HomeMy WebLinkAboutUNDERGROUND TANK is i i ~~ ~}' ~~~ .. ~,~ ~'~I DAVID M. BIGGAR, GENERAL, CONTRACTOR C 100 OAR STREET ~c~sc-~ G _ ~:_~y.- - ~ 190006C v . g a ~' Z z ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ N W W J J Q V- _~ ~ ~~~~ CITY of BAKERSFIELD ~,,~ "WE CARE" FIRE DEPARTMENT M. R. KELLY June 2 0 , 19 9 4 FIRE CHIEF Dave Biggar Biggar Construction 100 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 ,.. ;;,: 1715 CHESTER AVENUE BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 CLOSURE OF 1 UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE. TANK LOCATED AT 100 OAK STREET, BAKERSFIELD, CA PERMIT # BR-0096 Dear Mr. Biggar: This is to inform you that this department has reviewed the results for the preliminary assessment associated with the closure of the tanks located at the above stated address. Based upon laboratory data submitted, this office is satisfied with the assessment performed and requires no further action at this time. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805)-326-3979. Sincerely, Howard H. Wines, III Hazardous Materials Technician cc: Pat Mullhofer, CALPI -- _ --~ ~ - - -- - - _-_ __ _ -- - =- __ e°~ -- _- __ - - - _ - _~__ .PO. BOX-6278-!_BAKERSFIELD,-CALfF:ORNIA 9.3386 _• (805)=5-89=5648-___ -- -= = - -- ---- --- -=_° INC. _ - _ -- -- -- _ -= =_ - -= =-- - _~- ___ --- - _ -= _ ---- - --~~ ~ -~ n ~ _ --- -- - - - --- - - _ _ ,r ~ - - - - - --- -------__May~23, _19.94-= " - -- ------ =- - --- - -- - - --- -- - - ---- =------ -Bakersf=ie-l-d--City-Fire-Department - - --_=_- -- -- - - - - - -- -=- ~-- - - - _ _ - ' 17.15- =C- _ e s.t:e r.: Av enue- __= =-_ _ - - - ---- - - - - -- Bakersfi-eeld,_CA-=9330.1-~=- _ - - - - -__- -- - = --- -- -- - - - ---- _ - - - _,.~: ' _ : _-== _ATTENTION :_-_Mr . Huey-:--- __ - - - - - - - - -- - --= Deas Mr : -Huey r --- __ _. - _ _ _ _ - T -- - -- - -~ SUBJECT : _ .P-ER.MIT- #BR==00-9=6 _ - - - -- _--__ -On May - °12 ,__-1994 , CALPI , Inc . removed one (1) - 550 gal 1 on - - ~ -_ _ -_-_ - - _-underground--tank - -f-rom _Biggar Construction -at 100 yak Street ,_ _- -- - _-~_ - Bakersfield,=Calf€ornia 93304. _- - - __ __r _ _ ,- The- tank- ~w.as===de.c-ontaminated on- site _usng a- .high press=ure _ steam -_- --- - -- - --- -- cl-eaner- -and- .inerted-`w-th dry -ice. Rinsate was dis=posed of - a-t -- -- --_- - -- ---- - Gibson-Env=ronmental==-in Bakersfield,- Calfor-nia under-hazardous . _- - ____ _ ._ _ _w:as.te- manifest. #914.8.2.79__1... 'The- tank was removed 'to Golden_ State i = -- -=--Metals-:-- _ -- -.- -- -- -- - - _ - j----- - -- - -- -- -- . --- - - - - -_-_ _- -_ _-_=$o.i^1-was=-s:am_p-led under=-the.-=direction-of th_e"Bakersfiel:d City Fire= - -_-_ --___ _ = _ _ _ D.e_partment=. _ _ -The_ sam__p-1-es _ were -analyzed= -a-t _B ._= C . Laboratories = °--- -=of ""Bakers=field far- TPH; -gas, and BTX&E=.= A complete chemical - -_- _ ~_ - - analys-is is-enclosed:-- __ _ - _ _ _ _ - -- - - - - - -In =addition to_the_ _1"ab==results, copies of_ the manifest, -chain of- _.~ --- ~- __- cost=od~y=-an_d-the--tank= disposition _t-rack=ing_-record -are_=enclosed_.__ =- _ _ -- Please_contact -our- main office=at_ (805)- '589=5648 if you have- any _ _ =- = questions=-or- require further information..- --- _ _ -- - - . - - Sincerely-, - _- - . _ _ - - ~_ -. - _-==_ _ -- -_:-~ - --Pat-= Mu1~l=hof e ~ - _-_ -_ - _ --- -_ -_ -Supervisor- - - - - - -- . - -- -- - -- -PM/ph _ - - - - ----- -===cc Biggar Cons-t ruction - - - ---- -- - --- - _ _ ~- Santa-Mana:Gal~fomia 93454-._(803)'925=22-31. -- - •- ~ _._ Bakersfield; California_ FAX (805)589 ~5~31:2-=_ _ LABORATORIES • Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date of P O BOX 6278 Report: 05/16/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Lab #: 94-05019-1 Attn.: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: CALPI #6142: 2' CENTER OF TANK (SOIL) 05-12-94 @ 3:30PM SAMPLED BY J.P. MULLHOFER TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received ® Lab: Completed: 05/12/94 05/12/94 05/13/94 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units Limit Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.00.5 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mgjkg 0.`005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01` Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. a .. _. _ _____. ~ .__ __ r California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor All results listed in this report are for the exclusive use of the submitting party. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachmentor third party interpretation. 4100 Atlas Ct. • Bakersfield, CA 93308 • (805) 327-491 1 • FAX (e~7 327-1918 LABORATORIES • • Purgeable Aromatics and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons CALPI Date of P O BOX 6278 Report: 05/16/94 BAKERSFIELD, CA 93386 Lab #: 94-05019-2 Attn.: J.P. MULLHOFER 589-5648 Sample Description: CALPI #6142: 6' CENTER OF TANK (SOIL) 05-12-94 ® 3:35PM SAMPLED BY J . P . MULLHOFER TEST METHOD: TPH by D.O.H.S. / L.U.F.T. Manual Method - Modified EPA 8015 Individual constituents by EPA Method 5030/8020. Sample Matrix: Soil Date Sample Date Sample Date Analysis Collected: Received Q Lab: Completed: 05/12/94 05/12/94 05/13/94 Practical Analysis Reporting Quantitation Constituents Results Units ~°~.Limt;? ~ ~ ~ - ~~ Benzene None Detected mg/kg "0.M1005 Toluene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Ethyl Benzene None Detected mg/kg 0.005 Total Xylenes None Detected mg/kg 0.01 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (gas) None Detected mg/kg 1. ti California D.O.H.S. Cert. #1186 Department Supervisor All results listed in this reportage for the exclusive use of the submitting parry. BC Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for report alteration, separation, detachmentor third parry interpretation. 