HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD NO 2804EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 2804 NEW SERIES AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BAKERSFIELD ADDING CHAPTER 5.23 (ESCORT BUREAUS) TO TITLE 5 (BUSINESS TAXES, LICENSES AND REGULATIONS) OF THE BAKERSFIELD MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, unregulated escort bureaus have historically been abused for the furtherance of criminal activity; and WHEREAS, unregulated escort bureaus have often become associated with organized crime; and WHEREAS, unregulated escort bureaus have become especially notorious for the perpetration of the crimes of prostitution and pandering; and WHEREAS, escort bureaus have operated and plan to operate within the City of Bakersfield; and WHEREAS, immediate regulation of escort bureaus is essential to protect the health, peace, property and safety of escorts, escort bureau customers and the public in general. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Bakersfield as follows: Chapter 5.23 Municipal Code and SECTION 1. is hereby added to Title 5 of shall read as follows: the Bakersfield Chapter 5.23 ESCORT BUREAUS Sections: 5.23.010 5.23.020 5.23.030 5.23.040 5.23.050 5.23.060 5.23.070 5.23.080 5.23.090 5.23 100 5.23 110 5.23 120 5.23 130 5.23 140 5.23 150 Definitions. Escort permit. Escort bureau permit. Escort bureau manager permit. Escort bureau employee permit. Applications for permits in general. Application for escort permit. Application for escort bureau permit. Application for owner, officer, partner or investor permit. Application for manager or employee permit. Application and renewal fees. Criminal convictions. Age requirement. Residence. Investigation. 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 5.23 160 Grant or denial of permit. 170 Time within which to grant or deny permit. 180 Term of permits; renewals. 190 Sale or transfer. 200 Termination of employment. 210 Permits nontransferable. 220 Business license. 230 Hours of operation. 240 Name of permittee. 250 Prohibition against other business. 260 Prohibition against allowing personnel to operate without permits. 270 Records of personnel. 280 Records of services rendered. 290 Record inspection and maintenance. 300 Summary suspension of permit. 310 Return of permit; closure of premises. 320 Hearing - Time limitations. 330 Hearing procedure. 340 Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of permit. 350 Appeal to City Council. 360 Procedure on appeal - Time limitations. 370 Action by City Council. 380 Escort bureau manager. 390 Violation a misdemeanor. 400 Severability. 5.23.010 Definitions. As used in this chapter: (a) "Escort" means any one who for a fee, salary, commission, reward or profit accompanies, or makes oneself available to accompany, any other person for companionship. (b) "Escort Bureau" means any person who for a fee, salary, reward or profit furnishes, arranges, or .offers to furnish or arrange for a person to accompany any other person for companionship. (c) "Employee" means any person who is employed by an escort bureau or who acts as an agent on behalf of an escort bureau by contacting or meeting escort patrons, regardless of whether or not said person is employed by the escort bureau and regardless of the manner in which he is compensated. (d) "Manager" means a person designated as such by the escort bureau and who has primary control over the actual operation of the escort bureau, as well as primary responsibility. (e) "Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation or association of any nature whatsoever. 5.23.020 Escort permit. No person shall act as an escort or offer to act as an escort unless they are carrying with them in their immediate possession a valid written permit to act as an escort issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 5.23.030 Escort bureau permit. No person may operate as an escort bureau unless there is displayed at each place of business in a location clearly visible to the public a valid written permit to so operate issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 5.23.040 Escort bureau manager permit. No escort bureau shall operate at any place of business at any time unless a person is present at the premises who has within his immediate possession a valid written permit to act as a manager of that particular escort bureau issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 5.23.050 Escort bureau employee permit. No person shall act as an employee for any escort bureau unless that person has within his immediate possession a valid written permit to act as an employee of that particular escort bureau. A valid written permit to act as an escort will satisfy the requirements of this section. 