1'he b.eginnl.ng of a t'a.ngen'l' curve; · · 'l'hence '('28) Sou'l'~easl'erly a'lo. ng sald curve, cbnc~ve t'o The $out'hwest', ~.;l.'l'h a · radius df 15 foe1', t'hro, ugh an angle of 90°00~06"' an arc dist'ance of · ' - 2:S.56. feet', t'o.e polnl' of t'a.n,gency on 1'he t'losl' r. lght' of ~;ay line of New · · . · ".- $'l'ine Road~ es sald New St'ina Road is shm.;n on a map of sald 1'tact' Ho. .. '.. 2560;. ' .'. ' : ....... . · · · -:. 'l:hei3ce(2g) Sou'l'horly alo. ng 1'he la~t' name~! %'lest' r'.ight.' of ~,ay line, bei.ng ~,lso elo. ng 1'he Eas'l' {.z."~'T.:,~'~..'rp line of Lot's 26 t'hrough'3g, said Trac'l' No. 2560, t'o 1'he b. oginnlng of a t'a]ngent' curve, said boginnlng of curve being 57 fee'l' Sou'Hi of 1'he Nor'l'heas'l' corner of said Lof ;59 as measured ale. ag 1'he East' · ~'-.7 I ina 1'hereof.' .. Thence (~0) ~oul'h(./est'erly ale. ag said ~urve, concave '~'o 'iChe Nort'lw.'est', ~.~i1'1'1 a radius of ?.0 fao1' 'l'hrough an angle of.90°O0" ~,n arc dist'anco of ~1'.42 fee'l' t'o ~, [~olnl' of t'a.ng,'Jncy on 'lhe Iqor'l'h ri£1ht' of ~:ay of Sueda'lo ^venue, es said Sundalo ^vr.r, ue is shown orl a map of said Ti-act' I'!o. 2550; · Then¢:e (51) I,I 89°28"24"t'/, DSO.Od f¢.'e'l' ~,lo. ng 1'ho last' nam, od Nor'Ih r~ight' ~f ~;~,y line '1o 'ihe $otH'h:..'es'l' cornc, r Of !.ot' ?.69 of said Trec'l' No. ?.560~ said Sou'l'h-- t;esl' corn.'.:r boin.q al'.~o 'tho' t;oginnin,.j of a t'an,q~iH' curve..; ¢~f :;aid Trac'l' Eo. 25~0; 'thence [33) S'4°16~50"E.'~lo. ng ;;aid i'!or'lhorly p~.'olungn'i'ion is.nd .,;aid Ei, s'l lines ~o 1.ho $ou'l'he,s'l' COl'liar of said Lo'l' 284; '!.hence'. ('M)S 85°43s lO"i'/..iHong 1'ho Sou'th I ina of sale!' Lot 284 ~.nd. %'t,-.s'i"erly prolonga'l:ion t'hereof:'~,ld ~,long 1'he Sou'l'h I i~,e of Lo'l' 283, sa icl-Trac't Fi.o; ."-. , i"1'o .1.he $ou'thi. tes't corne'r of sa l d .Lo:l' 28.3; . : 2560 ' ' ' ..';'., '. ' ' ,: '~, -~,} · .Therlce (35) F! 4°16~50"¥70 along 'Hie I'/es'~ line' of s~id Lo'l' 283 :a~ld FlorLl'herly-pro-- · · Io. ncj~'l'ion '['here. of t'o int'orsec'l' 'l'ho %'Ic, st'erly prolo,~gal'ion of 1'he $ou'lh I'ine 6~ '"' Lot 202~ said 'risc1. No. 2.560, said %'lest' line and Flort'herly prolo..,~.c,,al ion .baling also a Iiue i~arallel and 30 feet' Easl' of as measured a'~ right' a.ngl, es t'o the .. cen'l'erllne of Pobhle Beach Drive~ sa-id sou'H1 line and %'!es'l'~,rly prolonga'l'ion. bei.ng also a line parallel and .30 fee'l' nor1.h of as measured a'l' r, igh'i' a.ngles : ' t'o. 1.he cen'l'erline of Indian %'~ells Drive.° said P. ebble B~ach Driv~ ar, d Indian · . Ir/ells Drive I~eing as sho[-.'n on a lnap of said Trac'i' No. '2.560; Thence ("~6) S 8.5°43* i0"~'!0 75,00 fee'l' t'o a point on 1'he Sou1.h line ot Lo'i' g0 Tra~-'l' No. 2624° as said 'rrac'l' Fie. 26P.4 is shoYm 'on a l~ap recorded i4ar¢:h 160 lgG2 In P, ook 12 of !.laps0 ·Page 1.560 Records of s~id I~rn Coun1.y0 said poin'l' being also a pol~it of reverse curve ~;hose radial con'l'er bears S 4°16~[,0"E, 250 foot;' ...."