HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/03/1987 MINUTES CCBakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Minutes of the Regular City of Bakersfield, California, City Hall at 7:00 p.m., June 3, Meeting of the Council of the held in the Council Chambers of 1987. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Payne, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation by Dr. Clyde Wasdin of the First Assembly of God Church. The City Clerk called the roll as follows: Present: Mayor Payne. Absent: None Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Smith (seated at 7:04 p.m.), Ratty,, Moore, Dickerson, Salvaggio PRESENTATION Mayor Payne read a proclamation declaring June 20, 1987, as Bakersfield Junior Miss Day. H.R. Pacheco of the Bakersfield Kiwanis Club introduced Debbie Porwoll, Director of the Junior Miss Program, and the 1986 Junior Miss, Elaine Womack, who gave a brief overview ot the Junior Miss Program and sang "God Bless America." Mayor Payne thanked the members of the Design Review Board [or their IalthIul service, indicating a letter with a Cer- tlIlcate of Appreciation has been sent to each oI them. PUBLIC STATEMENTS Jerry Sloan, 1805 El Portal, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance regarding camping and sleeping on public lands. Roy Malahowski of Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, 5016 Painela Street, spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance regarding camping and sleeping on public lands. Councilmember Childs made a motion to refer the proposed ordinance relative to camping and sleeping on public lands to the Homeless Task Force for review and report back to Council within thirty days. Councilmember Dickerson made a substitute motion to move the New Business agenda item regarding an ordinance relative to camping and sleeping on public lands forward on the agenda. The motion Ialled by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Councilmembers Childs, Smit~, Ratty, Moore None Councilmember Childs' motion to refer the proposed ordi- nance relative to camping and sleeping on public lands to the Home- less Task Force for review and report back to Council within thirty days was approved. Councilmember Salvaggio clarified his vote stating that he voted the way he did because he felt people in attendance con- cerned with the ordinance were entitled to some dialogue on the issue. He would like controversial issues such as this one to be referred to a Council committee in the future, such as Urban De- velopment, so Council members can be informed. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 2 Councilmember Dickerson clarified his vote stating he voted against referring the ordinance to the Homeless Task Force from the standpoint of having an issue brought out in the public and then not discussing it. He feels it's poor leadership, that Council gets great movement on this issue but can't get off-road vehicles out of the Kern River. Councilmember Ratty clarified his vote stating that he made the motion to refer the ordinance on camping and sleeping in public lands to the Homeless Task Force because the ordinance will be discussed at the second hearing and the Task Force will have the opportunity to review the information. Councilmember Childs clarified his vote stating that the public came to the Council, and the Attorney asked that the ordi- nance be referred to the HomeLess Task Force, not because he wanted to discuss this without his peers, but he specifically asked Council to give the ordinance to that particular group so that all the people could give input and report back to the Coun- cil. Paul Crumpacker, 1202 19th Street, spoke regarding the homeless. Mayor Payne recessed the meeting at 7:35 p.m. The meet- ing reconvened at 7:45 p.m. spoke Church cll meeting under Tom Carey, Director of Wlnner's Circle, 802 Knotts, regarding a business license for Winner's Circle. Mayor Payne acknowledged Scout Troop No. 317 from the of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who attended the Coun- the leadership of Randy Spencer. HEARINGS This is the time set for a public hearing before the Council of the City of Bakers- field on Resolution of Intention No. 1024 declaring its intention to order the es- tablishment of Underground Utility Dis- trict No. 14 on "H" Street between Truxtun Avenue and 14th Street. Mayor Payne opened the public portion of the hearing. Upon a motion by Councilmember Moore, the hearing was opened and continued to June 17, 1987, by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio None None Smith, Ratty, Moore, This is the time set for a public hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 1025 de- claring its intention to order the aban- donment of two 50 ft. portions of dedicated vehicular