5.23.060 Applications for permits in general. The application for any permit issued pursuant to this chapter, unless otherwise expressly stated, shall be filed with the Finance Department of the City of Bakersfield on forms provided by the City, shall be accompanied with the required fee, shall be signed by the applicant under oath in the presence of a notary, shall be in duplicate and shall contain or have attached to it the following: (a) The full name, present address and telephone number of the applicant. (b) All other names and aliases by which the applicant has been known. (c) All addresses of the applicant during the five (5) years immediately preceding the date of application. (d) A complete employment history of the applicant for the five (5) years immediately preceding the date of application, which shall include a description of the applicant's duties at each place of employment and which shall include the name, present address and telephone number of all the applicant's employers during that period. (e) Written proof of the applicant's date of birth. (f) Applicant's height, weight, color of eyes and hair. (g) Two color portrait photographs of the applicant, at least 3" x 5" in size. (h) Sworn statements from at least five residents of the City of Bakersfield that the good moral character. (5) bona fide applicant is of (i) A complete description and explanation of all convictions of the applicant of any felony, misdemeanor or infraction of any law of any nature, except minor traffic violations. (j) A written authorization and release allowing and requesting all public and private institutions, employers and any other person having relevant information or records to disclose such to the City for the purpose of investigating the truth of the matters submitted in the application. (k) The applicant's social security number. (1) The applicant's California driver's license number, or if the applicant has not obtained a driver's license, the number from the applicant's official identification card issued by the State of California. 5.23.070 Application for escort permit. An application for a permit to act as an escort shall comply with every provision of Section 5.23.060 of this chapter. In addition, the application shall contain or have attached to it the following: (a) Unless the application is attached to an application for an escort bureau permit, written proof that an escort bureau established and operating pursuant to the provisions of this chapter will employ the applicant as an escort immediately upon the issuance of the permit. (b) A certificate from a medical doctor stating that the applicant has, within thirty (30) days prior to the filing date of the application, been examined by him and found to be free of any contagious or communicable disease. (c) The fingerprints of the applicant as taken by the Bakersfield Police Department. 5.23.080 Application for escort bureau permit. (a) An application for a permit to act as an escort bureau shall comply with all of the provisions of Section 5.23.060, unless the applicant is a corporation, partnership or other business entity, in which case the application need not comply with Subsections (d) through (1) of Section 5.23.060, but must also contain or have attached the completed applications of all owners, officers, partners and investors, as well as a certified copy of the articles of incorporation or partnership agreement. (b) An application for a permit to act as an escort bureau must contain or have attached a list designating capacity of and the completed applications of all persons who will act as employees, escorts and managers of the escort bureau. 5.23.090 Application for owner, officer, partner or investor permit. All applications of owners, officers, partners or investors which must be completed in order to comply with Section 5.23.080 shall comply with every provision of Section 5.23.060, except that in the event that sworn statements from five (5) bona fide residents of the City cannot be obtained, sworn statements from other residents of the State of California may be used, and if a sufficient number of statements cannot then be obtained, sworn statements from other citizens of the United States of America may be substituted. 5.23.100 Application for manager or employee permit. An application for a permit to act as an escort bureau manager or employee shall comply with every provision of Section 5.23.060 of this chapter. In addition, the application shall contain or have attached to it the following: (a) Unless the application is attached to an application for an escort bureau permit, written proof that an escort bureau established and operating pursuant to the provisions of this chapter will employ the applicant, and in the case of an applicant for manager, that the applicant will manage the escort bureau. (b) The fingerprints of the applicant as taken by the Bakersfield Police Department. 5.23.110 Application and renewal fees. At the time of filing an application for a permit or for renewal thereof, the applicant shall pay a fee in accordance with the following: (a) For each initial escort bureau permit, the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), and for all other initial permits issued pursuant to this chapter, the sum of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.0O). (b) For each renewal of an escort bureau permit, the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), and for each renewal of all other permits issued pursuant to this chapter, the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.0O). (c) (10%) of If any owner or investor owns less than Ten percent the applicant escort bureau, and proof thereof satisfactory to the City Manager is supplied, the application fee or renewal fee shall be waived as to that owner or investor. (d) If an applicant has applied for two (2) or more permits to be issued to himself personally, he need only pay one (1) fee, which shall be the largest of the fees required. 