-- ............. ' ................................................. b · · ............ 'thence (37) SOu'l'h;;,c.:s'l'e'rly along said curve0 concave t-o Sou1.heast'~ ~;1~ 1.h a radius ~f"250 fee'! t'hroug'h an angle of 26°i8~1~' an arc dis1.anc~ .of i114.817 feet' t'o a ~oint' of reverse c~.~rve f)'om ¥;hich point' t'he'r~ad~! '~n'l'e'r · " ' · ....... [ .... · / bears N..30°"~5~41"I~'/0 190 .feet'; T. hence (.38) $ou'l'h~;es1.erly ale. ag sald curve° 'conclave 1.o :~'he Norl'h,..;ost-~ ~ll'l'h a radius of 190 feet 1'hie. ugh. an a. dgle of 6°~7~9" an arc dis'~ance of 20.872 " fee'l' 1'o a point on't'he tfes'l' bodndary line of sald Trac'l' No. 2624; Thence (.39) E 4°16~50"¥1 a. lo..ng 1.ho las;l' named t'!est' boundary I lnb and ale. ag . " 1'he ['/est boundary line o'f Trac'l' Fie. 2622° as said 'l'ract' No. 2622 is sho:.;n on a ~,'~ap rei::orded Hatch 160 1962 in Book 12 of I.',aps0 Page 1520 Records of , sald Kern Coun1.y, t'o 1'he Nor'i-h~.;est' corner of. spid 'l'r~,c-I' No. 2622, said ' '. Nor+h¥;es'i' corner bei.ng also a pein1' on 1'ho Sou'i'h boundary line of 'l'r:ac'l' · No. 262.30'as said t'rac'l' is shoYm on a inap recorded Aarch 16, 1~62 in Book ' ~2 of I~laps, Page 1.54, .Records of said Kern Court'l'¥~' .. · .. Therice (40) as per rnap of said Trac'l' Fie. 262.3, alo.~g 1'he' fei Io~:l.ng 8 coursesi · . Thence (42) S 89°09~24"¥1, 4.34.77 fe~'l'; . ... . ..... "..' Thence (.4.3).S 44°09~24"t'1, 14.14 feet; .. .. .. .' .. .... .... ..." .'-'. 'l'h~nce. (44) S 0°50~$6"E, 26'9.5.3 fee:'l', 'i'o int'erse~t 'l'he Nor'l'h r. igh'i' of ~.,.ay ,. ' · ':" " :llue of Sunny Pal'ms.Avenue~ as said avenue Is sho;.tn on.1.he map of said' t'!est'~r I~ prolon~'l'~o~ :l'hereof 170.00 fee1'0 1'o int'ersec'l' 1'he %'!6st' righ'l' ~f ~,ay line . of 'l'hun~erbJrd St'reel'° as said st'rea1' is sho~.m on 'l'l',e ~nap of.s~id T.~act' No. '~.62~; i '" I Thence (45) I.! 0°50~55"I.'1° alor, g 1'he..las1. nar..~ed %'le.~;'l' right' of ?ay I i~a, .357.5.3 lc:p1.0 t'o 1.he b.aginni.ng of a t.'angent curve; i'- .' "' · .'i'hence (47) No~'i'hv;as1.erly along s~,ld curv,:;0 conc~:vb to 1'ho Sodt'h:.te.~'l'0 ~;it'h a ' radiu,.; of ~0 fe..et 0 t'hro, u.,.ih r.,.n a.n.31e of gO.°O0~0. ~'.n arc dist:~mce of .31 .,12 fee'l', t'o a point' of 'l'a.ngoncy on 1'he South righ'l'.of ¥;..',y lin:: of Sundaa Avenue° sald avenue is .,..ho:.;n or; fha ~n~.~p ¢,~ s.,:id Tract' I.!o. 2550; Thollce (48) %';es'l'erl¥ alo.."lg 'lhe Ir.s'l' Ilar.,,~d Sou'l'h' righ'l' o.f ~.t~,y I i,~ and alo. a_q 1'he Sou'i'h r:igh'l' of. ,..;ay line of Sundalo Avenue as s!~o:..'