HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 128-06 RESOLUTION NO. 1 28-= 0"6 A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT A COUNTY TRANSPORTATION EXPENDITURE PLAN WHEREAS, Section 180206 (a) of the Division 19 of the Public Utilities Code, states a county transportation expenditure plan shall be prepared for the expenditure of the revenue expected to be derived from a one-half cent sales tax, together with other federal, state and local funds expected to be available for transportation improvements, for the period during which the tax is to be imposed; and WHEREAS, Section 180206 (b) of the Public Utilities Code, states that a county transportation expenditure plan shall not be adopted until it has received the approval of the Board of Supervisors and the City Councils representing both a majority of the cities in the county and a majority of the population residing in the incorporated areas of the county; and WHEREAS, local governments have identified a local transportation need of more than $1.75 billion in addition to traditional funding sources; and WHEREAS, a local one-half cent sales tax for Kern County will raise and estimate $900 million during the 20 years the sale tax is in affect; and WHEREAS, the California Transportation Commission has adopted a policy that provides that local funding of at least fifty percent (50%) is required to receive project funding from the Interregional Improvement Program; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the City of Bakersfield, City Council does hereby approve the Expenditure Plan, which is attached hereto and incorporate herein by this reference. ------------000-------------- -- Page 1 of 2 Pages -- ~ ~AKê1' o <f' > :!' ..... FTJ - I"- a ö ORIGINAL G:\GROUPDA T\ADMJNRPT\2006\O~-24\Reso _County Transponation ExpefJdilUre Plan,[)()(' 5/8/2006 --. -_._~ ---.- I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted, by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on NAY 2 4 20œ by the following vote: q6~ ABSTAIN: ABSENT: ./ ......--- or- ,r- .......--- COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH, HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER COUNCILMEMBER / / ~Li. PAMELA A. McCARTHY, C CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED MAY 2 4 2006 , ~ #/11///1 ,~ HARVEY . HALL Mayor of the City of Bakersfield - APPROVED as to form VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By:C2}üt~ {Iâ )i¿l/~./ NICE SCANLAN ssistant City Attorney G:\GROUPDA T\ADMINRPT\2006\05-24\Reso _County Transponalion Expenditure Plan.IX>C 5/8/2006 -- Page 2 of 2 Pages -- ~ 'òM~1' () ~ >- - f- m - f"- a tc ORIGINAL Kern Transportation Authority April 2006 Transportation Expenditure Plan GENERAL PROVISIONS Revenue Estimates and Distribution. Allocation of revenue authorized by Ordinance No. 06-01 is established within this Expenditure Plan. Funds shall be allocated by a percentage of the actual revenue received as specified in Section VIII 'õf this Ordinance. An estimate of revenues and allocation among categories is reflected in Schedule A - Countywide Measure "_" Revenue Distribution. The estimated revenue is based upon 2006 value of money and is not binding or controlling. Fair Share. After deduction of required Board of Equalization fees and authorized costs, revenues generated from each specified subarea within Kern County will be expended on projects of direct benefit to that subarea. Revenues will be accounted for separately for each subarea and then allocated to specified project categories as shown in Section VIII of this Ordinance. Decisions on how revenues are expended within each subarea will be made by the Kern Transportation Authority Board of Directors, based upon recommendations of local representatives. Maintenance of Effort. Local government agencies shall maintain their existing commitment of transportation funds for street, highway and public transit purposes, and the Authority shall enforce this provision by appropriate actions, including fiscal audits of the local agencies. The level of effort base amount for eacl;!local agency shall be determined by averaging the amount of non-transportation funding expended on transportation projects and programs for fiscal years 2001-02 through 2005-06. The Maintenance of Effort base amounts shall annually increase based on the Caltrans construction cost index, 1. If a jurisdiction fails to comply with the Maintenance of Effort requirements in a particular fiscal year, the local jurisdiction may expend during that fiscal year and the following fiscal year, a total amount that is not less than the total amount required to be expended for those two years for purposes of complying with its Maintenance of Effort requirements. a. At the end of the first fiscal year in which the local jurisdiction does not expend the amount required, the local jurisdiction shall have its Local Roads Reconstruction funding reduced by the amount by which the jurisdiction has not met its required Maintenance of Effort. b. Provided the local jurisdiction has met the requirements of this subdivision to expend an amount in the two-year period sufficient to meet its Maintenance of Effort obligation for such two-year period, the amount withheld shall be distributed to the local jurisdiction, without interest, following the end of the next fiscal year. Such distribution shall be referred to as the "make-up payment." 