41 OD Atlas Ct. • Bakersfield, CA 93308 • (B05] 327,491 1 • FAX (805J 327-191 B er,o~o enert+w or omeo.rrorr~~. _ .crnouw~woeewsrmiear+eo (~ •~ ~~ ~_~~ ~ ~j DATE PAGE ~_~OF nvc. ~~ ~ 1 ~/_ ~~ u j I I l i i~~ I i i!! I ill~!ililillil lllll i l i l( l l i l l i l l l .i REUNOUISHEv i3Y ~ DATE ;RECEIVED BY ~ DATE I REL1N0UlSHED 8Y 'DATE I RECEIVED 8Y DATE TOTAL NUMBEA , I i j 4 I ~ ~ OF CONTAINERS j I ~ I ~ METHOD OF SHIPMENT j ' i nature I i Slgnaturo ! ~ Signawre j j Signature i // ~ ! ~~(/~,,~f~ ( TIME ~ ;TIME ~ TIME ! I TIME ?r, IM Name i Pnntetl Name ~ I Pnnteo Name I i Pnntetl Name SPECIAL SHIPMENTMANDUNG i i ! i OR STORAGE AE0UTAEMENTS , ;,:roanv ~ Comoarn Comoanv ~ i Comoany ~=_L!NCU!SHED BY :DATE ~ PECdVED 6Y ~ CAT: RELINOUlSHED EY ~ D:.T"c CEIVFoD BY S:Qna:ure c S~pnature ;Signature re "1, TIME TIME "iME-~ `'t = ,,,_~ Na-•e 1 ~~ PnnteC Name ~ ?!mie0 ~^+a m? Iar-1e I / ~ ( ~ r . ACDRESS CALPZ, Inc. PARA ME; cRS O THE R ? 0 BOX 6278 BAKERSF:ELD ~.; 93366 r ' ~RO.IE~, l Z \/~~/J ~ ~f s ~ ~ i ~ 1 V N ~ W 3 BSEFNAT10NSl 3AMPL=RS S16nQture: ,~~ ~ J W ~ ^ _ ~ h W J W ¢ m ~ ~y ~ C Cr W ~ ~ o W ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 W ~ c CC 11 E COMMEN75 ;prtnfedName ~// y/~~,, ~ .c~~~ /Grr O~ < g^ OW ° e <g ~ ~ o_ W ~ ~'s <c S I ~ o$ `^ o$ ~ o . ° ~ i I ' SAMP~S NO ! OATc ! i1ME i LOCATION ~ S P -~- I 13~ a~ I ~ ~~ ~,~~ I I I I I I~ I I I I I I I i l l l t ~• I3f .3d I~ ~~ I I I I I I~ I ~ S~ I i i I I 111111ff~1 111 1 1 1 1 /1 I I Ilil!iill-ill l l lj l l i ! I I! I i i I i i i l i l l{ I I I I ,. I I i I ~il~~ii!-~ilfll l l~ i l ~ ' I i I i I i i I I I I I ~ ~ I { 11 1 11 „ 1 1 ! 1 i 1 I i i~ ~ i i ~ i l l i l l l l l l ~ratoryl i DaTc- I i j I (V`'V ~'1M! I '~ ~s ~ ~~~ ~ __ 7 State d Callifomks-Health and Welfare Agency Department of Health Servk:es See Instnictions on bac~ page 6. Toxic Substances Control Program Sacramento, California UNIFORM HAZARDOUS 1. Generators us EPA ID No. Manifest Document No. 2. Page 1 Information in it» shaded areas WASTE MANIFEST (it!~ Ili I (~ Id I~ I I a~1 t!vi IZO 61 ~ I 12 I A / or ~ ~ r,~t requ'ued by Fedora law. 3. Generators Name and Mailing Address c ~ ;;A:.$tgfr~;MgriSert ~9cVmen~~!lijm!?e ; :: :::; !; ~' ?`> ;;.:.'° :?? :: ....::.::::.:..::::.:::::: ata Her ors i,.;'>::><i;>`:`:: :: S ~- d d ~~ - ~ E rs Ptane nerato - Ga ~ 3. a c ~ ~ s 3 ............ .......... G E N b. E R A T c. O R Q Hi: .._. ,F ..... 12. Con ainers 11 Total la Unit No. Tvoe euantity WfNol ~ ~ ~~nl Q ~ 1° R A N s P O R i E R F A C I L I T Y 7. Transporter 2 Company Name 8. US EPA ID Number 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Hated ~tyNNpp~ nd Sher ~cRis lq. US EPA ID Number . Sp Cialh r^ ~ ~ ~Th Q I Q I I GHQ Q 11. l1S DOT Oescrlptkxi (Includkp Proper Shlppkig Name, Hazard Ckm, and ID Number) a/~/dAJ ~PGa~ f~A-zq,a-~ovs !1/A.S~~ L~a.«.~ 15. Special Handling Irxhuctbro and Additbnat IMornwtbn ~ 80;x- ti; 8 S S6 3~~° ~iBSv.~/ ~~/vas~ ~yS6 z 16. GENERATORS CERTIFICATION: I hereby declare ttxrt the contenh of thb corcignment are fully arxt occuratey described above by proper shipping name and are ckxuQied, packed, marked, and labeled, and are in aq respects kt proper corxiitbn for transport by highway according to applicable Internatbnal and national govemmenf regulations. K I am a kuge quardHy generator, I certify that I have a program ki pk~ce to reduce the volume and toxlcily of waste generated to the degree 1 have determkied to be econombaty practbable and that I have selected The proctk~able method of treaflnent, storage, or disposal curtently available to me wfiich minim¢es the present and future threat to human health and the envkonment: OR, Y I am a small quantity generator, I have made a good faith effort to minimize my waste generatbn and select the best waste management method that fs available to me and that I can afford ?rinted/Typed Name Signature ~ Month Coy Yec 11, Trarssponer 1 Acknowledgg~nt of Receipt of Materials /"~ / U ntA~ / Fj ~i S i I Monfn Day i I lol~ l i I GI ~ Slgnahue >t of txsarcious materb6 covered by this manQest except as noted in item 1 spnahue ~„~ DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE. DNS t1027A(1Z/90) White: TSDf SENDS iHIS COPY TO DHS WITHIN 30 DAYS. EPA8700-22 - To: P.O. Box X000. SacrnmQnto. CA 95812 CONTRACTOR: . ~ . . GOLDEN STATE METALS, INC. P. O. Box 70158 2000 E. Brundage Lane Bakersfield, California 93387 Phone (805) 327-3559 Fax (805) 327-5749 Scrap Metals, Processing & Recycling Pao 10612 TANK DISPOSAL FORM Date ~ ~ ~ ,19 Contractor's J License No. Contractor's •~ ~ ~~ Phone No. JOB SITE: < ADDRESS: ~ ~ ~ , DESTINATIO G. S. M. 2000 E. BRUNDAGE LANE BAKERSFIELD, CA 93 7 HAULER: LICENSE NO:. I ~ ~ ~/1 WEIGHT CERT. NO: EHSD PERMIT NO: "~°° COUNTY: -- TA -INSPECTION CLEAN & DRY ACCEPT OR ( ) ^ RESIDUALS PRESENT (REJECT) LEL READING OXYGEN CONTENT DISPOSAL FEE SCRAP VALUE OTHER QTY GALLONS SERIAL NO. NET TONS 250 .14 ': `L'1'`i {i 550 .24 >44>><> looo - s n .s1 2000 .97 3000 1.32 sooo z.az ''>;';'X04;;:::::> :> ><»z;>:z;:;::>:;>:>:::<;>;;!;<;;>.;:;.;::.> ::.::::::::::. 7500 3.28 ''a`''?« 9000 3.82 £:i::::~~QQ:2ii:5:;:iii: ::%:>~>i:::r::rri:>::::i : ::::::::::.............. . ..... 12000 4.93 TOTAL All fees incurred are per load unless specified. Terms are net 30 days from receipt of tank. Contractor's signature represents acceptance of terms for payment, and confirms that tank removal complies with State laws. TH TOTAL _ _ /,~\n . , ~~ CJ(..J `( ~~- - Y.Rg ~ Bakersfield Fire Dep~ PERMIT o. Y,..~.,, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION (~~ ~ ^ ~ UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE BIGGAR CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS 1 00 OAK STREEZiP CODE 93304 APN ------ FACILITY NAME BIGGAR CONSTRUCTIONCROSS STREET BRUNDAGE TANK OWNER/OPERATOR DAVE BIGGAR PHONE No. 323-6094 MAILING ADDRESS _ 100 OAK STREET CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93304 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 INSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND WORKMENS COMP No. 1 01 1 809 PRELiMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 INSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND WORKMENS COMP No. 1 01 1 809 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER .405240 NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY GIBBON REFINERY ADDRESS END OF COMMERCIAL DRIVE CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93308 FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD 9808831 77 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, -INC. PHONE No. ADDRESS P, O. BOX 6278 TANK DESTINATION GOLDEN STATE METALS 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED 1 25 YRS. 500 GALLONS. GAS UNKNOWN .: fOR OFFICUI USE ONLY .;;:.: :: R .::: ,R I'IaCATION D IE ' :>: ~AC1EIfiYN~7,.