~! on a map of Tracll' No. 2552, recorded Oc"lc:bor 6, 1964, Jr, ,.,~..,,. lJJ of l.l-':ps: Page 8:}, [{occ~rdu '' of said Kern Coun'l'y, t'o 'i'ho %'!es'l'orly 'J'ermJrlus of said SulldaJo ^yenue, said' I~les'l'erly 'l'ermlnus baling aJso 'l'he Sou'l:hc-ms'l' dorner of I.ot' 18~, ~?i~l.'rrac-I-' .. · ., · . : · · . .. . .. ...... ......:-:..,.,.., Thence'"i4g) I'los'l'erly al'o~l 'l'he $ou'l'h I,ne of said Lot' IB;~ and 1'he ~.st'~rly prolo, nDa'lmion Thereof t'o int'orsec'~ ffh~ i?es'~ Iine of said ..'¥¢t'io.n ~; · r, -. '~ Thence (~0) $ou'U~eriy' along 1'he %';~s'~ I inn of said Se~'~ions .~ and 10 t'o 'i'he " $out'h~.;es-I' cornel- of 'U~e NU 1/4 of said Se¢'~ion 10;." · Ti~enee (DI) EasTerly ri. long 'lhe $ou'l'h liCe'of 1'he NU 1/4 of said.$ocl'ion 10 ~o · - . 1'he Sou'lmh~as'l' qorner of 1'he N'~ 1/4 of s~icl Se¢'l'ion !0; ~henco (DP.) Sou'~herl¥ aloog 1'he £ast' line ~f 1'he t;es'l' one--h~lf of said.. Sec'l'ion 10 and 1D t'o in'l'ersect' 1'he Norl'h F. igh'~ of ~ay .I ine of 1'he $out'hern · Pacific P, ai Iroad as said North qi.qh'~ of ~;oy. line is described ir, ~hat cert'aln deed recorded Oc'i'obor ?.I, 18g]t in. Deed Uook 47~ Page .~DG, Records " of said ~orn Oount'y; ffho East' line of 'U~e I~' I/~ of ffhe ~; I/4 of s. id ~ect'ion 14; · I in. of 1'he N 1/2 of "l'ho ~' 1/~ of sn i d ~.cl'ion ] 4; ' ' Yhe.ce' (~). Ens~er'ly nlong t'h~ last' n~med ~ou'l'h line n~d 1'ha EnoCh line of . '. ,' wy Iin~ of U. E. ~ighw,~ gg, Vl-~r-gg, BnkeFsf.iold Byp.ss, snld ln~o~- ·.cfion nine b~i.ng a poln'l' on t'h. OoFpoFnfo C~und. ry of 1'he Oit'y of ~kersfield as dofin~dlby Ordinance No..1491~ Ee~ Series; '. Thence (56) 'Hor'U~v~es'l'er Iy, ['!es+or ly and Heft'hotly a long '1'he las'[ named % .... ~rpora~'e ~undary ~'o 1'he Nor~'hqrly fermlnus of Course 1~ as defined . by ~'he las't n~mecl Ordinance, said Nor~:herly:'l'ermlnus bel.ng also a p6lrH' · .- on ~'he Corporufe Boundary of lho. Ci'l'y of .Bakers(.i~ld es defined by · Ordinance No. 1679~ 'Eew Series; '" .'" .... Then~ (57~ Nor'l'herly along course 7~. fho las't n~ed Cbrporafe ~undary ~'o in~'ersec'[ ~'he Eas~'erly prolonga~'ion o'~ 1'he No~'1:h Ii. ne of J'he S 1/2 of ~'he NE 1/4 6f sa i d Sec'l'ion 14; ' ?hen~ (58) ~]esferly, dep~r'l'~.ng frae said ~rpo;a~'e'~undary, ~lqQg fh~ lasf :' · . '' named pro[~nga~'ion and NorJ'h line J'o lnfersocf 1'he Eas'[ .line of 1'he ['1 I/2 :~of 1'he S['i 1/4 of ~'ho NE 1/4 of sa i d SecJ'ion 14; . ... :. · ' .Thence (59) Sou'l'horly al~n~ ~'ho"l. asd' na=sd Eas~' line 1'o ~nfersect' ~'ho No~'l'~ " · '. Ii:ne of 1'he Sou~h 55~ee~' of J'he N 1/2 of said Sec'l'ion, 14,' sald NorJh line · " '' · befog al~o ~'he Nor~'~'Eigh'l' of ~my line of ['ihi~'e 'lane (~unJ'y rbad No. 2247); Thence (60~ N 89°01~.44"U alqng d'ho lasf na~ed'NorJ'h line and ~ald Eor'l'l~ 'r'ighf · . of tmy line 'l'b fha beglnnlng of a ~'a~gon~' curve~ sai~ bpg~nnl.ng of c~rve . being 8~' a polnf i182.655 feet t'/es'i'erly more or less as measure~ alo?g said · ' Eigh'l' of t~ay line fr'~n ~he Ees~: line of ~'he ['1 1/2 of said SecJ'ion 1~, ' l'l~enco (61) HorJh'~fos~'orly along said Eor'fh rl~h4' of ~:ay line and said curve, concave ~'o ~'ho Nor'H~oo~;'['~ wi'l'h a radius of 5945 feo'l 'lhrough an a.