HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 292 AN 0aDINANC O ' ING oF m 0DUC ~ST~Y ~ROH T~ ~ST~Y LI~ 0F H ST~T T0 T~ EAST~Y LI~ 0F 0~R A~ T0 A ~IF0~ WIDTH 0F 60 ~T, IN T~ 0ITY 0F ~RSFI~, IN T~ ~R CO~~~ BY O~IN~CE OF X~TION N0. 291 0F SAID CITY, ~ DI~CTZNG T~ CITY ATT0~Y TO BRING T~ I~0ESS~Y ACTION. ~ IT 0~AI~ BY T~ COUNCIL 0F T~ CITY 0F B~SFI~, as follows: ~0TION 1: ' That the public ~nterest ~d convenience require, ~d the':''~ Council of t~e C~ty of B~ersfteld hereb~ o~der~ the follow~ng ' improv~ent to be made, That ];l~che Street Be produced westerly and opened to a unifo~ width of sixty (60) feet, from the westerly l~ne of street to the easterly l~ne of 01e~der Avenue, in the manner cont~plsted by 0rdin~ce of Intention No. 291 of ~a~d C~ty, passed ~d approved AuEuet 16, 1915, to which said ordin~ce of Intention reference is hereby made for all particulars regarding said improv~ent. SECTION 2: . That the City Attorney of said c~ty is hereby directed to br~ng ~ ~ction in the n~e of the City of B~erefield, in the Superior Court of the State of California ~n ~d for the County of Kern, for the oond~ation of the property described in the ordinance of intention hereinbefore referred to, and necessary and convenient to 'ce t~en for the lm~v~ent therein, and in Section 1 hereof mentioned, against all the o~ers and claimants o.f said property, or of ~y part thereof. ~CTZON 3: The City Clerk shall certify to ~he passage of this ordinance ~d sha~l cause the s~e to be published ~noe ~n M0~ING ECH0e, m d~ly newspaper published in said City. sw. CT I0N 4: Thi, ordinance ehall be in full force and effect from and · after thirty days from the date of ire pameageo I hereby- certify that the foregoing ordinance wae adopted By the Council of the City of Bakersfield at ire meeting on the 27th day of September. 19lb. By the following vote: NA~S: ~ Y e~-o'ffi~ 'c~erk of the Council of the City o~akersfield. Nayor of ~Bakersf[eld. -2- abil of ublkalion ' . '-' ,n.:, . '. '...~,~. ~~po~ es ~d says: ~ am over ~e age of tweaty-o~e yea~ rso.ocr. ~ rstrip- ~.'~a ~VI~S~E~ LINE 0~'.'~ '~'.~0 ~ a~d am ~ow ~d have been during ~ of the times he~e- TSS =*s~z~' ~m= ~ in mentioned the eMef clerk of theEcho ~b~h{~g ~VlDTSBAKERsFiELD,OF ~0 FEET,iN INTHETHE~=RCIT~ OF Comply, and as such eMef clerk I ~ve at a~ ~e ~mes CONT~MPLA'~'EDiNT~N~[ON NO. 291BI'~OI{DIN'~C~'~ID CITy~O~ ACTIOn. · · e ~dve~sements that h~ve ~ppe~ed du~ s~a ~e ' · · ":" in ~ MO~G EOHO; t~t the MO~G E~O em oF THE .OI~ Or as follo~:: ~ · ' .'. · ;.'-~;;': is a newspaper published ~fly (exeept Monday ) ' s~c~o~ ~. . .~ . ..'.:~ That the public Interest ~'~ o~i~ in ~e City of Bakersfield, County of Kern, State of 0al- ~ ~q~,.~, .~a ~ .co~oa.~ City .of BakersZlela hereby orae~, the I following Improvement,th be maae, 't~- ~o~,~, by the Eeho ~blishing Company; t~t s~ pa- westerl~ and opened to a un~orm ~idth. of slxt~ ~60) feet, from .t~ - -~mc news ~d inte~enee of a ~eneral e~raeter ~d u,. of ..~.. ~e~, to .~,...e,~. of ~le&d~er ~venue, Jrt. ~. ~t~, ~s a bona fide subse~p~ion ~st of pang subse~bers. ,,~-..~ ~o~,~,~,a ~,. the Superior Court of ~he 8~le o~..~ pro~ession, trade or calling, race or denom~on, or ~o~,,~, ~n ,,d ~o,' t~e ~,~t~'.~'~ fo~ the condonation '~.,tb'~~ 'i any number thereof; that a notice of wMeh the ~.~nexed ~e=o,~q t~ th~ O~d~..~U~ nereJnoexore re~erred to, ~' p~ted s~p is a t~e copy was publ~hed ~ s~d paper ,,,d ~o.,~,~t to ~ ,,~,~ ~ ~.~ provement therein, an~ '[~ ~. in each ~d every issue thereof on the fo]low~g dates, h~eo~ =~,t~o~d, ~,~=t ,]] ~ ers and claimants o¢ sal~ propertY, or to-wit: of an~ par~ t]teeeof. SECTION ~. The City Clerk shall ceetlf~ to the This ordinance shall,b~l~~ · · ........... .fi'om ~ne a~e .or ~t~ ~e.' '".-.. "' I ller2bF oertJfy that th5 foregoing 'ordinance ~99 adopted by the Council :of the City of Bokersfleld at Its meet- ' lng on the ~Tth day o~ September, by the followln~ vote: Ysas: Crandall, ~Iay, SIIber, ~lth, Taylor, Willow. ,. Sayes: None. .................................................. Absent: 'James, /' ~'- ' .. 1~.~'- .[~ and was pubUshed on each of said ~tes ~ the ~ and co~=,u o~' t~e enti e issue said pa ez aaa , ': and not at ~y ~e in a supplemen~ thereto. "-' · ~ ... J ...... .. ... :... : ~~, 8~ot~~