HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIRE ALARM PERMIT 11 07 03 BAKERSFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT -- INSPECTION RECORD CHECK LIST TO BE COMPLETED BEFORE FINAL OCCUPANCY For Inspection Request Call Phone No. 326-3979 BUILDING ADDREss: I(~.~)(~ ~(~'~-~.~ '~, GROUP TYPE: OCCUPA/qCY NAME: ~m,%~.~-~ C.,f~.uu~,%~3~ ~ ~-1 ' OCCUPANT LOAD: GENERAL CONTRACTOR: PHONE # SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR: PHONE # FIRE ALARM CONTRACTOR: ~-4'~ ~_~_~~-~__ PHONE # COMMERCIAL HOOD CONTRACTOR: ! PHONE # SPRAY FINISH CONTRACTOR iPHONE # FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION DATE SIGNATURE UNDERGROUND DEPTH, PIPE SIZE & THRUST BLOCKS FDC, PIV, WITH ATTACHMENT SIGNS UNDERGROUND HYDRO TEST UNDERGROUND SYSTEM FLUSH OVERHEAD PIPE & HANGER INSPECTION OVERHEAD HYDRO TEST FIRE PUMP TEST RISER, FIVE YEAR START DATE SPRINKLER CALCULATION SIGN AT RISER LOCATION FIRE ALARM SYSTEM & ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION DAT RE FIRE ALARM INSTALLATION PER PLANS i ~ ~/~)~ ,~,~l-~'-) SPRINKLER FLOW TEST SMOKE DETECTOR TEST HEAT DETECTOR TEST DAMPERS, FIRE DOORS ELECTRICAL & ALARM TEST FIRE PUMP RUN & ALARM ANNUNCIATION TEST EMERGENCY GENERATOR RUN & LOAD TEST COMMERCIAL HOOD INSTALLATION & TEST EMERGENCY LIGHTS EXIT LIGHTS LOW LEVEL EXIT LIGHTS, (A,E,I & R1) OCCUPANCIES SPRAY BOOTH TEST ,DATE /~IGN. ~T. URE [ FINAL INSPECTION COMPLETED ON ~lq]~- I ~h--/~~ [ CONSTRUCTION. PERMIT' I . Bakersfield l ire Dept., Application Number . . . : . 03-10000207 Date 11/07/03 Pin number ....... 035666 10200 CAMPUS PARK DR Property Address .... .. Parcel/APN: - - - Application description · · · FIRE DEPT subdivision Name Property Use ........ Applicatibn~aluation ...... 0'', Owner Contractor KERN SECURITY SYSTEMS 320 CHESTER AVE BAKERSFIELD CA 93311 .. 323-4357 Permit ...... FIRE ALARM PERMIT Additional desc . Phone Access Code . 144006 Permit. Fee .... 195.00 Plan Check Fee . 146.25 Issue Date .... 11/07/03 Valuation .... 0 Expiration Date . 5/06/04 'Fee summaiy Charged Paid Credited Dub Permit Fee Total 195.00 195.00 .00' .00 Plan Check Total 146.25 146.25 .00 .00 Grand Total 341.25 341.25 .00' .00 CALL FOR INSPECTION DECLARATIONS (661) 326-3979 Permit is issued in accordance withall applicable Federal, Sate and Local Orlnances. The permitee has properly signed and dated the reverse side Please state the Permit Number, the Job Address, and the" of this form ' Type of Ispection. Requests for inspections should be made at least 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance. This permit expires after 180 days of inactivity. I' have reviewe~ the above application, and find it to be correct/complete. Inspectors office hours are: 7 am to 5 pm Monday thru Friday X Permitee Date u. (~ Yes Q No Will the applicant or future occupant handle hamrdo6s n~ter~l'or a mi:~tu~'~O~lai~ffig a'~azardous material equal to or gzeater than the amounts specified on the list ofext~erm:ly hazardous substances? S~e ~he~ck~stfe. rguidelin~s...] ,:,-.", ', ~ . ] : ' C3 Yes ' [] No Will the prol~sed building or modified £aciZJ~ b~ within 10130 t~:et ofthe ouKr bougdary ora school? gl Yes O No ' Will the intended use of the building by the applicant or t~ture I~uilding occupant require a'permit for conslruciion or modification from the Kcm County Air Pollution Control District (KCAPC, D) or from the City of Bak. Fire Dept? See checklist for guidelines. CI Yes r-I No I have read thc Hazardous Material Guide and KCAPCD Pcrmilting Checklist. I understand my requiremcms under thc Call ~ Health and Sa£cty Code