HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2200 ORDINANCE NO. 2200 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING SECTION 17.08. 232, 17.08. 234, 17.08.236, 17.08.238, 17.08.545, AMENDING SECTION 17.12.050 AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.46 TO TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ADDING DEFINITIONS, DESIGNAT- ING NEW ZONES AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR FLOOD PLAIN ZONING WITHIN THE CITY. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That Section 17.08.232 is hereby added to Chapter 17.08 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 17.08.232 Flood~ Intermediate Regional. The flood having an average frequency of occurrence of once in 100 years which is deter- mined from an analysis of flood records and computed hydrographs of synthetic floods. This flood is used herein for determining the lateral boundaries of the flood plain area to be subject to flood plain regulations. SECTION 2. That Section 17.08.234 is hereby added to Chapter 17.08 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 17.08.234 Flood Plain. The relatively flat area adjacent to the Kern River, in the City of Bakersfield, which may be subject to periodic inundation by flood. SECTIO~ 3. ~ That Section 17.08.236 is hereby added to Chapter 17.08 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 17.08.236 Flood Plain Primary. The stream bed and that portion of the adjacent flood plain through which the main water flow is channelized during floOding conditions. SECTION 4. That Section 17.08.238 is hereby added to Chapter 17.08 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 17.08.238 Flood Plain SecondarY. The fringe of the flood plain within the boundaries of the intermediate regional flood which is subject to a less severe and less frequent inundation than found in the flood plain primary in times of flooding, generally where inundation is caused by overflow and backwater which is relatively free of any current. SECTION 5. That Section 17.08.545 is hereby added to Chapter 17.08 of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 17.08.545 Stream Bed. That portion of the flood plain through which the natural flow of water is channelized during normal flows. SECTION 6. That Section 17.12.050 of Chapter 17.12 of Title 17 of the Municipal[ Code of the City of Bakersfield is amended to read as follows: 17.12.050 Designation of Zones. The several classes of zones into which the City is divided are designated as follows: R-1 One-Family Dwelling Zone R-S S~urban Residential Zone R-S-lA Suburban Residential - One Acre Minimum Lot Size Zone R-2 Limited Multiple-Famil% Dwelling Zone (Minimum Lot Area - 2500 ~. R-3 Limited Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone (Minimum Lot Area - 1250 sq. ft.) R-4 Multiple-Family Dwelling Zone (Minimum Lot Area - 600 sq. ft.) C-O Commercial and Professional Office Zone C-1 Limited Commercial Zone C-2 Commercial Zone C-C Civic Center Zone M-1 Light Manufacturing Zone M-2 General Manufacturing Zone A Agriculture Zone P Automobile Parking Zone CH Church Zone Hosp. Hospital Zone D Architectural Design Zone FP-P Flood Plain Primary Zone FP-S Flood Plain Secondary Zone W Oil Well Zone TT Travel Trailer Park Zone MH Mobilehome Zone P.U.D. Planned Unit Development Zone SECTION 7. That Chapter 17.46 is hereby added to Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter 17.46 FLOOD PLAIN ZONES Sections: 17.46.010 FP-P Flood Plain Primary Zone 17.46.020 Purpose and Application 17.46.030 Uses Permitted 17.46.040 Uses Permitted Subject to Planning Director Review and Approval 17.46.050 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit 17.46.060 Uses Specifically Prohibited 17.46.070 Nonconforming Structures 17.46.080 Nonapplicability of Conditional Use Permit Section 17.46.090 FP-S Flood Plain Secondary Zone 17.46.100 Purpose and Application 17.46.110 Uses Permitted 17.46.120 Uses Permitted Subject to Planning Director Review and Approval 17.46.130 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit 17.46.140 Uses Specifically Prohibited 17.46.150 Nonconforming Structures 17.46.160 Nonapplicability of Conditional Use Permit Section 17.46.010 FP-P Flood Plain Primary Zone. The following regula- tions shall apply in the FP-P flood plain primary zone unless other- wise provided in this chapter. 17.46.020 Purpose and Application. (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Primary Flood Plain Zone shall be the prevention of loss of life, the minimization of property damage, and the maintenance of satisfactory conveyance capacities of waterways through the pre- vention of encroachments by obstructions in the flood plain which may diminish the ability of the flood plain to carry overloads during periods of flooding. This zone is intended for application in those areas of the City which lie within natural stream beds and those portions of adjacent flood plains through which high velocity water flows are channelized in times of flood. (b) Application. This zone is an exclusive zone and may be applied only to those areas within the boundaries of the intermediate regional flood which have been determined to be the primary flood plain area. 17.46.030 Uses Permitted. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 17.46.060, the following uses are permitted in the FP-P Zone': (a) Flood control channels, surface water spreading grounds, stream bed retarding basins and other similar facilities which have been approved by the City Engineer. (b) Grazing, field crops, truck gardening, wildlife preserves, horticultural[ specialties, excluding trees, and similar agricultural or open-space uses, riding and hiking trails. (c) P~lic utility facilities, excepting those structures for which a conditional use permit is required under Section 17.46.050 of this chapter. 