5.23.120 Criminal convictions. Under no circumstances shall any permit be issued pursuant to this chapter to anyone who has been convicted of any felony or any misdemeanor involving theft, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, fraud, controlled substances, prostitution, pandering, gambling, extortion or any other criminal activity in which an escort bureau or related business could be used to provide a means, a front or an increased opportunity for commission of such crimes; except that (1) if the applicant has been so convicted and, excluding time served in a prison, jail facility or other correctional institution, no such conviction has occurred for at least five (5) years prior to the date of application and (2) sufficient evidence is presented that the applicant is presently of good moral character, a permit may be issued. 5.23.130 Age requirement. No permit shall be issued pursuant to any provision of this chapter to any person under twenty-one (21) years of age. 5.23.140 Residence. No person shall act, or be issued a permit to act as an escort, escort bureau manager, escort bureau or employee unless that person is a bona fide resident of the City of Bakersfield or the area within ten (10) miles of the City of Bakersfield. 5.23.150 Investigation. The Finance Department of the City of Bakersfield shall refer all applications for a permit or renewals of a permit to the Police Chief. The Police Chief shall investigate the truth and completeness of all facts referred to in the applications and shall ascertain whether or not the applicant and all persons directly or indirectly interested in the permit or the proposed business are reputed to be persons of good moral character. He shall ascertain whether or not any such persons have been convicted of a felony or any crime described in Section 5.23.120, or whether such person shall have had a license or permit for a similar business or a liquor license suspended, canceled or revoked. The Police Chief shall make a report of his the City Manager, together with his recommendations, findings to if any. 5.23.160 Grant or denial of permit. Under no circumstances shall a permit be issued to any person who fails to meet and comply with all of the requirements of this chapter or who is not of good moral character. 5.23.170 Time within which to grant or deny permit. Within forty-five (45) days after the filing of an application for a license, the City Manager shall review the application, together with the report and recommendation of the Police Chief and shall grant said permit or notify the applicant that he proposes to deny the permit. Said notice shall be in writing and sent by mail to the applicant's mailing address set forth in the application. In the event of denial, the applicant may appeal in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.23.320(a) of this code. For the purpose of permitting the applicant to correct minor defects, upon request of the applicant and upon the applicant's assurance that the defects will be corrected, the City Manager may extend the time within which the City Manager is required to act on the permit application for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. 5.23.180 Term of permits; renewals. Unless otherwise terminated, voided, revoked or suspended, the permit shall expire on that date set forth as the expiration date on the permittee's business tax certificate issued pursuant to Chapter 5.02 of this Code. The permit may be renewed annually upon application accompanied by the renewal fee. Applications for renewal shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter governing initial application. 5.23.190 Sale or transfer. Upon the sale or transfer of any interest in an escort bureau, the permit and license shall be null and void unless or until the new owner has applied for and received a permit from the City. 5.23.200 Termination of employment. Upon termination of employment of any escort, employee or manager, the escort bureau shall immediately notify the City. The permit of the escort, employee or manager is null and void and must be returned and surrendered immediately thereafter. 5.23.210 Permits nontransferable. are nontransferable; immediately upon such termination to the Chief of Police All permits issued hereunder however, a change of location of a place of business may be permitted provided all ordinances and regulations of the City of Bakersfield are complied with and provided a change-of-location fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) is paid to the City of Bakersfield. 5.23.220 Business license. Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver of the requirements of Chapter 5.02 of this Code requiring issuance and possession of a business license. 5.23.230 Hours of operation. (a) No escort bureau shall be open for business or conduct any business activity between the hours of 8:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. of the following morning. (b) No person shall act as an escort between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following morning. 