HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 157-06 RESOLUTION NO. 157-06 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING COMMERCIAL SOLID WASTE FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. WHEREAS, Chapter 8.32 of the Bakersfield Municipal Code authorizes the establishment and increase of fees and charges to recover costs for services rendered; and WHEREAS, a public hearing before the City Council was advertised twice in the Bakersfield Californian, a newspaper of general circulation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held to determine whether the proposed fees and charges are discriminatory or excessive; and WHEREAS, the fees and charges set forth in Exhibit "A," attached hereto and incorporated by reference, do not exceed the reasonable estimated cost of providing the services for which the fees are charged. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. The above recitals and findings are true and correct and are incorporated herein by reference. 2. The fees and charges set forth in Exhibit "A" are hereby adopted and shall become effective on July 1, 2006. 3. The adoption of these fees and charges complies with Proposition 218. ------------000-------------- 'òMf", C« ' 'tr , '" ~ - ~ m ,.. ( ~, (:) ORIGINAl I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on JUN 7 2006 , by the following vote: -' ...-- L-- ...-------- __ 1--- ctl,e~ COUNCILMEMBER CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD. COUCH, HANSON, SUL'.!VNi êC?i'!Nm cS: COUNCILMEMBER ,-'''''''''"'- ~OUNCILMEMBER ~ ' :~BSENT: C§JUNCILMEMBER ~. ~.--- ~ A~%, CITY CLERK and Ex cio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED JUN 7 200fi By APPROVED as to form: VIRGINIA GENNARO, City Attorney By: RMS:ADD:dlr S:\FILlNG\ 100 ADMIN\Financial\Budge"Prop 218\FY06,07\Resolution _Commercial 06.doc '< 'òMf?J () <f' >- "' >- m - ,.. v ORIGINAltJ « .... m ~ w .... 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PER MONTH Bin sizel 1 2 3 4 5 61 (cy,) City Hauling Fee 1.5 72.13 97.99 155.13 216.38 281.70 352.45 Bins with compacted County Gate Fee 12.34 24.68 37.02 49.36 61.70 74.04 refuse are charged 64.47 122.67 192.15 265.74 343.40 426.49 THREE TIMES the standard bin rate. City Hauling Fee 2 90.16 122.46 193.93 270.13 351.79 439.54 County Gate Fee 16.45 32.91 49.36 65.82 82.27 98.72 Illegal container impound 106.61 155.37 243.29 335.95 434,06 536.26 fee and storage fee. Transportation of container City Hauling Fee 3 108.17 146,97 232.69 323.87 421.85 526.63 is $69.70 per container. County Gate Fee 24.68 49.36 74.04 98.72 123.41 148.09 Storage fee of $1.00 per day. 132.85 196.33 306.73 422.59 545.26 674.72 Cardboard recycling 79,55 99.43 119.31 No gate fee Refuse Service Automated Carts Scheduled service - 1 x er week onl Small cart 14.37 County Gate Fee 2.60 16.97 Solid Waste Division's rate 69.70 per hour Unscheduled bin service 34.85 for each bin serviced Unscheduled cart service 18.53 for each cart serviced Chan:~e to lock bins 6.85 (service to nrevent ¡lIeos! use bv others) Solit billina service 6.63 (per mo. Def business to share containers) 2 small carts County Gate Fee 28.74 5.20 33,94 ComDactor Service Compactors/Refuse County gate fee Com actors/Rec clin Open Top Rolloff for Refuse One-time delivery Haul, per load to landfill County gate fee Rental after 7 da s Open To Rolloff for Rec clin One-time delivery Haul, per hour to recycler Gate fee Rental after 7 da s 243.92 per haul 36.00 per ton 69.70 er hour Large cart County Gate Fee 17.96 3.91 21.87 2 large carts County Gate Fee 35.92 7.82 43.74 82.98 205.78 36.00 perton 6.10 erda Comm. Recyclin9 Cart I Blue 6.67 Bi-Monthly Pick Up / Every Other Week 82.98 69.70 per hour varies 6.10 erda Single Family County Fee /1 to 4 unit each 169.08 per year 66.00 per year 14.09 per month 5.50 per month Multifamily per unit County Fee /4 Units or less County Fee /5 Units or more 152.88 per year 66.00 per year/unit 53.00 per year/unit 12.74 per month 5.50 per month 4.42 per month Additional Cart Fee 54.30 per year 4.53 per month Residential Rec clin / Blue Ca 20.00 er uarter 6.67 er month Notes: 4.33 Average number of weeks per month (52/12) 1.90 Landfilling per cubic yard or $0.01 per gallon 202 # of gallons per cubic yard 0.01 Landfill cost per gallon 5.40% FY 2006,2007 Fee increase (commercia ) t:t-t-t:.t; IVt:.v, 64 gaHons = 2, 32-gallon cans or 1 small cart 96 gallons = 3, 32-gallon cans or 1 Large cart 128 gallons = 4, 32-gallon cans or 2 small carts 1 92 gallons = 2 Large carts 5.40% FY 2006-2007 Fee increase (residential) '< 'ò Kf", () <!;, >- m '::: ,.. ù ¡:, Ur GINAI