HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2991ORDINANCE NO. 2991 NEW SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOUNDED BY FRASER ROAD, WHITE LANE, BUENA VISTA ROAD, THE KERN RIVER, AND OLD RIVER ROAD. WHEREAS, in accordance with the procedure set forth in the provisions of Title 17 of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield, the Planning Commission has held a public hearing on a petition to change the land use zoning of those certain properties in the City of Bakersfield bounded by Fraser Road, White Lane, Buena vista Road, the Kern River, and Old River Road; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission, as a result of said hearing, did make several general and specific findings of fact which warranted a negative declaration of environmental impact and a change of zoning of the subject properties from an A (Agricultural) Zone to an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) or more restrictive zone, from an A (%gricultural) Zone to an R-2 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) or more restrictive zone, from an A (Agricultural) Zone to an R-3 (Limited Multiple Family Dwelling) or more restrictive zone, from an A (Agricultural) Zone to a C-O (Commercial and Professional Office) or more restrictive zone, from an A (Agricultural) Zone to a C-2 (Commercial) or more restrictive zone, from an R-1 (One Family Dwelling) Zone and an FP-S (Floodplain Secondary) Zone to a C-O (Commercial and Professional Office) or more restrictive zone, and the Council has considered said findings and all appear to be true and correct; and WHEREAS, there appears to be no substantial detrimental environmental impact which could result from the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the city Council has determined after due consideration of said petition and the recommendations of the Planning Commission herein on file, together with the reasons advanced at the hearing for a change of zoning of said properties, that a zoning change should be authorized; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined and found that the proposed zoning is consistent with the General Plan of the City of Bakersfield. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: 1. All of the foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct. 2. An environmental assessment was made of the project, and a Negative Declaration was adopted by the Planning Commission after a public hearing thereon, and this Council hereby approves and adopts the Negative Declaration. 3. Section 17.06.020 (Zoning Map) of the Municipal Code of the City of Bakersfield be and the same is hereby amended by changing the land use zoning of certain properties in said City, the boundaries of which properties are shown on the map hereto attached and made a part hereof, as follows: PARCEL ONE: FROM AN A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE TO AN R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: Commencing at the West Quarter corner of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M., said point also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 00v50'50" East, on and along the west line of the Northwest Quarter of said Section, a distance of 789.669 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 23v18'59" East; Thence southeasterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 06v18'33", an arc distance of 220.228 feet; Thence South 17v00'26" West, 462.240 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet; Thence southwesterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 16v10'13", an arc distance of 564.454 feet to a point on the west line of the southwest quarter of Section 6; Thence North 00~50'13" East, on and along said line, a distance of 284.115 feet, to the West Quarter corner of Section 6, and the True Point of Beginning. Containing 1.959 Acres. PARCEL TWO: Commencing at the intersection of the cen- terline of Ming Avenue withthe centerline of Old River Road as shown on Parcel Map No. 6547, filed in Book 29 of Parcel Maps, at Page 83 in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 89u11'19" West, on and along the south line of Section 6, a distance of 2,063.058 feet; Thence North 00v48'41" East, 300.00 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave easterly, having a radius of 1,500.00 feet; Thence northerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 17v05'30", an arc distance of 447.457 feet; Thence North 17u54'11" East, 80.634 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 17~54'11" East; Thence northwesterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 59~23'50", an arc distance of 1,036.678 feet, to the beginning of a second curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears south 15~59'46" East; Thence southwesterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 13u40'01", an arc distance of 238.533 feet; Thence South 60~20'13" West, 200.00 feet; Thence North 29~39'47" West, 877.463 feet, to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of the Kern River Canal; Thence northeasterly on and along said right- of-way line, the following courses: (1) North 46~44'35" East, 3,203.201 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 950.00 feet; Thence (2) northeasterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 28~52'46", an arc distance of 478.839 feet; Thence (3) North 75v37'21" East, 676.165 feet, to a point on the centerline of Old River Road; Thence South, on and along said centerline, the following courses: (1) South 14v22'39", East, 100.00 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 1,800.00 feet; Thence (2) Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 14v45'04", an arc distance of 463.420 feet; Thence (3) South 00°22'25" West, 899.543 feet; Thence North 89°37'35" West, 90.00 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 50u37'18", an arc distance of 883.516 feet, to the beginnig of a second curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears 40v20'22" West; Thence southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 71v24'38", an arc distance of 1,246.351 feet; Thence South 68v15'00" East, 95.261 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence easterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 21~22'35", an arc distance of 373.088 feet; Thence South 89u37'35" East, 120.897 feet, to the intersection of the centerline of Camino Media with the centerline of Old River Road; Thence South 00v22'25" West, on and along the centerline of Old River Road, a distance of 1,685.00 feet, to the intersection of the cen- terline of Old River Road with the centerline of Ming Avenue and the True Point of Beginning. Containing 225.408 Acres. PARCEL THREE: Commencing at the intersection of the cenerline of Ming Avenue with the centerline of Old River Road as shown on Parcel Map No. 6547, filed in Book 29 of Parcel Maps, at Page 83 in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, said point also being the Point of Beginning; Thence southerly, on and along the centerline of Old River Road, the following courses: (1) South 00~22'25" West, 500.00 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve concave to the east, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet; Thence (2) southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 19v57'41", an arc distance of 696.784 feet; Thence (3) South 19°35'16" East, 3,572.429 feet; Thence South 81v50'37" West, 777.079 feet; Thence South 00u45'03" West, 655.00 feet, point on the south line of the southeast Quarter of Section 7; to a Thence North 89u14'57" West, on and along said line, a distance of 1,120.00 feet; Thence North 00°45'03" East, 777.813 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave to the north having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 03v32'51" West; Thence westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 04v17'54", an arc distance of 75.022 feet; Thence North 89u14'57" West, 393.560 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the South, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Southwestly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 24v36'31", an arc distance of 429.503 feet, to the beginning of a second curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 850.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears South 61v10'00" West; Thence Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 29v22'01", an arc distance of 435.667 feet; Thence South 00u32'01" West, 267.752 feet, to the south quarter corner of Section 7; Thence North 89v14'34" West, on and along the south line of the southwest quarter of Section 7, a distance of 1,470.00 feet; Thence North 00~45'26" East, 565.00 feet; Thence North 89v14'34" West, 790.00 feet; Thence North 05v52'16" West, 708.800 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 16~21'03" West; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 17~11'19", an arc distance of 300.00 feet; Thence North 89~09'44" West, 130.781 feet, to a point on the west line of the southwest quarter of Section 7; Thence North 00~50'16" East, on and along said line a distance of 1,430.598 feet to the west quarter corner of Section 7; Thence North 00~50'16" East, on and along the west line of the northwest quarter of Section 7, a distance of 1,875.364 feet; Thence South 89u09'44" East, 379.00 feet; Thence North 56v33'08" East, 400.00 feet; Thence South 89~11'19" East, 1,100.00 feet; Thence North 66v31'48" East, 280.792 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave easterly, having a radius of 850.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 66v31'48" East; Thence Northerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 24v16'53", an arc distance of 360.220 feet; Thence North 00u48'41" East, 90.00 feet, to a point on the north line of the northwest quar- ter of Section 7; Thence South 89u11'19" East, on and along said line, a distance of 751.711 feet, to the north quarter corner of Section 7; Thence South 89~11'19" East, on and along the north line of the northeast quarter of Section 7, a distance of 1,311.347 feet, to the inter- section of Old River Road and Ming Avenue and the True Point of Beginning. Containing 498.176 Acres. PARCEL ONE: FROM AN A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE TO AN R-2 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: Commencing at the intersection of the cen- terline of Camino Media with the centerline of Old River Road as shown on Parcel Map No. 6547, filed in Book 29 of Parcel Maps, at Page 83 in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Kern, said point also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 00u22'25" East, on and along the centerline of Old River Road, a distance of 1,600.00 feet; Thence North 89u37'35" West, 90.00 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 50u37'18", an arc distance of 883.516 feet, to the beginning of a second curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears south 40u20'22" West; Thence Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 71u24'38", an arc distance of 1,246.351 feet; Thence South 68u15'00" East, 95.261 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Northerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Easterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 21v22'35", an arc distance of 373.088 feet; Thence South 89°37'35" East, 120.897 feet, to the intersection of the centerline of Old River Road with the centerline of Camino Media and the True Point of Beginning. Containing 21.496 Acres. PARCEL TWO: commencing at the South quarter corner of Section 7, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M., said point also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 00u32'01" East, 267.752 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 850.00 feet; Thence Northerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 29u22'01", an arc distance of 435.667 feet, to the beginning of a second curve, concave southerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears South 23u51'28" East; Thence Easterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 24v36'31", an arc distance of 429.503 feet; Thence South 89v14'57" East, 393.560 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Easterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 04v17'54", an arc distance of 75.022 feet; Thence South 00v45'03" West, 777.813 feet, to a point on the