~gl~ of " 6°12~55" an arc: alisa'anco of 644.896 fee'[ ~'o a point' of 18ngency; Thence ~62) N ~8°4J '44~'t.I along ~aid Nor'Ih Eight' of t.~ay line ~99.479 fee~', ~'o " 1'he bpginning of a ~'ang~nt' curve; · 'l'h~:nce (6:S) I~ar't.i,;.:es'lorly ulo. ng ;'-aid I~or'l'h r. ighT at~ Y.'j,y l in~; and al'c,r,g said · curve, concave t'o 'i'1'~,~: Sou'l'h~.;es'l', Yzi'l'h a r~diu~ of 605'; fc'~.c:'l' 'l'h.-c~ugh ~.'n anglo of .3°5]~o2' an arc dis'i'ance of 406.g25 fooT To i~ri'or'socT 'i:ho EasT rig[ri', of Y;z,y line of S'l'ine Ro~cl, also kno~.m as CounTy lion, el Eo. 1782~ of 60 feet in Y~i¢lt'h0_said inTersec'l'ion being a poin'l' or~ a 'curve Y:hoso' r~.cli'al cen,t.'or bear:; I.I 79"45720"E~ 770 fee'r, from said in'i'orsec'lion;.' "~i i'." .. ., :, . '. , . · -.: '.~.~ '. ....-....' -....~..: Thence(6.4) I,Ior'l'herly along said l:,s'l' right' c)f t/ay I ina and along t'i1~ Ibs'l'. name~...':. .c..ur.v.'.ej..c.oncavo t'o t'h'e .... Nort'hoas'l'.,. Y.;i t'J~', a,.rad i us of '/70 fdd'l: t'hrough an ':'"- '.~" · ' ajlgl? of lO°Sli~.o'' an arc disTance of 145.888 foe'l'0 t'o a 'poinT of t'angonc:y; 'l'~ence. (65) NorTherly alo. ng The sold East r. lghl' of Y;ay I ina t'o 1'he beginni.ng of a t'aj,genT curve, said bpginn, l.ng of curve boars S O°02t..Oi't'/ al'o. ng 'l'he t~,~est· line. of said SecTion 11, 800.71S3 feet and H 8g°50t42"E~ 15.912 feet:, ~. -. from 1'he V..resT one-quarTer cornel- of said Sec'l'iqn 11; : 'l'hence' (66) Nort'hoast'erly ale. ag said East r. igh'l of t/ay iine and along ~ho last ne.mad cul~vej concave t'o 1'ho Sout'heas'l'~ Y/lt'h a radius of 970 foot 'H'~ro.u.qh an a. nglo of .~O°53tSOt.~ art arc dis'l'ance of 52.'~.081 feet t'o a poin'l' of 'l'angel'~cy~ said poinT of t'~,n~jency boars S 89°2~".38"E along NorTh line o:f the 5%'1 1/4 . of said .Sec'l'ion 11~ .~2g.57 foe'l' and $ 30°44t32"t'/~'347.8.'59 fc:el'~ from The'' t'les'l' one-c,l.uort-er corner of said Soct'ion Thence (67)-N 30°44t.3?.'E~ 313.1~9 'feeT, along sold East righT of.j~/ay I ina t'o.... InTel'secT 1'he SouTh' I'lne of Tho Nor'Hr .50 feeT of The ~['/ 1/4 of said SecTion 1~, saicI SouTh line bei.ng also· t'he. Sout'h r. ighT of t/ay line of t'/i I son I~ad; '. 'rh~nco (6B) EasTerly ale. n9 1'ho la~,t' namd Sout'h line t'o int'ersoct' The Sout'h- west'erly prolonga'l'ion of The Nor'l'.hY/es'l'el-ly [.--"'-~.C·~'~'l line of LoT 1, TracT · . No. ~.532,.as sale! TracT is shoOn on a map recorded Hay 25~ 196.1 ill I~.x)k of l~qp.s, P. age. 198~ Rocor. ds of said Kern CounTy; '- . 