HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1841 ORDINANCE NO.____i~.~Li___NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MIRqICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPF. RTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED SOUTH OF STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BORDERED BY NEW STINE ROAD ON THE WEST, DEMARET AVENUE ON THE SOUTH AND THE EXTENSION OF MONTCI~AIR AVENUE ON THE F~kST; ALSO THE NORTHEAST CO~/~ER OF STOCK- DALE HIGHWAY AND CALIFORNIA AVENUE AND THE NORTt~EST CORNER OF STOCKDALE HIG}R4AY AND CALIFORNIA AVENUE. WHEIiEAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commissio~ and City Council have held hearings respectively, on a Petition to change the land use zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield located south of Stockdale Highway, bordered by New Stine Road on the west, Demaret Avenue on the south and the extension of Montclair Avenue on the east; also the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and California Avenq~e and the northwest corner of Stockdale Highway and California Avenue; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined after due consideration 'of said petition and the recommendations of the Planning Commission herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearings for a change of zoning of said property, that a zoning change should be authorized. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: That Section 17.12.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning of certain pr~perti.es in said .City, the boundaries of which properties are shown on the map hereto attached and made a part hereof, as follows: Changing the zoning boundaries to a C-O-D (Professional Office - Architectural Design) Zone; to a C-2-D (Commercial - Architectural Design) Zone; to an R-3-D. (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling - Architectur~ Design) Zone; and to an R-2-D (Two Family Dwelling - Architectural Design) Zone, of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield, located south of Stockdale Highway bordered by New Stine Road on the west, Demaret Avenue on the south and the extension of Montclair Avenue on the east; also the northeast corner of Stockdale Highway and California Avenue and the northwest corner of Stockdale Highway and California Avmnue, being more particularly described as follows: To a C-O-D (Professional Office - Architectural Design) Zone: · P&r'cel 1: That pot-t-ion of the .c.;E: 1/4 of- ?..eot:ion 34., R27E, M, D. /V'~., mop(; paPti¢:ula~-ly descPibed as ; f"ol lows: Commencing at the intePsection of tine centePl'ine of C;alifoPnia Avenue and the South line of said section as shown on the "Plan and PPofile fop the Constnuction of C:alifoPnia Avenue fr'om Stockdale Highway to Real Road" dPawn by the Engineeming Depamtrnent of the City of BakePsfield and dated July~ 1988, as appPoved by the City Council on Novemben 18, 1988; thence N 00 800.00 feet along the centepltne of said Califonnta Aven- ue; thence ~ 89~ 55' 29" E, 816.47 feet alomg the cente~ line of ppoposed futupe stneet (60 feet wide) as shown on said plan and ppofile; thence South 00¢ 04.' 81" E, 145.51 feet to the ~ost nontheply point of that papcel descPibed in the Quitclainn Deed to Occidental Petroleum Co,pon- at:ion Pecopded November. 10¢ 19~4 in the Office of the Coui]ty RecoPdep of said County in Book 3783 of Official ~gcopds at Page 731; /hence South 00© 05' 48" Fiast, 60.00 feet along boundar,y of said pancel; thence along said boundapy South '89~ 87' 42" West, 50.00 feet; thence continuin9 alon~ said boundapy; S 00° 05' 48? E, 813.89 feet; thence continL~in~'alomg said boundapy S. 89° 56' 12" W.¢ 19.00 feet; theace cont~muin9 along said botln-- dap~.S 00° 05' 48" ~., 280.79 feet to the Sou'tln line of said section; thence along said Sol, th line S 89° 58' 12" W, 747.89 feet to the po[mt of beginning. EXCEP'i-ING that a~*ea within the r'iDInt--of.