HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE ALARM PERMIT 1/28/2005BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT --- INSPECTION RECORD CHECK LIST TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE FINAL OCCUPANCY For Inspection Request Call Phone No. 326-3979 ~i-LD~-NG ADDRESS: ff/~9{ ~'~ .~..~ ~,~ :GROUP TYPE: ~-~ OCCUP~CY N~E: ~, ~~ ~ ~' ~ OCCUP~T~LOAD: PHONE ~ GENE~L CONT~CTOR: SPRINKLER CONT~CTOR: PHONE ~ ,,~ FIRE A~ CONT~CTOR= ~ --~~ ~ ~ PHONE ~ ~-~~ ~ PHONE ~ CO~ERCIAL HOOD CONT~CTOR: SP~Y FINISH CONT~CTOR PHONE ~ FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM ON DATE SIGNATURE UNDERGROUND DEPTH, PIPE SIZE & THRUST BLOCKS FDC, PIV, WITH ATTACHMENT SIGNS UNDERGROUND HYDRO TEST UNDERGROUND SYSTEM FLUSH OVERHEAD PIPE & HANGER INSPECTION OVERHEAD HYDRO TEST FIRE PUMP TEST RISER, FIVE YEAR START DATE SPRINKLER CALCULATION SIGN AT RISER LOCATION FIRE ALARM SYSTEM & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION DATE JRE FIRE ALARM INSTALLATION PER PLANS SPRINKLER FLOW TEST SMOKE DETECTOR TEST H~T DETECTOR TEST D~RS, FI~ DOO~S ~L~CTRISAL ~ Am~ T~ST FIRE PUMP RUN & A~ ~NUNCIATION TEST EMERGENCY GENE~TOR RUN & LOAD TEST c OOD I ST L TIO ~M~R~NC~ L~TS XIT LOW LEVEL EXIT LIGHTS, (A,E,I & R1) OCCUP~CIES SP~Y BOOTH TEST FINAL INSPECTION COMPLETED ON Application Number . . . . . 04-10000253 Date 12/08/04 Pin number . .' .... . . . 319049 Property Address . ATN (11 Digits): - - - Applicatio~ description ... ~ FIRE DEPT Subdivision.Name .: .- ...... "'.i ..... . Property Use ........ Application valuation .... '0 -.. owner . Contractor :. , ALL-TECH ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS 7720 REVELSTOKE WY '. i '' ' · ' ' . BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 '~ ' (366) ·40325339 '- "' _____~ .......... h .... ~ .... = ........ ,,-'---,--'---,---'''--'----'--' ....... i--- · ~ .'Permit . . . . . . FIREALARM PEP~4IT::: Additional desc . Phone Access Code . 304287 Permit Fee . 150.00 Pian Check Fee .... 1~2.50 . Issue Date ~ ... . 12/08/04 Valuation ' : . 0 ~.Expiration Date.. · 6/07/05 .'.'~ ,'. ' .. · Fee'summa~ ' 'Cha~ged' Paid Credited Due0 r--.r ................ 7 ............... 7 .... 7 ...... 7-~ ....... Pemit Fee' Total 150.00 '150.00 .00 .00 Plan Check Total": 112.50 112.50 .00.. .00 Grand Total 262.50 262.50 .00 .00 CALL FOR INSPECTION (661) ,326-3979 · Please state the permit Number, the job Address, and the · Type of Ispection. Requests for inspections should be made at least 24 (twenty-four)hours in advance.' ' · InspeCtors office hoUrs are: 7 am to 5 pm Monday thru Fdday DECLARATIONS Permit is issued in accordance withall applicable Federal, Sate and Local Orinancas. The permitee has properly/signed and dated the reverse side 'of this form //. - This pernli, t. expires~afl;er 180 days of inactivity. · '1 h~ve~/~ti0n, and find it to be con'ect/c°mpete. ~1 ¥~ ' ~l No~ Witt the applicant or furore ~eu~nZ handle ~ ~al or ~mixm~'~ami~f~g a ~u~ mate~al equ~ m or ~ate~ t~'~he ~m0ums s~Cifie~ on t~ O v~ ~ No : Will lhe intended use oflhe building by the appfic~t or ~tum building ~cupam mq~i~: a~it t~r construction or m~ificafion from the Kern County Air P~llution Control ~si6ct (KCAPCD) or from I~ City'ot Bak. Fire ~pt? See ch~klist For ~idelincs. O Y~ O No I have ~ad thc H~ous Mate6al Guide and KC~PCD Pe~ining C~cklist. I undemtand my ~qui~mcnts under the Calif ' . .. Health and Safety Code Sec. 6.95 and CalifGovt. Sec. 65850 and Ibc rcquimmen~ oft~ City of Bakcmficld Fi~'~pt. ~garding ~ardous materials. Owner or Autho6zcd Agent "' Phone No =; Date DECLA~TIONS: The d~larations below are mandat~ by the State of California under SeXton 19825 of the Health and Safety Code. LICENSED CONT~XCTOR'S DEC~RATION " / * - ' . q h~eby affiDn under, P~alty of ~u~ that i am licensed under provisions ~a~r/(comm~cing with Section 7000) of theD n 3 of thc Business and OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION ..I. h~cby afl]nn that und~ ~alty of p~ju~ that I am exempt from the Commctor's Liccmc ~w t~ thc tbllowing reason (S~. 7031.5 Business and ProlL~sions Code: ~y ci~ or couhty which r~uir~ a ~rmit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure p6or ~o ils issuance also rcqui~s thc applicant thr such permit to file a si~ s~tcment ~at hc or she is liccns~ pu~nt to thc provisions bfthc Cont~cmr's Lic~sc Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 or Ibc ' Busings and ProlEssions C~c) or that he or she is ex,pt therefrom and thc b~is Ibr the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any'applicant lbr a p~fit subjects, thc applicant to a civil ~alt~ ofnol more than five hundred dolla~ ($500)): ~ I, as own~ of thc pro~y, or my cmploye~ With Tagcs as their sole com~sation, will do thc work and thc structure is not intended or offered I~r sale (Sec. 7044 Busings and ~of~sions C~c: ~c Cont~ctor's License Law do~ not apply to an owner otpro~ who bu ds or improves thereon, and who docs such work himself or h~clf through.his or her own employees, provided that such improvements are nol int~ded or oflLved Iht sale. IL however, th~ building or improve- ment is sold within one year of completion, thc own~-builder will hayc thc burden of proving that hc or she did not build or improve tbr thc put,sc nf sale). ~ I, as own~ of thc prop~y, am exclusively contracting with liccns~ cont~ctOrs ~o const~ct thc project (Sec. 7044 BusineSs and Prol~ssions Code: Thc Cnmractor~s Lic~sc ~w do~ not apply to an owner ofpro~ who builds or impEov~ ~hercon and who cont~c~ thr such pr~j~t with a contractor, s) licensed pu~uam k~ thc Comractor Lic~sc ~w). ~ I am exempt under Sec. B.& P.C. lbr ~is reason ' Owner Signature Date "WORKER,S cOMPENSATION DECLARATION " · I h.,ereby affirm that under penalty of po.jury .one of the tbllowing di:c arations ~ I 'havi~ and will maintain a certilicate ofconsem to self:insure for workers' compensation, as Provided lbr by Section 3700 of the L~th~r Code, Iht Ibc pcrlbnnance of thc work tbr which this permit is issued. ,. ~ I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Sect io~n 3700 of tl~e LabOr Code, lbr the pertbrmance of Ibc work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number Carrier Policy No. ~ ' . certi~ that in thc performance of the work tbr which this permit is issued, / shall not ~mPloy any person in'any manner so as to bccom¢ subject lo the workers' compensation laws of California and agree that if I Should b~com¢ subject to thc workcnC compensation provisions of Section 3700 of thc Labor Code. I shall Ibrthwith compl~xwtth those provisions. Applicani: ~'~ ~, ' Date WARNING: FAILURE~O sEcuRE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL. AND SHAI.L SU [LIECTAN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE.HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLl.ARS (Sl00,000) IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION~ DAMAGES AS PROVIDED E0R IN-sECTION ..1706 OF THE LABOR, CODE, !,~NTEREST,. , AND,, ATTORNEY'S. FEES. ' ' CoNsTRuc'I;ION LENDING'AGENCY ,, ~ ,, :' · . , i ': : I hereby afl]tm that there is a construxcxtton lending.agency lbr the performance of the work {bt which this permit is issued (St~'c. 3097 Civ. C.). I certi, t)' that thane read this applicatio~ and state that the, ifflorT, natim~ contained herei# 'is ~Orrect. I agree to comph' with all ~iO. ontinance~ and state la~,$ ~rlating to bniMing constnwaonan~ hereby authorize repre.~entati~,es of the citr to o~ter the above- m'entioned, prapern' Ibr inspection purposes Signature, of Applicant or Agent ' Date APPROVED BUILDING DIRECTOR By ~ ~ ~ Name: Address: Contact: '"Telephone: revised 9-06-01 ' PROTECTED PROPERTY INSTALLING/SERVICE ORGANIZATION Name: Address: Contact: Facsimile: 3. .MONITORING ENTITY: Address: COntact: Telephone: UL-Certification Number: Name: APPROVING AUTHORITY Address:. I FaC§imile: .. Bakersfield Fire Department, Prevention Services Division .I. 715 Chester Avenue, SUite 300 . Contact:. Telephone: Dave A, Weirather or Hal Anger (661 ) ;326-;5951 Facsimile: f66D 326-0576 S:~FIRE ALARM SUBMITTAL REGULATIONS~Fi~ ~ System Submittal Cover SheetwixI Mai. Office 312 Kentucky St. Bakersfield, CA. 93305- 661-324-9044 FAX 661-324-2548 CA. LIC.#684645 C7, CI0 December 1, 2004 FIRE ALARM iEQUI'PMENT BILL OF MATERIALS & BATTERY CALCULATIONS CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN 101.50 STOCKDALE HWY. BAKERSFIELD, CALIFORNIA 1. 1 Ea Notifier Master Fire Alarm Notifier Panel NFS-640, flush mount complete with #411 dialer 2. 1 Ea. Fire Alarm Terminal Annunciator Notifier #LCD-80TM with displays and controls for the master fire alarm panel. 3. 4 Ea. Interior Addressable Manual Fire Alarm Station Notifier, #NBG-12LX 4. 1 Ea. Notifier Addressable Smoke Detector Addressable #FSP-851. 5. 3 Ea. Notifier Monitor Modules #FMM-101 to Monitor the Fire Sprinkler Flow, Tamper, and Hood System. 6. 1 Ea. Fire Alarm Strobe Sync Module #MDL 7. 8 Ea. System Sensor Fire Alarm Horn Strobes #P1224MCW Wall Mount "White" 8. 3 Ea. System Sensor Fire Alarm Strobes S1224MCW "White" Wall Mount 9. 3 Ea. Notifier Addressable Duct Type Smoke Detectors #FSD-751P, complete with sample tube Power Supply Calculations Notifier NFS-640 Fire` Alarm COntrol Panel -':~::~ie~?~iJ project Tnformation Protected Premises Property California Pizza Kitchen Address 10150 Stockdale Hwy State California Zip 93311 Prepared By AII-Tech Electronic Systems Address 312 Kentucky St State California Zip 93305 Note Date: City Bakersfield Phone 661-324-9044 City Bakersfield Page I of 2 12/01/2004 AC Branch Current The amount of ~,C current that must be supplied by the source to power the fire alarm system. I 3 Amps O 120 VAC: Maximum allowable AC branch current: 20.0 Primary Standby Load Current Load on the Primary Power Supply during non-alarm conditions. Primary Alarm Load Current Load on the Primary Power supply during an alarm condition. [ 0.567 ] Amps [ 1.365 ] Amps The MPS-24A can supply up to 3 amps of current continuously while the panel is in Standby. The MPS-24A can supply up to 6 amps of current while the panel is In Alarm. O~ ;econdary Standby Load The amount of power that must be supplied by the batteries during non-alarm conditions. 0.517 lAmps for ~ Hours 12.4 I Standby AmpHours Secondary Alarm Load The amount of power that must be supplied by the batteries during an alarm condition. 1.313 tAmps for [~ Minutes 0.11 I Alarm AmpHours Compensation for non-linear discharge characteristic (double-click to change): Total AmpHours: t 12.51 xl.2 16 Battery Selection (~ Two (~ Four (two 12V sets in parallel) i PS-12180 Battery, 12 volt, 18 AH (615) Battery Charger This system will charge its batteries with the following supplyi (~ NFS-640 ~' CHG-120 Remote Battery Charger ~opyright No~or 2000 Device Current Draw (~uantlty x (device current draw) --- total current draw per device (in amps) Protected Property: California Pizza Kitchen Page 2 of 2 j. Part Number Primary Non,Alarm Primary Alarm Secondary Non-Alarm Secondary Alarm KDM-2 (lx0.09400)=0.09400 _(lx0.04000)=0.04000 (lx0.09400)=0.09400 (lx0.04000)=0.04000 LED Blink Current (1 x0.01000)=0.01000 (lx0.01000)=0.01000 (lx0.01000)=0.01000 (1 x0.01000)=_0.01000 Device Activation Current (1 x0.00800)=0.0080-0 (,lx0.00800~=0.0080(] (lx0.00800)=0.00800 (lx0.0_0800)=0.0080~0 Communication Current (lx0.03140)=0.03140., __(lx0.03140)=0.0314(~ (lx0.03140)=0.03140 (lx0.03140)=0.03140 411 DACT (lx0.09000)=0_.090001 (lx0.15000)=0.1500(; (lx0.09000)=0.09000 (lx0.15000)=0.15000 CPU-640 (lx0.23000)=0.23000 (lx0.23000)=0.2300C (lx0.23000)=0.23000 (lx0.23000)~0.23000 LCD-80TM -- (lx0.10000)=0.10000 (1._x~.10000)--0.1000_0' (lx0.05000)=0.05000! (lx0.10000)=0.10000 NBG-12LX (4x0.00030)=0.00120 (4x0.00030)=0.0012_0 __ (4x0.00030)=0.00120 (4x0.00030)=0.00120_ FSP-751 .... (lx0.00027)=0.00027 (lx0,00027)=0.00027 (lx0.00027)=0.00027 _ (lx0.00027)=0.00027 FSD-751P (3x0.00030)=0.00090 (3x0.00030)=0.00090 (3x0.00030)=0.00090 (3x0.00030)=0.0009___~0 FMM-101 (3x0.00030)~0.00090 (3x0.00030)=0.00090 (3x0.00030)=0.00090 _ (3x0.00030)=0.00090 P-~415W Horn Strobe, 24 VDC, 15 cd (Sx0,00000)=0.00000 (8x0.07400)=0.__5920_0 _(8x0.00000)=0.00000 (8x0,07100)=0.56800 S2415W Strobe, 24 VDC, 15 cd __(4_x0.00000)=0.00000 (_4.x0.050-00)=0.20000 (4x0.00000)=0.00000 (4x0.04300)=0.17200 ~li Totals: 0.567 amps 1.365 amps 0.517 amps 1.313 amps 1) Selection of the MMX-2 Includes maximum current allowed for conventional, 2-wire smoke detectors (0.002 amps). 2) Primary Non-Alarm: Current draw while running on AC and under a normal system condition; Primary Alarm: Current draw while running on AC during an alarm condition; Secondary Non-Alarm = Draw from batteries under a single trouble condition (loss of AC). NOTIFIER® General The NFS-640 intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panel is part of the ONYXTM Series of Fire Alarm Controls from NOTIFIER. As a stand-alone small-to-large system, or as a large net- work, the ONYXTM Series of products meets virtually every application requirement. Designed with modularity and for ease of system planning, the NFS-640 can be configured with just a few devices for small building applications, or for a large campus or high- rise application. Simply add additional peripheral equipment to suit the application. Features · One, expandable to two, isolated intelligent Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) Style 4, 6 or 7. · Up to 159 detectors (any mix of ion, photo, thermal, or multi- sensor) and 159 modules (N.C. manual stations, two-wire smoke, notification, or relay) per SLC. 318 devices per Iccp/ 636 per FACP or network node. · Standard 80-character display, 640-character large display, or displ.ay-less (a node on a network). · Network option - 103 nodes supported (NFS-640, NCA Network Annunciator, or NCS Network Control Station) us- lng wire or fiber-optic connections. · 6.0 amp switch mode power supply with four Class A/B built-in Notification Appliance Circuits (NAC). Selectable System Sensor strobe synchronization. · Built-in Alarm, Trouble, and Supervisory relays. · Up to 64 output circuits per FACP or network node; cir- cuits configurable online. · VeriFireTM Tools offline program option. Sort Maintenance Reports by compensation value (dirty detector), peak alarm value, or address. · Autoprogramming and Walk Test reports. · Optional universal 636-point DACT. · 80-character remote annunciators (up to 32). · EIA-485 annunciators, including custom graphics. · Printer interface (80-column and 40-column printers). · History file with 800-event capacity in nonvolatile memory, plus separate 200-event alarm-only file. · Alarm Verification selection per point, with tally. · Autoprogramming and Walk Test reports. · Positive Alarm Sequence (PAS) Presignal. · Silence inhibit and Auto Silence timer options. · March time / temporal / California two-stage coding / strobe synchronization. · Field-programmable on panel or on PC, with VeriFireTM Tools program check, compare, simulate. · Full QWERTY keypad. · Charger for up to 90 hours of standby power. · Non-alarm points for lower priority functions. · Remote ACK/Signal Silence/System Reset/Drill via moni- tor modules. March 8, 2004 DN-6856 · A-30 ONYX: Series NFS-640 Intelligent Addressable Fire Alarm System Section: Intelligent Fire Alarm Control Panels LISTED CSl18 S635 California State Fire Marshal 7165-0028:214 7170-0028:216 U,S. Coast Guard 161.002/42/0 APPllOVB (FM exceptions: CPU-640E, PRN-5, Propdetary service) 02/6007 City of DENVER NFS-640 shown in CAB-B4 with NCA 640-character display Automatic time control functions, with holiday exceptions. Surface Mount Technology (SMT) electronics. Extensive, built-in transient protection. Powerful Boolean logic equations. NCA 640-character display features: si Backlit, 640-character display. ~ Supports SCS Series smoke control system in both HVAC or FSCS modes (not UL-Listed for FSCS). si' Printer and CRT EIA-232 ports. si EIA-485 annunciator and terminal mode ports. s,/ Alarm, Trouble, Supervisory, and Security relays. Acclimate PlusTM, AWACSTM, HARSHTM, NOTI · FIRE · NETTM ONYXTM, and VeriFire" are trademarks, and FlashScan® an~ VIEW® are registered trademarks of NOTIFIER. Microsoft~ and Windows® are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corpora- tion. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsid- iary of General Electric Company. NOTIFIER® is a Hone~,~ell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~) NOTI FI E R' 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 IS0 [1001 [---] :4 :b d I =11 =1 ,~I ENGINEEBING & IVIANUFAC1UBING QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. DN-6856 · 03/08/04 -- Page 1 of 9 · FlashScan® intelligent features: ~/ Poll 318 devices in less than two seconds. ~ Activate up to 159 outputs in less than five seconds. ~ Multicolor LEDs blink device address during Walk Test. ~,/ Fully digital, high-precision protocol (U.S. Patent 5,539,389). ~ Manual sensitivity adjustment -- nine levels. ~' Pre-alarm AWACSTM(Advanced Warning Addressable Combustion Sensing) -- nine levels. ~,/ Day/Night automatic sensitivity adjustment. ~ Sensitivity windows: Ion - 0.5 to 2.5%/foot obscuration. Photo - 0.5 to 2.35%/foot obscuration. Laser (VIEW®) - 0.02 to 2.0%/foot obscuration. Acclimate PlusTM - 0.5 to 4.0%/foot obscuration. HARSHTM - 0.5 to 2.35%?foot obscuration. ~" Drift compensation (U.S. Patent 5,764,142). ~' Degraded mode -- in the unlikely event that the CPU- 640 microprocessor fails, FlashScan® detectors revert to degraded operation and can activate the CPU-640 NAC circuits and alarm relay. Each of the four built-in panel cir- cuits includes a Disable/Enable switch for this feature. ~ Multi-detector algorithm involves nearby detectors in alarm decision (U.S. Patent 5,627,515). ~/ Automatic detector sensitivity testing.. ~,/ Maintenance alert (two levels). ~ Self-optimizing pre-alarm. · VIEW® Very Intelligent Early Warning smoke detection technology: ~ Revolutionary spot laser design. ~ Advanced A WA CS TM algorithms differentiate between smoke and non-smoke signals (U.S. Patent5,831,524). ~/ Addressable operation pinpoints the fire location. ~/ No moving parts to fail or filters to change. ,/ Early warning performance comparable to the best as- piration systems at a fraction of the lifetime cost. Up to 32 Remote Displays .... ~ FDU~O ~ LCD-80 LCD-80 EIA-485 NCA OR with no display Up to 64 fully programmable -- output circuits -- Sample System NFS-640 Opti show. ,n C^B-C~ wi~ K~M-2 or~s and voice alarm system Page 2 of 9 -- DN-6856 · 03/08/04 · Acclimate PlusTM Iow-profile intelligent multi-sensor: ~ Detector automatically adjusts sensitivity levels with- out operator intervention or programming. Sensitivity increases with heat. ~/' Microprocessor-based technology; combination photo and thermal technology. ~/ FlashScan~ or classic mode compatible with NFS-640. ~ Low-temperature warning signal at 40°F _+ 5°F (4.44oc 2.77°C). · RFX wireless interface system: ~" Allows protection in areas where the use of wire is un- economical or unpractical. ~ Allows communication with wireless smoke detectors and wireless monitor modules; each RFX unit and de- tector is assigned an address. ~" Requires 24 VDC from SLC or system auxiliary power. · HARSHTM Hostile-Area Smoke Head: ~ Provides early warning of smoke detection in environment where traditional smoke detectors are not practical. ~' The detector's filters remove particulates down to 30 microns in size. ,," Intake fan draws air into photo chamber, while airborne particles and water mist are removed. ~" Requires auxiliary24 VDC from system or remote power supply. · Releasing features: ~/' Ten independent hazards. ~/ Sophisticated cross-zone (three options). ~' Delay timer and Discharge timers (adjustable). ~' Abort (four options). ~,/ Low-pressure CO~ listed. · Voice and telephone features: ~ Solid state message generation. ~ Hard-wired voice control module options. ~' Firefighter telephone option. SLC Intelligent Loop I FS~751 ~h~ HARSHTM NBG-12~ FMM-1 FRM.1 XP5 ~des, XPtQ SLC Intelligent L~p 2 IBC Relay Contact ~17CB 75t I~ ~ermal ....... EIA-485 NBG*12LX FMM-1 FCM-1 XP5-M XP5-C XPIQ 2048 annunciator/control points RelAa~l~nRlrol L~ i~M~AnEn uM~12c~a~To r CustoLmD~r3a2phlce Dual phone Optional 636 point UDACT b lines to b Central EIA-232 Terminal Station PRN Printer CRT-2 Terminal 68561~lok.wmf ~ 30- to 120-watt high-efficiency amplifiers (AA Series). ~ Backup tone generator and amplifier option. ~ Multichannel voice transponder (XPIQ). · High-efficiency offiine switching 3.0 amp power sup- ply (6.0 A in alarm): ~ 120 or 220/240 VAC. ~,/ Displays battery current/Voltage on panel (with display). FlashScan® Exclusive New World-Leading Detector Protocol At the heart of the NFS-640 is a set of detection devices and device protocol -- FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389). FlashScan® is an all-digital protocol that gives superior pre- cision and high noise immunity. In addition to providing quick identification of an active input device, this new protocol can also activate many output de- vices in a fraction of the time required by competitive proto- cols. This high speed also allows the NFS-640 to have the largest device per loop capacity in the industry -- 318 points -- yet every input and output device is sampled in less than two seconds. The microprocessor-based FlashScan® detec- tors have bicolor LEDs that can be coded to provide diag- nostic information, such as device address during Walk Test. AWACSTM Advanced Warning Addressable Combustion Sensing AWACSTM is a set of software algorithms that provide the NFS-640 with industry-leading smoke detection capability. These complex algorithms require many calculations on each reading of each detector, and are made pos- sible by the very-high-speed microcomputer used by the NFS-640. Drift Compensation and Smoothing, Drift compensation allows the detector to retain its original ability to detect actual smoke, and resist false alarms, even as dirt accumulates. It reduces maintenance re- quirements by allowing the system to automatically per- form the periodic sensitivity measurements required by NFPA 72. Smoothing filters are also provided by soft- ware to remove transient noise signals, such as those caused by electrical interference. Maintenance Warnings. When the drift compen- sation performed for a detector reaches a certain level, the pedormance of the detector may be compromised, and special warnings are given. There are three warn- lng levels: (1) Low Chamber value, usually indicative of a hardware problem in the detector; (2) Maintenance Alert, indicative of dust accumulation that is near but below the allowed limit; (3) Maintenance Urgent, indica- tive of dust accumulation above the allowed limit. Sensitivity Adjust. Nine sensitivity leve s are pro- vided for alarm detection. These levels can be set manually, or can change automatically between day and night. Nine levels of pre-alarm sensitivity can also be selected, based on predetermined levels of alarm. Pre-alarm operation can be latching or self-restoring, and can be used to activate special control functions. Self-Optimizing Pre-Alarm. Each detector may be set for "Self-Optimizing" pre-alarm. In this special mode, the detector "learns" its normal environment, measuring the peak analog readings over a long pe- dod of time, and setting the pre-alarm level just above these normal peaks. Cooperating Multi-Detector Sensing. A pat- ented feature of AWACSTM is the ability of a smoke sensor to consider readings from nearby sensors in making alarm or pre-alarm decisions. Without statisti- cal sacrifice in the ability to resist false alarms, it al- lows a sensor to increase its sensitivity to actual smoke by a factor of almost two to one. Field Programming Options Autoprogram is a timesaving feature of the NFS-640. it is a special software routine that allows the NFS-640 to "learn" what devices are physically connected and automatically load them in the program with default values for all parameters. Requiring less than one minute to run, this routine allows the user to have almost immediate fire protection in a new instal- lation, even if only a portion of the detectors are installed. Keypad Program Edit (with KDM.2}. The NFS- 640, like all NOTIFIER intelligent panels, has the exclusive feature of program creation and editing capability from the front panel keypad, while continuing to provide fire pro- tection. The architecture of the NFS-640 software is such that each point entry carries its own program, including con- trol-by-event links to other points. This allows the program to be entered with independent per-point segments, while the NFS-640 simultaneously monitors other (already installed) points for alarm conditions. VeriFireTM Tools is an offline programming and test util- ity that can greatly reduce installation programming time, and increase confidence in the site-specific software. It is Win- dews® based and pro¥ides technologically advanced capa- bilities to aid the installer. The installer may create the entire program for the NFS-640 in the comfort of the office, test it, store a backup file, then bring it to the site and download from a laptop into the panel. ~' EHTER PROG ..OR;;$Ti:IT":'pIZISSUORD, THEH EHTER : I · · .. (E$CRPE.: TORBORT).: ~,~ . · Above: Keypad program editing. Below: Autoprogram function. 8856tOOI tif VeriFireTM Tools System Programming screen DN-6856 · 03/08/04 -- Page 3 of 9 TOP, LEFT to RIGHT: J8 Zone Code Input; TB7 DC Power (24 VDC power-limited, both resettable and non-resettable available); TBS Alarm Relay; TB9 Trouble Relay; TB10 Supervisory Relay; TB11 Security Relay; SW1, SW5 Relay Switches; JP13 General Board Earth Fault Jumper; TB12 EIA-485 Terminal Mode (supervised); TB13 EIA-485 ACS Mode (supervised); TB14 EIA-232 Printer; TB15 EIA-232 PC Termi- nal; J1 NUP (network/service connection: power-limited, supervised); TB16 SLC #1 Connections (detectors, modules; supervised); D55 Main SLC Ground Fault LED; JP7 Charger Disable Jumper; JP12 200MA Jumper; JP6 Earth Fault Jumper (SLC #1). J8 TB7 TBS 'l'B9 TB10 TB11 TB12 TB13 TB14 TB15 TB16 aWl~'~ ~SW5 ~ .... ~55 JP6 O TBS TB3 Disable/Enable Sw~tches for NAC Circuit J7 Degraded Mode behind display TB2 TB1 D54; Control Switches SW2, ~ ' / J4, J5, J6 behind display SW3, SW4; and System Status Indicator LEDa (for "No-Keyboard Operation') behind display JP7 behind display JP12 IThe CPU-640 shown with KDM-2 Display = D72 J10 Jll ~ / n 082 o ~ 0 ~ 6856cpu.wmf LEFTSlDE, TOP to BOTTOM: TB6 NAC #1, TB5 NAC #2, TB4 NAC #3, TB3 NAC #4 (all NAC circuits power-limited and supervised, and each NAC TB has an NAC LED to the right of it); J7 Accessory Power; Disable/Enable Switches for Degraded Mode; TB2 AC Power Connection; TB1 Battery Connection (overcurrent protected). BO~-I'OM, LEFT to RIGHT: D54 AC On LED; System Status Indicator LEDs for "No- Keyboard Operation"; System Switches SW2 (Acknowledge) SW3 (Silence), SW4 (Reset) for "No-Keyboard Operation"; J4 KDM-2 Connector; J5, J6 Panel Circuits (ONYXTM Panel Output Modules, supervised); D72 General Board Ground Fault LED; J10 Security Tamper Switch; Jll Auxiliary Trouble Input; D82 AC Power LED; J3 LEM-320 Connector (SLC Loop #2). Network Diagram PRN ACS NCS 24V - NFS-640 speakers 6856conf.wmf phones Page 4 of 9 -- DN-6856 * 03/08/04 Block Diagram NOTI. FIRE. NET'" Sample Node Configurations Key: ooooo~. NFN Twisted. Pair Wire NFN Dual Fiber-Optic Unk Other Interfaces OPTIONAL Connection speakers phones NFS-640 NCS NCA PRN ACS __~ LCD-80 PRN PRN The ONYXTM Series provides integrated solutions for any fire safety application. Placement of Equipment in Chassis and Cabinet The following guidelines outline the NFS-640's flexible sys- tem design. Rows: The first row of equipment in the cabinet mounts in chassis CHS-M2. Mount the second, third, or fourth rows of equipment in chassis CHS-4MB (see NFS-640 Installation Manual regarding panel output modules) or CHS-4L (for voice components, see Voice Alarm System Manual). Wiring: When designing the cabinet layout, consider sepa- ration of power-limited and non-power-limited wiring as dis- cussed in the NFS-640 Installation Manual. Positions: A chassis offers four basic side-by-side posi- tions for components; the number of modules that can be mounted in each position depends on the chassis model and the size of the individual module. There are a variety of stand- offs and hardware items available for different cor~binations and configurations of components. CPU-640 power supply Mounting location for LEM-320 /~CA UTION! · It is critical that all mounting holes of the NFS-640 are secured With a screw or standoff to ensure continuity of Earth Ground. Layers: The CHS-M2 accepts four layers of eqbipment, including the control panel. The CPU-640 fills three positions (left to right) in the first-installed layer (the back of the chas- sis); its integral power supply occupies (the left) two posi- tions in the next two layers; the optional display occupies (the left) two positions at the front, flush with the door. Panel output modules can be mounted in several layers with stand- offs or an L-bracket as required. Some equipment, such as the NCA, may be door-mounted directly in front of the control panel. The NCA mounts onto the DP-DISP or ADP-4B. The NCA can be used as a primary display for the NFS-640 by directly connecting their network ports (required in Canadian stand-alone applications). Expansion: Installing an LEM-320 Loop Expander Mod- ule adds a second SLC loop to the control panel. The LEM- 320 is mounted onto the CPU-640, occupying the middle- right, second (back) slot on the chassis. If networking two or more control panels, each unit requires a NCM-W (wire) or NCM-F (fiber) Network Control Module. The NCM-W/-F can be installed in any panel out- put module position (see manual); the default position is at the back of the chassis next to the control panel. Option boards can be mounted in front of the LEM-320 or NCM mod- ules; for ease of access, complete installation of those devices before mounting another layer. KDM-2 (shown with dress plate), or NCA at front, flush with door mounting location for NCM or TM-4 Panel output module mounted on L-bracket in front of control panel Available mounting slots for panel output modules DN-6856 · 03/08/04 -- Page 5 of 9 Agency Listings and Approvals See the first page of this data sheet for listing agencies and file numbers. These listings and approvals apply to the basic NFS-640 control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. The NFS-640 complies with UL Standards 864 (Fire) and 1076 (Burglary). It is designed to meet NFPA 72 Local, Aux- iliary, Remote Station, Proprietary (not applicable for FM), and Emergency Voice/Alarm Fire System Requirements. Specifications · Primary input power, CPU-640 board: 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 3.0 amps. CPU-640E board: 220/240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 Amps. · Total output 24 V power: 6.0 A in alarm.* · Standard notification circuits (4): 2.5 A each. · Four-wire detector power: 1.25 A. · Non-resettable regulated power outputs: 1.26 A each. · Battery charger range: 12 AH - 55 AH. Use separate cabi- net for batteries over 25 AH. · Optional high-capacity (25 - 120 AH) battery charger: CHG-120 (see CHG-120 data sheet, DN-6040). · Float rate: 27.6 V. · Temperature and humidity ranges: This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0°C to 49°C (32°F to 120°F); andat a relative humidity.(noncondensing) of 85% at 30°C (86°F) per NFPA, and 93% ~ 2% at 32°0 ± 2°C (89.6°F ± 1.1°F) per ULC. However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this sys- tem and all peripherals be installed in an environment with a nominal room temperature of 15°C to 27°C (60°F to 80°F). 'Note: The power supply has a total of 6.0 Amps of available power. This is shared by all internal modules. System Capacity · Intelligent Signaling Line Circuits ....... 1 expandable to 2 · Intelligent detectors ...................................... 159 per loop · Addressable monitodcontrol modules ......... 159 per loop · Programmable internal hardware and output circuits (4 standard) .................................... 68 · Programmable software zones ..................................... 99 · Special programming zones ......................................... 14 · LCD annunciators per CPU-640/-640E ~tnE NCA (observe power) ............................................ 32 · ACS annunciators per CPU-640/-640E ..................... 32 address x 64 points · ACS annunciators per NCA ............................32 address x 64 or 96* points · Note: The NCA supports up to 96 annunciator address points per ACM-24/48. KDM-2 COntrols and Indicators Program Keypad: QWERTY type (keyboard layout). 8 LED indicators: Power; Fire Alarm; Pre-Alarm; Security; Supervisory; System Trouble; Signals Silenced; Points Dis- abled. Membrane Switch Controls: Acknowledge/Scroll Display; Signal Silence; Drill; System Reset; Lamp Test. LCD Display: 80 characters (2 x 40) with long-life LED back- light. Configuration Guidelines Stand-alone and network systems require a main display. On single-CPU systems (one CPU-640/-640E), display options are the KDM-2 or the NCA. On network systems (two or more CPU- 640/-640Es), at least one NCA or NCS annunciation device is required. Other options listed as follows: KDM-2: 80-character backlit LCD display with QWERTY programming and control keypad. Order two BMP-1 blank modules and DP-DISP mounting plate separately. Requires top row of a cabinet. Required for each stand-alone 80- character display system. The KDM-2 may mount in network nodes to display "local" node information as long as at least one NCA or NCS network display is on the system to display network information. NCA: Network Control Annunciator, 640 characters. On single CPU-640/-640E systems, the NCA is the Primary Display for the panel and connects directly to the CPU-640/- 640E. On network systems (two or more CPU-640/-640Es), one network display (either NCA or NOS) is required for every system. On network systems, the NCA connects (and requires) an NCM network communications module. Mounts in a row of FACP node or in two annunciator positions. Mounting options include the DP-DISP, ADP-4B, or in an annunciator box, such as the ABS-2D. In CAB-4 top-row applications, a DP-DISP and two BMP-1 blank modules are required for mounting. See NCA data sheet DN-6858. CPU-640: Central processing unit with integral 3.0 amp (6.0 A in alarm) power supply for an NFS-640 system. Includes CPU; one Signaling Line Circuit expandable to two; installation, programming and operating manuals. Order one per system or as necessary (up to 103 network nodes) on a network system. CPG-640E: Same as CPU-640 but requires 220 VAC, 1.5 amp, (3.0 A in alarm). CH$-M2: Mounting chassis for CPU-640. One required for each CPU-640/-640E. DP-DISP: Dress panel for top mw in cabinet with CPU- 640/-640E installed. BMP-I: Blank module for unused module ~ositions. Page 6 of 9 -- DN-6856 · 03/08/04 System Modules The NFS-640 includes the ability to communicate with up to eight conventional modules each with up to eight circuits. Any mix of notification, relay, speaker, or telephone may be used. Choose any combination of up to eight output modules: ICM/ ICE, CRM/CRE, DCM-4 or VCMAICE. Panel modules mount on either: the two far-right positions of the DP-DISP (next to the primary display); or on any of the four positions on the CHS-4N chassis (CHS-4MN kit required). NOTES: 1) These .modules/expanders are NOT to be used for releasing ap- plications. 2) For additional information on these panel output modules and expanders, see data sheet DN-6859. CH$-4MB: Expansion Chassis. Mounts up to four modules. Includes CHS-4N, MP-1B (Module Dress Panel), and Expander Ribbon Cable. ICM-4RK: Notification Appliance Circuit Module, provides four Style Y (Class B) or Style ~_--I I1:1 I~ Z (Class A) alarm Notification Appliance Circuits. Maximum signaling current is 3.0 amps per circuit or 6.0 amps per module, subject to power supply limitations (includes auxiliary power harness, ELRs and slide-in labels). ~-"~ 6859icrn4 wmf Includes ON/OFF controls and ON/OFF LEDs. ICE-4: (at right) Notification Appliance Circuit Expander, expands ICM-4 to provide a total of eight Style Y or Style Z alarm Notification Appliance Circuits. Circuit ratings are same as ICM-4, Note; maximum of one per ICM-4RK. May also be used to add four Notification Appliance Circuits to VCM-4. CRM-4RK: (at left) Control Relay Module, four Form-C relay contacts, rated at 5.0 A, 120 VAC or 28 VDC (resistive) per circuit. Includes manual ON/OFF controls and LEDs. 6,s~,,~w~, CRE-4: (at left) Control Relay Expander,  expands CRM-4 to provide a total of eight Form- C relay contacts. Note: maximum of one per CRM-4RK. May also be connected to add four relays to ICM-4, TCM-2, TCM-4, or VCM-4. VCM-4RK: (at right) Voice Control ~ Module provides four Style Y (25 and ~ 70 VRMS) and Style Z (25 VRMS only) II;l~l;l~ll o66~ ..... speaker circuits, eight manual select II;I:II;DII · switches and indicators, slide-in labels, II"l:ll"r-_'ll and plug-in terminal blocks. Move jumper to I1."1:11."~'11 c.onvert to telephone circuits with remote ring II~t--I I~l-~.li s~gnal and local call-in flash. May be expanded to SSSgvc~.wr~ eight circuits with VCE-4, ICE-4, or CRE-4. Vel=-4: (at right) Voice Control Expander adds four circuits to VCM-4. Note: VCM-4/VGE-4 combination must be eight speaker or SSS~d~m~.~m~ eight phone circuits. DCM-4RK: (at left) Dual Channel Module pro-vides four Class B (Style Y, 25 ~, 70 VRMS) or Class A (Style Z, 25 VRMS only) speaker circuits plus four channel NB select relays. Not expandable. Other Option Modules ARM.4: Auxiliary Relay Module, four Form-C relays controlled by a relay module (CRM-4 or CRE-4). N.O. contacts rated 20 amps; N.C. contacts rated 10 amps at 125 VAC and 30 VDC. Note: maximum of one for each CRM-4 or CRE-4. 029ice4 wml 0461arm4.wrnf VCC-1 B: Voice Control Center. Provides a variety of user- selectable tones on a single channel. Up to two different tones or messages may be selected on a single channel. Also provides optional digital voice message capability and on-site programmable voice messages. Includes Audio Message Generator (AMG-1) microphone, cables, dress panels, and instructions. VTCC-1B: Voice/Telephone Control Center. Provides all that the VCC-1 provides plus two-way Fire Fighters Tele- phone (FFT-7) capability. TCC-1 B: Telephone Control Center. Provides a stand-alone two-way Fire Fighters telephone (FFT-7S). Includes cables, dress panel and instructions. RM-t/RM-ISA: Remote microphone assemblies, mount on ADP-4 (RM-1) dress panel or CAB-RM/-RMR (RM-1SA) stand-alone cabinets. See DN-6728. AMG-E: (at right) Audio Message Generator (without microphone). Order in addition to VCC-1 or V"[CC-1 if two- channel system is required. FFT-7/FFT-7S: Fire Fighters Telephone control with master handset. FTM-I: Firephone Control Module connects a remote firefighter telephone to a centralized tele- phone console. Reports status to panel. Wiring to jacks and handsets is supervised. JUt-30: (at right) Audio Amplifier, 30 watts. Switch-mode power. Includes amplifier and audio input · o o o o o supervision, backup input, and automatic switchover, supply, cables. See AA Series data sheet, DN-3224. .~li~ I )ower AA-120/AA-100: Audio Amplifier provides up to 120 watts of 25 VRMS audio power for the NFS-640. The amplifier contains an integral chassis for mounting to a CAB-B4, -C4, or -D4 backbox (consumes one row). Switch-mode power. Includes audio input and amplified output supervision, backup input, and automatic switchover to backup tone. Order the AA- 100 for 70.7 VRMS systems and 100 watts of power. See AA Series data sheet, DN-3224. 3576vrom. wmf VROM-(n): (at right) Factory-pro- ~ grammed message for installation in AMG- 1. Provides up to 24 seconds of evacua- tion message on nonvolatile memory chip. Choose one of many standard messages available. Up to two of these messages may be installed in one AMG. Includes VROM, instructions for installation and operation, and written text of message. See VROM data sheet, DN-3576...