17.46.040 Uses Permitted Subject to Planning Director Review and Approval. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 17.46.060, the following uses may be permitted subject to'review and approval by the Planning Director.. (a) Private or public open recreational or sporting uses or events for a period of not to exceed one week at a time. 17.46.050 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 17.46.060, the following uses may be permitted subject to conditional use permit in accordance with the procedures provided for in Chapters 17.60 and 17.64 of this Title: (a) Public and private open recreational or sporting uses, including parks, aquatic facilities, playgrounds, campgrounds, e golf courses, golf driving ranges, fishing and hunting clubs, all of which involve only the open use of land without permanent struc- tures or improvements. (b) Parking lots, provided any grading does not significantly restrict the carrying capacity of the primary flood plain. (c) Public utility structures. (d) Temporary and readily removable structures accessory to uses permitted under Sections 17.46.030 and 17.46.040. (e) Excavation and removal of rock, sand, gravel and other materials. (f) Landfills. Said conditional use permit shall be granted only if it is found that any building, structure or use to be constructed, placed or maintained will be so constructed, placed, or maintained or will be so protected by levees or other methods of flood proofing that it will offer a minimum obstruction to flood flow and will either be resistant to flotation or immune to extensive damage by flooding and shall be subject to review and recommendations of the City Engineer prior to conditional approval for the purpose of minimizing or eliminating extensive damage by flooding and minimizing obstruction of flood flow. 17.46.060 Uses Specifically Prohibited. The following uses are specifically prohibited in the FP-P Zone: (a) Ali. uses not permitted by Sections 17.46.030, 17.46.040 and 17.46.050. (b) Human habitations. (c) Excavations that will tend to direct flood flows out of the natural flood plain. (d) Storage of floatable substances or materials which will add to the debris load of a stream or watercourse. (e) Improvements, developments or encroachments which will endanger life or property or that will obstruct the natural flow of flood water or impair the ability of the stream bed and that portion of the flood plain that would be used to carry floodflows, to carry and discharge the waters resulting from the intermediate regional flood. (f) Any use which endangers temporary safeguards erected until such time as flood protection or control works have been con- structed. 17.46.070 Nonconforming Structures. Structures existing on any premises on the effective date of any application of the FP-P Zone, which are inconsistent with the provisions thereof, will be allowed to remain, except that: 1. Any existing structure damaged in excess of fifty (50) per cent of its reasonable value by fire, flood, explosion, Act of God or act of war shall be removed forthwith. Any existing structure damaged to a degree less than fifty (50) per cent of its reasonable value by such events may be repaired or restored subject to a determination by the Board of Zoning Adjustment through the issuance of a conditional use permit that such restoration and repair will not affect the public health, safety and general welfare detrimen- tally. 17.46.080 Nonapplicability of Conditional Use Permit Section. Section 17.64.020 of this title shall not apply in the Flood Plain Primary (FP-P) Zone. 17.46.090 FP-S Flood Plain Secondary Zone. The following regu- lations shall apply in the FP-S flood plain secondary zone unless otherwise provided in this chapter. 17.46.100 Purpose and Application. (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Secondary Flood Plain Combining Zone shall be the protection of life and 'property from the hazards and damages which may result from flood waters of the intermediate regional flood. This zone is intended for application to those areas of the City which lie with- in the fringe area of the flood plain and are subject to less severe inundation during flooding conditions thmn occurs in the FP-P Zone. (b) Application. This zone is intended to be combined with other zones and may be applied only to those areas located within the boundaries of the intermediate regional flood which lie outside the FP-P Primary Flood Plain Zone. 17.46.110 Uses Permitted. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 17.46.140, the following uses are permitted in the FP-S Zone: A. All uses permitted by Section 17.46.030 of this chapter. B. Single-family dwellings and accessory residential, recre- ational and agricultural structures shall be allowed if they are allowed in the underlying or base zone, only if they comply with one of the following conditions: a. The finish floor grade of any such building will be above the Intermediate Regional Flood level; or b. All permanent buildings will be protected from flood- ing by dikes, levees or other flood protection works whose design is approved by the City Engineer. Individual sewage systems shall be maintained outside the limits of the: FP-S Zone, unless protected by flood control devices approved by the City Engineer and shall not be located closer than 100 feet to any surface water source (domestic, agricultural wells, etc.). 