HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1987 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, June 9, 1987 Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Bakersfield, for the purpose of Budget Hearings, held the Council Chambers of City Hall at 5:15 p.m., June 9, 1987. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Payne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Payne. Absent: None Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Smith (seated at 5:20 p.m.), Ratty, Moore, Dickerson, Salvaggio Oral Report regarding Fiscal Year 1987-88 Operating, Capital Improvement and Rede- velopment Agency Budgets. City Manager Caravalho made a presentation summarizing the Fiscal Year 1987-88 Operating, Capital Improvement and Rede- velopment Agency Budget. HEARINGS Revenue Sharing Budget 1987-88. Mayor Payne declared the hearing open for public parti- cipation. No protests or objections being received and no one w~sh~ng to speak in favor, Mayor Payne closed the public portion of the hearing. Operating Budget 1987-88. Assistant to City Manager Stinson noted that the line item for City Clerk's Office Operating Expenditures of $139,945.00, will be increased by $63,800.00 in order to include the 1987 fall elect~on expenditure. Councilmember Childs read a Budget and Finance Committee Report ~nto the record as follows: REVIEW OF FISCAL YEAR 1987-88 BUDGET The Budget and Finance Committee has met and re- viewed the proposed F~scal Year 1987-88 Operating and Capital Improvements Budget with the City Mana- ger and h~s Department Managers. Th~s committee w~11 meet again to conctude its review and develop- ment of recommendations Iollowing these Budget Hearings. A I'inal report will be submitted to the Council at the meeting of June 17, 1987. Assistant to City Manager Stinson presented the General Government and Executive portions of the Proposed Operating Budget. Assistant City Manager Pulskamp presented the Administra- tive Services portion ol' the Proposed Operating Budget. Assistant to City Manager Stinson presented the City Attorney portion of the Proposed Operating Budget. Police Chief Patterson presented port~on of the Proposed Operating Budget. Fire Chief Needham presented the of the Proposed Operating Budget. the Police Services Fire Services portion Bakersfield, California, June 9, 1987 - Page 2 Public Works Director Hawley presented the Public Works portion of the Proposed Operating Budget. Director of Water Resources Bogart presented the Com- munity Services portion of the Proposed Operating Budget. Auditorium Manager Grav~ss presented the Auditorium Services portion of the Proposed Operating Budget. Deputy City Manager Strenn presented the Development Services portion of the Proposed Operating Budget. Mayor Payne declared the hearing open for public parti- cipation. No protests or objections being received and no one wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Payne closed the public portion of the hearing. Upon a request by Councilmember Dickerson, Police Chief Patterson will prepare a report responding to concerns raised by Councilmember Dickerson regarding prisoner identification. Capital Improvement Budget 1987-88. Assistant to City Manager Stinson gave an overview of the Capital Improvement Budget for 1987-88. Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, the traffic signal at Hughes and Pacheco scheduled for budgeting in 1988-89 was switched with the traffic signal at Hughes anO Planz scheduled for budgeting in 1987-88. Upon a motion by Councilme~nber Ratty, the storm drain in the Rio Bravo area, de~erreO for budgeting in 1989-90, will be moved up as a priority item. Upon inquiry by Councilmember Ratty, Public Works Direc- tor Hawley indicated the Public Works Department would make note or the repair needs on Rio Bravo Drive an0 recognize it as a high priority item as funds are made available. Mayor Payne declared the hearing open for public parti- cipation. No protests or objections being received and no one wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Payne closed the public portion the hearing. Community-Wide Improvements Project List Public Works Director Hawley presented the Community- Wide Improvements Project List. Mayor Payne declared the hearing open for public parti- cipation. No protests or objections being received and no one wishing to speak in favor, Mayor Payne closed the public portion o~ the hearing. Councilmember Christensen made a motion to adjourn. Redevelopment Agency Budget. City Manager Caravalho gave an overview of the Redevelop- ment Agency Budget. Bakersfield, Calil'ornia, June 9, 1987 - Page 3 ADJOURNMENT There Deing no further business to come before the Coun- cil, upon a motion by Councilmember Christensen, the meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. A T T E S T: MAYOR oi' the City ot~ Ba;~r s f i eld, CaliI'. CITY CLERK and Ex Ot'tlclo Clerk oi' the Council ot the C~ty o! Bakerst'~eld, Cal~torn~a d~