~0740vram'wmf VRAM-I: (at right) Field-programmed ~ memory to be installed in AMG-I. Provides up to 24 seconds of field-program- mable evacuation message on nonvolatile memory chip. Message is programmed from microphone or cassette tape. Up to two of these nonvolatile memory chips may be installed in one AMG. Includes VRAM and instructions for installation and operation. AP$-6R: (at right) Auxiliary Power Supply (expander). Provides up to 6.0 amperes of regulated power for compat- ible Notification appliance circuits. Includes battery input and transfer relay, and overcurrent protection. Mounts on one of four positions on a CHS-4L or CHS-4 chassis. See APS-6R data sheet, DN-5952. DN-6856 · 03/08/04 -- Page 7 of 9 ACPS-2406:6.0 amp addressable charger power supply. See ACPS-2406 data sheet, DN-6834. FCPS-24: The FCPS-24 is a remote six-amp (four-amp continuous) repeater/power supply. See FCPS-24 data sheet, DN-5132. FCPS-24S6/-24SS: Remote six-amp and eight-amp power supplies with battery charger. See DN-6927. UZC-256: Programmable Universal Zone Coder provides positive non-interfering successive zone coding. Micropro- cessor-controlled, field-programmable from IBM®-compat- ible PCs (requires optional programming kit). See UZC-256 data sheet, DN-3404. LCD-80/LCD-80TM/FDU.80: 80-character, backlit LCD display. Mounts up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from panel. Up to 32 per NFS-640. See LCD-80/-8OTM (DN-3198) and FDU-80 (DN-6820) data sheets. ACS: Annunciator Control Modules ACM-16AT, AEM-16AT, ACM-32A, and AEM-32A. See ACS data sheet, DN-0524, also A CM-24A T and ACM-48A on DN-6862. AFM: Annunciator Fixed Modules AFM-16A, AFM-16AT, and AFM-32A. See AFM data sheet, DN-O056. LDM: Lamp Driver Modules LDM-32, LDM-E32, and LDM- R32. See LDM data sheet, DN-0551. ACM-SR: Remote Relay Module with eight Form-C contacts. Can be located up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from panel on four wires. See ACM-8R data sheet, DN-3558. SCS: Smoke control station; eight (expandable to 16) circuits. See SCS data sheet, DN-4818. RPT-485: Repeats EIA-485 over twisted pair or converts to fiber-optic medium. See RPT data sheet, DN-4737. XPS: The XP5-M and XP5-C provide FlashScan® tran- sponder points. See XP5 data sheet, DN-6625. XP: The XP Series Transponder provides conventional monitor and control points (CLIP mode only). See DN-0759. XP ! Q: The XPIQ quad intelligent voice transponder for distrib- uted multichannel voice evacuation systems, an integrated audio amplification and distribution subsystem controlled by FACP, Capable of playing up to four . .. ~... ~,,. . simultaneous messages. Accepts up to four 25-watt amplifiers. See XPIQ data ~ " sheet, DN-6823. CHS-4: (at right) Chassis for mounting up to four "' ~ ~=',--, ~:=' ,.-, ~ CHS-4L: (at right) Low- profile four-position ., Chassis. Mounts two ' ' ' AA-30 amplifiers or one AMG-E and one AA-30. · , , , DP-lB: (at right) Blank Dress panel. Provides dead-front panel for unused tiers or to cover :' ' AA-30, AA-120. or AMG-E. ,: i".".,,'.' CAB-4 Series: The CAB-4 Series cabinets are fabricated from 16-gauge steel with unique full-front LEXAN®, reverse-silk-screened for durability. The cabinet assembly consists of two basic parts: a Backbox (SBB-_4), and a Locking Door (DR-_4) that may hinge right or left. Cabinets are available in four sizes, "A" through "D", with one to four tiers (two- tiered "B" shown at right). A trim ring option is available for semi-flush mounting. See DN-6857. Page 8 of 9 -- DN-6856 · 03/08/04 Compatible Devices, EIA-232 Ports PRN-5: 80-column printer. See DN-6769. PRN-6: 80-column printer. VS4095/S2: Printer, 40-column, 24 V. Mounted in external backbox. See DN-3260; order from Keltron, Inc. CRT-2: Video display terminal. See DN-3756. Compatible Devices, EIA-485 Ports ACS Series: Remote serial annunciator/control systems. See DN-0524. FDG-80: Remote LCD display, 80 characters, with LEDs. See DN-6820. LCD-80: Remote LCD display, 80 characters. See DN-3198. LCD-80TM: Remote LCD display, 80 characters, terminal mode. See DN-3198. LDM Series: Remote custom graphic driver modules. See DN-0551. ACM-8R: Remote relay module. 8 Form-C relays. See DN-3558. RFX: Wireless interface system. See DN-6739. RPT-485 Series: Repeater, isolator and/or fiber-optic mo- dem. See DN-4737. U DACT: Universal Digital Alarm Communicator Transmitter, 636 channel. See DN-4867. UZC-256: Zone Coder. Up to 256 programmable codes. See DN-3404. Compatible Intelligent Devices FSI-851: Low-profile FlashScan® ionization detector. See DN-6934. FSl-75'I: Low-profile FlashScan® ionization detector. See DN-6714. FSP-85t: Low-profile FlashScan® photoelectric detector. See DN-6935. FSP-751: Low-profile FlashScan® photoelectric detector. See DN-6714. FSP-85'IT: Low-profile FlashScan® photoelectric detector with 135°F (57°C) thermal. See DN-6935. FSP-75¶T: Low-profile FiashScan® photoelectric detector with 135°F (57°C) thermal. See DN-6714. FST-85'I: FlashScan® thermal detector 135°F (57°C). See DN-6936. FST-751: FlashScan® thermal detector 135°F (57°C). See DN-6716. FST-85 IR: FlashScan® thermal detector 135°F (57°C) with rate-of-rise. See DN-6936. FST-75t R: FlashScan® thermal detector 135°F (57°C) with rate-of-rise. See DN-6716. FST-8$'IH: FlashScan® 190°F (88°C) high-temperature thermal detector. See DN-6936. FSD-751P: FlashScan® photo duct detector with housing. See DN-6821. FS D-75 t P L: Low-flow FlashScan® photo duct detector with housing. See DN-6955. FS D-751 R,P: FlashScan® photo duct detector with relay and housing. See DN-6821. FSD-751RPL: Low-flow FlashScan® photo duct detector with relay and housing. See DN-6955. FAPT-851: FlashScan® Acclimate PlusTM Iow-profile multi- sensor detector. See DN-6937. FAPT-751: Acclimate PlusTM Iow-profile multisensor detector. See DN-6833. FSH.75 t: FlashScan® HARSHTM Hostile Area Smoke Head. See DN-6875. FS L-751: FlashScan® VIEW® laser photo detector. See DN- 6886. LPX-75 t: Low-profile VIEW® laser photo detector. See DN- 5306. B224RB:.Low-profile relay base. B224BI: Isolator base for Iow-profile detectors. B710LP: Low-profile base. Standard U.S. style. B501: European-style, 4" (10.16 cm) base. FM M-I: FlashScan® monitor module. See DN-6720. FDM-I: FlashScan® dual monitor module. See DN-6720. FZM-I: FlashScan® two-wire detector monitor module. See DN-6720. FMM-101: FlashScan® miniature monitor module. See DN-6720. FCM-I: FlashScan® NAC control module. See DN-6724. FRM-I: FlashScan® relay module. DN-6724. FSM-1 01: FlashScan® pull station monitor module. NBG-t2LX: Manual fire alarm station, addressable. See DN-6726. ISO-X: Isolator module. See DN-2243. XP Series: Transponder. See DN-0759. XPS-M: FlashScan® transponder, five monitor points. See DN-6625. XPS-C: FlashScan® transponder, five control points or Form- C relays. See DN-6625. XP6-C: FlashScan® six-circuit supervised control module. See DN-6924. XP6-MA: FlashScan® six-zone interface module; connects intelligent alarm system to two-wire conventional detection zone. DN-6925. XP 6-R: FlashScan® six-relay (Form-C) control module. See DN-6926. XP10-M: FlashScan® ten-input monitor module. See DN-6923. XPIQ: Intelligent quad transponder. See DN-6823. Other Options DPI-232: Direct Panel Interface, specialized modem for ex- tending serial data links to remotely located FACPs and/or peripherals. See DN-6870. L£M-320: Loop Expander Module. Expands each 640 to two Signaling Line Circuits. See DN-6881. TM-4: Transmitter Module. Includes three reverse-polarity cir- cuits and one municipal box circuit. Mounts in panel module position (single-address-style) or in CHS-M2 position. See DN-6860. N C M-W: Network Communications Module, Wire. Order one NCM per network node (CPU-640 or NCA). See DN-6861. NCM-F: Network Communications Module, Fiber. Order one NCM per network node (CPU-640 or NCA). See DN-6861. NCS-Wor NCS-W-ONYX: Network Control Station, Wire. UL-Listed graphics PC with 19" display and mouse. Order as necessary for network systems. Each NCS consumes one of 103 network addresses. See DN-6868, ONYXTM DN-6869. NCS-F or NCS-F-ONYX: Network Control Station, Fiber. UL-Listed graphics PC with 19" display and mouse. Order as necessary for network systems. Each NCS consumes one of 103 network addresses. See DN-6868, ONYXTM DN-6869. VeriFire. TCD: VeriFireTM T..ools CD-ROM. Contains pro- gramming software for the NFS-640, NCA, and XPIQ. Includes local panel connection cable. Programming PC requires a serial port connection. See DN-6871. ACM-24AT: ONYXTM Series ACS annunciator - up to 96 points of annunciation with Alarm or Active LED, Trouble LED, and switch per circuit. Active/Alarm LEDs can be programmed (by powered-up switch selection) by point to be red, green, or yellow; the Trouble LED is always yellow. See DN-6862. AEM-24AT: Same LED and switch capabilities as ACM- 24AT, expands the ACM-24AT to 48, 72, or 96 points. See DN-6862. ACM-48A: ONYXTM Series ACS annunciator - up to 96 points of annunciation with Alarm or Active LED per circuit. Active/Alarm LEDs can beprogrammed (by powered-up switch selection) in groups of 24 to be red, green, or yellow. Expand- able to 96 points with one AEM-48A. See DN-6862. AEM-48A: Same LED capabilities as ACM-48A, expands the ACM-48A to 96 points. See DN-6862. BAT Series: Batteries. NFS-640 utilizes two 12 volt, 12 to 55 AH batteries. See DN-6933. PS Series: Batteries. NFS-640 utilizes two 12 volt, 12 to 55 AH batteries. See DN-1109. NFS-LBB: Battery Box (required for batteries over 25 AH). DN-6856 · 03/08/04 -- Page 9 of 9 NOTIFIER® GENERAL The LCD-80 is an 80-character, backlit LCD display annuncia- tor for the NOTIFIER NFS-640, NFS-3030 (ACS mode only), AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, AFP-200, System 5000, and System 500 fire alarm control panels, or the NCA network control annunciator. Up to 32 LCD-80s may be connected onto the two-wire EIA-485 port. The LCD-80 has two basic modes of operation, "Terminal" and "ACS" mode. The LCD-80TM shares all the features of the LCD-80, but only utilizes "Terminal" mode, where it mimics the panel display. COMMOH FEATURES · 80-character backlit Liquid Crystal Display (20 characters x 4 lines). · Control switches for System Acknowledge, Signal Silence and System Reset. · Time and date display field. · Enable Key switch and phone jack options. · Can be remotely located up to 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) from the control panel. · Local piezo sounder with alarm/trouble resound. · Flush/surface/panel mount option. · Optional RPT-485 repeater increases the distance and num- ber of LCD-80s in a system (see RPT-485 data sheet). · Optional transmission over fiber optics (see RPT-485 data sheet). ACS MODE When operated in "ACS" mode, the LCD-80 provides a remote or local digital display and printer interface for the System 5000 and System 500. For the NFS-640, NFS-3030, NCA, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, and AFP-200, the LCD-80 provides a vectored annunciation capability. Individual devices/zones can be installer-defined to only display and print at specific locations (EXAMPLE:A maintenance office receives only non-alarm point activations. These inputs could be sump pump on, high water, backup AHU on, Iow temperature in freezer, etc.). · Alarm/trouble count. · Custom "normal" message. · European option: first alarm/last alarm/alarm count. · Field-programmable messages from CRT or PC-compatible computer (PK-LCD-80 Programming Kit required). · EIA-485 interface: up to 32 per system. · Printer output port: EIA-232, compatible with PRN Series printers. · Field-programmable messages in nonvolatile memory in two options: 128 points, 40 character labels; or 256 points, 20 character labels. · Internal nonvolatile clock for time and date in ACS mode. · NFS-640, NFS-3030, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP- 400, and AFP-300 "vectored" printer capability. · Can be mounted in a System 5000 cabinet module position. NOTE: The NFS-3030 operates with the LCD-80 in ACS mode only. TERMINAL MODE In "Terminal" mode, the LCD-80 mimics the NFS-640, NCA, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300 and AFP- 200 displays. Up to 32 LCD-80s can annunciate and provide remote reset, acknowledge, and silence of the control panel July 19, 2004 LCD-80 end LCD-80TM Liquid Crystc~l Displc~ys Section: Annunciator Control Systems DN-3~8 · D-120 I LISTED cs10o S635 U,S. Coast Guard 161.002/23/2 MEA (AFP-2oo) 161.002/27/3 290-91-E (LCD-80) (AFPI010, AM2020) 289-91-E (LCD-80) 104-93-E Vol. III (LCD-8OTM) 317-01-E (NFS-640) 345-02-E (LCD-80) LCD-8OTM 3198lcd8 jpg 94/60004 (E2) (AFP-200) 93/60140 (E2) (AFPI010, AM2020) ,~~ ,California State Fire ' Marshal 7120-0028:156 31981cd8.jpg LCD-80 with ABF-1B from remote locations. The DIA-1010 and DIA-2020 (Display Interface) include a Terminal mode driver port for LCD-80s in Terminal mode. The Terminal mode port is standard on the NFS-640, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, and AFP-200 main PC/ CPU boards. · Displays device type identifiers. · Device and zone custom alpha labels. · 'Rme/date and Device address. · May operate in addition to CRT. · No programming necessary. LCD-80 displays time, date, and custom messages received from NFS-640, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-400, AFP-300, or AFP-200. NOTE: The NFS-3030 does NOT use LCD-80 in terminal mode, or the LCD-8OTM. NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~) NOTI FI E 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 ISO 9001 ENCII~[EBING & I~UF'~BING QUALITY SYSTEMS Made in the U.S.A. DN-3198 · 07/19/04 -- Page 1 of 2 The LCD-80 in ACS Mode EIA-232, 4 wires 50 ft. (15.24 m) max, PRN Printer System 5000 with panel-mounted LCD-80 3198dial wrnf · LCD-80 is 8.25" (20.96 cra) high, 4.375" (11.11 cm) wide, and 1.75" (4.45 cra) deep. · Up to 32 LCD-80s may be used on one EIA- 485 circuit. NOTE: Must have sufficient regulated 24 volt power. Certain NOT/F/ER systems may have lim- its to the amount of LCD-80s with ACK/STEP, Signal Silence, and Reset switches. · LCD-80 mounts with any CHS-4 chassis slot. · The LCD-80 may display all System 5000 cir- cuits. Alternately, it may display up to 192 AIM- 200 points and two rows of modules. 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) maximum total wire length EIA~485 (2 wires) 24 VDC ~ (2 wires) 1 TO PRN LCD-80 EIA-485 (2 wires) 24 VDC ~ (2 wires) TO PRN LCD-80' PRINTER PRINTER EIA-485 (2 wires) 24VDC ~ / (2 wi~ PRN LCD-80 PRINTER N FS-3030, NFS-640, AM2020, AFP1010, AFC-600, AFP-300/400, AFP-200, System 5000, System 500, or NCA The LCD-80 or LCD-80TM in Terminal Mode Terminal Mode EIA-485 (2 wires) 24 VDC (2 wires) EIA-232 I NFS-640, Printer Port NCA, AM2020, AFP1010 AFC-600, AFP-300/400, PRN Printer or AFP-200 6,000 ft. (1828.8 m) maximum wire length between each LCD-80 · Up to 32 LCD-80(TM)s may be used in a continu- ous 4-wire loop (verify sufficient 24 VDC available). · Each may have ACK/STEP, SIGNAL SILENCE, and SYSTEM RESET switches. · Displays all analog, addressable points. · No programming required for LCD-80(TM)s. RELATED OPTIONS PK-LCD-80 (order VERIFIRE-CD): Off-Line Programming Kit for LCD-80. Allows PC programming messages when LCD-80 is used in the ACS mode. CCM-I: Converter Module. Required for terminal mode opera- tion on older AM2020s or AFP1010s that do not include the DIA- 2020 or DIA-1010 Display Interfaces. Also required for AM2020 and AFP 1010 systems which require a CRT with keyboard. Uses one ICA-4L chassis slot or two CHS-4 chassis slots. See ACS Series (DN-524) or ONYXTM ACS Series (DN-6862) data sheets for additional information on items below. ABF-1DB: Semi-flush box with alternative smoked-glass door, any keylock. ADP-4: Annunciator Dress Plate, gray. Allows panel mounting of up to four LCD-80(TM) modules in a CAB-3 Series cabinet. ADP-4B: Annunciator Dress Plate, black. Allows panel mounting of up to four LCD-80(TM) modules in a CAB-4 Series cabinet. ABF.1DB --The ABF-1 DB is a semi-flush-mount backbox for the NOTIFIER LCD-80 Series Annunciator. The ABF-1DB mounts one LCD-80('rM). It includes an attractive smoked-glass door with NOTIFIER keylock. Dimensions, BOX only: 9.938" (25.24 cm) high, 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide, 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep. Dimensions, DOOR only: 10.713" (27.21 cm) high, 6.0" (15.24 cm) wide, 0.75" (1.9 cm) deep. ABF-1 B: Annunciator Flush Box, 9.938" (25.24 cm) high, 4.625" (11.75 cm) wide, and 2.5" (6.35 cm) deep. Order AKS-1B key switch and APJ-1B phone jack if desired. Can also be mounted in ABF-2B or ABF-4B annunciator backboxes. ABS-1TB: Deep Surface Backbox (mounts one LCD-80/-80TM). AKS-1B: Key Switch (black) to enable/disable controls when mounted in ABF or ABS-1TB. APJ-1 B: Annunciator Phone Jack, black. Mounts to ABF flush box or ABS-1TB. PRN Series: 80-Column Serial Printer (see PRN data sheet). RPTo485W: EIA-485 Wire Repeater. Increases wire distance between LCD-80s in ACS mode (see RPT-485 data sheet). RPT-485F: EIA-485 Fiber-Optics Repeater. Increases distance and converts EIA-485 wire to fiber-optics in ACS mode (see RPT-485 data sheet). Page 2 of 2 -- DN-3198 · 07/19/04 NOTI FI E R® August 23, 2004 DN-6726 · H-240 NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent/Addressable Devices GENERAL The NOTIFIER NBG-12LX is a state-of-the-art, dual-ac- tion (i.e., requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that includes an addressable interface for any NOTIFIER intelligent control panel. Because the NBG-12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads fire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm. FEATURES · Maintenance personnel can open station without causing an alarm condition. · Built-in bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of the station, flashes in normal operation and latches steady red when in alarm. · Handle latches in down position and the word "ACTI- VATED" appears to clearly indicate the station has been operated. · Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC Iccp (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.1 mm2 wire). · Semi-flush, mounts to a standard single-gang (2.125" [5.3975 cml minimum depth), double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box. · Smooth dual-action design. · Within ADA 5 lb. pull force. · Highly visible. · Attractive shape and textured finish. · Key reset. · Includes Braille text on station handle. · Optional trim ring (BG-TR). · Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. · Up to 99 NBG-12LX stations per Iccp on classic protocol systems. · Up to 159 NBG-12LX stations per Iccp on FlashScan® protocol systems. · Dual-color LED blinks green to indicate normal on FlashScan® systems. CONSTRUCTION Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable LEXAN® (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. OPERATION Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it to latch in the down/activated position. Once latched, the word "ACTIVATED" (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. LEXAN® is a registered trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. Patented, U.S. Patent No. D428,351; 6,380,846 U.S. Patent Pending: 091686,286 Q ~, California ~ State Fire C US (~.//~ Marshal t,~ 7150-0028:199 LISTED S692 U.S. Coast Guard 161.002/23/3 (AFP-200) MEA 67-02-E 93/60141 (E3) 02/6007 .; The NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply un- lock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; closing the door automatically resets the switch. Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address set- tings (1 - 159 on FlashScan® systems, 1 - 99 on CLIP systems). NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~ NOTI FI ER' 12 Clintonville Connecticut 06472 Road, Northford, ISO §001 I:flGINI:EIING & IV~qNU~ACllJBING QUA£1TY SYSTEMS DN-6726 · 08/23/04 -- Page 1 of 2 PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION NBG-12LX Dual-action addressable pull station. Includes key locking feature. SB-10 Surface backbox. SB-I/O Indoor/outdoor surface backbox. BG-TR Optional trim ring. INSTALLATION The NBG-12LX will mount semi-flush into a single-gang, double-gang, or standard 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount to the model SB-10 or SB-I/O surface backbox. If the NBG-12LX is being semi- flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usually needed for semi-flush mount- lng with 4" (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). Back of station without door. Terminal Connections 1 SLC (-) 2 SLC (+) Cover open to show easy access to miniature monitor module, rotary switch, and UL label. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLC loop current: 375 ,uA. ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a key-operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated station shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-colored LEXAN® (or polycar- bonate equivalent) with clearly visible operating instruc- tions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backb0x SB-10; or semi-flush mount- lng on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the control panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on com- mand from the control panel, send data to the panel repre- senting the state of the manual switch. Manual stations shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. The loop poll LED shall be clearly visible through the front of the station. The LED shall flash while in the normal condition, and stay steadily illuminated when in alarm. Detail of BREAKAWA Y TAB* *Remove tab to select addresses above 99 (FlashScan® systems only). Page 2 of 2 -- DN-6726 · 08/23/04 NOTI FI E R® GENERAL Four different monitor modules are available for NOTIFIER in- telligent controls to suit a variety of applications. Monitor mod- ules are used to supervise a circuit of dry-contact input de- August 23, 2004 DN~6720 · H-220 FNtNt- 1, FMNt- 101, FZNt- 1, FDM- 1 Monitor Modules with FlashScan® Section: Intelligenl/Addressable Devices vices, such as conventional heat detectors and pull stations, or monitor and power a circuit of two-wire smoke detectors (FZM-1). FMM-1 -- is a standard-sized module (typically mounts to a 4" [10.16 cm] square box) that supervises either a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit of dry-contact input de- vices. FMM-t01 -- is a miniature monitor module (a mere 1.3" (3.302 cm) H x 2.75" (6.985 cm) W x 0.5" (1.270 cm) D) used to supervise a Class B (Style B) circuit. Its compact design allows the FMM-101 to often be mounted in a single-gang box behind the device it's monitoring. FZM-1 -- is a standard-sized module used to monitor and supervise compatible two-wire, 24 volt, smoke detectors on a Class A (Style D) or Class B (Style B) circuit. FDM-I -- is a standard-sized dual monitor module used to monitor and supervise two independent two-wire initiating device circuits (IDCs) at two separate, consecutive addresses in intelligent, two-wire systems. FlashScan® (U.S. Patent 5,539,389) is a new communi- cation protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engineering that greatly enhances the speed of communication between ana- log intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communicate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel CPU stops the group poll and concentrates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of other designs. FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. FMM-1 MONITOR MODULE LISTED S635 California State Fire Marshal 7300-0028:202 CS669 U.S. Coast Guard 161.002/23/3 (AFP-200: FMM-1/-101, FZM-1) 161.002/42/1 (NFS-640: FMM- 1/-101) 93/60141 (E3) (FMM-1/-101, FZM-1) 94/60004/E2 (AFP200: except FDM- 1) 02/60007 (NFS-640: FDM- 1) MEA 8 2~.13 12 7 TE,~ o 5678 9 5 2~ .,..~, ONES o LOO. ~D~SS ~ FMM-1 o ~ ~J and FZM-1 143-01-E (FDM-1) 317-01-E (FMM-1/-101) 345-02-E (FMM-1/-101) 457-99-E (FZM-1, FMM-1/-I01) 447-99-E · Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the control panel. · Powered directly by two-wire SLC loop. No additional power required. · High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. · SIMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. · Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan® sys- tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems. detail of FDM-1 -- note "ones" addresses are o, 2, 4, 6, 8 only ~ TENS8 II 115 ~ ONES 0 LOOP ADDRESS · LED flashes green during normal operation (this is a pro- grammable option) and latches on steady red to indicate alarm. The FMM-1 Monitor Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, two-wire systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. It pro- vides either a two-wire or four-wire fault-tolerant Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) for normally-open-contact fire alarm and supervisory devices. The module has a panel-controlled LED indicator. The FMM-1 can be used to replace MMX-1 mod- ules in existing systems. FMM-1 Applications -- Use to monitor a zone of four- wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other normally-open dry-contact alarm activation devices. May also be used to monitor normally- open supervisory devices with special supervisory indica- tion at the control panel. Monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Class A) Initiating Device Circuit. A 47K ohm End-of-Line Resistor: (provided) terminates the Style B circuit. No resistor is required for su- pervision of the Style D circuit. Maximum IDC loop length is 2,500 ft./762 m (20 ohms maximum). NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice, For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~) NOTI F1 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 E IS0 g001 INGINEEIIING & M/~FA~III~ QUALITY SYSTEMS DN-6720 · 08/23/04 -- Page 1 of 6 FMM.I Operation -- Each FMM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop, It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its initiating Device Circuit (I DC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FMM-t Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on), Maximum operating current: 375 pA (LED flashing), EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range.' 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing, Dimensions.' 4,5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cm) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10,16 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cm) deep box. FMM-101 MINI MONITOR MODULE · Built-in type identification automatically identifies this de- vice as a monitor module to the panel. · Powered directly by two-wire FACP, No additional power required, · High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. · Tinned, stripped leads for ease of wiring, · Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan® sys- terns, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems. ADDRESS TENS ONES The FMM-101 Mini Monitor Module can be installed in a single-gang junction directly behind the monitored unit. Its small size and light weight allow it to be installed without rigid mounting. The FMM-101 is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems where the individual address of each mod- ule is selected using rotary switches. It provides a two-wire initiating device circuit for normally-open-contact fire alarm and security devices. The FMM-101 can be used to replace MMX-101 module in existing systems. FMM-t0t Applications -- Use to monitor a single de- vice or a zone of four-wire smoke detectors, manual fire alarm pull stations, waterflow devices, or other normally-open dry- contact devices. May also be used to monitor normally-open supervisory devices with special supervisory indication at the control panel. Monitored circuit/device is wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) Initiating Device Circuit. A47K ohm End-of- Line Resistor (provided) terminates the circuit. FMM-101 Operation-- Each FMM-101 uses one of 159 available module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (loc). FMM-101 Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum operating current: 375 ,uA. EOL resistance: 47K ohms. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 1.3" (3.302 cra) high x 2.75" (6.985 cm) wide x 0.5" (1.270 cm) deep. Wire length: 6" (15.24 cm) minimum. FZM.1 INTERFACE MODULE · Supports compatible twoIwire smoke detectors. · Supervises IDC wiring and connection of external power source. · High noise (EMF/RFI) immunity. · SEMS screws with clamping plates for ease of wiring. · Direct-dial entry of address: 01 - 159 on FlashScan® sys- tems, 01 - 99 on CLIP systems. · LED flashes during normal operation (this is a program- mable option). · LED latches steady to indicate alarm on command from control panel. The FZM-1 Interface Module is intended for use in intelli- gent, addressable systems, where the individual address of each module is selected using built-in rotary switches. This module allows intelligent panels to interface and monitor two- wire conventional ~moke detectors. It transmits the status (normal, open, or a~arm) of one full zone of conventional de- tectors back to the control panel. All two-wire detectors be- lng monitored must be UL compatible with the module. The FZM-1 has a panel-controlled LED indicator and can be used to replace MMX-2 modules in existing systems. FZM-t Applications -- Use the FZM-1 to monitor a zone of two-wire smoke detectors. The monitored circuit may be wired as an NFPA Style B (Class B) or Style D (Olass A) Ini- tiating Device Circuit. A 3.9 K ohm End-of-Line Resistor (pro- vided) terminates the end of the Style B or D (class B or A) circuit (maximum IDC loop resistance is 25 ohms), Install ELR across terminals 8 and 9 for Style D application. FZM-I Operation -- Each FZM-1 uses one of 159 avail- able module addresses on an SLC loop. It responds to regu- lar polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status (open/normal/short) of its Initiating Device Circuit (IDC). A flashing LED indicates that the module is in communica- tion with the control panel. The LED latches steady on alarm (subject to current limitations on the loop). FZM-I Specifications Nominal operating voltage: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.1 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 255 ,uA (LED flashing). EOL resistance: 3.9K ohms. External supply voltage (between Terminals T3 and T4): DC voltage: 18 to 26 volts power limited. Ripple voltage: 0.1 VRMS maximum. Current: 90 mA per module maximum. Temperature range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% noncondensing. Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 1.25" (3.175 cra) deep. Mounts to a 4" (10.16 cra) square x 2.125" (5.398 cra) deep box. Page 2 of 6 -- DN-6720 · 08/23/04 FDM-1 DUAL MONITOR MODULE The FDM-1 Dual Monitor Module is intended for use in in- telligent, two-wire systems. It provides two independent two- wire initiating device circuits (IDCs) at two separate, consecu- tive addresses. It is capable of monitoring normally open contact fire alarm and supervisory devices; or either normally open or normally closed security devices. The module has a. single panel-controlled LED. NOTE: The FDM-1 provides two Class B (Style Y) IDC circuits ONLY. Class A (Style Z) IDC circuits are NOT supported in any application. FDM-1 Specifications Normal operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Maximum current draw: 5.7 mA (LED on). Maximum operating current: 750 #A (LED flashing). EeL resistance: 47K ohms. Maximum IDC wiring resistance: 1,500 ohms. Temperature range: 32° to 120°F (0° to 49°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Dimensions: 4.5" (11.43 cm) high x 4" (10.16 cm) wide x 2.125" (5.398 cra) deep. FDM-1 Automatic Addressing --The FDM-1 auto- matically assigns itself to two addressable points, star~ing with the original address, For example, if the FDM-1 is set to address "56", then it will automatically assign itself to ad- dresses "56" and "57". NOTE: "ones"addresses on the FDM- 1 are O, 2, 4, 6, or 8 only. Terminals 6 and 7 use the first ad- dress, and terminals 8 and 9 use the second address. /~xCAUTION! · Avoid duplicating addresses on the system. INSTALLATION FMM-1, FDM-1, andFZM-1 modules mount directly to a stan- dard 4" (10.16 cm) square, 2.125" (5.398 cra) deep, electrical box. They may also be mounted to the SMB500 surface-mount box. Mounting hardware and installation instructions are pro- vided with each module. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. These modules are intended for power-limited wiring only. The FMM-101 module is intended to be wired and mounted without rigid connections inside a standard electrical box. All wiring must conform to applicable local codes, ordinances, and regulations. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION FMM-1 Monitor module. FMM-101 Monitor module, miniature. FZM-1 Monitor module, two-wire detectors FDM-1 Monitor module, dual, two independent Class B circuits. SMB500 Optional surface-mount backbox. ARCHITECTS'/ENGI NEERS' SPECIFICATIONS Specifications of these and all NOTIFIER products are avail-' able from NOTIFIER. CAUTION [ DE.ENERGIZE UNIT PRIOR TO SERVICIN~ ~, Face Plate for FMM-1, FZM-1, and FDM-1 ~ ~~ ~ for slandard-slzed modules DN-6720 · 08~23/04 -- Page 3 of 6 WIRING DIAGRAMS The following wiring diagrams are included: I) FDM-1, typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 2) FMM-101, typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. 3) FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style B. 4) FMM-1, typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. 5) FMM-1, typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). 6) FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. 7) FZM-1, interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. 8) FRM-1, relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. Fig. '1 FDM-I: Typical dual two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. Two Initiating Device Circuits ~ (L&H) ~ TO Next - each power-limited to D,~vi~,~ ~ FROM Panel ..... _ ...... "~ ~ (+) ~ orPrevious  J l~'~ {~ ~'~/I · All wiring shown is supervised I r~L~O," o.~s A~ss~----~ and power limited. II ~ ' ~-' ~ "~ ' f'~ I · Connect modules to listed compatible l'-,,0 'o c/ C,"~ NOTIFIER control panels only. 47K EOL Resistor ELR-47K 47K EOL Resistor ELR-47K U U · ANY NUMBER of UL Listed contact closure devices may be used. · DO NOTMIXfire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. · Install contact closure devices per manufacturer's installation instructions. 6822wir1.wmf (+) (-) UL LISTED Compatible Control Panel Fig. 2 FMM-101: Typical two-wire Style B initiating device circuit configuration. B~~~~~~(_:~ REDFMM.101 3\IL \\)/]12 2~13 ~0 1514 6720wit1 .wm~ II,To NEXT DEVICE 1 ~ (T) VIOLET~+) 14YELLOW 47K EOL INCLUDED \ Page 4 of 6 -- DN-6720 · 08/23/04 · Connect modules to listed compatible NOTIFIER control panels only. · All wiring shown is supervised and power limited. · Install contact closure devices per manufacturers' installation instructions. · Any number of UL-listed contact closure devices may be used. · DO NOTMIXfire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. ~r Fig. 3 FMM-I: Typical two-wire initiating device circuit configuration, NFPA Style B, TO Next - Device -.(+) ~ FROM Panel -- ",~ _ , "~ ~ ( + ) ~ or Previous ~ MONITOR ~ ~ _(jr v ~ ,~, ~ Device Initiating Device Circuit (lDO) ~ ~ ~LE I ~] ~ p . NFPAStyleB. powerlimited: I~ ~ ' ~[ ~ ~ ~ ' Communication Line . 230 ,A m~. ~ 12 VDC max. ~9 0 0~/~ ~ 32 VDC m~imum. ' ~ ~ '/~ I~ ~ ~~ (-) ~ Twisted-pairis 47K ECL ~ ~ ~ I J~ ~ (+)~ ' re~mmended. Resistor I~1 I~l ' ELR~TK ]~[ ITl IT I 11~5 ~ 4~ --~ Communication Loss ~ ~ ~ I ~P o~s ~~ (optional connection for panels ~ / ~ ~ I ~ ~ o ~ ~] which suppoAthis feature) L FUTURE EA URE U 6720wi~,wmf ~ '~' Fig. 4 ECL Resistor is internal at terminals 8 & 9 FMM-I : Typical four-wire fault-tolerant initiating circuit configuration, NFPA Style D. TO Next (-) Device ~ ~ FROM Panel ' ~ . ~ ,., ' or Previous t~ ~ ~ ~ (-) ~ Twisted-pairis J~] ~ I~~~,~-..;~ Communication Loss I T I I T I I [ tL~ = *D0.ES~ ~ (optional connection for panels I I I I I I I1~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~l which suppo~this feature) ~ [ ~ ~ ~ ~ J FUTURE FEATURE ~ 6720WIT3 wmf ~ Fig. 5 FMM-I: Typical two-wire initiating circuit configuration for security systems (with alarm versus short capability). TO Next ~ Initiating Device Circuit (IDC) Device (-~ FROM Panel _, _ , ~'~ ~ (+) '~ orPrevious NFPA Style B, power limited: ~ MONITOR ~ ~ ~)vvv\ ~-~j 4 Device 230 pA m~. ~ 12 VDC max. I A . I ~ , ~ -, ~ l ~ I ~ 'Communication Line 14K Series Resistor ~90 0~~/ ~ 32vgc maximum. 47K ECL ~ ~s ~ Resistor --.~ Communication Loss ELR~TK I ~" ~s ~~ (op~onal ~nnection for panels j ~ ~ o m ~1 which suppo~ this feature) [ ~ ~ ~ ~ J FUTURE F~TURE U 6720w~r4.wmf ~ DN-6720 · 08/23/04 -- Page 5 of 6 · Connect modules to listed compatible control panels only. · Terminal wiring must be power limited. · DO NOTMIXfire alarm initiating, supervisory, or security devices on the same circuit. · DO NOT LOOP wire under terminals. Break wire run to provide supervision of connections. · Detectors must be UL listed compatible with module. · Install detectors per manufacturers' installation instructions. · Power to the interface module must be externally switched to reset the detectors. An FRM-1 relay control module can be used to switch power from a standard power supply; see Fig. 7 below. Fig. 6 FZM-I: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style B. TO Ne. xt ~ ~_,.....~ (/----~--4. FROM Panel Device ~ ~ ~'/ J"-'"-"'"'"'-'"-'~-'~. ~ ~ +) ~ or Previous IC'/ C d 5"hi ~ X Communication Line I -- , _o , "~ ] ...J I L.) 32 VDC maximum. - "--"-[l~,, O ,-,~=1~----'/ / ('~ Twisted-pair is I1~ ~ ,u~..~.//,..-.,,~ (_) .,..y recommended. 3.9K EeL .... I IL~Jt ,E,s zlmll] (--) Listed Battery Backup Resistor I~-I I { ~6 ~ 3r~--]ll .... .~ switchedDC (included) I~'1 I I I I(~"'1; ~ ;I'~Y""--'~ t,-/. , L_~ l /"'"-'~~~;~ ~ -, power supp,y. A2143-10 [ ~ ILL.\ % - ~ ?.~1 I I~--' OptionaleranchCircuit J TO Next Interface Module ~' Module supervises supply voltage and detector loop. ~' Fig, 7 FZM-I: Interface two-wire conventional detectors, NFPA Style D. 3.9K EeL Resistor (included) required at terminals 8 & 9 A2143-10 TO Next ~(~ (-) 4 FROM Panel Device ~ (+) ~ ~ (+) .. orPrevious ~ '~ ~,~w...._ ' 'Device ~1 ~ I MODULE I ~ I () ~ ~Communication Line ~]~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ 32VDCm~imum. ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ Twisted-pair is ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ recommended. I H~/ '_ ~ ~1~ (-) 4 Listed Ba~e~ Backup ' I!~ ~ - ~ /91 I I ~ Opt~onolSmnc~ ' L ~ ~ ~ ~ J J J TO Ne~ lnterface Module ~ ~72o~,~.w~ U ' * ~ Module supe~ises supply voltage and detector loop. ~ Fig, 8 FRM-I: Relay control module used to disconnect a power supply. ~ (-~ (-) ~ FROM Panel TO Next ~ ( + ) ., . Device~ - . - ~ ~ ~ (+) ., orPrewous SUPPLY Listed for Fire Protection with munication Line Battery Backup J J J I=~=1_~ '~J-~-~/~/ ,-,t ~ ~ 32 VDC maximum. I I t L.~J~-,rt"I ~ I~1 J ,_, v-'J-/ Twisted-pair is (--) 4(+) ~ ' J ~i~J-!~ '*1/'-- recommended. U 5720wlr7.wml U Page 6 of 6 -- DN-6720 · 08/23/04 NOTI FI E R® GENERAL The System Sensor SpectrAlert® Selectable Output Strobes and Horn/Strobes offer enhanced features that include the widest range of candela options available and the ability to recognize and self-adjust for either 12- or 24- volt operation. Performance, SpectrAlert® selectable-candela wall- mount strobes and horn/strobes offer key performance fea- tures associated with the SpectrAlert® name. The select- able-candela strobes and horn/strobes offer average cur- rent draws that are not only lower than conventional fixed- candela SpectrAlert products, but also lower than similar selectable-candela products. By consuming less current, it is possible to connect even more devices per loop, re- sulting in a lower installed cost. Installation. SpectrAlert® selectable-candela strobes and horn/strobes offer the installation-friendly features of the line, such as the option of 2- and 4-wire operation; the ability to use standard-sized backboxes with no encroach- ment into the box; and universal mounting incorporating the labor-saving QuickClickTM feature. Such labor-saving features make wire connections simple and fast, further reducing installed cost. Flexibility. SpectrAlert~ multi-candela strobes and horn/ strobes offer the broadest range of candela options. In ad- dition, the selectable-candela strobes and horn/strobes can operate on either 12 or 24 volts with no adjustment required -- the device recognizes and self-adjusts to the correct operating voltage automatically. Temporal 3 or con- tinuous tone options continue to be available, in either an electromechanical or 3 kHz pattern. Aesthetics. SpectrAlert~ selectable-candela strobes and horn/strobes incorporate the same stylish, low profile de- sign of the conventional SpectrAlert® products, for a con- sistent and aesthetically pleasing appearance across the entire product line. FEATURES · Widest range of candela options: 12 V: 15 and 15/75 candela. 