HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 12, 2006 AGENDA BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT Council Chambers, City Hall Tuesday, September 12, 2006 3:00 p.m. 1501 Truxtun Avenue Bakersfield, California 1.ROLL CALL MEMBERS: DONNA KUNZ, Chairperson PHIL BURNS RAUL ROJAS ALTERNATE MEMBERS: JACK LA ROCHELLE GEORGE GONZALES NOTICE OF RIGHT TO APPEAL Any person may appeal a decision of the Board of Zoning Adjustment. The appeal must be filed in writing within 10 days from date of the Board’s hearing with the City Council; 1501 Truxtun Avenue; Bakersfield, CA 93301. Appellants, except those within the public notice area, must include a $675 non-refundable filing fee with the appeal. If all appeals are withdrawn before the City Council’s meeting, the item will not be heard and the Board's decision will stand. The City will not issue any permit, license or other approval for a use involved in an application until after the appeal period has closed. If the City Clerk does not receive an appeal within the noted 10-day period, the Board’s decision will become final. 2. PUBLIC STATEMENTS not This is your opportunity to address the Board on any matter on this agenda and over which they have jurisdiction. If you wish to speak on an item that is on the agenda, please wait until the public hearing for that project is opened for consideration. When addressing the Board, please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. As a courtesy to those in attendance, please turn off or silence all cell phones and pagers. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the Planning Department at (661) 326-3733 Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda Page 2 Meeting of September 12, 2006. Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda Page 3 Meeting of September 12, 2006. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are considered to be routine and will be adopted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a request is made by a Board member, staff, or the public to have an item removed from the consent calendar. If anyone in the audience wishes to speak on one or more of these projects, please come to the podium at this time and identify those that you wish to be removed for discussion. Items left on the consent calendar will then be voted on as a group. Those that have been removed will be acted upon in the order they appear below. A. Non-Public Hearing Items: 1. Minutes of the regular meeting held August 8, 2006. B. Public Hearing Items: . File No. 06-1246 – 1A Conditional Use Permit to allow a private university (Ward 2) (Pacific Heath Education Center) in a C-O (Professional and Administrative) zone located at 5300 California Avenue. (Owner / Applicant: Pacific Health Education/Same) CEQA: Exempt . File No. 06-1325 – 2A one year extension of time for an approved (Ward 6) Modification (#05-0782) to reduce the parking requirement from 405 to 357 on a 6.06 acre site in a C-2 (Regional Commercial) located at 4120 Ming Avenue. (Owner / Applicant: Gary R. Olsen/Joseph Kohan) CEQA: Exempt . File No. 06-1335 – 3 A Conditional Use Permit to allow a coffee shop with (Ward 2) associated bakery and on-site consumption of wine in a C-O (Professional and Administrative Office) zone district located at 167 & 163 H Street. (Owner / Applicant: Lee Martin/Larry & Kimberly Titus) CEQA: Exempt File No. 06-1374 – 4.A Conditional Use Permit to allow the on-site (Ward 3) consumption of alcohol at a wine retail and gift shop in a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone district located at 3900 Coffee Road, Suite 2. (Owner / Applicant: Melynda Grimes/C&C Properties Inc.) CEQA: Exempt RECOMMENDATION: Approve Consent Calendar Roll Call Vote: Board of Zoning Adjustment Agenda Page 4 Meeting of September 12, 2006. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS File No. 06-1357 – 1.A Conditional Use Permit to allow a commercial coach (Ward 2) for use as an indoor seating area for an existing food and shelter service agency in an M-1 (Light Manufacturing) zone district located at 316 Baker Street. (Owner / Applicant: St. Vincent De Paul Center/Same) CEQA: Exempt RECOMMENDATION: Approve File No. 06-1450 – 2.A Conditional Use Permit to allow a cocktail lounge (Ward 3) with the on-site consumption of alcohol within an existing 3,600 sq. ft. tenant space in an existing commercial center in a C-2 (Regional Commercial) zone district located at 3607 Mt. Vernon Avenue. (Owner / Applicant: Wm. Paul Boles/John Heideman) CEQA: Exempt RECOMMENDATION: Approve Roll Call Vote: 5. COMMUNICATIONS 6. BOARD COMMENTS 7.ADJOURNMENT The Board's next meeting is tentatively scheduled for October 10, 2006. _______________________________ JAMES D. MOVIUS, Planning Director