HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2048 EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 2048 NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 4.04 OF TITLE 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS (WARDS) OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. WHEREAS, it is imperative to adopt an emergency ordinance to alter the boundaries of wards of the City of Bakersfield for the Councilmanic Election to be held on February 27, 1973, in order to meet constitutional requirements enunciated by the Courts, in connec- tion with the "one man - one vote" principle; and WHEREAS, the County of Kern, through its Elections Division, is required to furnish precinct indexes to the City for such Council- manic Election, and for this purpose, requires the new ward boundaries no later than October 3, 1972. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter 4.04 of Title 4 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended as follows: Chapter 4.04 WARDS Sections: 4.04.010 Boundaries of the First Ward. 4.04.020 Boundaries of the Second Ward. 4.04.030 Boundaries of the Third Ward. 4.04. 040 Boundaries of the Fourth Ward. 4.04. 050 Boundaries of the Fifth Ward. 4.04.060 Boundaries of the Sixth Ward. 4.04.070 Boundaries of the Seventh Ward. 4.04.010 Boundaries of the First Ward. The boundaries of the First Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: CORRECTED DESCRIPTION IN WARD NO. 1 INSERTED BY CITY ATTORNEY ON OCTOBER 12, 1972. All of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Baker Street and the centerline of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence southerly along the centerline of Baker Street to the centerline of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad right-of-way; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad right-of-way to the centerline of Union Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of Union Avenue to the north right-of-way of East Califor-nia Avenue, which is a point on the City limit line; thence easterly and along the various courses of the City limit line to intersect the. center- line of Quincy Street at a point which is the intersection of said centerline of Quincy Street with the west line of Section 21, T. 29 S., R. 28 E., M.D.B.& M.; thence westerly along the centerline of Quincy Street to the centerline of Owens Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Owens Street to the centerline of Monterey Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Monterey Street to the centerline of Beale Avenue; thence southerly along the center- line Of Beale Avenue to the centerline of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence westerly along the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the point of beginning; also beginning at the intersection of the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue and the centerline of California Avenue; thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue to the north right-of-way line of Brundage Lane; thence westerly along the north right-of-way line of Brundage Lane to the east right-of-way line of the Central Branch of the Kern Island Canal; thence northerly along the last named east line to a point of 250 feet south of the centerline of 4th Street; thence easterly to the centerline of "T" Street; thence northerly along the centerline of "T" Street to the centerline of 8th Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 8th Street to the centerline of "R" Street; thence northerly along the centerline of "R" Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of California Avenue to the last named point of beginning. 4.04.020 Boundaries of the Second Ward. The boundaries of the Second Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: All of that portion of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the northeast corner of Tract 2146; thence northerly along the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue to a point on the City limit line; thence easterly and along various courses of the City limit line to intersect the northerly extension of the centerline of Haley Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Haley Street to the center- line of Vanderbilt Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Vanderbilt Drive to the centerline of the first alley east of Pomona Street; thence northerly along the centerline of said alley to the centerline of the first alley south of Duke Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of said last named alley to the centerline of Occidental Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Occidental Street to the centerline of University Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of University Avenue to the centerline of Mount Vernon Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of Mount Vernon Avenue to a point on the City limit line; thence westerly and along various courses of the City limit line to the centerline of Quincy Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Quincy Street to the center- line of Owens Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Owens · I Street to the centerline of Monterey Street; thence westerly along the centerline of Monterey Street to the centerline of Beale Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of Beale Avenue to the center- line of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way; thence westerly along the centerline of the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way to the centerline of Baker Street; thence southerly along the center- line of Baker Street to the centerline of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad right-of-way; thence southwesterly along the centerline of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad right-of-way to the centerline of Union Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Union Avenue to the easterly extension of the south line of Tract 2644; thence westerly along the south line of Tract 2644 to the west line' of Tract 2644 and 2146; thence northerly along the west line of Tract 2644 and 2146 to the north line of Tract 2146; thence easterly along the north line of Tract 2146 to the northeast corner of Tract 2146, which is the point of beginning. 4.04.030 Boundaries of the Third Ward. The boundaries of the Third Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: Ail of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the City limit line and the northerly extension of the centerline of Haley Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Haley Street to the centerline of.Vanderbilt Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of Vanderbilt Drive to the centerline of the first alley east of Pomona Street; thence northerly along the center- line of said alley to the centerline of the first alley south of Duke Drive; thence easterly along the centerline of said last named alley to the centerline of Occidental Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Occidental Street to the centerline of University Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of University Avenue to the centerline of Mount Vernon Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of Mount Vernon to a point on the City'limit line; thence easterly and along various courses of the City limit line to the point of beginning. 