Sec. 6.95 and CalifGovt. Sec. 65850 and the requiremcnt~ o£the City of Bakersfield Fire Dept. regarding hazardous malerials. Owner or Authorized Agent Phone No ~ Date DECLARATIONS: The declarations below are mandated by the State of California under Section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code. LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION ! hereby at'finn under penalty of perjury that I mn licensed under provisions or/Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of thc Division 3 of thc Business and ProfessionsCodeandmylicenseisinfullforceand¢ffect.:~ ~' 1~1o3 Lie. class Lie. No. Exp. Date Contractor's Signature Date OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from thc Contractor's License Law for thc lbllowing reason (Sec. 7031.5 Business and Proli:ssions Code: Any city or couhty which requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure prior to its issuance also requires thc applicant tbr such permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of thc Contractor's License Law (Chapter 9 commencing with Section 7000 of Derision 3 or thc Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is cxernpt therefrom and thc basis Ibr the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any'applicant Ibr a pc:mit subjects thc applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($~00)): ~ I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work and thc structure is not intended or oil:red Ibr sale (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does such work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that such improvements are not intended or offered Ibr sale. II; however, thc building or improve- ment is sold within one year of completion, the owner-builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or impruve lb,' thc purlx~sc ol' sale). __ !, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044 Business and Professions Code: The Contractor's License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or imp.roves thereon and who contracts tbr such project with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractor License Law). ~ I am exempt under Sec. B.& P.C. for this reason Owner Signature Date WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I h..ereby affirm that under penalty of perjury one of the tbllowing..di:clarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to sell-insure lbr workers' compensation, as provided lbr by Section 3700 of the I..atx)r Code, lbr Iht pcrfonnance of the work for which this permit is issued. .. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insu~nce, as required by Section YY00 of tl~e Labor Code, for the perfbrmance of the work lbr wl~ich this permit ia issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy No. I cenifid that in the performance of the work/bt which this permit is issued, I shall m~t employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to thc workers' compensation laws of California. and agree that if I should become subject to thee workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of thc Lalx~r Code. I shall lbrthwith comply with those provisions. Applicant: Date WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SIIAI.L SUBJECTAN EMPI.OYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FI NES UPTO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (5100,000) IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION .3706 OF THE LA?OR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUC'FION LENDING AGENCY ' ' I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the