HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2013 ORDINANCE NO. 2013 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 3.18 .020, 3. 18.0503, 3.18.060, AND 3 . 18.090 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND REPEALING SECTIONS 3.18.0512 3 . 18.0522 3. 18 .054, 3. 18.055, AND 3. 18.056 , ALL RELATING TO SALARY SCHEDULES . BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows : SECTION 1. That Section 3. 18.020 of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows : 3. 18.020 Salary Plan. The general basis for allocating a salary range of pay to a class or position is to provide "equal pay" for "equal work." This applies to the relationship between jobs of comparable cities and those in the community, as well as to the internal relationships among city positions . (a) Administration. The City Manager shall administer the Step Salary Plan and from time to time make recommendations to the Council of the City of Bakersfield on the allocation of salary range to classes or positions . The City Council shall set the salary range for each class or position within the city service. (b) Step Salary Plan. The Step Salary Plan shall consist of a salary range for each class or position title as listed in Section 3. 18.060 Salary Schedule. Each class or position salary shall include a salary range with five steps of rates of pay. The five steps within a class or position salary range shall be administered in the follow- ing way: (1) Step 1. The first step of each range is the beginning salary level and is the standard hiring rate for a class or position. (2) Step 2 . Employees shall be advanced to Step 2 after six months of satisfactory service in Step 1 and after advancement is recommended by the department head and approved by the City Manager. (3) Step 3. Employees may be advanced to Step 3 of the salary range allocated to their class or position after a minimum time of one year of satisfactory work has been spent in Step 2, and after a recommendation has been made by the department head and approved by the City Manager. (4) Step 4-Merit . This step is reserved for employees who are considered to be fully qualified in their class and who maintain a consistent satisfactory standard of work performance. An employee may be advanced to Step 4 after a minimum of one year's service in Step 3, upon the recommendation of the department head with the approval of the City Manager. An employee advanced to Step 4 of the pay range shall retain such status so long as job perfor- mance remains at the level required to attain this step. (5) Step 5-Merit. This step is to be considered a further and final step for employees who attain and maintain a thoroughly satisfactory standard of work performance. An employee may be advanced to Step 5 after a minimum of one year's service in Step 4, upon the recommendation of the department head with the approval of the City Manager. An employee advanced to Step 5 of the pay range shall retain such status as long as job performance remains at the level required to attain this step. (6) Y-Rating--Positions Abolished. Employees who have had their position abolished and who are reallocated in City service in a different classification are considered to be Y-rated. Employees in Step Y shall continue receiving the same rate of compensation until the rate of compensation of their new position equals or exceeds their Y-rated salary or until the employee is appointed to a higher 2 . paying position, whichever shall occur first. The Y-rate shall not be applicable to layoffs . (c) Merit Step Reduction. When an employee no longer meets the standards set for a merit step, the department head shall recom- mend withdrawal of the merit step increase. Such recommendation shall be made upon an Employee Performance Evaluation form with a copy furnished to the employee sixty (60) calendar days prior to the effective date of proposed reduction. Re-evaluation of the with- drawal recommendation on an Employee Performance Evaluation form with a copy furnished to the employee shall be made by the depart- ment head thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of action. If the withdrawal recommendation is maintained and approved by the City Manager, the employee