HomeMy WebLinkAboutALARM PERMIT 11 01 04 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT -.- INSPECTION RECORD CHECK LIST TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE FINAL OCCUPANCY For Inspection Request Call Phone No. 326-3979 OCCUP~CY N~E: ~~ ~~,,~ ~ OCCUP~T LOAD: GENE~L CONT~CTOR: PHONE ~ FIRE A~ CONT~CTOR: PHONE ~ CO~ERCIAL HOOD CONT~CTOR: PHONE ~ SP~Y FINISH CONT~CTOR PHONE ~ FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE UNDERGROUND DEPTH, PIPE SIZE & THRUST BLOCKS FDC, PIV, WITH ATTACHMENT SIGNS UNDERGROUND HYDRO TEST UNDERGROUND SYSTEM FLUSH OVERHEAD PIPE& HANGER INSPECTION '-- b'TC..-.- [K~/~- ~(////~/~ FIRE PUMP TEST RISER, FIVE YEAR START DATE SPRINKLER CALCULATION SIGN AT RISER LOCATION FIRE ALARM SYSTEM & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION DATE HGNATURE FIRE ALARM INSTALLATION PER PLANS //~ SPRINKLER FLOW TEST SMOKE DETECTOR TEST HEAT DETECTOR TEST DAMPERS, FIRE DOORS ELECTRICAL & ALARM TEST FIRE PUMP RUN & ALARM ANNUNCIATION TEST EMERGENCY GENERATOR RUN & LOAD TEST COMMERCIAL HOOD INSTALLATION & TEST EMERGENCY LIGHTS LOW LEVEL EXIT LIGHTS, (A,E,I & Ri) OCCUPANCIES SPRAY BOOTH TEST Bakersfield Fire D i..t./ ~ Environmental Se;~ces SITE PLAN REVIEW ~ 900 ~un Ave, Ste ~0 ...... - -* ~ ~ Bakersfield. CA ~330 l'~l P£RMIT APPDCA TION Page 1 of f Application Type/Status/Scope: (chou one) Type of Permit: [] Spray Booth .~prinkler Systems [] Fire Alarm Systems I-I Commercial Hood Systems [] Standpipe [] Other (Describe) Project Status: [] New El Modification Project Scope: [] Minimum ..~l~3tandard (over 5000 sq. ft. sprinklers/over 20,000 sq. ft. alarms) [] Residential [] Additional Notes to Applicants: Payment arc duc prior to plan review. When determined to be necessary by thc Plans Examiner, all plans arc subject to co~xection and modification after review. Fees are m~t refundable. All submittal shall be made in triplicate drawings and calculations. CAD drawings on!y, no hand-draw accepted. Permits are reqnired for all new and modified Fire alarms, Fire sprinklers. I. LOCATION OF PROJECT PROJECT SITE NAME I ~HONE NO PROJECT ADDRESS IITY FIP CODE II. PROPERTY OWNER =ROPERTY OWNER IPHONE NO t ADDRESS IITY .~IP CODE / III. CONTRACTOR ~ONTRACTOR NAME ~CA LICENSE NO. ~YPE OF LICENSE EXPIRATION DATE .~ONTRACTORS COMPANY NAME ~HONE NO, ~,DDRESS. I~C ~_IP CODE IV. ALARMS tMONn'O~fNG CO~PANV fNFO~ ~DORESS IITY ~IP CODE / V, FEE CALCULATOR Sprinkler System: Under 5,000 sq. ff. = $210(minimumfee) Over 5,000 sq. ff. = (Sq. Ft.) x .042 = S amount of permit fee Re-inspection Fee $9( (exampte: .0~ x ~0,000 = $300; ~ x .4 = $~20; $~20 ,, 300 = ~420~ Narm System: LJnder20,000sq, ft. = $262.50 (minimum fee) '~ Over 20,000 sq. ff.= (Sq, Ft.) x .0.013125 = $ amount of permit fee Re-Inspection Fee (Example: .007~ x 30,000 = $225~ $225 x .7~-- $168.75~ $168.75 + 22~ = $393.75~ Commercial Hood: 177 x 2.25 = $398.25 (Each additional hood) $36.00 Re-Inspection Fee $9 Standpipe: $118 (minimum fee) (Each additional standpipe) $36.40 Re-Inspection Fee $9 ~/,~/z. ~ . ~ ~" z_ = ~MOUNT DUE: $ /,, / FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY local ~nd~¢r~l r~gMafio~. Thi~ ~orm /a3~ b¢¢~ completed ~r~¢r p~zlO~ of pcrj~r~, ar~l ~o thc ~¢~ of m~ tmowl~dg¢, Js tr~¢ ~ corr~cL APPLICANT SIGNATURE: APPLICANT NAME: CPRINT:) APPROVED BY: THIS APPLICATION BECOMES A PERMIT WHEN APPROVED fd20 Prevention Services 171'5 'Chester Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93301 Application Number ...... 04-10000222 Date 11/01/04 Pin number ......... 643878 Property Address ...... 10200 CAMPUS PARK, DR ATN (11 Digits): 394-010-71-00-1 Application description · FIRE DEPT subdivision Name ...... Property Use ........ Application valuation .... 0 Owner Contractor. ........................ OAKS COMM CH OF CHRSTN & MSNRY SONITROL 10200 CAMPUS PARK 5251 OFFICE PARK DR BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 BAKERSFIELD, CA BAKERSFIELD CA 93309 '(661) 322-4337 ................................ ~ ......................... --~ ....... ~ ........ Permit ...... FIRE ALARM PERMIT Additional desc . . Phone Access Code . 288720 Permit Fee .... 166.00 Plan Check Fee . . 124.50 Issue Date .... 11/0i/04 , Valuation ..... 0 Expiration Date . 5/01/05 Fee summary charged Paid Credited · Due Permit Fee Total 166.00 166.00 .00. .00 Plan Check Total 124.50 124.50 .00 .00 Grand Total 290.50 290.50 .00 .00 CALL FOR INSPECTION DECLARATIONS (661) 326-3979 Permit is issued in accordance withall applicable Federal, Sate and Local Odnances. The permitee has properly signed and dated the reverse side Please state the Permit Number, the 'Job Address, and the of this form ' Type of Ispection. Requests for inspections should be This permit expires after 180 days of inactivity. made at least 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance. I have reviewed the above application, and find it to be correctJcomplete. Inspectors office hours are: ~ b/at/~//~ ~ ~ 7 am to 5 pm Monday thru Friday X ,/"~ _~" / "' Permit--" ' ' "' ~' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS~STATEMENT ~ ~ · - / . V! Yes . 71 NO Will [he applicant or future occupant handle hazard0~s mate~al'or a mi~tu~-~0htai~fi~g'a hazardot~s material equal to or greater than the amoun(s specified on the Iisi ofcxt~mcly hazardous substances? Sec ctg~ck[ist,.for g~ideliaes.. -- ;~; .: ,' -. OYes nNo Wi~~thepmp~scdbu~~din~~rm~dificdfaci~~tyhe~within~~~~fect~fthe~u~crb~undary~fasch~~~? CI Yes CI No ' 'Will the intended use of the building by the applicant or future ~uilding occupant require a permit for conslruction or modification from the Kcm County Air Pollution Control District (KCAPCD) or from tha City of Bak. Fire Dept? See checklist for guidelines O Yes CI No I have read thc Hazardous Material Guide and KCAPCD Pertaining Checklist. I understand my requirements under thc Calif Heahh and Safety Code Sec. 6.95 and CalifGovt. Sec. 65850 and thc requirements of the City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. regarding hazardous materials. Owner or Authorized Agent "~ Phone No a~ Date DECLARATIONS: The declarations below are mandated by the Slate of California under Section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code. LICENSED CONTR~CTOR'S DECLARATION ! hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of the Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and my license is in flail three and ctTect. '/ Lic. Class kic. No. Exp. Date / ~u,,u~,,r'~' Signature ,. OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION i hereby al~inn that under Penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the tbllowing reason (S<. 7031.5 Business and Profi:ssions Code: Any city or couhty which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires the applicant for such permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Division 3 or the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt theret¥om and the basis Iht the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any'applicant lbr a permit subjects.the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500)): ~ I, as owneroftheproperty, or my employees with wages as theirsolecompensation, willdo thework and thc structure is not intended orofl'ered ik~r sale(Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thcrenn, and who docs such work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that such improvcmenLs arc not intended or oflL-rc'd Ibr sale· Il; however, thc building nr improve- mcnt is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have thc burden of proving that hc or she did not build or improve li.~r the purpose pi'sale). __ I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed cont{actors lo construct thc projcn:l (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: Thc Contt~tctor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or imprpves thereon and who contracts t~r such project with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor License Law). __ I am exempt under Sec. B.& P.C. for this reason Owner Signature Dale WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I h. ereby affirm that under penalty of perjury one of the tbllowing d~:clarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self-insure tbr workers' compensation, as provided tbr by Section 3700 of thc L~lbor Code. tbr thc pert'onnance of the work tbr which this permit is issued. .. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of t~e Labor Code. for the perfi~rmance of thc work lbr which this permit is issued. My work,rs' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy No. I certil~ that in the performance of the work ~br which this permit is issued. I. shall not employ any person in'any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California. and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of thc Labor Code. I shall lbrthwilh comply with those provisions. Applicant: Date WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUl., AND SHAI,L S[!IkIECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS {$100,000) IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LA?OR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATI'ORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUC'FION LENDING AGENCY '- I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency l~r the performance of the work {'or which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097 Ci'v.C.). Lender's Naroe Lender's Address ~ - I certO~' that thane read this application attd state that the bg/b,natio, contai,ed herein is ~orrect. I agree to comply ~'ith all ciO' ordi,a,ce$ a,d state laws ~rloti,g to buildi,g co,strt,'ti~, ,tiLl hereby attthori=e represe, tatives of the ciO[ to enter tile above-me,tioned propero..lbr i,$pectio, p, rposes. Signature of Applicant or Agent Date ' : APPROVED BUILDING DIRECTOR Bv r~,o FPE SOFTWARE, INC. HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name: The Oaks Community Church Date: May 14, 2003 Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive System No.: 1 Bakersfield, Californa Contract No.: SFS03001 Building: t Drawing No.: FP-1 Contractor:. Nicks Plumbing and Fire Calculated by: Gary Stites File Name: TheOaksStage.the Construction: [] Combustible [] Noncombustible Ceiling Height: Varies ff Occupancy: Church Platform AH J: City of Bakersfield Fire Prevention ................ ,,' SYSTEM DESIGN ...... [] NFPA 13: [] Light Hazard [] Ordinary Hazard Group: 2 [] Extra Hazard Group: Figure: Curve: [] Other (Specify): [] Specific Rulling: Made By: Date: Area of Sprinkler Operation: 1500 sqft System Type: [] Wet [] Dry [] Deluge [] Pre-Action Density: ,2 gpm/sqft Area per Sprinkler: 130 sqft SPRINKLER or NOZZLE Hose AIIowance Inside: 0 gpm Make: Tyco Model: ty3231 Hose Allowance Outside: 250 gpm Size: ~/2 in K-factor: 5.6 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: NA gpm Temperature Rating: 155 °F , · ' .... CALCULATION SUMMARY ',' ',,~ ' . ',' ' ,,,'',, Flow Required: 579.28 gpm Pressure Required: 62.7t psi At: Base of Riser "C" Factor Used: Overhead: 120 Underground: 140 - 150 , - , ' ' ~ ,' ........ I"', WATER SUPPLY' "" '"" '~ ' '- '~'"' ' ..... '" '" WATER FLOW TEST PUMP DATA TANK OR RESERVOIR Date: 7-31-02 Rated Capacity: gpm Capacity: gals Time: 12:00 At: psi Elevation: ft Static: 82 psi Elevation: ,. ft Residual: 30 psi WELL Flowing: 2190 gpm Proof Flow: gpm Elevation: 0 ft Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive Source of Information: Dave Wryrather ,, ......................... ,, .. ,, , , COMMODITY STORAGE ....................... , , , , ,,,~, ,, , Commodity: Class: Location: Storage Height: Area: Aisle Width: Storage Method: Solid Pile: % Palletized: % Rack: % ' :',' ............ RACK STORAGE .............. [] Single Row [] Conventional Pallet [] Automatic Storage [] Encapsulated [] Double Row [] Slave Pallet [] Solid Shelving [] Nonencapsulated [] Multiple Row [] Open FLUE SPACING CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEILING Longitudinal: in Transverse: in ft in Horizontal Barriers Provided: ,~File: TheOaksStage.the Page 1 of 1 Hydraulic Summary WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION: Static (psi): 73.20 Residual (psi): 27.00' @ (gpm): 2,190.00 Hose (gpm): 250.00 System req. (gpm): 579.28 @ (psi): 62.71 Supply available: 69.25 psi Safety margin: 6.54 psi Maximum velocity in the .system is: 12.25 ft/sec in the pipe between Nodes: Bor and Tor Continuity at all nodes satisfied to: 0.01 gpm Pipe Type Legend Fitting Type Legend DF = Allied Dyna-Flow/Super FIo E = 90 degree standard elbow BL = Allied BLT BV = Butterfly valve B2 = Blue Brute PVC Class 200 T = Tee (flow turned 90 degrees D2 = Ductile Iron Class 52 NOTES: 05/16/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: 'lLheOaksStage.the Page I of I Node Pressure Flow Hose Elevation K-factor Area Density , psi gpm gpm feet gpm/(psl)% sqft gpm/sqtt Bor 60,29 0.00 0.000 Tor 52.99 0.00 10.000 1 49.80 0.00 10.000 2 49.06 0.00 10.000 3 48.59 0.00 10.000 4 48.52 0.00 10,000 5 29.05 0.00 32.000 6 28.48 0.00 32.000 7 22.97 26.84 32.000 5.60 8 20.80 25.54 32.000 5.60 9 31.19 29.99 22.000 5.37 130.00 0.231 10 30.65 29.73 17.000 5.37 130.00 0.229 11 30.66 29,73 22.000 5,37 130.00 0.229 12 30.16 29.49 17.000 5.37 130.00 0.227 13 24.55 26.61 22.000 5.37 130.00 0,205 14 24.52 26.59 17.000 5.37 130.00 0.205 15 24.14 26.38 22.000 5.37 130.00 0.203 16 24.13 26.38 17.000 5.37 130.00 0.203 17 23.44 25.99 22.000 5.37 130.00 0.200 18 23,48 26.02 17.000 5.37 130.00 0.200 Source 62.71 579.28 2.500 Source BFPIN 62.11 0.00 3.000 BFPOUT 59.72 0.00 3.000 Stub 61.70 0.00 -3.000 05/16/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 ~File: 'l:heOaksStage.the Page.1 of 3 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Fric Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FL Bor 0,00 0,00 60,29 3,314 10,000 0,086 Tor 0,00 10,00 52,99 120 E BV 24,750 4,33 329,28 12,25 34,750 2,97 Tor 0,00 10,00 52,99 3,314 5,250 0,086 I 0,00 10,00 49,80 120 T E 32,030 0,00 329,28 12,25 37,280 3,19 I 0,00 10,00 49,80 3,314 12,500 0,059 2 0,00 10,00 49,06 120 0,000 0,00 269,56 10,03 12,500 0,74 2 0,00 10,00 49,06 3,314 12,500 0,037 3 0,00 10,00 48,59 120 0,000 0,00 210,34 7,82 12,500 0,47 3 0,00 10,00 48,59 3.314 12,500 0,006 4 0,00 10,00 48,52 120 0,000 0,00 77,55 2,88 12,500 0,07 1 0,00 10,00 49,80 1,687 75,000 0,097 5 0,00 32,00 29,05 120 T E E E E E E 40,175 9,53 59,72 8,57 115,180 11,21 2 0.00 10.00 49.06 1.687 75.000 0.096 6 0,00 32.00 28.48 120 T E E E E E E 40.175 9.53 59.22 8.50 115.180 11.04 3 0.00 10.00 48.59 2,154 75.000 0.130 7 26,84 5,60 32,00 22,97 120 T E E E E E E 48,894 9,53 132,79 11,69 123,890 16,09 4 0,00 10,00 48,52 1,687 75,000 0,158 8 25,54 5,60 32,00 20,80 120 T E E E E E E 40,175 9,53 77,55 11,13 115,180 18,19 5 0,00 32,00 29,05 1,452 7,000 0,202 9 29,99 5,37 22,00 31,19 120 E 3,843 -4,33 59,72 11,57 10,840 2,19 6 0,00 32,00 28,48 1,452 7,000 0,199 11 29,73 5,37 22,00 30,66 120 E 3,843 -4,33 59,22 11,47 10,840 2,16 05/16/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 ,.File: 'l:~eOaksStage.the Page 2 of 3 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length FricLoss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FL 7 26.84 5.60 32.00 22.97 1.452 13.000 0.163 13 26.61 5.37 22.00 24.55 120 E 3.843 -4.33 53.19 10.31 16.840 2.75 7 26.84 5.60 32.00 22.97 1.452 12.000 0.161 15 26.38 5.37 22.00 24.14 120 E E 7.686 -4.33 52.76 10.22 19.690 3.16 8 25.54 5.60 32.00 20.80 1.452 7.000 0.157 17 25.99 5.37 22.00 23.44 120 E 3.843 -4.33 52.02 10.08 10.840 1.70 9 29.99 5.37 22.00 31.19 1.104 12.833 0.211 10 29.73 5.37 17.00 30.65 120 0.000 -2.17 29.73 9.96 12.830 2.71 11 29.73 5.37 22.00 30.66 1.104 12.833 0.208 12 29.49 5.37 17.00 30.16 120 0.000 -2.17 29.49 9.88 12.830 2.67 13 26.61 5.37 22.00 24.55 1.104 12.833 0.172 14 26.59 5.37 17.00 24.52 120 0.000 -2.17 26.59 8.91 12.830 2.20 15 26.38 5.37 22.00 24.14 1.104 12.833 0.169 16 26.38 5.37 17.00 24.13 120 0.000 -2.17 26.38 8.84 12.830 2,17 17 25.99 5.37 22.00 23.44 1.104 12.833 0.165 18 26.02 5.37 17.00 23.48 120 0.000 -2.17 26.02 8.72 12.830 2.12 Source 579.28 Source 2.50 62,71 5.910 36.000 0.003 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 62.11 150 T E E 77.260 0.22 329.28 3.85 113.260 0.38 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 62.11 5.910 1.000 0.004 BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 59.72 140 0.000 0.00 329.28 3.85 1.000 2.39 The Flow Dependent Pressure Loss Device in this pipe accounts for 2.39 psi of the total friction loss. BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 59.72 5.910 146.000 0.003 Stub 0.00 -3.00 61.70 150 E E 37.298 -2.60 329.28 3.85 183.300 0.62 Stub 0.00 -3.00 61.70 6.275 16.000 0.003 Bor 0,00 0,00 60.29 140 E 21.977 1.30 329.28 3.42 37.980 0.11 05/16/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: ~l~eOaksStage.the ~ Page 3 of 3 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Fric Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss ........ Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FI, Units Legend Flow = gpm Velocity = fi/sec Fric Loss = psi/ft Elevation = feet Length, Elev Loss, Pressure = psi Eqv Length, Ttl FL = psi Diameter = inches Ttl Length = feet 05/16/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 0 0 0 0 0 (!ed) FPE SOFTWARE, INC. HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name: The Oaks Community Church Date: May t4, 2003 Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive System No.: Bakersfield, Californa Contract No.: SFS03001 Building: I Drawing No.: FP-1 Contractor: Nicks Plumbing and Fire Calculated by: Gary Stites File Name: TheOaksSSUs,the Construction: [] Combustible [] Noncombustible Ceiling Height: < 10 ft Occupancy: Remote Attic Sprinklers AH J: City of Bakersfield Fire Prevention "' " ' SYSTEM DESIGN [] NFPA 13: [] Light Hazard [] Ordinary Hazard Group: [] Extra Hazard Group: Figure: Curve: [] Other (Specify): [] Specific Rulling: Made By: Date: Area of Sprinkler Operation: t170 sqft System Type: [] Wet [] Dry [] Deluge !,1 Pre-Action Density: .1 gpm/sqft Area per Sprinkler: 130 sqft SPRINKLER or NOZZLE Hose AIIowance Inside: 0 gpm Make: Tyco Model: ty3231 Hose Allowance Outside: 100 gpm Size: ½ in K-factor: 5.6 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: NA gpm Temperature Rating: t$$ °F ' ' ' - ' CALCULATION SUMMARY" 'I " , , , , , Flow Required: 302.35 gpm Pressure Required: $1.81 psi At: Source "C" Factor Used: Overhead: 120 Underground: 150 ' ' " ' WATER SUPPLY,',,' ..... WATER FLOW TEST PUMP DATA TANK OR RESERVOIR Date: 7-31-02 Rated Capacity: gpm Capacity: gals Time: 12:00 At: psi Elevation: ff Static: 82 psi Elevation: ft Residual: 30 psi WELL Flowing: 2190 gpm Proof Flow: gpm Elevation: 0 ft Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive Source of Information: Dave Wryrather ..... ' COMMODITY STORAGE Commodity: Class: Location: Storage Height: Area: Aisle Width: Storage Method: Solid Pile: % Pallet[zed: % Rack: ' ' '" ' ' RACK STORAGE [] Single Row [] Conventional Pallet [] Automatic Storage [] Encapsulated [] Double Row [] Slave Pallet [] Solid Shelving [] Nonencapsulated [] Multiple Row [] Open FLUE SPACING CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEILING Longitudinal: in Transverse: in ft in Horizontal Barriers Provided: ,,File: 'l:i~eOaksSSUs.the Page 1 of 1 Hydraulic Summary WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION: Static (psi): 73.80 Residual (psi): 27.00 @ (gpm): 2,190.00 Hose (gpm): 100.00 System req. (gpm): 302.35 @ (psi): 51.81 Supply available: 72.60 psi Safety margin: 20.79 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 13.20 ft/sec in the pipe between Nodes: 202 and 203 Continuity at all nodes satisfied to: 0.01 gpm Pipe Type Legend Fitting Type Legend DF = Allied Dyna-Flow/Super FIo E = 90 degree standard elbow BL = Allied BLT BV = Butterfly valve B2 = Blue Brute PVC Class 200 T = Tee (flow turned 90 degrees D2 = Ductile Iron Class 52 NOTES: 05/19/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: 'l:i~eOaksSSUs.the Page 1 of 1 Node Pressure Flow Hose Elevation K-factor Area psi gpm gpm feet gpm/(psi)½ sqft Bor 48.74 0.00 1.000 Tor 43.63 0.00 10.000 100 36.44 0.00 12,000 201 18.78 24.26 12.000 5.60 202 16.53 22,76 12.000 5.60 203 12.86 20.08 t2.000 5.60 130.00 204 11.88 19.30 12.000 5.60 193.00 205 18.76 24.25 12.000 5.60 130.00 206 16,51 22.75 12.000 5.60 130.00 207 12.85 20.07 12.000 5.60 130.00 208 11.87 19.29 12.000 5.60 130.00 209 27.93 29.59 12.000 5.60 130.00 101 29.19 0.00 12.000 130.00 102 23.99 0.00 21.000 130.00 103 27.73 0.00 12.000 Source 51.81 302.35 2,500 Source BFPIN 51.44 0.00 3,000 BFPOUT 48.17 0.00 3.000 Stub 48.78 0.00 1.000 05/19/03 'q'HE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: 'l:l~eOaksSSUs.the ~,- Page 1 of 2 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Fric Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FI Bor 0.00 1.00 48.74 3.314 10.000 0.035 Tor 0.00 10.00 43.63 120 E BV 24.750 3.90 202.35 7.53 34.750 1.21 Tor 0.00 10.00 43.63 3.314 150.000 0.035 100 0.00 12.00 36.44 120 T E 32.030 0.87 202.35 7.53 182.030 6.32 100 0.00 12.00 36.44 2.703 58.750 0.094 101 0.00 12.00 29.19 120 T 18.651 0.00 202.35 11.31 77.400 7.25 101 0.00 12.00 29.19 2.703 18.500 0.070 102 0.00 21.00 23.99 120 0.000 3.90 172,77 9.66 18.500 1.29 102 0.00 21.00 23.99 2.703 8.500 0.019 103 0.00 12.00 27.73 120 0.000 -3.90 86.41 4.83 8.500 0.17 101 0.00 12.00 29.19 1.687 27.330 0.027 209 29.59 5.60 12.00 27.93 120 T E E 20.088 0.00 29.59 4.25 47.420 1.26 102 0.00 21.00 23.99 1.687 27,330 0.193 205 24.25 5.60 12.00 18.76 120 T E E 20.088 -3.90 86.36 12.40 47.420 9,14 205 24.25 5.60 12.00 18.76 1.452 10.333 0.217 206 22.75 5.60 '12.00 16.51 120 0.000 0.00 62.11 12.03 10.330 2.25 206 22.75 5.60 12.00 16.51 1.104 10.333 0.355 207 20.07 5.60 12.00 12.85 120 0.000 0.00 39.36 13.19 10.330 3.67 207 20.07 5.60 12.00 12.85 1.104 10.333 0.095 208 19.29 5.60' 12.00 11.87 120 0.000 0.00 19.29 6.46 10.330 0.98 103 0.00 12.00 27.73 1.687 26.330 0.193 201 24.26 5.60 12.00 18.78 120 TEE 20.088 0.00 86,41 12.40 46.420 8.95 201 24.26 5.60 12.00 18.78 1.452 10.333 0.218 202 22.76 5.60 12.00 16.53 120 0.000 0.00 62.14 12.04 10.330 2.25 05/19/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: 'l:heOaksSSUs.the Page 2 of 2 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Fric Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FL 202 22.76 5.60 12.00 16.53 1.104 10.333 0.355 203 20.08 5.60 12.00 12.86 120 0,000 0.00 39.38 13.20 10.330 3.67 203 20.08 5.60 12.00 12.86 1.104 10.333 0.095 204 19.30 5.60 12.00 11,88 120 0,000 0.00 19.30 6.47 10.330 0.98 Source 302.35 Source 2.50 51.81 5.910 36.000 0.001 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 51.44 150 TEE 77.260 0.22 202.35 2.37 113.260 0.16 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 51.44 5.910 1.000 0.002 BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 48.17 140 0.000 0.00 202.35 2.37 1.000 3.27 The Flow Dependent Pressure Loss Device in this pipe accounts for 3.27 psi of the total friction loss. BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 48.17 5.910 146.000 0.001 Stub 0.00 1.00 48.78 150 E E 37.298 -0.87 202.35 2.37 183.300 0.25 Stub 0.00 1.00 48.78 6.275 16.000 0.001 Bor 0.00 1.00 48.74 140 E 21.977 0.00 202.35 2.10 37.980 0.04 Units Legend Flow = gpm Velocity = fi/sec Fric Loss = psi/ft Elevation = feet Length, Elev Loss, Pressure = psi Eqv Length, Ttl FL = psi Diameter = inches Ttl Length = feet 05119/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 0 (.lsd) o.lnSSmd · ToI-Brace Seismic Calculations - Project Address: The Oaks Church Job# SFSO31~ary Stites Author of ToI-Brace ca,o,,a,ed w,,h,...~ 10200 Campus Park Drive Bakersfield (909) 737-5599 ToI-Brace, Bakersfield, Ca. Fax: (909)737-0330 Seismic Calculation Software for the Fire Protection Industry Calculations based on 1999 NFPA Pamphlet #13 WWW. TOLCO.COM Brace Information Tolco Brace Components Tolco Component Fig. Number Adjusted Load Maximum Spacing 40'-0" (12.32m) Fig. 1000 Sway Brace Clamp 1425 lbs. (646 Kg.) Length of Brace 7 '- 0 "(2.156m) Fig. 980 Universal Swivel* 1955 lbs. (887 Kg.) Bracing Material lin. (25mm) Sch. 40 *Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading *Please Note: These calculations are for Tolco components only. Angle from Vertical _ 45° Min. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least nad. of Gyration 0.42" (1lmm) Assembly Detail L/R Value 200 TOLCO FIG. 980 UNIVERSAL SWAY Maximum Horizontal Load 2499 lbs. (1134Kg.) B TOLCO FIG. 1000 Fastener InformationFASTCLAMP ~ Fastener Orientation NFPA Type E STEEL PIPE LATERAL Type Throuqh-Bolt BRACE Diameter 3/8in. (9.5mm) 45° Min. From Vertical Length 2~in. (64mm) ~242 Brace Identification on Plans Worst Case Maximum Load 460 lbs. (209K.q.)_ Orientation of Brace Lateral Load Information Size and Type of Pipe Total Length Total Asslu,,=,~ ~.u~u 3"(75mm) Schedule 10 Pipe 40 fi. (12. 2m) 158. 8 lbs. (72Kg.) 1~"(38mm) Threadable Thinwall Pipe 40 fl. (12.2m) 57lbs. (26Kg.) l~"(30mm) Threadable Thinwall Pipe 20 ft. (6. lin) 22.9 lbs. (lOK.q.) 1"(25mm) Threadable Thinwall Pipe 120 ft. (36.6m) 98.1 lbs. (44K.q.) Percentage added for Fittings and Sprinklers 15 % 50.55 lbs. (153Kg.) Total Assigned Load of all pipe within Zone of Influence {'l'oI-Brace version 4.0.8~. 387.5 lbs. (17 6K.q. ToI-Brace Seismic Calculations For The Oaks Church 10200 Campus Park Drive Oa,cu,ated w,,h...~ Job #SFS03101 ToI-Brace, Seismic Calculation SofbNare for the Fire Protection Industry Brace Identification Worst Case VVVVW. TOLCO.COM Brace Type (Per NFPA~13) NFPA Type E Spacing of Brace 40 Ft.(12m) Orientation of Brace Lateral Bracing Matedal lin. (25mm) Sch.40 Length of Brace 7Ft. (2m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Calculation 45° Type of Fastener 3/8in. (9.5mm) In. Through-Bolt Length of Fastener 2%in. (64mm) In. Summary of Pipe within Zone of Influence 3 inch Sch. 10 40 Feet (12m) 1% inch Threadable Thinwall 40 Feet (12m) 1% inch Threadable Thinwall 20 Feet (6m) I inch Threadable Thinwall 120 Feet (37m) Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15 % Conclusions Total Assigned Load of Pipe in Zone of Influence 387.5 Ibs.(176Kg.) Matedal Capacity 2499 lbs.(1134Kg.) Fastener Capacity 460 Ibs.(209Kg.) Fig.1000 Sway Brace Clamp 1425 Ibs.(646Kg.) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1955 Ibs.(887Kg.)" Structural Member: Truss Joist* Calculations prepared by Gary Stites 'The description of lhe Structural Member is for informational purposes only. Tot-Brace software calculates the brace assembly only, not the structure it is attached to. Cat~x~ated yah ToH~ace 4.0.8 FPE SOFTWARE, INC. HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name: The Oaks Community Church Date: May 14, 2003 Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive System No.: 1 Bakersfield, Californa Contract No.: SFS03001 Building: 1 Drawing No.: FP-1 Contractor: Nicks Plumbing and Fire Calculated by: Gary Stites File Name: TheOaksECLH.the Construction: [] Combustible [] Noncombustible Ceiling Height: 10 ft Occupancy: Extended Coverage in Classrooms AH J: City of Bakersfield Fire Prevention I ' I I ' ' SYSTEM DESIGN Ill' ........... , [] NFPA 13: [] Light Hazard [] Ordinary Hazard Group: [] Extra Hazard Group: Figure: Curve: [] Other (Specify): [] Specific Rulling: Made By: Date: Area of Sprinkler Operation: t046 sqft System Type: [] Wet [] Dry [] Deluge [] Pre-Action Density: ,1 gpm/sqft Area per Sprinkler: 400 sqft SPRINKLER or NOZZLE Hose Allowance Inside: 0 gpm Make: Tyco Model: F890 Hose Allowance Outside: 100 gpm Size: t7132 in K-factor: 8 Rack Sprinkler Allowance: NA gpm Temperature Rating: 155 °F " CALCULATION SUMMARY ~ ' , ' , , ' , ,,~, Flow Required: 262.42 gpm Pressure Required: 56.45 psi At: Base of Riser "C" Factor Used: Overhead: 120 Underground: t40 - 160 ' WATER SUPPLY ,',,", .... , , ' ,, , , WATER FLOW TEST PUMP DATA TANK OR RESERVOIR Date: 7-31-02 Rated Capacity: gpm Capacity: gals Time: 12:00 At: psi Elevation: ft Static: 82 psi Elevation: ft Residual: 30 psi WELL Flowing: 2190 gpm Proof Flow: gpm Elevation: 0 ft Location: 10200 Campus Park Drive Source of Information: Dave Wryrather ......... ' " COMMODITY STORAGE Commodity: Class: Location: Storage Height: Area: Aisle Width: Storage Method: Solid Pile: % Palletized: % Rack: % ' I ' "' ' ' '" ' "~' " ' RACK STORAGEs,,,' ' ", .... , .... [] Single Row [] Conventional Pallet [] Automatic Storage [] Encapsulated [] Double Row [] Slave Pallet [] Solid Shelving [] Nonencapsulated [] Multiple Row [] Open FLUE SPACING CLEARANCE FROM TOP OF STORAGE TO CEILING Longitudinal: in Transverse: in ft in Horizontal Barriers Provided: File: 'l:~eOaksECLH.the Page I of 1 Hydraulic Summary WATER SUPPLY INFORMATION: Static (psi): 73.20 Residual (psi): 27.00 @ (gpm): 2,190.00 Hose (gpm): 100.00 System req. (gpm): 262.42 @ (psi): 56.45 Supply available: 72.29 psi Safety margin: 15.84 psi Maximum velocity in the system is: 13.81 ft/sec in the pipe between Nodes: 304 and 305 Continuity at all nodes satisfied to: 0.01 gpm Pipe Type Legend Fitting Type Legend DF = Allied Dyna-Flow/Super FIo E = 90 degree standard elbow BL = Allied BLT BV = Butterfly valve B2 = Blue Brute PVC Class 200 T = Tee (flow turned 90 degrees D2 = Ductile Iron Class 52 NOTES: 05/20/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: TheOaksECLH.the Page I of 1 Node Pressure Flow Hose Elevation K-factor Area Density psi gpm gpm feet gpm/(psi)½ sqft gpm/sqft Bor 53.69 0.00 0.000 Tor 48.55 0.00 10.000 100 42.46 0.00 12.000 302 42.46 0.00 0.000 303 42.08 0.00 0,000 304 31.57 0.00 0.000 305 26.56 41.22 0.000 8.00 256.00 0,161 306 30,02 0.00 0.000 - 307 25.23 40.18 0.000 8.00 256.00 0,157 308 31,29 0.00 0,000 309 26.31 41.03 0.000 8.00 256.00 0.160 310 29.75 0.00 0.000 311 25.00 39.99 0.000 8.00 256.00 0.156 Source 56.45 262.42 2,500 Source BFPIN 56,13 0.00 3,000 BFPOUT 52.59 0.00 3.000 Stub 55.02 0.00 -3.000 05/20/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: ~fleOaksECLH.the Page 1 of 2 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Ffic Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow .Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FL Bor 0.00 0.00' 53.69 3.314 10.000 0.023 Tor 0.00 10.00 48.55 120 E BV 24.750 4.33 162.42 6,04 34.750 0,80 Tor 0.00 10.00 48.55 3,314 162.000 0,023 100 0.00 12.00 42.46 120 T T E E 64,060 0,87 162.42 6.04 226.060 5.23 100 0.00 12.00 42.46 2.703 46.000 0,062 302 0.00 0.00 42.46 120 T E E 37.301 -5.20 162.42 9,08 83.300 5.20 302 0.00 0,00 42,46 2.703 22,000 0.017 303 0.00 0.00 42.08 120 0,000 0.00 81.02 4.53 22,000 0.38 302 0.00 0.00 42.46 1,687 53.000 0.173 304 0.00 0.00 31.57 120 T 10,044 0.00 81.40 11.68 63.040 10.89 303 0.00 0.00 42.08 1.687 53.000 0.171 308 0100 0.00 31.29 120 T 10.044 0.00 81.02 11.63 63.040 10.79 304 0.00 0.00 31.57 1.452 16.000 0,097 306 0.00 0.00 30.02 120 0.000 0.00 40.18 7.79 16.000 1.55 308 0.00 0.00 31.29 1,452 16.000 0.096 310 0.00 0.00 29.75 120 0.000 0.00 39.99 7.75 16.000 1.54 304 0.00 0.00 31.57 1,104 4.000 0.387 305 41.22 8.00 0.00 26.56 120 T E 8.978 0.00 41.22 13.81 12.980 5.02 306 0.00 0.00 30.02 1.104 4,000 0,369 307 40.18 8.00 0.00 25.23 120 T E 8.978 0.00 40.18 13.47 12.980 4.79 308 0.00 0.00 31.29 1.104 4.000 0.383 309 41.03 8.00 0.00 26.31 120 T E 8,978 0.00 41.03 13.75 12.980 4.98 310 0.00 0.00 29.75 1.104 4,000 0.366 311 39.99 8.00 0.00 25.00 120 T E 8.978 0.00 39.99 13.40 12.980 4.75 05/20/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 File: ~heOaksECLH.the Page 2 of 2 Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure Diameter Length Fric Loss Node Node Flow K-factor Elevation Pressure HWC Fittings Eqv Length Elev Loss Pipe Flow Velocity Ttl Length Ttl FL Source 262.42 Source 2.50 56.45 5.910 36.000 0.001 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 56.13 150 T E E 77.260 0.22 162.42 1.90 113.260 0.10 BFPIN 0.00 3.00 56.13 5.910 1.000 0.001 BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 52.59 140 0.000 0.00 162.42 1.90 1.000 3.54 The Flow Dependent Pressure Loss Device in this pipe accounts for 3.54 psi of the total friction loss. BFPOUT 0.00 3.00 52.59 5.910 146.000 0.001 Stub 0.00 -3.00 55.02 150 E E 37.298 -2.60 162.42 1.90 183.300 0.17 Stub 0.00 -3.00 55.02 6.275 16.000 0.001 Bor 0.00 0.00 53.69 140 E 21.977 1.30 162.42 1.68 37.980 0.03 Units Legend Flow = gpm Velocity = ft/sec Fric Loss = psi/ft Elevation = feet Length, Elev Loss, Pressure = psi Eqv Length, Ttl FL = psi Diameter = inches Ttl Length = feet 05/20/03 "THE" Sprinkler Program 2001 t, / Fire & Building I Products Customer Service/Sales: Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 Tel: (414) 570-5000 / (800) 558-5236 Fax: (414) 570-5010 / (800) 877-1295 Series TY. FRB .-- 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K. factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. _ _ _,,_,l)es~-r;-f;on An intermediate level versions of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers are The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and detailed in Technical Data Sheet 8.0 K-factor, Upright and Pendent TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are de- Sprinklers described in this data sheet tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 are quick response - standard cover- age, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type WARNINGS spray sprinklers designed for use in The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- light or ordinary hazard, commercial scribed herein must be installed and occupancies such as banks, hotels, maintained in compliance with this shopping malls, etc. document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- The recessed version of the Series tection Association, in addition to the TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where ap- standards ofany other authorities hav- plicable, is intended for use in areas lng jurisdiction. Failure to do so may with a finished ceiling. It uses either a impair the integrity of these devices. two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- The owner is responsible for maintain- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of lng their fire protection system and de- recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch vices in proper operating condition. (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the The installing contractor or sprinkler flush pendent position, or a two-piece manufacturer should be contacted Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 relative to any questions. inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of '" -- '"",' ' "' total adjustment from the flush pen- Maximum Working Pressure dent position. The adjustment provided Identification 175 psi (12,1 bar) by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces Discharge Coefficient the accuracy to which the fixed pipe Numbers K:2.8 GPM/psi1/2 (40,3 LPM/bar1/2) drops to the sprinklers must be cut. K = 4.2 GPM/psi1/2 (60,5 LPM/bar1/2) Corrosion resistant coatings, where TYl131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT K = 5.6 GPM/psi1/2 (80,6 LPM/bar1/2) applicable, are utilized to extend the TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2"NPT K = 8.0 GPM/psi1/2 (115,2 LPM/bar1/2) life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 1/2"NPT Temperature Ratings that which would otherwise be ob- TY2231 - Pendent 4.2K, 1/2"NPT Refer to Table A and B tained when exposed to corrosive at- TY3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2"NPT mospheres. Although corrosion resis- TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2"NPT Finishes tant coated sprinklers have passed the TY4131 - Upright 8.0K, 3/4"NPT Sprinkler: Refer to Table A and B standard corrosion tests of the appli- TY4231 - Pendent 8.0K, 3/4"NPT Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, cable approval agencies, the testing is Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated not representative of all possible cor- Technical rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it Physical Characteristics is recommended that the end user be Data Frame Bronze consulted with respect to the suitability Button ........ Brass/Copper of these coatings for any given corro- sive environment. The effects of ambi- Approvals Sealing Assembly .......... ent temperature, concentration of UL and C-UL Listed. ...... Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved. Bulb .............. Glass (Refer to Table A for complete approval Compression Screw ..... Bronze should be considered, as a minimum, information including corrosion resis- Deflector ....... Copper/Bronze along with the corrosive nature of the tant status.) Bushing (K=2.8) ....... Bronze Page I of 8 APRIL, 2003 TFP171 Page 2 of 8 TFP171 ESCUTCHEON 7/16" (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SURFACE 1/2' MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON SSU* NPT DEFLECTOR SSP DEFLECTOR * {"'-- 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. -~ 1/2' NPT / PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression 7 - Bushing orifice seat on frame. Screw **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TYl131) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 7/16" (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 PLATE SEATING NOMINAL RECESSED SURFACE 1/2" ** MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON SSU* ~16._~~_____~NPT / / DEFLECTOR (55,6 mm) I t/[.,.L-,----~ ,:---i ~ III I I Iii ~INAL / t tll~lll ,~1~, Ill--lit MAKE-,N / ~'~/~" tll II III I III II I~ I~ / ~-~1~" I (~,~,mm) [1~11 I [1~11 WRENCH~ + (SS,Smm) SSP DEFLECTOR*-- ~ 2-7/8' (7~mm) DIA. : 1/2" NPT* { PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - ~aling 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflator * Temperature rating is indicted on defle~or or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. ~r~ ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provid~ on special request. FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES ~-FRB UPRIGHT ~2131) AND PENDENT ~2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 3 of 8 ESCUTCHEON 7/16" (11,1 mm) STYLE 10 or 20 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SURFACE 1/2" MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON SSU* ~16.--~~iNPT ~ .... ~,,EFLEcTOR 6* ~~1~ 7/16" 5 2- Itr II '111 (11,lmm) 111~-'-'-7 III MAKE-IN WRENCH ~ ~ I (55,6 mm) FLATS ~~ / ssP DEFLECTOR* 2-7/8' (73,0 mm) D~A. = ~ 1/2" NPT , PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame, Screw ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY. FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT ESCUTCHEON 1/2' (12,7 mm) STYLE 30 or 40 PLATE SEATING ** NOMINAL RECESSED SURFACE 3/4" MAKE-IN ESCUTCHEON SSU * xl l I q =~ tlr',, [I/]11 WRENCH ~ (57.2mm) SSP DEFLECTOR* ' ~ 2-7/8 (73,0 mm) DIA. 3/4 NPT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION I - Frame 3 - Sealing 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacent to 2 - Button Assembly 5 - Compression orifice seat on frame. Screw ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT · ,p~,,,~,'~--r-'"-n Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre- The glass Bulb contains a fluid which Criteria vention Data Sheets ). Only the Style expands when exposed to heat. When 10. 