HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2198 ORDINANCE NO. 2198 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 3.18.020(b), REPEALING SECTION 3.18.060 AND SECTION 3.18. 070, AMENDING SECTION 3.18.080 AND SECTION 3.18.090, ADDING SECTION 3.18.110(c) AND (d), AMENDING SECTION 3.18.140(b) AND (c), SECTION 3.18.150(a), ADDING 3.18.150(i) AND AMENDING SECTION 3.18.154, SECTION 3.18.180(a) AND (i) (1), AND 3.18.220(d) OF CHAPTER 3.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, CONCERNING COMPEN SA T ION. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: SECTION 1. That the first paragraph of subsection (b) of Section 3.18.020 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Step Salary Plan. The Step Salary Plan shall consist of a salary range for each class or position title as listed in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits adopted by Resolution of the City Council. Each class or position salary shall include a salary range with five steps of rates of pay. The five steps within a class or position salary range shall be administered in the following way: SECTION 2. That Section 3.18.060 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby repealed. SECTION 3. That Section 3.18.070 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That Section 3.18.080 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.18.080 Temporary Employment - Rate of Pay. Temporary employees shall be compensated for the actual time worked at the hourly or same rate of pay designated in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits adopted by Resolution of the City Council, or when not so designated, at the regular hourly rate of pay alloca- ted to the class or position so assigned. Temporary work performed by any person shall not entitle the person to any vacation credit, sick leave, or other employee benefits. No temporary employee shall attain civil service status because of the employment. SECTION 5. That Section 3.18.090 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.18.090 Computation of Salary. (a) Ail probationary and permanent employees of the City of Bakersfield shall earn their wages based on the salary allocated to their class or position as set forth in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits adopted by Resolution of the City Council. An hourly rate .of pay for all such employees shall be computed by divid- ing the bi-weekly salary allocated to the employee's class or posi- tion by eighty hours if no hourly rate of pay is allocated in such Schedule for the class or position. Hourly rates shall be computed to three decimal places. (b) A shift rate of pay for probationary and permanent Fire Department employees who are required to work a 24-hour duty shift shall be computed by dividing the bi-weekly salary allocated to the employee's class or position by five and five thousand one hundred and seventy-five ten thousandths (5.5175) shifts if no shift rate of pay is allocated to the class or position in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits as adopted by Resolution of the City Council. The rate shall be carried to three decimal places and rounded off to yield a full bi-weekly s~l~ry. (c) An hourly rate of pay for Fire Department positions allo- cated a shift rate of pay in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits adopted by Resolution of the City Council, shall be com- puted by dividing the shift rate of pay by fourteen and four thou- sand nine hundred and ninety-four ten thousandths (14.4994) hours. Hourly rates shall be computed to three decimal places. 2. SECTION 6. That subsections (c) and (d) are hereby added to Section 3.18.110 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, to read as follows: (c) Lead Assignment - General Employees - Blue Collar and White Collar.. When any General Employee, Blue Collar or White Collar is assigned to lead a crew of three or more members who are assigned to the same salary grade as the leader, the leader shall receive a salary adjustment of -~ive per- cent(5~ increase during the period of the lead assignment. (d) Assignment to Higher Classification - Fire Department Employees. Any eligible Fire, Department employee who is assigned duties of a higher classification, shall be paid the wage rate of the higher classification for all the time he performed such duties, if assigned to such duty for more than one continuous shift, in accordance with the Administrative Rules and Regulations. SECTION 7. That subsections (b) and (c) of Section 3.18.140 of Chap- ter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakers- field are hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Overtime Not Applicable. Probationary and permanent employees whose positions are designated by the letter (D) preced- ing each class title in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Bene- fits as adopted by Resolution of the City Council, shall not be eligible for overtime compensation except as stated in Section 3.18.150(i) for General Employees, Supervisory Unit. Employees designated (D) are compensated on the basis of job responsibilities and the characteristics of the work performed. Additional time required to perform this work shall not be considered overtime. However, in the event department operations require extra work assignments of an employee so designated, the department head may recommend payment for additional hours worked at the regular straight-time rate. All such extra work assignments must be approved by the City Manager before payment. (c) Overtime Accumulation. Eligible employees designated by the letters (A), (B), or (C) preceding each class title in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits as adopted by Resolution of the City Council, may accumulate overtime as compensatory time if consistent with the Fair Labor Standards amendments. Such com- pensatory time shall not exceed forty (40) hours for employees designated by the letters (A) or (C) and eighty (80) hours for employees designated by the letter (B) preceding each class title in said Schedule. Ail overtime worked beyond the specified maxi- mum shall be paid in accordance with the Administrative Rules and Regulations. Authorized accumulation of more than the specified maximum shall require prior approval of the City Manager. SECTION 8. That subsection (a) of Section 3.18.150 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 o:f the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Eligibility. Ail probationary and permanent employees of the City of Bakersfield designated by the letters (A) or (B) preceding each class title of the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits as adopted by Resolution of the City Council shall