~~><>>~:< ..: aV~.:tQF TANI€S.... . ' FEE 5....: THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND Will COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDI110NS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY OTHER STATE. LOCAL ANDFEDERAI REGUtATION3. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ~ ~ PP O APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED ~J February 1, 1993 David M. Biggar 100 Oak Street Bakersfield, CA 93304 Dear Mr. Biggar: In response to your request to temporarily close your underground storage tank at 100 Oak Street. We can accept your request for a temporary closure that would be good until January 6, 1994. However, the following conditions must be met on the tank. 1) All liquids must be removed and properly disposed of. 2). All access locations, fills and piping shall be sealed utilizing locked caps or concrete plugs (with the exception of the vent line). 3) Power Service to the pumps shall be disconnected. Please complete the above closure then submit a written inspection record reporting that each of these issues have been addressed. Include the name of the person who has verified completion and the date of verification. Forward this closure report to this office by February 26, 1993. On or before September 30, 1993 submit a time table for complete closure by January 6, 1994. If I can be of any further assistance please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely yours, Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator REH/ed ~~ hey :~fe.h+y ~' • DAVID M. BIGGAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR INC LICENSE NUM6EFi 302949 a[q~4 ~' ,AYP~' a ~IJ~ . January 22, 1993 Bakersfield Fire Department 2141 H St Bakersfield CA 93341 Attn: Ralph E. Huey Haz Mat Coordinator ~~~QM~ `~ J~-~ 2 6 1993 ~. g In response to your letter dated January b, 1993, this firm hereby requests temporary closure of our underground storage tank. It is our intention to remove this tank by September 34, 1993. However, at this time the funds are not available to pay for the tank's removal. The fluid level (currently 26 gallons) will continue to be checked daily. If additional information is required, please contact me. You-s very truly, lf`l~ DAVID M. BIGGAR, ld President DMB/shb '100 OAK STREET BAKERSFIELO CA 93304-2496 (805) 323-6094 y~, ,..~. aA~y __ .d CITY of BAKERSFIELD "WE CARE" '/~4`tiLp FAR ,~~~ ~ . ~ ;Y ~4 :~ January 6, 1993 FIRE DEPARTMENT S. D. JOHNSON FIRE CHIEF DAVID M. BIGGAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. 100 OAK STREET BAKERSFIELD, CA 93304 DEAR MR. BIGGAR: 2101 H STREET BAKERSFIELD, 93301 326-3911 It has come to our attention that you currently own property located at 100 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA which contains one underground storage tank. Our records reveal that the tank has been out of service for more than ninety (90) days. Per 79.116(c) of the Uniform fire Code these tanks must be properly closed. Please make the necessary arrangements to properly close these tanks by February 8, 1993. If you have. any questions, please call me at (805) 326-3979. Sincerely, ~~ Ralph E. Huey Hazardous Materials Coordinator Underground Tank Program :. J _ _ I ~iR~- ~ Bakersfield Fire Dep~ ~~"~ ; HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DIVISION ~''°° ~, ~ ' r~ V: ' ~ 2130 G Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301RECE~ VEA . ~ ~ ~ *R r a 4J ~FSC~~. ~ (805) 32fi-3970 DEC ? 1991 Rf '~ , ~~LJ/4S UNDERGROUND TANK QUESTIONNA••-....,••- ~~ 215-00 -001344 I. FACILITY/SITE No. OF TANKS ONE DBA OR FACILITY NAME David M. Biggar, General Contractor, Inc. NAME OF OPERATO ' David M, Biggar, General Contractor, Inc, ~ ADDRESS 100 Oak St NEAREST CROSS STREET PARCEL No.(OPTIONAI) Brundage Ln 008-062-18-00-1 CITY NAME Bakersfield STATE ZIP CODE CA 93304-2496 / BOX TO INDICATE ®CORPORATION ^ {NDIVIDUAL ^ PARTNERSHIP ^ IOCAI AGENCY DISTRICTS ^ COUNTY AGENCY ^ STATE AGENCY ^ FEDERAL AGENCY ttPSEOF BUSINESS ^ 1 GAS STATION Q 2 DISTRI6UTCR - ~ 'KERN COUNTY PERMIT 190006C ~ ~~~ ^3FARM Q4PROCESSOR SOTNER TO OPERATE No. EMERGENCYCONTACT PERSON (PRIMARYI EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SECONDARY) ootlonal DAYS: NAME (LASE FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE ~ 8i ar David M, 805 - 323-b094 ' NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Biggar, David M. 805 - 324-5210 II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME David M, Bi ar, General Contractor, .Inc. CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION David M, Biggar, President MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS / BOX ^ INDIVIDUAL ^ LOCAL AGENCY ^ STATE AGENCY 100 Oak St TO INDICATE QPARTNERSHIP ^COUNttAGENCY QFEDERALAGENCY CITY NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WSTH AREA CODE Bakersfield ~ CA 93304-2496 805 - 323-6094 III. TANKOWNER INFORMATION (MUST BE COMPLETED) NAME David M, Biggar, General Contractor, Inc. CARE OF ADDRESS INFORMATION David M, Biggar, President MAILING OR STREET ADDRESS ~ / BOX ^ INDIVIDUAL Q LOCAL AGENCY Q STATE AGENCY 100 - Oak St I ~^v INDICATE ^PARTt:"cRSHiP V~CUNTYAGcNCY ^FEDERALAGENCY Cltt NAME STATE ZIP CODE PHONE No. WITH AREA CODE Bakersfield CA 93304-2496 805 - 323-6094 OWNER'S DATE VOLUME PRODUCT IN TANK No. INSTALLED STORED SERVICE ONE 1954 550ga1s Gasoline Y /~ ,, Y / N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N DO YOU HAVE FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? ~N TYPE Private :..' ;- `I:'tANK DESCRIPTION COMPLET TEMS - SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D.>< ONE B. MANUFACTURED MCCprth Tpnk 8c Steel C. DATE fNSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) ~ 954 D. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: 550 ~I~. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES 0. B, AND C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. TYPE OF ^ 7 DOUBLE WALL ^ 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER ® 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ^ 2 SINGLE WALL ^ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) ^ 99 OTHER TANK B X^ t BARE STEEL ^ 2 STAINLESS STEEL • ^ 3 FIBERGLASS ^ 4 STEEL CLAD W/ FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC .. MATERIAL ^ 5 CONCRETE ^ 6 POLYVINYL CHlORIOE ^ 7 ALUMINUM ^ 8 1009'. METHANOL COMPATIBLE W/FAP (Primary Tank) ^ g BRONZE ^ t0 GALVANIZED STEEL ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER ^ t RUBBER LINED ^ 2 ALKYD LuJWG ^ 3 EPOXY LINING ^ 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR LINING ^ 5 GLASS LINING X^ 8 UNLINED ^ 96 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER IS UNING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 1009X METHANOL? YES_ NO_ D. CORROSION ^ 1 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ^ 2 COATING ^ 3 VINYL WRAP ^ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION, ^ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ^ 91 NONE 095 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IF ABOVE GROUND OR U IF UNOERGROUNO,BOTH IF APPLICABLE A. SYSTEM TYPE A 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GFiAVRY p U 99 OTHER B. COySTRUCTION 4 U { SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL. __ 4 U 3 LINED TRENCH A 45 UNKNOWN 4 U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U 1 BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION PROTECTION A U A U 5 ALUMINUM 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U. A U 8 CONCRETE A U 10 CATHODIC PROTECTION 7 STEELW/COATING A U A~95 UNKNOWN A U 8 1009: METHANOL COMPATIBLEW/FRP 99 OTHER D. LEAK DETECTION t AUTOMATICIINELEAKDETECTOR 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING 91NTERSTITUI 0 ~ MONRORING 99 OTHER Mpnual Stick V. TANK LEAK DETECTION ^ t VISUAL CHECK 0 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ^ 3 VAPOR MONITORING ^ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING ^ 5 GROUND WATER MONITORING ^ 6 TANK TESTING ^ 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ^ 91 NONE ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER 1. TANK DESCRIPTION COMPLETE ALL ITEMS -SPECIFY IF UNKNOWN A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. x B. MANUFACTURED BY: C. DATE INSTALLED (MO/DAY/YEAR) 0. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS: III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A B_ ANO C. AND ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D A. TYPE OF ^ t DOUBLE WALL ^ 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER ^ 95 UNKNOWN SYSTEM ^ 2 SINGLE WALL ^ 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTED TANK) ^ 99 OTHER ^ 1 BARE STEEL ^ 2 STAINLESS STEEL ^ 3 FIBERGLASS ^ 4 STEEL CIAO W/FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC 8. TANK MATERIAL ^ 5 CONCRETE ^ 6 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE ^ 7 ALUMINUM ^ B 100% METHANOL COMPATIBLE WlFRP (Primary Tank) n g BRONZE ^ t0 GALVANIZED STEEL ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER ^ t RUBBER LINED ^ 2 ALKYD LINING ^ 3 EPOXY LINING ^ 4 PHENOLIC LINING C. INTERIOR ^ 5 GLASS LINING ^ 8 UNLINED ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER LINING IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH 100% METHANOL? YES _ NO_ D. CORROSION ^ 7 POLYETHYLENE WRAP ^ 2 COATING ^ 3 VINYL WRAP ^ 4 FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTIC PROTECTION ^ 5 CATHODIC PROTECTION ^ 91 NONE ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER IV. PIPING INFORMATION CIRCLE A IFABOVEGROUNDOR U IFUNDERGROUND.BOTHIFAPPIICABLE V. TANK LEAK DETECTION •A. SYSTEM TYPE A U t SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER 8. CONSTRUCTION A U t SINGLE WALL A U 2 DOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINED TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND A U t BARE STEEL A U 2 STAINLESS STEEL A U 3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE CORROSION A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 8 CONCRETE A U 7 STEEL W/COATING A U 8 700°/< METHANOL COMPATIBLE WIFRP PROTECTION A U 9 GALVANIZED STEEL A U t0 CATHODIC PROTECTION A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 99 OTHER D LEAK DETECTION t AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR 2 LINE TIGHTNESS TESTING (~j 7 INTERSTITIAL 0 gg OTHER 0 . u MONRORING t VISUAL CHECK ^ 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION ^ 3 VAPOR MONITORING ^ 4 AUTOMATIC TANK GAUGING ^ 5 GROUND WATER !AONITORING 6 TANK TESTING ^ 7 INTERSTITIAL MONITORING ^ 91 NONE ^ 95 UNKNOWN ^ 99 OTHER ~x ., FILE CONTENTS INVENTORY Da t e Date Date Amended Permit Conditions Permit Application Form, ~ Tank Sheets ~ ^ Application to Abandon tanks(s) Date ^ Annual Report Forms Facility ~ ~ ` ® Permit to Operate ^ Construction Permit # ^ Permit to abandons No. of Tanks ^ Correspondence - Mailed ' Date Date 'Date ^ Unauthorized Release Reports ^ Abandonment/Closure Reports ^ Sampling/Lab Reports ^ MVF Com pliance Check New onstruct on C ec st) ^ STD Compliance Check (New Construction Checkl ist) ^ MVF Plan Check (New Construction) ^ STD Plan Check (New Construction) ^ MVF Plan Check (Existing Facility) ^ STD Plan Check (Existing Facility) ^ "Incomplete Application" Form ^ Permit Application Checklist ^ Permit Instructions ^ Discarded ^ Tightness Test Results Date Da t e Date ^ Monitoring Well Construction ata Permits --------------- - - - --------------- ------------ ^ Environmental-Sensitivity Data: ^Groundwater Drilling, Boring Logs ^ Location of Water Wells ------------------=- ^ Statement of Underground Conduits ® Plot Plan Featuring All Environmentally ^ Photos Construction Drawings Loc Sensitive Data ation ^ Half sheet showing date received and tally of ^ Miscellaneous inspection time, etc N~:S ~~a,b/~s I ~ ~ M~rg~n~~ .~ ~t.;) )'? !!« (" PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility David M, Biggar, General Contractor, Inc. Permit # 190006C This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. - Please complete this form and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: - -. . _..:. - Yes No /- , ~~w.~ - / x A: The packet I reJr,eived contained:,/ _ . / - `. ~ _ - : ~/' ./_ ~~$ 1) Cover Letter, Permit Checklist~.Interim Permit, Phase ~I `Interim .Permit . ..Monitoring Require~nts,..Information Sheet _(Agreemen~,Between Owner and `'Operator), hapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941), ..Explanation of Substance.. Codes, -Equipment ists and Return'Envelope. ._. -= ~ _ 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT 10.