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutch- the rated temperature is reached, the The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- eon, as applicable, is to be used for fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the right Sprinklers are intended for fire recessed pendent installations. glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to protection systems designed in ac- activate and water to flow. cordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.g., UL Page 4 of 8 TFP171 SP.,NKLE. F,.,S. CS--"o'o7 Installation K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURALI CHROME I WHITE*** LIQUID BRASSI PLATEDIPOLYESTER The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- 135°F/57°C Orange lng instructions: PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (TY1231) 1,2, 3, 5 NOTES and 175°F/79°C Yellow Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of 2.8 ('1'Yl131) liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler 286°F/141°C Blue held horizontally, a small air bubble 1/2" NPT 135°F/57°C Orange should be present. The diameter of the RECESSED air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (1,6 mm) for the 135°F/57°C to 3/32 (TY2231)* 175°F/79°C Yellow inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F/141°C temperature ratings. Figure 5 200°F/93°C Green 1,2, 5 A leak tight 1/2inch NPTsprinklerjoint 135°F/57°C Orange should be obtained with a torque of 7 RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red to 14 fi. lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- PENDENT mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) of torque (TY2231)** 175°F/79°C Yellow may be used to install sprinklers with Figure 6 200°F/93°C Green 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- 135°F/57°C Orange tained with a torque of 10 to 20 fi. lbs. PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). A maximum of 30 (TY2231 ) ft. lbs. (40, 7 Nm) of torque is to be used and 175°F/79°C Yellow to install sprinklers with 3/4 NPT con- UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green nections. Higher levels of torque may 4.2 (TY3131) distort the sprinkler inlet and cause 286°F/141°C Blue leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. 1/2" 1, 2 NPT 135°F/57°C Orange Do not attempt to make-up for insuffi- RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red cient adjustment in the escutcheon PENDENT plate by under- or over-tightening the (TY2231)* 175°F/79°C Yellow sprinkler. Readjust the position of the Figure 7 200°F/93°C Green sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- 135°F/57°C Orange right Sprinklers must be installed in RECESSED PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red accordance with the following instruc- tions. (TY2231)** 175°F/79°C Yellow Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be Figure 8 200°F/93°C Green installed in the pendent position, and NOTES: upright sprinklers are to be installed in 1. Usted by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. the upright position. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- Sprinklers. plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprin- the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. klers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the 7. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprin- sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type klers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 13). * Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4' Total Adjustment Re- With reference to Figures 1, 2, 3, and cessed Escutcheon, as applicable. 4, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2' Total Adjustment Re- be applied to the sprinkler wrench cessed Escutcheon, as applicable, flats. *** Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pen- dent Sprinklers must be installed in TABLE A accordance with the following instruc- LABORA TORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS tions. 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS Step A. After installing the Style 10. 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as appli- cable, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprin- kler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the TFP171 Page 5 of 8 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP. BULB NATURAL I CHROME WHITE*** LEAD UQUID BRASSI PLATED POLYESTER COATED 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (TY3231) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1,2, 3, 5 and 175°F/79°C Yellow UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green 5.6 (TY3131) 286°F/141 °C Blue 1/2" NPT 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT 1,2, 4, 5 N/A (TY3231)* 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 9 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1,2, 4, 5 N/A ('rY3231)** 175°F/'79°C Yellow Figure 10 200°F/93°C Green 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red (TY4231) and 175°F/79°C Yellow 1,2, 5 1,2,3,4,5,6 UPRIGHT 200°F/93°C Green 8.0 (TY4131) 286°F/141 °C Blue 3/4" NPT 135°F/57°C Green RECESSED PENDENT 155°F/68°C Orange 1,2,4,5 N/A (TY4231)* 175°F/79°C Red Figure 11 200°F/93°C Yellow 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED 155°F/68°C Red PENDENT 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 N/A {TY4231)** 175°F/79°C Yellow Figure 12 200°F/93°C Green NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) as Quick Response Sprinklers; however, the LPC does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 6. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377). 7. Where Polyester Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2' NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. ** Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. *** Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to all colors (Special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORA TORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type Step C. After the ceiling has been in- 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. stalled or the finish coat has been ap- Figure 14). With reference to Figure 1, plied, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to Sprinkler and push the Closure over the sprinkler wrench flats, the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. Page 6 of 8 TFPt71 .. 2-7/8' DIA. ' 3/4' (19,1 mm) 2-7/8' DIA. 5/8+1/4' (73,0 mm) = (73,0 mm) 1/2±1/8' 1/2' (12,7 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) _ 2-1/4' DIA. _, '-~'~ F (12,7:~3,2 mm) ~_ 2-1/4' DIA, _ ~ 1/4' (6,4 mm) ~^CEOF L~ (57.2mml ~ I MOU.T,.G ' ~^CEOF I~ (57.2mml j MOUNT,NG SPRINKLER ~ / ~ PLATE SPRINKLER I X /I J PLATE -- 1-5/16" (33,3 mm)J CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16' (33,3 mm) CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB 13/16' (20,6 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16' (27,0 mm) FIGURE $ FIGURE 6 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT · 2-7/8" DIA. ~ __ 2-7/8' DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) (15,9-~6,4 mm) ___ 2-1/4" DIA. . 1/4" (6,4 mm) F (12,7±3,2 mm) ~ ~ 2-1/4' DIA. ~ 1/4" (6,4 mm) ~.~ (57,2 mm) ~ I MOUNTING I [ FACE OF ~. (57,2mm) 7'/ MOUNTING FACE OF SPRINKLER X / ~ PLATE SPRINKLER IX / ~ PLATE . I "7 I, ll/i t //IL II JI/ t MOUNTING // '~'~/~ SURFAC SUR~CE/ CLOSURE SERIE' ---'-S 1-1/4' (31,8 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4' (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 3/4" (19,1 mm) TY-FRB 1' (25,4 mm) FIGURE 7 FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT Care and used to cover a clearance hole, may and after installation. Sprinklers dam- delay the time to sprinkler operation in aged by dropping, striking, wrench Maintenance afire situation, twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- Sprinklers that are found to be leaking placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation maintained and serviced in accord- must be replaced. Section). ance with the following instructions: Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwise Frequent visual inspections are rec- NOTES altered after leaving the factory. Modi- ommended to be initially performed for Before closing a fire protection system fled sprinklers must be replaced, corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, main control valve for maintenance Sprinklers that have been exposed to after the installation has been corn- work on the fire protection system that corrosive products of combustion, but plated, to verify the integrity of the cor- it controls, permission to shutdown the have not operated, should be replaced rosion resistant coating. Thereafter, affected fire protection system must be if they cannot be completely cleaned annual inspections per NFPA 25 obtained from the proper authorities by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or should suffice; however, instead of in- and allpersonnel who may be affected by brushing it with a soft bristle brush, specting from the floor level, a random by this action must be notified, sampling of close-up visual inspec- Care must be exercised to avoid dam- tions should be made, so as to better Absence of an escutcheon, which is age to the sprinklers - before, during, determine the exact sprinkler condi- TFP171 Page 7 of 8 ~ 2-7/8' DIA. _ ~ . 