24 V: 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 110 candela. · Operates on either 12 V or 24 V. · Easy candela selection with side viewing window. · Lower current draw. · Field-selectable horn tones (horn only offered): -- Electromechanical / 3 kHz. -- Temporal 3 / Non-Temporal 3. -- High/Low dBA output. · Easy DIP switch selection for horn options. · Easy mounting with QuickClickTM. · Synchronizable with MDL Sync. CircuitTM module or equipment with SpectrAlert~ Sync Protocol. · Meets UL 1971, NFPA 72, and ADA signaling require- June 15, 2004 DN-6941 · J-80 ! SpectrAlert I Selectable Output Strobes and Horn/Strobes Section: Audio/Visual Devices LISTED c5548 ~i ............... ~ s4011 s5512 MEA California State Fire Marshal 7125-1209:223 7125-1209:222 126-02-E 122-02-E APPROVED VIEWING WINDOW 6941da1.wrn~ For strobe candela se- lection, adjust slide switch located on the S1224MC w/Small Footprint Mounting Plata (S-MP) H12/24 w/Universal Mounting Plate (D-MP) P1224MC w/Universal Mounting Plate (D-MP) SpectrAlert~, Sync,CircuitTM, and QuickClickTM are trademarks of System Sensor. NOTIFIER® is a Honeywell company. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER. Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~) NOTI 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 FI R' ISO 9001 BIGIN[ERING & MAflgFACTglUNG QUALITY SYSTEMS DN-6941 · 06/15/04 -- Page 1 of 3 ments. · Indoor models: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, MEA. Outdoor models: UL, CSFM (strobe only), MEA, ULC. SPECIFICATIONS Walk test; SpectrAlert® horn/strobe and horn only work on "walk tests" with time durations of 4 seconds or greater. Input terminals: 12 to 18 AWG (3.25 mm2 to 0.51 mm2). Dimensions, strobe and horn/strobe with universal plate: 5" (12.7 cm) wide x 5.625" (14.288 cm) high x 2.938" (7.461 cra) deep; with small footprint plate: 3.375" (8.573 cm) wide x 5.625" (14.288 cm) high x 2.938" (7.461 cm) deep. Weight, strobe and horn/strobe: 8.8 oz. (250 g). Mounting: standard boxes 4"x 4" x 1.5" deep (10.16 x 10.16 x 3.81 cm) or 2" x 4" x 1.875" deep (5.08 x 10.16 x 4.763 cra). Operating temperature, indoor: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C), outdoor: Weatherproof Horn/Strobe 32°F to 150°F (0°C to 66°C), Strobe -40°F to 158°F (-40°C to 70°C), ULC Canadian strobe model -40°C to 66°C. Maximum humidity: 95% as tested per UL 464. Voltages: 12 or 24 VDC and FWR unfiltered. Operating voltage range*:12V 8 - 17.5 V. 24V: 16 - 33 V. With Sync-CircuitTM module MDL*:12V: 9 - 17.5 V. 24V:17 - 33 V. See current draw tables on pages 3 and 4. *Note for Strobe: Do not exceed; 1)16-33 or 8-17.5 voltage range limit; 2) maximum number of 70 strobe lights when connecting the MDL Sync Module with a maximum line impedance of 4 ohms per loop and; 3) maximum line im- pedance as reqired by the fire alarm control manufacturer. U.S. Patent Numbers: 5,593,569. 5,914,665. 6,049,446. ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS General -- SpectrAlert® horns, strobes and horn/strobes shall be capable of mounting to a standard 4" x 4" x 1.5" (10.16 x 10.16 x 3.81 cm) backbox or a single-gang 2" x 4" x 1.875" (5.08 x 10.16 x 4.763 cm) backbox using the uni- versal mounting plate included with each SpectrAlert® prod- uct. Also, SpectrAlert® products, when used in conjunc- tion with the accessory Sync. CircuitTM Module, shall be powered from a non-coded power supply and shall oper- ate on 12 or 24 volts. 12-volt rated devices shall have an operating voltage range of 9 - 17.5 volts. 24-volt rated de- vices shall have an operating voltage range of 17-33 volts. SpectrAlert~ products shall have an indoor operating rem- perature range of 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) and operate from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Strobe -- Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert~ model Listed to UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a pri- mary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall con- sist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector sys- rem. Horn/Strobe Combination -- Horn/strobe shall be a Sys- tem Sensor SpectrAlert® model Listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. Horn/strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- ances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe's entire operating voltage range. The strobe light Shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two tone options, two audibility options (at 24 volts) and the option to switch between a temporal 3 pat- tern and a non-temporal continuous pattern. Strobes shall be powered independently of the sounder with the removal of factory-installed jumper wires. The horn on horn/strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply (the strobe must be powered continuously). Synchronization Module -- Module shall be a System Sensor Sync. CircuitTM model Listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The mod- ule shall synchronize SpectrAlert® strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal 3. Also, the module shall silence the horns on horn/strobe models, while operating the strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall be capable of mounting to a 4.688" (11.906 cm) square x 2.125" (5.398 cra) deep backbox and shall control two Style Y (Class B) or one Style Z (Class A) circuit. Module shall be capable of multiple zone synchronization by daisy-chaining multiple modules together and resynchronizing each other along the chain. The module shall NOT operate on a coded power supply. SpectrAlert Current Draw FWR Operating DC Operating FWR Operating DC Operating Horn Candela 12V 24V 12V 24V 12V 24V 12V 24V Audibility Series Setting (dBA) P1224MC 15 112 ~ 127 59 45.7 57.5 ~.4 57 75 Horn/~obes 15/75 135 74 127 69 45.7 57.5 ~.4 57 75 75 .::~?:~.~ 158 160 .-~ ~=¢,..,~ ~-57.5 57 75 H1~24 Horns Page 2 of 3 -- DN-6941 · 06/15/04 SpectrAlert Ordering Information Horn/Strobes, Strobes and Horns Accessories Model Description Model Description P1224MC Selectable Output Hom/Strobe, 12/24 volt, red MDL Sync. Circuit Module, red P1224MCW Selectable Output Horn/Strobe, 12/24 volt, white MDLW Sync.Circuit Module, white Selectable Output Horn/Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, P1224MCP )lain housing MDLA Sync. Circuit Module, red, Canadian model Selectable Output Horn/Strobe, 12/24 mit, white, Sync. Circuit Module, white, Canadian P1224MCPW )lain housing MDLWA model Selectable Output Horn/Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, Small Footprint Mounting Plate, red, for P1224MCK weatherproof S-MP single-gang back box !Selectable Output Horn/Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, Small Footprint Mounting Plate, white, for P1224MCSP "FUEGO" housing S-MPW singlegang back box S1224MC Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 mit, red BBS Surface Mount Back Box Skirt, red S1224MCW Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 mit, white BBSW Surface Mount Back Box Skirt, white Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, plain S1224MCP housing D-MP Univorsal Mounting Plate (replacement), red Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 volt, white, plain Universal Mounting Plate (replacement), S1224MCPW housing D-MPW white Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, S1224MCK weatherproof WBB Weatherproof Back Box Selectable Output Strobe, 12/24 volt, red, S1224MCSP "FUEGO" housing H12/24W Hom, 12/24 mit, white Notes Agency Listings - Indoor models: UL, ULC, FM, CSFM, MEA. Weatherproof models: UL, CSFM (strobe only), MEA, ULC. All of these SpectrAlert products are designed for wall mount only. All weatherproof models must use weatherproof back box model WBB. Installation of less than 75 candela strobes may be permissible under the equivalent facilitation clause of the ADAAG (Sec. 2.2). However, it is the responsibility of the person or entity designing the fire alarm system to determine the acceptability of less than 75 candela strobes. All 15/75 candela strobes or horn/strobes are recommended for 20' x 20' rooms or less. DN-6941 · 06/15/04 -- Page 3 of 3 NOTI FI E R® GENERAL An HVAC system supplies conditioned air to virtually every area of a building. Smoke introduced into this air duct system is thus distributed to the entire building. Smoke detectors for use in air duct systems sense the presence of smoke in the duct. The FSD-751P air duct smoke detector is a photoelectric detector, combining this detection technology with an efficient housing design that samples air passing through the duct, allowing detec- tion of a developing hazardous condition. When sufficient smoke is sensed, an alarm signal is initiated at the fire control panel monitoring the detector, and appropriate action can be taken to shut off fans and blowers and change over air handling sys- tems, etc. This can isolate toxic smoke and fire gases or prevent their distribution throughout the areas served by the duct system. Two LEDs on each detector can be programmed by the system control panel to provide a local alarm indication. A remote alarm output is provided for use with auxiliary devices. The FSD-751P has remote test capability with the RTS451/RTS451 KEY Remote Test Station. Traditional panels support addresses of 0- 99. The FlashScan® protocol supports addresses of 0-159. Patented FlashScan® is a new communication protocol developed by NOTIFIER Engi- neering that greatly enhances the speed of communication be- tween analog intelligent devices. Intelligent devices communi- cate in a grouped fashion. If one of the devices within the group has new information, the panel stops the group poll and concen~ trates on single points. The net effect is response speed greater than five times that of earlier designs. APPLICATIONS Duct smoke detectors have specific limitations. Duct smoke detectors are: · NOTa substitute foropen area smoke detectors. · NOTa substitute for early warning detection. · NOTa replacement for a building's regular fire detection sys- tem. Call NOTIFIER for a copy of System Sensor's application guide, Proper Use of Smoke Detectors in Duct Applications, (A05- 1004-00). INSTALLATION Wiring: For signal wiring (the wiring between detectors or from detectors to auxiliary devices), it is recommended that single conductor wire be no smaller than 18 AWG (0.75 mm2). The duct smoke detector terminals accommodate wire sizes up to 12 AWG (3.25 mm2). Flexible conduit is recommended for the last foot (30.48 cm) of conduit; solid conduit connections may be used if desired. Smoke detectors and alarm system control panels have specifi- cations for Signaling Line Circuit (SLC) wiring. Consult the con- trol panel specifications for wiring requirements before wiring the detector loop. The FSD-751P/FSD-751RP detector is de- signed for ease of wiring; the housing provides a terminal strip with clamping plates. LED Features: If programmed with the system control panel, two LEDs on each duct smoke detector light to provide June 5, 2001 ~ DN-6821 · H-215 FSD-751P and FSD-751RP Intelligent Photoelectric Duct Smoke Detectors with FlashScan® Section: Intelligent Addressable Devices LISTED CS308 (FSD-751PA, S 1115 FSD-751RPA) ,~, California State Fire Permit #2036 (FSD-751P) Marshal Permit #2060 (FSD-751RP) 3240-0028:205 local visible indication. Remote LED annunciator capability is avail- able as an option. Each duct smoke detector can only be wired to one remote accessory. NOTIFIER panels offer different feature sets across different panel models. As a result, certain features of the FSD-751PI FSD-751RP may be available on some control panels, but not on others. Possible features, ifsupported bythe control panel are: · Panel controls the LED operation on sensor. Operational modes are: RED blink, RED continuous, GREEN blink, GREEN continu- ous, and OFF. SPECIFICATIONS FSD-751 P Operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC. Standby current: 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled). Operating temperature range: 32° to 131°F (0° to 55°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Duct air velocity: 500 to 4,000 feet/min. (152.4 to 1219.2 meters/ min,). Dimensions: 14,375" (365,125 mm) wide x 5.500" (13.970 mm) high x 2,750" (69.850 mm) deep. Options: RTS-451, RTS-451KEY, RA400Z. Separate auxiliary power not required. FSD-751 RP Operating voltage range: 15 to 32 VDC (comm. line voltage) and 24 VACNDC or 120/240 VAC auxiliary power* (separate source). *NOTE: The FSD-751RP requires a separate auxil- iary source. Standby current: 300 pA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED blink enabled). Auxiliary power current draw (@ 24 VDC): 26 mA (standby), 87 mA (a/arm). Options: RTS-451, RTS-451KEY, RA400Z, APA451. 143-00-E (FSD-751P) 389-00-E Approved (FSD-751RP) MARYLAND State Fire Marshal FlashScan® is a registered trademark of NOTIFIER. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact NOTIFIER, Phone: (203) 484-7161 FAX: (203) 484-7118 (~N OTI FI E 12 Clintonville Road, Northford, Connecticut 06472 I~' ISO: 9001. I ENGII~EglNG & MANOFA.~IUBING DN-6821 · 06/05/01 -- Page 1 of 2 Operating temperature range: 32° to 131°F (0° to 55°C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% (non-condensing). Duct air velocity: 500 to 4,000 feet/min. (152.4 to 1219.2 meters/ min.). Dimensions: 14.375" (365.125 mm) wide x 5.500" (13.970 mm) high x 2.750" (69.850 mm) deep. Relay contact ratings: 2 Form-C, DPDT, 10A@ 250 VAC, 10A @ 30 VDC (resistive). Minimum switching current of 100 mA @ 5 VDC. Programming specifications/requirements for intelligent system control panels.' The number of devices that can have their LEDs programmed to illuminate is limited by the features of the panel and the individual devices. The actual number of devices is determined by the control panel and its ability to supply LED current. Refer to the control panel installation manual for details. INLET TUBE SELECTION 682~,.,,.,b, Outside Duct Width Inlet Tube* Up to 2 feet (0.6096 m) ST-1.5 2 to 4 feet (0.6096 to 1.2192 m) ST-3 4 to 8 feet (1.2192 to 2.4384 m) ST-5 8 to 12 feet (2.4384 to 3.6576 m) ST-10 *NOTE: Inlet tube is required and must be purchased separately. Order one in/et tube for each duct smoke detector ordered. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Model Description FSD-751P Duct detector housing with FlashScan® photoelec- tric smoke detector. FSD-751RP Duct detector housing with FlashScan® photoelec- tric smoke detector, DPDT relay. ST-1.5 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 1' to 2' (see table at left for metric lengths). ST-3 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 2' to 4'. ST-5 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 4' to 8'. ST-10 Metal sampling tube, duct widths 8' to 12'. RA400Z Remote annunciator alarm LED. RTS451 Remote test station. Mounts in single-gang box. Includes red alarm LED and magnet test switch. Key-activated remote test station. Replacement filters. Replacement test magnet. Replacement photo insect screen. Replacement.end cap for plastic sampling tube. Replacement end cap for metal sampling tube. Replacement photoelectric sensor board. Replacement power I~oard (without relay). Replacement power board (with relay). RTS451KEY F36-09-00 M02-04-00 S08-39-01 P48-55-00 P48-21-00 A5053FS A5067 A5060 SAMPLE WIRING DIAGRAMS COMMUNICATION LINE ~ UL Listed Control Panel See product Installation Intructions for wiring diagrams for the FSD-751RP. O O /// // 0 0 2nd Detector / in Loop / 6821wlr1.wmf FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector using a UL Listed control panel 6821wir2.wmf FSD-751P Detector Terminals II 11 ~ AT` FSD-751P Detector Terminals //- // // Page 2 of 2 -- DN-6821 · 06/05/01 RA400Z E6821wir3.wmf COMMON ST(~ (~ field-Installed LED I RESET RTS451/RTS451KEY FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector with optional RA400Z FSD-751P Duct Smoke Detector with RTS451/ RTS451 KEY NOTE: For RTS451, Terminal 3 is not used. RTS451 does not have a Terminal 6. For RTS451KE¥, Ter- minals 3 and 6 are not used. The RA4OOZ The RTS451 ® The RTS451KEY LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7170-0028:216 Control Unit (High-Rise) Page 1 of 2 Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 Model NFS-640, NFS-640E fire alarm control units. Local, auxiliary, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU), central station (PPU), automatic, manual, waterflow and sprinkler supervisory services. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: CPU-640, 640E NCA NCM-W/F LEM-320 KDM-2 TM--4 CAB-4 Series TR-A4, -B4, -C4, -D4 DP-DISP DP-lB BMP-1 XPDP, DPDW-1B, DPSW-IB, VP-2B CHS-4MB, -M2, -4L, -4N NFS-LBB, BB-25, BB-17 BP-4 STS-1 UDACT UZC-256 ACM-8R, -16AT,-32A, 24AT, -48A AEM-16AT, AEM-32A, 24AT,-48A AFM-16A, AFM-16AT, AFM-32A AKS-1B RPT-W, RPT-485W, 'RPT-485WF RPT-F *SCS-8 *SCE-8 *SCS-8L *SCE-8L LCD-80 LCD-80TM LDM-32, -E32, -R32 RA400,-400Z, FDU-80 FFT-7, -7S FHS FPJ RPJ-1 VCM-4RK VCE-4 ARM-4 AMG-1, -E AA-30, -100, -120 CPU Board Network Communication Annunicator Network Control Module Loop Expander Module Keyboard Display Module Transmitter Module Enclosure Trim Ring Display Dress Panel Blank Panel Blank Module Dress Panels Chassis Battery Box Battery Panel Security Tamper Swith Universal DACT Universal Zone Coder Annunciator Control Module Annunciator Expander Modules Annunciator Fixed Modules Annunciator Key Switch Repeater Wire Repeater Fiber Smoke Control Station Smoke Control Expander Smoke Control Lamp Ddver Station Smoke Control Expander Lamp Liquid Crystal Display AnnunciatorTerminal Module LCD Lamp Driver Module Remote Annunciators Fire Fighter's Telephone Fireman's Handset Fireman's Phone Jack Remote Fireman's Phone Jack Voice Control Module Voice Control Expander Auxiliary Relay Module Audio Message Generator Amplifiers *Co~ected04-10-2002 Listing No. 7170-0028:216 ' ' - Page 2 of 2 INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: NOTE: ABF-1B,-1DB,-2B,-2DB,-4B,-4DB ABS-1TB, -2B APS-6R/APS-6RE ACPS-2406 CHG-120 FCPS-24 DCM-4RK CCM-1 CRM-4RK CRE-4 ICM-4RK ICE-4 ISO-X XPS-M, XP5-C XPIQ XPC-8 XPM-8, XPM-8L XPP-1 XPR-8 PRN-5 VS4095 CRT-2 ACT-l, -2 RM-1, RM-1SA NBG-12LX NBG-12LRA FZM-1 REL-2.2K Annunciator Enclosures Annunciator Surface Box Auxiliary Power supply Addressable Power Supply & Battery Charger Battery Charger Field ChargeflPower Supply Dual Channel Module Communication Module Control Relay Module Control Relay Expander Indicating Control Expander Indicating Circuit Expander Isolator Module Transponder Transponder Quad Intelligent Audio Transponder Control Module Transponder Monitor Modules Transponder Processor Transponder Relay Module Printer Keltron Remote Printer Display Terminal Audio Coupling Transformer Remote Microphone Addressable Manual Pull Station Agent Release Abort Station Interface Module Releasing Supervision Kit In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as fire alarm control units suitable for high rise applications for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit can generate the temporal code pattern fire alarm signal as required per NFPA 72, 1999 Edition. Refer to listee's Installation Instructions Manual for details. For Fire Alarm Verification feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. Date Issued: Authorized By: *Corrected 04-10-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. JUNE 17, 2004 Listing Expires June 30, 2005 DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager LISTING No. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL ~ FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 3240-0028:205 Page 1 of I CATEGORY: Duct Smoke Detector Housing/Base LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lawrence Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 282-7309 DESIGN: Models FSD-751P, -751PL, -751RP, and -751RPL duct smoke detectors. Units consist of an enclosure, electrical components, sampling and exhaust tubes, and listed photoelectric smoke detector sensor. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 15 to 32 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical and air velocity rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as duct smoke detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. *Models FSD-751PL and -751RPL are suitable for use in ducts where air velocity varies between 100 and 4000 fpm. *Models FSD-751P and -751RP are suitable for use in ducts where air velocity varies between 500 and 4000 fpm. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Corrected 12-03-03 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 17, 2004 Listing Expires June 30, 2005 Author/zed By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: 3TE: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7272-0028:206 Photoelectric Smoke Detector Page 1 of 1 Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, NorthlY)rd CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 Models FSP-751, HPX-751, FSP-751T, *FSH-751,*(1)FAPT-751, *FAPT-851, *FSP-851 and *FSP-851T photoelectric type smoke detectors. Models FSP-751T and *FSP-851T employ a 135°F supplement integral heat sensor which only assists in a fire situation. This thermal circuitry is NOT approved for use in lieu of a required heat detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. 24 VDC In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. Listee's name, product number, electrical rating and UL label. Listed as photoelectric type smoke detector for use with listee's separately listed compatible base and fire alarm control units. *Models FSP-751, FSP-751T, *FAPT-751, *FAPT-851, *FSP- 851 and *FSP-851T Models FSP-751 and FSP-751T are suitable for open areas and inside duct installation with air velocities between 0-4000 fpm. Model HPX-751 is suitable for open areas with air velocities between 0-300 fpm. *Model FSH-751 is suitable for open areas with air velocity between 0-400 fpm. 1. (~lCOmbined with 7272-0028:208 2. The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires that smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fires may include cigarettes burning in couches or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires that consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires may include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. *Rev. 07-24-2002 BH This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 17, 2004 Listing Expires June 30, 2005 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager LISTING No. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7150-0028:199 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: · Boxes/Pull Stations LISTEE: Notifier, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Models NBG-12, NBG-12S, NBG-12LR, NBG-12LRA, NBG-12LAO, NBG-12LAOB, NBG- 12-LO, NBG-12LOB, NBG-12W, NBG-12LW, NBG-12NC, NBG-12WP, NBG-12LWP, NBG- 12L, NBG-12LX, NBG-12LA, NBG-12PS, NBG-12LSP, *NBG-12LPS, NBG-12LPSP and NBG-12SP fire alarm pull boxes. The NBG-12 series is a dual action pull station that has normally open switch contacts. Models NBG-12LR and NBG-12LRA are intended for agent releasing device. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models NBG-12WP, NBG-12LW, NBG-12W, NBG-12LWP, *NBG-12LAO, *NBG-12LO, NBG- 12LAOB and NBG-12LOB are intended for outdoor use when installed with Models WBB, *SB- I/O, or WP-10 back box. Refer to listee's Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev. 05-05-04 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 17, 2004 Listing Expires June 30, 2005 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager LISTING No. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE 7120-0028:156 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: Annunciators LISTEE: Notifier, A Pittway Company, One Fire-Lite Place, Northford CT 06472-1653 Contact: Larry Flood (203) 484-1200 FAX (203) 484-7309 DESIGN: Model ACS annunciator control system. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Unit consists of the following modules: ACM-16AT, -16ATY*, -16ATG* ACM-32A*, -32AY*, -32 AG* ACM-24AT*, ACM-48A* AEM-24AT*, AEM-48A* AEM-16AT AEM-32A, ACM-32A AFM-16AT, AFM-32A, AFM-16A ABM-16AT, ABM-32A ABS-1, -2, -1 B*, -2B*, -1T*, -1TB* ABF-1, -1 D, -2, -2D, -4, -1 B*, -2B*, -4B* ABF-1DB*, -2DB* ADP-4 AKS-1, -1 B* LCD-80, -80TM LDM-32 LDM-E32 LDM-R32 ACM-8R Control Module Control Module Control Module Control Module Expander Module, Control Module Fixed Module Blank Module Enclosures (Surface) Enclosures (Flush) Enclosures (Flush) Dress Panel Key Switch Control Panel Lamp Driver Module Lamp Driver Expander Lamp Driver Expander (Relay) Mappable Relay Control Module INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as an annunciator system when used in conjunction with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. *Rev. 1-7-2002 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other suitable information sources. Date Issued: JUNE 17, 2004 Listing Expires June 30, 2005 Authorized By: DIANE K. AREND, Senior Deputy Program Manager (~ NOTI FI E R® Notifier Device Compatibility Document 12/15/2003 Rev: co? Table of Contents Control Panel Circuit Specification .............................................................................. 3 Accessories Circuit Specification ............................. : ................................................... 4 FM-Approved Automatic Water Control Valves for PreAction and Deluge Sprinkler Applications (section not recognized by UL) .............................................. .. ................. 5 Agent Releasing Applications ...................................................................................... 5 Door Holders (UL Listed) ............................................................................................. 6 Relays (UL Listed) ....................................................................................................... 6 Surge Suppressors (UL Compatible) ........................................................................... 6 Four-Wire Smoke Detectors/Devices (UL Listed) ........................................................ 7 System Sensor Notification Appliances (UL Listed) ..................................................... 8 Gentex Notification Appliances (UL Listed) ............................................................... 11 Wheelock Notification Appliances (UL Listed) ........................................................... 13 Compatible Two-Wire Smoke Detectors (UL Listed) ................................................. 17 Maximum Number of Detectors Per Zone ................................................................. 18 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Control Panel Circuit Specification AFC-600 (MMX-2, FZM-1) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-6 Filtered AFP-'I00 (MMX-2, FZM-'I) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified AFP-200 (MMX-2, FZM-1) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified AFP-300 / 400 (MMX-2, FZM-1) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-400 Filtered AM2020 / AFP-1010 (MMX-2, FZM-1) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-24A Filtered NFS-640 (MMX-2, FZM-1) Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Filtered Synchronizes System Sensor ADA horn/strobes NFS-3030 (IZM-8RK, IZE-A, FZM-1) NAC Power: AMPS-24/AMPS-24E Filtered RP-1001, RP-1002, SFP-400, PAR-3, SFP-400B Initiating Loop Voltage: 17.5 - 26.5VDC Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 2.0mA/Loop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified S500 (IZ-4 / IZ-8 / IZE-A) Initiating Loop Voltage: 17 - 26.5VDC Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 2.5mA/Loop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-24B: Full Wave Rectified S5000 (IZM-8 / IZE-A) Initiating Loop Voltage: 17 - 26.5VDC Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 2.SmA/Loop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-24A Filtered or MPS-24B: Full Wave Rectified SFP-1024 Initiating Device Circuit Voltage: 17.9-26.4 VDC Max Detector Circuit Standby Current: 2.0 mA/circuit Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified SFP-2402, SFP-2404 Initiating Loop Voltage: 17.3 - 24.6 Max Detector Circuit Standby Current: 2.0mA/circuit Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified Selectable Strobe Synchronization for NACs (System Sensor, Gentex and Wheelock) SGL-404 Initiating Loop Voltage: 18 - 26.3VDC Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 2.0mA/Loop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified SGL-2000 Initiating Loop Voltage: 15 - 26.2VDC Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 2.0mA/Loop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Accessories Circuit Specification ACPS-2406 Addressable Charger / Power Supply Use with the AFP-100, AFP-200, AFP-300/400, AFC-600, AFP1010/AM2020, NFC-640 Control Panels NAC Power: Filtered Selectable Synchronization with System Sensor SpectrAlertm* Series horn and strobes, or Gentex or Wheelock horns and strobes. APS-6R* Auxiliary Power Supply Use with the AFC-640, AFP-300/400, AFP1010 / AM2020, NFS-640, System 500, System 5000, XP Transponder Control Panels NAC Power: Filtered AVPS-24 AudioJisual Power Supply Use with the AFP-200, AFP1010 / AM2020, System 500, System 5000, XP Transponder Control Panels NAC Power: Full Wave Rectified FCPS-24 Field Charged Power Supply Input Voltage: 9 to 32 VDC 19.1 to 26.4VDC range for compatibility NAC Power: Filtered FCPS-24S6, FCPS-24S8 Field Charger/Power Supply Input Voltage: 9 to 32 VDC NAC Power: Filtered Selectable Strobe Synchronization for NACs (System Sensor, Gentex and Wheelock) MMX-2, FZM-1 Monitor Modules Initiating Loop Voltage: 16 - 27.5 VDC Compatibility Identifier: "A" XPIQ Quad Intelligent Audio Transponder Use with the AFC-600, AFP-300/400, AFP1010/AM2020, NFS-640, NFS-3030 Control Panels NAC Power: Filtered (uses APS-6R, FCPS-24) XP6-MA Six-Zone Interface Module Use with the NFS-640, NFS-3030 Control Panels Normal Operating Voltage: 15-32VDC Stand-By Current: 2 mA XP SERIES (XPM-8) Transponder Monitor Module Initiating Loop Voltage: 24VDC Nominal Max Detector Loop Standby Current: 3.SmNLoop Compatibility Identifier: "A" NAC Power: MPS-24A Filtered Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN03-581 12/15/2003 FM-Approved Automatic Water Control Valves for PreAction and Deluge Sprinkler Applications (section not recognized by UL) AFP-200, AFP-300 / 400, AFC-600 / NFS-640, NFS-3030 AM2020 / AFP1010 (CMX-2), RP-1001, RP-1002, S500 (TC-2/TC-4), S5000 (TCM-2FFCM-4), XPS-C Solenoid Group [A] Skinner solenoid valve Model LV2LBX25, 24 VDC, 11 WATTS, 458 mA, 1/2 in. NPS, 5/8 in. orifice. Solenoid Group [B] These valves are interchangeable. ASCO solenoid valve Model T8210A107, 24 VDC, 16.8 WATTS, 700 mA, 1/2 in. NPs, 5/8 in. orifice. ASCO solenoid valve Model R8210A107, 24 VDC, 16.8 WATTS, 700 mA, 1/2 in. NPS, 5/8 in. orifice. ASCO solenoid valve Model 8210A107, 24 VDC, 16.8 WATTS, 700 mA, 1/2 in. NPS, 5/8 in. orifice. Solenoid Group [C] Star Sprinkler Corp. Solenoid P/N 5550, 24 VDC, part of Model D deluge valve. Solenoid Group [D] ASCO solenoid valve Model 8210G207, 24 V dc, 10.6 WATTS, 440 mA, 1/2 in. NPS, 1/2 in. orifice. Solenoid Group [E] Skinner solenoid valve Model 73218BN4UNLVNOC111C2, 24 V dc, 10 WATTS, 420 mA, 1/2 in. NPS, 5/8 in. orifice. Solenoid Group [F] Skinner solenoid valve Model 73212BN4TNLVNOC322C2, 24 V dc, 22 WATTS, 1/2 in. NPS, 0.92 A, 250 psi (1725 kPa), 1/2 in. orifice. Solenoid Group [G] Skinner solenoid valve Model 71395SN2ENJ1NOH111C2, 24 V dc, 10 WATTS, 420 mA, 1 u4 in. NPS, 1/16 in. orifice, 250 psi (1725 kPa) rated working pressure. Note: Refer to the FM approval guide for automatic water control valves that are compatible with solenoids listed above. Agent Releasing Applications Employ UL Listed and/or FM approved 24VDC solenoid for these Applications. (Refer to the appropriate panel installation manual to determine the available power output.) Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 1. Door Holders Model I Type Icurrent(mA) FM-980 Floor Mount, single 68 FM-986 Surface Wiring 68 FM-998 Concealed Wiring 68 DH150A Floor Mount 96 DH154A Flush Mount 96 DH158A Surface Mount 96 Table 2. UL Listed Relays Vendor I Model ICurrent(mA) System Sensor A77-716B 20 MR-101/C 15 MR-201/C 35 Air Products & Controls, LTD PAM-1 15 PAM-2 15 PAM-SD 15 Table 3. UL Compatible Surge Suppressors · Contr~ Panel' ' AFP-100 AFP-200 AFP-400 AFP-1010 NFS-640 NFS-3030/E Manufacture SLC Loop Protector DITEC 2LVLP-F EDCO SLCP-30 Northern PLP-42N Technologies 6 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 4. UL Listed Four-Wire Smoke Detectors/Devices I Max Standby I Alarm Current Smoke Detector/Base Detector/DeviceType Current (mA) (mA) Fenwal CPD-7021 (w/70-201000-005 Base) Ionization 0.10 30 Fenwal PS D-7125 Photoelectric 0.10 * Fenwal PSD7126 (w/70-201000-005 Base) Photoelectric 0.10 * Gentex 824 Photoelectric 0.50 60 Gentex 824CP Photoelectric 0.50 60 Gentex 824CPT Photoelectric 0.50 60 Gentex 824T Photoelectric 0.50 60 Hochiki HS-2 RB/4 Base * * Hochiki SPB-24 Proiected Beam 0.25 * System Sensor B404B Base * * System Sensor B612LP Base * 39 System Sensor B614LP Base * 75 System Sensor DH100ACDCP Photoelectric 0.15 0.70 System Sensor DH100ACDCLP Photoelectric 0.15 0.70 System Sensor DH400ACDCI . . Ionization Duct 25 95 System Sensor DH400ACDCP Photoelectric Duct 25 95 System Sensor 1424 Ionization 0.10 41 System Sensor 1424A (ULC) Ionization 0.10 41 System Sensor 1451 /w/B402 Base) Ionization 0.10 39 Loop Test/Maintenance 30 50 System Sensor 2W-MOD Mod. system Sensor 2112/24R Photoelectric 0.50 60/70 System Sensor 2112/24TR Photoelectric 0.50 60/70 System Sensor 2112/24ATR Photoelectric 0.50 60/70 System Sensor 2112/24AITR Photoelectric 0.50 60/70 System Sensor 2424 (ULC) Photoelectric 0.10 41 System Sensor 2424 ~' ( U LC ) Photoelectric 0.10 41 System Sensor 2451 Photoelectric 0.10 39 System Sensor 2451TH/with/B402 Base) Photoelectric 0.10 39 System Sensor 4W-B (12/24 Volt) Photoelectric I~ .05 23 System Sensor 4WT-B/12/24 Volt) Photoelectric I~ w/-I'herm .05 23 System Sensor 6424 Beam Detector Projected Beam 10 28.4 Note: * Contact manufacturer for current draws Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 5. System Sensor Notification Appliances (UL Listed) Control panels with notification circuits supplied by special purpose (FWR, filtered) power must use appliances listed in this table. Use only 12VDC devices with 12 volt control panel. ' 'Rated I FWR IFiltered Sync.with SYSTEM SENSOR Volta~]e2 DC DC MDL module Notes: 1 ) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5/ ** The strobe portion System Sensor CH24 Electronic Chime/Sounder 24 70 70 Not System Sensor CH2415 SpectrAlert Chime with Strobe3 (UL) 24VDC 114 114 Not System Sensor CH241575 SpectrAlert Chime with Strobe3 (UL/ 24VDC 114 95 Not System Sensor CH2475 SpectrAlert Chime with Strobe3 (UL) 24VDC 207 181 Not System Sensor CH24110 SpectrAlert Chime with Strobe3 (UL) 24VDC 257 205 Not System Sensor H24 SpectrAlert Horna 24VDC 45 37 Yes System Sensor H24A SpectrAlert Horna (ULC) 24VDC 45 37 Yes System Sensor MA24EH Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical Tone 24VDC 64 43 N/A System Sensor MA-24D Electronic Sounder 24VDC 73 46 N/A System Sensor MAEH2415ADA Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 278 216 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH2475ADA Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 273 216 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH241575ADA Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 343 271 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH24110ADA Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 318 256 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH2415ADAS Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 198 152 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH241575ADAS Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 253 241 N/A Tone/Strobe ' System Sensor'MAEH24LO Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 109 68 N/A Tone/Strobe , System Sensor,MAEH24LOC Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 109 68 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH24LOLA Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 153 96 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor MAEH24M Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 189 118 N/A Tone/Strobe System Sensor'MAEH24MC Multi Alert Horn with Mechanical 24VDC 189 118 N/A Tone/Strobe , System Sensor,MASS2415ADA SoundedSignaling Strobe 24VDC 163 121 N/A System Sensor MASS241575ADA SoundedSignaling Strobe 24 VDC 193 139 N/A System SensorlMASS2475ADA SoundedSignaling Strobe 24VDC 273 216 N/A System Sensor ]MASS24110ADA Sounder/Signaling Strobe 24VDC 318 256 N/A System Sensor ~MASS2415ADAS SoundedSignaling Strobe w/ 24 VDC 163 121 N/A Synch. Ckt. System SensorlMASS241575ADAS Sounder/Signaling Strobe w/ 24 VDC 193 139 N/A Synch. Ckt. S~'stem SensorlMASS24D Electronic SoundedStrobe 24VDC 118 71 N/A System SensoriMASS24LO Electronic Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 118 71 N/A System Sensod, MASS24LOC Electronic Ceiling Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 118 71 N/A System SensorlMASS24LOLA Electronic SoundedStrobe with Fuego 24VDC 118 71 N/A lens System Sensor,MASS24M Electronic SoundedStrobe 24VDC 198 121 N/A System Sensor!MASS24MC Electronic Ceiling Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 198 121 N/A System SensoriMDL / MDLW Sync Modules for use With SpectraAlert 24VDC 15 11 series (ULC) System SensorlP1224MC SpectrAlert Strobe~ (UL) 24VDC 189 216 Yes System SensorlP2415 SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 106 83 Yes System Sensor'.P2415A SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 (ULC) 24VDC 106 83 Yes System Sensor;P241575 SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 107 81 Yes System SensodP241575A SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe~ (ULC) 24VDC 107 81 Yes System Sensor:P2430 SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 121 102 Yes 8 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN03-581 12/15/2003 I Rated FWR Filtered I Sync.with SYSTEM SENSOR Volta~le2 DC DC MDL module Notes: 1 ) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion System Sensor P2475 SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 196 169 Yes System Sensor P2475ASpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 /ULCI 24VDC 196 169 Yes System Sensor P24110 SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 246 193 Yes System Sensor P24110A SpectrAlert Horn/Strobe= (ULC) 24VDC 246 193 Yes System Sensor PA400R Mini-Alert Sounder 24VDC * 15 N/A System Sensor PS24LO Add-on Strobe 24VDC 45 25 N/A System Sensor PC24115 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe 24VDC 308 308 Yes System Sensor PC24177 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe 24VDC 471 471 Yes System Sensor PS2415ADA Mini-Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 110 90 N/A System Sensor PS241575ADA Mini-Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 135 108 N/A System Sensor PS2475ADA Mini-Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 135 108 N/A System Sensor PS24110ADA Mini-Sounder/Strobe 24VDC 240 225 N/A System Sensor RP2415ADA Retrofit Strobe Plate 24VDC 90 75 N/A System Sensor RP241575ADA Retrofit Strobe Plate 24VDC 120 93 N/A System Sensor RP2475ADA Retrofit Strobe Plate 24VDC 200 170 N/A System Sensor RP24110ADA Retrofit Strobe Plate 24VDC 245 210 N/A System Sensor S1224MC SpectrAlert Strobe= (UL) 24VDC 171 194 Yes System Sensor S2415 SpectrAlert Strobe= 24VDC 61 50 Yes System Sensor S2415A SpectrAlert Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 61 50 Yes System Sensor S241575 SpectrAlert Strobe3 24VDC 65 56 Yes System Sensor S241575A SpectrAlert Strobe3 (ULC/ 24VDC 65 56 Yes System Sensor S2430 SpectrAlert Strobe 24VDC 84 78 Yes System Sensor S2475 SpectrAlert Strobe= 24VDC 170 145 Yes System Sensor S2475A SpectrAlert Strobe= (ULC) 24VDC 170 145 Yes System Sensor S24110 SpectrAlert Strobe3 24VDC 220 .169 Yes System Sensor S24110A SpectrAlert Strobe3 /ULC) 24VDC 220 169 Yes System Sensor SC24115 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 293 293 Yes System Sensor SC24177 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe /ULC) 24VDC 453 453 Yes System Sensor SP1224MC SpectrAlert Strobe= (UL) 24VDC 171 194 Yes System Sensor SP1 R2415ADA Speaker/Signaling Strobe 24VDC 90** 75** N/A System Sensor SP1 R241575ADA Speaker/Signaling Strobe 24 VDC 120'* 93** N/A System Sensor SP1R2475ADA Speaker/Signaling Strobe 24VDC 200** 170'* N/A System Sensor SP1R24110ADA Speaker/Signaling Strobe 24VDC 245** 210'* N/A System Sensor SP2C24115 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Speaker 24VDC 290** 290** Yes** Strobe= System Sensor SP2C24177 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Speaker 24VDC 453** 453** Yes ** Strobe= System Sensor SP2R2415 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe= 24VDC 61'* 50** Yes** System Sensor SP2R2415175 