shall be reduced by one merit step. Employees no longer meeting standards established may be reduced from all merit steps following the above procedure. Any employee reduced from a merit step shall again be eligible for advancement six months after effective date of reduction. (d) Step Increases . No step increase shall be considered automatic or subject to increase by reason of time-in-service. All increases shall be based upon increased service value of the employee performance record, and must be recommended by the department head and approved by the City Manager. Withholding recommendation for advancement to Merit Steps 4 and 5 shall not be considered a disci- plinary action. All recommendations for salary step increases shall be submitted to the City Manager for approval thirty (30) calendar days before the effective date. Upon submission of satisfactory evidence and recommendation of the department head and the qualifi- cations of the employee warrant, the City Manager may authorize employment to any step. In computing length of service for step advancement purposes, service begins accruing from date of appoint- ment to the position. If an employee is absent without pay in 3 . excess of thirty (30) calendar days , such time shall not be credited for step advancement purposes . SECTION 2 . That Section 3 .18.050 of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows : 3 . 18.050 Salary Ranges - Pay Periods. All probationary and permanent employees of the City of Bakersfield shall earn their wage based on a salary allocated to their class or position. All such employees shall be paid on a bi-weekly basis . SECTION 3 . That Section 3. 18.060 of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows : (ATTACHED) SECTION 4. That Section 3. 18 .090 of the Municipal Code is amended to read as follows : 3.. 18.090 Computation of Salary. All probationary and permanent employees of the City of Bakersfield shall earn their wages based on the salary allocated to their class or position as set forth in Sec- tion 3 .18.060 Salary Schedule. An hourly rate of pay for all such employees shall be computed by dividing the bi-weekly salary allocated to the employee's class or position by eighty hours if no hourly rate of pay is allocated in Section 3.18.060 for the class or posi- tion. Hourly rates shall be computed to three decimal places. A shift rate of pay for probationary and permanent Fire Department employees who are required to work a 24-hour duty shift shall be computed by dividing the bi-weekly salary allocated to the employee's class or position by five and five thousand one hundred and seventy-five ten thousandths (5 .5175) shifts if no shift rate of pay is allocated to the class or position in Section 3 .18.060. The 4. rate shall be carried to three decimal places and rounded off to yield a full bi-weekly salary. An hourly rate of pay for Fire Department positions allo- cated a shift. rate of pay in Section 3 .18.060, shall be computed by dividing the shift rate of pay by fourteen and four thousand nine hundred and ninety four ten thousandths (14.4994) hours . Hourly rates shall be computed to three decimal places . SECTION 5 . That Sections 3.18.051, 3. 18.0522 3 .18.054, 3. 18 .055 and 3. 18 .056 are hereby repealed. SECTION 6 . This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. ----------000---------- 5 . •3.1 E,.060 Salary Schedule. All probationary and permanent employment within the city service shall be assigned a class title which shall be ` ; .• allocated a bi-weekly salary, hourly cr shift rate of pay as follows : - } EXECUTIVE GROUP BI-WEEKLY SALARY 4 Class Overtime Class Nlumbcr Compensation Title Step i Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 910 (D) Auditorium-Recreation Manager 764.64 803.68 844.64 387.36 932.00 915 (D) Building Director 674.96 709.44 745.76 ` 784.00 S23.92 9�0 (D} City Attorney 887.36 932.00 979.36 1 ,029.04 1 ,080.96 i ;?5 (n) rity Mprk r,n9 nR C,I7 Ti F,/t n.a ;.? nR Fi F; .. ... ..J .., 9310 (D) City Manager 1 ,108.08 1 ,164.16 1 ,223.04 1 ,285.12- 1 350.40 (D) Finance Director 727.36 764.64 803.68 844.61"r 837. 1,0 . ' 940 (D) Fire Chief 709.44 745.76 784.00 .823.92 865. 75 3 . 945 (D) Planning Director 674.96 709.44 745. 