2-7/8" DIA. ' 1/2" (12,7 mm) - 3/4' (19,1 mm) (73,0 mm) (15,9:[-6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 2-1/4' DIA. (12,7+3,2 mm) 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF ~ (57,2 mm) 7'~ I MOUNTING I FACE OF (57,2 mm) I MOUNTING SPRINKLER ~ / ~ PLATE SPRINKLER ~ PLATE 'T [~~ FI3-1'ING FLING I 1/8' I (3,1~ mm) ! (3'2mm) I / 1/8' CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4' (31,8 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4' (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 3/4' (19,1 mm) TY-FRB 1' (25,4 mm) FIGURE 9 FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT $.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT (15,9~-6,4 mm) !---- 2-1/4' DIA. _~ 1/4' (6,4 mm) [- (12,7+3,2 mm) ~ _ 2-1/4' DIA. _ ~ 1/4' (6,4 mm) SPRINKLER I ~ 7" ~ PLATE SPRINKLER ~ ~ I FI lNG I ~- "~1 I~ ..----- PLATE I (3,2 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16' (33,3 mm) CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16' (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1 3/16' (20,6 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16' (27,0 mm) FIGURE 11 FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT tion and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may //~EWRE~N WRENCH be affected by the corrosive conditions RECESS present. ~ ~ ~ CH RECESS The owner is responsible for the in- J~' (END"A' USED FOR spection, testing, and maintenance of ~--~/ 1/2' NPT MODELS) their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- WRENCH RECESS tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in (END"B" USED FOR PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE addition to the standards of any other 3/4" NPT MODELS) ENGAGEMENT authorities having jurisdiction. The in- W~TH SPRINKLER stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- FIGURE 13 WRENCHING AREA facturer should be contacted relative to W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER any questions. WRENCH It is recommended that automatic FIGURE 14 sprinkler systems be inspected, W-TYPE7 RECESSED tested, and maintained by a qualified SPRINKLER WRENCH Inspection Service. Page 8 of 8 TFP171 P/N 57 XXX -- X -- XXX I I ITEMPERATURE I MODEL/SIN RATING SPRINKLER 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY1131 I 35 135°F/57°C 331 2.8K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY1231 I NATURAL BRASSI 55 155°F/68°C 340 4.2K UPRIGHT (1/2'NPT) TY2131I WHITE POLYESTER 75 175°F/79°C 341 4.2K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY2231 CHROME PLATED :00 200°F/93°C 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY3131 LEAD COATED :86 286°F/141°C 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY3231 390 8.0K UPRIGHT (3/4"NPT) TY4131 391 8.0K PENDENT (3/4"NPT) TY4231 TABLE C PART NUMBER SELECTION SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS CRY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, cutcheon with (specify finish), P/N Limited SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (specify). ty DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT Warran L, MITED TO LABOR CHARGES, RE- 1/2" (15 mm, GARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO Style 10 Chrome Plated ......... P/N 56-701-9-010 Products manufactured by Tyco Fire FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED 1/2" (15 mm) Products are warranted solely to the ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH style 10 original Buyer for ten (10)years DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT WhiteColor against defects in material and work- SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- Coated ................ P/N 56-701-4-010 manship when paid for and properly ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT 1/2" (15rnm) Style lO installed and maintained under normal EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. Brass Plated ........... P/N 56-701-2-010 use and service. This warranty will ex- 1/2" (15 mm) pire ten (10) years from date of ship- THE FOREGOING WARRANTY I$ style 20 ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- MADE IN LIEU DF ANY AND ALL Chrome Plated ......... P/N 56-705-9-010 ranty is given for products or OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESS OR 1/2" (15mm) components manufactured by compa- IMPLIED. INCLUDING WARRANTIE~ Style 20 niBs not affiliated by ownership with OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT- White Color Coated ................ P/N 56-705-4-010 Tyco Fire Products or for products and NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- 1/2" (15 mm) components which have been subject POSE. Style 20 to misuse, improper installation, corro- Brass Plated ........... PIN 56-705-2-010 sion, or which have not been installed, 3/4' (20 mm) Style 3O maintained, modified or repaired in ac- ~lra,~rlrJ~l chrome Plated ......... P/N 56-705-9-011 cordance with applicable Standards of '~" ~"~" = ~ 3/4" (20 mm) the National Fire Protection Associa- J~roced~,~re style 30 White Color tion, and/or the standards of any other Coated ................ P/N 56-705-4-011 Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- When placing an order, indicate the full 3/4" (20 mm) rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be product name. Refer to the Price List sMe 30 Brass Plated P/N 56-705-2-011 defective shall be either repaired or for complete listing of Part Numbers. ' .......... replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole 3/4' (20 mm) option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- Contact your local distributor for avail- Style 40 Chrome Plated ......... P/N 56-700-9-010 sumes, nor authorizes any person to ability. 3/4. (20 mm) assume for it, any other obligation in Style 40 connection with the sale of products or Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT White Color pads of products. Tyco Fire Products Thread Connections: coated ................ PIN 56-700-4-010 shall not be responsible for sprinkler Specify: (Specify Model/SIN), Quick 3/4' (20 mm) Style 40 system design errors or inaccurate or Response, (specify K-factor), (specify Brass Plated ........... P/N 56-700-2-010 incomplete information supplied by temperature rating), Series TY-FRB Buyer or Buyer's representatives. (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler Sprinkler Wrench: with (specify type of finish or coating), Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE P/N (specify from Table C). P/N 56-000-6-387. PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- Specify: Style (specify) Recessed Es- P/N 56-850-4-001. TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS, 7071 S. 13th Street, Suite 103 Oak Creek, WI 53154- www.gemsprinkler.com Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (877) 436-8926 / Fax: (877) 866-9250 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 EXTENDED COVERAGE LIGHT HAZARD SPRINKLERS PENDENT & RECESSED PENDENT, QUICK & STANDARD RESPONSE MODEL F890 DESIGNER, 3 mm BULB TYPE, K=8.0 SPRINKLER 1/2' (12,7 mm) 2-7/8" = (73.0 mm) --  _~ 3/4" NPT 2-3/8" 2 4 \ \ II / / 1-5/8- \ \ II / / RECESSED  (41.3 mm) C~ ESCUTCHEON 5 PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 3 - Gasketed 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 2 - Button Spring 5 - Compression Plate Screw * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector. ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE A 8.0 K-FACTOR MODEL F890 (SIN G1890) QUICK AND STANDARD RESPONSE EXTENDED COVERAGE LIGHT HAZARD PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of adjustment from the flush pendent position. The F705 is a separable two-piece design The 8.0 K-Factor (17/32 inch orifice), which allows installation of the sprin- Laboratory listings and approvals for Model F890 Designer Quick and klers and pressure testing of the fire the 8.0 K-Factor, Model F890 De- Standard Response Extended Cover- protection system, prior to ceiling con- signer Quick and Standard Response age Light Hazard (ECLH) Pendent and struction and/or application of a finish Extended Coverage Light Hazard Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (Ref. coat to the ceiling. They also permit (ECLH) Pendent and Recessed Pen- Figure A) are automatic sprinklers of refinishing of a ceiling surface without dent Sprinklers are given in Table A. the frangible bulb type. They are in- having to first shut down the fire pro- tended for use in automatic sprinkler tection system and remove sprinklers. The laboratory listings and approvals systems designed in accordance with only apply to the service conditions standard installation rules (e.g., NFPA The adjustment provided by the F705 indicated in the Technical Data and 13) for the protection of light hazards substantially reduces the accuracy to Design Criteria sections. up to a maximum coverage area of 400 which the fixed pipe drops to the sprin- ftz(37,2m2), as compared to the maxi- klers must be cut. Also, the Closure WARNING mum coverage area of 225 ft2 (20,9 has a 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) wide flange The Model F890 Designer Quick and m2) for standard coverage sprinklers, which provides ample clearance for Standard Response Extended Cover- covering the mounting hole. age Light Hazard (ECLH) Pendent The recessed version of the F890 and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers de- ECLH Sprinkler is obtained by combin- scribed herein must be installed and lng the pendent sprinkler with the maintained in compliance with this Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon document, as well as with the appli- (Ref. Figures A and B). The F705 Re- cable standards of the National Fire cessed Escutcheon provides 1/4 inch Protection Association, in addition to (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up the standards of any other authorities Printed in U.S.A. 3-01 TD594 SPRINKLER FINISH TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB I POLYESTER RATING COLOR NATURAL CHROME COATED CODE BRASS PLATEDI (All Colors) 135°F/57°C Orange PENDENT 155°F/68°C Red 1, 2, 3 (SIN G1890) 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 1,2 135°F/57°C Orange RECESSED* 155°F/68°C Red 1, 2, 3 (SIN G1890) 175°F/79°C Yellow 200°F/93°C Green 1,2 NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in Canada (i.e. C-UL Listed). 