HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 1127 ORDINANCE NO. l127~ _.., NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE 1956 UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE AND THE 1956 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FOR TM~. CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 969, NEW SERIES OF SAID CITY.. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bake~-sfteld~ follows: SECTION 1. Except as herein other~ise provided, that certain electrical code known and designated as "Uniform Electrical Code, 1956 Editio.u~.~ published by the Pacific Coast Electrical Bureau, three copies of which have heretofore been filed with the City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield, for use and examination by the public, is hereby adopted as the Electrical Code of the City of Bakersfield., and each provision and portion thereof is hereby referred to and made a part of this ordinance to the same effect as if fully set forth herein° SECTION 2o Sections 10, ll and 13 of the Uniform Electrical Code, 1956 Edition, are hereby deleted. SECTION 3. Subdivisions B and C of Section 6 of the Unifor~ Eleot~ical Code, 1956 Edition, amc amended to read as follows: Section 6° B Re_s..ide~n~t_lalo In addition to the requirements of this Code, and except as provided hereinbelow as ~ exception, the ~eQuire- ments of th~ National Electrical Code shall apply to all residential installations o EXCEPTIONS: 1. ~ingle family dwellings o£ over 900 square feet exclusive of unoccupied cellars, uni~.nishcd attic~, g~:~ ~es:~ have a servic~ entrance raceway not smaller t.han l-l/4 inch rigid threaded conduit and ~ ~2 (95 .~npere) conductors~. The conductors shall termi~ate in a panel arrangement c~pab!e of supplying not less than 12 circuits° in no c~.se shall the main disconnection means hav~ a rating of less than :LO0 amperes. The panel shall be accessible for additional circuits o 2o There shrill be one lighting circuit for every 300 s~uar,~ feet of area., 3. For every dwelling of over 900 square feet, the~e shall be tu~o smmll appliance circuits with the load equally divided. 4. In kitchen areas a convenience outlet shall be installed at the location of the refrigerator and range and for each working su~face of 36 inches .or more in width. 5. In all dwelling occupancies, convenience outlets shall be installed in the service porch, sun room~ breakfast nook, kitchen~ dining room~ parlor, librs~y, den, rec~-eation ~-oom, bedroom s~d bath- rotan, so that no point along the floo~- line, in any usable wall space ~mbroken by an entry, is more thegn 10 feet from an outlet. Spaces of less than 3 fee~ are not considered usable space. 6o All three (3) inch outlet boxes shall be used for surface or exposed wiring only. 7. Pola..~ized ~eceptacles of 50 ampere minlmur~ capacity shall be installed for all electric range installations, except built-in ovens and s~face type cooking units. 8. Coo~ing su~faces ~.ith 4- elements or less shall have a circuit of 3 Nco 8 conductors. 9o Separate ovens of 4.6 kilowatts or less shall have a ei:ecuit of 3 No. 10 conductors. 10. Polarized ~eceptaclss of 30 amp minimum capacity shall be installed .fo~' each elect~ic cloth~ss dryez~ outlet, and shall be suppl:~.ed by at least a m~tnlm~n of .3 No. !0 conductors. ll~ Coo!e~s located on the roof of a building shall be p~ovided with a receptacle outlet in a type FS bo~: on 1/2 inch rigid metal conduit or steel tube. 12. ~-a~bage disposal traits shall be connected with a 3-~ire receptacle and a rubbe~ covered cord foL' disconnecting p~poSeSo 1.]~ Duplexes or other ~ulti-fmuily dwellings not classified. as apartment houses shall be wi~ed as specified for single family dwellings of comparable square foot area. 14. ~hen non-metallic sheath cables or armored cables are run d/meotly on the roof and covered by roofing material, they must be protected by a cover of corTosion resistant coated steel at least 1/16" in thickness. 15o Installation of non-metallic sheathed cable shall not be started until the roof sheathing has been completed° 16o In all cases where conduit passes through the roof, a roof Jack, shall be installed. 