South line of Section 7; Thence North 89v14'57" West, line, a distance of 773.108 Point of Beginning. on and along said feet, to the True Containing 14.065 gross acres. PARCEL ONE: FROM AN A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE TO AN R-3 (LIMITED MULTIPLE FAMILY DWELLING) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: Commencing at the west quarter corner of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence South 00u50'13" West, on and along the west line of the southwest quarter of said section, a distance of 284.115 feet, to the True Point of Beginning, and the beginning of a tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet; Thence Northeasterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 16v10'13", an arc distance of 564.454 feet; Thence North 17v00'26" East, 462.240 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 17v00'26" East; Thence Easterly on and along said curve, through a central angle of 60°15'51", an arc distance of 2,103.621 feet; Thence South 43~15'25" East, 55.00 feet, to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of the Kern River Canal; Thence Southwesterly, on and along said right- of-way line the following courses: (1) South 46~44'35" West, 2,828.382 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve concave northwesterly, having a radius of 450.00 feet; Thence (2) Southwesterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 18~50'55", an arc distance of 148.037 feet; Thence (3) South 65u35'30" West, 46.701 feet, to a point on the West line of the Southwest quarter of Section 6; Thence North 00~50'13" East, on and along said line, a distance of 625.923 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 32.098 Acres. PARCEL TWO: Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence North 00~50'13" East, on and along the west line of the southwest quarter of said section, a distance of 1,150.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning; Thence continuing North 00v50'13" East, 485.444 feet, to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of the Kern River Canal; Thence Northeasterly, on and along said right- of-way line, the following courses: (1) North 65~35'30" East, 93.854 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave north- westerly, having a radius of 550.00 feet; Thence (2) Northeasterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 18v50'55", an arc distance of 180.934 feet; Thence (3) North 46v44'35" East, 462.516 feet; Thence South 29~39'47" East, 877.463 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northwesterly, having a radius of 1,400.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 29~39'47" West; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 30~30'00", an arc distance of 745.255 feet; Thence North 89~09'47" West, ]00.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 13.764 Acres. PARCEL THREE: Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence South 89v11'19" East, on and along the south line of the southwest quarter of said section, a distance of 1,370.00 feet; Thence North 00v48'41" East, 523.702 feet, to the True Point of Beginning and the beginning of a tangent curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 770.00 feet; Thence Northwesterly on and along said curve, to a central angle of 30v28'28" an arc dis- tance of 409.567 feet; Thence Southeasterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 59v23'50", an arc distance of 1,036.678 feet; Thence South 17v54'11" West, 80.634 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave easterly, having a radius of 1,500.00 feet; Thence Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 08"30'54", an arc distance of 222.917 feet; Thence North 89v11'19" West, 636.775 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 12.076 Acres. PARCEL FOUR: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 7, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence South 89~11'19" East, on and along the north line of Section 7, a distance of 895.766 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; Thence continuing South 89~1t'19" East, 1,094.234 feet; Thence South 00~48'41" West, 90.00 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the east, having a radius of 850.00 feet; Thence Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 24v16'53", an arc distance of 360.220 feet; Thence South 66v31'48" West, 280.792 feet; Thence North 89~11'19" West, 913.475 feet; Thence North 00u48'41" East, 555.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 13.999 gross Acres. PARCEL FIVE: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 7, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Said corner also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 00v50'16" East, on and along the west line of the southwest quarter of said section, a distance of 1,225.00 feet; Thence South 89u09'44" East, 130.781 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 1,000.00 feet; Thence Easterly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 17v11'19", an arc distance of 300.00 feet; Thence South 05u52'16" East, 708.800 feet; Thence South 89u14'34" East, 790.00 feet; Thence South 00~45'26" West, 565.00 feet, to a point on the south line of the southwest quar- ter Section 7; Thence North 89~14'34" West, on and along said line, a distance of 1,299.900 feet, to the Southwest quarter corner of Section 7 and the True Point of Beginning. Containing 24.081 Acres. FROM AN A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE TO A C-O (COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: Commencing at the West quarter corner of said Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence North 00~50'50" East, on and along the west line of the northwest quarter of Section 6, a distance of 1,469.311 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; Thence continuing North 00v50'50" East, 67.749 feet; Thence North 48u58'14" East, 510.707 feet; Thence South 74~14'20" East, 135.919 feet; Thence North 80u51'23" East, 376.790 feet; Thence South 86~37'48" East, 387.044 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 1,855.