HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2859EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 2859 NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF %'HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY dE BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.48 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO EENCING SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, PRIVATE PONDS AN[) LAKES, CANALS AND DIICHES. WHEREAS, existing regulations on the fencing ,of swimming pools, fish ponds, wading pools and other outdoor bodies of water created by artiticial means have not been updated for more than twenty-five years, and tail to provide sufficient guidelines to provide maximum public protection consistent with reasonable regulation, and WHEREAS, the months of July and August are the months of maximum puDlic danger from unfenced pools and other such bodies of water and it is necessary to aaopt this ordinance as an emergency ordinance for the immediate preservation of the public health, property and satety. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows. SECTION 1. Chapter 15.48 of the Bakersfield Municipal Co,de is hereby amended to read as follows: FENCING SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, PRIVATE PONDS AND LAKES, CANALS AND DITCHES Sections. 15.48.010 15.48.020 15.48.030 15.48.040 15.48.050 Protective enclosures tot swimming ]pools, spas, private ponds and lakes. Protective enclosures ~or canals and ditches. Doors or gates. Extension ot time- Enforcement. 15.48.0~0 Protective enclosures for ~wimm~ing~p.9o~s, p~ivat~ ~OhdS And ~lakes. A. Every person who owns or is in possession ot any premises on which there is situated a swimming pool, spa, hot tub, fishpond, wading pool, or private ponG or lake, or any other outside body ot water. any o~ which has a water depth o~ eighteen inches or more in any portion thereof, shall maintain on the lot or premises upon which the swimming pool, spa, hot tub, fishpond, wading pool, or private pond or lake is located and completely surrounding the body ol water, 1otr or premises, a fence, wall, or other adequate structure to make the water inaccessible to small children. Groundwater recharge basins owned or operated by a public agency are exempted ~rom the requirements ot this chapter. B. The fence, wall, or other structure must be not less than four and one-halt teet in height with no openings large enough to admit a child except through doors or gates as provided in Section 15.48.030. C. For purposes o~ this Chapter, a tence around a yard or private development containing the pool, pond, or lake shall be sufficient if the fencing meets the requirements of subsection b. of this section. 15.48.020 Pr~_[~ive enclosures _fpr c~als and ~itches. A. Any person who owns, is in possession of, maintains, or has control over any open canal or ditch or any portion thereof, whether artiticially created or not, in which there is maintained, either permanently or occasionally, any water, which water is of a depth of eighteen inches or more in any portion of the canal or ditch, owned, possessed, controlled or maintained by the person, shall surround the portion ot the canal or ditch with a fence, wall, or other adequate structure to make the canal or ditch inaccessible to small children, provided, however, that such requirements shall not apply to any canal or ditch located more than 1/4 mile from property used for residential purposes or to any canal located less than 1/4 mile from property used for residential purposes but which, because of existing fencing or other physical constraints, is not ~enerally accessible to small children. B. The fence, wall or ot~er structure must be not less than five fleet in height with no openings large enough to admit 2 o a child except through doors or gates as provided in Section 15.48.030. From and after September 1~ 1983, any such fence which is newly constructed or reconstructed shall be not less than six feet in height. 15.48.030 D~or_s_ ~ ~t es. A. All doors or gates in fences, walls or other structures required by this chapter shall be of such size as to completely fill any opening in the fence, wall, or other structure and shall be equipped with self-closing and self-latching devices capable of keeping the gate or door securely closed, which closing or latching devices shall be located not less than four feet abovegrade or otherwise be inaccessible from fhe outside to small children. B. In lieu of such self-closing and sel~-latching devices, said doors and gates on fences, walls or other structures surrounding swimming pools or spas may be equipped with locks which shall be kept locked at all times when the swimming pools, spas, or hot tubs are not in actual use. 15.48.040 Extension of time. When it is determined by the council that strict compliance with the terms of this chapter will not materially benefit or safeguard the public and that the work to be done will result in undue hardship to the owners or occupants or persons in possession or in control of the property, compliance shall not be required, or the council in other cases of undue temporary hardship, may extend the time of compliance, but in no event to exceed one hundred eighty days at any one time. 15.48.050 Enforcement. The enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be by any officer or employee of the building department of the City. SECTION This emergency ordinance preservation of the public health, become effective is necessary for the immediate property and safety and shall immediately upon its passage. .......... o0o .......... I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the C, ity of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 13th day Of July, 1983, by the following vote; ~--C~:-?:' u-_: ? ~!: .... ~IA_ ,~!._ ...... CITY CLERK a~qd Ex/officio Clerk of Council of the City of Bakersfield APPROVED this 13th day of July, 1983 APPROVED as to Form: CITY ATTORN~.~ of the Cfty Bakersfield AJ$/bl 6/16/83, 7/8/83 7/7/83 Aff av of r naa es STATE OF CALIFORNIA, } County of Kern ss. PHILIP KELMAR, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and July 14 that or~ .............................................................................................................................., 19.....8.....3.. he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on July 13 19...~_.3...., which ordinance was numbered_ ............~.~.~.? ..................New Series, and entitled: AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD AMENDING CHAPTER 15.48 OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE RELATIVE TO FENCING SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS, PRIVATE PONDS AND LAKES, CANALS AND DITCHES. ~ Cit~r Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1,4~;.h .. day of .................JT.~Y.. ..........................,1.9._~3