access rights on the south side of White Lane between the Arvin-Edison Canal and Mexicali Drive. Mayor Payne opened the public portion of the hearing. Upon a motion openeO and continued to Ayes: CouncilmemBers Noes: None Absent: None By Councilmember Childs, the hearing was June 17, 1987, ~y the following vote: Childs, Christensen, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Dickerson, Salvaggio Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 3 REPORTS Councilmember Childs, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, read Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 18-87 re- garding sale of forty acres of City-owned land to Kern High School District as follows: On September 3, 1986, the Council received a re- quest from the Kern High School District for pur- chase of twenty acres of City-owned land on Mt. Vernon Avenue, approximately one-half mile south of Freeway 58 with an option to purchase an additional twenty acres in the future. This request was re- ferred to the Budget and Finance Committee. Over the past several months this Committee has had several meetings with staff and with the Distrrct to review this request. The District is proposing to use the property as an agricultural center and for District operations such as the Food Service Center and a transportation facility. During the course of the negotiations, the District expressed their intentions to purchase the entire forty acres and also requested that they be allowed to purchase approximately nine acres of the forty acres at a price less than the appraised value for the highest and best use of the property The re- manning thirty-one acres would be purchased at the appraised value. The District also indicated that the nine acres would he used only for farming pur- poses and they would be w~lling to accept a deed restriction to this effect. The Committee has considered the District's request and recommends that the C~ty Council approve the sale of forty acres of City-owned land to the Kern High School District at the price of FIVE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND, THREE HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR DOLLARS ($575,394.00). We also recommend that the City sell thirty-one + acres of this land at the appraised value based--upon the highest and best use, and sell approximately nine acres at the appraised value for agricultural use (farm land). We are recommending that a covenant and condition be placed on the Grant Deed for the nine-acre parcel which restricts the use of the property for the Distrlct's school farm program only. Should the District offer to sell or lease this parcel to another person or entity, the District shall offer the City the opportunity to purchase the nine acre parcel at the same price the District paid to the City in acquiring this parcel. This Committee further recommends that staff pre- pare an appropriate deed and an agreement, for Council approval, between the City, the District and Gary Garone (City Farm Lessee) incorporating the conditions of sale for the forty-acre parcel and delete this parcel from the City farm leased premises. Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, Budget nance Commm~ttee Report No. 18-87 was accepted and the tions implemented. and Fi- recommenda- 02,; Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 4 Councilmember Childs, Chairman of the Budget and Finance Committee, read Budget and Finance Committee Report No. 19-87 re- garding selection of firm to conduct Annual Audit as follows: Recently this Committee recommended the appointment of the firm, Peat Marwick, to perform the annual audit of the accounting records of the City. The City Council requested that we meet with the top two firms based on the proposals submitted to the City and allow them to make a presentation to this Committee prior to our final selection. The firm of Brown, Waits and Armstrong and the firm of Peat Marwick made presentations before the Com- mittee. It is the opinion of this Committee that the firm ot Peat Marwick would provide the best audit services for the City of Bakersfield. Therefore, this Committee recommends the City Coun- cil accept the proposal from Peat Marwick and auth- orize the Mayor to execute the appropriate agree- ment. We further recommend the other audit firm be notified of the Council's action. Upon a motion by nance Commmittee Report No. tions implemented. Councilmember Childs, Budget and Fi- 19-87 was accepted and the recommenda- City Manager Caravalho read City Manager's Report No. 5-87 regarding Status of Park Acquisition and Development Ordinance as follows: The Park Plan of the Open Space Element was approv- e~ Dy the Bakersfield Planning Commission on Novem- ber 7, 1985, and adopted by the Bakersfield City Council on January 