HomeMy WebLinkAboutRES NO 230-06 RESOLUTION NO. 230-06 A RESOLUTION BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING AND RE-AFFIRMING CITY'S ANNEXATION MISSION STATEMENT AND ESTABLISHING A PRE-APPLICATION PROCESS FOR ANNEXATIONS. WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Bakersfield adopted an Annexation Mission Statement on February 21, 1996 which outlines several reasons why the City pursues annexations and the manner and outcomes which are expected to result from said annexations; and WHEREAS, the City Council for the City of Bakersfield adopted Resolution 029-02 regarding the City's Pre-Application Process for Annexations; and WHEREAS, State law requires the annexation procedure to be under the auspices of the Local Formation Agency Commission (herein "LAFCO"); and WHEREAS, annexation remains an identifiable goal of the City Council, a recommended positive step in the Vision 2020 Plan, and a supported finding from the 1999-2000 Kern County Grand Jury; and WHEREAS, the City Council intends to disseminate annexation information prior to the involvement of LAFCO and desires to assure citizens that to the extent annexation information is provided by the City, that it occurs in an honorable, courteous, informative, timely and honest manner; and WHEREAS, the City desires to re-affirm the goals and pledge of said Mission Statement by establishing a Pre-Application Process which will govern how City Council and City staff handle annexations, prior to the involvement of LAFCO; and WHEREAS, the Pre-Application Process will include a number of steps, to notify the property owners/occupants within the proposed area prior to adoption of the Resolution of Application. NOW THEREFORE, incorporating the above recitals herein, the City Council for the City of Bakersfield hereby: 1. Amends and re-affirms the Annexation Mission Statement adopted by the Bakersfield City Council on February 21, 1996, attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated by reference herein. 2. Adopts the Annexation Pre-Application Process attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated by reference herein. 3. This Resolution supersedes Resolution 029-02. -00000- ~ <0 "Kci)> c ~ >- - t- rn _ r- o I::) ORIGINAL I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on AUG :1 0 2006 I by the following vote: ~ ~ ABSTAIN: ABSENT: v" a--- ~ ~ ",....---- ..--- V COUNCILMEMBER: CARSON, BENHAM, MAGGARD, COUCH HANSON, SULLIVAN, SCRIVNER COUNCI LMEMBER: COUNCILMEMBER: COUNCI LMEMBER: L1mJL timrLJJ~ PAMELA A. McCARTHY, MC CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED: AUG 3 0 2006 By: HARVEY L. HALL Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney By: ~1n__ VIRGINIA GENNARO City Attorney :pmc S:\HEARI NGS\ANNEX\Policy\RedLine Strikeout\AnnexReso .DOC Created on 6/21/20061:11:00 PM ~ ~AI<~'9 <:I ~ ,!lo. _ a f; ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "A" ANNEXATION MISSION STATEMENT The purpose of the City of Bakersfield's annexation efforts is to provide clear consolidated boundaries, which result in the most effective delivery of urban services and in the most efficient use of taxpayer dollars. In fulfilling this mission, we, the city of Bakersfield elected officials and staff pledge the following: 1. To deliver services to citizens within newly annexed county areas more efficiently and with a greater transfer of benefits as a result of becoming a part of the City; and 2. To provide quality services to citizens in the most efficient, effective and courteous manner possible; and 3. To encourage current and future residents to participate in determining the direction and spirit of the City and its neighborhoods; and 4. To assure our contact with citizens will be in an honorable, courteous, informative, timely and honest manner in our efforts to encourage adjacent residents to unite with the City of Bakersfield; and 5. To make continual efforts to improve the quality of life, the delivery of services and the community spirit within and around Bakersfield; and 6. To preserve the integrity of each property owner's vote, by not combining non- contiguous areas on the Resolution of Application, unless 100% owner approval is received in writing by the City. <of\.K~-9 ~ ~ >- - I- p2 <3 tJ ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "B" ANNEXATION PRE-APPLICATION PROCESS The following steps are proposed for the City of Bakersfield prior to application for annexation to LAFCO of territory inhabited by 12 or more resident electors: . Identify Proposed Annexation Area Development Services Department - Planning Division will identify the proposed annexation area, based on request by City or Citizens to initiate annexation. . Notify City Council The Development Services Director will notify the Council, in writing of the annexation proposal. This notification, by way of memorandum, will be distributed through City Manager's weekly General Information Memo, which is available in the City Clerk's Office. . Send out "Frequently Asked Questions" Frequently asked questions and responses