76 784.00 82 ).92 950 (D) Police Chief 764.64 803.68 844.64 837.36 932.00 955 (D) Public Works Director 823.92 865.76 909.44 955.44 1 ,003.68 EXECUTIVE SUPPORT GROUP BI-WEEKLY SALARY Class Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 802 (D) Administrative Assistant 466.24 489.68 514.56 540.72 567.84 804 (D) assistant Recreation Manager 540.72 567.84 596.80 626.72 658.40 506 'V assistant City Attorney 692.00 727.36 764.64 803.68 844.64 i 808 (D) Assistant Finance Director 567.84 596.80 626.72 65R,,An 692.00 Assistant to Finance Director 466.24 489.68 514.56 540.72 567.84 8i2 (D) Assistant Fire Chief 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642. 32 671,9 6 813 (D) Fire Battalion Chief 502.08 527.36 554;08 582.03 611 .52 Si4 (D) Assistant Planning Director 514.56 540.72 567.84 595.ro 626 . 72 F 016 (D) Assistant Recreation Director 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.03 Auditorium Stage Manager 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.08 820 (D) Building Plan Check Engineer 514.56 540.72 567.84 596 .80 626 .72 ^2 (D) Data Processing and Systems Supv. 466.24 489.68 514.56 540.72 567.°4 824 (D) Deputy City Attorney I 466.24 489.68 514.56 540.72 557.84 826 (D} Deputy City Attorney II 626.72 658.40 692.00 727.36 764.G4 828 (D) Deputy Fire Chief 611 .52 642.32 674.96 709.44 745. 76 830 (D) Deputy Police Chief 642.32 674.96 709.44 745.76 734.Or 832 (D) Deputy Pub;iic Works Director 674.96 709.44 745.76 784.00 82.3.�'% £34 (D) Drillmaster 502.08 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 r i EXECUTIVE SUPPORT GROUP (Cont. ) BI-!+!EEKLY SALARY Class Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step l Step 2 Step 3 Ste; 4 Step 5 836 (C) Engineer III 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642. 32 838 (D) Engineer IV 582.08 61l .52 642. 32 674.96 709.44 840 (D) Equipment Superintendent 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642.32 842 (C) Fire A' arm Superintendent 454.72 477. 76 502.08 527.36 554.08 844 (D) Fire Marshal 502.08 527.36 554.08 582.08 61i . 52 846 (C) Master Mechanic 454.72 477.7G 5C2.08 527. 36 554.08 843 (D) Parks Superintendent 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642. 32 850 (D) Plant Superintendent 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.08 582.08 852 (D) Police Captain 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642.32 674.96 354 (D) Police Lieutenant 502.08 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .:52 856 ;:; Sanitation Superintendent 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 0­42.32 858 (D) Sr. Administrative Assistant 540.72' 567.84 596 .80 626. 72 658.40 860 (D) Sr. Building Inspector 432.72 454.72 477.76 502.08 527. 36 862 (D) Sr. Housing Inspector 432.72 454.72 477.76 502.08 527. 36 864 (D) Street Engineer 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 0642.32 866 (D) Transit Superintendent 527.36 554.08 582.08 611 .52 642. 39 868 (D) Waste Water Treatment Superintendent 527.36 554.08 582.08 61l .52 64'2.32 SUPERVISORY RERSONNEL GROUP BI-WEEKLY SALARY Class Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Steo 3 S�4 Step 5 . i> 700 (C) Assistant Fire Marshal 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.08 703 (C) Assistant Sanitation Superintendent 443.68 466.24 489.68 514.5b 540. 72 706 (t ) Associate Planner 432.72 454.72 477.76 502.08 527. E 709 (C) Building Inspector II 401 .84 422.08 443.68 466.24 489.68 7i2 (C) Building Maintenance Foreman 298.88 314.08 330.16 346.72 36�r. G 715 (C) Equipment Mechanic Supervisor 412.00 432.72 454.72 477.7.E 502.03 718 (C) Fire Captain 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.30' 554.,"8 719 (C) Maintenance Leadman 298.88 314.08 330.16 346.72 354. i6 721 (C Maintenance..Supervisor 412.00 432.72 454.72 477.76 502.08 724 (8 Mechanic I1I 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.68 727 (C) Park Foreman 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.U8 i SUPFRVISORY PERSONNEL GROUP (Cont.) BI•-b!EEKLY SALARY Class Overtime Class iNur5er Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step Step 5 ' 730 (C) Parks Supervisor 412.00 432.72 454. 