HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 111-97(1)RESOLUTION NO. _El. ] ' 9 ? ~'l ) A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTIONS NO. 110-97 AND 111-97 ADOPTING THE OPERATING, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND CENTRAL DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUDGETS FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1997-98. WHEREAS, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Bakersfield and applicable ordinances, the City Council of said City adopted Resolution Nos. 110-97 and 111-97, adopting the Operating, Capital Improvement Program and Central District Development Agency Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1997-98 on June 25, 1997; and, WHEREAS, the City desires to make amendments thereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. That the Operating, Capital Improvement Program and Central District Development Agency Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for the fiscal year 1997-98, as adopted by Resolution Nos. 110-97 and 111-97, are hereby further amended to reflect the changes included in Exhibit "A". 2. That the said Budgets for said fiscal year 1997-98, so amended, shall be the Budgets for the City of Bakersfield, California, for said fiscal year 1997-98 as contemplated to be made by this Council. 3. That the said Budgets for said fiscal year 1997-98 shall total $267,044,690, with the Operating and Debt Service (which includes the Community Development Block Grant) Budget totaling $185,171,062, the Capital Improvement Program totaling $76,090,533, and the Central District Development Agency Budget totaling $5,783,095. 4. That the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of the resolution, and henceforth and hereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. ....... O00 .... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on APR ! 2 19M by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILUEMBER DeMOND, CARSON, SMfi3J, McDERMOTi*, FIOWLES, SULLIVAN, SALVAGGIO NO~S: COUNCILMEM~R 7*? ~ ABSTNN: COUNCILMEMBER ~L~',~ o ~ N~'f: COUNClt. I~?~R )'~,, o -, CITY CLERK and Ex Officio C~k of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED APR ! ! ~M BO~' PRICE P MAYOR of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED as to form: ~,~' ClTY;TTORNEY/of the City of Bakersfield DVVH.jp AMEND97-98 Attachment - 2 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FISCAL YEAR 1997- 98 BUDGET AMENDMENTS DATE FUND ITEM AMOUNT COMMENTS 07/16/97 311 07/16/97 151 07/16197 121 07/16197 333 07116/97 333 08/0~/97 121 08/06/97 411 08/06/97 333 08/06/97 151 08/20/97 412 08/20/97 151 09/04/97 151 09/10/97 151 09/10/97 011 09/10/97 121 09/10/97 411 09/10/97 411 09/10197 315 09/10/97 315 09/24/97 151 09/24/97 315 09/25/97 395/315 09/26/97 655 10/22/97 151 11/05/97 655 11/19/97 151 12/03/97 411 12/17/97 121 12/18/97 412 07/01/97 511/521 , .~WiM./97 521 071'~/11~' 112 08/06/~ 011 AMENDMENTS AND TRANSFERS: Reduce Appropriation to Capital Outlay Fund ($46,377) Appropriate Gas Tax Fund Balance $50,000 Appropriate State Grant Revenue to ISTEA Fund $188,240 Appropriate Road and Bridge Bond Funds to Coffe Road Bridge $808,000 Reduce Appropriation to Road and Bridge Bond Fund for Coffee ($808,000) Appropritate ISTEA Fund Balalnca $500,000 Reduce Appropriation to the Sewer Enterprise Fund ($272,000) Reduce Appropriation to the CorSe Road Overcrossing Fund ($265,600) Appropriate Gas Tax Fund Balance $10,000 Appropriate Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance to PW Operations $100,000 Appropriate Gas Tax Fund Balance $30,000 Reduce Gas Tax Appropriations to Fund Estimated Deficit ($150,000) Transfer from Gas Tax completed projects to Chester Avenue $210,000 Transfer General and Sewer Fund Balance to Gas Tax Fund $210,000 Appropriate Environment Enhancement Grant Funds to ISTEA Fund $250,000 Appropriate Sewer Enferpdse Fund Balance $1,670,160 Appropriate Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance $60,390 Appropriate Blue Cross premium Surplus $300,000 Appropriate/Transfer Blue Cross Premiun Surplus $800,000 Appropriate Developer Contribution to the Gas Tax Fund $49,757 Appropdafe funds for Pedestrian Skybridge $270,000 Reduce Appropdafion to the Arena and Centennial Plaza Funds ($29,934,670) Reduce Appropriations in Assmt. Dist. fund 93 1-A ($20,000) Appropriate Developer Contribution to the Gas Tax Fund $26,750 Appropriate Assessment District 93-1A Fund Balance $16,947 Appropriate Developer Contribution to the Gas Tax Fund $79,200 Appropriate Sewer Enterprise Fund Balance and State Loan $29,239,800 Appropriate State Grant Revenue to ISTEA Fund Reduce Appropriations for actual 1997 sewer revenue bond proceeds Reduce Appropriation to Capital Outlay Fund Reduce 97-98 Budget for Risk Management Appropriate ED/CD Operating Budget in the Home Fund Appropdafe Asset Forfeiture Funds to Police Operating Budget dwh: fy97-98 budamend - 1st (April 13, 1998) Reduce for items accrued back to FY96-97.