2, Any local jurisdiction that fails to comply with its Maintenance of Effort requirement, using the two-year period, shall have its Local Roads '< 'òM(~1' Q cJ> ;:... ~ ..... m - I- a c::. ORIGINAL Reconstruction funding reduced by the aggregate amount by which the jurisdiction failed to meet its required Maintenance of Effort for such two-year period. a. The amount of the second year distribution shall be adìusted as follows: (i) if the local jurisdiction's second year Maintenance of Effort expenditures are less than or equal to its required Maintenance for such year, the second years distribution shall be reduced by the amount, if any, by which the second year Maintenan,ce of Effort requirement exceeds the local jurisdiction actual expenditure; (ii) if the local jurisdiction's second year Maintenance of Effort expenditures are greater than its required Maintenance of Effort for such year, but less than an amount which, together with its actual first year maintenance of Effort expenditure, would be equal to or greater than its two year Maintenance of Effort requirement, the amount of the second year distribution shall be increased by the amount by which the local jurisdiction's actual second year Maintenance of Effort expenditure exceeds its required Maintenance of Effort for such years. b. Any remaining undistributed funding shall revert to the Kern Transportation Authority for allocation to projects contained in the Expenditure Plan which are not fully funded and which are of regional significance. Subarea Identification. The Arvin-Lamont subarea will inc;lude the City of Arvin, and the unincorporated communities of Lamont and Weedpatch. The Southeast Kern subarea will include the City of California City, and the unincorporated comrnunities of Boron, Mojave, Fremont Valley and Rosamond. The Frazier Park subarea will include the unincorporated communities of Frazier Park, Pine Mountain Club, Lebec and Lake of the Woods. The Indian Wells Valley subarea will include the City of Ridgecrest and the unincorporated comrnunities of Inyokern, Johannesburg and Randsburg. The Lake Isabella subarea will include the unincorporated communities of Onyx, Weldon, Mountain Mesa, Isabella, Wofford Heights, Kernville, Glennville, Woody, and Havilah. The Metropolitan Bakersfield subarea shall include the City of Bakersfield and the unincorporated area defined as the metropolitan planning area. The North Valley subarea shall include the Cities of Delano, McFarland, Wasco, and Shafter and the unincorporated areas of Buttonwillow, and Lost Hills. The Taft-Maricopa subarea will include the Cities of Taft and Maricopa and the unincorporated communities of Ford City, South Taft, Dustin Acres, Valley Acres and McKittrick. The Tehachapi subarea will include the City of Tehachapi and the unincorporated communities of Bear Valley Springs, Stallion Springs, Alpine Forest, Golden Hills and Paris-Loraine. Requirement for Annual Financial and Compliance Audits of Measure "_" Funds. The Kern Transportation Authority and each agency receiving an allocation of Measure "_" revenue authorized in this Expenditure Plan shall undergo an annual financial audit performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Compliance audits also shall be conducted to ensure that each agency is expending funds in accordance with the provisions and guidelines established for Measure "_" revenue. «. ~Mê-9 o <!;, >- - ¡.- m - ,.... a c::. ORIGINAL Definitions. The following definitions shall apply in the Kern Transportation Authority Expenditure Plan listed below: Maior Local Road Proaram: Major Local Road Program funds are to be used for construction of state highway or major local roads. Projects include construction of new roads, widening of existing roads, new or modified interchanges, railroad grade separations, and new bridges. Local Road Reconstruction: Funds shall be allocated to each city and tþe county for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of local public streets and roads. Reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation are defined as fixing potholes and the regular maintenance and reconstruction of existing streets and roads, including the addition of shoulders to streets and roads that are receiving regular maintenance and rehabilitation. The State Gas Tax Expenditure guidelines shall be used as the guide for determining the proper expenditure of funds. Measure "_" funds may not be used for the purchase of road reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation equipment. Air Quality: Air quality program funds are to be used for transportation reiated capital improvement projects. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: traffic management systems; traffic flow improvement projects (including intelligent transportation infrastructure), bus pullouts; purchasing alternative fuel public fleet vehicles; and installing alternative fuei fueling stations. Air quality program funds are also eligible for PM 10 strategies that include but not limited to; paving of unstabie unpaved public roads and alleys, public unpaved access points onto public paved roads, curbing, paving or stabilizing shoulders on public paved roads. Transportation Enhancements Proaram Transportation enhancement funds are to be used for transportation related capital improvement projects that enhance quality-of-life in and around transportation projects. Projects must be over and above required mitigation and normal transportation projects. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to: pedestrian ánd bicycle facilities; landscaping and other scenic beautification, rehabilitation of historic transportation facilities; preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including conversion to other transportation uses); and control and removal of outdoor advertising. Public Transit. Senior and Disabled Transit: Pubiic transit, senior and disabled transit funds are to be used for transportation related operational and capital improvement projects for public, senior and disabled transportation. Eligible projects eligibility includes, but are not limited to: rural and urban public transit improvements, improvement to senior citizens and disabled transportation services, including the purchase of alternative fuel buses; installation of alternative fuel fueling stations; operating assistance; and intelligent transportation infrastructure projects to improve system operations. The Kern Transportation Authority shall develop an annual claims process for the distribution of funds in accordance with the provisions of Section VIII of this Ordinance. '< 'òM~-9 o ~ :>- - >- m _ l""- e.) ORIGINAf' Arvin-Lamont Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Arvin-Lamont Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shail apply. Schedule D illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Arvin- Lamont Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $48.4 million. B. Major Local Road Projects. 54% of the revenue for the Arvin-Lampnt Subarea shail be used to widen existing state and local roads. As determined by the'Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. Portions of Route 223 from Comanche Drive to Route 99 shail be widened to four lanes. In addition portions of Wheeler Ridge Road between Route 223 and Interstate 5 shall be widened to four lanes. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 33% of the revenues for the Arvin-Lamont Subarea shail be distributed to the City of Arvin and the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of the city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 13% of the revenues for the Arvin-Lamont Subarea shail be used for projecjs that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the City of Arvin and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Frazier Park Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Frazier Park Subarea, the foilowing Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule E iilustrates the estimated and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Frazier Park Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $10.5 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 53% of the revenue for the Frazier Park Subarea shall be used for development of a winter roadway safety and congestion relief projects. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 34% of the revenues for the Frazier Park Subarea shall be distributed to the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 13% of the revenues for the Frazier Park Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Indian Wells Vallev Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Indian Wells Valley Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule F illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. «~"I(~~ o ~ >- - .... m - ,.... û I:) ORIGINAL A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Indian Wells Valley Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $44.1 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 60% of revenue for the Indian Wells Valley Subarea shall be used to begin the environmental process to widen State Route 14 from Red Rock Canyon to north of Route 178. Revenue shall also be used to begin the environmental process to construct a new interchange at the intersection of South China Lake Blvd. and State Route 395. The eastern half of College Heights Blvd. shall be constructed from South China Lake Blvd. to Jarvis Street. As determin~d by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. The City of Ridgecrest shall reconstruct Upjohn Ave. from Brady to South China Lake Blvd., Downs St. from Upjohn Ave. to Ridgecrest Blvd., Norma St. from Las Flores Ave. to Ridgecrest Blvd., Norma St. from Bowman Rd. to South China Lake Blvd., Drummond Ave. from Norma St. to North China Lake Blvd., Richmond Rd. from Ridgecrest Blvd. to Bowman Rd. The County of Kern shall utilize $10 million to pave, unpaved county roads in the Indian Wells Valley. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 26% of the revenues for the Indian Wells Valley Subarea shall be distributed to the City of Ridgecrest and the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 14% of the revenues for the Indian Wells Valley Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the City of Ridgecrest and the County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Lake Isabella Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Lake Isabella Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule G illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the,area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Lake Isabella Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $27.6 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 44% percent of the revenue for the Lake Isabella Subarea shall be used to replace the South Fork Bridge on Sierra Way and to raise the roadway, guard-rails on Caliente-Bodfish Road, and construction of a new roadway on Isabella to provide a second access to Erskin Creek Road. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 45% of the revenues for the Lake Isabella Subarea shall be distributed to the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 11 % of the revenues for the Lake Isabella Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle « 'òM(;"-9 () <!;, "- - >- m _ T""- a () ORIGINAL facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule H illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01.,for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimâted to be $484.4 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 48% of the revenue for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be used to construct major local road projects. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. Projects in the Metropolitan Bakersfie[d Subarea to be constructed include the Bakersfield Beltway System, Centennial Corridor Loop, State Route 178 east of Fairfax Dr. and widening of existing State Route 178 to four lanes, Roseda[e/24'h Street Corridor. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 39% of the revenues for the Mßtropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be distributed to the City of Bakersfield and the County of Kern. The funds are to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county [ocal roads. D. Public Transportation. 9% of the revenues for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be used for projects that improve public transit as defined in the Genera[ Provisions section above. 1 % of the revenue of the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be used for projects that improve projects for senior disabled transit as defined in the General Provisions section above. E. Transportation Enhancements. 1 % of the revenues for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be used for construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the City of Bakersfield and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. F. Air Quality. 3% of the revenues for the Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period 'the City of Bakersfie[d, County of Kern and Golden Empire Transit District shall develop a program of eligib[e projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. North Vallev Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the North Valley Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule I iI[ustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the North Val[ey Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $157.4 million. « 'òM~1> o ~ >- - >- m _ f"- a c::. ORIGINAL B. Major Local Road Construction. 57% of the revenue for the North Valley Subarea shall be used to construct major local road projects. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. State Route 46 from Interstate 5 to the San Luis Obispo County line shall be widened to four lanes. State Route 46 from State Route 99 to Wasco will be widened to four lanes. The interchange at Woollomes Road and State Route 99 will be irnproved to handle the increased traffic. Santa Fe Way from Hageman Ave. to Los Angeles SI. will be widened to four lanes. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 31 % of the revenues for the North vaney Subarea shall be distributed to the cities of Delano, McFarland, Wasco, Shafter and the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 12% of the revenues for the North Valley Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the cities of Delano, McFarland, Wasco, Shafter and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Southeast Kern Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Southeast Kern Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule J illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Southeast Kern Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $53.2 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 56% of the revenue for the Southeast Kern Subarea shall be used to construct major local road projects. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. Construc:t Twenty Mule Team Road from the City of California City to State Route 58. Construct 8; new road form the North Gate of Edwards Air Force Base to the City of California. Construct a grade separation on Rosamond Blvd. over the Union Pacific Railroad. In Mojave, construct a grade separation of the Trona Branch Railroad connecting "K" Street to State Route 14. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 30% of the revenues for the Southeast Kern Subarea shall be distributed to the City of California City and the County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 14% of the revenues for the Southeast Kern Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the City of California City and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Taft-Maricopa Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Taft-Maricopa Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule K illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. X 'òM~'9 o <.P >- ~ f- m - f- a t> ORIGINAL A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Taft- Maricopa Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $35.3 million. B. Major Local Road Construction. 