'l'henco (69) I~ort'l~ea~'l'ef'ly' ~long The la.~"l' named prolon'cjaTion and Nor'l'hY/es'l'erly ' I,"..~.T.¢.:.;.~'~ line of said LoT i and 1'he NorTheasTerly prolonga'l'ion Thereof t'o · , . 1'he Nor'l'hv/es'l' corner of LoT 40 TracT No. 25~3~ as said TracT Re. 25."t3. is shoY/n on a map recorded Sep'l'ember !.5, 1961 in Book 12 of I~'lap:~, Ppgo 66~ · Record[-. of sold learn CounTy, said IJor'l'hv/est' car"nor being also a point on · 1'he CorporaTe Boundary of The CiTy of. Lr~korsfio'l~.~as. defined by Ordi~ance No. 1690, Not; Series; ... · 'l'ilence (7D)l¢or'l'hY;esforly along course 6 of The las't' named Corporat'e Boundo'ry, · '.'l'o int'ersecT 1'ho %'lesTe'rly r. igh'l' of. Y/ay I'ine of S'l'ine Canal as said Canz, I is shG.;n on a map eat'ii'led "Sales r4ap of Lands of Kq. rn CounTy Land Comp'any In Sect'ion ii, '1'. 30 S.~ R. 27 E.~ M.D.B. & !,~.; fi.led January 25~ ]894~ in The .. Office of said Count'y Recorder'~ said int'ersecTlon belng a point on The .. ..... · ... CorporaTe Boundary .of' The City of Dakersfleld as deli'ned by Ordin~,nce No. · , .'. "'" ~500~ Ne~./ Series;' · .- : ' ' '. . ,: .- . . .' .~, "'thence (71) Sout'h~:est'e~ ly ~nd NorTherly alo. ng course I0 and'Il of The l~st' 'h~med CorporaTe Boundary t'6' 1'he NorTheasT corner of sold Secl'ion ~0, bei.ng 1'he point of b. aginni.ng for 1'his description and cont'aini.ng .i~'14.60 acros~. irate or less, EXOEFI'IN(~ Tll[:RE'F[~OH Lof l,"l'racf No. 296'~ as sold Tra~T No. 2963 is sho,..m · - on o rap. r. ocorded OcTober 'lg, 19650 In [~ook ~4 of l.~aps0 P.~ge 15~, reco'rds of sold Kern 0ount'¥. . . : .:. i: I TO 'fl'l~ CITY AGT[tCCJLTU~ALI -- -- ll PR![f,[l]V E ' I I ........ EXHIBIT l'Bit Afl, aver of lost ng ( r nan es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern J MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....................... ..J..u...n..e._.3.. ................................................ 19...6...9.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .....................J..u...n...e....2. .............................. , 19..6..9...., which ordinance was numbered ........ :.1..7...9...9. ..................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ANNEXATION OF A PARCEL OF UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF BAKERS- FIELD, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATED AS "STOCKDALE NO. 3", AND PROVIDING FOR THE TAXATION OF SAID TERRITORY TO PAY THE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... .3..r.d....day of .......... ..J..u...n..e.. .......... ,,- .............. ,19._6_9.... Notary, Public in and for the Count~, oi Kern, State oi California ~~ WALTER W. SMITH i WALTER W. SMITH My Commission Expires June 8, !969