22, 1986. The Park Plan contains several policies concerning future development of parks within Bakersfield. Policy A.5. states, "to acquire and develop neighborhood and community rec- reation acreage through subdivision dedication and in-lieu fees whereby future development provides for future recreational need." Similarly, policy A.18. requires proposed development to pay for or provide parks and recreation facilities to offset additional demands on the park system brought about by it. Policies also include the adoption of a parkland dedication ordinance with in-lieu fee pro- visions (A.17.) and the adoption or recognition of an official park acquisition program (A.16.). The Subdivision Map Act, the "Quimby" Act (Govern- ment CoOe 664'77), provides the principal authority for parkland dedication ordinances. Local govern- ment agencies have other legislative authorizations which can be used to require residential developers to assist w~th park and recreation areas and faci- lities. As a Charter City, Bakersfield has the option of tailoring a park ~edication ordinance to its specific needs. Start is proposing the establishment through ordi- nance of a flat fee to be required of all new resi- dential construction. This fee would be the pri- mary method for acquiring and developing neighbor- hoo~ parkland for the citizens of Bakersfield. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 - Page 5 As researched by staff, the current value or im- proved residential land in Bakersfield is estimated to be $1.50 to $3.00 per square foot. Assuming the $1.50 value, the estimated per acre cost of park- ]and in Bakersfield is $65,000.00 The current per acre estimate for neighborhood park development is $45,000.00 Based upon these costs and the provi- sion of 2.5 acres or parkland per 1,000 persons, the estimated park dedication fee for City resi- dents would be $818.00 per new single [amily home. For comparison, a statewide park facilities devel- opment fee survey was recently presented to the California Parks and Recreation Society. Of the 225 agencies responding, 152 reported requiring a development fee. Or the eighty-eight agencies who reported their actual fee, the range was $75.00 to $6,500.00 per single family home with an overall average or $824.00. For local comparison, the North Bakersfield Recreation and Pare District is currently proposing a fee increase which, depending upon appraised land value, is estimated to range between $740.00 to $1,100.00 per single family home. It is requested that this issue be placed before the Budget and Finance Committee. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, City Manager's Report No. 5-87 was referred to the Budget and Finance Committee. City Manager Caravalho read City Manager's Report No. 6-87 regarding City Council Agenda Plan as follows: At the May 20, 1987, Council meeting, the Council requested the City Manager to prepare a draft pro- posal to: 1) Establish an 11:00 p.m. deadline to determine which items st~11 on the agenda need to be acted upon, including Closed Session, in order to adjo~-n the meeting by midnight; 2) Have starr estimate the time necessary for each agenda item; and 3) Schedule General Plan Amendments (GPA) and controversial appeal hearings for Wednesdays when no Council Meeting is scheduled. During the past three years, the Council has adopt- ed Rules and Procedures and implemented Ad Hoc Com- mittee Report Nos. 1-86 and 2-86 which have result- ed in Improvements to the Agenda format and Council Meetings. A copy or the revised Rules and Proce- dures, including all previous Council action, is attached and submitted for Council information. RECOP¢IVIENDATION: It is recommended that Council adopt the three rules cited above. Upon a motton by Councilmember Childs, Items 1, 2, and 3 oi City Manager's Report No. 6-87 were adopted. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987, Page 6 City Manager Caravalho read City Manager's Report No. 7-87 regarding approval of the Organization Study of the Personnel Division as follows: The C~ty Council authorized Ralph Andersen & Asso- ciates to conduct an organization study which was completed in February 1987, and has been sent to the Personnel Committee and Civil Service Commissioners for their review· Basically, the findings indicate a need to revise the organization structure, bring staffing and workload into a better balance, adjust classifica- tions and improve some work methods and procedures. In order to provide better service to our employee population through such programs as training, wellness and affirmative action, and to develop a professional, efficient and proactive division, I highly endorse the following recommendations pro- posed by the study. The Personnel Coordinator position and one of the Personnel Technician positions be reclassi- fied to Personnel Analyst and add one Personnel Analyst. 