72 477.76 502.08 733 (C) Police Identification Technician 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.03 t 7305 (C) Police Sergeant 454.72 477.76 502.08 527.36 554.08 ' 739 (C) Radio Technician 454.72 4 77.76 502.08 527.35 554.08 742 (C) Recreation Supervisor 373.36 392.24 412.00 432.72 454.72 745 C Sanitation Route Foreman 293.88 314.08 330. 16 346.72 36 • 748 (C) Sanitation Route Inspector 314.08 330.16 346.72 364. 16 382.55 751 (C) Sanitation Supervisor 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.68 754 (C) Senior Buyer 392.24 412.00 432. 72 454.72 477. 76 t 757 (C) Service Technician 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.63 i 760 Sewer Maintenance Foreman 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.68 763 (C) Street Cleaning Foreman 314.08 330.16 346. 72 364. 16 382.56 j 766 (C) Street Foreman 364.16 382.56 4-01 .84 422.03 443.68 769 (C) Street Maintenance Supervisor 443.68 466.24 489.68 514.56 540.72 772 (C) Traffic Marking Foreman 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.68 775 (C) Transit Garage Foreman 364.16 382.56 401 .84 422.08 443.68 778 (C) Transit Route Foreman 298.88 314.08 330. 16 346.72 364. 16 } 781 (C) Tree Foreman 338.40 355.44 373.36 392.24 412.00 784 (C) Waste Water Treatment Plant Foreman 364.16 382.56 407 .84 422.08 443.68 FIRE GROUP HOURLY OR SHIFT RATE OF PAY Class Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 205 (A Fire Alarm Technician I 4.334 4.552 4.782 5.023 5.276 210 (A) Fire Alarm Technician II 5.150 5.409 5.684 5.972 6.276 215 (A) Fire Engineer *72.834 76.500 80.417 84.500 88. 750 220 (A) Firefighter *64.417 67.667 71 .091 74.674 78.424 225 (A) Fire Inspector 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 5.972 230 (C) Sr. Fire Inspector 5.546 5.828 6.121- 6.432 6.759 ' * Shift rate of pay s . 5 . r POLICE GROUP HOURLY RATE OF PAY i Class Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 105 (B) Detective I 5.023 5.276 5.546 5.828 6.121 j 11.0 (B) Detective II 5.276 5.546 5.828 6.121 6.432 115 (A) Police Communications Sergeant 5.023 5.276 5.546 5.828 6.121 120 (A) Police Lab Technician 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 5.972 125 � (A) Police Patrolman 4.667 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 130 r(A) Traffic Officer 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 5.972 • MAINTENANCE UTILITY GROUP HOURLY RATE OF PAY Class Overtime Class Number 02pansation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 } 303 (A) Animal Warden 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.23C 306 (A) Building Maintenanceman I 2. 782 2.920 3.069 3.225 3.326 t 309 (A) Building Maintenanceman II 3.144 3.305 3.472 3.644 3.828 312 (A) Building Maintenanceman III 3. 305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 315 (A) Equipment Operator I 3.225 3.386 3.558 3.736 3.92c 318 (A) Equipment Operator II 3.558 3.736 3.926 4.127 4.33 t' 321 (A) Equipment Operator III 3.926 4.127 4.334 4.552 4.782 ' 324 (A) Motor Coach Operator 3. 305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 i 327 (A) Motor Sweeper Operator 3. 736 3.926 4.127 4.334 4.552 330 (A) Park Maintenanceman 3.225 3.386 3.558 3. 736 3.926 333 (A) Poundman 2.995 3.144 3.305 3.472 3.644 336 (A) Poundmaster 3. 305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 339 (.A) Sanitation Crewman I 3.225 3.386 3.558 3.736 3.926 342 („) Sanitation Crewman II 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 345 (A) Sewer Maintenanceman 3.386 3.558 3.736 3.926 4.127 348 (A) Utility Man 2.851 2.995 3.144 3.305 3.472 TECHNICAL TRADES GROUP HOURLY RATE OF PAY C1 ass Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Steo 5 • 403 (A) Automotive Serviceman I 3.144 3.305 3.472 3.644 3.828 406 (A) Automotive Serviceman II 3. 305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 409 (A) Electrician 4.334 4.552 4.782 5.023 5.276 412 (A) jr. Traffic �u � c Signal Technician 3.644 3.828 4.023 44230 n �nn 415 (A) MaintenancemanI �y 3.225 3.386 3.558 3.736 3.926 418 Maintenanceman II 3.558 3. 736 3.926 4. 127 4.334 421 (A) Maintenanceman III 3.926 4. 127 4.334 4.552 4.782 424 (A) Maintenance Mechanic 3.926 4. 127 4.334 4.552 4. 782 427 (A) Mechanic I 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 4.443 430 (A) Mechanic II 4.230 4.443 4.667 4.903 5. 