HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2143 ORDINANCE NO. 2123 __ NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING CHAPTE3 17.49 TO TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING FOR A TT TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ZONE AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield. as follows: SECTION 1. That Chapter 17.49 is hereby added to Title 17 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code to read as follows: Chapter 17.49 TT ZONE Sections: 17.49.010 TT Travel Trailer Park Zone. 17.49.020 Uses Permitted. '17.49.030 Conformity to State Law. 17.49.040 Definitions. 17.49.050 Permit to Locate Travel Trailer Park--Application For--Hearing--Issuance. Disposition of Monies Collected. 17.49.070 Minimum Requirements. Fire Protection. 17.49.010 TT Travel Trailer Park Zone. The foilcwing regulatiohs shall apply in the TT Travel Trailer Park Zone unless otherwise pro- vided. 17.49.020 Uses Permitted. The following uses are permitted in a TT Zone: A. Travel Trailer Parks, as defined in Section 18220 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. No travel 'trailer park shall be constructed or located within a mobile home park unless the separate designated section of such mobile home park is within a TT zone. B. Community recreation facilities for the use of renters of lots within a Travel Trailer Park. C. Laundry rooms for the use of renters of lots within a Travel Trailer Park. ~i D. Toilets, showers and lavatories for the use of renters of lots'wit-hin a Travel Trailer Park. E. A mobile home or a one-story office building to be used for the business of a Travel Trailer Park by the owner or operator · of said park. 17.49.030 Conformity to State Law. Ail Travel Trailer Parks within the City of Bakersfield shall conform to construction and operation requirements of the California Health and Safety Code, Division 13, Parts 2 and 2.1, and the applicable provisions of Title 25 of the California Administrative Code. 17.49.040 Definitions. For the purpose of this Chapter, the general provisions of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California and the definitions as set forth in Division 13, Parts 2 .and 2.1 of said Code and Title 25'of the California Administrative Code shall apply to this Chapter except that the following~special definitions shall apply as set forth hereinafter: 1. "Enforcement Agency" is the City of Bakersfield Building Department, the Health Department of the County of Kern and the Department of Housing and Corf~tunity Development of the State of California. · 17.49.050 Permit to Locate Travel Trailer Park--Application For-- Hearing- - I s suanc e. A. No Travel Trailer Park shall be located within the City of Bakersfield until the location thereof is approved by the Planning Commission of the City in the manner set forth in this Chapter. The person desiring to locate and operate a Travel Trailer Park in the City shall file an application therefore with the Planning Commission. B. Such'application shall be accompanied with the followi~g: (1) True legal description of the grOunds and proper~y upon which the park is to be constructed. (2) Filing fee in the amount of fifty dollars. (3) Plot plan showing the recreational vehicle sites and parking spaCes for other vehicles, location of proposed buildings or 'structures, complete plans and specifications of the proposed con- struction and a description of the water supply, ground drainage and method of sewage disposal. (4) Plans showing the location and dimensions of access- ways, landscapihg, lighting, refuse container locations, connections for use by vehicles of water, sewage and electricity and other improvements required by the Planning Commission. C. Upon receipt of the application, the Planning Director shall set the matter for consideration by the Planning Commission at the earliest practicable time. D. The Planning Commission shall consider the plans and shall approve or conditionally approve the plans, providing the Commission determines from the evidence presented that all of the following are true: (1) That the land is classified in a TT Travel Trailer Park Zone. (2) That it appears that the plans, as modified, will comply with all standards and requirements of Division 13, Parts 2 and 2.1 of the Health and Safety Code and all rules and regulations pro- mulgated thereunder and with all applicable provisions of City law, including this Chapter. E. The Planning Commission shall disapprove the plans and deny the application if, in its determination, adequate evidence .0 has not been shown that the plans will Conform in all respects to the said standards and requirements. ~F. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the action of the Planning Commission, he may, within thirty days after the action, appeal in writing to the City Council. The City Council shall hold a public hearing on the appeal and shall render its decision thereon within thirty days after the filing thereof. G. Upon approval by the Planning Commission or City Council, the Building Director shall issue the appropriate permits, providing all other requirements of law have been complied with. 17.49.060 ~isposition of Monies Collected. All monies received ~nder the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the office of the Finance Director and credited to the City's general fu~d. 17.49.070 Minimum Requirements. Each Travel Trailer Park shall meet the following additional minimum requirements and standards: A. Sites or lots shall be of a size and shape which will provide reasonable area for the parking of the recreational vehicles next to the utility connections and for the parking of another vehicle (with motive power) side by side. This requirement may be varied by the Planning Commission to meet the plans of the applicant for park- ing. vehicles other than the recreational vehicles. B. No tents are allowed in a park other than tents which are integral part~ of the recreational vehicles. C. Each site or lot in the park shall be identified with an individual number in logical sequence and shown on the plot plan ~for the park. D. A six-foot masonry wall, or approved equivalent fencing, ~hall be constructed on the side and rear property lines where e .required by the Planning Commission to~protect the existing os ,~ future use of the adjacent property. E. Accessways shall not be used for parking of vehicles, excepting that parallel parking shall be permitted on one side of ~ an accessway that is constructed to City standards for commercial alleys or in compliance with Section 18612(a)(b) o~ the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. F. Ail Travel Trailer Parks shall have at least two means of ingress or egress leading to a public thoroughfare.- G. Ail driveways and parking surfaces shall be in accordance with City minimum standards and specifications for alley surfacing and the surfacing shall be kept in good repair. H. Each Travel Trailer Park shall be landScaped and planted with shade trees in accordance with a landscape plan, approved by the Planning Commission. 'I. If such Park contains a public address system or loud- ~speakers they shall be installed, operated and maintained in such a way that they cannot be heard beyond the boundaries of the Travel Trailer Park. J. Refuse containers shall ~e provided in a location meeting the requirements of the Public Works Director. K. Lighting shall be provided in accordance with plans approved by the Planning Commission. 17.49.080 Fire Protection. There shall be in each Travel Trailer Park a water system with fire hydrants of sufficient size and delivering sufficient pressure and located within a sufficient distance to provide-adequate fire protection for each site in the park. The placement and installation of fire hydrants must be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. SECTION 2,.. This ordinance shall become effective thirty, days from and after the date of its passage. o0o ~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the .Sth day of November , 1973, by the following vote: ~¥ES: COUNCILMEN BLEi~C,~ER, HEISE¥, MEDDER$, RQgI~R~, ~T~OtW~; t~MA~, WNItt~Mg~ NC,ES: COUNCILMEN: ~~ , ABSENT COUNCILMEN: ~~ ' ' ' ......... .~ '" CITY CLERK and Ex Officio~Clerk of the ' Council of the City of Bakersfield A~BR~)~F~ this~t ~5~h day of November 1973 ~OR Of the City 6f Bakersfield APPROVED'as to form: '. CITY ATTORNEY of t~f/City of . ' Bakers fie t~ Affi av ! of J ost ng r nau es STATE OF CALIFORNIA,~ ss. County of Kern ~ MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the dully appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ........................... ..N..o..?...e..m...b..e...r.....6.. ................................. 19..7...3... she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a :full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ................... ..N..o...v...e..m...b..e...r......5. ..................... 19...7...3.., which ordinance was numbered ..............2..1...4...3 .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING CHAPTER 17.49 TO TITLE 17 OF THE NUNICIPAL CODE, PROVIDING FOR A TT TRAVEL TRAILER PARK ZONE AND REGULATIONS THEREFOR. City' Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...6...~..h......day of ........ .N..9..v..e...m...b..e...r. .................... 19...7...3... ........ ......... Notary Public in and for ~,he County of Kern, State of California ~~ DEnN~¢E C. NE,.SON ~'~ BONO FiLF=O IN ~/ '~'~'::L:'-':;~'' K,E~N COUNTY