5.23.240 Name of permittee. No person licensed to do business as provided in this chapter shall operate under any name or conduct his business under any designation not specified in his permit. 5.23.250 Prohibition against other business. No person shall sell or serve food or beverage or conduct any business other than that of an escort bureau on the premises of the escort bureau. 5.23.260 Prohibition against allowing personnel to operate without permits. No escort bureau shall employ, pay any salary or commission to, or allow any ownership interest or powers of control to exist on behalf of any person who has failed to otain and maintain in their possession a permit required pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. 5.23.270 Records of personnel. (a) Each escort bureau shall maintain a current list of all owners, investors, officers and partners, together with the date their permit was issued and the date their permit shall expire. (b) Each escort bureau shall maintain a current list of all its managers, escorts and employees and shall maintain a separate file for each, which shall contain the legal name, all aliases, age, bithdate, height, weight, color of hair, color of eyes, home address, phone number, social security number, dates permits issued, hours and dates worked, date of initial employment and date of termination of employment of each person. 5.23.280 Records of services rendered. Each escort bureau shall keep a complete record of all services rendered, including the date and hours the services were rendered, the name of all escorts and employees involved in providing the service, the name of the manager on duty and the name, address and telephone number of the patron. 5.23.290 Record inspection and maintenance. All records kept pursuant to this chapter shall be open to inspection by the City Manager, the Bakersfield Police Department and other law enforcement agencies. The records shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years. 5.23.300 Summary suspension of permit. Any permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be summarily and temporarily suspended by the Chief of Police in the event he determines that any of the grounds set forth in Section 5.23.340 exist. Such suspension shall be accomplished by posting a notice thereof on the premises of the escort bureau and by mailing notice to the home or business address of all individuals named on the permit. Within twenty- four (24) hours thereafter, a copy of such notice, together with the reasons for the suspension, shall be transmitted to the City Manager. The City Manager shall, within five (5) days after the suspension, set the matter for hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in Sections 5.23.320 through 5.23.340 of this Code. 5.23.310 Return of permit; closure of premises. Upon revocation or suspension, a permit shall be returned to the Finance Department of the City of Bakersfield for cancellation or holding pending the period of suspension. The City Manager or Chief of Police 10. may direct or cause the premises of the escort bureau to be closed and locked against use by the public when deemed reasonably necessary in order to insure compliance with an order of suspension or revocation. Said closure of the premises may be terminated upon request of the owner of the premises, if adequate assurance is given that the premises will not be used as an escort bureau in violation of the order. 5.23.320 Hearing - Time limitations. The City Manager, or his delegate, shall cause a hearing to be held in the event of the following: (a) The appeal of an applicant froin a decision to deny the granting of a permit or the renewal thereof. Said appeal must be filed in writing with the City Manager within thirty (30) days following the date of the denial. (b) The summary suspension of a permit pursuant to Section 5.23.300 of this Code. 5.23.330 Hearing procedure. The City Manager shall fix the time and place of the hearing. The hearing shall be held within fifteen (15) days following the filing of an appeal or the issuance of a notice of suspension. The applicant shall be given notice of such hearing date at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing. date. The notice may be by personal service or by mail. At the time and place fixed in the notice, or at any time to which the matter may be continued, the City Manager or his delegate shall hear the applicant and his witnesses together with any rebuttal evidence which may be offered on behalf of the City, and shall receive any proper documentary evidence offered in support of or against the granting or continuation of the permit. If from the evidence introduced at the Manager finds grounds exist for the denial, revocation of the permit as hearing the City suspension or set forth in Section 5.23.340, he 11. shall deny the permit application or order the suspension or revocation thereof. If, following the hearing, the City Manager determines that no proper grounds exist for denial of the permit, then the City Manager shall grant the appeal and cause a license to be issued or terminate any prior suspension. The City Manager shall notify the applicant or permit holder of his decision within ten (10) days following the close of the hearing. 