4.04.040 Boundaries of the Fourth Ward. The boundaries of the Fourth Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: Ail of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of 8th Street and the centerline of "R" Street; thence northerly along the centerline of "R" Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of California Avenue to the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue; thence northerly along the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue to the north right-of-way line of California Avenue; thence easterly along the north right-of-way line of California Avenue to the centerline of Union Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Union Avenue to the easterly extension of the south line of Tract 2644; thence westerly along the south line of Tract 2644 to the west line of Tract 2644; thence northerly along the west line of Tract 2644 and Tract 2146 to the north line of Tract 2146; thence easterly along'the north line of Tract 2146 to the northeast corner of Tract 2146; thence northerly along the west right-of-way line of Union Avenue to a point on the City limit line; thence westerly and along various courses of the City limit line to the intersection of the west right-of-way line of U. S. 99 Freeway and the south right-of-way line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad mainline tracks, thence easterly along said south right-of-way line to the east right-of-way line of U. S. Route 99 Freeway; thence southeasterly along said east right-of-way line and the north right-of-way line of California Avenue to the west right-of-way line of Oak Street; thence southerly along the west right-of-way of Oak Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of California Avenue to the centerline of A Street; thence northerly and easterly along the centerline of A Street and 13th Street to the centerline of C Street; thence southerly along the centerline of C Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of California Avenue to the centerline of C Street, said C Street southerly of California Avenue being offset westerly of the C Street alignment northerly of California Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of C Street to inter- sect the centerline of Chester Lane; thence easterly along the centerline of Chester Lane and Forrest Street to the centerline of H Street; thence southerly along the centerline of H Street to the centerline of 7th Street; thence easterly along the centerline of 7th Street to the centerline of Chester Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Chester Avenue to the centerline of 8th Street; thence easterly along the centerline of 8th Street to the point of beginning. 4.04.050 Boundaries of the Fifth Ward. The boundaries of the Fifth Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: Ail of that part of the City of Bakersfield; beginning at the intersection of the centerline of "T" Street and the centerline of 4th Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 4th Street to the centerline of "~' Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "N" Street to the centerline of 2nd Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 2nd Street to the centerline of "H" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "H" Street to the centerline of Brundage Lane; thence easterly along the centerline of Brundage Lane to the centerline of Vernal Place; thence southerly along the centertine of Vernal Place to the centerline of Terrace Way; thence westerly along the centerline of Terrace Way to a point on the City limit line; thence northerly and along the various courses of the City Limit line to intersect the north right-of-way line of Stockdale Highway at a point approximately 330 feet easterly of the centerline of Montclair Street; thence westerly along the north right-of-way line of StoCkdale Highway to the east line of the west 350.50 feet of the SE~ of Section 34, T. 29 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B.& M. being also a point on the City limit line; thence northerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to intersect the centerline of Stockdale Highway; thence westerly along the centerline of Stockdale Highway to intersect the west line of the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of Section 33, e T. 29 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B.& M; thence northerly along the last named west line to intersect the north right-of-way line of Stockdale Highway, being also a point on the City limit line; thence northerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to the inter- section of the west right-of-way line of U. S. Route 99 Freeway and the south right-of-way line of the A. T. & S. F. Railroad mainline tracks; thence easterly along said south right-of-way line to the east right-of-way line of U. S. Route 99 Freeway; thence southeasterly along said east right-of-way line and the north right-of-way line of California Avenue to the west right-of-way line of Oak Street; thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Oak Stree,t to the centerline of California Avenue; thence easterly along' the center- line of California Avenue to the Centerline of "A" Street; thence northerly and easterl~ along the.centerline of '~" Street and 13th Street to the centerlzne of "C" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "C" Street to the centerline of California Avenue; thence westerly along the centerline of California Avenue to intersect the centerline of "C" Street, said "C" Street southerly of California Avenue being offset westerly of the "C" Street alignment northerly of California Avenue; thence ~utherly along the centerline of "C" Street to the centerline of Chester Lane; thence easterly along the centerline of Chester Lane and Forrest Street to the centerline of "H" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "H" Street to the centerline of 7th Street; thence easterly along the centerline of 7th Street to the centerline of Chester Avenue; thence northerly along the centerline of Chester Avenue to the centerline of 8th Street; thence easterly along the centerline of 8th Street to the centerline of "T" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "T" Street to the point of beginning. 