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobes 24VDC 65** 56** Yes** System Sensor SP2R2430 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe~ 24VDC 84** 78** Yes** System Sensor SP2R2475 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe= 24VDC 170'* 145'* Yes** System Sensor SP2R24110 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe= 24VDC 220** 169 Yes** System Sensor SP101R24LO Speaker/Strobe, 5" square grille 24VDC 45** 25** N/A System Sensor SP101R24M Speaker/Strobe, 5" square grille 24VDC 125'* 75 .... N/A System Sensor SP100W24LOC Ceiling Speaker/Strobe, 8" round 24VDC 45** 25 N/A grille System Sensor SP100W24MC Ceiling Speaker/Strobe, 8" round 24VDC 125'* 75** N/A grille System Sensor SS24 Strobe 24VDC * 30 N/A System Sensor SS2415ADA Signaling Strobe 24VDC 90 75 N/A System Sensor SS2415ADAS Signaling Strobe with Synch. Circuit 24 VDC 125 106 N/A System Sensor SS241575ADA Signaling Strobe 24 VDC 120 93 N/A System Sensor SS241575ADAS Signaling Strobe with Synch. Circuit 24 VDC 180 115 N/A System Sensor SS2475ADA Signaling Strobe 24VDC 200 170 N/A System Sensor SS24110ADA Signaling Strobe 24VDC 245 210 N/A System Sensor SS24LO Strobe 24VDC 45 25 N/A System Sensor SS24LOC Ceiling Strobe (SS24LOBC - beige) 24VDC 45 25 N/A Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Rated I FWR IFiltered Sync.with SYSTEM SENSOR Volta~le2 DC DC MDL module Notes: 1) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion System Sensor SS24M Strobe 24VDC 125 75 N/A System Sensor SS24MC Ceiling Strobe 24VDC 125 75 N/A System Sensor SSM24-6 Alarm Bell 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor SSM24-6A Alarm Bell (ULC) 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor SSM24-8 Alarm Bell 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor SSM24-8A Alarm Bell (ULC) 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor SSM24-10 Alarm Bell 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor SSM24-10A Alarm Bell (ULC) 24 60 120 N/A System Sensor V4R2415ADA SpeakedSignaling Strobe 24VDC 90** 75** N/A System Sensor V4R241575ADA SpeakedSignaling Strobe 24 VDC 120'* 93** N/A System Sensor V4R2475ADA SpeakedSignaling Strobe 24VDC 200** 170'* N/A System Sensor V4R24110ADA SpeakedSignaling Strobe 24VDC 245** 210'* N/A System Sensor SPH-15R Supervized Horn Loudspeaker 25V,70V * * N/A System Sensor SC2415 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe3 24 VDC 81 78 Yes System Sensor SC241575 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe3 24VDC 94 81 Yes System Sensor SC2430 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe3 24VDC 91 114 Yes System Sensor SC2475 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe3 24VDC 179 179 Yes System Sensor SC2495 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Strobe3 24 VDC 227 223 Yes System Sensor PC2415 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 81 99 Yes System Sensor PC241575 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe~ 24VDC 93 110 Yes System Sensor PC2430 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe~ 24VDC 113 121 Yes System Sensor PC2475 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe~ 24 VDC 197 174 Yes System Sensor PC2495 SpectrAlert Ceiling Mount Horn/Strobe3 24VDC 241 211 Yes System Sensor SP2C2415 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe~ 24VDC 81'* 78** Yes System Sensor SP2C241575 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe~ 24VDC 94** 81'* Yes System Sensor SP2C2430 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe 91'* 114'* Yes System Sensor SP2C2475 SpectrAlert Speaker Strobe~ 24 VDC 179'* 179'* Yes System Sensor SP2C2495 SpectrAled Speaker Strobe3 24VDC 227** 223** Yes I 0 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 6. Gentex Notification Appliances (UL Listed ) Control panels with notification circuits supplied by special purpose (FWR, filtered) power must use appliances listed in this table. Use only 12VDC devices with 12 volt control panels. ......................... ' I' Rated I FWR Filtered Sync. GENTEXIIv°lta~le2 DC DC Module Notes: 1) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion Gentex GEC-24-15 Strobe/Horn (ULC) 24VDC 101 91 AVS44 Gentex GEC-24-30 Strobe/Horn (ULC) 24VDC 125 104 AVS44 Gentex GEC-24-60 Strobe/Horn (ULC) 24VDC 154 133 AVS44 Gentex GEC-24-75 Strobe/Horn (ULC/ 24VDC 164 142 AVS44 Gentex GEC-24-110 Strobe/Horn (ULC) 24VDC 188 165 AVS44 Gentex GEC-24-15/75W Strobe/Horn (ULC) 24VDC 125 104 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-15 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 67 54 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-30 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 91 67 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-60 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 120 96 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-75 Strobe (ULC/ 24VDC 130 105 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-110 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 188 128 AVS44 Gentex GES-24-15/75W Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 91 67 AVS44 Gentex GMH-24 Electro-Mechanical Horn 24VDC 38 38 ZMS4 Gentex GMS-24-15 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24VDC 148 124 ZMS4 Gentex GMS-24-15-1 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24VDC 138 129 ZMS4 Gentex GMS-24-1575-1 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24VDC 218 173 ZMS4' Gentex GMS-24-3075 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24 VDC 262 203 ZMS4 Gentex GMS-24-110 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24 VDC 115 131 ZMS4 Gentex GMS-24-110-1 Electro-Mechanical Horn with Strobe 24 VDC 348 278 ZMS4 Gentex GMS24-30W~ Horn Strobe 24VDC 257 198 ZMS4 Gentex GMS24-60W~ Horn Strobe 24VDC 213 166 ZMS4 Gentex GOS-24-15-1 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe 24VDC 174 150 AVS44 Gentex GOS-24-1575-1 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe 24VDC 299 199 AVS44 Gentex GOS-24-3075-1 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe 24VDC 229 288 AVS44 Gentex GOS-24-110-1 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe 24VDC 374 304 AVS44 Gentex GOT-24 Multi-Tone Horn 24VDC 64 64 AVS44 Gentex GX-90-4 Horn 24 VDC 18 18 N/A Gentex GX90S-4-15 Horn with Strobe 24VDC · 78 57 N/A Gentex GX90S-4-15-1 Horn with Strobe 24VDC 120 104 N/A Gentex GX90S-4-1575 Horn with Strobe 24VDC 193 153 N/A Gentex GX90S-4-110 Horn with Strobe 24VDC 158 123 N/A Gentex GX90S-4-110-1 Horn with Strobe 24VDC 338 258 N/A Gentex GX-90S-4RL and -4BL Horn with Strobe 24VDC * * N/A Gentex GX-90S-4RH and -4BH Horn with Strobe 24VDC * * N/A Gentex GXS-4-15 Strobe 24VDC 110 86 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-15-1 Strobe 24VDC 110 86 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-1575 Strobe 24VDC 180 135 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-30 Strobe 24VDC 224 165 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-60 Strobe 24VDC 180 130 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-3075 Strobe 24VDC 224 165 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-110 Strobe 24VDC 310 240 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4-110-1 Strobe 24VDC 310 240 ZMS4 Gentex GXS-4RH, 4BH, 4RL, 4BL Strobes 24VDC * * ZMS4 Gentex HG24 Electronic Horn 24VDC 26 21 AVS44 Gentex HS24-15 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 101 89 AVS44 Gentex HS24-15/75 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 120 104 AVS44 Gentex HS24-30 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 120 104 AVS44 Gentex HS24-60 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ULC/ 24VDC 162 135 AVS44 Gentex HS24-110 Multi-Tone Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 185 156 AVS44 Gentex HS24-30W~ Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 106 92 AVS44 Gentex HS24-60W~ Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 154 125 AVS44 Gentex HS24-75W~ Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 161 128 AVS44 Gentex HS24-110W~ Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 179 146 AVS44 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 11 I Rated I FWR I Filtered I SYnc. GENTEX Volta~le2 DC DC Module Notes: 1 ) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion Gentex SHG-24L Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC * * AVS44 Gentex SHG-24H Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC * * AVS44 Gentex SHG24-15 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 136 107 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-15-1 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 166 141 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-1575 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 206 156 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-30 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 224 165 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-60 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 180 130 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-3075 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 250 191 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-110 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 146 161 AVS44 Gentex SHG24-110-1 Electronic Horn with Strobe 24VDC 336 261 AVS44 Gentex SPK4-15 Speaker with Strobe ' 24VDC 110'* 86** N/A Gentex SPK4-15-1 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 100'* 86** N/A Gentex SPK4-24-3075 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 224** 165'* N/A Gentex SPK4-1575 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 140'* 120'* N/A Gentex SPK4-110 Speaker with Strobe 24¥DC 310'* 240 N/A Gentex SPK4-110-1 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 310'* 240** N/A Gentex SPK8-15 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 110'* 86** N/A Gentex SPK8-15-1 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 110'* 86** N/A Gentex SPK8-1575 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 140'* 120'* N/A Gentex SPK8-110 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 310'* 240** N/A Gentex SPK8-24-3075 Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 224** 165'* N/A Gentex SPK8-110-1B Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 310'* 240** N/A Gentex SPKE4 Speaker 24VDC * * N/A Gentex SPKE8 Speaker 24VDC * * N/^ Gentex SPKE4-15-1 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 100'* 86'? AVS44** Gentex SPKE4-15/75 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 125** 105'* ^VS44'* Gentex SPKE4-15/75-C Speaker with strobe 24VDC 125** 237** AVS44** Gentex SPKE4-30W~ Speaker Strobe 24VDC 140'* 105** AVS44** Gentex SPKE4-30/75 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 224** 165'* AVS44** Gentex SPKE4-60 Speaker with strobe 24VDC * 36** AVS44** Gentex SPKE4-60W~ Speaker Strobe 24VDC 180 130** AVS44** · Gentex SPKE4-110-1 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 298** 105'* AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-15-1 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 100'* 78** AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-15/75 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 125 105** AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-30W~ Speaker Strobe 24VDC 140'* 105'* AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-30/75 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 193'* 142'* AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-15/75-C Speaker 24VDC 125'* 105'* N/A Gentex SPKE8-1575W~ Speaker Strobe 24VDC 140'* 105** AVS44** Gentex SPKES-60 Speaker with strobe 24VDC * 78 AVS44** Gentex SPKE8-110-1 Speaker with strobe 24VDC 310 240 AVS44** Gentex ST24-15 Strobe /ULCI 24VDC 73 ' 54 AVS44 Gentex ST24-15/75 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 92 69 AVS44 Gentex ST24-30 Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 92 69 AVS44 Gentex ST24-60 Strobe {ULC) 24VDC 134 100 AVS44 Gentex ST24-110 Strobe {ULC) 24VDC 157 121 AVS44 Gentex ST24-30W~ Strobe /ULC/ 24VDC 84 67 AVS44 Gentex ST24-75W~ Strobe {ULC) 24VDC 139 103 AVS44 Gentex ST24-110W~ Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 157 121 AVS44 Gentex WGMS-24-75 Weatherproof Electro-Mechanical Horn with 24 VDC 153 153 ZMS4 Strobe 12 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 7. Wheelock Notification Appliances (UL Listed) Control panels with notification circuits supplied by special purpose (FWR, filtered) power must use appliances listed in this table. Use only 12VDC devices with 12 volt control panels. ' I 'Rated I FWR Filtered Sync. WHEELOCKI I V°lta~le= DC DC Module Notes: 1) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) P,efer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion Wheelock 7002T-24 Horn with Strobe 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock AES-DL1-LSM-24 Horn Strobe 24 VDC * * N/A Wheelock AES-DL1-WM-24-VF-R MultiTone Si~]nals (ULC) 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock AES-EL1-LSM-24 Horn Strobe 24 VDC * * N/A Wheelock AES-EL1-WM-24-VF-P, Multitone Si~lnals 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock AH-24 Horn (ULC) 24VDC * * N/A WheelockAH-24WP Horn · . (ULC/ 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock AMT-24 Multitone Horn (ULC) 24VDC 48 48 N/A Wheelock AMT-2475-FR Horn Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 261max* 267max* N/A Wheelock AMT-24-1S-VFP, Multitone Horn Strobe 24VDC 348 323 N/A Wheelock AMT-24-LS-VFP, Multitone Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 143 138 N/A Wheelock AMT-24-LSM-VFP, Multitone Horn Strobe 24VDC 188 178 N/A Wheelock AS-2415 Audible Strobe 24 VDC 140 104 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2415C Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 167 126 SM/DSM WheelockAS-2415W Horn/Strobe (ULC)' 24VDC ' 95 134 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-241575 Audible Strobe 24 VDC 162 121 SM/DS M Wheelock AS-241575W Horn/Strobe 24VDC 110 147 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2430 Audible Strobe 24 VDC 190 148 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2430C Horn/Strobe 24VDC 220 186 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2430W Horn/Strobe 24VDC 135 177 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2475 Audible Strobe 24 VDC 295 299 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2475C Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 432 340 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-2475W Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 211 283 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-24100C Horn/Strobe (ULCI 24VDC 486 417 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-24110 Audible Strobe 24 VDC 443 333 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-24110W Horn/Strobe (ULC) 24VDC - · 242 326 SM/DSM Wheelock AS-24MCW-FW/P, 24 VDC 414 280 SM/DSM Wheelock ASWP-2475W Horn/Strobe 24VDC 187 186 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-CF1-LS-24-CFW Chime 24 VDC 101 100 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-CF1-MS-24-CFW Chime 24 VDC 155 155 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-CFl-IS-24-CFW Chime 24 VDC 273 260 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-DF1-LS-24-VFR Chime 24 VDC 101 100 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-DF1-LSM-24-VFP, Chime 24 VDC 145 120 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-DF1-MS-24-VFP, Chime 24 VDC 155 155 SM/DSM Wheelock CH-DFl-IS-24-VFR Chime 24 VDC 273 260 SM/DSM WheelockCH70-24 Chime 24VDC 22 22 SM/DSM · Wheelock CH70-2415W Chime with Strobe 24VDC 105 85 SM/DSM Wheelock CH70-241575 Chime with Strobe 24VDC 127 102 SM/DSM Wheelock CH70-2430 Chime with Strobe 24VDC 153 122 SM/DSM Wheelock CH70-2475 Chime with Strobe 24VDC 239 187 SM/DSM Wheelock CH70-24MCW-FPJW 24VDC 392 max * 257 max * SM/DSM Wheelock CH90-24 Chime 24VDC 22 22 SM/DSM Wheelock CH90-2475C Chime with Strobe 24VDC 259 251 SM/DSM Wheelock CH90-24100C Chime with Strobe 24VDC 318 314 SM/DSM Wheelock DSM-12/24 Dual Synchronization Module 12VDC/ 38/82 20150 N/A 24VDC Wheelock E70 Speaker N/A * * N/A Wheelock E70-2415W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 83** 6**3 SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-241575W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 105'* 80** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-2430W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 131 ** 100'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-2475W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 217'* 165** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-24110W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 274** 209** SM/DSM** Wheelock E90 Speaker N/A * * N/A Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 13 I Rated FWR Filtered Sync. WHEELOCK Volta~le2 DC DC Module Notes: 1 ) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) P,efer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion Wheelock E90-2415C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 108'* 83** SM/DS M** Wheelock E90-2430C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 165'* 126'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-2475C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 338** 260** SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-24100C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 400** 300** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-R Speaker N/A * * N/A Wheelock E90-W Speaker N/A * * N/A Wheelock E70-24MCW 24VDC 370 max * 235 max * SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-2415W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 83** 63** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-241575W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 105'* 80** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-2430W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 131'* 100'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-2475W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 217'* 165'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-24110W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 274** 209** SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-2415C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 108'* 83** SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-2430C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 165'* 126'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-2475C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 338** 260** SM/DSM** Wheelock E70-24185W-FR Speaker with Strobe (UL) 24VDC 835 max * 545 max * SM/DSM** Whee ock E-70- S-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 235** 240** SM/DSM** Wheelock E-70-LS-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 91'* 80** SM/DSM** Wheelock E-70-LSM-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 125** 115** SM/DSM** Wheelock E-70-MS-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 135'* 135'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E-90-1S-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 253** 24**0 SM/DSM** Wheelock E-90-LS-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 91'* 80** SM/DSM** Wheelock E-90-MS-24 Low Profile Speaker/Strobe 24 VDC 135'* 135'* SM/DSM** Wheelock E-7025-LS-VFR Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC * * SCM-24'* Wheelock E-7025-SLM-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC - * * SCM-24'* Whee~ock E-7070-LS-VFR Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC * * SCM-24'* Wheelock E-7070-SLM-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24'* Wheelock E-9025-LS-CFW Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock E-9070-LS-CFW Speaker with Strobe /ULC) 24 VDC * * SCM-24'* Wheelock EH-EL1-WM-24-VF-R Electronic Horn Strobes (ULC) 24VDC * * SM/DSM Wheelock EH-DL1-WM-24-VF-R Electronic Horn Strobes (ULC) 24VDC * * SM/DSM Wheelock ET70 Speaker with Strobe N/A * * N/A Wheelock ET70-2415W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 83** 63** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET70-241575W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 105'* 80*? SM/DS M** Wheelock ET70-2430W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 131 ** 100'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET70~2475W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 217'* 16"5 SM/DSM** Wheelock