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Reseamh Corporation. * Installed with 3/4 Inch Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon. TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS (REFER TO TABLE B-1 OR B-2 FOR RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS) having jurisdiction. Failure to do so where the nominal sprinkler discharge may impair the integrity of these de- coefficient "K" equals 8.0 (115.2) and vices. "p" equals pressure in psi (bar). NOTE The owner is responsible for main- The F890 utilizes a 3 mm Bulb with a Do not install any bulb type sprinkler raining their fire protection system die-cast dezincification resistant if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss and devices in proper operating con- bronze alloy Frame. The two pieces of of liquid from the bulb. With the dition. The installing contractor or the Button Assembly are constructed sprinkler held horizontal, a small air manufacturer should be contacted from brass and copper. The Gasketed bubble should be present. The diame- relative to any questions. Spring Plate consists of a beryllium ter of the air bubble is approximately nickel disc spring that is sealed on 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the Installation of Model F890 Pendent both its inside and outside edges with 135°F/57°C to 200°F/93°C tempera- Sprinklers in recessed escutcheons a Teflonf gasket. The Compression ture ratings. other than the F705 will void all Screw is a bronze, and the Deflector is sprinkler warranties, as well as pos. brass. The Model F890 ECLH Sprinklers sibly void the sprinkler's Approvals must be installed in accordance with and/or Listings. The F705 Recessed Escutcheon pro- the following instructions: vided for use with the F890 ECLH Sprinklers (Ref. Figure B) has a Cio- 1. Prior to installing each sprinkler, ver- sure and Mounting Plate fabricated ify that the face of the sprinkler fitting from Iow carbon steel. The Mounting is within the proper range of distance Plate prongs, which are compressed which can be accommodated by the The 8.0 K-Factor, Model F890 De- back into the Mounting Plate as the particular typeof escutcheon. signer Quick and Standard Response Closure is pushed over it, maintain a Extended Coverage Light Hazard tight friction fit between the two pieces. When installing the F890 Sprinkler (ECLH) Pendent and Recessed Pen- The Mounting Plate and Closure can with the F705 Recessed Escutch- dent Sprinklers are rated for use at a also swivel relative to each other and eon, for best overall appearance, maximum service pressure of 175 psi compensate for non-perpendicularity use Dimension "A" indicated under (12,1 bar) and they are available in the between the F890 ECLH Sprinkler and the "Fully Recessed Dimensions" temperature ratings and finishes indi- the ceiling, heading of Figure B. Otherwise, use cated in Table A. Dimension "A" under the "High Ad- justment Dimensions" heading. In Recessed versions of the F890 ECLH either case, the remaining adjust- Sprinklers are obtained by utilizing the ment can then be used to compen- Model F890 Pendent Sprinkler in com- sate for the possible manufacturing bination with the Model F705 Re- The 8.0 K-Factor, Model F890 De- variations in the take-out of the fit- cessed Escutcheon. The Model F705 signer Quick and Standard Response tings, as well as in the make-in of the Escutcheons are available either with Extended Coverage Light Hazard sprinklers (as permitted by ANSI a chrome plated finish or a coated fin- (ECLH) Pendent and Recessed Pen- B1.20.1). ish in any color, dent Sprinklers are only to be installed in accordance with Table B-1 or B-2, 2. With pipe thread sealant applied to The flow "Q" in GPM (LPM) is deter- as applicable, the pipe threads and after installing mined by the formula: the F705 Mounting Plate (or other escutcheon, as applicable) over the Q = Kf~ sprinkler threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. --2-- ~ DuPont Registered Trademark FULLY RECESSED DIMENSIONSt Up to 114 inch adjustment from ,_ 2-7/8" DIA. minimum 1/4 inch to maximum - (73.0 mm) / 112 Inch recessed position. FACE OF ~ 2-1/4" DIA. J'7'-' , Dim. Inches MM F'~iG F-"-~ (57,2 mm) ~ MOUNTING A- 1/21'1' 12,7 ~ ~ , , , SURFACE B-Min. 1-1/8 28,6 ~ __ ...r / //I B-Max. 1-3/8 34,9 A C-Min. 1/4 6,4 HIGH ADJUSTMENT DIMENSIONS Up to 1/2 inch adjustment from. the flush ceiling position to 1/2 inch recessed position. Dim. Inches MM A- 3/8±1/81-? 9,5+3,2 B-Min. 1-1/8 28,6 B-Nom. 1-3/8 34,9 B-Max. 1-5/8 41,3 C-Min. FLUSH -- C-Max. 1/2 12,7 1- Model F890 ECLH Pendent Sprinkler 2- Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon a- Mounting Plate For best overall appearance, b- Closure tl' Remaining 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of adjustment can be used to compensate for variations in sprinkler make-in and fitting take-out. FIGURE B 8.0 K-FACTOR MODEL F890 ECLH RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE MODEL F705 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the spdn- w. ~.~.~ WRENCHEcESS kler fitting using only the W-Type 9 or W-Type 10 Spdnlder Wrench (Ref. Figure C or D).The W-Type 9 wrench recess is to be applied to the sprin- kler wrenching area (Ref. Figure A), ~cEss ~ and the W-Type 10 wrench recess is to be applied to the wrenching flanges adjacent to the sprinkler wrenching area. The W-Type 10 Sprinkler Wrench is principally for FIGURE C use with fixed ceiling installations W-TYPE 9 SPRINKLER WRENCH where the sprinkler wrenching area is not accessible. tightening the sprinkler. Readjust NOTES the position of the sprinkler fitting A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprin- to suit. FIGURE D kler joint should be obtained with W-TYPE 10 RECESSED a torque of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 4. In recessed installations, after the SPRINKLER WRENCH 26,8 Nm). Higher levels of torque ceiling has been installed or the fin- may distort the sprinkler inlet ish coat has been applied, slide on with consequent leakage or im- the F705 Closure over the F890 pairment of the sprinkler. Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange Do not attempt to make-up for in- comes in contact with the ceiling. sufficient adjusDnent in the es- cutcheon plate by under- or over- PENDENT RECESSED RESPONSE COVERAGE AREA MINIMI~I~I MINIMI~.I~I SPRINKLER SPRINKLER W x L FLOWTM PRES?~ TEMP. RATING TEMP. RATING FT. x FT. (m x m) GPM (LPM) PSI (BAR) °F °F 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 26 (98) 10.6 (0,73) 135, 155, 175 135, 155, 175 QUICK 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5) 32 (121) 16.0 (1,10) 135, 155, 175 135, 155, 175 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1) 40 (151) 25.0 (1,72) 135, 175 135, 175 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 26 (98) 10.6 (0,73) 200 200 STANDARD 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5) 32 (121) 16.0 (1,10) 200 200 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1) 40 (151) 25.0 (1,72) 155, 200 155, 200 NOTES: (a) The F890 (SIN G1890) Sprinklers may be used in QR-EC and EC, as applicable, Light Hazard Occupancy automatic sprinkler applications per NFPA 13. (b) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM from each sprinkler. The indicated residual pressures are based on the nominal K-factor. (c) The F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers are only permitted to be used with unobstructed, smooth ceiling construction as defined by NFPA 13. (d) Follow the requirements of NFPA 13 for spacing of the F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers with respect to ceiling mounted obstructions. (e) The minimum allowable spacing between the F890 (SIN G1890 )ECLH Sprinklers, to prevent cold soldering, is 8 feet (2,4 m). (f) The maximum permitted ceiling slope for F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers is a 2 inch (50,8 mm) rise over a 12 inch (304,8 mm) horizontal run. TABLE B-1 UL AND C-UL LISTING CRITERIA FOR INSTALLATION OF 8.0 K-FACTOR MODEL F890 EXTENDED COVERAGE LIGHT HAZARD PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS PENDENT RECESSED COVERAGE AREA MINIMI~I~I MINIMI~ SPRINKLER SPRINKLER W x L FLOW~w PRES.