--ways of County ~oad No. 167 (Stockdale I-lighway) and sa~d California Ave nM e. Parcel 2: All tlna. t port[on of the NE 1/4 of Section 3, T30S, RRTE, M. D. M., more particularly described as fiotlows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Demaret Avenue witln the easterly riglnt-of-way line of New Slime Road all as shown On map of Tract No. ' 2983 as recorded in Book 14 of Maps at Page 153 'in the office of tine Count]y Recorder Of the County of Kern, State of Califonniaj the'ncc 'North 00° 29' 0'1" West, on and along said eas'teply riglnt-of--way line of New St[ne Road, 724.564. feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line, N 89° 56' 12" E, 276.067 · feet; the~%ce S. 00° 29' 21;' Frast, 260.012 feet; thence north 89° 5~' 12:' Fr., 159.722 feet~ tlnence S 08° 26' 50" Fr., 30.324. feet; thence S. 00° 29' 01" Fr0, 533.910 feet to the; center line of DeBater Avenue as shown on aforesaid map of T'nac:t No. 2963¢ thence S. 89¢ 48' 19" VV. on and along sa~d centerline, 164.0(3~ feet: to the beginning of a non--tangont curve, concave to tine NE., having a radius of 200 fee[' and whose radial point beans N O0° 11 ' 56" W., the '.ce westerly, on · - amd along said curve, through a centmal angle of 41° 47' 2~", an arc length of 145.879 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, 'concave to the SW., having a radius of 200 feet and whose radial Point bears S. 41 ° 23' 56" W., thence westerly on and along said cur.ye, tlnl~ough a ce~tral angle of 41 o 25' 10", an ar.c length of 144.581 feet; linen'ce S 89° 25' 23" W., 10.676 feet to tine easterly right--of-way line of New Stin~, Road and the Point of Beg!nning. EXCEP"F~NG-- ]-HEREFROI%4 that portion lying within tlne riglnt-of-way of Demaret Avenue, as so dedicated. Pancet 3: All that por`tion of Section 2· T 3OS, R27E, M. D. M. · being more particular-ly descr-ibed as foll ows: Commencing at the NVV cor`ner' of said ,, Section 2; thence N 89° 54' 00" P-, on and along · - the Nor`th line of said section, 510.000 feet to the Tr'ue Point of Beginningj thence S 19° 07' 28" W., 95.888 feet; thence S 46° 07' 25" West, 215.682 feet; t'hence S 18© 27' 21" West, i89.166 feet; thence'S 88° 02' 01" W., 155.800 feet; thence S 5G° 17' 59" E., 859.944 feet to the west, Ply line of Tr'act No. 1610, r'ecomded in Book 8 of Maps at Page 1 in the office of the County I~ecor'der, of the Oounts/ of }<er`n, State of Califor-nia; thence nor-th- er'ly, on and alon9 said wester'ly line, the following COL~ r`S e s: Nor-th 22° 15"20" East, 129.859 feet, Nor`th 12° 27' 45" East, 249.214 feet, and .Nor`th 4.9° 53' 21" , East, 240.900 feet; ther~ce leaving said wester`ly °' line, N 00° 29' 28" W., 231.362 feet to the Nor`th line of said Section 2, thence S 89° 54' 00" West· on and along said Nomth line· 254..490 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEP-I-ING Tt-IEF~EFROM that por`tion lying within the r`igh[-of-way of County F~oad No. 167. (Stockda]e Highway). To a C--2-E) (Cornmercial -- A.t'chiteotural Design) Zone: Parcel 1: All that pol-tion of tn_ .r.;E 1/4: of Section 34, -I-29S, R27E, M, D, M,, in the City of Bakensfie!d, CourtLy of Keen, State of Califonnia, being mol*e particularly desor, ibed as follows: Beginning at the S quantem conner of said Section 34.; thence easterly, on and along tl~e S line of said section to the SE conner of that: certa, in pamcet of land conveyed to K, C, L, Foundation by deed corded .June 24, 1964 in Book 3738, Page' 810 of Official Records of Kern County,California, said point being approximately 980' westerly of Calf fornia Avenue whicln is also the -rr'ue Point of ginning; thence northerly, on and along the easterly line of said pancel, to the northeast conner- theneof, said point being also a point.., on the southerly line of a parcel of land conveyed to Panama Un,on School District by deed necor*ded July 10, 19.~3 in F~ook 3623, Page 983 of Official ~econds of Kenn County, "CaliforniaI thence ea'stenly along said southerly line of last named parcel to the southeast conner- thereof; thence continuing along the easterly longation of said last,beaning to the center line of Califonnia Avenue; thence S 00~ 03' 48'1 E along said cente~ line to tine south section line of said Section 34~ thence v~estenly along said section lime to the Point of Beginnbng. "FXCEPTH~G TI-IE~EP~O~ that portion lying w~th~n the P~ght-o~-way of Coun~ Road No. 167 (Stockdale) and Califonnia Avenue. Parcel 2: All that portion c~f Sections 2 and 3, T30S, R27[--, M. D. M. bein9 more part[culanly (lescr[bed as follows: E3eg[nning at tine NW conner of sa[d Section 2~ thence N 89° 54! 