pertbrmance of the work tbr which this permit is issued {Sec. 3097 Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address ' . . I cert~fi., that tha,e read this applicotio, a,d state that the iqlbtw~aticm co,tai,ed herei, is &orrect. I agree to comply ~,itb all ciO. ordi',a,ce$ o,d state la hereof authorize represe, tatfi,e~ Qf the ciO' to e~tter tile abas,e-me, cloned propero'.l&r inspection Signature of Applicant or Agent Date APPROVED BUILDING DIRECTOR Bv r~.,~ 07/15/2003 13:58 0586735849 SCHIRMER ENG. PAGE 06 · FIRE~4LARi~SY~TRM SUB1M[I'rrAL C,Q,.yER SHF.~T r~vt.r~d 2-12-02 ~ 1. PROTECTED PROPERTY ^~,.: ~o~o ~ ~~-f~,,,,~ ~~~?,~.~,, 2. ' ~~G/S~VI~ ORG~I~ c-~o .i~.~: ~ ~ q fl? 3. Mo~-rrop. mo 4. ~OV~G Ad~: 1715 Ch~ter A~nue. Suite 3~. ~nmcl: Hal An~, Fi~ ~nti~ 87/15/2083 13:58 8586735849 SCHIRMER EHG, PAGE 05 FIRE~LARM SySOFEM_$.UBMITTAL REOUIBEMENTS CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ® F~i~E PREVENTION DIVISION revised 2-12-02 The following r~quirements have been established for the specifications for all fir~ alarm systems and submittal of plans being installed within ~his jurisdiction to the Bakersfield Fire ?revcntion Division, Submittals not conforming to tk~$~ minimum require~ w~ll bf ~iurned a~ Dwomplete. These t~uircn~nts apply to ~, ~, wRh the exception of ~;[n _~le Fondly Residences. Fire alarm systems shall be dcslgned, installed, and malm~ined in accordance with NFPA 72-1996. All Cenu~al Stations, proprietary and remote taus! meet thc requiren~n~ listed in the 1996 NFPA, Section 4-2 through 4-$. All Stations must be UL listed; and a cop~ of Certificate of,~.om_o|iancc by UL is to be submitted_~ith plans. SECFION L ! ])OCUMEI~ATION SUBMITTAL ltEO .UIREM. ENT~.. Yes No ,~ [] I. Frovidethrcccopiesofplansamionesctoforiginalcqu~pmentda~ashcets. NOTE:HanddrawnplanswiHn0tbeacc~_ted. J~' E! 2. provide current California State _~re Morsel listin~ sl~e~_ for ail devices and equipment to be in,ailed. ~ n 3. .~;~0~id~ booklet (Device Cgmoatibilitv D.Q~ment), with all new control panel instalatJons. ~ n 4. !i'he trtrc ~tlcrnl System ~ub~t~ttal Cover Sheet must be filled out ~omplete and shall be included in the submillnl t~uirements. (See ~ttta~hed copy) ~EC'FION II. ~ PLANS SU',BMITFnI, REOUIREMgN'TS Yes No  C3 I. ]~rovid~ th~ ¢opie2 of plam and onc set of original equipment dam ~i~eu. Hand drawn o]ans will n~ be acceu~ed as m~-nfior~d.in Ye, No i  El ~ AllsymbolsshaU¢onformtoNFPAlT0~tat~uds. l~gedition, {S~cattachedsvmbol~dcsi~n.~ ~ D~win~s shall be legible, scaled and coamln only the fire alnnn components - no or. lays. - [] ~. Provide details for conductors on the plans, including type, manufacturer, a.d size. ~ ~'! ~, Fire alarm plan.v ~:hall provide th~.followin$ i~formation: yes~o Ch'cult, pow~ supply Coauc~y) calculations, standby, and alarm.  ~ (c) Point to point l~e eonncctiom all devices to th~ coatro! txm~l, for bot~ sin~l~-llnc diagram & floor plans. El (d) Complet~e~_u_ ence of oo~ration that shows alarm, supervisory, and trouble signals per app//cm/on, ,M ~ (e) A complete syn~ol key on the building floor plan device layout page. ~ [] (0 Floor plans to provide end of line devises, conduit wire runs, conduit sizes. Floor otar~ mu~t ~Jow, r~ followifle location oP.. Yes No ~ [] (a) Sprinkler rise, if applicable. [] D Co) Post indicator valve (PIV). D t~ (c) Check valves. [] [] (d) Tamp~,  ~ (e) Conm21 panel. El ~ Annunciator. ~f [] Ceiling smokeA~at dctectors. i~ [] (h) Duct smoke detectors and nm~ote ~ or t~t statloa locations. [] (i) ~ ~ ~)) Pull stntions. [] All nudible nnd vi~unl