HomeMy WebLinkAboutDEPOSITION 2003 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES Certified Shorthand Reporters 1675 Chester Avenue, Suite 360 Bakersfield, CA 93301 (661) 631-2904 - Fax (661) 631-2969 July 14, 2003 Howard Hunter Wines, III c/o Bahersfield Fire Department 1715 Chester Avenue Bakersfield, California 93301 RE: Chang Bob Klm, et al. vs. Bong Un Kang, et al. Superior Court Case No. 247753 JES, County of Kern Dear Mr. Wines: Enclosed is the original of your deposition, which was taken in the above-captioned action by Robert E. Murphy, Attorney at Law, on Friday, June 27, 2003, reported by the undersigned. Wh~le reading your transcript, you may make additions, deletions, or changes by drawing a line through your testimony and printing the change above it. Please also initial the same. If more room is required for changes, you may use the Errata Sheet enclosed at the end of the transcript. Also subscribe to the same under the penalty of perjury by signing "Howard Hunter Wines, III" on Line 23 of Page 70 and by filling in the date on Line 14 of Page 70. Once you have read and signed your transcript, please forward in the enclosed envelope to Robert E. Murphy, Attorney at Law. Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. Sincerely yours, Ruthanne Esparza, CSR No. 7125 ench transcript and envelope cc to: Lori Wade, Attorney at Law N. Thomas McCartney, Attorney at Law Robert E. Murphy, Attorney at Law SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN CHANG BOK KIM, an ) individual, and JUNG YE ) KIM, an individual, ) Case No. ) Plaintiffs, ) 247753 JES ) VS. ) ) BONG UN KANG, an. ) individual; SOUK JA KANG, ) an individual; ANN M. ) CHOUNG, an individual; L. ) STROOPE, INC., dba STROO?E ) REALTORS GMAC REAL ESTATE, ) a California corporation, ) and ,DOES 1 to 50, ) inclusive, ) ) Defendants. ) ) DEPOSITION OF: HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 1:15 P.M. Reported By: Ruthanne Esparza, CSR No. 7125 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES Ccrtificd Shorthand Reporters 675 Chesler Avenue. Suite 360 ORIGINAL (661) 631-2904 · Fax (661) 631-2969 1 Deposition of HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III, a Witness, 2 taken on behalf'of the Defendants Ann M. Choung and 3 L. Stroope, Inc., on Friday, June 27, 2003, 1:15 p.m., 4 at the Law Offices of N. Thomas McCartney, 5 1920 20th Street, Bakersfield, California, before 6 Ruthanne Esparza, CSR No. 7125, pursuant to Notice of 7 Taking Deposition. 8 9 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL 10 For the Plaintiffs: Law Office of Ron S. Galperin 11 By: RON S. GALPERIN, LORI WADE and 12 PETER NIEMIEC Attorneys at Law 13 9460 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 500 14 Beverly Hills, California 90212 (310) 278-6831 15 16 For the Defendants Law Office of N. Thomas McCartney Bong Un Kang and By: N. THOMAS McCARTNEY 17 Souk Ja Kang: Attorney at Law 1920 20th Street 18 Bakersfield, California 93301 (661) 334-8011 19 For the Defendants Manning & Marder 20 Ann M. Choung and Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, LL? L. Stroope, Inc.: By: ROBERT E. MURPHY 21 Attorney at Law 660 South Figueroa Street 22 23rd Floor Los Angeles, California 90017 23 (213) 624-6900 24 25 2 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 APPEARANCES (CONTINUED) 2 Also Present: Plaintiff Chang Bok Kim Sung Kim 3 Defendant Souk Ja Kang Defendant Bong Un Kang 4 K. C. Bang 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 INDEX 2 3 THE WITNESS 4 HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III 5 6 EXAMINATION BY Page 7 Mr. Murphy 9 8 Mr. McCartney 46 9 Mr. Galperin 51 10 11 EXHIBIT INDEX 12 Plaintiffs' Exhibits Marked 13 8 - Correction Notice dated 03/05/99 65 14 9 - City of Bakersfield Office of 15 Environmental Services Inspection 16 Record 65 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA; 2 FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003; 1:15 P.M.; 3 LAW OFFICES OF N. THOMAS McCARTNEY 4 5 HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III, 6 called as a witness by counsel for the Defendants Ann 7 M. Choung and L. Stroope, Inc., having been first duly 8 sworn, testified as follows: 9 10 MR. McCARTNEY: We're here for the deposition 11 of Mr. Wines, and also present is an individual by the 12 name of Peter, and I don't know how to pronounce his 13 name. 14 MR. GALPERIN: Niemiec. 15 MR. McCARTNEY: Niemiec, spelled 16 N-i-e-m-i-e-c. And I, for one, question whether 17 Mr. Niemiec has the right to be here in this 18 deposition. The basis for this concern is that I do 19 not believe that we have been provided with any reason 20 to believe that Mr. Niemiec is a member of 21 Mr. Galperin's firm. And it's my view that he is not 22 a member of Mr. Galperin's firm and he's not 23 associated as an attorney of record in the proceeding, 24 that he is a stranger to these proceedings, has no 25 right to participate or even attend the deposition. 5 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Counsel, on the record, has requested that I 2 provide authority for my position. But obviously, 3 we've just been presented with this situation; so I 4 don't have any authority. But I doubt he does, 5 either. 6 But, anyway, Mr. Galperin, help yourself. 7 MR. GALPERIN: I'm Ron Galperine. Let me 8 state for the record that I vehemently disagree 9 respectfully with counsel, that he has provided 10 absolutely no authority whatsoever for his thought 11 that Mr. Niemiec is a stranger to this proceeding, 12 .that Mr. Niemiec has been working on this case for 13 several months now. He works on a contract basis for 14 my office. He is paid through my office. He is 15 covered through my malpractice insurance coverage. 16 The clients have long known about him and have, in 17 fact, talked with him and dealt with him through my 18 office, as well. Again, no authority has been 19 provided. 20 Let me also add that the purpose of discovery 21 is fact finding, not game playing. And if counsel is 22 really interested in discovering the facts of this 23 case, he has nothing to worry about. 24 And finally, let me state for the record that 25 both counsel have due to my office and to my clients 6 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 today sanctions for their failure to provide 2 discovery, sanctions that were ordered by the court; 3 and I, indeed, look forward to receiving those 4 sanctions by end of day. 5 MR. McCARTNEY: For the record, then, I 6 looked forward to being reimbursed for about the 7 $1,500 that I spent on the court interpreter yesterday 8 requested by your office for depositions which I did 9 not notice. So if you want to change the subject 10 that's something that is irrelevant to the issue 11 before us, we can, Counsel. But I suggest that we're 12 better off arguing about the merits of this particular 13 position, which is what I'd like to get to. 14 Now we're faced with a dilemma. I, of 15 course, do have research capabilities here at my beck 16 and call; you~don't. I don't want to keep Mr. Wines 17 here unduly, but what I'm going to do, if I can find 18 out in a minute or two, is I'm going to excuse myself 19 from the deposition, ask Mr. Murphy to start the 20 deposition in the usual ways with the admonitions, and 21 I'll see if I' can find something in 5 or 10 minutes. 22 If I can't do it in 5 or 10 minutes, I am still going 23 to take the same position unless I find contrary 24 authority, which is: Mr. Niemiec is a stranger to 25 these proceedings, has no right to be here, has no 7 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 right to ask any questions; and if he does ask 2 questions, I'm going to take the position that those 3 questions be stricken from the record, as well as the 4 answers. 5 MR. GALPERIN: Let me state that I vehemently 6 disagree with any such answers being stricken from the 7 record and that he has every single right to ask 8 questions. 9 MR. MURPHY: I am going to join in everything 10 that Mr. McCartney said. I'm not going to repeat it. 11 Anyway, why don't we get going. 12 MR. GALPERIN: One final thing for the 13 record, which is, it's very clear as we start this 14 that defense counsel is interested in gamesmanship and 15 playing of games rather than in finding out the facts, 16 which is unfortunate, indeed. 17 MR. NIEMIEC: I'd like to add just one 18 comment, and that is that in my experience, it is 19 quite common for contract counsel not only to appear 20 at depositions but to make appearances in court 21 through the office for which that counsel is acting as 22 a contract counsel. 23 MR. MURPHY: Well, that may or may not be 24 true. It depends upon the situation. And the problem 25 I have here is that, you know, I don't know who you 8 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 are. You come in with a card where you've crossed off 2 Ron Galperin's name and you've written in your own 3 name. You tell me that your, quote, "other office" is 4 in -- you said South Bay -- I think you clarified a 5 little more to say Manhattan Beach. So, you know, I 6 dare say that if I was to call there right now and ask 7 for you, you would probably don't have office space 8 there. And if your -- if this is a contract 9 situation -- I don't know if it is or it isn't -- the 10 problem is I'm being presented with the situation at 11 the last minute. I don't know -- you know, if there 12 is an association of attorneys or something else that 13 clarified it to me a little beforehand, that would 14 have been nice. And to get up on your pompous altar 15 and start saying what you are saying today is also 16 very nice, you know. I just think it's ridiculous. 17 Let's go. 18 (Attorney McCartney exits the deposition 19 room.) 20 21 EXAMINATION 22 BY MR. MURPHY: 23 Q. All right. What is your name, sir? 24 A. Howard Hunter Wines, III. 25 Q. Mr. Wines, are you presently employed? 9 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. Where do you work? 3 A. At the Bakersfield Fire Department. 4 Q. And have you ever had your deposition taken 5 before, sir? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. Approximately how many times? 8 A. Once. 9 Q. Was that in a civil litigation case? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Ail right. Approximately how long ago was 12 that? 13 A. Approximately 11 years ago. 14 Q. Well, since it wasn't in recent times, I will 15 just give you a little refresher. 16 The young lady to your right is a court 17 reporter. She's going to take down everything that is 18 said in about, hopefully, two weeks' time. It's going. 19 to be typed up and made available to you to read and 20 review and make corrections if you believe it to be 21 necessary. 22 If you make a change that an attorney 23 involved in the case believes to an important or 24 material change, that can be commented upon to the 25 effect that you said one thing here today and later 10 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 changed your testimony to state something different. 2 And if you were to appear as a witness at a trial, 3 that could be mentioned. 4 Do you understand? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. It could affect your credibility. 7 Do you understand? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. All right. Now, when you receive the 10 transcript, you're going to have the opportunity to 11 sign it pursuant to the penalties of perjury, which 12 gives your testimony here the same force and effect as 13 if it were in a court of law. 14 Is that clear? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. If there is any question that is put to you 17 that you do not understand for any reason, I want you 18 to let us know. We will be more than happy to repeat 19 or rephrase it. The problem is we don't read minds; 20 so we have to rely on you to tell us if you are having 21 a problem. 22 All right? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. We probably are going to ask you some 25 questions about time frames. That's going to be 11 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 asking you to give us an estimate. And frequently 2 that could be, "Well, when did this occur?" "When did 3 that occur?" "How long were you at the place?" "How 4 long did that take?" No one expects that you were 5 there with a stopwatch. Or someone may say, "How long 6 was the piece of pipe?" You know, nobody expects that 7 you necessarily had a tape measure. So if you can 8 give us an approximation, we're entitled to know what 9 that is. 10 On the other hand, if you don't know an 11 answer to something and you go ahead and give an 12 answer, that's guessing. We really don't want you to 13 do that. 14 Do you understand the differences? 15 A. Yes. 16 Q. Is there anything that I've told you so far 17 that you have not understood? 18 A. No. 19 (Attorney McCartney enters the deposition 20 room.) 21 MR. MURPHY: Perfect timing. 22 MR. McCARTNEY: Well, keep going. I'm still 23 looking. 24 MR. MURPHY: All right. 25 III 12 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 BY MR. MURPHY: 2 Q. How far did you go in school, sir? 3 A. I have a master's degree. 4 Q. In what subject? 5 A. Public administration. 6 Q. When did you obtain that? 7 A. 1996. 8 Q. And you have been with the Bakersfield Fire 9 Department for 11 years. Did I understand that 10 correctly? 11 A. I've been with the Bakersfield Fire 12 Department for 10 years. 13 Q. All right. And when you joined the 14 Bakersfield Fire Department, what was your job title 15 when you first joined? 16 A. Hazardous materials technician. 17 Q. And what did a hazardous materials technician 18 do at that time? 19 A. I reviewed cases of leaking underground fuel 20 tanks and also risk management and prevention plans 21 for businesses which handled acutely hazardous 22 materials. 23 Q. Now, when you say "acutely hazardous 24 materials," what do you mean by that? 25 A. Those are chemicals that have been identified 13 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 as being more hazardous than most other hazardous 2 materials. 3 Q. Now, where did you do your training to become 4 a member of the Bakersfield Fire Department, in other 5 words, before you joined? 6 A. I had previously been the hazardous materials 7 supervisor for the Kern County Fire Department. 8 Q. When did you join the Kern County Fire 9 Department? 10 A. 1987. 11 Q. And was.the Kern County Fire Department the 12 first fire department you worked for? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. And did you have some form of training before 15 joining the Kern County Fire Department? 16 A. I had a bachelor of science degree in 17 geology. 18 Q. Where did you obtain that? 19 A. Cal state University, Bakersfield. 20 Q. What year did you obtain that? 21 A. 1984. 22 Q. Now, after you graduated from Cal State 23 Bakersfield in 1984, what did you do between then and 24 19877 25 A. I continued with my college studies, pursuing SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 a second baccalaureate degree in petroleum land 2 studies and also worked many part-time jobs. 3 Q. When you say "petroleum land studies," what 4 does that mean? 5 A. The curriculum is intended to prepare the 6 student for a career representing oil companies who 7 desire to obtain a lease for the purpose of drilling 8 for oil. 9 Q. Did you, in fact, get a bachelor's degree in 10 that subject area? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. And when did you obtain that, approximately? 13 A. 1989. 14 Q. Now, when you first joined the Kern County 15 Fire Department in 1987, did you go directly into the 16 Hazardous Materials Unit? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Have you ever been a firefighter, per se? 19 A. No. 20 Q. And what were your job duties in the 21 Kern County Fire Department Hazardous Materials Unit? 22 A. Initially as a hazardous materials inspector; 23 subsequently, as a hazardous materials specialist; and 24 later, as a hazardous materials supervisor for other 25 hazardous material inspectors. 15 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - 661) 631-2904 1 Q. Now, at the time you joined the Kern County 2 Fire Department in 1987, what were the duties of a 3 hazardous materials inspector? 4 A. Could you repeat the question. 5 Q. Certainly. 6 You indicated that your first position with 7 the Kern County Fire Department was as a hazardous 8 materials inspector. 9 Did I understand that correctly? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. What were your job duties? 12 A. I would inspect businesses for their use, 13 storage, and handling of hazardous materials pursuant 14 to the Uniform Fire Code and state laws which governed 15 the use and handling of hazardous materials. 16 Q. And basically did you cover all of Kern 17 County at that time? 18 A. Yes. With the exception of the city of 19 Bakersfield, within the city limits. 20 Q. And when did you become a hazardous materials 21 specialist with the Kern County Fire Department, 22 approximately? 23 A. 1989. 24 Q. What were your job duties as hazardous 25 materials specialist? 16 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. They were essentially the same. It was a 2 reclassification based upon having obtained a 3 four-year college degree. 