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears South 11"44'01" East; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 06~17'14", an arc distance of 203.558 feet; 10. Thence South 71u58'45" West, 1,134.467 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 4.240 Acres. PARCEL ONE: FROM AN A (AGRICULTURAL) ZONE TO A C-2 (COMMERCIAL) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: Commencing at the West quarter corner of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Thence North 00v50'50" East, on and along the west line of the northwest quarter of said Section, a distance of 789.669 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northeasterly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 23v18'59" East; Thence Southeasterly, on and along said curve through a central angle of 06v18'33", an arc distance of 220.228 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 17v00'26" East, 675.00 feet; Thence South 89u09'10" East, 850.00 feet; Thence South 00v50'50" West, 668.597 feet, to the beginning of a non-tangent curve, concave northerly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet, from which point the radial point of said curve bears North 13u04'31" West; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve through a central angle of 30~04'57", an arc distance of 1,050.086 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 15.383 Acres. PARCEL TWO: Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 7, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M., said corner also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence South 89~11'19" East, on and along the north line of said section, a distance of 895.766 feet; Thence South 00°48'41" West, 555.00 feet; Thence North 89~11'19" West, 186.525 feet; Thence South 56~33'08" West, 400.00 feet; Thence North 89v09'44" West, 379.00 feet, to a point on the west line of Section 7; Thence North 00v50'16" East, on and along said line, a distance of 780.00 feet, to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 14.227 gross Acres. ll. PARCEL THREE: Commencing at the southeast corner of Section 7, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M.; Said point also being the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 89v14'57" West, on and along the South line of said section, a distance of 745.00 feet; Thence North 00u45'03" East, 655.00 feet; Thence North 81u50'37" East, 777.079 feet, to a point on the centerline of Old River Road; Thence Southeasterly, on and along said cen- terline, the following courses; (1) South 19v35'16" East, 20.574 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave south- westerly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet; Thence (2) Southerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 19~57'26", an arc distance of 696.639 feet; Thence (3) South 00u22'10" West, 74.098 feet, to a point on the South line of Section 8; Thence North 89v17'24" line a distance of 154 east corner of Section of Beginning. West, on and along said .998 feet, to the south- 7, and the True Point Containing 14.239 gross Acres. FROM AN R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) ZONE AND AN FP-S (FLOODPLAIN SECONDARY) ZONE TO A C-O (COMMERCIAL AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICE) OR MORE RESTRICTIVE ZONE: A portion of the southeast quarter of Section 31, and the southwest quarter of Section 32, T29S, R27E, M.D.B.&M., the north- west quarter of Section 5, and the north half of Section 6, T30S, R27E, M.D.B.&M. Commencing at the southwest corner of Section 32, T29S, R27E; Thence North 00v43'33" East, on and along the west line of said section, a distance of 499.447 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; Thence North 82v54'09" East, 825.088 feet; Thence North 82u00'07" East, 156.860 feet; Thence South 71u30'05" East, 1,037.060 feet; Thence South 51v27'07" West, 317.885 feet, to a point on the North right-of-way line of Stockdale Highway; Thence South 00~55'21" West, 55.00 feet, to a point on the centerline of Stockdale Highway; 12. Thence North 89v04'39" West, 1,235.605 feet, to the beginning of a tangent curve, concave Southerly, having a radius of 2,000.00 feet; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 15v18'00", an arc distance of 534.074 feet; Thence South 75v37'21" West, Thence North 14~22'39" West, 1,433.470 feet; 74.709 feet; 84.927 feet, to Thence South 70u22'51" West, the beginning of a tangent curve, concave to the northwest, having a radius of 3,945.00 feet; Thence Westerly, on and along said curve, through a central angle of 15v12'40", an arc distance of 1,047.325 feet; 31" West 10" West 28" East 08" East 32" East 09" East Thence South 85u35 Thence North 01~47 Thence North 86u35 Thence North 61~55 Thence North 70v27 Thence North 82~54 1,097.438 feet; 41.859 feet; 841.770 feet; 1,941.845 feet; 66.978 feet; 1,051.592 feet to the True Point of Beginning. Containing 50.837 Acres. This ordinance shall be posted in accordance with the City charter provisions and shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after the date of its passage. .......... o0o .......... 13. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regu- lar meeting thereof held on the 24th day of July , 1985, by the following vote: CITY CLERK and Ex Officio Clerk or Council of the city of Bakersfield APPROVED this 24th day of July , 19 85 .... MAYOR of the City 6f ~akersfield APPROVED as to form: CITY ATTOR~of t~of Ba~ersfield the mro O.ZC-TEN 14. NOT A ~ART A ~"'NORTtt ZC 4320 TENNECO RE,~ L T Y DE~ STATE OF CALIFORNIA t ss. County of Kern CAROL WILLIAMS, Being duly sworn, deposes and says: That she is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and that on ,July 30 , 19 85 , she posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on July 24 , 19 85 , which ordinance was numbered 2991 New Series, and entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING TITLE SEVENTEEN OF TIlE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE BY CHANGING THE LAND USE ZONING OF THOSE CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN TIlE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD BOUNDED BY FRASER ROAD, WHITE LANE, BUENA VISTA ROAD, THE KERN RIVER AND OLD RIVER ROAD. City Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this MARIA ROSA OCHOA/'