2. The division take immediate steps to revise overly time-consuming systems and procedures. The City reclasslfy the Deputy City Manager and Assistant C~ty Manager to a common classifica- tion for Assistant City Manager· The Personnel Committee has had two meetings on the report and has scheduled another meeting for Mon- day, June 1, to finalize its recommendation and report to the City Council. This report will be distributed at the Council meeting. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, Items 1, 2, and 3 City Manager's Report No. 7-87 were approved Upon a motion by motion to approve Items 1, 7-87 was reconsidered. Councilmember Ratty, his previous 2, and 3 of City Manager's Report No. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, port No. 7-87 was accepted and recommendations following vote: City Manger's Re- implemented by the Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Smith, Noes: Councilmember Christensen Abstain: Councilmember Salvaggio Ratty, Moore, Dickerson Councilmember Dickerson clarified his vote, stating that he was out of town on June 1, and unable to attend the Personnel Committee meeting and he is not sure he knew fully in advance about the meeting. He also stated that in prior Personnel Committee meetings on the subject of Organization Study of the Personnel Division, he tried to pursue a motion to bring a report out of the committee. He wants to go on record that he was trying to get this process moving as quickly as possible. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 - Page 7 Councilmember Salvaggio clarified his vote, stating that although he abstained on all three of the recommendations of City Manager's Report No. 7-87, he was supportive of Items one and two, but could not support reclassifying the Deputy City Manager and Assistant City Manager to a common classification for Assistant City Manager. The reason he abstained was that he did not want his vote to be interpreted in any way that there is any type of animosity or power play between the City Manager and himself. He believes he has, and will continue to, work well with the City Manager. Councilmember Christensen stated for the record that he regrets that it would have taken a short time after the Council meeting on May 20 for the Personnel Committee members to meet and solve the problems of the Organization study, but staff objected to meeting at that time. Yet other times staff can keep Council in session until 3:00 a.m. and he thought it was pretty "stlnkle." Councilmember Ratty, Chairman of the Urban Development Committee, read Urban Development Committee Report No. 14-87 re- gard~ng request for use of the southeast corner of 24th and Oak Streets as follows: The Urban Development Committee met with Tom Carey, Director of the Winher's Circle, an alcoho! and drug rehabilitation group. Mr. Carey had requested use of the southeast corner of 24th and Oak Streets to sell the organization's products of wood tables and chairs. The City code requires that this operation needs e~ther a conditional use permit that could result in expensive property modifications, or have the business be a secondary use to another business. Mr. Carey's efforts with the Winner's Circle are commendable. He is encouraged to work with the National Economic Development Association (NEDA) on finding a suitable s~te or putting together f~nancing proposals. The Committee requests Council approval of th~s re- port anO its recommendations. Councilmember Rally made a motion to accept Urban De- velopment Committee Report No. 14-87. No action was taken. Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, Mr. Carey was allowed to speak for two m~nutes. Mr. Carey o! Winner's Circle spoke regarding water, elec- tricity and telephone services, as well as insurance coverage, for his proposed business and indicated that portable toilets could be provided. Upon a motion by Councilmember Ratty, tions of Urban Development Committee Report No. mented by the following vote: the recommenda- 14-87 were imple- Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Noes: Councilmembers Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Absent: None CONSENT CALENDAR The following items were ilsted on the Consent Calendar: a. Approval ol Warrant Nos. 8429 to 8782 inclu- sive in the amount of $1,210,780.14. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 - Page 8 Communication from Senator John Seymour, Chair- man, Senate Minority Caucus, dated May 15, 1987, requesting support of Senate Bill 1659 (Election Reform). Claim for Damages and Personal Injuries from the following: Kayla Conway, 4500 Napal Court; Ronald G. Kyner, 62(}8 Midas Street; Jackie Lopez, 3313 Pendleton Court; Joseph Michael Sorrell, 10312 Paul Avenue; Kenneth Beaubien, 23151 Lakeview Drive, Tehachapi; Myral Beaubien, 23151 Lakeview Dr., Tehachapi; and Pacific Gas and Electric Company, 1918 "H" Street. (REFER TO CITY ATTORNEY) d. Dedication of Property for the following: Grant Corp. White Deed from Tenneco Realty Development for Pin Oak Park located north of Lane and east of Old River Road. Grant Deed from Tenneco Realty Development Corp. for landscape strips along the west side of Gosford Road south of Laurelglen Blvd. and along the south side of Laurel- glen Blvd. west of Gosford Road, Final Map and Improvement Agreement for Tract 4568, Units 3 anO 4 Ior 96 lots on 17.63 acres located at the northwest corner of Camino Media and Gosford Road. Deleted Approval of plans and specifications for con- structton of a Sanitary Sewer System for Assessment Distr~ct No. 87-1 (South Jenkins Road to Buena Vista Road)· Contract Change Order No. 1, with Granite Construct]on for construct]on of Wible Road between Planz Road and Pacheco Road and between 500 ft. north of Ming Avenue and Wilson Road. Contract Change Order No. 1, with GCA Con- struction for construction of the Elmhurst/ Belvedere Storm Drain. Request from La Hacienda, Inc., to extend Im- provement Agreement No. 82-2 for State Route 178 street improvements to January 5, 1988. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 9 Upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, Items (a) through (g) of the Consent Calendar, with the exception of Item (f), were adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Noes: None Absent: None Smith, Ratty, Moore, ACTION ON BIDS Upon a motion by Councilmember DicKerson, all bids for widening of Gilmore Avenue at Pierce Road were rejected and staff was directed to re-evaluate the project. Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, low bid of GCA Construction Company in the amount of $39,233.00 for the Base Bid as modified by Contract Change Order No. 1 for construction of a storm drain on Elmhurst Street and Belvedere Avenue was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor authorized to execute the Contract. Upon a motion by Councilmember Moore, low bid from Quinn Co., Inc., in the amount of $18,120.70, to furnish a standby elec- tric generating system for Ashe Water Pumping Station No. 16 was accepted, the other bid rejected and the Mayor authorized to exe- cute the Contract. Upon a motion by Councilmember Moore, low bid from ZIM Industries, Inc., in t~e amount of $15,719.00 to furnish and in- stall deep well turbine pump and motor for Ashe Water Well No. 16 was accepted, all other bids rejected and the Mayor authorized to execute the Contract. Upon State Contract Department was a motion by Councilmember Childs, low bid from the for $8,631.53 for a mid-size pickup for the Fire accepted, DEFERRED BUSINESS Adoption of Zoning Resolution No. 344 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield granting appeal by Northern California Pipe Trades Council and Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 460 to the decision or the Board of Zoning Adjustment granting a Conditional Use Permit to Kern Bluff, Ltd., to allow a 46.87 megawatt cogeneration facility on a 2.75 acre site within an existing oil field to provide steam for enhanced oil recovery operations in an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone located approximately 1/2 mile northeasterly of the future latersection of Panorama and Morning Drives. Upon a motion by Councilmember Smith, Zoning Resolution No. 344 of the Council ot the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, Smith, Ratty, Dickerson, Salvaggio Noes: None Absent: None Moore, Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 10 NEW BUSINESS First Reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield adding Chapter 9.70 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relative to camping and sleeping on public lands. (This Ordinance was referred to the Homeless Task Force by action of the Council under Public Statements, Page One.) First Reading of an Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield amending Section 17.66.020 B. 13 to the Bakersfield Municipal Code relating to SKateboard Ramps. Adoption of Resolution of Intention No. 1027 of the Council of the City of Bak- ersfield declaring its intention to order the abandonment of a 100 foot portion of dedicated vehicular access rights along the north right-of-way line of Alfred Harrell Highway approximately one mile west of Lake Ming Road. 1987. This Resolution sets the date of bearing for July 1, tention adopted Upon a motion by Councilmember Smith, Resolution of In- No. 1027 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield was by the following vote: Ayes: Noes: Absent: Counci None