4 Q. So it was a reclassification with 5 essentially the same job duties? 6 A. 'Yes. 7 Q. And when did you become a supervisor for the 8 Hazardous Materials Unit for County of Kern? 9 A. 1990. 10 Q. Now, if you joined the Bakersfield Fire 11 Department about 10 years ago, are we talking about 12 approximately 19937 13 A. February of 1994. 14 Q. And when you joined the Bakersfield Fire 15 Department, were you immediately put into the 16 Hazardous Materials Unit? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. What was your position at that time? 19 A. Hazardous materials technician. 20 Q. Now, you've already told me what you did as a 21 hazardous materials technician. 22 How long did you hold that job title, 23 approximately? 24 A. Until approximately 1998. 25 Q. And what was your job position at that time 17 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 when it changed? 2 A. I was reclassified to hazardous materials 3 specialist. 4 Q. Was there any difference in the job duties at 5 that time? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. What did you do as a hazardous material 8 specialist? 9 A. My job duties expanded to include the 10 regulation of hazardous wastes in addition to my 11 former duties. 12 Q. Would you perform inspections of gas stations 13 as part of your job duties with the City of 14 Bakersfield at that time? 15 A. I am not the primary inspector of gas 16 stations. My job duties involve the investigation of 17 leaking underground fuel tanks. 18 Q. So if a condition is determined to relate to 19 a leaking underground gas s%orage tank, then you would 20 be called in? 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. Who is the primary inspector -- or inspectors 23 if it's more than one person -- for the City of 24 Bakersfield for gas stations? 25 A. St-eve Underwood. 18 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. And what is his present job title? 2 A. I don't know his exact job title. 3 Q. Ail right. What do you understand his job 4 duties to be? 5 A. He is a fire prevention inspector and code 6 enforcement officer. 7 Q. Does he work with the Hazardous Materials 8 Unit? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Do you know how long Steve Underwood has been 11 in that unit? 12 A. Not exactly, but I believe he started 13 approximately 1997. 14 Q. Who is your supervisor within the unit? 15 A. Ralph Huey, H-u-e-y. 16 Q. And what is his job title, if you know? 17 A. Director of prevention services. 18 Q. Do you know approximately how long Mr. Huey 19 has had that position, approximately? 20 A. His title was reclassified approximately 21 two years ago. 22 Q. Do you know what title he had before that? 23 A. Director of environmental services. 24 Q. Was it just a name change, essentially, to 25 your knowledge or understanding? 19 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. No. It involved additional duties. 2 Q. Do you report directly to Ralph Huey as part 3 of your job? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. Now, we have asked you to appear here today 6 as a witness in a awsuit, and the subject matter of 7 the lawsuit is an ARCO station at 1102 34th Street in 8 Bakersfield. 9 Have you ever been to that gas station? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Have you ever inspected or done any work on 12 behalf of the City of Bakersfield or the County of 13 Kern relating to that gas station? 14 MS. WADE: Objection. Compound. 15 Can you break it down to two different parts? 16 MR. MURPHY: Sure. 17 BY MR. MURPHY: 18 Q. Have you ever done any work for the City of 19 Bakersfield relating to that gas station? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. In what capacity? 22 A. Both inspecting a component modification as 23 well as investigating the report of a leaking 24 underground fuel tank. 25 Q. Now, was that two separate occasions or two 2O SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIA-ES (661) 631 2904 1 duties on one occasion? 2 A. Two separate occasions, at least. 3 Q. Which occurred first in time? 4 A. Modification to the underground fuel tanks 5 system. 6 Q. Do you recall approximately when you first 7 became involved in inspection relating to a component 8 modification of the underground storage system? 9 A. I do not recall exactly but, to the best of 10 my recollection, approximately 1995 or 1996. 11 Q. Do you recall the circumstances of how you 12 became involved at that time? 13 A. I believe a section of piping required a 14 repair to one of the dispensers, and I performed an 15 inspection on that piping installation. 16 Q. Now, was anyone else involved with you at 17 that time from the City of Bakersfield Fire Department 18 Hazmat Unit? 19 A. At that time there was another inspector who 20 was the primary underground storage tank inspector. 21 His name is Mark Turk, T-u-r-k. 22 Q. Is Mark Turk still with the department? 23 A. No. 24 Q. When approximately did he leave? 25 A. Approximately 1997 or perhaps just prior to 21 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 1997. Prior to Steve Underwood's initial hiring. 2 Q. Did Steve Underwood come in to replace 3 Mark Turk, essentially? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. Now, when was your next involvement with this 6 particular gas station? And we don't want you to 7 guess. If you're not sure, that's fine. 8 A. It would have to be at the time that Mr. Kim 9 and Ms. Ann Choung requested a file review for this 10 station. 11 Q. Did you have an understanding that Mr. Kim 12 was a potential buyer of this gas station at that 13 time? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. Did you have an understanding that Ms. Choung 16 was a real estate agent? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Now, when you talk about a "file review," 19 what do you mean by that? 20 A. Mr. Kim and Ms. Choung had asked to review 21 the regulatory file to ascertain the compliance status 22 and if there were records which indicated that the 23 underground fuel tanks had leaked. 24 Q. Do you recall which of the two persons made 25 that request to set up the meeting? 22 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. The meeting was requested by Ms. Ann Choung. 2 Q. Did Mr. Kim and Ms. Choung attend the meeting 3 with you for that purpose? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. And where was that meeting conducted, if you 6 recall? 7 A. In our office. 8 Q. Where is that office? 9 A. 1715 Chester Avenue, on the third floor. 10 Q. Now, had you ever conducted a meeting of this 11 nature before with a potential buyer? 12 A. Yes. 13 Q. Is there a typical way that you would handle 14 those meetings at that time -- things you would do? 15 A. I would be available to answer any questions 16 they might have regarding the contents of the file. 17 Q. Would you also obtain the file and bring it 18 to the meeting? 19 A. Yes. Or our recePtionist would do the same. 20 Q. One way or the other, the file would get to 21 the meeting? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. When you say "file review," what do you mean 24 by that? 25 A. This would be a review of the regulatory 23 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661 631-2904 1 correspondence and records which are kept in the file. 2 Q. Now, if the City of Bakersfield performed an 3 inspection of a gas station, would records regarding 4 that inspection go in a particular file? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. How would that be labeled? 7 A. The individual record would be placed in the 8 file. 9 Q. What would the file be called? Would it be 10 the address of the business? the business name'? 11 A. The tab of the file would have both the 12 business name and the address. 13 Q. How far back would those records go at that 14 time? 15 A. State law was enacted in approximately 1984 16 requiring the regulation of underground storage tanks. 17 Typically, records would originate at about that time 18 period. The Bakersfield Fire Department had also 19 historically issued installation permits for 20 underground tanks going back as far as 1930. 21 Q. Now, did Mr. Kim and Ms. Choung meet you at 22 one of your offices in that building? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. Was it just the three of you, or was anyone 25 else there? SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. To the best of my recollection, at the 2 init±al file review, it was 'the three of us. 3 Q. Do you recall what was discussed at the 4 initial file review? 5 A. There was a general desire to find out if the 6 station was currently in compliance with underground 7 storage tank regulations and if there were records 8 indicating any leaks from the underground storage 9 tanks. 10 Q. Now, did you understand that to be the 11 general desire, to use your words, before the meeting 12 took place? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. Did you review the file materials to 15 familiarize yourself with those records before the 16 meeting was commenced, if you recall? 17 A. No. I can review the file with the client in 18 realtime during the meeting. 19 Q. Now, do you recall approximately when this 20 meeting took place? 21 A. I can't recall exactly. 22 Q. All right. Again, don't guess. "I don't 23 know" is an acceptable answer. 24 Do you recall what was discussed during this 25 meeting when you did the file review? This is the 25 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 initial file review. 2 A. I know I showed Mr. Kim and Ms. Choung that a 3 prior leak investigation had occurred and that the 4 records showed that the investigation case had been 5 completed. 6 Q. Do you recall what the record showed? When 7 you say "completed," I'm not sure what you mean by 8 that. 9 A. Prior to 1991, Kern County Environmental 10 Health Department was the investigating agency for~/ 11 underground storage tank leaks. %~-efe were records in 12 that file from the Kern County Environmental Health 13 Department showing that they had investigated a leak, 14 that remedial actions were taken, and that the 15 Kern County Environmental Health Department was 16 satisfied with the results of the investigation and 17 required no further action at that time. 18 Q. Do you recall approximately what time period 19 those records indicated an investigation to have taken 20 place? 21 A. I don't recall exactly, but I think the time 22 frame was in the early 1990s. 23 Q. Do you recall any other or further discussion 24 regarding any investigation or other actions taken 25 with regard to the 34th Street ARCO gas station during 26 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIA-ES (661) 631 2904 1 the initial file review that you had with Mr. Kim and 2 Ms. Choung? 3 A. Ms. Choung had specifically asked me to write 4 down for her benefit any upcoming testing or upgrade 5 procedures which were to occur at that site in the 6 foreseeable future. 7 Q. And do you recall doing so? 8 A. Yes. 9 MR. MURPHY: Okay. We don't we go off the 10 record for a second. 11 (Discussion held off the record from 12 1:51 to 1:52.) 13 BY MR. MURPHY: 14 Q. Mr. Wines, I'm going to show you what's been 15 marked as Exhibit 7 to a prior deposition, ask you to 16 take a look at that if you would be so kind. 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. All right. Do you recognize that document? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Is any of that handwriting on that document 21 your handwriting? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. Is any of the handwriting on that document 24 not your handwriting? 25 A. No, with the exception of the number "7" in 27 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 the bottom corner. 2 Q. That I just wrote? 3 A. Yes. 4 Q. A quick test, but you passed it very well. 5 Sorry. 6 Did you prepare this document in response to 7 the request from Ms. Choung? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. And is this the information that Ms. Choung 10 requested that you write down for her relating to 11 upcoming testing or upgrade that would be necessary in 12 the foreseeable near future? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. And the top line is an indication of the 15 property that you were referencing in this four-item 16 list; is that correct? 17 A. Yes. 18 Q. Item 1 relates to what, sir? 19 A. Item 1 relates to the annual maintenance 20 check on the leak monitoring system. 21 Q. And what is your understanding of what a leak 22 monitoring system is? 23 A. It is an electronic device which measures the 24 fluid level in the tank to indicate whether the fluid 25 level is dropping, possibly indicating a leak in the 28 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 fuel tank. 2 Q. And this annual check is performed by what 3 agency or what company? Is it private, or is it a 4 public entity inspection? 5 A. The annual leak monitoring checks are 6 performed by qualified, licensed contractors. 7 Q. And do they have to certify that the check 8 was performed? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. And does that have to be submitted to the 11 City of Bakersfield Fire Department Hazmat Unit or 12 some other agency? 13 A. It is either submitted or it is verified 14 through inspection. 15 Q. Okay. What is Item No. 2? 16 A. Item No, 2 relates to a tank lining 17 inspection by a coatings expert. 18 Q. And was there a date by which that had to be 19 performed? 20 A. Yes. Prior to October of 2001. 21 Q. And again, the coatings expert would be an 22 outside individual that was qualified to perform those 23 inspections? 24 A. Yes. 25 Q. And what is Item No. 3 on your list on 29 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Exhibit 7? 2 A. Item No. 3 relates to a cathodic protection 3 system inspection by a corrosion engineer. 4 Q. And was there a time by which that was to be 5 completed? 6 A. It was required to be completed by September 7 of 2002. 8 Q. And what was No. 4 on the list? 9 A. No. 4 relates to dispenser pans and turbine 10 sump containment installed by December of 2002. 11 Q. And what does dispenser pans and turbine sump 12 containment refer to? 13 A. It refers to structures installed either 14 beneath the turbine -- or I'm sorry -- structures 15 around the turbine or beneath the dispenser which are 16 intended to collect any leaking fuel from those 17 components of the underground storage tank system. 18 Q. And what was the due date on that item? 19 A. December of 2002. 20 Q. Now, initially, did you just write on this 21 particular document the caption title we discussed 22 before and then Items 1 through 4? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. Did Ms. Choung come back to you at a later 25 time and ask that you identify on this document and 3O SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 the fact that you had prepared it? 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. And did you do that, sir? 4 A. I did. 5 Q. All right. And below it says, "Written by 6 Howard Wines, Hazmat Specialist, Bakersfield Fire 7 Department during office file review by Mr. Klm and 8 Ms. Choung prior to purchase of property on or around 9 fall of --" I can't tell if that is "2000" or 10 "2001," kind of chopped off on the copy "-- attested 11 to 10/15/02," and there's a signature. 12 Is that your signature? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. All right. And you wrote that? 15 A. I did. 16 Q. Okay. Do you recall anything else that was 17 discussed during this initial office file review? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Now, did you have any further or other 20 additional meetings with Ms. Choung or Mr. Klm 21 regarding this property? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. When did that occur the next time? 24 A. I don't know exactly, but it was subsequent 25 to the required tank lining inspection. 31 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Where did the meeting take place? 2 A. In ~ur off±ce. 3 Q. Who was present? 4 A. I don't recall exactly who all was present. 5 Q. Do you recall if Mr. Kim was there? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. Do. you recall if Ann Choung was there? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Do you know Mr. Kang? 10 A. I believe Mr. Kang was also present at that 11 subsequent meeting. 12 Q. What was the purpose of that meeting, as you 13 understood it? 14 A. During the course of that tank lining 15 inspection, it was determined that a leak had occurred 16 from the underground storage tank system, presumably 17 from the turbine area of at least one of those 18 underground fuel tanks. 19 Q. Now, when you say "presumably," why are you 20 using that word? 21 A. Because the soil which was uncovered from the 22 tops of those tanks during that investigation was 23 widely impacted with gasoline, and two of the tanks 24 were situated in close proximity to each other; 25 therefore, it was difficult to determine at that time 32 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 which of the two tanks was primarily responsible for 2 that release. 