5.23.340 Grounds for denial, suspension or revocation of permit. The City Manager shall deny, suspend or revoke a permit upon a finding that the applicant or permittee is not of good moral character. The City Manager may deny, suspend or revoke any permit upon a finding that the permittee has violated or encouraged or allowed the violation by an employee of any of the permit requirements or other provisions of this chapter or of any law of the State of California involving theft, robbery, burglary, embezzlement, fraud, controlled substances, prostitution, pandering, gambling, extortion or any other criminal activity in which an escort bureau or related business could be used to provide a means, a front or an increased opportunity for commission of such crimes. 5.23.350 Appeal to City Council. An appeal may be taken to the City Council of the City of Bakersfield by any person aggrieved by an order of the City Manager concerning the denial, suspension or revocation of a permit. The right of appeal is subject to the conditions and procedures set forth in Sections 5.23.360 through 5.23.380 of this Code. 5.23.360 Procedure on appeal - Time limitations. An appeal to the City Council shall be made by filing a petition in triplicate with the City Clerk not later than ten (10) days after the mailing of the decision of the City Manager. The petition shall set forth the grounds of appeal and the 12. reasons why such appeal should be granted. Upon receipt of the petition, the City Clerk shall immediately forward a copy to the City Manager. (a) Upon receipt of the petition, the matter shall be set for hearing. The hearing shall be held by the City Council not later than twenty (20) days after the filing of the petition, but, if no regularly scheduled meeting will be held within such period, then the hearing shall be scheduled for the next regularly scheduled City Council meeting. (b) The appellant shall be given notice of a time and place for the hearing, in person or ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 5.23.370 Action by City Council. by mail, not less than In considering and ruling upon the appeal of the petitioner, the City Council shall judge the merits of the appeal based upon those grounds set forth in Section 5.23.340. The City Council may reverse or affirm wholly or partially or may modify any decision, determination or requirement of the City Manager and may make such decisions or determinations or impose such conditions as the facts warrant, and may order that a permit be granted, suspended or revoked in accordance with their ruling. The decisions of the City Council shall be final. Any hearing may be continued from time to time. 5.23.380 Escort bureau manager. For the purposes of this chapter, all actions and knowledge of escort bureau is deemed to be that of employs him. 5.23.390 Violation a misdemeanor. the manager of an the escort bureau that Every person who acts nor more sentenced as an escort, escort bureau or for and in behalf of any escort bureau in violation of any provision of this chapter, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and for each offense shall be fined not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) and may also be to serve no more than six (6) months in jail. 13. 5.23.400 Severability. If any provision of this chapter, or the application of any such provision to any person or circumstances, shall be held invalid, the remainder of this chapter to the extent it can be given effect, or the application of such provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable. SECTION 2. This Emergency Ordinance shall become effective immediately and is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace, property and safety. ......... 000 ......... 14. I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance was passed and adopted by the Council of the City of Bakersfield at a regular meeting thereof held on the 2nd day of February , 1983, by the following vote: CITY CLERK arfd Ex ~fficio Clerk of the Council of the City of Bakersfield 1983 APPROVED as to form: Ci Y~AT'TCR~/N ~o th~~y of Bakersfield CTS:kda:mro 1-24-83 15. Aff av t of Iosttng (Ordinances STATE OF CALIFORNIA, 1 County of Kern ss. PHILIP KELMAR, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is the duly appointed, acting and qualified City Clerk of the City of Bakersfield; and February 9, 83 that orr ...............................................................................................................................,19 ............he posted on the Bulletin Board at the City Hall, a full, true and correct copy of an ordinance passed by the Council of said City at a meeting thereof duly held on .........~..~...b....r...u_.a....r..y.......~.~. ................................................19_...~...3., which ordinance was numbere~ ..............~..8_~.~ ..................New Series, and entitled: An Emergency Ordinance of the Council of the City of Bakersfield adding Chapter 5.23 (Escort Bureaus) to Title 5 (Business Taxes, Licenses and Regulations) of the Bakersfield ;4unicipal Code. Cit y~C erk Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th ~v ~f February 1~ 83