None lmembers Childs, Christensen, Dickerson, Salvaggio Smith, Ratty, Moore, Adoption of Resolution No. 91-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield ap- proving street name changes resulting from the Union Avenue Separation of Grade Project. Upon a motion No. 91-87 ot the Council the following vote: by Councilmember Christensen, Resolution of the City of Bakersfield was adopted by Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, DicKerson, Salvaggio None None Smith, Ratty, Moore, Adoption of Resolution No. 92-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield to submit application to amend State of California Department of Health permit to operate a new water well. Upon a motion 92-87 of the Council of following vote: by Councilmember Moore, Resolution No. the City ot Bakersfield was adopted by the Ayes: Noes: Absent: Councilmembers Childs, Christensen, D~cKerson, Salvaggio None None Smith, Ratty, Moore, Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 Page 11 Approval of Amendment to Agreement No. 87-3 with Larry Walker Associates, Inc., for appeal of an EPA Audit Determination. Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, Amendment Agreement No. 87-3 was approved, authorizing a fee increase of $10,000.00. to Approval of Agreement with CH2M Hill to provide engineering services for widening the Planz Road Overcrossing on State Highway 99. Upon a motion by Councilmember Salvaggio, Agreement with CH2M Hill was approved and the Mayor authorized to execute the Contract. Approval of Agreement with Stockdale South Corporation to allow developer to install water facll~ties in l~eu of Water Availability Fees. Councilmember Moore made a motion to approve the Agree- ment between Stockdale South Corporation and authorize the Mayor to execute the Agreement. Assistant Water Resources Director Core answered ques- tions regarding the Stockdale South Corporation. Councilmember Moore's mot~on to approve with Stockdale South Corporation was approved and orizeO to execute the Agreement. the Agreement the Mayor auth- Sponsorship for Beautiful BakersYield, Historic Preservation Awards. Upon a motion by Councilmember Smith, sponsorship for Beautllul BakersIleld Illstatic Preservation Awards was approved. One Vacancy on the H~storic Preservation Commission, due to the resignation of Anthony Cueto, expires March 30, 1988 (Ward 6). Councilmember Dickerson solicited Councilmembers for names of poss~ble candidates for the Historic Preservation Cam- Repair Main Entrance at Fire Station No. 1, 2101 "H" Street. Upon a motion by CouncllmemDer Dickerson, the Repair the Ma~n Entrance at F~re Station No. 1 was considered an item that arose after the agenda was prepared. of Councilmember Ratty requested sibyl]ties of converting the City fleet report to Council on cost dllterent~als. staff to discuss the pos- from gas to methanol and Adoption of Resolution No. 93-87 of the Council of the City of Bakersfield deter- mining that the bidding process be dis- pensed with for the awarding of a Contract concerning damage to the main entrance of the F}re Administration Office and author- izlng awarding of the Contract to Gen Par Construction. Bakersfield, California, June 3, 1987 - Page 12 Upon a motion 93-87 of the Council of following vote: Ayes: Councilmembers Noes: None Absent: None by Councilmember Dickerson, Resolution No. the City of Bakersfield was adopted by the Childs, Christensen, Smith, Ratty, Moore, Dickerson, Salvaggio COUNCIL STATEMENTS Discussion of SB 200 (Open Meeting Bill) Councilmember Salvagglo requested discussion of SB 200 be deferred to the next Council meeting. Mayor Payne referred to staff correspondence from U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, dated May 15, 1987, regarding recent model code provisions for safety glazing. Mayor Payne referred to staff correspondence from Kern County Electrical Workers Benefits Administration, Inc., dated May 29, 1987, regarding dust problems on vacant property near 1015 Westwind Drive. Councilmember Ratty gave a brief report on a CEQA Air Quality Workshop he attended in Oakland, May 29 and 30, 1987. Councilmember Childs Session on the Agenda for June City Attorney. noteO the need to place a Closed 17 regarding Performance Review Councilmember Childs gave a brief progress report on Valley Plaza/GET Ad Hoc Committee. Councilmember Salvaggio inquired about Bakersileld Senior Center to have a Councilmember liaison between their Board and the City. the request serve as a ADJOURNMENT for the from There being no further business to come before the Coun- cil, upon a motion by Councilmember Childs, the meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield, Calif. CITY~CLERK and Ex Oftlcio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bal{ersf~eld, California df