3 Q. Do you recall which of the two -- which two 4 tanks those were? Don't guess. If you don't recall, 5 that's fine. Just if you recall. 6 A. The two tanks which are oriented east and 7 west, closest to the market building. 8 Q. So if I understand you correctly, the area 9 which appeared to have gasoline in the soil was in the 10 area of the two tanks, and it was difficult to tell 11 which one of the two tanks had been the primary 12 source? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. And I take it, to make this observation, you 15 were out at the site, yourself? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Do you recall why you were at the site? 18 A. Specifically to obtain a soil sample to 19 analyze the relative amount of gasoline which had 20 leaked in the soil. 21 Q. Did you obtain the sample? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. Was there anything else you did other than 24 make the visual observation and obtain the soil sample 25 at that time? 33 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. ~ Look thc so~ ~ramp!e to a l=bozato~"~for-~ 2 the analysis. 3 Q. Anything else you did at the site? 4 A. No. 5 Q. Was there anyone else from the City of 6 Bakersfield with you when you went to the gas station 7 on that occasion? 8 A. I don't recall exactly, but it is possible 9 that Steve Underwood was also present when we obtained 10 the soil sample. 11 Q. Anything else you did at the site on that 12 occasion? 13 A. No. 14 Q. Do you recall talking to anybody on that 15 occasion while you were at the gas station? 16 A. A representative from the laboratory was 17 present, I believe, to obtain the sample, itself. 18 Q. Was it your understanding that Mr. Kim was 19 the owner of the property at that time? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. Did you have any conversations with Mr. Klm 22 at that time? 23 A. Not that I recall exactly. 24 Q. Do you recall if he was there while you were 25 there? 34 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. I don't recall. 2 Q. Have you ever met his wife, Mrs. Kim? 3 A. I may have, but I'm not sure. 4 Q. All right. Now, as I understand, you had the 5 sample tested? 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. All right. What was the name of the lab? 8 A. I don't recall. 9 Q. All right. And did you obtain the results? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Was that a written or oral report? 12 A. They were written results, a copy of which, I 13 believe, is in the file. 14 Q. Do you recall, in essence, what the results 15 were? 16 A. The results indicated that the soil was 17 impacted with gasoline and gasoline constituents. 18 Q. Now, did you have occasion to go back out to 19 the gas station after your visit to obtain the soil 20 sample? 21 A. I may have revisited the site. 22 Q. Do you recall what you did when you returned, 23 if you did? 24 A. If nothing, just to review the status of the 25 excavation or the status of the site. 35 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Now, did you have any further meetings with 2 Mr. Kim or anyone else relating to the gas station 3 after you took and obtained the soil sample? 4 A. Yes. 5 Q. What was the next meeting that you attended? 6 A. I believe it was an office hearing subsequent 7 to our order to investigate the release from the 8 underground storage tank. 9 Q. Now, when you say "order to investigate the 10 release from underground storage tank," what order was 11 that? 12 A. Copy of that letter should be in the file. 13 Q. So there was a letter that was issued -- 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. -- by the Bakersfield Fire Department -- 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. -- to Mr. Kim? 18 A. I believe it was to Mr. Kim. 19 Q. And what, in essence, was in the letter? 20 A. The requirement to investigate the release 21 from the underground storage tank pursuant to the 22 referenced State law. 23 Q. Now, when you say that there was an office 24 hearing, what do you mean by that? 25 A. When there wasn't a timely response to the 36 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 order, a subsequent office hearing was requested to 2 find out why the request to investigate had not been 3 initiated. 4 Q. Did you get a response from Mr. Kim, or 5 anyone on his behalf, before the office hearing took 6 place following the issuance of the letter order? 7 A. I don't recall specifically. 8 Q. Did Mr. Kim attend the office hearing? 9 A. I believe he did. 10 Q. Do you recall who was present at that time? 11 A. Not exactly. 12 Q. Was Ann Choung present? 13 A. She may have been. 14 Q. What took place at that office hearing? 15 A. We described what we thought was the cause of 16 the release -- the leak in a turbine sump -- again 17 requested an investigation occur to delineate the 18 extent of that release, as well as to suggest that 19 turbine sumps be installed at that time to prevent any 20 further releases. 21 Q. And were these suggestions and statements 22 made to Mr. Kim as the owner? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. Do you recall what response, if any, Mr. Kim 25 made to you during that meeting? 37 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Not exactly. 2 Q. Do you recall, in essence, what was said? 3 MS. WADE: Objection. Calls for speculation. 4 BY MR. MURPHY: 5 Q. I am just asking if you can recall in essence 6 what was said. I know you don't remember. 7 MS. WADE: He said he doesn't remember. 8 MR. MURPHY: He said he doesn't remember 9 exactly. If he can remember anything, that's fine. 10 If not, that's fine, too. 11 THE WITNESS: No. 12 BY MR. MURPHY: 13 Q. Okay. Was the purpose of that office hearing 14 tO meet with Mr. Kim in person, to address the issue 15 and make sure he understood? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. And did you feel that you had accomplished 18 that by the end of that meeting? 19 A. I wasn't sure. 20 Q. Why weren't you sure? 21 A. Because I do not recall at this time exactly 22 what his response at that meeting was. 23 Q. Was there a particular response you were 24 looking forward to obtaining at that meeting? 25 A. Yes. Pursuant to my order, I was looking for 38 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 a work plan from an environmental consulting firm on 2 how they intended to address investigating the extent 3 of the release. 4 Q. And did Mr. Kim give you such a work plan at 5 that time during that meeting? 6 A. No. 7 Q. Did you discuss with Mr. Kim the need to 8 obtain a work plan from a qualified environmental 9 firm? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. And did you explain to him what you were 12 looking for? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. Do you recall what response, if any, you got 15 after you explained it to Mr. Kim? 16 A. No. 17 Q. If you get an affirmative response from 18 someone at one of these meetings -- I am not talking 19 about Mr. Kim, just in general -- do you make note of 20 that somehow that the person you had the meeting with 21 indicated they would do what you're asking them to do? 22 Do you record that in any way? 23 A. No. 24 Q. Do you have a follow-up after the meeting to 25 determine if things are done or not done? 39 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. The follow-up would be if the work plan was 2 not then submitted in a timely fashion. 3 Q. Did you indicate any time frame for the work 4 plan to be submitted by or on behalf of Mr. Klm? 5 A. Time frames are specified in our orders. 6 Q. So the time frame would have been in the 7 order that was provided to Mr. Kim? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Now, after -- strike that. 10 Do you recall anything else occurring at this 11 office hearing? 12 A. No. 13 Q. Do you recall if any other Bakersfield Fire 14 Department personneI were present at that meeting? 15 A. I believe both Ralph Huey and Steve Underwood 16 were also present. 17 Q. Do you recall who primarily did the talking 18 for the Bakersfield Fire Department? 19 A. Ralph Huey would represent the Bakersfield 20 Fire Department. Both Steve Underwood and I would 21 speak to our respective issues. 22 Q. Now, did you have any further meetings with 23 Mr. Klm, that you recall, after this office hearing? 24 A. I believe there was at least one subsequent 25 meeting with Mr. Kim. 40 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Was that at your office or at his place of 2 business or somewhere else? 3 A. Also at our office. 4 Q. Do you recall approximately when that 5 occurred? 6 A. No. 7 Q. I don't know if I asked you this. $ Do you recall when the office hearing 9 occurred? 10 A. Not exactly. 11 Q. Do you have an estimate? If you don't, 12 that's fine. 13 A. No. 14 Q. All right. This subsequent meeting at your 15 office following the office hearing, do you recall the 16 purpose of that meeting? 17 A. Again, to ascertain when a work plan would be 18 forthcoming. 19 Q. Do you recall who was present other than 20 Mr. Kim and yourself at the meeting? 21 A. I believe at a subsequent meeting Mr. Kim's 22 daughter was also present. 23 Q. At this subsequent meeting following the 24 office hearing, as I understand it, your purpose was 25 to find out the status of obtaining a work plan. 41 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. What information, if any, did you receive in 3 that regard from Mr. Kim or his daughter or whoever 4 else was with him at that time? 5 A. I don't recall. 6 Q. Do you recall receiving a work plan? 7 A. No. 8 Q. Was there any action you took as a result of 9 that meeting? 10 A. I may have issued a subsequent request for a 11 work plan. Again, a record of which should be in the 12 file. 13 Q. To your knowledge, have you or your 14 department received a work plan relating to this gas 15 station to date? 16 A. No. 17 Q. Have you received any information from 18 Mr. Kim or on his behalf as to what he intends to do 19 with regard to the gas station? 20 A. I will say Mr. Kim's son had also come into 21 our office inquiring what was needed to be done. 22 Q. The gentleman at the end of the table? Is 23 that the gentleman at the end of the table? 24 A. Yes. 25 Q. And what was said during that discussion? 42 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. I can't recall exactly, but I do believe that 2 I photocopied from the Yellow Pages a page listing 3 environmental consulting firms in the Bakersfield area 4 and provided that to Mr. Kim's son. 5 Q. I'm going to show you what's been previously 6 marked as Exhibit 2 at another deposition and just ask 7 you to look at this, sir, if you would be so kind. 8 Is any of the handwriting on that document 9 yours, sir? 10 A. Yes. 11 Q. Okay. It says "Environmental Services 12 Contact," and it has your last name. 13 What is that document, sir, as you understand 14 it? 15 A. It is a record of a spill report that 16 describes the incident and actions taken to address 17 that incident. 18 Q. Are you familiar with the initials "RLW''~ 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. What do they represent? What company do they 21 reference?' 22 A. RLW was a service station repair company. 23 Q. Do you know someone named John affiliated 24 with that company at that time? I believe we're 25 talking about the January of 1999. 43 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Yes. I recall a John associated with RLW. 2 Q. Are they still a going concern, if you know? 3 A. No. They're no longer in business. 4 Q. Do you know John's last name? 5 A. No, I can't recall that. 6 Q. Do you recall the incident referenced in 7 Exhibit 2? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. And what does that reference? 10 A. I believe this references what I had earlier 11 indicated as my initial inspection at the facility 12 regarding a line segment near the dispenser. 13 Q. Now, is this the same area as was involved in 14 the turbine situation or something different? 15 A. This was something different. 16 Q. So it's not the same area? 17 A. No. 18 Q. Not the same problem? 19 A. No. 20 Q. Not the same suspected cause? 21 A. No. 22 MR. McCARTNEY: The way you phrased that, 23 it's unclear. 24 MR. MURPHY: Are you accusing me of using a 25 double negative? I usually use a triple negative. SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 MR. McCARTNEY: Well, it seemed -- it 2 seemed -- 3 MR. MURPHY: You're probably right. 4 BY MR. MURPHY: 5 Q. Let me turn it around, sir. 6 Was the incident referenced in Exhibit 2 the 7 same problem that you were dealing with relating to 8 your subsequent inspection and meetings with Mr. Kim? 9 A. No. 10 Q. What is the difference between the two? 11 A. This was a line leak test that indicated 12 something was wrong with the line itself and required 13 further investigation. 14 Q. Now, do you recall what occurred after that? 15 A. The line was repaired, and I inspected that 16 repair, as I had earlier indicated. 17 Q. And you approved the repair? 18 A. Subsequent to a modification which I had 19 pointed out on my inspection. 20 Q. Was that modification completed at some point 21 in time? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. And after that modification was completed, 24 did you then give approval to use the line? 25 A. Yes. This report indicates that the facility 45 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 was under a modification permit, and that permit 2 should have been approved at the time of that 3 inspection. 4 Q. Do you recall what the modification was? 5 A. Repairing that line. 6 Q. And if that line was repaired, would the 7 modification permit change to something else? 8 A. No, it would -- 9 Q. Just stay in effect?fu%o~,~ .. ~ 10 A. Until the re~W~was completed. 11 Q. Okay. And then after the repair was 12 completed, what status would it have at that point? 13 A. Operational. 14 MR. MURPHY: I'm going to pass the 15 questioning for a moment while I regroup. 16 17 EXAMINATION 18 BY MR. McCARTNEY: 19 Q. My name is Tom McCartney. I represent 20 Mr. and Mrs. Kang in this case. 21 You indicated that there was an initial 22 meeting between you, Mr. Kim, and Ann Choung that had 23 been initiated by Ann Choung. 24 Do you recall that meeting? 25 A. Yes. 46 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. And during that meeting, you said it was 2 their general desire to find out if the station was 3 currently in compliance with underground storage tank 4 regulations; is that right? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And did you respond to that inquiry? Did you 7 tell them whether the station was in compliance at 8 that time with underground storage tank regulations? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Was the gas station in compliance with 11 underground storage tank regulations then? 12 A. To the best of my recollection, yes. 13 Q. yOu had also indicated that Ann Choung had 14 requested that you provide information with respect to 15 upcoming testing or upgrading procedures which would 16 be required in the future. 17 Do you recall that? 18 A. Yes. 19 Q. And did you explain to her in your 20 conversation what those upcoming testing or upgrade 21 procedures would be? 22 A. Yes, as I wrote them down. 23 Q. While you were writing them down on the 24 document which we have marked as Exhibit 7, I believe, 25 you were, at the same time, explaining each of these 47 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 items to Ann Choung? 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. Did you do each -- did you explain each of 4 these items one at a time? Silly question, but I 5 presume you did. 6 A. Yes. 7 Q. Did Ann Choung then discuss these -- did 8 Ann Choung then, after you had finished your 9 explanation of each of these items on Exhibit 7, have 10 conversation with Mr. Kim in what I would presume 11 would be Korean? 12 A. Yes. I recall them speaking in Korean. 13 Q. And in particular, did you indicate to them 14 that there would be an annual maintenance check on the 15 leak monitoring system? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Did you indicate to them that would be sort 18 of a routine inspection? 19 A. On an ongoing annual basis. 20 Q. Did you discuss with them the tank lining 21 inspection that was going to be required by 22 October 20017 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. And that is that something which is less 25 routine, for example, than item No. 1, the annual 48 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 maintenance check on the leak monitoring system? 2 A. Yes. 3 Q. Did you explain to them that this was a more 4 extensive inspection? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. Did you tell them that this would be 7 something which could take some time to complete? 8 A. I did not discuss any time frames.~~t~c(~'~3' 9 Q. Did they ask you any questions about how 10 extensive this tank lining inspection would be? 11 A. Not that I recall. 12 Q. Is it possible that they did and you don't 13 recall, or is it your best recollection that they 14 didn't ask you any questions about it? 15 A. I don't recall what was asked about it. 16 Q. Okay. Do you recall attempting to -- by the 17 way, this tank lining inspection was something with 18 which you're familiar, are you not? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. And I take it you have occasion in your 21 profession to explain what this tank lining inspection 22 consists of on a fairly regular basis? 23 A. Could you repeat the question. 24 Q. Sure. 25 This is -- the tank lining inspection is 49 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 something you've had to discuss with people other than 2 Mr. Kim and Ann Choung, I take it?' Maybe I shouldn't 3 take it. 4 A. I'm not the primary underground tank 5 inspector; so I don't have as many opportunities to 6 discuss routine operational compliance .issues. 7 Q. Did you tell them any of the details that 8 would be involved in the tank lining inspection? 9 A. Not that I recall. 10 Q. Did you tell them that the tank lining 11 inspection was something that was required every 12 10 years? 13 A. Initially. After the first 10 years from 14 initial lining, it's required every 5 years 15 thereafter. 16 Q. Did you explain that to Ann Choung and 17 Mr. Klm? 18 A. Yes. And I believe I wrote it down as such. 19 Q. Did you ask them if they had any questions 20 about anything that you said, just in general, during 21 the meeting? 22 A. No. I believe I was answering their 23 questions. 24 Q. So they did ask you questions from time to 25 time during .this meeting? 50 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Yes. 2 Q. But as you s±t here today, you can't recall 3 what they were; is that right? 4 A. I know for a fact they asked me to write down 5 what the ongoing testing requirements were. 6 Q. Can you recall anything else that they asked 7 of you -- either to do or to explain? 8 A. No. 9 MR. McCARTNEY: I don't have anything 10 further. 11 MR. GAL?ERIN: I guess that means I'll go 12 next. 13 MR. MURPHY: Okay. 14 15 EXAMINATION 16 BY MR. GALPERIN: 17 Q. Good afternoon. Thanks for taking the time 18 to be here today and to answer our questions. 19 And by the way, if you need a break at any 20 time for water or what have you, then feel free to ask 21 for it. 22 Did you review any documents in anticipation 23 of coming here today and of your testimony today? 24 A. No. 25 Q. And did you speak with Mr. Murphy in advance 51 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 of this hearing, or have you spoken with him prior to 2 this hearing? 3 A. I met him outside this office as we arrived 4 here together. 5 Q. Okay. And what about Mr. McCartney? Had you 6 had an opportunity to speak to or meet Mr. McCartney 7 prior to today? 8 A. No. 9 Q. Okay. And have we had a chance to speak or 10 meet prior to today? 11 A. No. 12 Q. Okay. In the beginning of your testimony, 13 you talked about recalling at least two times where 14 you had visited the site of the ARCO station; is that 15 correct? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Okay. Do you have any recollection of how 18 many more than two times, if more than two times, you 19 have been to that site? 20 A. It was at least two times and maybe one or 21 two times more than that. I just don't recall. 22 Q. Is there anywhere a record that would 23 establish conclusively the number of times that you 24 may have visited the property? 25 A. Yes. 52 SYLVIA MENDEZ & AS$OCIA-ES (661) 631 2904 1 Q. And what would that record be, and where 2 would that record be found? 3 A. In the file. 4 Q. Is that file available to all of the public? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. Is there a file or are there files separate 7 from that file which is available to the public? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. And what is the difference between the file 10 that is available to the public and the file that is 11 not available to the public? 12 A. State law prohibits the disclosure of the 13 locations of hazardous materials; therefore, maps 14 related to hazardous materials disclosure are not 15 available for public review. 16 Q. Anything else that would, not be found in the 17 public file that would be found in the nonpublic file? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Now, you had mentioned that the first time 20 that you were at the property -- the first time that 21 you recall being at the property was for inspecting a 22 component modification to the underground system, a 23 section of piping that needed repair and one 24 dispenser; is that correct? 25 A. Yes. 53 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 ~ Q. Is that~ the same inspection that was referred 2 ~ as having occurred in January of 19997 3 . ieve ' 4 Q. Okay. Now, I want to go back for a moment to 5 the time period that Mr. Klm and Ms. Choung came into 6 your offices before Mr. Kim purchased the property. 7 When they came, who -- did anybody state the 8 purpose of the visit? 9 A. My recollection is that Ann Choung introduced 10 Mr. Klm to me as a prospective buyer of the property. 11 Q. And what else did she say to you regarding 12 what the intention was regarding the meeting? 13 A. That there was a general intent to review the 14 file to ascertain the status of the regulatory 15 compliance and if any records indicated that there 16 were releases from the underground storage tanks. 17 Q. So the purpose of the meeting was articulated 18 to you by Ms. Choung; is that correct? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. Was the purpose or a purpose to the meeting 21 also articulated to you by Mr. Kim? 22 A. Not directly. 23 Q. Now, Ms. Choung, how did she introduce 24 herself? In what capacity was she coming to your 25 office? 54 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. As a realtor. 2 Q. Did she explain whether she was a realtor 3 representing the seller or a realtor representing the 4 buyer? 5 A. She introduced Mr. Kim as a potential buyer 6 of the property. 7 Q. I understand that. 8 My question was: Did she identify herself as 9 being an agent or broker for either the buyer or the 10 seller, or did she say thgt she was representing both? 11 A. My recollection is that she was representing 12 Mr. Klm. 13 Q. Okay. So did s'he state to you specifically 14 that she was also representing the seller of the 15 property? 16 A. Not that I recall. 17 Q. Okay. Were you aware of the fact that she 18 was representing both the buyer and the seller in the 19 transaction? 20 A. Not that I recall. 21 Q. Now, you described that meeting as an initial 22 file review; is that correct? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. And how many other file reviews were there 25 similar to this one? 55 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. I don't know the exact number. File reviews 2 occur on a relatively routine basis -- perhaps one or 3 two a week. 4 Q. Now, you had mentioned something a few 5 moments ago about being prohibited to disclose 6 information about hazardous substances on certain 7 properties and that, thus, that is not available in 8 the public file; is that correct? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Okay. Was all the information regarding 11 possible releases of hazardous substances, then, in 12 that file that was available for the review of 13 Mr. Kim? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. It was -- how is it that it came to be there 16 for Mr. Kim when it's not available as a public file? 17 A. There is only a specific prohibition against 18 the disclosure of the locations of hazardous materials 19 pursuant to the Community Right to Know Act, and those 20 maps are kept in a separate file from the underground 21 storage tank regulatory file. 22 Q. So was there any file or any information in 23 another file that Mr. Kim would not have been privy to 24 in his review of the file at your offices? 25 A. Would you repeat the question. 56 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Yes. 2 Was there anything in any file that Mr. Kim, 3 as a member of the public, would not have been privy 4 to in his review of the file? 5 A. Yes. 6 Q. And what specifically would he not have been 7 privy to? 8 A. The specific site map showing the locations 9 of where the hazardous materials are stored on the 10 property. 11 Q. And what kind of information would that 12 provide, had he been privy to it? 13 A. The location of the underground storage 14 tanks. 15 Q. So the file that he had for his review did 16 not have information regarding the location of 17 underground storage tanks; is that correct? 18 A. The file available for his review did have 19 information on the location of the underground storage 20 tanks, because under the underground storage tank law, 21 in particular, those maps are not prohibited from 22 public view. 23 Q. Okay. So, again, just to clarify, because I 24 am trying to understand here, what type of documents 25 or information or maps would there have been in the 57 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 nonpublic file that Mr. Kim would not have been privy 2 to when he reviewed that public file? 3 A. A site map of the location which showed where 4 the underground storage tanks were located. I think 5 this is a situation where one set of laws prohibits 6 the locations of hazardous materials from being 7 subject to public review, but the underground storage 8 tank laws do not have such a prohibition; therefore, 9 maps are in both files. One file is available for 10 public review; the maps in another file are not. 11 Q. I understand. 12 Do you recall whether either Mr. Kim or 13 Ms. Choung had copies made or made copies of any of 14 the file that they reviewed? 15 A. I don't recall. But it is common to have 16 copies made during file reviews. 17 Q. Did Mr. Kim ask for your advice in any way 18 regarding what was described as his contemplated 19 purchase of the property? 20 A. He asked for my determination on whether the 21 site was in regulatory compliance. 22 Q. To which you responded? 23 A. In the affirmative. 24 Q. And how did you determine that it was in 25 regulatory compliance? 58 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Through the file review. 2 Q. And did you do a file review prior to the 3 meet±rig or pr±or to th±s f±ie rev±ew by Mr. K±m and 4 Ms. Choung, or was that review of the file that you 5 did just done while they were there? 6 A. I believe the file review was done while they 7 were there. 8 Q. Okay. Did you, at any time, suggest to 9 Mr. Kim that he do a Phase I in terms of testing of 10 this property? 11 A. No. 12 Q. Would a Phase I have -- well, what would a 13 Phase I have informed him of? 14 A. A Phase I would have informed him of any 15 environmental conditions which may indicate whether a 16 release had occurred on the site. 17 Q. Now, I want to turn back to Exhibit 7 for a 18 moment. 19 MR. GALPERIN: Thank you very much. I 20 appreciate that. 21 BY MR. GALPERIN: 22 Q. Now, this was prepared in connection with 23 that meeting that occurred on or about the fall of 24 2000; correct? 25 A. Yes. 59 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Okay. Now, Item No. 1 says that "A 2 maintenance check on leak mon±tor±n~ system is 3 required by 09/18/2000 and each year thereafter." 4 Do you recall whether this meeting happened 5 before or after 09/187 6 A. My recollection is it would be prior to 09/18 7 if I was writing down things that were going to occur 8 in the immediate future. 9 Q. But you don't recall whether this meeting 10 occurred before or after 09/187 11 A. If the meeting occurred after 09/18, then the 12 site would have not been in compliance. They would 13 have been overdue for their annual maintenance check. 14 Therefore, it is my conclusion that this occurred 15 prior to September 18th of 2000. 16 Q. But you don't recall that for a fact? 17 A. I don't recall exactly when this meeting 18 occurred. 19 Q. Is it possible that this meeting occurred in 20 October? 21 A. Not on the basis of what I've written. 22 Q. And if it had occurred in October, then this 23 station would not have been in compliance; is that 24 correct? 25 MR. McCARTNEY: Assumes facts not in evidence 6O SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 that -- it's incomplete. 2 MR. ~UR?HY: Incomplete hypothetical. 3 MR. GALPERIN: It's a very complete 4 hypothetical. 5 MR. McCARTNEY: Join. 6 MR. GALPERIN: I will rephrase it. 7 BY MR. GALPERIN: 8 Q. If the meeting occurred in October and the 9 work had not have been done, then the station would, 10 in fact, not been in compliance; is that correct? 11 A. Yes. 12 Q. Okay. Now, at the very bottom, it says 13 "attested to." How did this particular language make 14 its way onto this page -- the words "attested to"? 15 A. Those were my words. 16 Q. Were you requested to attest to this? 17 A. I was requested to sign and date this 18 document. 19 Q. Okay. And as a consequence thereof, you 20 decided to write "attested to''o 21 A. Yes. 22 Q. Just wanted to check how that came about. 23 Do you recall whether it was Ann Choung or 24 Mr. Kim who specifically asked for the upcoming 25 procedures and testing that needed to be done on the 61 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES .- (661) 631-2904 1 property? 2 A. It was Ms. Choung who made that request to 3 me. 4 Q. And you recall questions being asked by 5 Mr. Kim; is that correct? I believe you testified to 6 that. 7 A. Yes. Through Ms. Choung, as the -- as an 8 interpreter. I .recall discussions occurring between 9 Mr. Kim and Ms. Choung in Korean and questions being 10 posed to me by Ms. Choung. 11 Q. So your recollection of the questions that 12 Mr. Kim asked was those questions were asked by him in 13 Korean to Ms. Choung and then she translated or 14 interpreted into English to you; correct? 15 A. That's my general recollection. 16 Q. And what about the answers that you provided 17 to the questions? Did you provide them directly to 18 Mr. Kim in English, or were those then translated back 19 to Korean by Ms. Choung? '20 A. I addressed them collectively, as I'm 21 addressing all of you here collectively. Subsequent 22 to my response, Ms. Choung would translate into Korean 23 to Mr. Kim. 24 Q. Do you know if her interpretation or 25 translation was a complete interpretation and 62 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 translation? 2 A. No. 3 Q. I could have predicted the answer to the 4 question, but I had to ask it anyway. 5 Let's turn to January of 1999 and what is 6 referred to in this Exhibit 2 as the hazmat incident. 7 Did the fire department require an 8 investigation as to how much fuel was spilled? 9 A. I don't have a recollection that any fuel was 10 spilled. This was a line leak test failure. My 11 recollection is that a soil sample was obtained, but I 12 don't recall that the soil had been impacted by this 13 particular line test failure indication. 14 Q. Was there any indication of how it had been 15 affected -- of how the soil had been affected? 16 MR. McCARTNEY: Assumes facts not in 17 evidence. 18 MR. MURPHY: Join. 19 MR. GALPERIN: Well, he just said that there 20 was an impact on the soil. 21 MR. McCARTNEY: No, he didn't. 22 MR. MURPHY: No, he didn't. 23 MR. McCARTNEY: That's exactly the opposite 24 of what he said. He said there was a line leak test 25 failure and that he does not recall that the soil had 63 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 been impacted; that a.soil sample was taken, he 2 doesn't recall any contamination. 3 MR. GALPERIN: Let's clarify. 4 BY MR. GALPERIN: 5 Q. Was there a soil sample? 6 A. I believe there was a soil sample taken at 7 8 Q. And did that soil sample show any 9 contamination? 10 A. I do not recall that that soil sample showed 11 contamination at that time. 12 Q. Okay. Where are the results of that soil 13 sample? 14 A. They should be in the file. 15 Q. In the public file? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. Okay. And this would definitely be in that 18 public file? 19 A. They should be. 20 Q. Okay. Now, do you know if there are any 21 other soil samples that are in that file? 22 A. There should be the soil sample that was 23 taken subsequent to the tank lining inspection. 24 Q. I'd like to show you a document entitled 25 "Correction Notice" from the Bakersfield Fire 64 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Department, and then there is also attached a City of 2 Bakersfield Office of Environmental Services form. I 3 don't believe this was part of any of the previous 4 documents. 5 MR. MURPHY: How do you want to mark them? 6 Both together or separate. 7 MR. GALPERIN: Separately. Let's do one 8 8 and one 9. 9 (Whereupon, Plaintiffs' Exhibit Nos. 8 and 9 10 were marked for identification.) 11 BY MR. GALPERIN: 12 Q. Could you be so kind as to read to us what 13 needed to be done pursuant to this correction notice? 14 A. I'm sorry. Could you repeat the question. 15 Q. Sure. I'd be happy to. 16 Could you read for us what was required 17 pursuant to this inspection notice? 18 A. Item No. 1 says "Please place visible street 19 numbers at least six inches in height on building." 20 Item No. 2, "Please replumb No. 6 dispenser 21 so that shear valve is rigidly mounted flush with the 22 top of the island." 23 Item No. 3, "Please provide fully operational 24 cathodic protection system". 