~w TEMP. RATING TEMP. RATING RESPONSE FT. x FT. (m x m) GPM (LPM} PSI (BAR) °F °F 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) 26 (98) 10.6 (0,73) 135, 155, 175 135 QUICK 18 x 18 15,5 x 5,51 32 (121) 16.0 (1,10) 135, 155, 175 135 20x20(6,1 x6,1) 40(151) 25.0(1,72) 135, 155, 175 135 16 x 16 {4,9 x 4,9) 26 (98/ 10.6 (0,73/I 155, 175 STANDARD 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5/ 32(121/ 16.0(1,10) 155,175 20x20(6,1 x6,1) 40(151t 25.0(1,72t 155, 175 NOTES: (a) The F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers may be used in QR-EC and EC, as applicable, Light Hazard Occupancy automatic sprinkler system applications per FM installation standards. (b) Requirement is based on maintaining both minimum flow and minimum pressure. (c) The F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers are only permitted to be used with smooth level ceilings per FM installation standards. (d) The minimum allowable spacing between the F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers, to prevent cold soldering, is 8 feet (2,4 m). (e) The maximum p(~rmitted cailing slope for F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers is a I inch (25,4 mm) rise over a 12 inch (304,8 mm) horizontal (f) The deflector-to-ceiling distance for the F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers is 1-5/8 to 4 inches (41,3 to 101,6 mm), unless the Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon is utilized. (g) The maximum ceiling height for the F890 (SIN G1890) ECLH Sprinklers is 10 feet (3.1 m). TABLE B-2 FM APPROVAL CRITERIA FOR INSTALLATION OF 8.0 K-FACTOR MODEL F890 EXTENDED COVERAGE LIGHT HAZARD PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Model F890 Sprinklers must be Products manufactured by Tyco Fire maintained and serviced in accord- Products are warranted solely to the ance with the following instructions: original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- NOTE manship when paid for and properly Before closing a fire protection system installed and maintained under normal control valve for maintenance work use and service. This warranty will ex- on the fire protection system which it pire ten (1 O) years from date of ship- controls, permission to shut down the ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- affected fire protection system must be ranty is given for products or obtained from the proper authorities components manufactured by compa- and aIl personnel who may be affected nies not affiliated by ownership with by this action must be notified. Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject Absence of an escutcheon, which is to misuse, improper installation, corro- used to cover a clearance hole, may sion, or which have not been installed, delay the time to sprinkler operation maintained, modified or repaired in ac- in a fire situation, cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- Sprinklers which are found to be leak- tion, and/or the standards of any other lng or exhibiting visible signs of corro- Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- sion must be replaced, rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or Automatic sprinklers must never be replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole shipped or stored where their tempera, option. Tyco Fire Products neither as- tures will exceed 100°F/38°C and they sumes, nor authorizes any person to must never be painted, plated, coated assume for it, any other obligation in or otherwise altered after leaving the connection with the sale of products or factory. Modified sprinklers must be parts of products. Tyco Fire Products replaced. Sprinklers that have been shall not be responsible for sprinkler exposed to corrosive products of com~ system design errors or inaccurate or bustion, but have not operated, should incomplete information supplied by be replaced if they cannot be corn- Buyer or Buyer's representatives. pletely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft IN NO EVENT. SHALL TYCO FIRE bristle brush. PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY Care must be exercised to avoid dam- OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL age to the sprinklers-- before, during, THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDI- and after installation. Sprinklers dam- RECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUEN- aged by dropping, striking, wrench TIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT twist/slippage, or the like, must be re- NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO has a cracked bulb or that has lost .FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED liquid from its bulb (ref. Installation' ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH Section Note). DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- The owner is responsible for the in- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT spection, testing, and maintenance of EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu. THE FOREGOING WARRANTY IR ment, as well as with the applicable MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALt standards of the National Fire Protec- OTHER WARRANTIES EXPRESR tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in ORIMPLIED. INCLUDINGWARRAN. addition to the standards of any other TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND authorities having jurisdiction. The in- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- POSE. facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. PSN 51 - 890 - X- XXX A Product Symbol Number (PSN) is T not specified when ordering polyester coated F890 ECLH Sprinklers with other than a white color or, when or- SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE dering color coated F705 Recessed FINISH RATING Escutcheons with other than a white color. It is suggested that a color chip 1 NATURAL BRASS 135 135°F/57°C be provided when ordering special color finishes. Otherwise, responsibil- 4 WHITE POLYESTER 155 155°F/68°C ity for duplication cannot be accepted. Contact your local distributor for avail- 9 CHROME PLATED 175 175°F/79°C ability. 200 200OF/93oc "Standard Order" Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT TABLE C Thread Connections: PRODUCT SYMBOL NUMBER SELECTION Specify: 8.0 K-factor, (specify tem- perature rating), Model F890 ECLH Pendent Sprinkler with (specify finish), PSN (specify - from Table C, where applicable). "Special Order" Sprinkler Assemblies with ISO 7/1 Thread Connections: Specify: 8.0 K-factor, (specify tem- perature rating), Model F890 ECLH Pendent Sprinkler with (specify finish) and with thread connection per ISO 7/1. Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: 3/4" Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon with (specify finish), PSN (specify). F705 Recessed Escutcheon Chrome Plated .......... PSN 56-705-9-011 White Color Coated .............. PSN 56-705-4-011 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 9 Sprinkler Wrench, PSN 56-000-1-849 Specify: W-Type 10 Recessed Sprin- kler Wrench, PSN 56-000-1-948. The nominal weights are as follows: 8.0 K-Factor, Model F890 ECLH Pendent Sprinkler .... 2.3 oz. (65 g) 3/4" Model F705 Recessed Escutcheon ..... 1.2 ozs. (34 g) W-Type 9 Sprinkler Wrench .......... 17.0 ozs. (480 g) W-Type 10 Sprinkler Wrench .......... 10.5 ozs. (300 g) /Flow Control/Tyco Fire I / Products The Ames Backflow Preventer:. Lighter, Shorter, Better ._ Flowing Than Any Other · Application · Features wat~s~l~l~m#l~l~9o~ · Non~ve3OOserlesstalnlesestasi(leadfree)constructiom from fire protection sys~ The device also delects leaks orunauthor- * 40~ shorter end to end d'~nensions for compact, inexpensive installation. ized use of water from fire protection · Excellent for retrofit Installations. ~ · 50% fighter in wsighi, reduces Installation and handling costs. · Fully serviceable inline, no special tools. · Operation · Prem~,d .m-~h~.k ~)'sesmb~/for ;or; tarm r~#~, ~ow head tose, In the inckkmce of minimal wafer ease of sorviceabtfity. lO thilt fhe triter ~ bSiough the · Only A~SE 1048mpprovedeaeamblytorvorticsiandhorizontalalq~iic. attons. bYlxlse looF Wheo m]or waler ~w · Afade in U. SA. is required, the wator pressure will * Head loss equal to less than single detector check valve. open the main rdves to silow lull wa~r ~ow. · National Approvals · Installation Approved by r~tio~,pprov~ ~- adequale cMmnce and my Kce~- ./fy for ma--. and te~fng. AMEoS The 3OOO. nmy be installed vertically or horizontally. Refer to local codes /or~oec/~/rimer/on requfrenm~ ~u~o co,~o~ 'Pat. · Ames 3000ss - Weights & Dimensions (inches) · Physical Characteristics O NelWt. (lb.) Net?t_. (ii}.) Sizes-2 I/2', 3', 4', 6', 8', 10', 12' SIZE A I B C E(Ope~) F w/Gates w/o~lles . Ratedworkingpressure - 175psi 21/2' 22~.~ 3~' _ 10" j 31/2' 16' 1.2_1/2' 155t 68/ - Hydrostatic Pressure - 350psi 3' 22'_t 38' 10" ~_._33/4' 22' ~ 13' 230/ 70/ Temperature range -32~F- 110'F 4' 2~'~.[__.._~? !.0"_ I 41~.'.. 231/2'., 141/2' 240~ .. 7_3/_ Body material - 3OO series stainless steel 2~'1/:~' i ~1/2~ ...TS.".__~_~..~/~. 30' 151/~_"_ ..... ~ .... 120~ Flange dimension In accordance with AWWA 6' 291/~' ~ 521/2' 15" _~_.6.3/4' _ ~8',j~.'_ ....5_72~ __10' ~' 8' 48' 't91~' 7?4/ 190~ Assembly shall be ASSE 1048 approved for ~2'29~-i~: -~"-'-i 9~;-'-'~ ,~' :,1'lo~, ~ ve,ica/insta,ations, ................... ................... ................... ................... ................... ....... .......... ....... ........ ......... · :: 6 ................. ~ ................... : ................... : ................... : .................. ~ ........ ..... ~'"' .......... 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I::::::~::::::::::::..::::::. e ~ ~ ~ I~ I~ 1~ ee ~ 1~ 1~ ~ ~ WG~ I Sp~gic~ions ~ ~e ~ ~t~r ~ ~ of ~ ~~y st~ s~ mm ~ ~ ~, ~r ~ ~ ~ a ~e ~, ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ U~ ~, ~ Y r~fient ~ seat. ~e ~ ~all M m~uf~u~ fr~ ~ seB~ ~nle~ ~, 1~ ~ ~, ~ b~ ~ ~e ~ ~ ~ of a ~ f~, ~ ~ ~ter wa~ ~ a ~e M~ gr~ s~e ~ ~Mr [~ fl. ~ ~s), a ~e ~ ~ ~ off v~ ~ mwr. ~ ~al t~ sh~l ~ ~r~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~t~t~. ~~~te~ly~~a ~~. ~ ~ ~ht d~M ~t M~e ~w. ~ ~ a '~ntactthe f~t~fors~ific ~p~vals 918~66~4~ 1 ~5 Tanforan Avenue P.O. Box 1387 Woodland, CA 95~6 ~ 916.666~914 ~.~ ~