regarding the proposed annexation made available on the City's website at www.bakersfieldcitv.us and provided at informational meetings. Additionally, a copy will be included with the Notice of Proposed Annexation and mailed to all property owners/occupants within the proposed area. Standard questions will appear on all letters. Some additional questions and I- answers with regard to taxes or other issues specific to the area may be included. . Informational Meetings At least one mandatory noticed informational meeting at a public facility will be conducted within the proposed annexation area. The Kern County Supervisor representing the area and County staff will be invited to these meetings. City Councilmembers may wish to also schedule additional informal meetings in the area in order to share information and this should not be precluded. In all cases, the Councilmember will be invited to any informational meeting. In all cases, the Councilmember will be invited to any informational meeting. Efforts will be made to use fQ"'K~-? public facilities for informational meetings. However, this does not ti< % ;:.... - preclude the use of resident homes. !:: ~ <.) c=, ORIGINAL · It is the intent of this section to assure that information is readily available and shared with citizens. With this in mind, staff will attempt to use the internet to disseminate annexation information when financially feasible. It is imperative that staff be available to respond to questions by citizens and share information in either a group or individual setting. . Notification Written notice will be mailed to all property owners/occupants within the proposed area. There will be a prepaid post card included requesting the owner/occupant express their opinion regarding the annexation, by mail or personal delivery. This is an informal request for information and not a formal voting procedure. The notice will be prepared and mailed by City Clerk Staff no later than 20 days prior to the Resolution of Application. See attached Exhibit "1" and "2" . Resolution of Application A Resolution of Application for Annexation of a proposed area will be brought to the Council for consideration. The public can address the Council at this time. Final approval of the proposed annexation will be determined by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Contact LAFCO at (661) 716-1076 for additional information on their proceedings. ~ ~fl-K~-'9 Q ~ 5 ~ ORIGINAL EXHIBIT "1" ~ . - BAKERSFIELD NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION BY THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Bakersfield City Council is proposing annexation of inhabited territory to the City of Bakersfield known as City of Bakersfield ANNEXATION NO. 398, GENERALLY KNOWN AS PANAMA #12. A Resolution of Application will be heard before the City Council of the City of Bakersfield 6:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2001, in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 1501 Truxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, California, 93301. The purpose of this action is to initiate proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The area being considered is generally located north and south of Panama Lane, west of State Route 99 (Freeway 99). See the attached map (Exhibit A) that shows the affected territory. These proceedings were initiated by the property owner(s) or City (choose one). The reason the has proposed this annexation is The City Council is interested in your written comments regarding the proposed annexation. Comments may be filed by any owner/occupant within the proposed annexation area, by returning the enclosed, postage paid postcard, or letter with the City Clerk at any time prior to adoption of the Resolution of Application by the City Council. Final approval of the proposed annexation will be determined by the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). Contact LAFCO at (661) 716-1076 for additional information on their proceedings. Dated: Pamela A. McCarthy, CMC City Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield NOTE: Notice to be mailed in City of Bakersfield Envelope EXHIBIT "2" NOTICE OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION A Resolution of Application is being proposed for the following territory. The City Council would like to receive your comments, prior to adopting the Resolution. Please complete this card and return to the City Clerk. This is for information purposes only and not an official vote. Regarding: Annexation No. 398, Generally Known as Panama #12 _ I support the proposed annexation _ I oppose the proposed annexation _ I have no preference regarding annexation _ I request additional information regarding: For Annexation Information Contact: City Planning @ (661 )326-3733 LAFCO @ (661) 716-1076 Councilmember @ (661) xxx-xxxx ""- BAKERSFIELD /k . City Clerk's Office 1501 Truxtun Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 CITY CLERK CITY OF BAKERSFIELD 1501 TRUXTUN AVENUE BAKERSFIELD CA 93301 !( ~f>..KC'-9 Q % ~ - c ~ t.) b ORIGINAL