28% of the revenue for the Taft-Maricopa Subarea shall be used to construct major local road projects. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein wili require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. State Route 119 will be widened to four lanes from Interstate 5 to Tupman Road. :~ C. Local Road Reconstruction. 59% of the revenues for the Taft-Maricopa Subarea shall be distributed to the cities of Taft, Maricopa and County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 13% of the revenues for the Taft-Maricopa Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the cities of Taft, Maricopa and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. Tehachapi Subarea Expenditure Plan. In the area described as the Tehachapi Subarea, the following Expenditure Plan shall apply. Schedule L illustrates the estimated cost and projects to be constructed in the area. A. Revenue Estimates. Tax revenues generated by Ordinance 06-01 for the Tehachapi Subarea over a twenty-year period are estimated to be $38.6 million. B. Major Road Construction. 58% of the revenue for the Tehachapi Subarea shall be used to construct major local road projects. As determined by the Kern Council of Governments, each of the projects listed herein will require additional funding from state and federal sources to complete. State Route 202 will be widened to four lanes from Tehachapi-Woodford Rd. to Cummings Valley Rd. The Dennsion Rd. Interchange at State Route 58 will be improved and on and off ramps added. Valley Blvd. will be widened to four lanes from Tucker Road to Curry Ave. C. Local Road Reconstruction. 28% of the revenues for the Tehachapi Subarea shall be distributed to the City of Tehachapi and County of Kern to be used for the reconstruction, maintenance and rehabilitation of city and county local roads. D. Air Quality, Public Transportation, Transportation Enhancements. 14% of the revenues for the Tehachapi Subarea shall be used for projects that improve the air quality, public transit, senior disabled transit or the construction of pedestrian and bicycle facilities as defined in the General Provisions section above. For each five-year period, the City of Tehachapi and County of Kern shall develop a program of eligible projects to be approved and funded by the Authority. « 'ò1\K~?> o <P ;... .,., f- ñï - f"- a c::. ORIGINAL Measure "_" Transportation Expenditure Schedules SCHEDULE A Countywide Measure "_" Revenue Distribution Amount Estimated Countywide Expenditure Measure "_" Distribution $48.5 million Arvin Lamont Sub-Region Frazier Park Sub-Region Indian Wells Valley Sub-Region Lake Isabella Sub-Region Metro Bakersfield Sub-Region North Valley Sub-Region Southeast Kern Sub-Region Taft·Maricopa Sub-Region Tehachapi Sub-Region Total Countywide Estimated Expenditures $10.6 million $44.1 million $27.6 million $484.5 million $157.5 million $53.3 million $35.3 million $38.7 million $900 million SCHEDULE B Transportation Improvement Revenue Total Countywide Transportation Measure "_" Rl;!venues "--..-- Estimate Countywide Measure "_" Revenue (Less 1 % Administrative Fee, 2% Board of Equalization Collection Charge) Countywide Measure "_" Revenue Available for Transportation Projects Estimated State and Federal Revenues Estimated Contributions from New Development Federal Demonstration Funds Total Estimated Revenue Available for Transportation Projects Amount $947 million $27 million $920 million $926 million $500 million $740 million $3.09 billion « 'òf>..K~'9 o <I' :>- ~ >- m - ,.... a c::. ORIGINAL SCHEDULE C Distribution of Measure "_" Funds by Major Category Funding Category Amount Percentage .,' ,"1." $453.6 million 49.3% $346.8 million 37.7% $119.6 million 13.0% - $920.0 million 100% Major Road Projects Local Road Reconstruction Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program Total Measure "_" Project Funding SCHEDULE D Arvin -Lamont Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount Route 223 (Comanche to Route 99) widen to four lanes $11.1 million Wheeler Ridge Road (Route 223 to Interstate 5) widen portions to four lanes $)5.1 million City of Arvin Local Roads Reconstruction $4.9 million County of Kern Local Roads Reconstruction $11 million Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program $6.3 million Total Arvin-Lamont Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $48.4 million « 'òf>..K~?> o <!;, >- - I- m _ f"- a c::. ORIGINAL SCHEDULE E Frazier Park Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount Winter Safety and Congestion Relief Project $5.6 million County of Kern Local Roads Reconstruction $3.6 million Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program $1.3 million Total Frazier Park Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $10.5 million SCHEDULE F Indian Wells Valley Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount .._~_.- ~----_..._-_.