25 Q. Okay. Let's go one by one, although the 65 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 first of those is not that terribly important for our 2 purpose. I think we can skip that, relating to the 3 numbers being put on the building. 4 The second of those, do you have a 5 recollection of whether that was done and when that 6 was done and by whom it was done? 7 A. To the best of my recollection? 8 Q. To the best of your knowledge, sure. 9 A. This was what I had previously indicated as 10 the modification that I alluded to when that piping 11 was repaired under the modification permit, that 12 before I could sign off on my approval, this 13 modification had to occur. 14 Q. And do you recall whether the modification 15 did occur? 16 A. To the best of my recollection, yeah. 17 Q. 'And would there have had to have been a 18 permit for that modification? 19 A. Yes. 20 Q. And do you recall whether there was a permit 21 for this modification? 22 A. Yes. It's noted here, on your Exhibit No. 2. 23 Q. Okay. So there was. 24 Now, about the third of the items that are 25 listed there on that Exhibit No. 8? Do you have a 66 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 recollection of whether that corrective work was done? 2 A. Not -- I don't recall directly. 3 Q. Okay. Now, if there was no record of a soil 4 sample analysis taken in 1999 in the file, would that 5 suggest that no sample was taken? 6 MR. McCARTNEY: Calls for speculation. 7 MR. MURPHY: Join. 8 MR. GALPERIN: It's a fair question. 9 MR. McCARTNEY: It might suggest that it was 10 lost, stolen. 11 MR. GALPERIN: Well, then he can respond 12 that. 13 THE WITNESS: Could you repeat'the question. 14 BY MR. GALPERIN: 15 Q. Yes. 16 If there is no record of a soil sample 17 analysis from January of '99 on file, would that 18 suggest that no sample was taken? 19 MR. McCARTNEY: Same objection. Plus, it's 20 argumentative. 21 MR. MURPHY: Join. 22 THE WITNESS: My recollection is that a soil 23 // sample was obtained from that piping repair. / ; 24 ~ MR. GALPERIN: Bear with me just one moment 25l here. SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 I think that I'm done; so perhaps if you have 2 some follow up questions? 3 MR. McCAR-NEY: I don't. 4 MR. MURPHY: I don't. 5 MR. GAL?ERIN: -hen you'll be set free. 6 MR. McCAR-NEY: I think we've got to go by 7 Code, don't we? 8 MR. MURPHY: Let's go off the record. 9 (Discussion held off the record from 10 2:58 to 3:02.) 11 MR. MURPHY: Propose the stipulation that the 12 court reporter be relieved of her applicable duties 13 under the Code of Civil Procedure; that she send the 14 original transcript directly to Mr. Wines at his 15 business office address with a prepaid Fed Ex 16 envelope, which will be good for the weight of the 17 transcript plus the weight of the signature, 18 hopefully; and that the witness will review the 19 transcript and indicate any changes made and sign the 20 original pursuant to the penalties of perjury and then 21 forward the original to my office in the previously 22 mentioned envelope; we will maintain custody of the 23 original and produce it at trial, and if for any 24 reason, however, the original is lost, destroyed, or 25 otherwise unavailable for any reason, that a certified 68 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIA-ES (661) 631 2904 1 copy of the original may be signed and dated and used 2 as if the original; and we will notify counsel of any 3 changes made by the witness, assuming we get 4 everything on time, no longer than three days 5 before -- or what do you want? 6 MR. GALPERIN: How about within two business 7 days of your getting it back or within three business 8 days prior to trial, whichever is sooner. 9 MR. MURPHY: That's fine. 10 MR. McCARTNEY: So stipulated. 11 MR. GALPERIN: So stipulated. 12 13 (Whereupon, at 3:04 p.m., the deposition of 14 HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III was concluded.) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 69 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. 2 COUNTY OF KERN ) 3 4 I, HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III, do hereby 5 certify: 6 That I have read the foregoing deposition; 7 That I have made such changes in form and/or 8 substance to the within deposition as might be 9 necessary to render the same true and correct; 10 That having made such changes thereon, I 11 hereby subscribe my name to the deposition. 12 I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the 13 foregoing is true and correct. 14 Executed this'"'/~ Yt~ day of I5 , 2oo , at , 16 California. 17 18 19 2O 21 HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III 24 25 7O SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. 2 COUNTY OF KERN ) 3 4 I, Ruthanne Esparza, a Certified Shorthand 5 Reporter in the State of California, holding 6 Certificate No. 7125, do hereby certify that 7 HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III, the witness named in the 8 foregoing deposition, was by me duly sworn; that said 9 deposition was taken Friday, June 27, 2003, at the 10 time and place set forth on the second page hereof. 11 That upon the taking of the deposition, the 12 words of the witness were written down by me in 13 stenotype and thereafter transcribed by computer under 14 my supervision; that the foregoing is a true and 15 correct transcript of the testimony given by the 16 witness. 17 I further certify that I am neither counsel 18 for, nor in any way related to any party to said 19 action, nor in any way interested in the result or 20 outcome thereof. 21 Dated this llth day of July, 2003, at 22 Bakersfield, California. 24 Ruthanne Espa 7125 25 71 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 Location II :.. ......... : ,.~.., Sub Div. Blk. . Lot .. ,~..._ .~ ..,.... ~ ':.~-;? .,.:.~.-: ~;... :, .~.'~,;~i~: -.,.~ ~.....-:_ ~ at You the are above hereby location: required to ·make the following corrections · ~' . .',.: .... .. /. -... ,~:~tr'.. .L~-' ":',4 s? G ~'~ ,-t~-,z~"r" .c~,,-,'. ~,t,,,~ o ..,vc-- -',,.q. _.~:'~ '~,. .. '1- · . ," .~ ' PLC',~.Se~ ~...~ .':~ .. . - ,: .. .... ..~ ..;.'. - ..~,. -,.~:~.:.....::; - ~;'' Completion Date for Corrections. .--'~ ',' .":': '? r ,.:~ '/,,' ' · '---, ' ., ..'i. i : <,.,:. . Date .23 7 / '~: :~ . --:? ...;-~.:., ::: ,. ,' ': , .,,., -. Inspector Deft(s) PIf(s) ~__EXHIBiT '3979 Ruthanne Esparza, CSR # 7125 , 0ate: d.br/e,, CITY OF BAKEI~EIELD OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 171~ Chester Ave., Bakersfield, C ~ 3 97 Ruthanne..,._ Esparza, CSR # 7125 IK:~T C~D AT JOB STI'g - city. z~ City. zip D~-~.,,~r Pan - $~CONDARY CONTAI~"T. OVERFILL P~ i~ l.~ D~t ~ ,, V~ W~ ~=~ C--~;~ ~ ~ C~-~ ~ ~ ~ V~ V~ . ~ Spill ~i~ ~ Fill ~ ~ SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF KERN CHANG BOK KlM, an ) individual, and JUNG YE ) KlM, an individual, ) Case No. ) Plaintiffs, ) 247753 JES ) VS. ) ) BONG UN KANG, an ) individual; SOUK JA KANG, ) an individual; ANN M. ) CHOUNG, an individual; L. ) STROOPE, INC., dba STROO?E ) REALTORS GMAC REAL ESTATE, ) a California corporation, ) and DOES 1 to 50, ) inclusive, ) ) Defendants. ) ) DEPOSITION OF: STEVE UNDERWOOD FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003 3:26 P.M. Reported By: Ruthanne Esparza, CSR No. 7125 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES Ccrtificd Shorthund Rcportcr.~ 1675 Chesler Avenue. Suile 360 Bakersfield, CA 93301 ORIGINAL (661) 631-2904 · Fax (661) 631-2969 1 Deposition of STEVE UNDERWOOD, a Witness, taken on 2 behalf of the Defendants Ann M. Choung and L. Stroope, 3 Inc., on Friday, June 27, 2003, 3:26 p.m., at the Law 4 Offices of N. Thomas McCartney, 1920 20th Street, 5 Bakersfield, California, before Ruthanne Esparza, 6 CSR No. 7125, pursuant to Notice of Taking Deposition. 7 8 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL 9 For the Plaintiffs: Law Office of Ron S. Galperin 10 By: RON S. GALPERIN, LORI WADE and 11 PETER NIEMIEC Attorneys at Law 12 9460 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 500 13 Beverly Hills, California 90212 (310) 278-6831 14 15 For the Defendants Manning & Marder Ann M. Choung; Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, LLP 16 L. Stroope, Inc.: By: ROBERT E. MURPHY Attorney at Law 17 660 South Figueroa Street 23rd Floor 18 Los Angeles, California 90017 (213) 624-6900 19 20 Also Present: Plaintiff Chang Bok Kim Sung Kim 21 22 23 24 25 2 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 I N D E X 2 3 THE WITNESS 4 STEVE UNDERWOOD 5 6 EXAMINATION BY Page 7 Mr. Murphy 4, 56 8 Mr. Galperin 45 9 10 EXHIBIT INDEX 11 (None offered. 12 13 14 ~5 17 ~8 ~9 2O 21 22 23 24 25 3 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - 661) 631-2904 1 BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA; 2 FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 2003; 3:26 P.M.; 3 LAW OFFICES OF N. THOMAS McCARTNEY 4 5 STEVE UNDERWOOD, 6 called as a witness by counsel for the Defendants 7 Ann M. Choung and L. Stroope, Inc., having been first 8 duly sworn, testified as follows: 9 10 EXAMINATION 11 BY MR. MURPHY: 12 Q. Would you please state your name. 13 A. Steve Underwood. 14 Q. By whom are you employed, Mr. Underwood? 15 A. City of Bakersfield. 16 Q. And do you work for a particular part or 17 department of the City of Bakersfield? 18 A. I work for the Bakersfield Fire Department 19 Prevention Services Division. 20 Q. Have you ever had your deposition taken 21 before? 22 A. Yes. 23 Q. Approximately how many times? 24 A. Once. 25 Q. How long ago? 4 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Six years ago. 2 Q. Just to give abbreviated version of what a -- 3 reminder and refresher course about this, the young 4 lady to your right is a court reporter. She's taking 5 down everything that is being said. And in about two 6 weeks' time, it's going to be put together in the form 7 of a booklet, which will be made available to you. 8 And we're going to ask that you review it, sign it, 9 and date it and advise us of any changes that you may 10 wish to make to your deposition testimony if you 11 believe that to be necessary. If you make a change, 12 however, that an attorney involved in the case 13 believes to be an important or material change, that 14 can be commented upon to the effect you said one thing 15 here today and later changed your testimony to state 16 something else different, which could affect your 17 credibility. 18 Do you understand? 19 A. I understand. 20 Q. All right. If there is any question any 21 attorney puts to you that you do not understand, let 22 us know. We will more than happy to repeat or 23 rephrase it. 24 A. Okay. 25 Q. But we cannot read minds; so we have to rely 5 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 upon you to tell us if you have a problem. If you go 2 ahead and answer the question, we're going to assume 3 that you fully understood it unless you tell us 4 otherwise. 5 Is that fair? 6 A. I understand. 7 Q. There may be some questions that ask you for 8 your best estimate. We may ask you, "Approximately 9 when did you do this?" "Approximately when did you do 10 that?" You may not recall the exact date. You might 11 not even remember the month, but you could, perhaps, 12 say it was the fall of 2000 or something of that 13 nature. That's an estimate based upon a factual 14 recollection that you have. 15 If you don't remember something, 'just say "I 16 don't remember." That is a perfectly acceptable 17 answer. We don't want you to guess. 18 'A. Okay. 19 Q. Do you understand the difference? 20 A. Yes, I do. 21 Q. Is there any reason why we cannot proceed 22 with your deposition at this time? 23 A. No. 24 Q. How long have you been employed by the City 25 of Bakersfield? 6 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Since October 3rd, 1997 -- excuse me -- 2 February 3rd, 1997. 3 Q. And before that where did you work? 4 A. I worked for Campbell's Soup Company. 5 Q. And what did you do there? 6 A. I was a territory manager. 7 Q. And for how long did you have that job? 8 A. Approximately two years. 9 Q. And before that what did you do? 10 A. I worked for Ralston Purina Company. 11 Q. And what did you do for that company? 12 A. A territory manager. 13 Q. For approximately how long? 14 A. About two-and-a-half years. 15 Q. I'll go back one more job. 16 What did you do before that? 17 A. Pitney Bowes. 18 Q. And what did you do for that company? 19 A. I was an associate sales manager. 20 Q. For approximately how long did you work for 21 that company? 22 A. Four years. 23 Q. How far did yqu go in school? 24 A. I have an AA degree in environmental 25 technology. 7 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. And approximately when did you obtain that? 2 A. December of 1996. 3 Q. From where? 4 A. Bakersfield College. 5 Q. Do you have any other degrees past high 6 school? 7 A. No. 8 Q. Now, when you joined the City of Bakersfield 9 Fire Department, did you go directly into prevention 10 services? 11 A. Yes, I did. At that particular time, it was 12 called Environmental Services. 13 Q. And when you first were employed by 14 Environmental Services, what was your position -- 15 title? 16 A. I was an underground storage tank 17 inspector/fire inspector petroleum. 18 Q. Had you ever done that type of work before 19 taking the job with the City of Bakersfield? 20 A. No, sir. 21 Q. Where did you receive your training for that 22 type of work? 23 A. The degree which I sought dealt with 24 environmental issues dealing with both Community Right 25 to Know, underground storage tanks, pipelines -- 8 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 anything to do with environmental/petroleum. 2 Q. Now, after you joined the Bakersfield Fire 3 Department, did you have any further or additional 4 training in that particular area? 5 A. Absolutely. 6 Q. What was that? 7 A. I -- starting in early 1997, I went to 8 several state u~r -- clean water program 9 seminars on underground tank inspection, sampling 10 analysis, cathodic protection, drug labs, 11 methamphetamine labs, pipeline orientation. At the 12 moment I can't recall any more, but this was over a 13 period of -- well, it's still ongoing. This has been 14 since 1997. 15 Q. Who is your immediate supervisor at the 16 present time? 17 A. Ralph Huey. 18 Q. What his title? 19 A. He's the director of Prevention Services. 20 Q. And what are your duties presently with the 21 Fire Department? 22 A. I currently manage the underground tank 23 program for the City of Bakersfield. 24 Q. When you say you manage the underground 25 storage tank program for the City of Bakersfield, what 9 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 specifically do you do? 2 A. I do on-site visits. Law requires an annual 3 inspection be performed at each UST facility in our 4 jurisdiction. I'm also maintaining the data base and 5 the requirements that are set aside. Under the Water 6 Board and the Title 23 regs., there are specific 7 certifications that need to be done each year, and 8 some every three years, with regard to different types 9 of UST systems. 10 Q. Now, is there anyone else doing that 11 particular work for the City of Bakersfield? 12 A. That is my primary duty; however, if I'm on 13 vacation or not available, a gentleman named 14 Howard Wines will sometimes fill in for me. That is 15 not his primary area of responsibility, but he does 16 fill in when I'm not available. 17 Q. Do you know what Mr. Wines' primary area of 18 responsibility is? 19 A. His primary responsibility is to do site 20 assessments and off-site consequences where it deals 21 with hazardous waste or hazardous contamination. 22 Q. Is Mr. Huey Mr. Wines' immediate supervisor, 23 as well, sir? 24 A. Yes, he is. 25 Q. Now, you indicated reference to a data base. 10 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 What are you referring to? 2 A. Each one of our sites has both a working file 3 and a computer data base. We're constantly entering 4 in data both for the file, itself, which is an 5 evolving and growing file as different things come in. 6 Specifically, each year they're required to have an 7 annual maintenance on their fuel monitoring 8 certification. We're checking to make sure that's 9 done. And then that has to be updated in the file and 10 then updated in the computer. We generally want to 11 make sure that everything in the computer matches what 12 is in the file. It's easier to use a computer than go 13 do a file search every time. 14 Q. When you talk about the working file, is this 15 a physical file that is stored somewhere in your 16 office or office facility? 17 A. Yes, sir, that's correct. 18 Q. Is that working file open to the public? 19 A. Absolutely. All our underground storage tank 20 records are available to public access. 21 Q. What kind of materials would go -- or 22 documents would go into a typical file that you 23 maintain? 24 A. The initial permit to construct or modify, 25 the job card showing what work was done, and the 11 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 final. Anything associated with periodic tank 2 tightness testing, anything to do with fuel monitoring 3 certification. If the system is a line system, every 4 three years they have to have a cathodic protection 5 certification. All of these over the years makes the 6 file, of course, grow bigger and bigger. But we tend 7 to have a working case history since the inception of 8 that facility. 