be eli- gible for payment of authorized overtime worked or equivalent com- pensatory time off, consistent with the Fair Labor Standards amend- ments, as hereinafter provided. All probationary and permanent employees of the City of Bakersfield designated by the letter (C) preceding each class title in said Schedule may be eligible, as determined by the department head, for payment of authorized overtime worked at the regular straight-time rate or equivalent compensatory time off, consistent with the Fair Labor Standards amendments. SECTION 9. That subsection (i) is hereby added to Section 3.18.150 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield 'to read as follows: (i) Overtime - General Employees Supervisory Unit. Notwith- standing any section in this Chapter to the contrary, all eligible General Employees in the Supervisory Unit, may be paid for autho- rized overtime worked in excess of the established workweek at the rate of one and one-half times their hourly rate of pay, when the department head determines it is in the best interest of the opera- tion of his department and the City of Bakersfield, to authorize such overtime work. SECTION 10. That Section 3.18.154 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.18.154 Stand-by - Additional Compensation, Except Police and Fire. If an employee who is on call is not confined to his home or any particular place, but is required only to leave word where he may be reached, the hours spent on such stand-by or call are not working time. Any such employee who is requested to be on call under this section, on his normal day off, shall be compen- sated at the rate of five dollars per 8-hour shift. An employee actually called back to work during such on-call time shall be paid the said stand-by rate and his hourly rate for one and one- half times tile hours worked computed to the nearest one-tenth of an hour, in accordance with the intent of the Fair Labor Standards amendments. Ail stand-by assignments must be authorized by the department head concerned. SECTION 11. That subsection (a) of Section 3.18.180 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of .the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: (a) Designated Eleven (11) Holidays. The following list of eleven 8-hour holidays shall be observed by all eligible city employees as provided in this section: 1. January 1 - New Year's Day 2. February 12 - Lincoln's Birthday 3. Third Monday in February - Washington's Birthday 4. Last Monday in May - Memorial Day 5. July 4 - Independence Day 6. First Monday in September - Labor Day 7. Second Monday in October - Columbus Day 8. Veterans' Day ~ November 11 9. Thanksgiving Day 10. Friday after Thanksgiving Day ll. December 25 - Christmas Day Whenever a holiday falls on a Sunday, the'following Monday shall be observed. Whenever a holiday falls on a Saturday, none of the above shall be observed as a holiday. SECTION 12. That subsection (i) (1) of Section 3.18.180 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: (1) Police Department Employees. Eligible Police Department emPloyees who are requir'ed to work on a shift basis and whose sche- dule does not allow observance of all holidays shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times their regular hourly rate of pay for the 8-hour designated holidays they are required to work. One payment :for all such holidays not observed shall be made on the first payday in June of each year. Ail other eligible Police Department employees who do not work on a shift basis shall observe holidays in accordance with subsection (e) of this section. SECTION 13. That subsection (d) of Section 3.18.220 of Chapter 3.18 of Title 3 o:f the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield is hereby amended to read as follows: (d) Leaves of Absence With Pay - Designated Personnel. Employees designated by the letters (C) or (D) preceding each class title in the Schedule of Salaries and Related Benefits as adopted by Resolution of the City Council may be granted administrative leave of absence with pay by the department head with the approval of the City Manager. Such leave granted at any one time shall nol exceed one (1) working day for employees designated by the letter (C) or three (3) working days for employees designated by the let- ter (D) in said Schedule. SECTION 14. This ordinance requires immediate adoption and therefore the reading of it at least one week before the adoption thereof is hereby dispensed with under authority of Section 2.08.113 of the Municipal Code. SECTION 15. This ordinance to become effective 30 days from the date of its passage and to become operative on and after June 30, 1974, midnight, upon the effective date. o0o I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of July, 1974, by the follow- ing vote: AYES: COUNCILMEN B/',:CT©:-.I, 3'.L:CKE2, HEISEY, MEDDERS, ROGERS, STRONG, THOMAS NOES: COUNCILMTN: ABSENT COUNC:LM N~ ABSTAINING COUNCILMEN: CITY CLERK and Ex Office4 Clerk of the Council of the City of B~kersfield APPROVED this 22nd day of July, 1974 /SI MAYOR of the',Ci~y/of Bakersfield- APPROVED as to form: S/ Kenneth W. Hoagl~d CITY ATTORNEY of the City of Bakersfield Afft at t! of J osltng r tnam:es STA~ OF CAI_,IFORNI~, t SS. County of Kern II. E. BERGEN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that o~ .................................. .J...u....1..y._....2...3.. ...................................................................... ,19...7....4..... he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City IIall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the CounciI of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ........................ .J..~l..1..y......2..2 .................................................. , 19....Z.~., which ordinance was numbered ................ .2....1....9.....8. ...................... New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING SECTION 3.18.020 (b) , REPEALING SECTION 3.18.060 AND SECTION 3.18.070, AMENDING SECTION 3.18.080 AND SECTION 3.18.090, ADDING SECTION 3.18.110(c) AND (d), AMENDING SECTION 3.18.140(b) AND (C), SECTION 3.18.150(a), ADDING 3.18.150(i) AND AMENDING SECTION 3.18.154, SECTION 3.18.180(a) AND (ii) (1), AND 3.18.220(d) OF CHAPTER 3.18 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, CONCERNING C, OMPENSAT ION. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 23.~._d ..... day of ................ J...u....l..y. .................... ,19..7...4. ..... ............. tary PuBlic in and for '[he County of Kern, State of California dj ~J-~:} NOI'ARy PUBLIC. CALIFORNIA IJ~ ,JJ ~,.~'~I BOND FILED IN J~ KE.N COUN '¥ COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 24, 1978 1~..- ¥~'~""~--'~"~ ~". v- ...... ''"-ti'