40 433 (A) Parking Meter Serviceman 3.305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 436 (A) Waste Water Treatment Plant Lab. 4.023 4.230 4.443 4.667 4.903 Technician and Operator 439 (A) Waste Water Treatment Plant Operator I 3.305 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 442 (A) Waste Water Treatment Plant. Operator II ' 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 ENGINEERING, INSPECTION/PLANNING GROUP ' HOURLY RATE OF PAY Cl ass Overtime Class Number Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Stec 4 Steo 5 503 (A). Assistant Planner 4.443 4.667 4.903 5.150 5.409 506 (A) Building Inspector I 4.552 4.782 5.023 5.276 5.546 508 (A) Data Processing Operator 3.558 3.736 3.926 4.127 4. 334 509 (A) Data Proc. Programmer-Console Operator 4.334 4.552 4.782 5.023 5.276 512 (A) Engineer I 5.023 5.276 5.546 5.828 6. 121 US (A) Engineer II 5.828 6. 121 6.432 6.759 7.098 518 Engineering Aide I 3.386 _ 3.558 3.736 3.926 4. 127 521 (A) . Engineering Aide II 3.926 4.127 4.334 4.552 4. 782 524 (A) Engineering Draftsman 4.334 4.552 4.782 5.023 5.276 527 (A) Engineering Technician I 4.667- 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 130 (A) Engineering Technician II 4.903 5.150 5.409 5.684 5.972 k ' OFFICE GROUP HOURLY RATE OF PAY 1 z Class Overtime Class iVun;ber Compensation Title Step 1 Step 2 Steo 3 Step 4 Step 603 (A) Accountant I 4.334 4.552 4.# 606 (A) Account Clerk 782 5.023 5.276 609 f A l n �. ;. ; �. _ .. - - 3.144 3.305 3.472 3,64c_ 3 828 nuu{i,^ �r a { vC Secretary Lary 3.386 3.558 3.736 3.926 4. 121 i 610 (A) Buyer -Trainee 3.828 4.023 4.230 4.4� 612 (A) Cashier-Receptionist 2.581 � pf3 4.607 • 615 (A) City Clerk 's Assistant , •713 2.851 2.�9u 3. 144 �.225 3.38u 3.538 3.736 3.926 ' 618 �.4) Clerk Stenographer I 2. 713 2.851 2.995 3.?44 3.305 624 621 (��) Clerk Stenographer II 2.920 3.069 3.225 3.38G- 3.558 (A) Clerk Typist 2.581 2.713 2.851 2.995 3. 144 Fire Alarm Operator 2. 782 2.920 3.069 3.225 3.386 626 (A) Fire Alarm Operator Supervisor 2.920 3.069 3.225 3. 386 3.558 627 (A) Key Punch Operator 2.581 2.713 2.857 2.995 3.50, 630 (A) Legal Secretary 63J (A) 3.225 3.386 3.558 3. 736 3.92' Of�i ce Clerk 636 2.851 2.995 3.144 3. 305 3.472 (A) Personnel Clerk °J9 (A) Police Communications Operator 3.225 3. 38E 3.558 3. 736 3.926 642 p 2. 782 2.920 3.069 3.223 3. 386 (A) Receptionist 2.581 2.713 2.851 2.995 3. 386 b`}5 (A) Secretary n� 3.225 3.386 3.558 3. 736 3.926 ` 6`�� (A) Sr. Orr7Ce Clerk 3.069 3.225 3.386 651 3.558 3.735 (A) - Storeskeeper 654 3.472 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 b57 (A) Tax and�License Auditor 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 4.443 (A) Auditors Investigator 3.644 3.828 4.023 4.230 4.443 } I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 5th day of June, 1972 , by the following vote : AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER,HEISEY,MEDDERS,REES, RUCKER,THOMAS, WHITTEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN: ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: CITY 'CLERK and Ex-Officio Clerk o t e Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED_:-this 5t day of June, 1972 Y t .e City of Bakersfield APPROVED: CITY ATTOP17 of Post-tug (Ordtttaurrs STATE OF CALIFORNIA,� ss County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on.............June 6 ....................................................f 19 7 __2 she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on_.......June... ..........................................1 19.72., which ordinance was numbered............2013.......................New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTIONS 3 .18.020, 3 .18.0509 3 .18.060, AND 3 .18.090 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE AND REPEALING SECTIONS 3 . 18.051, 3 .18.052, 3 . 18.054, 3 .18.055 , AND 3 . 18.056, ALL RELATING TO SALARY SCHEDULES . City-Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6 t h y of.._.._..Jun , 19.72.. ------ ---- - -- -- ............................... L'C Notary Public.jn�he County of Kern, State of California DONALD F. STEWART NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIFORNIA PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN KERN COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 9, 1974