ET70-24110W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 274** 209** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET70-24185W-FP, Speaker with Strobe (UL) 24VDC 820 max * 545 max * SM/DSM** Wheelock ET70-24MCW-FR/W Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 370 max * 234 max * SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90 Speaker with Strobe N/A * * SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90-2415C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 108'* 83** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90-2430C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 165'* 126'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90-2475C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 338 260 SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90-24100C Speaker with Strobe 24VDC 400** 300** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1070-1S-24-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 200** 233** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1070-LS-24-VFR Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC 100'* 96 SM/DSM** Wheelock ET- 1070-LSM-24-VFR Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 100 125** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1070-MS-24-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 124** 135'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1070-SLM-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 150** 138'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1080-1S-24-VFR Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 200** 233'~ SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1080-LS-24-VFP, Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC 100'* 96** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1080-LSM-24-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 125** 115** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1080-MS-24-VFP, Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 124** 135'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1080-SLM-VFR Speaker with Strobe 24 VDC 150'* 138'* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1090-1S-24-CFW Speaker with Strobe (ULC/ 24 VDC 200** 233** SM/DSM** Wheelock ET-1090-LS-24-CFW Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC 100'* 96** SM/DSM** 14 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 I Rated I FWR I Filtered Sync. WHEELOCK Voltage2 DC DC Module Notes: 1) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws. 5) ** The strobe portion Wheelock ET-1090-MS-24-CFW Speaker with Strobe (ULC) 24 VDC 124'* 135'* SM/DSM** Wheelock HSPW-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC 280 280 N/A Wheelock HSW-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC 280 280 N/A Wheelock HS2W-HFR Strobe 24 VDC 280 280 N/A Wheelock IS-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 253 240 N/A Wheelock IS1-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 253 240 N/A Wheelock IS3-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 253 240 N/A Wheelock ISP-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 253 240 N/A Wheelock LS-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock LSM-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 N/A Wheelock LS1-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock LS1 M-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock LSP-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock LSPM-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 N/A Wheelock LS3-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock LS3M-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 N/A Wheelock MB-G6-24-R Motor Bell, 6" gong 24VDC 56 40 · : N/A ' Wheelock MB-G10o24-R Motor Bell, 10" gong 24VDC 56 40 N/A Wheelock MBS-G6-24-R Motor Bell/Strobe, 6" gong 24VDC 56 40 N/A Wheelock M BS-G10-24-R Motor Bell/Strobe, 10" gong 24VDC 56 40 N/A Wheelock MIZ-24-HSW-HFR Mini-Horn Strobe 24 VDC 292 292 N/A Wheelock Miz-24 MiniPiezo Horn (ULC) 24VDC * 12 N/A Wheelock MIZ-24-1S-VFR Mini-Horn Strobe 24 VDC 265 252 N/A Wheelock MIZ-24-LS-VFR Mini-Horns Strobe 24 VDC 103 92 N/A Wheelock MIZ-24-LSM-VFR Mini-Horn Strobe 24 VDC 136 122 N/A Wheelock M IZ-24-M S-VFR Mini-Horn Strobe 24 VDC 147 147 N/A Wheelock MIZ-24-WM-VFR Mini-Horns Strobe 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock MIZ-TC24- Mini Horn (ULC) 24 VDC 41 21 N/A Wheelock MS-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 N/A Wheelock MSP-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC 135 135 N/A Wheelock MS1-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 N/A Wheelock MS3-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 N/A Wheelock MT-24-R Multitone (ULC) 24VDC 48 48 N/A Wheelock MT-24-1S-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 301 288 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-LS-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 139 128 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-LSM-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 173 148 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-MS-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 183 183 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-SL-VFR Multitone/Strobe 24 VDC 100 96 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-SLM-VFR Multitone/Strobe 24 VDC 150 138 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-WM Multitone Strobe117cd 24VDC * 88 SM/DSM Wheelock MT-24-WM-VF-R Multitone 117cd 24 VDC * 88 SM/DSM Wheelock MT4-24-1S-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 301 208 SM/DSM Wheelock MT4-24-LS-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 139 128 SM/DSM Wheelock MT4-24-LSM-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 173 148 SM/DSM Wheelock MT4-24-MS-VFR Multitone Strobe 24 VDC 183 183 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-2415W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 101 82 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-241575W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 124 99 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-2430W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 137 114 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-2475W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 235 186 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-24110W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 282 230 SM/DSM Wheelock NS-24MCW-FR Horn Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 373 max * 256 max * SM/DSM Wheelock NS4-2415W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 137 103 SM/DSM Wheelock NS4-241575W-FR Horn 24VDC 166 120 SM/DSM Wheelock NS4-2430W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 188 136 SM/DSM Wheelock NS4-2475W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 274 201 SM/DSM Wheelock NS4-24110W-FR Horn Strobe 24VDC 331 245 SM/DSM Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 15 I Rated [ FWR I Filtered Sync. WHEELOCK Volta~le= DC DC Module Notes: 1) All current draws are shown in milliamperes and reflect worst case average. 2) Nominal operating voltages shown. 3) Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions for more information. 4) * Contact manufacturer for current draws~ 5) ** The strobe portion Wheelock NS4-24MCW-FR Horn Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 516 max * 347 max * SM/DSM Wheelock RS-2415 Strobe 24 VDC 91 80 SM/DSM Wheelock RS-2415W Strobe 24VDC * * SM/DSM Wheelock RS-241575 Strobe 24 VDC 125 115 SM/DSM Wheelock RS-241575W Strobe 24VDC * * SM/DSM Wheelock RS-2430 Strobe 24 VDC 135 124 SM/DSM Wheelock RS-2475 Strobe 24 VDC 258 245 SM/DSM Wheelock RS-24110 Strobe 24 VDC 400 295 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2415W Strobe 24VDC 63 83 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-241575W Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 80 105 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2430W Strobe 24VDC 100 131 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2475W Strobe 24VDC 165 217 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2415-CR-FW Strobe /UL/ULC) 24VDC 108 105 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2430-CR-FW- Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 195 158 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-2475-CR-FW- Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 389 330 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24100-CR-FW- Strobe /ULJULC/ 24VDC 492 375 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24150-CR-FW- Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 773 506 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24177-CR-FW-Stobe (UL/ULCI 24VDC 865 570 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24110W Strobe 24VDC 209 274 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24MCW-FP,/W (ULC) 24VDC 370 max * 235 max * SM/DSM Wheelock RSSP-24MCW-FR/VV /ULC) 24VDC 370 max * 235 max * SM/DSM Wheelock RSSP-2415W Strobe 24VDC 63 83 SM/DSM Wheelock RSSP-241575W Strobe (ULC) 24VDC 80 105 SM/DSM Wheelock RSSP-2430W Strobe 24VDC 100 131 SM/DSM Wheelock RSSP-24185W Speaker with Strobe (UL) 24VDC 865 max * 570 max * SM/DSM** Wheelock SCM-24-R Synchronized Controller Module 24 VDC * * .N/A Wheelock SHW-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SH2W-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SHPW-24-HFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SL-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SL1-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM:24 Wheelock SL3-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SLP-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SLM-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SL1M-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SL3M-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SLPM-24-VFR Strobe 24 VDC * * SCM-24 Wheelock SM-12/24 Synchronization Module 24VDC 57 30 N/A Wheelock STH-15S Loudspeaker N/A * * N/A Wheelock SR-2415 Synchronized Strobe 24 VDC 100 96 SCM-24 Wheelock SR-241575 Synchronized Strobe 24 VDC 178 138 SCM-24 Wheelock S25W-Speaker (UL) 25VRMS * * N/A Wheelock STOW-Speaker (UL) 70VRMS * * N/A Wheelock WMT-24-FR, WM1T-24-FR, WM3T-24-FR Strobes 24VDC * * N/A Wheelock AS-24MCC-FW Multi-Candela Audible Strobe (UL) 24 VDC 424 max* 330 max* SM/DSM~* Wheelock CH90-24MCC-FW Multi-Candela Chime withStrobe (UL) 24VDC 422 max* 314 max* SM/DSM** Wheelock E90-24MCC-FW Multi-Candela Speaker Strobe(UL/ULC) 24VDC 292 max* 400 max* SM/DSM** Wheelock ET90-24MCC-FW Multi-Candela Speaker 24VDC 292 max* 400 max* SM/DSM** Strobe (UL/ULC/ Wheelock HS-24-MCW Multi-Candela Horn/Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 416 max* 300 max* SM/DSM** Wheelock Miz-24S-R/W MiniPiezo Horn (UL/ULC) 24VDC 43 31 SM/DSM Wheelock RSS-24MCC-FRNV Multi-Candela Strobe (UL/ULC) 24VDC 400 max * 292 max * SM/DSM 16 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 Table 8., UL Listed Compatible Two-Wire Smoke Detectors Specifications Dete(~tor Detector Base * Base' Standby Model ID Type Model ID Current (uA) Edwards 6250B 001 Ionization 6251B-001 001 50 Edwards 6264B 001 Ionization N/A N/A 50 Edwards 6270B 001 Photoelectric 6251B-001 001 65 Fenwal CPD-7021 11FE1 Duct 70-211002-000 D22FE1 60 70-201000-001 FEO1A 70-201000-002 FEO2A Fenwal CPD-7021 I1FE1 Ionization 70-201000-003 FEO3A 60 70-201000-005 FEO5A 70-201000-001 FEO1A 70-201000-002 Fenwal PSD-7125 P5FE1 Photoelectric 70-201000-003 FEO2A FEO3A 100 FEO5A 70-201000-005 70-201000-001 FEO1A 70-201000-002 FEO2A Fenwal PSD-7126 P6FE1 Photo / Thermal 70-201000-003 FEO3A 100 70-201000-005 FEO5A Fenwal PSD-7129 P9FE1 Duct 70-211002-000 D22FE1 100 HS-22D HB-3 HS-2-RB HB-10 Hochiki SIH-24F HD-3 Ionization YBA-M22 HB-3 40 HSB-220 HB-56 HSB-224 HB-5 - HS-22D HB-3 HS-2-RB HB-10 Hochiki SLK-24F/SLK-24FH HD-3 Photoelectric YBA-M22 HB-3 45 HSB-220 HB-56 HSB-224 HB-53 B401 / B610LP / Notifier CP-651 A Ionization A ' 120 B616LP B401 / B610LP / Notifier SD-651 A Photoelectric A 120 B616LP Simplex 2098-9201 HD-3 Photoelectric 2098-9211 HB-54 45 Simplex 2098-9202 HD-3 Photoelectric 2098-9211 HB-54 45 Simplex 2098-9576 HD-3 Ionization 2098-9211 HB-54 45 System Sensor 2W-B A Photoelectric I~ N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2WT-B A Photoelectric I~ N/A N/A 120 System Sensor DH100P A Photoelectric N/A N/A 100 System Sensor DH100LP A Photoelectric N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 1100/D A Ionization N/A N/A 100 System Sensor 1400 A Ionization N/A N/A 100 B401 / B401B / System Sensor 1451 A Ionization B406B A 120 System Sensor 1451DH A Ionization DH-400 A 120 System Sensor 1800 A Ionization N/A N/A 100 System Sensor 1851 B A Ionization B 101B A 120 System Sensor 1851 B A Ionization B 107B A 120 System Sensor 1851 DH A Ionization DH1851 DC A 120 System Sensor 2100/D/S A Photoelectric N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2100T/D/S A Photoelectric N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2400 A Photoelectric N/A N/A 120 Photo / Isolated System Sensor 2400ALT A Thermal / Horn N/A N/A 120 Photo / Thermal / System Sensor 2400AT A Horn N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2400TH A Photo / Thermal N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2451 A Photoelectri~ B401 ! B401B / A 120 B406B System Sensor 2451 A Photoelectric DH-400 A 120 B01 / B401B/ System Sensor 2451TH A Photo / Thermal B406B A 120 System Sensor 2800 A Photoelectric N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2800TH A Photo / Thermal N/A N/A 120 System Sensor 2851B A Photoelectric B101B A 120 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 17 Detector Detector Base Base Standby Model ID Type Model ID Current (uA) System Sensor 2851 B A Photoelectric B 107B A 120 System Sensor 2851 BTH A Photoelectric B101 B A 120 System Sensor 2851BTH A Photoelectric B 107B A 120 System Sensor 2851 DH A Photoelectric DH2851 DC A 120 Table 9. Maximum Number of Detectors Per Zone RP-1001 - S500 RP-1002 S5000 Detector Model Base Model SFP-400 SFP-400B PAR-3 IZM-8RK XPM-8 Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-wire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. Edwards 6250B 6251B-00 N/A N/A 30 / 1 30 / N/A 30 Edwards 6270B 6251B-00 N/A N/A 30 / 1 30 / N/A 30 Edwards 6264B N/A N/A N/A 30 / 1 1 / N/A 1 Fenwal CPD-7021 70-211002-000 1 1 1 I 1 70-201000-001 Fenwal CPD-7021 70-201000-002 30 30 30 41 60 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 70-201000-001 Fenwal PSD-7125 70-201000-002 20 20 20 25 51 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 70-201000-001 Fenwal PSD-7126 70-201000-002 20 20 20 25 51 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 Fenwal PSD-7129 70-211002-000 1 · 1 1 1 N/A HS-22D HS-2-RB Hochiki SIH-24F YBA-M22 30* 30 30 35 60 HSB-220 HSB-224 HS-22D HS-2-RB Hochiki SLK-24F YBA-M22 30* 30* 30* 35 60** HSB-220 HSB-224 HS-22D HS-2-RB Hochiki SLK-24FH YBA-M22 30* 30* 30* 35 60** HSB-220 HSB-224 B401 / B610LP / 15 / 15 / 20 / 20 / 30 / 30 Notifier CP-651 N/A B616LP 1 1 / 1 B401 / B610LP / 15 / 15 / 20 / 20 / 30/30 Notifier SD-651 N/A B616LP 1 1 / 1 Simplex 2098-9201 2098-9211 35 60*** Simplex 2098-9202 2098-9211 N/A 35 60*** Simplex 2098-9576 2098-9211 35 60 System Sensor 2W-B N/A N/A 16 System Sensor 2WT-B N/A 16 System Sensor DH100P N/A 20 20 20 25 30 System Sensor DH100LP N/A 20 N/A 20 20 16 System Sensor 1100/D N/A 20 20 20 25 36 System Sensor 1400 N/A 20 20 20 25 36 B401 / 15/ 15/ 15/ 20/ 30/ System Sensor 1451 B401B / 15/ 15 / 15 / 20 / 30 / B406B 1 /1 1 1 1 18 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 RP-1001 S500 RP-1002 S5000 Detector Model Base Model SFP-400 SFP-400B PAR-3 IZM-8RK XPM-8 Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-~,ire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. System Sensor 1451 DH DH-400 15 15 15 20 30 System Sensor 1851 DH DH 1851 DC 15 15 15 . 20 30 System Sensor 2100/D/S N/A 20 20 20 25 30 System Sensor 2100T/DIS N/A 20 20 20 25 30 System Sensor 2400 N/A 15 15 15 20 30 System Sensor 2400ALT N/A 1 1 1 1 1 System Sensor 2400AT N/A 1 1 1 1 1 System Sensor 2400TH N/A 15 15 15 20 30 System Sensor 2451 DH-400 15 15 15 20 30 B401 / 15/ 15/ 15/ 20/ 30/ System Sensor 2451 B401 B / 15 / 15 / 15 / 20 / 30 / B406B 1 1 1 1 1 B401 / 15/ 15/ 15/ 20/ 30/ System Sensor 2451TH B401B / 15 / 15 / 15 / 20 / 30 / B406B 1 1 1 1 1 System Sensor 2851 DH DH2851 DC 15 15 15 20 30 FZM-'I SFP-2404 ~ XP6-MA Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-wire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. Note 3: A suffix "A' must be placed at the end of System sensor part numbers when purchasing detectors for Canadian Applications. System Sensor 2W-B N/A N/A 16 20 System Sensor 2WT-B N/A 16 20 System Sensor DH 100P N/A 20 N/A 20 20 16 N/A System Sensor DH 100LP N/A 20 N/A 20 20 16 20 System Sensor 1100/D N/A 20 N/A 24 20 20 20/NA System Sensor 1400 N/A 16 16 24 20 20 20 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / N/A / 20 / System Sensor 1451 B401 / B401B / 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / 16 / 20 / B406B 1 1 1 1 1 1 System Sensor 1451DH DH-400 16 16 20 16 16 20 System Sensor 1800 N /A 24 N/A System Se nsor 1851B B 101B N/A 20 N/A N/A System Sensor 1851 B B 107B I N/A System Sensor 1851DH DH1851DC 16 16 20 16 16 N/A System Sensor 2100/DIS N/A 20 N/A 24 20 16 N/A/20/20 System Sensor N/A 20 N/A 24 20 16 NN20/20 2100T/D/S System Sensor 2400 N/A 16 16 20 16 16 20 System Sensor 2400ALT N/A 1 1 1 1 1 N/A System Sensor 2400AT N/A 1 1 1 1 1 N/A System Sensor 2400TH N/A 16 16 20 16 16 20 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / N/A / 20 / System Sensor 2451 B401 / B401B / 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / 16 / 20 / B406B 1 1 1 1 1 1 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / N/A / 20 / System Sensor 2451TH B401 / B401B / 16 / 16 / 20 / 16 / 16 / 20 / B406B 1 1 1 1 1 I Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 19 FZM-1 SFP-2404 ~ XP6-MA Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-wire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. Note 3: A suffix "A" must be placed at the end of System Sensor part numbers when purchasing detectors for Canadian Applications. System Sensor 2851DH DH2851DC 16 I 16 20 20I 16 System Sensor 2451 DH-400 16 16 20 16 16 System Sensor 2800 N / A 20 System Sensor 2800TH N / A 20 N/A System Sensor 2851 B B 101 B N/A 20 N/A System Sensor 2851 B B107B 1 System Sensor 2851BTH B101B 20 System Sensor 2851BTH B107B 1 I MMX-2 Detector Model Base Model SGL-2000 SGL-404 FZM-1 SFP-1024 *20 SLK plus 10 SIH max. **30 SLK plus 30 SIH max. ***30 2098-9200 Series plus 30 2098-9576 Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-wire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. Edwards 6250B 6251B~00 N/A N/A 20 25 Edwards 6264B N/A N/A N/A 1 1 Edwards 6270B 6251B-00 N/A N/A 20 25 B401 / B610LP/ 16 / 16 / 16 / 16 / 20/20/ 16/16/ Notifier SD-651 B616LP 1 1 1 1 Fenwal CPD-7021 70-211002-000 1 1 1 70-201000-001 70-201000-002 Fenwal CPD-7021 33 33 40 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 70-201000-001 70-201000-002 Fenwal PSD-7125 20 20 24 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 70-201000-001 N/A 70-201000-002 Fenwal PSD-7126 20 20 24 70-201000-003 70-201000-005 Fenwal PSD-7129 70-211002-000 1 1 1 HS-22D 30 25 HS-2-RB N/A 1 Hochiki SIH-24F YBA-M22 30 30 25 HSB-220 30 25 HSB-224 30 N/A 20 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 I MMX-2 I Detector Model Base Model SGL-2000 SGL-404 FZM-1 SFP-1024 *20 SLK plus 10 SIH max. **30 SLK plus 30 SIH max. ***30 2098-9200 Series plus 30 2098-9576 Note 1: System Sensor & Fenwal detectors can be mixed or matched in any zone, provided maximum detector standby current per loop is not exceeded. Note 2: When using two-wire smoke detectors containing supplementary relays or indicators, the operation of more than one detector per zone cannot be ensured. HS-22D 30* 25 HS-2-RB N/A 1 Hochiki SLK-24F YBA-M22 30* 30* 25 N/A HSB-220 30* 25 HSB-224 30* N/A HS-22D 30* 25 HS-2-RB N/A 1 Hochiki SLK-24FH YBA-M22 30* 30* 25 N/A HSB-220 30* 25 HSB-224 30* N/A B401 / B610LP / 16/16 / 16/16/ 20/20/ 16/16/ Notifier CP-651 B616LP 1 1 1 1 B401 / B610LP / 16/16/ 16/16/ 20/20/ 16/16/ Notifier SD-651 B616LP 1 1 1 1 Simplex 2098-9201 2098-9211 20 10 Simplex 2098-9202 2098-9211 N/A N/A 20 10 Simplex 2098-9576 2098-9211 20 10 Notifier Device Compatibility Document Document 15378 Rev AF ECN 03-581 12/15/2003 21