-- Route 14 (Route 178 to Red Rock Canyon) widening - begin environmental $3.3 million Route 395 at South China Lake - new interchange - begin environmental $3.0 million College Heights Blvd. (South China Lake Blvd. to Jarvis) widen \0 four lanes $5.8 million Upjohn Ave. (Brady to South China Lake Blvd.) reconstruct existing road $ 1.8 million Downs SI. (Upjohn Ave to Ridgecrest Blvd.) reconstruct existing road $775,000 Norma 5t (Las Flores Ave. to Ridgecrest Blvd.) reconstruct existing road $375,000 Norma St. (Bowman Road to South China Lake Blvd.) reconstruct existing road $375,000 $245,500 Drummond Ave. (Norma St. to N. China Lake Blvd.) reconstruct existing road Richmond Rd. (Ridgecrest Blvd. to Bowman Rd.) reconstruct existing road $1.0 million Pave various County unpaved roads $10.0 million City of Ridgecrest Local Roads Reconstruction $7.7 million County of Kern Local Roads Reconstruction $3.7 million Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program $6.0 million ---_.~.- Total Indian Wells Valley Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $44.1 million ~------ ~ 'òMé'1' o <f> >- ~ I- m - r- a to ORIGINAL SCHEDULE G Lake Isabella Subarea Expenditure Plan Amount Project Description Sierra Way at South Fork Bridge Caliente·Bodfish Road Construction of a new roadway (replace bridge and raise road) (install guard -rails) (second access to Erskin Creek Road) County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program Total Lake Isabella Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $ 9.0 million $ 1 .0 million $ 2.3 million $12.4 million $2.9 million $27.6 million SCHEDULE H Metropolitan Bakersfield Subarea Expenditure Plan Amount Project Description Bakersfield Beltway System North Belfway West Beltway Extend Route 58 to 1-5 (South Beltway environmental only) Centennial Corridor Loop Crosstown Freeway Corridor State Route 178 Extend West to Route 99 Hageman Flyover at Route 99 State Route 178 East Morning Drive Interchange (construct interchange) State Route 178 Freeway (extend freeway) Existing State Route 178 (widen to 6 lanes) Rasedale Highway and 24\h Street Rosedale Highway (widen to 6 lanes) Oak Street and 24th Street (construct ìnterchange) 24\h Street east of Oak Street (widen to 6 lanes) City of Bakersfield Local Road Reconstruction County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction Golden Empire Transit I Senior Disabled Transit Air Quality, Bicycle and Enhancement Program Total Metropolitan Bakersfield Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $7.5 miliion $50.0 million S2.5 million $45.8 million S34.5 million S11.4 million $11.6 million $34.8 million S1.6 million $13.9 million $12.6 million S6.3 million $158.9 million $28.0 million $45.0 million 85.0 million 815.0 million $484.4 million X 'òAK~-9 o <P :>- ~ >- m _ f"- a c::. ORIGINAL SCHEDULE I North Valley Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount State Route 46 (1-5 to SLO County Line) widen to four lanes $20.8 million State Route 46 (Route 99 to Wasco) widen to four lanes $30.8 million State Route 99 at Woollomes Road (improve interchange) $10.8 million Santa Fe Way from Hageman Rd. to Los Angeles SI. (widen to 4 lanes) $12 .8 million City of Delano Local Road Reconstruction $14.8 million City of McFarland Local Road Reconstruction $3.7 million City of Wasco Local Road Reconstruction $8.1 miliion City of Shafter Local Road Reconstruction $4.9 million County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction $32.5 million Air Ouality. Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program $18.2 million Total North Valley Sub-Region Measure "." Revenue $157.4 million SCHEDULE J Southeast Kern Subarea Expenditure Plan \ :rö¡ect ~es~riPtio;' . __ _________~_______Amount _ Twenty Mule Team Road (Callfornla CIty to Route 58) construct new road $9.5 million North Gate Road (California City to Edwards AFB) construct new road 89.5 million Rosamond Blvd. at UP Railroad (construct grade separation) 85.5 million Extend K Street to Route 14 (construct grade separation) $5.5 million City of California City Local Road Reconstruction $3.2 million County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction $12.8 million Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program $7.2 million _._~-- L Total Southeast KernSub·region Measu~e ",:' Revenue $53.2 million -----. '< ~1\K~-9 o ~ >- - I- m _ T- a ORIGINAE' SCHEDULE K Taft-Maricopa Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount Route 119 (1-5 to Tupman Road) widen to four lanes $17.4 million City of Maricopa Local Road Reconstruction $1.4 million City of Taft Local Road Reconstruction $2.4 million County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction $9.7 million Air Quality, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program 84.4 million Total Taft-Maricopa Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $35.3 million SCHEDULE L Tehachapi Subarea Expenditure Plan Project Description Amount ~-------~_.---- ._----_._-~._- _.._._~-~--- Route 202-Tehachapi·Woodford Road to Cummings Valley Road (widen to four lanes) $6.3 million Route 202-Tucker Road to Tehachapi-Woodford Road (widen to four lanes) 82.2 million Route 58 at Dennison Road (improve interchange) $6.1 miliion Valley Blvd. (Tucker Road to Curry Ave.) widen to four lanes $7.8 million City of Tehachapi Local Road Reconstruction 83.3 million County of Kern Local Road Reconstruction $7.5 million Air Qua\ity, Transit, Bicycle and Enhancement Program 85.4 million Total Tehachapi Sub-Region Measure "_" Revenue $38.6 million ..--- ~ 'òA/(~?> o <P >- ." r-- m - ,.... aORIGINAC'