00" E. , o1% and along the North line of said section, 510.000 feetj thence ,q 19© 07' 23" W., 95.888 feetj thence S 4.6° 07' 25" W., 215.632 feetl tlnence S. 18° 37' 2!" W., 189.168 feet. j thence S. 33° 02' 01"West, 155.800 fee[; tlnence N 56° 17' 59" West, 15.000 feet to tine beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the SW, having a radius of' 450 feet~ t hence no~*tlner.ly and westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 33° 45' 49", an arc length of' 265. 179 feetI [henc:(: S 89° 5E3' 12" SAt. , To a C-2-D (Commercial - Arc,~t~ecLut at Design) Zone: (Continued) Parcel 2: Continued 740.065 feet; thence N 08° 26' 50" W., 30,324 feet; thence S 89° 56' 12'" W., 159.722 feet; thence N 00° 29'.21" W., 435.012 feet to the N tine of aforesaid Section 3; thence N 89© 56' ·12" E., on and along said N line· 992. 801 feet to the NW corner of Section 2 and the Point of Beginning· EXCEPTING TFIEREFROM that portion lying within the right-of-way of County Road No. 167. (Sto'ckdate H i g hway). 'Fo an R.-2--D (Two family Dvvelttng -.Architectural Design) Zone: A~.t tl~at portion of Sections 2 and 3· T30S. · R27E; · M. D. M.; being rnore par-ticula;"';ly described as follows: Beginning at the most not-therly corner of Tract 1645· · as r~corded in Book 8 of Maps at Page 38 in the Office of the Recorder of Keen County; thence southerly and westerly· on and along the westerly line of said Tract No. 1645 the following courses: South 46.~ 40' 52" W.; 127.408 feets Sodth 71 ° 13' 44" W.; 119.254 feets , South 32© 22' 05" W~; 345.921 feet· South 14.~ 38' 18" W.· 125.858 feet and No'rib 89 o 2:/' 16" W.; 31 · 000.feet; thence leaving aforesaid Tract No. 1645, S 89° 49' 53" W.; on and along the N, tine of TPact No. 3160· as recol-ded in Book 17 of: Maps at Page 65 in the Office of aforesaid Recorder of Kel-n CourtLy· a distance of 212. 778 feet to the cen[er'line of Lansing [)rive a.s sPiown on the rnal) of said Tract No, 3160; thence N. 00© 29' 41" W. · 316.'257 feet; tlaence N 89© 48' 20" E. ¢ 83,094 feet to the begh'~ning of a tangent curve, concave to the no~-t'.hwest, having a radius of 200 feet; thence easterly and nortl~erly along said cur've· through a central angle of 57© 26' 14"· an afc length of 200,494 feet; thence N 32° 22' 05" E.; '83.967 feet to the beginning of a tangent curves concave to th(--. Southeast· h&ving a radius of 300 Feet; tlnence northeasterly To an R--2-D (Tw~) Family Dvfetting - Archttectul;al Design) Zone: (Conttnuecl) along said curve, through a central angle off 24° 13' 16" an arc length of 126.82'1 feet; thence NorU~ 56 o 25' 21" E., 80.627 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the northwest, having a. radius of 250 feet; thence noF~heas[enty ~tong said cunve~ through a central angle of 20~ 53~ ~,_ ¢ an ~no length of 91. 148 feet'j thence S 56© 17~ 59" E, 196.567 fiee~ to the westerly tine o¢ Tract No. 1610, recorded in Book 8 off M~ps at Page I tn the Office of the County ~eco~ den o~ the Coun~ of Kenn¢ State of Cattfonn[aj thence S 22~ 15~ 20" W. ~ on and ~tong said westerly ttne¢ 30.540 feet to most northerly conner of aforesatcl Tract No. 1645 ~nd the Point of Beginning. To an R-3-D (Limited Multiple Family I~elling - Architectural Design Zone: All that portion of Sections 2 and being more particularly described as follows: Beg'inning at the intersection of the center-line of Lansing Drive and the N tine of Tr,act No, 3160, as recorded in Book 17 of: Maps at Page 65 ira the office of the Recorder of Kern County; thence N 00 83.094 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north- west¢ having a radius of 200 feet; thence easterly and norU~erty along said curve, through a central angle of 57© 26' 14" an arc length of 200.494 feet; thence N 32° 22~ 05" E., 83.967 feet to the beginning of a-tangent curve, concave to the southeast, having a radius of 300 fee't; thence northeasterly along said curve, through a central angle of .24° 13' 16"~ an arc length of' 126.821 feet;"'thence N 56 a tangent curve, concave to the norUm~vest, having a radius 250 feet; thence northeasterly along -~;aid curve, through a cen- tral angle of 20© 53' 22"_ , an arc length, of 91 . 