(finance Adjustment) Funding for Alta Vista area street improvements, (Bids item 3.) Resurfacing vadous streets - 1996-97. (Bids item 4.) For Final payment on SOG vs PG&E per Agreement 97-150 (Misc. item 5) July 1997 payment was accrued to F.Y. 1996-97 when judgement occurred. For local share of Q Street Grade Separation Project (Consent Misc. item 3) Project re-evaluated ami priority lowered, project deferred (Consent Misc. item 3) Prelect developer now required to construct with subdivision (Consent Misc. item 3) Funding for Beech St. at 24th St Signal (Misc. item 3) Attorney Retainer Agreement City vs Kenko (Consent item 8k) Funding for Endeavor School Flashing Beacon (Consent. item 8x) Modifications to CIP program cover estimated fund deficit. (Misc. item 3) Additional funding for Chester Avenue Stmetscape project (Consent item 8 r.l) To construct Chester Avenue Streetscape project (Consent Bids. item 8 r. 1) To construct Chester Avenue Streetscape project (Consent Bids. item 8 r. 1 ) To construct Buena Vista Trunk Sewer project- phase I (Consent Bids. item St) To construct Bank Street Sewer Lift Station modifications. (Consent item 8u) Transfer to Arena Pedestrian Project (Consent Misc. item 8x) Transfer to Convention Arena Expansion Project (Consent Misc. item 8x) To resurface vadous streets (Consent item 8q) For plans and design of Pedestrian Skybddge at Convention Center (Consent item 8 j 2) To correct budget errors in Finance and City Manager's F.Y. 1996-97 Year End process To reduce Public Works Carryovers for F.Y. 96-97 TO construct the traffic preemption project. (Consent Bids. item 8n) For change orders #12 & #13 on No~theeat Trunk Sewer project (Consent Misc. item aw) To construct road improvements on White Lane (Consent Misc. item 8p) TO construct WWTP #2 upgrade and expansion. (Consent Bids. item 8j) $497,200 For seismic retrofit design of 6 bridges (Consent item 8m) ($1,925,000) To appropdafe fund balance for bond interest due in F.Y. 1997-98. ($22,402) Reduce for items accrued back to FY96-97.(Finance Adjustment) ($137,000) Budget Adjustment per City Manager's Office. $127,051 To provide first time home buyers eaeistanse. (Consent item 4) $9,000 To purchase 1 bolice service dog. (Resolutions item 1) 08/06/97 08/20/97 05/20/97 08/20/97 08/20/97 08/20/97 09/10/97 09/10/97 09/24/97 09/25/97 10/22/97 11/05/97 11/19/97 12/03/97 12/03/97 12/17/97 1 2/17/97 12/17/97 12/18/97 011 Appropriate Heart Smart Grant Funds to Recreation Division 511 Appropriate Equipment Mgmt. Fund Balance to PW Operations 011 Appropriate General Fund Balance to Police Operating Budget 012 Appropriate General Fund Balance to Engineering Operating Budget 012 Appropriate Development Fees to Engineering Operating Budget 012 Appropriate Developer Shares to Dev. Svca, Operating Budget 012 Appropriate Developer Shares to Dev. Svce, Operating Budget 011 Appropriate Blue Crces premium Surplus 315 Reduce and Transfer Appropriations for Pedestrian Skybridge 315 Reduce Appropriation to the Arena and Centennial Plaza Funds 511 Appreopdate Asset Forfeiture Funds to Public Works Operating Budget 011 Appropriate Asset Forfeiture Funds to Public Works Operating Budget 511 Appropriate Equipment Mgmt, Fund Balance to PW Operations 01 t/521 Appropriate General Fund Balance to Self insurance Fund 011/521 Transfer C-eneral Fund Balance to Self Insurance Fund 011 Reduce Transfers and Appropriate funds to MIS Operating Budget 012 Appropriate Developer Contribution to Dev, Svcs, Operating Budget 392 Appropriate Fund Balance to CODA Housing Fund 412 Adjust Appropriations for actual 1997 sewer revenue bond proceeds $20,000 $510,000 $34,000 S8,200 $11,800 $24,780 $19,920 $200,000 ($170,O00) ($1,024,940) $140.OO0 $50,OO0 $552,480 $100,000 $100,000 ($4,000) $6,500 $256,198 $475,000 To conduct community educational outreach program (Misc. item 4) Lean to Kern Refuse Disposal for automated refuse equipment (Consent item o) To fund cost of Police Telecemmunicetor Position (Consent item 8x) For on-call consultants for plan checking and inspections ( Consent item By) For on-call consultants for plan checking and inspections ( Consent item 8y) Developer's share of EIR Fees for Cardiac Hospital (Consent item 8p 1) Developer's share of EIR Fees for Cardiac Hospital (Consent item 8p 1) Employee one-time rebate from Blue Cross (Consent Misc. item 8x) For plans and design of Pedestrian Skybridge at Convention Center (Consent item 8 j 2) To correct budget errors in Finance and City Manager's F.Y. 1996-97 Year End process For 7 used replacement police vehicfes through the Equipment Fund.