`~ ~ ~~ ~~ 3) The Following Forms: / _ n - - - - --. a) Inventory Recording Sheet / .. .. b) Inventory Reconciliation S~"eet with summary on reverse / c) Trend Analysis Worksheet/ // 4) An Action Chart.°(to post at facility) V B. I have examined .the information on my Interim Permit, Phase. I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, facility name and address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): _ 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water-finding paste '~ D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between owner and operator). . ~/ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label charts} with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). _, F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last 30 days and were calibrated by a registered. device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). _ G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-10. Date Started September 23, 1986_ ,r Signature of Person Completing Checklist: /' Title: President Date : September 26, 1986 ~~ _ 3 Send all information to Operator: Name: Address: (Operator can make copy of permit for Owner}. . Kern County Health Departure Fermi --- ~ f 0 ~~~/ Division of Environmental f'~; Application 17Q0 Flower Street, Bakersfield; CA 93305 c} `'APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO OPERATE UNDERGROUND • -HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Tie of Application (chec ): ONew Facil-i y [~-rbdification of Facility ®Existing Facility ^Transfer of Ownership A. Emergency 24-Hour Contact (name, area code, phone): Days -David M. Bi ar 805-323-6094 Nights avid i ar - - Facility Name David M, Biggar, General Contractor, Inc. No. o ~ Tanks Type of Business (check): Gasp ne Station er escribe) General ui ing ontractor Is Tank (s) Located on an Agricultural Farm? ^ Yes ®Ab Is Tank(s) Used Primarily for Agricultural Purposes? ~~Yes ®Pb ~ _ - --`` ~ `~~'"- ~'~ -, ~ `.` Facility Address 100 Oak Street ~ Nearest Cross St. Brundage Lanef'Stockde T 29 S- R SEC Kura Locat ons Only) - . Owner .6avid ~i gar, Gener~ontractor, Inc. Contact Person David M. Biggar - ~. Address 100 Oak Street, • °Bakersfield A Z p 93304-2496 Telephone 805 - 323-6094 ~- °~Operator -same as above ~~~°~:~ ~ ~ Contact Person r -, _ t,«s/ - ..Address ., Z p '-Telep~ne , . _, - B. -Water to Facility Provided by California Water Service ~ - -~` Depth to Groundwater 300' -~ --x•~'~' `Soil Characteristics at Facility and Dour 5 o a ~ - -'`'+~" - `Basis for Soil Type and Groundwater Dep Detern not ons of na ysis eport in 50 C. Contractor CA Contractor's License i~io. Address ~ Zip Telephone Proposed Start nq Date Propos Can etion Date Worker's Compensation Cert cat on # Insurer D. If This Permit Is For Modification Of An Existing Facility, Briefly Describe Modifications Proposed E. Tank(s) Store (check all ttsat apply) Tank ~ Waste Product Motor Vehicle Unleaded Regular Prw Dim Waste Fu~+ '~~ ONE a ^ ^ O ~ a F. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored (not necessary for motor vRhicle fuels) Tank # Chemical Stored (non-commercial name) CAS # (if known) Chemical Previousl Stored ( Brent) G. Transfer of _Ci_w_n_e_r_s~hi~ Date o Trans of r Previous Owner Previous Facility Name I, accept u y all obl gat ons o Perm t Ab. slued to I understand that the Permitting Authority may review and mode y or terminate a transfer of the Permit to Oipetate this underground storage facility upon receiving this completed form. This form has been completed under penalty of perjury and to the best of my knowledge is true and correct. Signature Title President Date 3/11/85 Facility Name David M, Bi ar, General Contractor, Inc. Permit No, ,~ TANK ~ ~ - (FILL OUT SEPARATE FORM ~_ c.ACH TANK) FOR EACH SECTION, CHECK ALL APPROPRIATE BOXES H. 1. Tank is: ^Vaulted ®Non-Vaulted ^Double-Wall ^Single-Mall 2. Ten~c Material ®Carbon Steel ^ Stainless Steel ^ Polyvinyl Chloride ^ Fiberglass lad Steel []Fiberglass-Reinforced Plastic ^ Concrete ^ Aluminum ^ Bronze ^Unknown ^ Other (describe), 3. Primary Containment Date Installed Thickness (Inches)- Capacity (Gallons) Manufacturer 1954 3/16" 550 gals local 4. Tank Secondary Containment ^Double-Wall-Synthetic Liner ^ Lined Vault ®None ^Unknown ^Other (describe) : Manufacturer: ~ -~ "" ^Material Thickness (Inches) Capacity (Gals.) 5. Tank Interior Lining ~ -. :~ ~ =~ ~_. -Rubber ^Alkyd ^Epoxy ^Phenolic ^Glass ^Clay ®Unlined . ^Unknown , - :[]Other .(describe) : _ r ~.. _. - ,. _ _.. ~ ', .. ......- ,:- . - 6. ""` Tank Corrosion Protection :...: ~ =. ~- . _.:. ,:, _.- --~. - _ ~-~Ga vane ~FiTergTass-Clad ^Polyethylene Wrap r ^Vinyl Wrapping ~:` ~; >.~^Tar or Asphalt QUnknown ^None ^Other (describe) : ...~= ~ ,• ~: ~ ~'~,~ ,_ Cathodic Protection: ,®None ^Impressed Current System ^Sacr c a e System DescriFe System & Equipment: _ ~ . -t ~. -- -t . ~~~~. -;~ 7. `Leak Detection, Monitoring, and Interce tion a. Tank: ^Visual (vaulted tanks only) Groundwater Monitorircj Wiell (s) ^ Vadose Zone Monitoring Well(s) ^ U~fube Without Liner ^ U-Tube with Compatible Liner Dfrectirz~ Flow to Monitorirx3 Well(s)* ^ Vapor Detector* ^ Liquid Level Sensor ^ Conductivity Sensor* ^ Pressure Sensor in Annular Space of Double Wall Tank ^ Liquid Retrieval & Inspection From U-Tube, Monitoring Well or Annular Space ^ Daily Gauging & Inventory Reconciliation ^ Periodic Tightness Testing ®None ^ Unknown ^ Other b. Piping: Flow-Restricting Leak Detector(s) for Pressurized Pipinq ^ Monitoring Sump with Raceway ^ Sealed Concrete Raceway ^ Half-Cut Compatible Pipe Raceway ^ Synthetic Liner Raceway ®Nane ^ Unknown ^ Other *Describe Make & Mode : 8. Tank Ti htness Aas is anc en Tightness Tested? ^Yes (~No ^Unknown Date of Last Tightness Test Results of Test Test Name Testing Company 9. Tank Re~i r Tank Repaired? ^Yes ®No ^Unknown Date(s) of Repair(s) Describe Repairs 10. Overfill Protection Operator Fuels, Controls, & Visually Monitors Level ^Tape Float Gauge ^Float Vent Valves ^ Auto Shut- Off Controls ^Capacitance Sensor ^Sealed Fill Box ^None ®Unknown ^Other: List Make & Model For Above Devices 11. Piping a. Underground Piping: ^Yes ^No ^Unknown Material Thickness (inches) Diameter Manufacturer ^Pressure ®Suction Gravity Approximate Length o Pipe Run b. Underground Piping Corrosion Protection ^Galvanized ^Fiberglass-Clad ^Lnpressed Current ^Sacrificial Anode ^Polyethylene Wrap ^Electrical Isolation ^Vinyl Wrap ^Tar or Asphalt ®Unknown ^None ^Other (describe) c. Underground~Piping, Secondary Containment: ^Double-Wall ^Synthetic Liner System ^None ®Unknown ^Other (describe): 1700 Fbwer Streei Bakereflsld, Caltfornla 93305 Telephone (805)881-3838 ~~RN COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTA-~~ HEALTH OFFICER Leon M FNbertson, M.D. DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Vernon S Rek:hard Date: ` ~/~" Re: Permit Checklist Facility Permit # ~ ;C`~6C If any of the above are checked an equipment supplier list will be enclo//se''d with thi~s~.l~ette~r~, /- - Comments : C.