9 Q. When you perform the inspections that you've 10 referenced, do you keep some written record of that? 11 A. Yes. Every inspection has an inspection 12 form, both for the business plan portion and the 13 underground tank portion. When that inspection is 14 completed, the representative of the facility will 15 sign that, and they will get a copy of that, and then 16 the hard copy goes in the file. 17 Q. When you say the representative of the 18 facility, you're talking about the facility being 19 inspected? 20 A. Yes, sir. 21 Q. Now, would gasoline storage tanks for gas 22 stations fall within the purview of the inspections 23 that you perform? 24 A. Absolutely. 25 Q. And to your knowledge or recollection, have 12 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 you ever inspected the ARCO station on 34th Street? 2 A. Yes, sir. 3 Q. Now, as I recall, you said you started in 4 1997 in February. 5 A. That is correct. 6 Q. Do you have an estimate of how many times 7 you've inspected that particular gas station from then 8 to now? 9 A. I believe approximately four times, maybe 10 five. 11 MR. NIEMIEC: Mr. Underwood, could I ask you 12 to speak up a little bit when the fan comes on? 13 THE WITNESS: Absolutely. 14 BY MR. MURPHY: 15 Q. Would all of these inspections be of the same 16 type and nature, or would they differ? 17 A. They would differ. 18 Q. Do you recall the type or nature of the first 19 inspection you performed? 20 A. First inspection, I believe, was an annual 21 inspection based -- just to basically do an -- it's an 22 annual inspection to make sure that all components are 23 working and up-to-date on their certifications. 24 Q. And did you perform that inspection? 25 A. Yes, I did. 13 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Do you recall when? 2 A. I know it was in '97. Without having the 3 record here, I couldn't say specifically. I know it 4 was done within that calendar year. 5 Q. Do you recall what the results of that 6 inspection was? 7 A. I believe there was some minor violations. I 8 believe it had to do with paperwork being in order -- 9 proof of insurance, having a written response and an 10 authorized release plan. To the best of my 11 recollection, I don't believe it was a component 12 problem; simply, a paper problem. 13 Q. Do you know whether that paper problem was 14 resolved? 15 A. Yes, I believe it was. 16 Q. Now, do you recall when your next -- strike 17 that. 18 Do you recall the nature of your second or 19 next inspection? 20 A. I believe that was in 1999. And the gap -- 21 if I may add to that, the law changed in late December 22 or early January of 1999 from the State Water Board. 23 Our policy was to do, at least every three years, 24 inspections on each facility. However, in 1999 -- I 25 believe it was 1999 -- the law changed, requiring 14 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 annual inspections at each underground storage tank 2 facility. 3 Q. So it was reduced from every three years to 4 every one year? 5 A. That is correct. 6 Q. And, again, what was the nature of the 7 inspection you performed in 19997 8 A. The one in the early part of the year, I 9 believe, was based just on an annual inspection at 10 that particular time. 11 Q. The same or similar nature as the one in 12 19977 13 A. That is correct. 14 Q. Do you recall the results of the annual 15 inspection that you performed in the early part of 16 19997 17 A. No, I do not. 18 Q. Do you recall performing a second inspection 19 for any reason or purpose in 19997 20 A. Yes. In the latter part of 1998, in order 21 for them to meet the '98 upgrade requirement, they 22 were required to have cathodic protection on their 23 tanks. Their tanks were lined in 1991, and why at 24 that time they weren't cathodically protected is a 25 mystery, but I believe the tanks in the first part of 15 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 1999 had to be cathodically protected to meet the '98 2 upgrade code. I don't believe that was done by the 3 deadline. I believe, to the best of my recollection, 4 that was done in early 1999. And my role and capacity 5 there was to inspect the installation of the cathodic 6 protection system. 7 Q. And did you do that? 8 A. Yes, I did. 9 Q. And was the cathodic system installed? 10 A. Yes, it was. 11 Q. And did you approve the installation? 12 A. Yes, I did. 13 Q. Was there anything else you would have done 14 at that time period other than what you've told us? 15 A. No, sir. 16 Q. Now, do you recall what the next inspection 17 was of that premises? 18 A. I believe it was sometime in 2000. Without 19 the file here, I could not tell you the date. I don't 20 recall. 21 Q. Do you recall the nature of that inspection? 22 A. It was a routine or annual inspection. 23 Q. Do you recall the results of that inspection? 24 A. No, I don't. 25 Q. Do you recall the next inspection that you 16 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 performed, if you did? 2 A. I believe -- to the best of my recollection, 3 I believe it was one done in 2001. 4 Q. And what was the nature of that inspection? 5 A. That was an annual inspection. 6 Q. Do you recall the results of that inspection? 7 A. I believe there was some problems on that 8 inspection. I believe that the station had been sold, 9 and although I don't believe there was a component 10 problem, but there was no transfer of ownership, nor 11 was there any documentation as far as -- again, we 12 have what we call a "transfer of ownership." We have 13 the Forms A and B that gives owner/operator 14 information, business plan information, and then a 15 response and an authorized release plan. 16 Q. So this was a paperwork problem? 17 A. Yes, sir. 18 Q. Do you recall if that paperwork problem was 19 resolved? 20 A. To the best of my recollection, I believe 21 that Mr. Kim came in, and I helped him get the 22 paperwork filled out; and, yes, I believe it was 23 resolved. 24 Q. Was it your understanding Mr. Kim was the 25 owner of the gas station at that time? 17 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. That's what, I believe, the paperwork stated, 2 yes, sir. 3 Q. Do you recall having any difficulty speaking 4 or talking to Mr. Kim? 5 A. It was a real serious problem. 6 Q. In what respect? 7 A. I could not understand what he was saying. 8 Q. Do you believe you got across at some 9 point -- 10 A. I believe -- 11 Q. -- what you wanted to get across? 12 A. I believe he had his daughter. Again, to the 13 best of my recollection, somebody was there. I'm 14 thinking it's his daughter. I'm not 100 percent sure 15 on that. But there was someone there that was 16 translating, and I believe I got my point across. 17 Q. And what was your point at the time? 18 A. Well, I needed to get the information to fill 19 out on the documentation, for example, his mailing 20 address, emergency contact information, if he 21 understood what to do in an emergency -- those types 22 of things. 23 Q. All right. Do you recall anything else about 24 that particular meeting? 25 A. Not at this particular meeting, no. 18 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. As I understand it, that was a meeting 2 following the annual inspection? 3 A. Yes. Very shortly after that. 4 Q. And that -- strike that. 5 The purpose of the meeting was to explain 6 what needed to be done? 7 A. Not only to explain but make sure I provided 8 him and we made the necessary change in paperwork to 9 keep his permit valid. 10 Q. Again, as far as you recall, that was 11 accomplished? 12 A. Yes, sir. 13 Q. Do you recall any other inspections or 14 meetings in 20017 15 A. Yes. Shortly thereafter, I had been sending 16 him reminders. Under Title 23, Section 2663(g), I 17 believe, requires that a tank that has been lined has 18 to be inspected within 10 years and every 5 years 19 thereafter. In fact, I believe these notifications 20 started in January of 2001 advising Mr. Kim that -- 21 well, I'll -- let me back up. 22 They were first, for the first six or seven 23 months, going to the only owner we had on record. 24 They were going to the facility address, but they were 25 to Mr. Kang because, again, he had failed to come in 19 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 at the proper time to change the documentation. 2 Once he came in and did that and we were 3 advised of the new owner, then those reminders started 4 going to Mr. Klm. 5 Q. So the address was the same, but the name 6 changed? 7 A. That is correct. 8 Q. When you say he failed to come in initially, 9 you're referring to Mr. Klm? 10 A. Mr. Klm. Health and Safety Code requires 11 that within 30 days of an operational change in 12 ownership or name, they're required to come into our 13 office and fill out change of ownership, provide proof 14 of insurance, and fill out the necessary State 15 documents. 16 Q. Now, as I understand it, you said for the 17 initial six months following January 2001 -- was that 18 the time period you were talking about? 19 A. Yes, sir. 20 Q. -- that the notices went to the gas station 21 but had the Kangs' name on it? 22 A. That is correct. 23 Q. And then after that, the name was changed to 24 Klm. 25 A. Yes. 20 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Now, you started to talk about the fact that 2 lined tanks had to be inspected initially after the 3 first 10 years? 4 A. Yes. That is the Code. 5 Q. And every 5 years thereafter? 6 A. That is correct. 7 Q. And was this facility coming up on the 8 10-year period? 9 A. October 13, 2001, I believe, was their 10 10-year anniversary, to the best of my recollection. 11 Q. Now, what do you do as part of the lined tank 12 inspection? What does that encompass? 13 A. That encompasses opening -- basically opening 14 the tanks, digging out to the actual top Of the tank, 15 and exposing a two-by-two man way that are cut in each 16 end of the tank. 17 Q. Two-feet-by-two-feet, you're saying? 18 A. Yes, sir. 19 Q. And what is the purpose of those cuts? 20 A. The purpose of those cuts -- that was done in 21 initially when the tanks were lined. They are access 22 points where they can remove the cover -- it's bolted 23 in -- so they can gain access and inspect the interior 24 of the tank. 25 Q. Now, are these inspections of the lined tanks 21 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 to be performed by the City representatives or an 2 outside consulting firm? 3 A. Certainly not by the City. We're there in a 4 supervisory role. That is done by a contractor who is 5 licensed to do that. In this particular instance, 6 that was Sessions Tank Lining. 7 Q. S-e-s-s-i-o-n-s? 8 A. Yes, sir. Incidentally, he is the one that 9 performed the original lining to begin with. 10 Q. He installed.the lining approximately 11 10 years before? 12 A. That's what the records reflect, yes, sir. 13 Q. It's your understanding that Mr. Sessions' 14 company performed the subsequent 10-year anniversary 15 inspection? 16 A. I witnessed them being there and signed off 17 on the inspection report. 18 Q. So you witnessed all or part of the 19 inspections? 20 A. I would not say "all." I did not actually go 21 down into the tanks. That requires basically an SCBA 22 with an attendant because it's a confined space entry. 23 Q. Now, is there a particular person at Sessions 24 Tank Lining that was in charge of this? 25 A. Ross Sessions. 22 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. R-o-s-s? 2 A. Yes, sir. 3 Q. Is he the owner? 4 A. Yes, he is. 5 Q. And where is this company located, if you 6 know? 7 A. It is in Bakersfield. Couldn't tell you the 8 address. 9 Q. Now, were the man way cuts made? 10 A. The man way cuts were made in the very 11 beginning when they dug it down and exposed that. 12 Then the bolts were taken off, and then access was 13 gained. 14 Q. And as far as you understand, was the 15 interior of the tanks inspected at that time? 16 A. Yes, sir. 17 Q. And as part of that inspection service, does 18 the contractor prepare some type of report for you? 19 A. He basically opens up the tank, does what 20 they refer to as "mucking out" the tanks. Just 21 through the nature of fuel, you pick up sand, 22 sediment, dirt -- anything really that you could think 23 of will accumulate after a period of time in the 24 bottom of that tank. What they basically do is open 25 it up, expose it, clean the tank, and make it ready 23 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 for a special coatings expert that checks both the 2 structural integrity and the thickness of the lining, 3 making sure that it is -- it is as thick as the law 4 requires and that there is no sloughing off of lining 5 material. 6 Q. Do you know whether or not a special coatings 7 person inspected the tanks at this property? 8 A. Yes, there was. 9 Q. Do you know who that was? 10 A. I believe -- again, without looking at the 11 file, I believe it was a gentleman by the last name of 12 Penney. I'm not certain of that. I think that is -- 13 with6ut being 100 percent sure. I'd have to look at 14 the file. 15 Q. Were you advised of the results of the tank 16 lining inspection and the inspection by the special 17 coatings person? 18 A. Yes, I was. 19 Q. What were you informed? 20 A. That the tanks were in extremely good shape. 21 Q. What do you mean by "extremely good shape"? 22 A. Meaning the lining thickness, that there were 23 no rips and tears in the structural integrity of the 24 tank, that there was no sloughing of the lining 25 material. 24 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. And, to your knowledge, did you receive any 2 written reports to that effect? 3 A. Yes, sir. 4 Q. Would they be in your file materials? 5 A. I believe so. 6 Q. Now, after you receive -- would it be two 7 reports then? 8 A. They can be -- sometimes they're lumped into 9 one. To the best of my recollection, I believe this 10 gentleman did both the structural integrity and the 11 lining certification. 12 Q. Now, do you prepare your own report based 13 upon the reports that you receive? 14 A. No, I do not. I simply enter in the 15 inspections into the computer data base at a 16 particular time and date and what was done. 17 Q. Do you need to sign off on anything to 18 certify that this took place? 19 A. On this particular inspection, no. The 20 reports sufficed for that. 21 Q. Now, can you tell me, were you there one day? 22 More than one day, if you remember? 23 A. I believe I was there several days. When I 24 first arrived there and they had exposed the tanks, 25 that's when I discovered that there was an immediate 25 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 problem. There was such a strong gas odor near the 2 turbine area that it was literally almost 3 overwhelming. 4 Q. Were you there when the asphalt was removed? 5 A. I was not. I was only there once it had been '6 excavated to the top of the tanks. 7 Q. Was it at that point in time you smelled the 8 odor? 9 A. Yes, sir. When I arrived on scene, to the 10 best of my recollection, I recall walking up and 11 smelling a very, very strong odor emanating from the 12 tanks -- 13 Q. And could you -- 14 A. Excuse me. -- subsurface of the tanks. 15 Q. What do you mean by "subsurface"~ 16 A. Well, I mean all the surrounding dirt. If 17 you can imagine, these were probably trenches dug 18 probably four-feet wide by the length of the tanks, 19 and the sides of the dirt had a strong odor emanating 20 from them. 21 Q.. The sides closest to the tanks, is that what 22 you're talking about, or in the trench or on top? 23 A. In the trench. 24 Q. Did you actually get into the trench, 25 yourself, walk around? 26 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. No, I did not. 2 Q. Were you standing on the surface? 3 A. Yes, sir. 4 Q. Did you examine the turbines? 5 A. At that time I noticed that the O-ring 6 packing on two of them showed some signs that there 7 was something leaking from them. 8 Q. And what signs did you observe? 9 A. Just a film. Looked like it had been 10 rusting. Obviously, there was some moisture, and you 11 could, again, smell the gas and see the discoloration 12 on the top of it. 13 Q. What color were the O-rings? 14 A. The O-rings? Generally, I didn't see the 15' O-rings. The packing on the O-rings. 16 Q. You are talking about the packing on top of 17 it? 18 A. Yes, sir. 19 Q. Okay. I'm sorry. What color was that? 20 A. I believe they were old redjackets. I 21 believe they were a red color, to the best of my 22 recollection. 23 Q. And did you actually see moisture or what 24 appeared to be liquid of some nature? 25 A. I did. 27 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. And can you describe that for us? 2 A. It just looked like raw liquid on the top of 3 the turbine head. I only observed that on two of 4 them, not the third. 5 Q. And excuse me. When you say "raw liquid," 6 what do you mean by "raw liquid"? 7 A. I mean free product. 8 Q. Did it appear to you to be gasoline? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. And the odor you smelled was gasoline? 11 A. It appeared to be gasoline. 12 Q. And did you discuss that with anyone after 13 you made that observation? 