17.46.120 Uses Permitted Subject to Planning Director Review and Approval. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 17.46.140, the following uses may be permitted subject to Planning Director review and approval: (a) Private or public open recreational or sporting uses or events for a period of not to exceed one week at a time. 17.46.130 Uses Permitted Subject to Conditional Use Permit. Subject to the prohibitions of Section 1'7.46.140, the following uses may be permitted subject to conditional use permit, in accordance with the procedures provided for in Chapters 17.60 and 17.64 of this Title: (a) Alii uses allowed in the underlying or base zone which are not allowed under Section 17.46.110 of this Chapter. (b) Alii uses which may be permitted subject to Planning Director approval and conditional use permit in the underlying or base zone. (c) Recreation areas, parks, campgroUnds, playgrounds, fishing lakes, hunting and gun clubs, golf courses, golf driving ranges, parking lots. (d) Temporary and readily removable structures accessory to recreational or agricultural uses. (e) Riding stables. (f) Additions or structural modifications to all existing structures and accessory structures which do not comply with the requirements in Section 17.46.110. (g) Public utility facilities. (h) Drilling for the production of oil and gas and other hydrocarbon substances and the installation and maintenance of necessary apparatus and appurtenances incident thereto, including storage tanks, provided that all drilling, installation and opera- tions shall conform to all other applicable laws and regulations. The Board of Zoning Adjustment may require conformance to all relevant conditions set forth in Chapters 17.36 (A Zone) and 17.48 (W Zone). (i) O~dh~fds, tree crops, ~urseries a~d si~ila~ ~g~i~ltural uses. Said conditional use permit shall be granted only if it is found that any building, structure or use to be constructed or located will be so constructed or located, or will be so protected by levees or other methods of floodproofing, as to render them either resistant to flotation or i~Lune to extensive damage by flooding, and to prevent peripheral flooding of other properties as a result of such construction or location and shall be subject to review and recommendations by the City Engineer. 17.46.140 Uses Expressly Prohibited. The following uses are specifically prohibited in the FP-S Zone: (a) All uses not permitted by Sections 17.46.110, 17.46.120 and 17.46.130 of this Chapter. (b) Landfills, improvements, developments or other encroach- ments which will, in the opinion of the City Engineer, endanger life or property or that will significantly obstruct the natural flow of flood water within the intermediate regional flood elevation. (c) Storage of floatable substances or materials which will add to the debris load of the watercourse. (d) Excavations that will tend to broaden the flood plain or direct flows out of the natural flood plain. 17.46.150 Nonapplicability of Conditional Use Permit Section. Section 17.64.020 of this Title shall not apply in the FP-S Zone. 17.46.160 Nonconforming Structures. Structures existing on any- premises at the effective date of any application of the FP-S Zone which are inconsistent with the provisions thereof, will be allowed to remain, except that: repairs or restoration of any structure damaged in excess of fifty (50) per cent of its reasonable value by fire, flood, explosion, acts of God or war, shall be subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit, wherein it is determined that such restoration and repair will not detrimentally affect the public health, safet~ and general welfare· SECTION 8. This ordinance shall become effective thirty days from and after the date of its passage. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of July , 1974, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCItMEN BARTON, BLEECKER, HEISEY, MEDDERS, ROGERS, STRONG, TFIOMA~ NOES: COLI.~!31' M,f N: ~-~- ~r~Z. ~ A~TAtNiNG COUNCILMEN: ~ ~ CITY ~bfERK and Ex/~fficzo Clerk of the Cbuncil of th/elCity of Bakersfield APPROVED~~L~.~gthis 2~ d~ ~. July , ]L974 o rthe~C~ty of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: CIT~-~TTORNEY o'~ the City/6~ Bakersfield Afft avt! of osltng ( r tnanres STATE 0F CALIFORNIA, I ss. County of Kern H. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clenk of the City of Bakersfield; and that oa ............................ _~..u....1..y......2....3.. ......................................................................... ,19..7...~... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .................... ..J....u....1..y.......2....2.. .................................................... , 19.....7_..4..., which ordinance was numberec[ ................... 22.0...o.. .................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING SECTION 17.08.232, 17.08.234,, 17.08.238, 17.08.545, AMENDING SECTION AND ADDING CHAPTER 17.46 TO TITLE 17 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, ADDING DEFINITIONS, DESIGNAT- ING NEW ZONES AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR FLOOD PLAIN ZONING WITHIN THE CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 23r..cl.... day of ................... J..u.l_y. ............................... ,19.7.....4.. .... ....................... Notar~ Public in and for the County of Kern, State of California I~ Margueri Anderson Il ~~ ~'.~,~^~',' ,',J~,.,c. C^,.,FORN,^ I!' ~JJ ~ KERN COUNTY ti' .~J _M_..Y._C_'_O/~_MI_SSlON E;,;PIRES JUNE 24, 1978 J~