HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1972 ORDINANCE NO. 1972 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 17.50 OF TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR A MOBILEHOME ZONE AND REGULATIONS FOR MOBILE- HOME PARKS AND MOBILEHOME SUBDIVISIONS. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter 17.50 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 17.50 MH ZONE Sections: 17.50.010 MH Mobilehome Zone 17.50.020 Uses Permitted 17.50.030 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit 17.50.040 Approval of Plan for Mobilehome Park 17.50.050 Appeal From Action of Planning Commission on Mobilehome Park Proposal 17.50.060 Mobilehome Subdivision - Intent 17.50.070 Mobilehome Subdivision - Requirements in MH Zone 17.50.080 Mobilehome Subdivision - Development Standards 17.50.090 Mobilehome Subdivision - Application of State Law 17.50.100 Mobilehome Subdivision - Maintenance of Common Areas and Nondedicated Improvements 17.50.110 Land Previously Classified 17.50.010 MH Mobilehome Zone. The following regulations shall apply in the MH Mobilehome Zone unless otherwise provided. 17.50.020 Uses Permitted. The following uses are permitted in an '~H" Zone: A. A Mobilehome Park. B. A Mobilehome Subdivision filed under the provisions of Chapter 16.22 of the Subdivision Regulations (Optional Design and Improvement Standards). C. Mobilehome accessory buildings or structures for which a building permit is required. In no event shall any accessory building or structure be placed or permitted to remain on any lot in the MH Zone unless a mobilehome is first placed on said lot. The use of any such accessory building or structure in the MH Zone for housekeeping purposes is prohibited. D. Conm~unity recreation facilities for the use of renters of lots within a mobilehome park or for use of individual lot owners within a mobilehome subdivision. E. Temporary real estate office to be used only for and during the original sale of lots within a subdivision, but not to exceed a period of one (1) year. Such period of time may be extended for one (1) additional year for good cause, upon approval of the Plan- ning Commission. F. One-story office building to be used for the business of a mobilehome park by the owner or operator of said park or to be used for the business of the legal entity required to be formed for maintenance of common areas of a subdivision. 17.50.030 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit. The following uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures provided for in Chapters 17.60 and 17.64 of this title. 1. Limited multiple family dwelling and accessory buildings or structures necessary to such use, with minimum lot area in accordance with the regulations of the R-2 Zone. 17.50.040 Approval of Plan for Mobilehome Park. Plans and elevations showing the exterior architectural design and appearance of all buildings and structures~and plot plans showing location and dimension of accessways, structures, landscaping, parking areas, and other improvements, of the individual mobilehome park to be established shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission in order that the proposed mobilehome park will be in harmony with other structures and improvements in the area and will comply with all standards and requirements as set forth in Chapter 15.04 of Title 15 of the Municipal Code. (Mobilehome Parks). In the event the Planning Commission determines that the mobilehome park as proposed to be developed does not meet the intent of the regulations set forth in said Chapter 15.04 and all laws and regu- lations adopted pursuant thereto, said Planning Commission shall deny the permit for the mobilehome park. 17.50.050 Appeal From Action of Planning Commission on Mobile- home Park Proposal. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Co~m~ission he may, within fifteen (15) days after such action, appeal in writing to the City Council. Said Council shall hear the appeal, upon notice to the applicant and the Planning Commission, unless the applicant consents to a continuance, within fifteen (15) days or at its next succeeding regular meeting. Upon conclusion of the hearing the City Council shall within seven (7) days declare its findings based upon the testimony and documents produced before it. It may sustain, modify, reject or overrule any recommendations, findings or rulings of the Planning Commission and may make such findings and decision as are not inconsistent with law. 17.50.060 Mobilehome Subdivision - Intent. It is the intent of this Chapter to also provide regulations for the placement of mobile- homes on lots within a subdivision filed under the provisions of Chapter 16.22 of Title 16 of the Municipal Code (Optional Design and Improvement Standards), and not otherwise, which subdivision is designed and designated for the sale, not rental, of lots to accommo- date mobilehomes as the dwelling unit. The subdivider shall comply with all the provisions of said Chapter 16.22 unless otherwise herein provided. 17.50.070 Mobilehome Subdivision - Requirements in MH Zone. The subdivision shall be subject to the Standards and Design ~ Requirements set forth in Chapter 16.20 of the Municipal Code and the Improvements and General Requirements set forth in Chapter 16.24 of the Municipal Code and the Development Standards set forth in Section 17.50.080 of this Chapter; provided, however, that all such requirements and standards may be varied and reasonable exceptions thereto may be granted by the Planning Commission where such Commission finds that the four items of justification set forth in Section 16.22.020 of Chapter 16.22 of the Municipal Code are true. 17.50.080 Mobilehome Subdivision - Development Standards. Not- withstanding anything to the contrary stated in the subdivision or zoning regulations of the City, the following shall be the minimum standards of development within the MH Zone for mobilehome sub- divisions: A. Height. No building, structure, or vehicle, except a recreation building, erected on or moved onto a lot shall have a height greater than one (1) story or which exceeds fifteen (15) feet. B. Front Yard. There shall be a front-yard depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet. No recreation vehicles shall be stored in said front: yard. C. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear-yard depth of not less than five (5) feet. D. Side Yards. There shall be a side yard of at least five (5) feet on both sides. E. Lot size. Every lot shall be of a size and shape which will provide reasonable area for private use and development and for convenient placement of one mobilehome and appropriate accessory buildings or structures. The total number of lots provided in any mobilehome subdivision shall conform to the maximum density of seven (7) lots per acre. 4. F. Roofed Area. The total roofed area including mobilehome and accessory buildings or structures shall not exceed sixty (60%) per cent of the net area of the lot. G. Open Space. There shall be an overall total of at least five hundred (500) square feet per lot devoted to open space which may be on the individual lot or common areas within the development. H. Concrete Slab. A concrete patio slab floor at least four (4) inches thick and at least four hundred (400) square feet shall be constructed adjacent to each mobilehome location, which shall not be designed or used for parking. I. Wall. A six-foot masonry wall, or approved equivalent fencing, shall be constructed on the side and rear perimeter boundaries of! the development, where required to protect the exist- ing or future use of the adjacent property. J. Access. The subdivision shall have at least two (2) means of ingress or egress leading to a public street. K. Off-street Parking. The development shall contain two (2) off-street automobile parking spaces consisting of approved concrete slabs for each mobilehome lot. In addition to such parking spaces for lot owners, there shall be established and maintained within the subdivision an off-street automobile parking area or areas for use of guests. The number of the spaces shall be equal to one space for every eight mobilehome lots or fraction thereof, each space to be no less than eight and one-half (8½) by twenty (20) feet, plus the additional area as is necessary to afford adequate ingress and egress therefrom. 17.50.090 Mobilehome Subdivision - Application of State Law. The provisions, of Part 2 of Division 13 of the Health and Safety Code (commencing with Section 18000) and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder shall apply to mobilehome subdivisions in the MH Zone. 5. 17.50.100 Mobilehome Subdivision - Maintenance of Common Areas and Nondedicated Improvements. All common areas, including open or green spaces, community recreation facilities, washrooms, common walkways, parking areas, private streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters and all improvements listed in Section 16.24.010 of the Subdivision Regulations which are not dedicated and accepted, may be constructed only upon full and adequate provision for their preservation and future maintenance in a manner acceptable to the Planning Commission. Such provision may be satisfied by a Declara- tion of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions duly signed and acknowledged by the owner; Articles of Incorporation to be filed with the Secretary of State, forming a corporation or association, which shall include clauses empowering the entity created to own and maintain all the properties within its jurisdiction and to exercise the powers and duties of the entity to be fully set forth in the Declaration; By-laws of the entity which shall set forth rules of membership, fees and assessments, membership rights and principles; and forms of deeds incorporating the Declaration by reference to its recording data. All documents must be referred to the City Attorney for review and have the approval of the Planning Commission as to their sufficiency to accomplish their purpose. The owners of the individual lots shall, as a condition of owner- ship of said lots, be required to participate in the legal entity so formed and be responsible to said legal entity for the cost of performing the necessary maintenance. 17.50.110 Land Previously Classified. Land heretofore classified in a zone and also classified in an '~H" Mobilehome Park Zone may be developed in accordance with the law in effect at the time of such classification. o0o 6. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 1St day of November,1971, by the following vote: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAININC- COUNCILMEN: CTTY CLEI:L_K and Ex-Officio Clerk ~f the / Council of the City of Bakersfield / APPROVED~! ~-i lS.t/dmw~o f November, 1971 /..." ~YO~6~ ~h~ Cfty of Bakersfield APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' CITY ATTORiN-EY ~ ~ Affi av ! of ost ug r uau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ~ ss. County of Kern ~ " MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and saYS: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ....... ~..h..?.....2.~Ld.....d..~.....o..~....N...o.Y...e...m..b...e...r.~ ................. 19...7...1.. she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on....~..h...e..._l.~.....d..~..Y.....o...f.....N...o...v..e...m...b.?...r.., 19....7...1., which ordinance was numbered ............ .1...9..7...2. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFI, ELD AMENDING CHAPTER 17.50 OF TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE PROVIDING FOR A MOBILEHOME ZONE AND REGULATIONS FOR MOBILE- HOME PARKS AND MOBILEHOME SUBDIVISIONS. ' CITY CLERK Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...~.n..~....,~,, ,,~ .............. (~.~.~.~.e...r..,. ........ ............... i..: ......... o a y Public iff aml for the County of Kern, State of California ~ K[RN COUNTY Ii, MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 9