14 A. I believe I made a comment to Ross if this 15 was a condition that they had noticed during the 16 excavation, and they indicated that they did. I 17 believe, also, there was a stockpile of the dirt that 18 they removed, and I went up to that and also smelled 19 the heavy odor coming from that concentration. 20 Q. Did you talk to anyone else at the scene 21 about your observation at that point in time? 22 A. I don't recall. 23 Q. After you made these observations, what did 24 you do with regard to this site, if anything? 25 A. I went back to the office and reported these 28 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 findings to our supervisor, and at that point it was 2 decided that Mr. Wines would contract with a lab to go 3 out and take some samples. 4 Q. Soil samples? 5 A. Yes, sir. 6 Q. Were you ever informed of the results of the 7 soil sample testing? 8 A. To the best of my recollection, it was -- the 9 samples, they were quite high in concentration. I 10 don't recall seeing the report. 11 Q. Do you recall which lab performed those 12 tests? 13 A. No, I don't. 14 Q. Would the test results be in the file? 15 A. Yes, they would. 16 Q. Now, after you went back, you talked to your 17 supervisor, Mr. Huey, and you understood that 18 Mr. Wines was going to go out and get the soil samples 19 with a lab to do the testing? 20 A. Yes, sir. 21 Q. Did you have any further involvement at this 22 time with that site? 23 A. Yes, I did. I went back to observe the final 24 mucking out of the tanks. That was the cleaning of 25 the tanks. And then I was there when the special 29 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 coating inspector was finishing up his testing of each 2 of the tanks. 3 Q. So you completed your work as part of the 4 tank lining test? 5 A. That is correct, sir. 6 Q. Now, other than completing your work as part 7 of the tank lining test inspection, did you do 8 anything else at this time? 9 A. No, sir, not at that time. 10 Q. When was the next time that you had occasion 11 to go to the gas station? 12 A. I believe a couple of weeks after that. 13 Again, this is just by recollection. We were 14 concerned that this hole was still open and subject to 15 people walking in that area. At that time, because of 16 the problems in the turbine area, no work was being 17 done until they could resolve what the next step would 18 be. Mr. Sessions had talked to Mr. Kim about putting 19 some turbine sumps glassed onto the tanks, which would 20 secondarily contain any more leakage and keep any more 21 environmental damage from happening. 22 To the best of my knowledge, this dialogue 23 went on for several weeks. And I believe I went there 24 in late October, again, to the best of my 25 recollection, and informed Mr. Klm and Mr. Sessions 30 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 until this got resolved that they would have to put 2 some sort of fencing around this to make sure -- to 3 protect anybody walking by or driving into it. It was 4 a concern that someone might get hurt. 5 Q. Was the fencing put up at some point in time? 6 A. Yes, it was. 7 Q. Getting back to your discussion with 8 Mr. Sessions, you indicated that either he or Mr. Kim 9 or both informed you that they had been talking about 10 doing something? 11 A. To the best of my recollection, they were 12 talking about what they could do to mitigate this in 13 the short term and get the station up and in 14 operation. 15 Q. And what did they tell you they were 16 discussing in terms of mitigating the problem? 17 A. The placement of turbine sumps on the tanks 18 surrounding the turbines to secondarily contain any 19 leakage that might happen from the turbines. 20 Incidentally, that is required for all new systems. 21 Q. Was it your understanding that a turbine sump 22 containment had to be installed by a certain time with 23 regard to this property? 24 A. I informed Mr. Kim and Mr. Kang via letter 25 that -- just as reminder notices that I send out to 31 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 everybody -- that dispenser pans were required by 2 December 31st, 2003. 3 Q. And what are dispenser pans? 4 A. Dispenser pans are catch basins underneath 5 the dispenser that catch any liquid leaking from the 6 associated piping. Or the old-style of dispensers 7 have filters that have to be periodically changed; and 8 when they change those, they leak. And rather than 9 having that going into the environment, they have a 10 catch basin underneath them. And that's a State 11 mandated requirement that sunsets in December of this 12 year. 13 Q. Now, if I understand you correctly, you also 14 said that you had a discussion with someone about the 15 turbine sumps? 16 A. Yes. After -- I believe, to the best of my 17 knowledge, it was probably five or six weeks, 18 Mr. Sessions called me and said, "I'm not getting 19 anywhere. I haven't been paid. I'm going to take my 20 sign down; but from the liability standpoint, I'm 21 going to put the dirt back in the hole so I can take 22 my fence. I've offered Mr. Kim a good price to put 23 these turbines on. He's not willing to do that." 24 So at this point in time, with no action on 25 Mr. Kim's part, I believe we had an office hearing 32 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 sometime in, I believe, December -- maybe the middle 2 part, I'm not sure exactly when in December -- to 3 discuss what Mr. Kim needed to do to get the station 4 opened and then part of ~his cleanup efforts. 5 Q. Did Mr. Sessions, at any time, indicate to 6 you the amount of the quote or estimate that had been 7 given to Mr. Kim that he had referenced as a good 8 price? 9 A. He mentioned something about $2,500 to put 10 the turbine sumps on. I do recall that. 11 Q. Was it your understanding that, .for that 12 price, turbine sumps could be installed and this would 13 get the station back up and running? 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. And did Mr. Sessions tell you the nature of 16 the discussions he had had with Mr. Kim about getting 17 this work done? 18 A. Only that he had made several efforts to 19 discuss it with him, and they had, to the best of my 20 recollection, something about an impasse; and, of 21 course, he decided to move on. Meaning they weren't 22 getting anywhere, and he had other jobs and other 23 projects. 24 Q. And when you say "he decided to move on," you 25 are talking about Mr. Sessions? 33 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Yes, sir. 2 Q. And -- 3 MR. GALPERIN: I just want to object. Calls 4 for some speculation about what was going on inside 5 the mind of Mr. Sessions. I think, certainly, .that 6 the deponent can testify to what was said to him. 7 MR. MURPHY: That's what I was just trying to 8 get at, actually. It wasn't clear. I wasn't clear 9 because he said "he." There are two "hes" involved. 10 We have two males involved in the conversation. 11 THE WITNESS: Okay. 12 BY MR. MURPHY: 13 Q. And we also don't want you to speculate as to 14 what you think someone was thinking, just what they 15 tell you. 16 A. Mr. Sessions -- 17 Q. What did Mr. Sessions tell you about that? 18 A. He had reached an impasse. He thought he had 19 given him the best price he could, and he was going to 20 put the dirt in the hole. And that's the last I had 21 any communication with Mr. Sessions regarding this 22 project. 23 Q. Did you have any discussions with Mr. Kim 24 about putting in the turbine sumps? 25 A. At our office hearing in December, he was 34 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 informed that that is what he needed to do to get back 2 up and running. And then we also issued a letter 3 discussing what was discussed at that office hearing 4 and gave him, I believe, an action date to get it 5 resolved. 6 Q. Was it resolved by the action date? 7 A. No, sir. 8 Q. Has any action been taken, to your knowledge, 9 in response to the letter you sent or the office 10 hearing? 11 A. No, sir. 12 Q. And how do know that? 13 A. Nothing's been done; nothing's been 14 permitted. There's -- I believe in the earlier part 15 of November, I'm guessing -- 16 Q. We don't want you to guess. Just your best 17 estimate, if you have one. 18 A. My best recollection is sometime in the 19 latter part of last year, a gentleman called me, 20 Brandon, who represented himself as Mr. Kim's son, 21 asked what he needed to do to get the station viable. 22 I referred him to the letter. In fact, I believe I 23 made a copy and faxed it to him. And that has been 24 the only communication that we have had with Mr. Kim 25 in regard to this. 35 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Did you ever meet Mr. Kim's son in person? 2 A. Not till I walked in just a few minutes ago. 3 Q. The young gentleman that was here? 4 A. Yes, sir. I've talked to him on the phone a 5 couple of times. That is my first meeting. 6 Q. How did you know that was who he was here? 7 A. I took a pretty good guess. Looked like 8 Mr. Kim. I presumed, and I was right. 9 Q. All right. You saw Mr. Kim when you walked 10 in here today? 11 A. Yes, sir. 12 Q. And they have been walking in and out, 13 carrying out boxes during the depo? 14 A. I haven't paid any attention. 15 Q. Okay. That means you're listening to me. 16 A. Every word. 17 Q. Okay. That's rare, by the way. 18 Okay. Did Brandon indicate what they were 19 going to do or what was being considered when he 20 talked to you? 21 A. I recall him telling me that he was looking 22 into some companies to do some Phase II site 23 assessments. .He was not specific on any one. He 24 asked me to fax him a list of some local environmental 25 assessment companies. I did that for him. 36 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. So you faxed over the information? 2 A. Uh-huh. Yes, sir. 3 Q. Now, just getting back to the office hearing, 4 who was present at that hearing? 5 A. To the best of my recollection, I believe 6 Ms. Choung -- 7 Q. That would be Ann Choung? 8 A. -- Ann Choung, Mr. Kang, Mr. Kim, myself, 9 Mr. Wines, and the director of our program, Mr. Huey. 10 Q. And what was your understanding of the 11 purpose of that meeting? 12 A. The purpose of that meeting was to find out 13 what Mr. Kim's intentions were to do on getting the 14 tank system operational, one, and what he was going to 15 do to mitigate the contamination problem. 16 Q. Did Mr. Kim provide any information to you 17 during that meeting? 18 A. No, sir, none that I recall. 19 Q. Did he say anything during the meeting? 20 A. I believe through Ann there was some talking 21 going on back and forth as we were explaining to 22 Mr. Kim what we found, what he needed to do to get the 23 tanks operational, and what he needed to do as far as 24. assessment company. To the best of my memory, that 25 was conveyed through Ms. Choung to him. And he 37 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 appeared to be nodding like he understood. 2 Q. Did you get the impression -- strike that. 3 What impression did you get to whether this 4 was being interpreted or not? 5 A. I thought he had an understanding based on 6 what Ann -- my understanding was that he was 7 understanding through the interpreter what we were 8 asking and what we wanted. 9 Q. That was your impression? 10 A. Yes, it was. 11 MR. GALPERIN: Calls for speculation, but I 12 just want to make that official objection. 13 MR. MURPHY: So noted. 14 MR. GALPERIN: Thank you. 15 BY MR. MURPHY: 16 Q. Did Mr. Kang say anything during the meeting 17 that you recall? 18 A. I recall some dialogue between him and his 19 wife and whispering; but, no, nothing of any 20 significance, no. 21 Q. Do you recall anything that Ann Choung said 22 other than interpreting back and forth? 23 A. I don't recall. 24 Q. Do you recall what Mr. Huey said during the 25 meeting? 38 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. I think Mr. Huey, again, just reverbalized 2 that we would try to work with him to help him, we 3 will provide him information on contractors. Again, 4 we reiterated that what he needed to do to get 5 op.erational was mainly put the turbine sumps on, and 6 then he needed to contact an assessment company and 7 start remediation. 8 Q. Now, if I understand this correctly, what was 9 told to Mr. Klm -- and when I say that, I mean just 10 someone who was going to interpret for him -- by 11 Mr. Huey was that the City would try to work with him? 12 A. Uh-huh. 13 Q. "Yes"O 14 A. Yes. 15 Q. The City would try to help him, if possible? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. That information was given to Mr.. Kim as to 18 what he needed to do to get the station up and 19 running? 20 A. Yes. 21 Q. And that, you said, primarily related to 22 installation of the turbine sumps? 23 A. Yes. 24 Q. Do you recall if the price quoted by 25 Mr. Sessions.was used at all during that. meeting, the 39 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - {661) 631-2904 1 $2,500? 2 A. I don't recall. 3 Q. And I'm sorry. You said that a plan was -- 4 or assessment -- 5 A. Assessment work plan. 6 Q. -- was necessary to show what remediation was 7 going to be done? 8 A. Yes. 9 Q. Are you familiar with any State fund that has 10 money set aside for gas stations that have problems 11 with contamination of the soil? 12 A. Very familiar. 13 Q. What fund is that? Do you know the name of 14 that? 15 A. It's the State Cleanup Fund. 16 Q. And what is your understanding of the purpose 17 of the State Cleanup Fund? 18 A. The State Cleanup Fund is designed to -- so 19 instead of a catastrophic loss for an underground tank 20 owner, that if they belong to the Cleanup Fund and are 21 paying into the Cleanup Fund, that they would have 22 a -- basically they would have to pay a deductible, 23 and then the State would pay for the remainder of the 24 cleanup to a certain amount. 25 Q. Is that certain amount $1 million? 40 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. It is $1.5 million. 2 Q. So that's the upper limit -- 3 A. Yes, sir. 4 Q. -- as you understand it? 5 A. Uh-huh. 6 Q. The deductible is how much, as you 7 understand? 8 A. It's $5,000. If I may interject, somewhere 9 between '98, '99 -- I don't recall exactly -- the 10 Cleanup Fund went from a million to a million five, 11 and the deductible dropped from 10,000 to 5,000. 12 Q. Effective as of? 13 A. I believe sometime in '99. I am guessing. I 14 don't have the Code reg. book here. 15 Q. I don't want you to guess, just your best 16 estimate. 17 A. Best estimate then. 18 Q. Was it your understanding that as of the time 19 of this meeting, those changes had gone into effect? 20 A. I believe so. 21 Q. Do you recall whether or not the possibility 22 that Mr. Klm could apply for funds through the State 23 Cleanup Fund -- d0 you recall if that was mentioned at 24 all during the hearing? 25 A. Not only was it mentioned, but I was asked to 41 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 do the research to see if he at all would qualify. 2 Q. Who asked you to do the research? 3 A. Mr. Huey. 4 Q. Did you do the research? 5 A. To the extent that I called and found out 6 that Mr. Kim had applied for and obtained a BOE number 7 for the Cleanup Fund. 8 Q. I just want to make sure I understand. He 9 had applied for and obtained a BOE number? 10 A. That is correct. 11 Q. And what effect would that have? 12 A. It would make him eligible as long as the 13 tank was temporarily closed, which we granted him at 14 the end of that meeting and in December of 2001. When 15 I made the statement the City was trying to help 16 him -- if the tank was illegally abandoned, he would 17 not qualify under the Cleanup Fund. However, if the 18 tank was temporarily closed and he made application, 19 he would be z- 20 MR. GALPERIN: Objection. Calls for a legal 21 conclusion here. 22 MR. MURPHY: I am just asking what he said. 23 BY MR. MURPHY: 24 Q. Is that what you said? 25 A. Yes. 42 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. So you, as I understand it, informed Mr. Kim 2 at the meeting that part of what the City was willing 3 to do to assist him or to help him was to certify or 4 do whatever he needed to do to make the storage tank 5 temporarily closed? 6 A. Correct. 7 Q. So he would have that threshold -- 8 A. Correct. 9 Q. -- crossed and qualify on that basis? 10 A. Correct. 11 Q. Did the station need to be up and running 12 with the pumps in operation to qualify, as to your 13 understanding? 14 A. No. No. Temporary closure means it's a 15 temporary closure -- doesn't have to be running. 16 MR. GALPERIN: I think, again -- 17 MR. MURPHY: Let's go off the record. 18 MR. GALPERIN: -- calls for a legal 19 conclusion. 20 (Discussion held off the record from 21 4:19 to 4:21.) 22 BY MR. MURPHY: 23 Q. I just, again, sir, want to stick with what 24 was said at the meeting. If I asked a question other 25 than that, I apologize. SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Getting back to what was said to Mr. Kim, as 2 I understand it, again, that the City would work with 3 him, that it would grant him status indicating that 4 the storage tanks were temporarily closed so that he 5 could cross that threshold to apply for the monies 6 available through the State Cleanup Fund; correct? 