~ ~~'lc! 7i'~1 ~~-~ //.~1~7~~~ O'~GL~G~~ Agreement between owner and operator (see attached if checked) ' Comments: ~cking Tank Calibration Chart(s) Comments : ~L /~ W ~ /. ^ Lacking Meter Calibration Check(s) Comments: Please submit the necessary information checked above within 14 days. Another permit checklist has been included for your convenience. If you have any questions or are having a problem acquiring necessary equipment or services please call me at (805) 861- 3636. Sincerely, ~~ , Bill Schelde Environmental Health Specialist Hazardous Materials Management Program HMMP - 500 DISTRICT OFFICES Delano Lamont Lake Isabella Mo~eve Rldgecreat Shaker Taft ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION ~< PERMIT CHECKLIST Facility David M. Biggar, General Contractor, Inc. Permit # 190006C This checklist is provided to ensure that all necessary packet enclosures were received and that the Permittee has obtained all necessary -equipment to implement the first phase of monitoring requirements. Please complete this fora and return to KCHD in the self-addressed envelope provided within 30 days of receipt. Check: Yes No :r" ~ .. .A.' The packet I received contained: .. - _ "i) Cover Letter, .Permit Checklist, ,Interim Permit, Phase I .Interim Permit Monitoring Requirements, Information Sheet (Agreement Between Owner and Operator), .Chapter 15 (KCOC #G-3941),. Explanation of Substance Codes, Equipment Lists and Return Envelope. -. = ;,fi~;~..~.. y=..~: 2) Standard Inventory Control Monitoring Handbook #UT-10. . 3) The Following Forms: - ~~ a) Inventory Recording Sheet " b) Inventory Reconciliation Sheet with summary on reverse ~ c) Trend Analysis Worksheet - 4) An Action Chart "(to post at facility). ` B. I have examined the information oa my Interim Permit, Phase I Monitoring Requirements, and Information Sheet (Agreement between Owner and Operator), and find owner's name and address, Pacility name and .address, operator's name and address, substance codes, and number of tanks to be accurately listed (if "no" is checked, note appropriate corrections on the back side of this sheet). C. I have the following required equipment (as described on page 6 of Handbook): 1) Acceptable gauging instrument 2) "Striker plate(s)" in tank(s) 3) Water=finding paste D. I have read the information on the enclosed "Information Sheet" pertaining to Agreements between Owner and Operator and hereby state that the owner of this facility is the operator (if "no" is checked, attach a copy of agreement between / owner and operator). / _ E. I have enclosed a copy of Calibration Charts for all tanks at this facility (if tanks are identical, one chart will suffice; label chart(s) with corresponding tank numbers listed on permit). _ F. As required on page 6 of Handbook #UT-10, all meters at this facility have had calibration checks within the last SO days and were calibrated by a registered device repairman if out of tolerance (all meter calibrations must be recorded on "Meter Calibration Check Form" found in the Appendix of Handbook). _ G. Standard Inventory Control Monitoring was started at this facility in accordance with procedures described in Handbook #UT-10. Date Started Signature of Person Co®pleting Checklist: ~'/ - ~~ ~~i Title: President ~~~". Date: January 28, 1987 ~~" ~~ I McCnF.THY TAA.'IC $ STEEL COMPANY 3030 M STREET P 0 BOX 1887 BAKERSFIELD ~ CALFIORIVIA 93303 550 Gallons UNDERGROUND U.I.. TANK CAPACITY CHART TANK SibE 45 1 2" DIA. X 80" SHELL ' . D~, *h c.° Capacity - Depth of Capacity :.i ;;iii :n In " Liquid In - is - _. ' , ~che; .. s: . ~r -- - Ga'_lons - ~r~ - - rrr Inches r ~~r_~ rr. - - Gallons ~ ~~ ~ - __ r~~ * 2 - _ 24" ~ ~ 34~, --- -_... .~ ~ _ . .. ___ . -- -_ ... - ..- ~ - _.. g ._ 5 2 ~ 321 _ -~, 15 ; 26•' ~::. ~ .._ 4 ,,, _ :336 _ ~- ... t" ,_ 44 29" 383 ~'' S5 30" 397 -'' S7 31" 413 . %'° 81 3 2" 428 ~~' 92 33" 442 """"'-b .~ ~ ~ ~ --.re.rrs..~ 1CG - ~~ 34" .~. 4:, T 1L ' - - 119 35" 47.• ~~~ 134 36'' 484 'r~' 1C3 37" 496 ~- i8" lh3 38" 509 -~1 16" 179 i :r" 13 4 ~" 209 ;~' 27~ ...: ~~' 240 . ~. .. ~a.r~, r...~~r ,.1" 2 r 7 i2" 273 =~' 237 39" 520 40" S31 41" 542 42" ~SS1 43" 560 4C" 566 4S" S7I 45 1/2" S73 1 :: ~ Y ' ~ } t ~ f ~ ? l F N ~ ~. = t i~ . ~ r..: ~• T V _ [~. ;F ~~ ~: f 1 F ~'. i _. . t~ ~r ~. ®F F r ~t ~~ , O ~ - ~ O tpy ~, j : ,1S ., 7 ~ ~..~~ i R' :. ~: r1.i ~ ' ,t ~ rz ~ ~ , ' r ,. s , ~, ~,,r `v f {i _tE ~5 f/l~ ~~~ f.i .~ i~:!~~~ ~. ~s ,~ , ~'® ' ~ i ,~ ~ al ~ _ ` i ~.1~ Q ^'~ 3i '~! ~ ~ ~ ~~ k t`F ®Vr ~ ~ !.~' 3 'i ~~' }, I A J _ x5 d': ~ L S i4 k~ ;r1.. ~ ~ F ~ ~~t fps ..::\ 1 ., ~ ~ r o -~ i i ~~~~~. ~ 1_ ~t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ j ' 5' ~t4 ~1 ~L Sk~y~~s ~ '., F ~ .`, '~ 4 1 1~ r~ ~'f F'~t i ~ ,~,t~l~, n~ ~ ~t asp ~, LW. ~1Fw lil i ~3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~~~ ~ ; ~ ~' ~ , ~ ,~, ~ ~ i, iii ~ ~ ~ p rl ~ ~ , ,' s F4 ! ~ ! i i l 1, 1 ~~~ L4 i~ ! ~ 1, ~z~'~ ~ ~ ~ 4ie - iI N ;~, K-i a ,; ~~ ,..~ ~.,. i ~ n . _ ~.. ~ , , K t~ I~r` ,, i i ~• s {. 1 e,~ ,,~~ 4~`j iw~i :h~ ~~ k - F 1 r I i i In Office 100 Oak St. Bakersfie~d~Ca - Kz7` x 2T0° KE~tN ~ GOl'9~TY RESOU RGE MAN AGEI~ENT ADEN= ~ ~~= ENVIRON TAL HEALTH SERVICES •DEPAR NT ~ ~ • • ` ~~ 2700 "M"STREET, SULTE ~3OO~,~~BAKERSFIEL ~;-~' CA.93301 { ~: ia=_(8 0 5) 8 61-3 6 3 6 k .•~ - ~ 4~~~-- _ '~'€'~~ UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE STORAGE FACILIfTY s = ~-~ ' '• - * INSPECTION REPORT ~~- PE~RMIT# `19Q0O6_C ~:` T,iME ^,_'TN r'`~¢'~' ~°~TIME`{OUT ;_; "~ '~ '~NUMBER.OF TA'NKS:Y' ~,1 .. ,PERMIT y;.,~ YES i4fi~ zN0 '„ „/`' `;~ ~~INSPECTION .DATE: /Z~' ~/ ;TYPE- OF •~I'NSR:ECTION ROUT.INE~_M~~,~REINSPECTION -~~ EOMPL~ T-~ ' ~ :~. _ ¢ . -: '' - FACILITY;NAME.