17o Ail attics measuring leas tb-~ 18 inches between top of Joists and bottom of rafters shall be deemed inaccessible° Ail knob and tube or non-metallic sheathed cable wiring installed where there is more than 18 inches of headroom must be run parallel to the Joists or if crossing the Joists, the Joists must be bored to accept the wiping. No running strips will be permitted. 18o Ail metallic boxes or enclosures in a non-metallic wiring system shall be grounded in the manner specified in this code. 19~ All non-metallic sheathed cable shall be of KGW type (ICE. with ground wire). 20. Ail non-metallic sheathed cable entering boxes or panel boards, shall be installed with a clamp or cc~nectOro 21o Electmic metallic tubing may be bumted underground when completely sux~ounded by at least 2" of concrete. Ail threads and wrench scars on underground conduit or conduit bumied in concrete shall be thoroughly coated with a corTosion resistant material° 22° Direct burial conductors in the earth shall be at least 18" below normal grade and be protected by at least 2" of sand or ~oft dirt fill, over and under said conductors and shall be protected from mechanical or physical injury. 23° Except as othex--~ise provided in this section~ the following shall be installed in a raceway permitted under this Code: Service entrance conductors, conductors to centers of distributions conductors for motors, conductors in all industrial and commercial buildings~ o hotels, lodging houses, churches, lodge halls, schools, buildings for public assembly, etc., and apemtment houses of over three (3) apa~nents. 234. Low Voltage Wiring. Switches or relays shall be installed in such manner that they may be readily removed and reinstalled after outlet box containing same is concealed, ~tthou. t removing plaster or finish of building. This relay switch shall be installed in an outlet box fou~ inches square to c~upensate for space occupied by same. Switches shall be installed in boxes. This relay switch shall be securely and adequately fastened to the outlet box in which it is installed. Ail low voltage wiring shall be separated by a bsmrier from c~cuit wires as specified in this Code. This relay switch shall be approved onl_y on circuits not exceeding 150 volts to the ground. All low voltage wiving shall be not smaller th~ No. 18 gauge, not less tb~ 300 volt insula- tiono Wherever metal raceways a~e required because of occupancy of building or zone location, iow voltage control wires which control ~ higher voltage must be enclosed in metal raceways° High and low voltage wt~ing shall be installed in a workmanlike m~ner and shall not be run over ceiling Joists or under floor Joists or across face of studs. All wires must pass through bored holes and be secured to sides of Joists, studs or rafter with insulated staples at lease every 4-1/2 feet. Low voltage wi~es shall be long enough to port, it the removal and reconnection of the relay or switch. Low voltage switches used to oparate this relay switch shall be of a type approved by the Chief Building Inspector and installed in a manner approved by the Chief Building Inspector. The transforme~ for this control system shall not exceed 25 volts or 50 watts and shall have over current protec~ion of transforme~o The primary side of this transformer will be considered protected by over current protection not exceeding 15 amperes. The transfoEue~s shall be fnstzlled in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. C. ~ and ~o In addition ~o bhe requirements of this Code, and except as provided hereinbelow as an exception, all commercial and industrial installations shall comply with the requirements of the Nations~ Electrical Cod~ and eiect~ical ~nstallations that under ~e J~isdiction of the CalIfo~a Division of ~dust~ial Safety ~11 also e~ply wi~ the req~ements of the Electrical S~ety Orde~s~ ~CEPTIONS: 1. ~cept a~ o~er~se pro~ded ~ t~s section, the followi~ s~ll be installed in a ~ac~ay as ~ecified in this Code: service en~r~ce c~d~tors, oo~.duc~o~s to cen~ers of distribution, conductors for motors, conductors in ~1 l~ust~i~ and co~e~cial b~ldi~s, hotels, lo~ ~es, ch~ohes, lo~e ~lls, sc~ols, b~ldinga fo~ p~l:[c assembly, etc., ~d ap~ent ho~es of ove~ t~ee (3) apar~ents. 2. Electric ~tallic t~ ~y be b~ied ~de~o~d when c~letely e~o~ded by at least 2" of c~c~eteo Ail t~eads ~d ~en~ sc~s ~ ~ ~de~~d o~d~t o~ condor b~led ~ concrete shall be tho~oSy coated with a c~osion resist~t material. 