148 feet; thence North 56° 17' 59" W., 178.377 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve~ concave to the southvfest, having a radius of 450 feet; thence northerly and westerly, on ancl'~long said curve, through a central angle of 33 ° 45' 49", an arc length of 265. 179 feet; thence South 89~ 56' 12" W., 740.065 feet; thence south 00° 29' 01" E., 533.910 feet to the ceni-erline of Demeter Avenue as shown on map of Tract No. 2963 as recorded in Book 14 of/Vlaps at page 153 in the office of aforesaid Reco;-der of Kern County; thence North 89© 48' 19" East, on and along said centerline, 156.956 feet to the centerline of Taylor Street as shown on rnap of aforesaid Tract No. 2963, and aisc as shown on map of Tract'. No. 3160, as recor.doct in Book 17 of Maps at page 65 in the off~ce of aforesaid P, ecor(lel- of I<ern Cou~ty~ thence S. 00 on and along said center line of Taylor "~- .... .'~tl eel, 319. 176 feet to e To an R-3-D (iLimited Multiple Family ~elling - Architectural Design Zone: (Continued) the v.'ester,ly pr,olongatlon of the Nor`th line of saki -['r,act No. 3'i60 thence N 89© 4.9' 58" E., on and along said Nor-th line, 459.816 feet tc, the center,line of I-ansin9 Dr`lye and the point of E~egb~ning. ~q-><'CEPTIixIG TI-{-I=-t-~EFROM all those por,tions lying within% the .night-of-way of Taylor` Str'eet and Demar,et Avenue as so dedi- cated. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of December, 1969, by the following vote: AY~:'S.. COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, REES, RUCKk'~, STIERN, VE'~TER, WHII'i'EMORE NO~S.. COUNCILMEN~ '~'~),¢.....,e. ~ ::" ABE,ENT COUN_C!LME_.__N~.~._ ~ ~ AB~,TAINING COUNCILMEN: .~,~,.~ ~__~ CI LERK and Ex-C~ficio-Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED~this;22nd da/of December, 1969 APPROVED: - - CITY ATT~EY ~T C 0 U N Y I · :.:..:.:, -:.~..... ~........; ..... · . .: .......:.::3=, ::::::::::::::::::::::  : :::::::::::::::::::::: ·: ..-::: ¢:::::::: · .;.;. · · .'; ;-."'-'- -d ;';'~' ' "~'..'.;..'. · :.:.:..:.:...:.:...: ~, :::::::..':'.< ~: ::.':: ::::::::::::::::::::::: ,..:.:... .... , :.:::::: ::::::::::: ro .:.:.:.:.: ~-'.:.:..' =' ::i:.'i:::::::::::: ~ i:i:'-:i: ~ ! r-_c, o i N E W STINE RO A D CALl FORH A AVE. o ~ ,n, i:i:i::':':'"':': ........... · r ':':"'."".".'"':':""'";'"~'.".":: O ~':'":'"~':';'.":'~':-~-'"':':':':' ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :!:!:!:!:i:!:!:!:!:!:i:!:i:i:!:! I ,...:...:.:.:....:.'..'........'..'i.;.;.:~:.;.;.~. -. R-~-D O HONTCLAIR ST. MC DONALD WAY -- ~ Aff av ! of r nan es STATE O1~ CALIFORNIA, ~ County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IR~'IN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ................... .D...e_c...e...m.h.e...r.....2...3. ....................................... 19..6...9... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ...............D~_..c...e..m...b...e..r.....2...2.. ................. ,. ..... , 19...6..9..., which ordinance was numbered ......... 1.1..8...4..1.. .................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD LOCATED SOUTH OF STOCKDALE HIGHWAY, BORDERED BY NEW STINE ROAD ON THE WEST, DEMARET AVENUE ON THE SOUTH AND THE EXTENSION OF MONTCLAIR AVENUE ON THE EAST; ALSO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF STOCK- DALE HIGHWAY AND CALIFORNIA AVENUE AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF STOCKDALE HIGHWAY AND CALIFORNIA AVENUE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..2..-3-..r...d...day of ........ .D...~..~..e..m...b...e...r. ................... ,19...6.,9.... Notary Public in and for the County of Kern, State o/ California ~1 (~'~) NOTA£Y PUBLIC-CALIFORNh~, ~1 ~ K~EN COUNTY ~ My Commission Expires August 20 1972