-,DAVID M~....8It3GQR~~GENERAL CC?N'TRACTOR.~~___~.:~_ ~.-- _ ` .`FACILITY,~,AdDRESS.1,,,;_,000 OAK 'STREET ^• _ ~ ~.,.,.M ~' ~ F$AKERSFI>ELD _CA c sue: _,».,...... ~ ~:_. _ .. _.,..-__.. .:.,~ ~~t~'-~ '_... • . ~ . r: ..:~. --: OWN ERS: -NAME : B I:GGARDAV I 0 M . „ ~.~RERATOR~~VAMEKDA~VID M $IGGAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR -~ _.____~_ 'i~r _.... JK ~ ~ k ~`k uFtM` -~. s £'' D~- ~ ~ ( f _- ~./ ~~-,•` ~~iu..A. 'M r y ~ ,j.,r~ryr~~ 'i^1i'*S~ ~ ~"t ~, i ~Y ` ~~.•.rlr3S .wN~ '~ ..3'~ ~.'~-~ i H .S. ~ t`} .. -. f tea.. ..-4 J. -: p~' ITEM.... _ - ., , V I OLAT I-ONS/OBSERVAT.LONS ~ :~ ~ _ ~. 1 ~PRIMkRY EE~NTAINMENT~l~I;i4RIN6 ,~,~„~~ ,~,~~_ ` ; ~~,; ~,-" ~ ~ __a° ~tJ ~- ~ ~p0~'' I~CC~'c~ ~ _,: :} a.-~'~Intercepti,ng an d9recting syst~a UU ~~~~` 'F~t ~~~,~ ~ rt -~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ r rya ~~ ~~ ~ f ~•,.~$ ~ ' ~ ,~ Standard rnventarji Control 't~'~-j' " ~ ~ _ ----,--r,~ -. :,.c. ~ ~ l~dified Invento Control ; ~;x; L~k_ ,;~ ~~~--°~ ' ~" . d ,~:In-tank CeveT Sensing Device s:~. , Groundwater Monitorine ~~"~~ ~~~'-= `` ~'-A~ ~... I.. ~ 7 9 X ~' ~..` ,.. i . S t u'°rm..."wr~r~v ••~t~ i ~ ...s.isyr,. /''? r' r' ~ -' 7 Permit ! , _ ___ ~ Date _ Environmental Sensitivity - Inspection Time ___~( ~" . UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS S UBS TANC E S TORAGE FACILITY 'w I NS PE CT I ON REPORT • n / ,f..~ ~/ rte.. / r ~y ~ J Pac111ty Name L/'/%y~~~~ ~~~ L'/'~'.:~lQ/ '7F'!1i%'//./l t'1~~r^~~°~ddresa ~~/.^ ,firf~ CT No. of Tanks ~,_ Is Inform 1 n on Permit/Application Correct? Yee / No _ Permit Posted? Yea ~~ No _ Type of Inspection: Routine ~_ Complaint Reinspection Comments: Priwery Containwent Monitoring: a. Intercepting and Directing System 'Standard Inventory Control Monitoring c. Modified Inventory Control Monitoring d. In-Tank Level Sensing Device e. Groundwater Monitoring f. Vadcae Zone Monitoring 2. Secondary Containwent Monitoring: a. Liner b. Double-Walled Tank c. Vault ~3 ~ Piping Monitoring L' a. Pressurized r-~ ,v1 Suction c. Gravity ~4~~, Overfill Protection (5.} Tightness Teating e. New Construction/Modification 7. Closure/Abandonment 8. Unauthorized Release L9.~~ Maintenance, General Safety and Operating Condition of Pacility -t f~ ~e - / !~f~`~%rrc.rrui~ tli~/~if~/ i'P~o~tli//cY!!GN Cis NP~v;rP<~ ?, ~=^fL~ °r ~~~~~iiH" CJJ~/~YPtl~r rnrcr~ii/p Q~ YP fv/'Yf <1 ~/7u~ ~~~oPOIe~ ~ ~! 7G~' /~/ BFI`" 1'~ac~iN J. L ~ ~I 3, ~T ~~r~cY~t-1~ uq IYP,~I~/yNalSrS~s CTS /'P`,U/Y~'l~ I -'I .~ I I I 1 ~ 'a:' ~ ' ~ >1: !~!~ I I I I I I I I I ~ l ~rf 1 ~_X. Reinapection scheduled? ~'r Yea No Approximate Reinspection Date /l^ Zf ~ •. 7 -~ r / ~ ~: INSPECTOR: ~~ - :-f.,_" ~ - REPORT RECEIVED BY: ~.- .. (form tHMMP-170) SITE INFORMATION .Bakersfield Fire De~ HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DI ON UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE BIGGAR CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS 1 00 OAK STREE'ZIP CODE 93304 APN ------ FACILITYNAME BIGGAR CONSTRUCTIONCROSS STREET BRUNDAGE TANK OWNER/OPERATOR DAVE BIGGAR PHONE No. 323-6094 MAILING ADDRESS 1 00 OAK STREET CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93304 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 INSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND PERMITf No. `~"J l Ic PREIIMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZiP CODE 93386 INSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND WORKMENS COMP No. 1 01 1 809 - - TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 C11Y BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 405240 NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY GIBBON REFINERY ADDRESS END OF COMMERCIAL DRIVE CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93308 FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD 9808831 77 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. 0. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 TANK DESTINATION GOLDEN STATE METALS TANK {NFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL STORED STORED PREVIOUSLY STORED 1 25 YRS. 500 GALLONS. GAS UNKNOWN -: ,...FOR OFiICV1l USE ONLY .;,:: :: >. app cA ...N R~ ~ .::.~ :::::::::...:.:::.:.. tVo~ DI TANS EE S U IIC3 Q _E ~A~Il111~Nc7,>;:::::;:::~>><~:::>:><:>:<::~: >. :. z THE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED. UNDERSTANDS. AND Will COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONOITiONS OF IRIS PERMiT AND ANY OTHER STATE, IOCAI ANO FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE AND CORRECT. ~ ~ PP O APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 933+ WORKMENS COMP No. 1 01 1 809 .7 • ,~ ~~~ni .~ .~- __ RSFIELD FIRE DEPARTME ZARDOUS MATERIAL DIVISI ~~ A!~ '"~ 2130 G Street, _, ~ Bakersfield, CA 93301 ~~ ~ ~ .: ~~~~~: .. (805) 326-3979 ~ * . ~ -~ _,,. TANK REMOVAL INSPECTION FORM `tp~"MQ~ FACILITY ~'~`or ADDRESS /E75 naFZ s~ OWNER ,~,gv~`c~ ~ rhea 4~2.. PERMIT TO OPERATE# CONTRACTOR CONTACT PERSON ~,-~ !pw! l,n~erz LABORATORY # OF SAMPLES ~ TEST METHODOLOGY PRELIMANARY ASSESSMENT CO. CONTACT PERSON COZ RECIEPT / LEL$ F'1 OZ$ //~ °lc PLOT PLAN CONDITION OF TANKS ~,~ CONDITION OF PIPING o,obc( CONDITION OF SOIL nM ehv~n~,S c`~w`~wrnn~n+a~fon s COMMENTS 0 DATE INSPECTORS NAIL SIGNATURE JUL 26 '94 08 40 KERN ENV HLTH (8057861-3429 P.1 ENViRC.~NMEN L HEALTH SERVICE~3EPARTMENT STEYE McCa~.#.EY. R.B.H.S. DIRECTOR TRANSMITTAL SKEET 2700 'stir 8w.c, avltt i0Q Baka~n.ld. CA iSi01 {i061 iil~3iii 18~1i) iit-is=! fAX DATE: 1 y ~ L!' "~ illy I~lII-~YrI-`I VIII FROM: ~ ~Lc r'~,' f c.' /ZC ~.rrl ~ .I~~lI L.~r.w I~~ l~ F~iX NO . ~3 ~ (l, .. (~ .~ Lp I I~.I~il~~a tOTAL PAGES (including this cover page? JUL 26 '94 0B~40 KERN~NV HLTH iB05)861-3429 p,2 ~~ Y CI~[I~~~} . F~~ ~ i~ I 1~~I'Il~TG _ ....... WEDNESDAY AUG~TST' ~, 199 AT 9:OC1 A1~ AT: cos .