3. ~e wi~e conductors s~ll not be installed ~ a me~al ~aceway. 4o D~ect b~i~ conductors ~ t~ e~th s~ll be at leas$ 18" bel~ no~ g~ade ~d be p~otected by s.t least 2" of s~d or soft ~t fill, ove~ ~d ~der said conductors ~d s~ll be protected me~ioal o~ p~sioal ~J~. 5. ~e~e condor passes ~o~ ~e roof, a ~oof Jack s~ll be 6~ Ail florescent fixt~es s~ll be p~erly gro~ded. 7. ~e b~last of flo~esoent fixt~es s~ll be sep~ated fv~ c~b~ible ma~e~i~ by at least 2" o~ a~ space. 80 ~e ~~ wive size ~ all public c~erolal ~d indusSrial b~ld~s s~l be No. 12 ~e~ic~ Wive aa~e wire fo~ li~ti~ ~d ~eceptacle outlet circ.!ts. Section 1% is hereby added to the U~form Electrical Code~ 1956 Edition~ to read as foll~s: Section 1%~ Ao~eval ~ ~ ~ ~$~cl~i~a~t~i~ons~ Notwith- st~di~ ~ othe~ p~ovision in t~s ordinance ~o the contr~y, on electrioaI systems concerning all buildings of fifteen thousand (1%,000) square feet and over, and requ/~ing a four h~mdmed (~400) ampere service or la~ger, detailed plans and specifica$ions of circuits, equipment, materials, and method of installation shall be submitted to the Chief Building Inspector for approval unless a California Licensed Electrical Engineer is employed to supervise the installation of same. SECTION 5. The Chief Electrical Inspector refemred to in said Uniform Electrical Code sh~ll be the duly e. ppointed and acting Chief Bt~ildi~.g Inspector of the City of Bakersfield, his duly authorized repi-esenSatives, or such person as hereafter may be authorized by law to perform the duties now being performed by that official fLn She City of Bakersfield. SECTION 6. The Chief Building Inspector may make rules and regulations, subject ~o the approval of the Oity Council of the City of Bakersfield, not in conflict with the p~ovisions hereof, to facilitate the enforce- mens and adminis'~ration of said Electrical Code° SECTION 7 This ordinance shall not be construed as imposing on the City of Bakersfield or its officers or employees ~ny liability for damage resulting from defectiv~ electmieal work; no~, shall ~he City of Bakers- field~ or its officers o~ employees be held to assume any such liability by reason of the inspections authorized here~mdero SECTION 8° Any person, lien om. co~poration, violating any of the provisions of the Uniform Electrical Code sb_-ll be guil~ of a misd~meanor and upon convicSton ~he~eof.~ ~hall be punishable by a fine of not more them. Fivo H~d.~d Dol!~rs ($500.00) for a period of not more th~n six (6) montbs~r o~ by both such fine amd imprisonment o SECTION 9. Every person, lima or co~oratior, violating any of the p~ovisions of said Untfor~u Electric~.l Code shall be d~em:ed guilty elf ~ sep~atc offense fo~ ~aoh day o~~ po:~hion thereof du~frg ~hioh suc~. violation oonttlmued ~d sh~ll be punishable therefor as herein provided. SECTION Ordin~ce No. 969~ New Se~i~s, ~4 ~:~].1 o~?d:~nce~ ~.d pa,-ts of ordinances 5m conflict he:?ew!th~ m~,e heu~by SECTION !l~ ~s eP~n~oe s'~ll take effect thirty (30~ ds.y~s fP~ ~ud after ~e ~te of iSs passage.~ I HE~ CERTIFY ~hat the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield ak a regular meeting thereof held on the ,,,.,, ,.24th day of _ June: _,, , ,, ,~ , 1957, by the following vote z Oouncil of t~e City of Bakersfield. STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ] County of Kern ~ ss. MARIAN S. IRVIN, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on__...t...h.~_.__2.5_..t..h.~.d__a._Y._..~f~...J._u..n..e.~ ................................. , 19___.5_7_ she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on ......... -t-_.h.~._....2_4..t..h._..d_.a_Y_~..f..J._u.n.~ ,. .............. , 19_~..7..., which ordinance was numbered ........ _~J,2.7. ................. New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE ADOFrlNG THE 1956 UNIFORM ELECTRICAL CODE AND TH~ 19~6 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE FOR THE CITY OF BA~RSFIELD AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 969, NEW SERIES OF SAID CITY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 25thday of June~ , 1957 Notary Public in and for th~ County of Kern, State of California My Comm,:~i,~ i.,,4:~',.::- ,Jm~c 9, 1961