7 A. And to give him an opportunity to find a 8 contractor, yes. 9 Q. When you say "give him an opportunity to find 10 a contractor," what do you mean, give him time? 11 A. Yes. He had asked, at that point in time, 12 who is available other than Mr. Sessions. He made a 13 comment that he was thinking about trying to upgrade 14 all of the station. So we gave him a list of several 15 contractors that could do that type of work, and that 16 was part of his temporary closure. It would give him 17 the necessary time to find someone to do the work. 18 Q. Did you form any impression -- strike that. 19 Was Mr. Klm talking to Ann Choung during this 20 information that you were giving him? 21 A. To the best of my recollection, yes. 22 Q. Do you recall any questions coming your 23 direction via Ms. Choung after apparently speaking 24 with Mr. Klm? 25 A. No recollection, no. 44 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 63t-2904 1 Q. Other than the granting of temporary closure 2 status for the storage tanks and giving Mr. Kim some 3 time to find a contractor to do the work, what else, 4 if anything, was discussed or information provided to 5 Mr. Kim at that meeting? 6 A. I don't recall anything else. 7 Q. Do you recall whether there was mention made 8 of the deductible amount of $5,000 at that meeting? 9 A. I don't recall. 10 MR. MURPHY: That's all I have for the time 11 being. I'll pass the questioning. 12 13 EXAMINATION 14 BY MR. GAL?ERIN: 15 Q. Okay. First of all, I want to thank you 16 again for coming and for giving of your time to answer 17 these questions. 18 A. Beats the heat. Best place to be. 19 Q. Well, I'm glad that there is an enjoyable 20 aspect to this then. Does that mean you want me to 21 keep you here for hours? 22 A. No. I'm already on overtime. 23 Q. You don't have to answer that question. 24 Strike that. 25 A. I'm on overtime. 45 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Q. Let's talk for a moment about this hearing 2 that was just discussed within the last couple of 3 moments at which Mr. Kim was present and Ms. Choung 4 was present. 5 Do you recall in what capacity Ms. Choung was 6 there? 7 A. It was my recollection -- I think she was 8 mainly there to be an interpreter. Nobody could 9 understand Mr. Kim. That is -- to the best of my 10 recollection, that was my impression. 11 Q. Nobody, including Ms. Choung or, nobody, 12 excluding Ms. Choung? 13 A. Even Ms. Choung, in my opinion, is difficult 14 to understand. 15 Q. So Ms. Choung is difficult to understand? 16 A. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being best, 17 Ms. Choung would maybe be a 6; Mr. Kim and Mr. Kang 18 were a 1. We could not understand them at all. 19 Q. Now, was it your understanding that 20 Ms. Choung was there as a representative of either 21 Mr. Klm, Mr. Kang, or both of them? 22 A. It was my impression that she was there for 23 both of them. 24 Q. For both of them as an interpreter or both of 25 them as a real estate agent and broker? 46 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 A. Given the limits of your question, I would 2 say, perhaps, both capacities. 3 Q. Did Ms. Choung ask any questions, independent 4 of the ones that she was asking on behalf of Mr. Kim 5 or Mr. Kang? 6 A. I don't recall, sir. 7 Q. Okay. Did Ms. Choung identify her 8 profession? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. And what did she state? 11 A. She was a real estate agent. 12 Q. And did she state specifically who she was an 13 agent for? 14 A. I believe it was Stroope. 15 Q. And did she state in what capacity she was 16 acting as an agent? 17 A. I don't recall. 18 Q. Okay. Let's go back to the October 15, 2001, 19 inspection. 20 You had mentioned seeing some rust; correct? 21 A. Yes, sir. 22 Q. Could you be a little bit more specific about 23 where you saw that rust and whatever else you can tell 24 us about that rust. 25 A. I will try conceptually to describe what I SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 saw and where it was. On an underground storage tank, 2 you have a turbine that sits on top of the tank. And 3 that turbine is -- they vary in size probably, 4 perhaps, a foot, foot and a half in diameter. And 5 it's designed to pump fuel. And on the top of that, 6 there are several devices that are line leak 7 detectors. And to the best of my recollection, I 8 believe on the top of that, there was a little pool of 9 what I thought was to be rust and appeared to me to be 10 fuel. 11 Q. Any idea how long that rust was collecting? 12 MR. MURPHY: Calls for speculation; lack of 13 foundation; calls for an expert opinion for a 14 nondesignated expert person. 15 MR. GALPERIN: Well -- 16 MR. MURPHY: I'm just putting my objections 17 in. 18 MR. GALPERIN: I understand the objection, 19 but I think that he is, in fact, capable of answering 20 the question. 21 BY MR. GALPERIN: 22 Q. If you are not, please tell us that you're 23 not. 24 A. It's difficult for me to answer, simply 25 because in this general area, porosity of soil and 48 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 moisture content -- I have seen tanks rusted in 2 2 years, and I have seen some that have been in the 3 ground for 30 years and look pristine. It's difficult 4 to say how long. 5 Q. Did you form an opinion of how long the 6 turbines may have been leaking? 7 MR. MURPHY: Objection. Is it just a "yes" 8 or "no" question, because I won't object if it's "yes" 9 or "no''° 10 MR. GALPERIN: It's not a "yes" or "no," but 11 the question is whether he formed an opinion. 12 MR. MURPHY: Right. 13 MR. GALPERIN: The question is not yet what 14 opinion he formed. 15 MR. MURPHY: Then I'm not going to object to 16 it if it's "yes" or "no." 17 THE WITNESS: Yes. 18 MR. GALPERIN: Okay. 19 MR. MURPHY: Now, with your next question -- 20 BY MR. GALPERIN: 21 Q. Now, what do you consider the basis for 22 forming an opinion about how long turbines generally 23 have been leaking? And then the next question will be 24 in the specific instance, but -- 25 MR. MURPHY: I'll object before you respond, 49 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 sir. I am just going to note for the record that I 2 object on the basis that it calls for a nondesignated 3 expert opinion, that it lacks foundation, calls for 4 speculation, and lacks foundation, again. 5 MR. GALPERIN: False to all of the above. It 6 seems very obvious to me that this gentleman has 7 looked at a number of different turbines and might 8 have something to say about this one. 9 THE WITNESS: You're asking for my opinion? 10 BY MR. GAL?ERIN: 11 Q. Yes. 12 A. Is that correct? 13 Q. That is correct. 14 A. My opinion is it must have been leaking; 15 although, in my opinion, slow. It had to have been 16 considerable, given the fact that the contamination 17 was so concentrated. 18 Q. Can you explain that to us further, please? 19 MR. MURPHY: Same objections. 20 THE WITNESS: Okay. The reason why I don't 21 think it was leaking at a high volume is because the 22 line leak detectors are designed to go off at .02 23 gallons per hour. If it had been a real big loss out 24 of the turbines, it certainly would have kicked those 25 line leak detectors. That, in fact, didn't happen. 5O SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 So I have seen O-ring packing leak before. They can 2 be very minute. My opinion is just on what I have 3 seen, that it looks like it had been leaking for a 4 while. How long? I couldn't say. 5 BY MR. GAL?ERIN: 6 Q. And so, in summary, this opinion is based on 7 the fact that if there is a leakage of a certain 8 amount that is -- or any amount beyond .02 per hour 9 that the detectors will kick in; is that correct? 10 A. That's correct. 11 MR. MURPHY: Same objections. 12 MR. GAL?ERIN: But -- 13 MR. MURPHY: No, I'm just saying "same 14 objection." 15 MR. GALPERIN: What is there to object to in 16 terms of a question about when the detector kicks in? 17 MR. MURPHY: Oh, is that all you're asking? 18 MR. GALPERIN: That's the question, yes. 19 MR. MURPHY: Well, then I withdraw it. 20 MR. GALPERIN: Thank you. 21 BY MR. GAL?ERIN: 22 Q. Did you want to answer? 23 MR. MURPHY: He said "yes." 24 THE WITNESS: I thought I did, yes. 25 III 51 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 BY MR. GALPERIN: 2 Q. Now, what else -- well, you talked about 3 observing the smell in the dirt; correct? 4 A. Yes. It was very, very strong. I would say 5 I got back to the office, and it was so strong I was 6 lightheaded. 7 Q. Was there one part of the dirt that it seemed 8 more concentrated or more obvious than any other part 9 of the dirt? 10 A. Two turbines -- to the best of my memory, 11 they were split up. There were two closer to the 12 station and one further out toward the east end. I 13 didn't notice any odor toward the one turbine on the 14 east end. The two that were closest to .the station, 15 both areas around the facing of the tanks were 16 extremely strong. I didn't notice one end of it any 17 stronger than the other. It was just strong, period. 18 Q. Do you have any idea how much gasoline it 19 would take to create such a smell? 20 MR. MURPHY: Objection -- 21 THE WITNESS: No. 22 MR. GALPERIN: I asked if he has any idea. 23 MR. MURPHY: You have to let me say my 24 objection before you cut me off. 25 MR. GALPERIN: Go ahead. 52 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 MR. MURPHY: I am going to object that it 2 lacks foundation; calls for speculation. 3 MR. GALPERIN: Well, I am trying to get 4 foundation here, because I am trying to find out if he 5 has any idea. Then I'll find out how he would form 6 such an idea. 7 THE WITNESS: I have no idea. 8 MR. GALPERIN: Okay. There you have it. 9 BY MR. GALPERIN: 10 Q. Were you aware that the Kangs had certain 11 additional leak monitoring equipment installed in the 12 year 2000? 13 MR. MURPHY: Additional to what? 14 MR. GALPERIN: Well, there Was some leak 15 monitoring equipment that was installed in 2000; so 16 additional to what had been there previously. 17 MR. MURPHY: All right. 18 THE WITNESS: I don't recall, sitting here, 19 without consulting the record. 20 BY MR. GALPERIN: 21 Q. Okay. Were you ever informed of any fuel 22 spills during the course of your serving with the Fire 23 Department at that site? 24 A. Not.that I recall. 25 Q. Now, could you tell us a little bit about 53 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 what the procedure is in terms of taking, analyzing 2 soil samples, then getting the results, and then 3 interpreting those results. How is that process -- 4 how does it go? 5 A. Generally, the samples -- there are sampling 6 protocols; as far as sample~, can be taken with an 7 excavator or a hand ~%. There is several 8 methodologies. All of them provide cleanliness, what 9 we call "chain of custody." 10 Once the samples -- they are generally put in 11 a glass jar with a lid. They're assigned a tracking 12 number and a chain of custody. They're all supposed 13 to wear gloves while doing that Then they're packed 14 in ice, and they are taken to a lab where they, again, 15 are checked for -- depending on what you are 16 running -- it would be total petroleum hydrocarbons, 17 it would be MtBE, it could be lead. Depending on what 18 methodology they want or what spectrum they want to 19 use, they can test those. And then analytical reports 20 come to our office, and that goes to Howard Wines. 21 And then he will basically check against what the 22 State levels are as far as what we call "action 23 levels," and we will make a determination if further 24 assessment is needed at that time. 25 Q. And who within the Fire Department here in 54 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 Bakersfield is generally charged with taking those 2 dirt samples? 3 A. I am not sure I understand the question. 4 Q. Well, is there someone in the Fire Department 5 that is generally charged with taking those dirt 6 samples when the Fire Department does take some 7 samples? 8 A. Both Howard and myself are qualified to 9 obtain samples. 10 Q. Okay. 11 A. We're not a certified lab, but we have the 12 equipment. We also have the chain of custody reports, 13 and we can take samples and have them analyzed by a 14 lab. 15 Q. Did you ever personally take samples from the 16 subject property? 17 A. 'No. 18 Q. Do you know if Mr. Wines did? 19 A. I was told he did. Yes. 20 Q. Okay. What happens to those jars after they 21 go to the lab? Do they stay in the lab? Are they 22 stored? Do they go to some central location for 23 storage? Do you know? 24 A. I don't. I don't know what is finally 25 disseminated with the jars. I believe they take 55 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 the -- whatever material to do the test. If no 2 additional test is required, I believe that they're 3 properly disposed of. 4 Q. Do you know if they ever come back to the 5 Fire Department? 6 A. I've never received a sample back, no, sir. 7 Q. So they never make their way back to the file 8 in any way, to the best of your knowledge? 9 A. No, sir. Again, are you referring to the 10 report or the actual -- 11 Q. No. I am talking about the actual sample. 12 A. No way. No. 13 Q. The report is, however, supposed to make it 14 back into the file? 15 A. Absolutely. 16 Q. And who is in charge of making sure that the 17 report finds its way back into the file? 18 A. If you're dealing with strictly analytical 19 reports, that would be Mr. Wines. If you're referring 20 to any other documentation, whether it be written or 21 testing, that would be me. 22 MR. GALPERIN: Okay. I don't have any 23 further questions at this time. 24 MR. MURPHY: Let me just ask a couple more. 25 I think we will be done. 56 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 FURTHER EXAMINATION 2 BY MR. MURPHY: 3 Q. Mr. Underwood, have you had any further 4 contact with Mr. Kim regarding the gas station since 5 the hearing at the office? 6 A. To the best of my recollection, no. 7 MR. MURPHY: That's all I have. 8 MR. MURPHY: Same stipulation as the other 9 witness? 10 MR. GALPERIN: So stipulated. 11 (Whereupon, the following was stipulated by 12 and between counsel for the respective parties in 13 the deposition of HOWARD HUNTER WINES, III: 14 "MR. MURPHY: Propose the stipulation 15 that the court reporter be relieved of her 16 applicable duties under the Code of Civil 17 Procedure; that she send the original 18 transcript directly to Mr. Wines at his 19 business office address with a prepaid Fed Ex 20 envelope, which will be good for the weight 21 of the transcript plus the weight of the 22 signature, hopefully; and that the witness 23 will review the transcript and indicate any 24 changes made and sign the original pursuant 25 to the penalties of perjury and then forward 57 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 the original to my office in the previously 2 mentioned envelope; we will maintain custody 3 of the original and produce it at trial, and 4 if for any reason, however, the original is 5 lost, destroyed, or otherwise unavailable for 6 any reason, that a certified copy of the 7 original may be signed and dated and used as 8 if the original; and we will notify counsel 9 of any changes made by the witness, assuming 10 we get everything on time, no longer than 11 three days before -- or what do you want? 12 "MR. GALPERIN: How about within two 13 business days of your getting it back or within 14 three business days prior to trial, whichever is 15 sooner. 16 "MR. MURPHY: That's fine. 17 "MR. McCARTNEY: So stipulated. 18 "MR. GALPERIN: So stipulated.") 19 20 (Whereupon, at 4:39 p.m., the deposition of 21 STEVE UNDERWOOD was concluded.) 22 23 24 25 58 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. 2 COUNTY OF KERN ) 3 4 I, STEVE UNDERWOOD, do hereby certify: 5 That I have read the foregoing deposition; 6 That I have made such changes in form and/or 7 substance to the within deposition as might be 8 necessary to render the same true and correct; 9 That having made such changes thereon, I 10 hereby subscribe my name to the deposition. 11 I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the 12 foregoing is true and correct. 13 Executed this /~ day of 14 ~[~ , 2003, at ~(C~ , 15 California. 16 17 18 19 2O STEVE UNDERWOOD 23 24 25 59 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. 2 COUNTY OF KERN ) 3 4 I, Ruthanne Esparza, a Certified Shorthand 5 Reporter in the State of California, holding 6 Certificate No. 7125, do hereby certify that 7 STEVE UNDERWOOD, the witness named in the foregoing 8 deposition, was by me duly sworn; 'that said deposition 9 was taken Friday, June 27, 2003, at the time and place 10 set forth on the second page hereof. 11 That upon the taking of the deposition, the 12 words of the witness were written down by me in 13 stenotype and thereafter transcribed by computer under 14 my supervision; that the foregoing is a true and 15 correct transcript of the testimony given by the 16 witness. 17 I further certify that I am neither counsel 18 for, nor in any way related to any party to said 19 action, nor in any way interested in the result or 20 outcome thereof. 21 Dated this llth day of July, 2003, at 22 Bakersfield, California. 23 Ruthanne Espa 125 25 60 SYLVIA MENDEZ & ASSOCIATES - (661) 631-2904