~G~~~s ~ C ~~~ ~~ srATZO~ ~o G CER, T`~ 380 Ferry Street Termlaal Island, CA 90'J81 (31.0) ~S-fi~0 General membership meeting followed by open forum discussions on pipeline testing criteria, tank re~aoval ~.3fled guideline draf~sg. ~e Fill disease/draft ciuestions to be presented to the State Board Stag at the Bakersfield point committee meeting in September. Board Members _t Bxvice c~ Vice~FYendrLeut Jnlsa White Seca~etat9 Jooaf Snt~ttrg ~~at~ sew ~~ .atria ~.a x~. If you have say questions or suggestions, please ca11 any board member. DAVID- M. BIGGA GENERAL CONTRACT~F ~~ .Be February 22, 1993 ~St! ~~~ 2 4 1993 HA2, MAT. DtV. City of Bakersfield Re: Underground Tank 21~~1 H St Hakersf field CA 933111 Attn: Ralph E. Huey ~ - ~ - --- -- Your letter dated February 1, 1993 has been received. This is to advise you that the following conditions have been met; 1. Only 26 gallons of gasoline remain in the tank. This is below the removable level of the tank. 2. The fill spout and gas handle have been locked. 3. The power source has been turned off. It is my understanding that the conditions will allow the underground storage tank to remain until it is removed by September 311, 1993, I, DAi1ID 1'1. BIGGAR, hereby verify completion of the above three items on February 22, 1993. If additional information is required, please contact me. Your very truly, DAVID P7. HIGGAR, ~~ President DiWB ~ shb 100 OAK STREET BAKERSPIELD CA 93304-2496 [805) 323-6094 ~.. Bakersfield Fire De HAZARDOUS MATERIALS Di ON UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PROGRAM PERMIT fTo, `~`~ t !c PERMIT APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL OF AN UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK SITE INFORMATION SITE BIGGAR CONSTRUCTION ADDRESS 1 00 OAK STREEZiP CODE 93304 APN ------ FACIIITYNAME BIGGAR CONSTRUCTIONCROSS STREET BRUNDAGE TANK OWNER/OPERATOR DAVE BIGGAR PHONE No. 323-6094 MAILING ADDRESS 1 00 OAK STREET CITY BAKERSFIELD ZiP CODE 93304 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 {NSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 WORKMENS COMP No. 101 1 809 PRELiMANARY ASSEMENT INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 INSURANCE CARRIER STATE FUND WORKMENS COMP No. 1 01 1 809 TANK CLEANING INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 ADDRESS P. _O. BOX 6278 CiTY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 WASTE TRANSPORTER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 405240 NAME OF RINSTATE DISPOSAL FACILITY GIB50N REFINERY ADDRESS END OF COMMERCIAL DRIVE CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93308 FACILITY INDENTIFICATION NUMBER CAD 9808831 77 TANK TRANSPORTER INFORMATION COMPANY CALPI, INC. PHONE No. 589-5648 LICENSE No. "A"506025 ADDRESS P. O. BOX 6278 CITY BAKERSFIELD ZIP CODE 93386 1ANK DESTINATION GOLDEN STATE METALS TANK INFORMATION TANK No. AGE VOLUME CHEMICAL DATES CHEMICAL S10RED STORED PREVIOUSLY S10RED 1 25 YRS. 500 GALLONS. GAS UNKNOWN ,.. FOR OFFICIAL USF ONLY .: i ;:: RphUCATE~N DATE ,.. EA.Cltl.1'~N .:<><»':<<>:<:>~<:`: CVo. O!= /~ f€S l~~E ;, ,....::.:.. :.... 4.:. .3.. N 5 1NE APPLICANT HAS RECEIVED, UNDERSTANDS, AND Wlll COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED CONDITIONS OF THIS PERMIT AND ANY O1HER STATE, LOCAL AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENAIiY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. IS TRUE ANO CORRECT. PP O APPLICANT NAME (PRINT) APPLICANT SIGNATURE THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED a~ ,, ,l1 a iV~,~,~~ F __ - - ~l ~G ~~ `/ ('f!-//eat /T~,e, ,8~~2 , L ~ ~~ rnec~ ,~i, n-, ~.~- ~e ~ `me c~~~~e~ ~'oR --fin, fbR~~. c~osuRe wqs ~xoiR~d ,anc~ RS~led ~~e_ 57~~~~5 Dn ~ ~s . ~,gKu, /yb ~o /d m~ ~,~~- ~e ~o~e~~C c~, o~ ~cl b~ DvY' o~ es - - c~toc..J _ b11y ~ti~ rn ;~/oll~ o`~ nix ~ ~ow~/l,, A-•,/c~ ~~ a> ©~ /~~ ~~en f1AVL Th2 MDn,~y TO R2~'''~eV~ 7'~ 7~An~ , GJ~,~C~, he S~l~`c~ ~°~ `~o ~~ ~~o RP. ~c: cove se </ ~ti ~ f~~~ . -- -- ~ `tJl'752004°' Account:~Number_~=: ACCOUNTS RECEIi/ABtEADJUSTMENT January 26, 1995 Date New Address Esther Duran Close Account - From Service Cha a Other Ad ustments X Fire Department -Hazardous Materials Division Department/Division D M BIGGAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR Billing Name 100 OAK STREET Billing Address Site Address Parcel # (if Applicable) Landlord Name & Address (If Applicable) ADJUSTMENT Last Billed Correct Billing Adjustment to BIIIIng Effective Date of Change 66.00 0 <66.00> 1-11-95 Ap v Remarks: THIS BUSINESS REMOVED THEIR UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK IN JUNE OF 1994. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN BILLED. ~ ys~ ~ Utilities --------- General ----------------------- Account Maintenance ----------------------- 01/25/95 PUTLS801 ------------------------ --------- Acct Nbr: ----------------------- 752001 Bill Stat: ----------------------- NO Transfer-from: ------------------------ Page 1 of 6 j Cyc Stat: CL Acct Cyc Stat: CL Transfer-to: Due: 66.00 1. Customer Name: D M BIGGAR GENERAL CONTRACTOR 2. Social Sec Nbr: 3. Telephone: 805-323-6094 4. Service Address: 100 OAK ST 5. Service City: BAKERSFIELD 6. State: CA 7. Zip:~93304 8. Parcel ID: 008-026-18-00-1 9. Bill Cycle: 6 20. Water Svc Class: 10. Route Nbr: 1 11. Comments TANK REMOVED 6-94 r--~ 12. Prev Acct: HM01344 23. Misc Services: `23.1 F99 NOT IN BUSINESS 13. Service Date: 08/12/92 23.2 14 . Fund no : 2 3.3 ~ , 15. Billto Ad1:100 OAK STREET 23.4 16. Billto Ad2: 24. Closing Date: 17. Bill-to City: BAKERSFIELD 18. State: CA 19. Zip: 93304- Enter Save(S), Cancel(XX), Next Page(/), or Field # to Change • __ I -~~ _.__~-CITI~WO~BAKERSF(ELD _~__--_______ _ `~-_°~__W__.,_.. __ ~._..___ ~~~___~__-,_ __-.__ __ { P.O. BOX 2057 a ._-. --..~ ,s.. ;~ -.__~ ~ _ _ ~- ~:: _ BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 93303-2057 ~,/~.~5~ f~; ,...~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~~~{~~'~~ 7 ~, . • ~~. ~ ~ ~ 'ACS'. Q`95 d t i =~ ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED ~ `" m y ~ .... %~ .,~ ~ DO NOT FORWARD ~ - +~ ~ e ;~` , ~,( ;^ Y\ I `+, i .:..: ~. r A~.L';:~s-~:: tt_ti~:__ .~. .''-R ~.:"t f-s-ie 5. .._. 7' ~...~ • :'' - •:: :.S mot..: i..~~•;) ~.. ....__.... :..:'~ _ .._ ...~ _ ~.._ ..1 :~ :- s; ii{tiksiiii i~~i i;teiitiSittit{kiittt tiiti 14it.iiii.itti{t1 -__..~ ~._ _ - -_ ~. .._ _ =-y-_ I . - x~x ~3~r ~ • ~ ~ ~ m r p,.g s=.:~, ' - ~ ~ q~ y~~hi'y747!'l ,~j V~T~~~~~~ `L~BY{~~~~~~~~~J-~V.N.6 i ~~'yyV Vpj HA ~i{~~ 8 p g.-gsfl g ~ ~ - ~ 1 f:1ti ~ ~~}N~f'1i-11-Ilft~It't~at:151tT~'1"f~t~'t'~ti}~1~#~~tt~titl~~{11~~-1iil~ti{~~ ,