4.04.060 Boundaries of the Sixth Ward. The boundaries of the Sixth Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: Ail of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Wilson Road and the centerline of Wible Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Wilson Road to the centerlime of Hughes Lane; thence northerly along the centerline of Hughes Lane to the centerline of Echo Avenue; thence easterly along the cemterline of Echo Avenue to the centerline of Benton Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Benton Street to the centerline of Custer Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue to the centerline of Marshall Street; thence north- erly along the centerline of Marshall Street to the centerline of Doolittle Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Doolittle Avenue to the centerline of Fremont Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Fremont Street to the centerline of Custer Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue and the exten- sion thereof to the east right-of-way of the Kern Island Canal, which point is on the Citylimit line; thence northerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to the intersection of the north right- of-way line of Brundage Lane and the east right-of-way line of the Central Branch of the Kern Island Canal; thence northerly along the last named east line to a point 250 feet south of the centerline of 4th Street; thence easterly to the centerline of "T" Street; thence northerly along the centerline of "T" Street to the centerline of 4th Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 4th Street to the centerline of "N" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "N" Street to the centerline of 2nd Street; thence westerly along the centerline of 2nd Street to the centerline of "H" Street; thence southerly along the centerline of "H" Street to the centerline of Brundage Lane; thence easterly along the centerline of Brundage Lane to the centerline of Vernal Place; thence southerly along the center- line of Vernal Place to the centerline of Terrace Way; thence westerly along the centerline of Terrace Way to the City limit line; thence southerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to a point.on the north right-of-way line of Stockdale Highway; thence westerly along the north right-of-way line of Stockdale Highway to intersect the northerly extension of the east right-of-way line of Cherry'Hills Drive, being also a point on the City limit line; thence southerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to intersect the centerline of Hughes Lane; thence northerly along the centerline of Hughes Lane to the.centerline of Oakwood Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Oakwood Drive to the centerline of Delburn Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Delburn Street to the centerline of Coventry Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Coventry Drive to the centerline of Agate Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Agate Street to intersect the south line of the N 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 12, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B.& M.; thence westerly along the last named south line to intersect the west line of said section 12; thence northerly along the last named west line to the point of beginning, also beginning at the intersection of the northerly extension of the west line of Tract No. 2548 and the centerline of Stockdale Highway; thence westerly along the centerline of Stockdale Highway to a point of intersection with the northerly extension of the east line of the west 55 feet of section 4, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B. & M., said point of intersection being a point on the City limit line; thence southerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to the last named point of beginning. 4.04.070 Boundaries of the Seventh Ward. The boundaries of the Seventh Ward are hereby altered to read as follows: Ail of that part of the City of Bakersfield: beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Wilson Road and the centerline of Wible Road; thence easterly along the centerline of Wilson Road to the centerline of Hughes Lane; thence northerly along the centerline of Hughes Lane to the centerline of Echo Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Echo Avenue to the centerline of Benton Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Benton Street to the centerline of Custer Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue to the centerline of Marshall Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Marshall Street to the centerline of Doolittle Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Doolittle Avenue to the centerline of Fremont Street; thence southerly along the center- line of Fremont Street to the centerline of Custer Avenue; thence easterly along the centerline of Custer Avenue and the extension thereof to the east right-of-way line of the Kern Island Canal, which point is on the City limit line; thence southerly and along the various courses of the City limit line to the centerline of Hughes Lane; thence northerly along the centerline of Hughes Lane to the centerline of Oakwood Drive; thence westerly along the center- line of Oakwood Drive to the centerline of Delburn Street; thence southerly along the centerline of Delburn Street to the centerline of Coventry Drive; thence westerly along the centerline of Coventry Drive to the Centerline of Agate Street; thence northerly along the centerline of Agate Street to intersect the south line of the N 1/2 of NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of section 12, T. 30 S., R. 27 E., M.D.B. & M.; thence westerly along the last named south line to intersect the west line of said section 12; thence northerly along the last named west line to the point of beginning. SECTION 2. This ordinance is an emergency ordinance and is effective upon adoption. o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Emergency Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2d day of October, 1972, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN BLEECKER, HEISEY, MEDDERS, REES, RUCKER, THOMAS, WHI'I'fEMORE NOES: COUNCILMEN:,...Z2 ABSTAINING COUNCIL/Ar_N: CITY ~LERK and Ex ~)ffic~o Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this.-2d/day..._:; ._ of October, 1972 MAI~ ~of t~'~-Cftly of Bakersfield APPROVED: ' ' CITY ATTORN~I~ Affi av ! of r uau es County of Kern MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ............ .O...q~..o...b...e..r....~.. ................................................... 19...7..2... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .............. .Q.c..~..o..b...e..~....2. ............................. 19....7..2.., which ordinance was numbered ........... ..2..0...4...8. ................... New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 4.04 OF TITLE 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ALTERING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS (WARDS) OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD. - -- ~ity~ClerkX- Subscribed and sworn to before me this ..3.r.d....da~of ......... 0.Q.~.Q,~3: ..................... ,19...7.2. '"~'J~;~~~~;~': ' ~'~"~i"~'~ii~;~- ~ i~ION EXPIRES JUNE 9. IV~J