(Coceent item 8h) To construct second shooting bay at Piatot Range. (Consent Resolution item 8c) Loan to Kem Refuse Disposal for automated refuse equipment (Consent item 8 For propert-/acquisition of Panorama Drive Homes (consent Misc. item 8 o) For property acquisition of Panorama Drive Homes (consent Misc. item 8 o) To fund two additional positions for MIS. (Consent item 8dd) Developer's share of EIR Fees for Cardiac Hospital (Consent item 8p 1) TO use set-aside mon~es outside Downtown Redevelopment Area (Consent item 80 To appropriate fund balance for bond interest due in F.Y. 1997-98. TOTAL AMENDMENTS AND TRANSFERS $3,231,384 dwh: fy97-98 budamend - 1st (April 13, 1998) CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1997-98 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund Budget Summary Operating Budgets City of Bakersfield Central Distdct Develop. Agency $11.625,909 $33.106,200 $17,787.567 $48,585,786 $8.146.232 $9.991.385 $7,916.069 $46.452,625 $183,611.773 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $79.547 $5.447.350 $5,526.897 Total Operating $11.625.909 $33,106,200 $17,787,567 $48,585,786 $8.146.232 $9.991,385 $7.995.616 $51,899,975 $189,138.670 Capital Improvements City of Bakersfield Central District Develop. Agency $151,200 $40.000 $235.450 $39,015,666 $2,378,000 $5,524,765 $1,020,000 $0 $48,365,081 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,309,555 $0 $0 $26.309.555 Total Capital Improvements $151,200 $40,000 $235.450 $39.015,666 $2,378,000 $31.834,320 $1,020.000 $0 $74.674,636 Total Appropriations $11,777,109 $33,146,200 $18,023,017 $87,601,452 $10,524,232 $41,825,705 $9,015,616 $51,899,975 $263,813,306 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1997-98 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund City of Bakersfield O~eratincl Budilet General Fund Transportation (TDA) Gas Tax Traffic Safety Municipal Improvement Debt Public Financing Authority Capital Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Agriculture Water Domestic Water parking Lots/Structures Park Improvement Fund Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Self Insurance Supplemental Law Enforce. Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Plant Community Dev. Block Grant Assessment Districts $6,783,040 $9,000 $4,140,377 $473,492 $220.000 $33,106,200 $17,787,567 $9,922,009 $2,476,399 $18,759,656 $113,368 $11,397,686 $5,916,668 $3,050,108 $5,096,124 $0 $9,991,385 $4,759,244 $143,720 $3,013,105 $4,754,555 $200,000 $339,395 $12,870,000 $1,524,940 $2.039,595 $1,131,900 $928,380 $19O,000 $408,890 $1,000,000 $495,09O $14,772,890 $339,395 $5,457,685 $87,104,000 $0 $2,476,399 $200.000 $339,395 $12,879,000 $0 $1,524,940 $2,039,595 $4,182.008 $6,024,504 $143,720 $190,000 $19,168,546 $113,368 $5.140,377 $495,000 $11,871,178 $2O,689,558 $3,352,500 $5,677,685 ~, r ~ 'flotal Operating $11,625,909 $33,106,200 $17,787,567 $48,585,786 $8.146,232 $9,991,385 $7,916.069 $46,452,625 $183,611,773 CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1997- 98 ADOPTED BUDGET Depa~,~ental Appropriations by Fund City of Bakersfield Capital Improvements Surfact Transportation (ISTEA) Transportation (TDA) Gas Tax Park Improvement Captial Outlay Fund Arena Project Fund Transportation Development Road and Bridge Bond Funds Agriculture Water Domestic Water Parking Lots/Structures Refuse Collection Aviation Fund Federal Grants Public Facilities Equipment Management Wastewater Treatment Plant Community Dev. Block Grant Assessment Districts $138,000 $4,500 $5.700 $3,000 $40,000 $235,450 $2.399.000 $2,895,223 $372,900 $1,967,203 $130,950 $360,000 $30,225,890 $664,500 $481,000 $1.897,000 $184.250 S95,400 $31,504,670 $50,000 $623.000 $44.000 $353.000 $3.022.000 $0 $2.895.223 $184,250 $552.850 $31,504.670 $372,900 $1,967,203 $~o6.450 $1,897,000 $0 $365,700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,228.890 $1.017.500 $0 Total Capital Improvements ~tel City of Bakersfield $151.200 $11,777,109 $40,000 $33,146.200 $235,450 $18,023,017 $39.015.666 $87,601,452 $2,378,000 $10,524.232 $31,834.320 $41.825,705 $1,020,000 $8.936.069 $0 $46,452.625 $74,674,636 $258.286.409 Central District Development Agency Operatin,q Bud,(let Operating Debt Service CITY OF BAKERSFIELD FY 1997- 98 ADOPTED BUDGET Departmental Appropriations by Fund $79,547 $1,551,500 $1,631,047 $3,895,850 $3,895,850 Total Operating Capita~ Improvements Capital $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $79,547 $5,447,350 $5,526,897 $26,309,555 $26.309,555 Total Capital Improvements Total CDDA $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,309,555 $0 $0 $26,309,555 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,309,555 $79,547 $5,447,350 $31,836,452